The Brussels Post, 1887-1-14, Page 4g.•11t1�tRl��4dlYIIA. T
N tD 1 rg & Msbee• p
Notion—P, Adameou.
Card—B. MoNaughton.
Taxpayers—Thee. Town. 4
Mngnetia Healer—Prof. Gestin,
Strayed—Wm. Tierney.
here is something in the reinerk of
be colored divine, who, whoa
reaching about the equality of the
human family, found oecaei°u to
bate "That an Irishman was as
good ae a nigger any day—if he be-
havedrhimsolf." We believe he le
too, and we would include the Reg-
iehnlan and Seotobinen at the same
time, but we can enjoy this egaality
without any empty titles that will
neither add to our happiness ucr
our bank account. If the muuieip-
al officers are to be knighted, how-
ever, we would suggest that Reeve
McCracken be raised to the honor•
able position of "Knight Command-
er of Tipperary," as Mc has a soft
spot in ills heart for the little green
►x�1:cl.s 1
FRIDAY, JAN. 14, 1887,
TH>, annual meeting of tho Grey
Branch Agricultural Society ap•
pointed a Committee to canvas for
subeeriptions to arrange for a joint
stock Company to purchase the
Driving'Park for Agricultural So-
ciety and other purposes. It is the
intenticn to buy 10 or 12 acres of
land and give the Grey Branch So-
ciety a long lease of the seine on
condition that they erect suitable
buildings thereon. It is hoped that
a lively interest will be taken in
this matter and that the Caledonian
Society, and Driving Park Associa.
tion will see their way clear to give
it a good lift. If we expect our So ;
ciety to make progress it must he )
done. The shares are pus at the
low figure of $10.00 so as to place
them in reach of all and we expect
the stock list will be speedily filled.
Don't let this matter stand stillnow
since agood start liar been made.
As'wiil be Been by advertisement
in another column the Listowol pee-
ple are onoe more pushing the!
claims of the proposed County of 1
Maitland and application will bo
made to the Local Legislature for I
this purpose. Of course the ques-
tion will come before the etcetera to
render their verdict and it is very
neceesary that everyone shnuld
make themselves eequaioted with
the proposal so as to bo able to un.
derstand it thoroughly. Why the
townships of Grey and Howiok and
the villages of Brussels and Wroxe•
ter ahuuld be cut oif from the Co.
of F3uron is not plain to. us, unless
the u idea,tbet it i_ essential to
have these mnuioipaiities to form
ilii•• County of Maiihtnd and make
Lietuleul the Co. town. It is all
relit for the advocates, of Ole new
divieion to tell the people what the
expenses of running the waw' Comi-
ty would be, but place ttuy other
County on the same fretting with ,a
clean Malunee sheet and limy can
make just retch promises aa,i Laep
them as well as the proposed t.'ennty
of Meitlaud. it is It pie', scheme
for building up Listowel, in having
the County buildings, County (Hie -
tale, &e., but we retie jtidg a olio boo,
al Legislature if Lbsy will sasiotiuu
this carving up of aid uatabbshed
Couuties for the t,ako of preening a
few hundred individuitle. A. poti- ;
tion should be circulated snit ler.
warded to the Legislature exprueeing
our disapproval of the whole affair
and praying that we be left as we
are. If we are satisfied in our pres•
oat position the "missionary" zeal
of the ;Listowel pbilunthropiets
should cool down until wo allow ov.
idence of repentance turd suljeit their
counsel and fatherly advice.
1887 will be noted for the celebra-
tion of the Queen's Jubilee and it ie
stated that titles and honors aro go-
ing to bo thrown round loose, Can-
ada coming in for her share. Wo
don't take any stock in this laud of
thing at all. .L1 a man cern-:
tinetion by some act of bravery or
heroism, or by hard study end closo
application secures Nome degree, we
say all honor to Ilitn, hr, deserved it
all, but to mise Upan army of
Keiglts, Sirs, &o, in our country is
something that is not in keeping
with tho ideae of the public at Iarge,
as far ae Ontario is concerned. It
may shit ilio old fogy ideas of tho
people of the Old Land but wo aro
too independent and Demt erabio to
do a great deal of honor to anyone
wearing these bogus distinctive titles
and 1t ie very doubtful if we will ev-
er learn. High brooding and blue
bleed will riover rifle our I)olninion.
THE Toruuto Mail has taken au•
other somersault and has come out
a true independent journal and will
not be respousible for either Sir
John's or Hon. Meredith's sayinge.
Sinoe telnng this platform they
have been "dressed" down by both
friend and foe but they atilt adhere
to their iudepondouee. A great
many look on it ss a ".fluke" but it
is repnried that an effort is being
made to secure an outside city daily
for Toronto to look oiler and be-
come the exponent of the Conservet
ive party. The nest few mounts
will test the sincerity of the Mail,
aid prove whether they have nailed
;heir colors to the mast or not. We
know of several Conservatives who
have stopped the Mail on aeeouut
of the part taken by them in the de-
feat of their porty by tho sectarian
No Popery cry during the election
contest for the Local Legi.,laturo.
The leaders in the Mail are well
written, however, and prove the
literary ability et the editor.
Tin Outario Legislature will
meet fer the despatch of business
on Thursday, February 10th. A.
short, liv:ly session is expected. It
bite been mooted that fur very httlo
and 1 followers
Meredith r. hie w
world reeigu in a body and allow
the Government to purse° the even
tenor of their way without any Op
position. This feeling ie occasioned
by the very Iarge Inajorlty Premier
Howitt has backing him. We don't
think the movo would better the
position of the Opposition is the
least, in fact it would kill them for
all time to come in Ontario. A ma
jority of 25 or 30 is a big thing to
face in the Provuncial House, but it
is only a second epistle to the Do
minion House and the position the
two parties occupy there, with this
difference, Mr. Meredith has no one
to Locoed his efforte while Hon. Ed-
ward Blake has etch gentlemen as
llaokenzie, Cartwright, Patterson,
Charlton, Mills, Cameron and oth-
ers to render him valuable assist-
ance. The path of the average pol-
itician is by no means one strewn
with roses.
John A, is basing ble ulaime on for i Cannella."' r' a»v,.
a reuewat of the uuulidenau of tLu
people. 'l he Large and tepidly iii-
crcaeitig defioit will require a (;ryas
deal of expluuatiou to satisfy Minus
ands of thiulting people. •
We were somewhat surprised to
see the look of in met taken by
emedrods of farmers in this riding
in the Farriers' Institute, hell in
.Brussels recently. The attendeeoe
wee not more than 150 ur 200 to.
any time ani! 1n a Weekly settled
amnion of couutry like this it i, a
very pour showing; !lidded. The
subjects brought bafor% Oleo gath-
rriuge aro generally practical ones
and of no small importance to the
progressive farmer and the were in-
terchange of opinions and friendly
taili one with another c 111110 (ail to
accomplish good. The Professors
of the Agricultural Cnilega, who ale
tend these Iuetitntes are not stilted,
starchy beings at ell, but plain, nit
ter of fact men who know what they
are talltiug about and well able to
shed light ou mane a dark vit'.jcct,
It is the intention of the East Heir
ou Farmers' Institute to expend the
roomy in their hands toward the
purchase of books treating on agrl
cultural subjects, to be kept at setae
convenient place fur the use of the
members of the Iuetitute. This is
putting the money to good use and
should be an inducement for a dirge
increase in the membership. It's
astonishing burr gbh, tueuy persons
can tills on the street, at home, or
at a bee but they loop what they
know to themselves by either ab-
eenting themselves from these gath-
oringe or oleo exercise a great deal
of self denial and keep their tongue
quiet. We believe it is the into].
tion of the Directors to have anoth
er meeting of the tustitate before
long and we hope our farmer friends
will bonne this meeting and Leake it
the meet successful one ever !.old in
Huron. You stun do it if you like.
AMONG other signs of an jiumi•
hent eoutest in oonnootion with the
Dominion electioue, a largo force of
cloths ie itt work at Ottawa complet•
Log tho write and the Returning
Officers' eotnmiesions. Atoll °slosh
last Tuesday evening a Gazette Ex-
bra was issued, putting in force the
Northwest 'Territories Representa-
tion Act, by which two members aro
given to ll.seinboia, turd one each to
Saekatchowan and Alberta. After
this :Extra wee issued the Govern-
ment mado an attempt, or a pre.
tome at an attempt, to recall .it,
saying that this 15800 was premature.
Whether this was anybhiug more
than an attempt to deceive tho Op-
position as to tho nearness of the
eontost, time will show. Sir John
Macdonald loft Ottawa on Tuesday
and after staying for it few hours in
Kiugaton, camp on to Toronto, where
it is said ho will remain during
most of the campaign.
It is said that the fiscal policy of
the Government and the Notional
Policy, with an occasional heck at
the Northwoel rebellion. is what Sir
aF.Y311 County Y otacm.
Midland has en anti -monopoly league.
The Ontario Legislature will meet on
JAN. 14, 18,,t7
The winter carnival ouzo has ateuele I Feb, 10
13ainllten, i An Ottawa bigamist was beaten nearly
Sam Jonas is to lecture at Hamilton ' to death by Ids two wives,
next month. T. J. Johnson, Aesistant.Commiesiorier
A movement is underway atfit.Thamaa of Crown Londe for Ontario, is dead,
the sale bharo of American Sun.reed At SE. 'ow'. N. B. on Chris
to atop
day newspapers.
The market grounds of Stratford are to
be enlarged.
The St. Andrew's Sooiety, of Stratford,
hold their annual entertainment on tite
25 h Met. Highland dancing will form a
feature of the program.
Apnliaation will be made et the next
session of the Legislative Assembly for a
charter for a railway from Pert Burwell to
Stratford, with a brauoh to Pegs and
Joseph Niehole, an old and respected
resident of Fnllarton towusi fe, dropped
deed In the Hides House, Mitchell, on
Saturday. Heart disonto is supposed to
have been the cause. Deceased was about
sixty years of age.
The name of ono of the candidates fon
municipal honors in Stratford was left off
the ballot paper by mistake, and the error
was not discovered until the polls were
open a couple of hours. Tho election is
therefore nail and void, and a new ons
will have to be hold.
A sad aooideot 000urred Tuesday after-
noon in the southern part of alma, close
to the village of Ilfoneton, by which an
old woman named Mrs, Fritohly lost her
life. Sho lived in a small house alone,
near her daughter. Smoke was soon is-
suing from her door, when a man rushed
in and found her clothing and bed on Lire.
She wns immediately taken out., and the
flames extinguished. She died during the
afternoon, her body being fearfully burn-
i day, Robert Glenn had on his table e
The Torrons system of land transfer i bogaet of pension pouicad in his garden
went into °potation in the North-west that morning.
Territurye ou Now Year's day, There has been talk for some days bank
Arrnngomeute are being made whereby of starting a new 0o servetivo paper ou
irea well.
will be represented at thegreat Toronto, u o and rumor has it that w
CKuad 11j, ea I o t, a c r
Ansiralien Exhibition in 1888, known paper ther city will be train-
Blue, working for a farmer nam- (erred t0 TOrooto,inano
ed aloRory, in the township of Dawn,
was killed by a falling tree.
The rocaunt in South .Renfrew gave
Mr. McAndrew n majority of nine, He
is Mao se Liberal as well as Mr. Dowliue.
During the past six months $88,100
have ben spent in building improve-
ments in the new city of Vancouver, B.C.
Recounts in Centre Bruce and North
Grey smarmed Mr. Daok'e (Liberal) and
Mr, Creighton (Con,) nate in those 000'
Atuenoeon ofs. Robert Munro, of Scott, wns
drinking ea the aob°oilmnse pump, tylion
a oompamou threw a nail which struok
him on the bah of the eye and Completely
ruined his ieght.
The twenty seven Salvaiion Army
soldiers arrested at Lindsay on Friday
Inst were crowded into a room TWO and
kept there all night.
A Kingston liquor dealer was fined 040
and co is for permitting the consumption
of whiskey ou Ins premises by two boys
twelve years of aye.
Poliolmen at Victoria, B: O.,bavoboon
wanted that in ease a burglary takes
p.ano on thou but whiners defection,
they will be suspend. d.
Messrs. Murphy and Garneau, mem.
bore of the Qnebee Opposition, were of-
fered substantial inducements to join the
eupporters of the Ross Government.
A fete days ago an old man nem.d Bob.
ert Cornish, of Galt, bo rowed hi : son-in-
lases's razor to pare his corn, retired to
his r nm, ant his throat, and died on the
following day.
l .tu y ung mee who had their hands
bloom off re,:eutlJby the beroL g of gnus
at at a ohavivari m Brant township, in
South Bruce, were waited on last week by
their compitnious and presented each
with a purse.
Tiro Provincial Legislature will bo
asked at its next session to amend the
Inc of incorporation of Wesleyan Theo-
logical College of Montreal, so that it
may be granted power to confer degrees
in divinity and for other purposes.
The ,leaf routes of the efeUevilie Insti-
tute organized te carnival a few eights
ago. ilany of the costumes were hand-
some end unique, and a most enjoyable
evening was had by all present. Over
forty mutes, representing both sexes,
Hgam, Graham, proprietor of the aloe,
treat Star, end ltiehard White, managing
director of the Gazette, have bean com-
mitted on the charge of criminal libel
brought by Donald Downie. 'Tito trial
will take place at next session of the
Court of Queen's Bench.
The Roman Catholic bazzar, which has
been held in London in aid of the Oath.
odral building fn id. closer! last Friday,
about 000. Great in-
ou 4
Navin $ ,
' dthe c nteat for a
• was excite byo
tercet v
gold -headed cane, Hon. Ed. Blake receiv-
ing 009 votes and Sir John Maodouald
connection with th municipal els o -
tions Monday, a vote wast ken in S tush
Colchester Township on granting a b mus
of $20,000 to the projected Lake Erne,
Boson 5 Detroit !liver Railroad. The
By-law carried by it large majority. The
reposed. read will run from or near
Windsor to Leamington, Essex Co„ via.
Harrow, Kingsville and Ruthveo. This
is the only township that has voted on a
bonus, but as the feeling along the limit;
vet friendly to it there is no doubt the
road will bo built.
On Tuesday evening last, the police
found a man nonacid John Hill lying on
the floor of se shanty in Winnipeg, in an
unconscious condition, An empty whis-
key flask Iny beside hint, and he was ter-
ribly frozen. He was taken to the hos•
pita!, where be hied within half an hour.
The deosaeed had a homestead near
Beausejour, but had been working as a
laborer in the city for some time. It is
said he formerly kept an hotel in Strath-
roy, Ont. Ito was a man of about 85
years of age; and so far as known, had
no relntivee in the oouutry.
Jnmee McAllister threatens Winnipeg
with an notion for unlawful arrest and il-
legal detention. McAllister was confined
in the police station for drunkenness) on
the day of the mayornlity elootion. Some
citizen hearing he bad a vote deposited
the amount of McA.11ister'e fino in the
hands of the police and took him to the
polls, where he registered hie vote. The
citizen then returned him to the custody
of the polices and received hack the
amount of the deposit, It is now argued
that McAllister's doe was really paid,
and such b,:ing the case the police had no
right or authority to again detain him
for the same offence ; hence the notion
A shocking accident 000urrod at Lake
George, twouty.tliroo miles from leroder.
ioton, N. Be on Monday morning result.
ing in the death of Mrs. Luke Lawson, e
young married woman aged 22, the moth-
er of two children, Willie passing Laso.
son's, on his way to school, Allen Bal.
lantyne, aged 17, wns barked at by Law -
eon's dog. He went home, got hos broth.
orr's revolver, and again pr000jlded on his
way to school, Whou .Lswson's was
reached the dog again bruited and ho
fired, but instead oe hitting the clog the
ballot unshod through n window, entered
the breaet, and pierced the region of the
heart of Mrs. Lawson, who was looking
out of the window. She throw bot arms
in the air and exclaimed, ...lily God, I'm
shot." Mr's. Lawson was alone in the
house and no one witnessed the deed. The
boy ran into the house where site tete
writhing in a death agony, but watt un-
able to veneer the dying woman assist
anew. lie then ran for his mother, who
soon arrived with other neighbors, only
to witness the victim gasping her last
breath. Tho tragic affair tweeted a great
sensation in the district, Bellantyne's
fats it brought the boy to Fredericton
and handed !tin over to the authorities
and the boy wtoc gaoled,
While some young people were tobcg.
genuine near the corner of James and
Station streets, St. Marys, oxi Wednesday
lest, n sorioue aeoident happened to bliss
Galbreath, daughter of J. Galbreath. Go-
ing down the eteep bank of the creek the
front of the toboggan nook in the snow
and those on it were thrown high into the
air. Mise Galbreath received very wore
injuries. It was thought at first that hor
Spina wait injured, but fortunately that
has proved not to be the ease, and elle is
now elowly recovering.
The following teachers in training at
the Stratford and Mitchell Modal Schools
have been granted third tease certificates
by the County Board of Examiners 1—J,
H. Bookton, Archie Bothwell. 'Truman
Baxter, li.obt. Bailey, Sam Couch, Jamee
Crossett, Charles Corliss, .Mbar Galin, 1+.
Doherty, Geo. Dobson, Samuel Durst,
John 11. Eby, F. L. f;vane, James roster
Edgar Fleming, John Griffith, Bobt, Gill,
W. A. Humphries, \'Ven. Haskuey, W. H.
Kelbfleieb, Wm, Minto, Alfred Macklin,
Donald Munro, Michael McGuinness, E.
T, McDonald, Davin McLennan, Alfred
Reymann, Samuel Stubbs, .Robert R
Stowers, John Swann, James Switzer, 0,
Steurnagel, Gerry Uglow, Alex, Aitelteson,
Daum Brazier, Bella Chippa, Satoh Del.
range, Carry Dent, Miry Edmunds, Bella
Gibson, Ida Griffith, Loate Ball, Mary T.
Harvey, Minnie Iiendereon, Hannah Ir.
win, Christina Kirlc,• Elizabeth Laing,
Mary Lornm, Jessie Mobatt, B. Al. Mor-
rieon, Mary Mandson, Nettie 0. Venally,
Sai`nh N,
Or, Maggio Patterson, Annie
Smith, May Tyerman, Susie Wren, Mag.
gid 1. Wilson, lytta Woodley, Eliza \Vial'.
o•icxauder Oampbell, of Kincardine,
Brut:ounty, has heappointed bailiff
of 0I 'Thnoird Divfsiunels C"ort of the Ootw-
ty of Bruce, In the room and stead of Ti'.
A. Loseembe, resigned.
The Dundee Meek, Winnipeg, and the
Sherbrooke House, Sherbrooke, Quo„
have been destroyed by lire. The Chursii
of the Aeccnei°n, Hamilton, was burned
on 5 iturday night,
The so Miters for tite '1"rmito 4ahti'.t
College wilt apply to the Ontario Logisle.
turn for an AUL 00 uuito Woodstoak and
Toronto colleges under the nine of Mu -
Master University.
Following is n list of tho successful
oaudidates at the Peeetnber examinations
of the Collage of Pharmacy :—Council
gold modal, John Coaluano, Kingston ;
Council silver medal, Robert lt, Brebner,
Sarnia ; Shuttlet1rorth gold modal for
highest marks obtained in cbemi-try, Jno,
Cochrane ; Aviron gold medal for best in
pharmacy, Willian J. Mitchell, Watford ;
honore, C. W. Crydermau, Toronto ;
passed, in order of merit, C. H. Conon,
Toronto ; G R. McCall, St. 'thorns ;
W, J. Mitcheii, Woifotd ; W, i•, 1..nt,iu,
Bobcaygoon; A. P. Sievoright, I1nnts-
villa ; J. A. Austin, .Pnrlulalo ; le. B.
Down, Peterboro' ; W. Murchison, Luck.
now; F. G. Turner, Millbrook ; A, B.
Congran, Lutrknow ; A. D. Brander,
Hamilton ; 1v. W. Grant, Orillia ; 11. 0.
Fleming, Windsor ; J. R. Bingham, To.
Tonto ; D. G. Leitch, Hamilton ; G. A.
Forbes, Pembroke; Jas. Leo, Woodstock;
J. 0. Cooper, Welland ; G. N. Bitten,
Gravenhuret ; 0. A. Bower, Perth ; 3. A.
Cooper, Welland ; Thu-. Johnston, To.
ronto ; J. MoEaehram, Galt ; J. W. Mc-
Laren, Chatham ; N. S. Marden, Belle-
ville ; F. 0. Spilebuty, Peterboro'.
When the Nissou i stage reached Lon
don Wednesday there was one passenger
living mouth of the railroad traok, and to
deliver him and his baggage the horses'
heads were turned down Richmond street.
At the railway crossing the m ruing+
train from Windsor struck the sleigh and
converted it into a mixed up heap of
splinters and ruins. The horses were
dragged about four rods, one of them
haling its bind leg broken near the fet-
lock, and both being considerably bruised
and one The least injured of the ani -
male broke loose and galloped off, but
the ono with the broken log was recom-
mended to be shot after examination by
Dr. Sbaw, of O'Neil re Shaw. Jo• n
Miller, the driver, and Isaac Goldner, the
passenger, who was sitting up on the
dsame Seat, ware t"sewn it considerable
istance, lint escaped unhurt with the ex-
coptiou of bruises and cuts. 1t was fort.
mate that no persoes were in ido the
t it 1 ' 1 ionves no 1•o016
• b she state s u
is a
to doubt of the thorough grinding up of
all its contents. OI what oenurred. Met
bates the neoidmit, accounts differ. One
witness of the oeonrrouce et ,ted that the
driver lead ample time to arose safely,
only he pulled his horses up and hesitat-
ed in his deoision until the train struck
the conveyance. The d,ivor of the loco-
motive stopped very promptly. John
Miller, the driver of the stage, says he
approached the trnolr without obeerving
any p,eoautions, as the guercla were up
and he thought it perfectly eitfe. As
soon ae he got by the Teoumseh House
corner ho saw tho danger and did his
best to avoid it by whipping up the horses.
Ho and Mr. Goldner were struck and
knocked off, and his knee was badly
bruised. Mr. Goldner receiving$ some
unplonsnnt cuts in the face. He eleime
that after the horses got on the track the
guards were put down, and they were
thus fenced in.
Dan .and Tone. Heffernan aro welt -
known characters who live near Aber.
foylo, not far from Guelph. They are
farmers, but in the practise of that noble
profeasiou they have not availed them.
selves of the advantages whish nicotine
resoaroh and olever invention have con-
ferred on the yeomanry. Their system
of farming is erode and ancient ; their
atyle of living very humble ; fn fact their
sole and only object in this life would
appear to be to savo money. Until their
mother died a few months ago Dan and
Tom didn't know the value of a house-
keeper. But they soon learned. Keep.
ing bachelors' hall was not pleasant to
either of the brothers ; so at a ooiiuoil of
war held a. month ago it was unanimous.
ly decided Hint Dan should endeavor to
capture the affections of some fair dam-
sel and lead her to the matrimonial altar.
It was no sooner said than done, and a
week later toned Dan deeply in love with
a still blooming though middlo•aged
maiden, who lives near SeJlow's blank.
smith shop. Tho oonrtsbip was short
and sweet. Dan proposed, Was accepted,
and the day was fixed. About two weoks
ago Dan was in town to conic° tho final
arrangement). lits betrothed informed
bim that the ceremony could not take
place until he gave her $25 to buy a new
dross. Dan wooded to the request. A
few days later the groom VMS again ap-
proached, this time for money enough to
buy house furniture end furnishings.
iloliictantly 5114 Dan draw 5175 out of the
bank and pine it in too bands of his al.
ready unreasonable Mauler, Then the
day was fixed for Thursday lest. Dan
droned in his best oil Thnreclay and came
to CJuelpb. But, to bin sut•priso and
amazement, he teamed that his blooming
and beautiful bride bad gone on a visit to
Mende in London, She would bo bask
on Saturday, sure, be was told by his
rolativee• Saturday came, and
with it Dan Helforman, but only to find
that hie lady had not yet returned. Dan
ie now qquite satoaned that ho has been
weltered. Yet he may he mistaken.
Anyway there in a high time of it in the
Heffernan homestead, as Tom serene
that Den doesn't return the 5200 taken
from the Orme; Capital a000nnt thorn will
be ono less f oetipsnt, of the 11130 olcl log
The following desirable and eingibly sit.
noted Carets ere now offered for sale on
most liberal terms as 10 notes end pay-
rnonts, Tito land is of exponent quality,
with gond improvements, within 3 miles of
both Ethel and Houtry'n railway stations,
pest olaeos, grist and saw seine, so)t.wls sol
Rolm No. 1.—Lot 31,aoncoseton 0. 0x07,
County of 0uree,100 mores. About 70 woo
cleared. overbaif free from etutnp., hood
frame barn sad stables, log house, 5000
°rmbard, formes, oto.
Psmont. No. e,—root 03, concession O, Gray,
Huron County, adjoining No. 1. to and pos.
ably not finite co good but excellent grazto g
Jena. elm ounce of gond venter and tirubox,
Almost nowt ram o house and barn, About
BO soros cleared, about 30 of witch 1150 peon
er .p ted, Largo drain recently opened pool
ties Itsd.
'$hero nropemtisrwill bo sold together or
Parties dean umuah below thole real ratan,
g good harars, ready for oe-
oupntion, sbosp alai on easy 005130, si,uuld
a ,ply ,tt onon to J. G. h(Aon0NALn, 44 tfing
t ,t 'r
net 9'oronto or to GR N
Street W ,
26•il- � Hous sole,
Prof. t t ;9
—at 51te—
for throe weeks.
Paralytics and other Invalids, beyond
the roach of ordinary skill, aro all bane.
fitted and some of titer Marvellously our.
ed by his Treatment. No rneclioine used.
Help for All. The most sceptical Con.
winced, NoCaseHopeless. The Blind
one bemado to See, the Deaf to Hear and
the Lame to Welk. Charges very Mod-
erate. ltrattninen ONLY 'MVP.
1 1riiexa.
1 KOI'7'1SSOit (0US'I'I le.
For tlio benefit of people similarly a-
nneal 1 wish to stem that Professor
Custin has restored tate use of my hands,
which have been partially paralyzed and
almost powerless for five years, defying
all oilier treatment.
JAMS ST1oznsts, eats.,
Queen's hotel, Brussels.
George Welsh,• of Grey Township, has
been for genre afflicted with a severe
Urinary Complaint and could got 110 AT..
lief, Professor Ought Cured tum with-
out Medicine.
There will he offered for salt at the
C10 tr ui. Morar., 1311vesuLs, on
At the hour of 12 o'clock, noon, the fol-
lowing valuable farms ;—
Lot No. 1.—N. e of lot 29, 0th con. of
tho township of Morris, known us the
"Armstrong homestead," containing 300
acres of land, all cloered. With frame
house and good barns, well fenced and
Lot No. 2.--S. i of Ltr 2' 7111 in.:, of
Morris, containing 100 acres of land, about
80 acres cleared• frame house, good
barn and well.
Then two lets adjoin the village of
Brussels, and are the most eligible firer
properties that have been offered for sale
to this neighborhood for yoare. the Otte
to both farms is perfect. An unparallel-
ed chance to secure a good farm as the
Proprietor is clo'orminecl to soli.
Tstaue.—Ton per cont. clawu at time of
sale and balance in thirty days. Other
condition made known at time of sale.
For further particulars apply to tho auo•
tioneer, to Peter Thompson, lleq„ Brus-
sels, Muslim, Wade ,2 Sinrlait, of
Auctioneer. Proprietor.
Morris. Jan. 4th, 1857.
11173. P I 1tEle7.
Annoanoetnemt %r the Ooming Years
Grip be now so well kitotvn as to require
very little of either description or praise.
It is the
and it is furnished at about one-half the
prime of similar journals in the United
States. Grip's Cartoons, in addition to
being strictly impartial when they refer
to politics, aro always on the side of pat-
riotism and morality.
The late improvements are universally
admired. The journal is enlarged to 16
pages, and itis printed upon boxy toned
and well-calondored paper. This gives
both the engravings and the latter -press
n benutifal appearance. And, notwith-
standing thisenlargemont and insprovo•
mont, the price of Grip is
pier $2 A titan ; Snares COPIES, 5 CnnTs,
(the prion 11 commanded when but a four
page ahoot,)
HUMOR sotoosOUT Vuoo onjn; PATRIOTlSM
wi'rnotT PAtrrioANantr ; TiwTtl
Do not bo without t- h- is favorite Caned
Lan Cartoon Paper, its prion plaees it
within the web of all.
Address the Garr Peonies AND Pon-
nteunio 00,_26 and 2g Front StrootWoet,
Toronto. Now enbsoribers, sending 52,
will receive the paper the balance of 188(1,
and to Slat December, 1887. '
All subscribers to Grimiest, best, or old, an
entitled to is copy of the magnificent lith.
cgraph "C0neervativo Loaders," or the
the companion plate "Liboritl Loaders,"
ehor'tly to bo publishocl, on payment of ;,
eolith for peetago.
will be furnished to subecribors, by spec.
ieI arrangement with the publieltore of
tho latter journal, both pepore for only