HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1887-1-14, Page 8NEW BOOKS.
Diaries for 1887.
Ben Flux or the :Days of the
Tho Wonders of Prayer.
The City Youth.
A young Man's perils and Bible
Chas. H. Spurgeon, by (3. H.
Christ in the Tabernacles. •
Feathers for Arrows, by C. H.
. Spure,creon.
• All of grace, by C. H. -Spurg-
• The Seeking Saviour, by Mc-
• Abundant grace.
Sam JonesSermons, 80c.
Twelve select Sermons by D.
L. Moody, 30c., and a variety of
• others.
G. A. Deadman,
Dragitist, Eva tt Fancy Goode Dealer.
Trains leave Brussels Station, uorth and
suth as follows: -
Going South, Going North.
Mail 702 a.m.' failed 10;05 a,m
E xpress 11:45 aan. 1 ...... -.2:50 pan
greed 8:50 pan. 1 Express 0.55 pan
1.0611.1.1154 013.6=1,12501.111
If.o.ratNetua `4tems.
A chiefs Ramat ye takin' notes
An' faith he'll went it.
Frvz Sundays in loamy.
on Tuesday, the 25th butt,
Tim days are growing perceptibly long-
KEEP on the look out for spring adver-
tisements in Tan Pon.
Mae. W. H. Kane has been laid up
w ith the mumps for the past ten days.
Itzmwsrssubacriptione aro .pouring in
for Ton POST for 1887. Now is the time
to start.
THE now trustees of the Brussels
School Board wilt be sworn in on Mon-
day of next woek.
Sons talk of a 5 mile skating race be-
tween "Billy" Smith and Geo. Halliday
on the Maitland rink.
EisT HURON Agrioultnral Society will
hold its annual meeting next Wednesday
afternoon, in the Town Hall, Brussels.
A. time ran away in town a short while
since and ran down the stoop bank south
of the fax mill and forded the river. They
were not Tery much injurod.
SAw Loos Wearrno.-The undersigned
will take a large quantity of any kind of
logs in exchange for furniture.
25-3 Apply to Mns. W. Logo.
Senoras re -opened last Monday morn-
ing. All the teachers were in their places,
Miss Robinson, of Kincardine, taking
Miss Jessie Ross' place in the junior de-
Conmtair has been made of the incess-
ant pounding of the big drum at the Sal-
vation Army barracks on Sunday. An
example will be made of the offender if it
is not stopped.
SEE our new stock of envelopes, 15,000
just to hand. Your card nicely printed
on the,e,otner of 1,000 of them for the
same price as yon would pay for the plain
• envelopes. POST Publishing House.
Tem County Scott Act Association will
convene at Clinton on Friday, the 21st
inst. The subject of a Police Magite
trate for the County will bo the leading
question for discussion. A largo attend-
ance is asked for.
3. D. Rexws arrived home last Satur-
dayevening from an extended eastern
business trip. He had a very peculiar ex-
xerience iu trying to deal with the civicam
thorities of Montreal, 3. D. talked to
them like a Dutoh Uncle.
TEE January meeting of the Conn.,T
Council will commence on Tuesday of
next week, the 25th inst., at 10 o'clock.
The name of Messrs. Wilson, of Seaforth,
and Cook, of Howick, are mentioned as
candidates for the Warden's chair.
,f,"irs Brandon Mail of January 6th says
-of ai.ormer Brusselito :-At a meeting of
horsemen in Toronto last week. 3. E.
Smith, of this city, proprietor of the
Beresfort: stock farm, was elected a, vice-
president of the Clydesdale Horse Asso-
elation, for this province, and the ap.
pointmont is certainly a fitting one, ON
there are but few better judges of horse
flail than Mr. Smith.
A DEAHTIFUL picture is that issued by
the Montreal Witness in commemoration
of Queen Victorithe jubileo years, and can
be obtained by all subsoribers to either
the daily or weekly edition of that paper
who remit to the publishers the trifling
sum of ten cents over and above their,
subscriptions. We have ourselves a Copy
of the portrait, and are of the opinion
that it will p.ove a great inducement to
everybody to take the Witness, a journal
Whittle, without any premium ab all, is
well worth the money.
met in the Orange Hall, Brussels, on
Tuesday of this week, The following of-
'ffrierei were elected for the current year 1-
3ohn Mooney, District Master ;
lie H. Ferguson, Dept. Master ;
110. Morrison, Chaplain;
Joseph Whelpton, Treasurer;
3. E. Yonnit, Recording Secretary;
E. M. Tompkins, Fin,-Seerstery ;
Wm. Beirnes, Director of Ceremonies
-.1Ohn A. Maxwell, Lecturer ;
3.1.„‘A.ItIcOrate'Lodge Auditor;
garrison, Morabere' Auditor.
'rade was a large representation prat,
ant from Welton '252, Ethel 081, and
russets 774. Tho L.O.L. County Ledge
will meet in the Orange Hall, Wingham,
on Tnesday, 'Feb. lot for the eleotiOn of
officore and tratesaotion of other business.
Gro. Tower left for Chicago on Tues.
Tina new Council will be sworn in next
Monday at mon.
Dia ally'hody say they wanted ally
more mow lust now ?
Tau trains have been behind time this
woek owing to the snow blockade.
11, Dngsts' villain, J. Cox, was elected
Reeve of (ffiderich township for 1887.
A LOAD of young folks talk of going to
the oornival at Seaforth on Friday even-
ED, MELSON and wife returned last
woek from a pleasant visit to Dresden
and CliathaM,
REVIVAL services aro being held intho
Presbyterian ohurehes in town thie week.
They aro union meetings.
A. CONCERT, tindor the auspices of the
Ladies' Aid of the Methodist Churob, is
talked of for next month.
A WEDDING or two will CO2110 off before
long in town. "As it was in the beginn-
ing, is now and ever shall be,"
Sew Loos 'Ma/Tsp.-The underSigned
will take a large quantity of any kind of
logs in exchange for furniture.
25-8 Apply to Mss. W. Loge,
$2.25 will pay for Tan Pose and either
the weekly Globe, Mail, Advertiser, Free
Press or News to the ist of January 1888.
W. H. Kerr, Agent.
MONEY TO LOAes-Several large mune 011
hand to lend on good security at si per
•cent. yearly. Apply to
25-2 mon A. Hugann, Brussels.
A Lean of Brussels Selvationiets went
to Seaforth on Monday afternoon to join
their comrades in opening the new bar.
molts and witnessing s hallelujah wedd-
Mits. Jim. MCCALLUM was calledto New-
ark, N. 3., last week to attend the funer-
al of her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Thos. Mc-
Callum. The old lady stood the journey
splendidly and is none the worse of her
long trip.
M. M. Csgrerr has been appointed local
agent for the 'Massey Manufacturing Co.,
in the place of Thos. Watson, who has
accepted a general agency. Mr. Cardiff
will make a good agent. • He will Move
into town next spring.
Tag good sleighing has enabled the
farmers to get in over 2,300 cords of cord-
wood to the Enterprise Salt Works. It
is all dry wood -so far and when the sup-
ply of greenwood is complete there will
be about 4,000 or 5,000 cords.
Tale Howard Clifton troupe play in the
Town Hall on Thursday and Friday
evening of this week. They are a first-
class company and draw crowded houses
every time. The veteran tenor, Brook -
house Bowler, irestill with them.
Tan Delta, published at Escanaba,
Mich, saysin its issue of December 81 :
"Geo. Whvbrew has engaged with D. A.
Oliver, fitting the position vacated by R.
Zekil. He can do it well." THE POST
backs George up as a first-class work-
Tint Bluevale correspondent says in
speaking of the Presbyterian tea meeting:
-Rev. Mr. Roes, of Bruasels, kept the
audience in splendid humor in e way pe -
culler to himself, and managed to also
give some very maul and instructive in-
AN old subsoriber in Manitoba in re-
newing for Tan Peer says ;-"It is 0 very
welcome visitor and is the first paper
opened in the house. We could not do
without it." Another writes :-.The
Post is better than a letter any day and
we enjoy it very much, The cartoons
are tip-top."
Tau Daily Globe of last Monday says :
"A Brussels young lady, who was solicit-
ed for a subscription toSthe funds of the
local band, subscribed a kiss, and the
band boys are disputing about who shall
collect it." The Mitobell Adveritser
speaking on the same subject gets off the
following :-"A young lady in Brussels
when solicited for a subscription to the
band fund of that burg, subscribed a kiss.
Charley thinks it the best gift on the liat,
and looks forward to the circulation of
another subscription list."
To WHOM IT MAT CONCEEN,-It gives rne
pleasure to state that my daughter, Afary,
who has been crippled with rheumatism
for the past 13 years,. and latterly was
about helpless and dying by inobes, I be-
lieve, has been under the treatment .0
Prof. Gostin, the Magnetio Healer, and is
now in &fair way to complete restoration.
She is now able to mem her limbs with
comparative ease and I attribute the great
change to Prof. Gnstin's treatment and
believe him to be worthy of the confi-
dence of the Public, especially those suf.
fering from any such disease.
• Ross= MoNergarrog.
Brussels, Jan. 11, '87, • 27-
A. 0. II. W. -The following officers
were installed in the 'Workman's Lodge,
Brussels, last Tuesday evening by Past
Master Town
Master Workman, Peter Thomson:
Foreman, E. 33. Wade;
Financier, John Shaw;
Recorder, J. A. Creighton ;
Overseer, Andrew Morrison;
liecoiver, R. H. Ferguson;
Guide, Wm. Is -inlay:
Inside Guard, T. O'Neil ;
Representative to Grand Lodge, Past
Master J. R. Smith.
Tho auditors' report showed a balance
of over $100 te the credit of the Ledge
and bright prospeots for the future.
Cowin S. S. Conviamog.-The pro
gram prepared by the executive commit'
tee of the County S.S. Association is an
exceedingly attractive one. Tho annual
convention will be held at Myth, on the
second Tuesday a-nd Wednesday in Eob.
teary next. Among the topics to be dis-
missed are the following :-How shall we
lead the echelon into church member-
ship? How shall we seoure the deepest
spiritual interest in our work ? How
shall we train the children it temporanoe
principles? The spirit in which S. S.
work sheadd be pursued. Homo work
and parents' responsibility. Sunday
school musicits place had importance.
Peimary and intermediate class lustre°.
Hon, Bleak board work. Among the
speakers expected are Rev. Mr. Simplon,
Brumfield ; Rev. W. F. Campbell., Dun-
gannon ; Rev, Mr. Charlton, Gerrie ; Ino.
Buchanan, Wingham ; Rev. John Ross,
Brussels ; Rev. A. Stewart, Clinton ; Rev.
W. F. Johnston, Goderich ; Rev. Mr,
Moegrove, Winthrop; Dr. Williams
Clinton; Rev. ZsSc. Howell and Wm.
Gray Seaforth, and others. A good tittle
is expected.
• D. Rogsho starts for Calgary, N. W.
'I' , to day (Friday). •
J. W. Fitsit, of the "Padlock," is away
at Toronto this week on 6 business HAP.
N. 2.2nAina11, of Winshanl, son-in-law
to S. UstraudeP lots moved to town sea
will take up his residence here.
• Inallsuain, the veteran almost -taker
has opened a shoemaker's shop in the
riming maebine room lately 'vacated by
'Phos. Watson, near the bridge.
TAXPAYSIM.-I will be ati the Town
Hall neat Saturday, from 10 aim to 4 p,
01, to receive taxes. Tuos. Town,
Hum -Last Monday, Effie Mauruce,
infant daughter of joseph Laird, aged
three weeks. Tho funeral took place on
Tuesday aftornoon.
Tan Wingham Times hoe entered upon
its thirteenth year. Under the able
management' of S. Galbraith it hes be-
come an excellent loofa journal.
Ir is expected that the annual meeting
of the Morris and Gley, Cheese and But-
ter factory will be hold in'tho Town Hall,
Brussels, on Saturday, 2901.1 just,. at 2
A burning chimney at 7. Sliene's store
maned the lira bell to be rung on Thurs-
day night. The engine was not token
out. What's the matter with the fire
alarm ?
THE 0. Marys Argus is thirty years
old. It • is a lively newspaper and a
worthy exponent of Stone town: Success
to Bro. Crabs and the Argus is the wish
of THE POsT.
THE BETISSELS Pose is hard to beak -
There will be considerable building done
in town next spring and suinmer.-The
fixing up the Town Hall got last year was
a good job and greatly improved the ap-
pearauce of things. -The way the texas
are paid in this town is a fraud, for this
reason. Some "whack up" as soon as
the collector calls on them and receive no
rebate, while others hold off until the
last dog is hong and then grumble like
sixty about paying them. There needs
to be a reform worked in this matter. -
If there was no skating rink they would
go in for tobogganing.- Business will
boom in a short time. -The fire engine
should be watched closely so that in case
it shcaild be needed everything would. be
ready. -The 7 o'clock closing is a big
saving on coal oil and Wood and just as
muoli business is done.
Lann.-In Brussels, on the 10th inst.,
Effie Afauruce, infant daughter of
Jseepla Laird, aged 3 weeks.
PAIM.-In Morris, on the 10th inst., the
wife of Mr. T. Paul, of a daughter.
Znualin-Zniesse.-- In Brussels, on the
18011 inst., by Rev. S. Jones, Mr.
John D. Zeigler to Mils Caroline
Zimmer, both of Grey township.
Anairanogo-MoGanyns.-At the parson-
age Blyth, by Rev. J. F. Parke, on
the llth inst., Mr. 'William Henry
Armstrong, of Morris, to Miss Mar-
garet McGarvey, of Brussels.
3350ngsar-Effienins —Al the residence of
the bride's father, by Rev. Mr. Mc-
' Dowell, of Wingham, on the llth
inst., Mr. I. C. Bateman, of Grey, to
Miss ,Julia, eldest daughter of Mr.
George Hughes, of Wingharn.
.A,00itilioat Saistle
Tanner/AY, JAN. 20ra.-Fo.rtn. stook, im-
plements, &o., on lot 0, con. 12, Grey.
Sale commences st 12 o'clock, noon.
Clementine Shine, proprietress. A. Del-
gatty, auc.
ZMNIZTIrS233217.,S Is.¢.41.1%T.t0HTS.,
White Fall Wheat
Red Winter
Spring Wheat
Butter, tubs and rolls
Eggs per dozen
Flour per barrel
Hay per ton
Hides per lb
77 78
77 78
60 77
40 50
28 30
,50 00
15 00
10 00
4 00 00
45 50
0 00 10 00
7 00
Dressed Hogs 5 50 5 90
Salt per bbl., wholesale.- 60 80
Sheep skins, each 50 1 00
The annual meeting of the East Huron
Agricultural Society will bo held in the
Town Hall, Bru Gaels, on Wednesday, Semi.
ary 10E0887, ootamertoing at 1:80p.m. *Dna
receiving of the, annual report, election of
officers and other important bassinets will
he brought b afore tho meeting. A largo at-
tendance is asked for.
• inecAlreas. Proaidont,
anurrua) desire to intimate to the pub-
lic generally that they have formed a ea-
patine/15Mo tor tho parer/so of carrying on
Carriage, Sign and Ornamental Painting'
and are prepared to attend to the wants of
the public on most reasonable terms. Mr,
Boss having had experience in some of the
best shone lu 'Toronto and both being mac -
Meal war-kr/en we guarantors to give satis-
faction. Betimatee and torsos cheerfully
ftunisited. Shop over Ware Furniture
Store, corner of Turnberry m1(111311 11 treats,
Brussels SMITH dr MSS.
Public notice is hereby given, that au ap-
piioation wnl be made to the Legislature
of the Province of Ontario, at tho noxi nos -
don thereof, for an aot erecting tho town.
Rhine of Wallace, Elms and Morrinstee, in
Otto County of Perth; Howick and Grey in
the County of Huron ; end Maryborough in
the °Minty of Wellington, with the Villages
of Milvetton, Brussels and Wroxoter, and
the Towns of Palmerston and Listowel in
said Countioe, into a Provisional Obunty, to
be called the Oounty of Maitland. with 8115
Town of ListOwel as (Monty ToWn, with
provisions similar to those contained in the
Actt 80 Victoria, chapter 15, for the formation
cif the county of Dufferinsubject to the
approval et tho meffirity ef the Motors of
the geld fdtlnioipalitioe, to bo taken at en
Elootion to be held for tho purpose under
said A.ot in a, manner slotillar to satIl Act
for the fermi/Ai on of the County df Dufferin.
S odd tors for ApPilo ants.
Liston 01, Xan. 0111,1802. 274
JAN. 14, 1887
orormo al a r 4501559 0 MR ara IneWOO Irn5 UMMIMMINIM
• ja0p
Should. Auld Acquaint-
ance be Forgot.
No ; don't forget it ! Brush
it up. Send it to the 'brother in
Manitoba:. Buy our Now Fall
and Winter Clothing. They'll
suit you bettor in tho streets of
our toWn. Brussels Clothing
House is 'the "auld acqUaintau co"
that wo don't want you to forgot
or avoid. We'll promise to wear
OW they flow out of tho Brussels Clothing House last wea,
What a week for business. A. rush, 3 crowd continually hur-
rying, hardly enough salesmen to wait on the. eager throng. What
makes it? Why. such to business ? What is it coming to? The
same rate of increase for a year 01' two more Brussels v on't hold
ns. Why is it ? Simply because _ right goods at right prices
have clono thoir work:
iAi TvV,AgLIK,.''ZINT%.„
We believein, and the good values we have been giving, not
only briug customers back but bring new ones with tho old. Soo'
our Overcoat Stock this week. It includes everything new, every-
thing stylish, everything durable• Tho finest goods the market
affords, as well 08 all the medium and lower grados..
represent a leading Beglish Fire In -
Butane° Co, at Brussels. Address Inspector
Box 420. Toronto. Ont.
kJ A few splendid, improved farms fax
sale in tho township of Grey, Morris and
MoElliop. Apply to A. DELGATTY, 00.
Auctioneer, Breese's P. O.
of the undo retuned, lot 20, oom10, Grey,
on or about Nov. 15th, a white &marlin
ram. The owner is requested to prove pro-
perty, pay expecses and take him away.
GEORGE 811X13 L8,
• Monorieff P.O.
_1 Moans, A. Goon 0 Co's. Store, late the
Masonic Boll, would make good Lodge
BOOM or would lease it for Mr Onloe.
Apply to Wel. vissTosn 8.30108.
8000,11 miles from Cranbroo lc, For
further particulars apply to
Oranbrook P. 0, - Concord P. O.
Npancom •
A dvertiging spade in tho Town Hall
can bo had by sop lying .th r, S. SCOTT,
• .Pirst Conic. Sirsrnerved.
23 By Order of Council.
The • uo5iii611 of the (forporationof tho
Conuty of 'Huron will moot in the Court
H0080 tU" the T01511 of Goderloh On Tuesday
the 05E1 Met. 1?.111TEH ApAlisoti,
. 27-2 '," ' Co. Work,
, half lot 20, con. 8, Morris, 100 wares, 40
cleared. Good log house, frame mtuble and
excellent orchard. Splangid supply of good
Water. Tonna alloy 0 or a period of five
years. 1810108.1011 LIM S.
16-t0 Box 570, Lindsay.
--3018 MOG14511,0. 18 sow prepared to do
sowing in all its branches, Also stamping
both blue 'and the French paste. Ernbroid-
ory in silk and wool. Fahey quilting in loav-
es, vine !Allah, Hair switches made to e5 -
der. Tho undersigned will beach embfoldery
to soholars after school hours to thrum wish.
ing to learn. 011and 4100 Otto patterns ab
15108. MoGABVA.'S
18-08 0,0111 Stroot,Brussele.
.1: being Mill, on Month eon .contaluing
100 acres, eoutli pert kit 15 on 10 0013., con.
taining 45 norm Lot 14 15 partly oleated,
tho beamed avolltimberqd. A never falling
crook aroma the lot and it is well adapted
for farming or grazing. Lot 15 is mostly
cleared ancluntler good oultlYation, the bal-
ance wraith:abated. with black ash. Will
soil //altogether or in 'parts to suit the pur-
ohasor. For further 1 articulate/ apply to the
proprietor On the promisee. 300,10106 10 well
drained. tf ono. Avma.
J., 3001130 th o undersigned, up to 3 &unary
0011,1081, ter the creation of a solid brick
dwelling honae, on lot 27, eon. 4, Mortis,
Tenders wilt 1/received for the whelp Job,
esoopt the atone foundation, and also aer
ate tendon f Or each department of tho
work. Plans end oneeineations may be
oen at my eremitic/0,
30 BrussolS,P.O.
Transact a General Banlang
• Business.
Notos to Laud discounted.
Interest allowed on deposits repayable on
Prompt attention given to collection°.
• y'•
Tulto, SM. Offices in Leckie's block,
Brussels. Money to Loan.
Garrew 8. Prcndtoot, Godorich) So-
licitor, Conveyancer, &c, Office, Grant's
block, Brussels. Money to loan.
the Fourth Division Court, 0o, Huron,
Conveyancer, 'Notary Publics, Land, Loan
and. Inourancte Agent. Funds haveated and
500 1005 Omlootions made. Moe in Gra-
ham's Blook, Brussels.
moved his oeloo to rooms over tho
Postoilloe, Residence on Milt Street.
T A. 1VIaNAUGHTON, 11/1. D., 0.
e..P • L, B. C. P. Edinburgh, Physioian,
Surgeon and Ao cmber. °aloe, Mrs, Shiers
blook, Turnborry Stroot
M. F. OALE, M.D., 0.51.
Member of the Oolloso of Physicians and
Surgeons of OntattiO by commination.
°Moo and Besidone-Main St, Ilast, Ethel
Ontario. •
G. L. Ball,L. 11,8,, Honor Graduate and
11. 11, C. D. 8., of Toronto. Nitrous Oxide
Gas administered. Prloos graded and as low
as good work 500 110 done for.
Oilloo over johnoton's Hardware
Said orth.
E. A. MARTIN, L. D. S.,
Boner Graduate Royal College of Dental
Druscols, Charges
Dear,L. D S. Graduate Of To-
• ronto School of Dentistry. All opor-
ations guaranteed. Otiloo-Oady's
131ock, Boatottb.
Artiftelal tooth, rat duality,. and a
guaranteed fit, for 512.00 per mt.
• of Marriage Licenses. 011ie° at We
ocery,Turnberry Street.
and Carriage, plain and ornamental
painter, Estimates cheerfully furnished.
Charges moderate.
tinge Licanees, by appointment of
Llotit.-Goyornor, Commissioner &a., Q. B.
Oonveyancet and Agent Fire In'suranoo Co.
Oillee at the Oranbrook Post °Moe.
e_r • Accident and Loan Insurance Agent
f or some of tho hest and most reliable Ocm-
pewee in the Dominion. °Moo Stick Tarr-
000,Turnborry street ,neat tho station.
• Graduate of tho Ontario Veterinary
College bas resumed the practice of 501131
Nett, V.S,, and is prepared to trent all dis-
eases of domeetieeted animals ou noientific
andapproved prineiples, Treatino ot del-
icate foals it specialty. °Moo at Wel,. Nott's
V. S.
Teacher of Music, aVocoal and Tnetru-
inentalon Organ, Piaao, or Guitar. Har-
mony mul Thorough. Bass. Advanced pupils
fitted for Teaching, Terme 011 applioation,
Ithforenoo-Ladies of Loretto Acadouti.
Guelph. Residence -No. 2, Terrace, SOUth,
n08.1 station.
Robert Cunningham
Guelph, -:- •Ontario.
, etcher, thanking
1100 10101130 customers for their
liboral simport in the past
wlehos to inform thom that at
his shop in tinurle'e block be koops nothing
but first-class meats, all kinds of Poultry ,
and Sausage Meat Delivered to all parts 0
tho town free. Cash paid for Fat Stock
Hidoe and sheepskins bought for cash.
k_7 of the undersigned, lot 20, eon. to,
Morris. about tho 150h of November, ne0.
o yearling stool., light rod in color. The
owner is requested to prove property, pay
oh21173:4g so and tako bite away.
Varna. For $4a3 e,
The subscriber offers for sale lube valuable
Parni in the Township of Grey, comprising
lots 6 andP, 000 ,11 in enid town chip. This
farm containS 200 MIMS and la within 14 MilON
from Oho thriving village of Bruettels, with
good gravol road la acting' th ereto. Abe:lila()
moms am cleared, free from etunaps and in a
high state of cultivation, The balance le
Oosly wooded. Thle farm is 'particularly
wall fenced, near/y tho :whole of the fences
being !straight and having boon emote& in
1885 and 10. On the moraines there 10 a com-
fortable log dwelling house and ego° ditame
barn with stone stabling .undernoath in
whioh them is a, well with an abundant 1515 -
ply of excellent water. There is likewipe
1105r IMMO implement house, ebrefIrtoll
floored, above and below; and neatly sided
and painted. For particulate Only to 'the
Proprietor, 3.200518 D/OnSON,
Degistrar, Huron Obe •
• 19-51 ' : • • Goderloh.
, , , • „ . • ,