HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1887-1-14, Page 3JAN, 1.4, 1887, IIle11It ilk /Wald MM. Avoid paesiou, excitement and luxury. , TRUST IN 3311, 100 borne, apply flour wet tenth cold wetar, es it quiokly givoe relief, A. cheerful mind le bettor than all the drop in the materia medico, 1,1 To prevent I11UHtttrd-plaatere front blistering. mix with the white of an og tam Cb good ut Cider vinegar le 0 ] d 0df0a• went, in drachm d0SO4, for simple diarrhu a, Dr. Gross recommends diluted vinegar as an injection into the blad- der to break up blood clots, Sulphntn of magnesia, in srnall Leave clod to ordor alJ thy ways, And hope in 11101 whato cr betide ; Tbou'lt And Men in the ()eft days Ao all-,nll]ielent Htrongth and al Guido. \Vho triode 10 times tlnuhanging love, Bolide on 0 rock that naught can um Whitt 000 these 11.11Xl009 (313388 801811, T1000 00001' 00.1031 81001(0 ,old stglle Vhat eau 1t Help no to bewail Each painful moment ae it files " 00r (0'000 and trial do nut p00o0 'Ph0 heavier for our bitterness, Only your mottoes heart keep still, And wait in cheerful hope, content To take whate'or fi1H gratolouH will, His all (Skimming love has souk ; Nor doubt our 1010081'(3048 810 known To Him who choen cls for His own, IIo knows when joyful hmur8 aro best, I(0 sends thorn us he sees it meet ; When th°l1 haat borne its fiery lost, And note ale freed from all deceit, IIo oomgo to dice, all tluwaro, And makes taco own His loving caro. Nor in the heat of pain mud etrifo Think God hath oast thee o]7 unheard Nor that the man whose prosperous life Thou enviest, lo of Irim proferred ; Time passes, and niur.h ehango dothhrin And sets a bound to evorytung. closes of 10 to 15 grains, is a patrol.. fol astringent to the kidneys. Inliaimoutious aro more onfely and far 20000 agreeably subdued by the tt]il.,liea3inn ni w krill water than of cold. Don't u(q(leet to give the body a drink of water once or twice.a day. 'L'ho norsntg baby cries oftellel• from Thirst than hunger. Mannaca is a very $Ute remedy in m oecular rlletlmatisnl, in doses of 10' to 40 drops of the fluid oxtroot, re• poatod ovory hour. g Tu casae of aceto i1fh3mmatiolle of the eyo, hot wetor (even of a tem, s poraturo 0114010gree$F.) is a "sov, c reign" remedy—most readily ap- plied by cloths dipped in the wator. Sing, pray, and swerve not fromlIis way But do thine own part faithfully ; Trust his 1`1011promises of grace ; So shall it be fulfilled in thea God nover yet forsook in need Tho soul that trusted Him indeed, TR OUBLPSOML NEIGHBORS. 1' :st, Mrs. McGinty ea)io over to know I i a pailful of coal she could barrow, rltr husband clad ordered a ton from the yard ; Shod surely return it to -morrow. Then came Mrs. Martin from over the way, Who said oho stepped over to sec If I mould obligo her till that afternoon With only a drawing of ton. Next came Mrs. Johnston, who'd like 0017 much I'd lend him, an hour or two, :l couple of irons, as she had o11 hand Soma work sho was burriod to do, Then maw iters. Thomson, a neighbor next dour, A troublesome, eaanky old dame,— Who wanted to borrow for that afternoon The lotus of my new (milting frame, a4earee had She nmra when old Widow Jones, Who said slap was going to scrub, Como into the room and wanted to know If I'd loud her the 11110 of my tub, Then Mrs, Wilson onlno ovor in haste,— In her hand a pitcher oho born Her molasses fell short, she hadn't enough, And would like to borrow 80010 more. Next came Mrs. Hernando, who wanted to know 1f rho late paper I had read through, And would fool molt obliged to ole if I would But loan it an honr or two. And even at night, when going to bed, There canto to may door Mrs. Doyle, Who had to sit up—her daughter was siok— And wanted somno korosane oil. \Vith national exhausted, I'm 10100(1 to declare, That in future I'll loosen my labors, By refusing to land everything I' poa8oss, To improvident, troublesome neighbors. THE WIit'PHEIt- Tho year will open with keen cold weather. Slight snow fettle daring the first weak with heavy 000w storms Dat the 20tH, 21st and 22nd. Thursday the 1801, will bo the oold• eat lay ; children and aged people should not venture outdoors that day unless especial care is tak• 1 on to pr0ve11 such parte as rho cars and rose from becoming frost bitten t • Janna0y'8 mutual thaw will 000nr daring the closing weok{on the 28th} ,and will b0 accompanied with ruin. ti • Only one blizzard will strike) On Garin during the 1uooth and it will arrive on Sunday the 101h. t3 . ()old stormy weather with blllid. ice 8110WV, will 1131100 in tho month of tit, \'alentiuo, lasting throughout the first week. This will ito follow ed by clear, cold and bracing cantos - idiom until the 10th, Uu mho 8th. the thorho toter will take it sudden dip natty below the zeros, After rho 10th, however, the, weather Will moderato a(c1 like January tine mouth will -exitamidst the slop and slush consequent npou et thaw and uo11111aratiyely warm nidus, If wet weather can be called lamb• like Illarah will 0001011 slaoopishly, for the first threo days will bring to heavy downpour. No 8110ty will fall from this 110111 toward rho 1011i, when 330 may look for ,an "awful 00011 0' 8101Il1y weather," The see, and week of March will bo lino and mild bat cold winds will visit tis al• most continuously from the 1003 to rho 00d of tho month. March's most de frigid 1 dn. 3811 bo' g Y tho ,iGah, wo The spring will bo early but wet. bf Tho 81tm1001 of 1887 will also bo br characterised by a precipitation of I the aqueous, j p1( is'PIQUET'I'E NOTES. Say woman or lady, not 'female,' when epealting of a girl or woman. Take of your overcoat and over - shoos and, leave theta in rho 11011 be- fore entering 0 parlor, In introductions gentlemen are presented t0 ladies ; young leen to older man ; young women to older ones, Do nut tilt your chair, sit on it in au army poleiticu, keeping your feet as quiet as possible, also your hands. Both may, of course, be moved quietly, but not so frequently as to attract notieo. Above all, do not lounge or cairn nogai:31y attitudes. If you must (10 this, do it ill your (1x111 room, where you will 111100) 110 0110. Thu follolving aro from 0 very 8ensibl0 little manual writtou by a well known literary 111011, and on. tilled "Don't" :— ".Don't repeat the scandals and m1111010110 rumors of the hour." "Don't disease equivocal people or broach topics of questionable pro. priety." "Dou't bo witty at another's es panse; don't ridicule anyone; don't infringe fn any way tho harmony of the eompaoy. "Don't bo longwinded. When•yoo have a story to tell, do not go into. every detail and branch off at ovary word—bo direct, compact, clear, and get to the point as soon ae pos. Bible." "Don't cling to one subject ; don't talk about hatters that people gen. orally ars not interested in ; don't, in.short, be a bore. MINES OF WISt)OM. 1 hay never known a second wife but what woe boss ov tho situash11n. Wiskeo is a hard thing to Don• vinc0, ah0101019 i novas orgy with a drunken lean, After %man gets to be 33 yaws old he !taut form witty habits match, the best he luau do iz to steer the old ones. 1Inv a ro0etor for two things. 011e iz the clow that iz in him, and lie other iz the spurs that aro on Mu, to back up the 00010 with. r luau who Iran swop hor0es3 11(111111 fish, and not lie about it, 111181 about az pilule 111 meta ever it to be in this world. The 811083081 man i ever allot 18 a 110upe0i31 h0sbaud when he is away from home. A0 enthusiast iz nn individual who belcav38 about 4 titnos ice match az hu ]can prove. and who kan Provo about 111,308 az month az 01)11370310 else beletivrs, Young 111011, 101100 to wait, it yn undertake to sate a lion beforo she fz ruddy, you 1vill lone your time and eoufuza the hen besides. Oue quart of cheap wi8koe, 1110 cheaper Oho batter, jud1sllion$ly ap- plied, will do more bizznoss fur ,the devil than aha 8lilart03t daatkun leo bac, Trot. When 111011 3011x0 from the world they go into 1110 awaking biz:moss, and it am0nllt1 to ,just about az rnntoll az the Itroalcin.g of a retired bullfrog a.Chere 1z, two things about the vil which i admire, and which aro rthy of imitation : he iz altvnss zzy, and never was known to Dale an 0ngagoruout, Wllon )'u hay bored tho bull'e t e, set down, and 1(000. still ; folks I i THE BRUSSELS POST will think then that yu I(au hit i6 �1L] A1tIN(1 SALE U!(' 0nny Elmo 1(u htav 111 mild to. l J Liz kind ov k'uv�ioes that the thinnar a tnan is the more noxious ho ix to git into a strong light, CONDENSED WISDOM 1N II. --- Be just, but trust not ovory ono, Be timely 3'180, rather than 30300 ill Dino. 1331wino of bos0111 81318, Botrny (1' trust ; divulge no 00• cr01. Bounty is more °onioniude(' than lmitaled. - Bear your unsfortunos w1111 forti- tude, 130 alwaye at leisure to do good, 13usiuoss is t110 silt of life. Brevity is the 80111 of wit, Bettor 10 livo well than 103131,, B.: not to hasty to outbid another. .13ttilllinq i0 la pastime that men pay (1o10 for, Bower° of tho 1(0000 when the fns p1'Oaches. Better a 8(11(1)1 8811 than (111 empty di+h, ]3n8i1ess neglected, is baldness lost. Ile active, for idleneen in the rust of the mind, By doing n0t111ng the learn to do fel, Batter to slip with tllo foot than the tongue, Be over vigilant, but never sue. picioue. Bettor to do well late than never Bride of a feather Hook together Bacchus has drotvn0(1 more than Neptuuo Beggars have, /to right to bo choosers, "Bear and forbearance," to good philosophy, Bettor 10 bo alone than in bad company. Batter' to be untaught, than i11• taught. Bad hooks are the public fo(ntiau of vice. Books alone can never teach the 1180 of books. Bear and blame not what yon Dau• not change. Beware of hint who regard, not his reputation. Believe after trial, and judgo be• fore friendship, 13o good betimes, lest repeotano0 come too late. 13o a. -teamed of your ,plici0, not proud of your shame. Be slow to pr1n1100, and quick to perform. Business makes as man (10 well as tries him, Le paliont in adversity, and humble in prosperity. • Ca.11t:.uli:au NO•:v�a, Lev, Dr. Laing was a dofeate candidate for membership of tit Dundas School Board. Lord Larasdownc's doclination o et 110011103 In the British ltiniotr ham been received by Lord Belie billy. The ignition of flour dust cause 31 dieaetroao exp1001011 111 a $01 mill at Carberry, Ilan., on Thum day of last week. Tho 0ablss winch suspoud the ra way suspension bridge at Niagar Fails havo been transferred from the atone towers to stool ones. Tho work has boon to progress sillco early last apriug. A. coasting aocidout occurred to 111 slaughter of Thomas .2aradih0, care- taker of the Church of A8consion, Hamilton, 8) o was x111] into by a party of boys, who were coasting 0(1 a street on the mountain, and had hot' leg fractured. A cattle dealer named Hogs, from llaso0ville. Que., arrived in Mott - treat by the Huntingdon train Wnd- nasilay Morning. 110 took the o111(labtli( at 111e stilt101] for a hotel, but, on arrival did not got oft, `Tho driver, thinking biro asleep, attempt- ed to rouse him, but to Ills , anrpriso fu1u(i ho 3388 dead. d 0 y.. r SCALES. Y RNS! til') FOR 30 DAYS 30 a10 r, Christmas and New Year's 1.313'- .d.� gailts at the Brussels „ 1 y� .• co Woolen s m = aRto'obr��'� Midi. x M +• 6 na c• 310 �c �"n ^g Q,°y,+wx ti•�•ay ^a:oa•g.,y N�Obe x.o pps,is°l? r< bion^°n't•.a bo t;o,E,ylyN z. a ,$ °O -,yam ,� O 3 c g° g � g I1 _ WNF g.otn F. h'• 0.rM ,,371 ptrxRa ro nn x: w aro1s�s' I nitro rho finest and lltl'gest 8toe1C. of Vine Yarns 01,01' 00011 1I1 Brussels, I .will sell the best worsted yarns, which have., NO El AAL at (3 cti. per oz„ and an extra, fine quality of cashmor,l wools at 8 ccs. per ounce -for the next 80 days, commencing Friday, Dec. 211111, for Cash Only. Now is the Ti;nc to secure your bargains, coin() early and "MVO your choice .in Black, Brown, Navy Blue, Royal Blue, Light Blne, Garnet, Card- inal, Claret, Scarlet, Dark. Green, Bronze, Light Green, Yellow, Orange, and a host of other col- ors, too numerous to mention. But come: and see for yourself and be convilicod that you have struck the Biggest Bargains of the season. ; Coe opo, Uoil1S all, GEO. HOWE. y,�Mo L'. Tho 11033 enables erected by lir. Seagram on the Hest sole of Wator. loo, arc new in full blast and no less than 1325 Head of cattle feeling m them, They aro constructed on the very latest, most approved plan, and ail who visit them express the great est ploll80ro In seeing their many 0310 filen les and couvenionces, Thy I ARD'AR5 ! Glass Putty, ath S�;31n,�'lese • STOV— 1 tone Pi • GREG FELTING, aro kept as 1(10an las 10010 people's houses and from the contacted. ap• puma) of tine/mates they. must think they aro very fart0nn110 110 having such a comfortable p1a00 in which to spotlit Watt. last days. Tho Ituove of Waterloo township and ' other first-class stockman havo visited thos0 stables and 0xprosso(1 , thol i admiration 1010 ration of alt connected 1 therewith, lir, Scott, the groat.I catilo loon, ).ane chug() 0f them alad 0xp0ets to have the finest lot of oat• lo for spring delivery to ho found n Ontario. • J es. ALARAGTINE PAINT, ized PithR1(1oo le,crls.--Marsden Smith, 1). Laing, las, (",x111 and 'Wm. Mc- Kelvey, Grey Township ; W. Cameron, W. Little, G. Browny and 1). :\ LL COLORS, , T , r m Breckenridge, Morris) L'recltcnllcl e 1 1. , Township T. Townn I , and 1\ . I3lnshr"11, 13x11::- . r, i I^U-p-) sack : Rev. P. A. 1,o0r, Woodham, anfl T. "Wright, Trll'laberrV, JA 11,11S[1i,111'.13101 THE S'1`,ND-50177:11 OF 131m1i7GE. GG-FPPY [ic.pciiiiizia uZ Fuint,i•n ,g p7'o71z17111t flit( 71lied to. -' -ri G-rist an. Flour Mils ! The undersigned having completed the change t'1.Otn the stone to the Celebrated Hungarian system of Grinding, has now the Mill in First Class Running Order and will be glad to see all his old customers and as many new ones las possible. Chopping done. Flow a.44 Feed Always on Mud. .l -Ugliest Price paid for :any quantity of (4.0cu1 (;rain. Wtvi. MILNE. 1,. ;'tai .1 EAST I -TO R I � isw keat A.111 c ns :s To "E" EQ ---1I AN t•I+.tC 1'l'111'11t ('F --- CARRIAGES, DI1IIOORAT$, li"XPll13S8 WAGO\S, BUGGIES, WAGONS, 1'fcl , 1f,TU„ 1;TC. All made of the 130st Material and finished in a \\ orknlanlil(o planner. - Parties intending to buy should Oall before) purchasing. • JAMES BUYERS,