HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1887-1-14, Page 22 THE BRUSSELS ,POST
Futures limping is at work in
Cincinnati. awl over 4.000 people
have elan d tb,• plt2181'.
l'o, i County, N. 13 , i1:r, eleven
active Sleet ba 1o)(s of 'Ila .Royal
I,emplaln t,f'I
The ticot 1.h L„agnn ,Innrnal
soya :---"Ba) I i)aerni, Vic'•roy of
10 1ia, is, we motel etand, a total ab.
stainer .
The la' Thome,. pa'itiou for a
vote for the repeal of Ih1 Son Act
bus been forwarded to the Srcratnry'I
of Stato at O las
Thio ,;toot Dr. Chalmers uncap gave
tbiv ..dvioo to a young friend : —You
should give op sibling, for smolt
ing leads to ding, and drinking
leads to the devil."
Since the Scott Act was passed 1u
Fredericton, 11. 13., in 1878, fines
amounting to not less than $10,000
have been unposed upon Violaters of
the law by the police magistrate of i
rho city
A raid was wade un Port Perry j
hotels on Friday night last by four i
county constables. A. quautity of
intOxioatw1 liquor was found at,
Buddy's and Danca•:(or's hotels.
Th, hor tender nit. 1)21llc o tor':I WW1
obstructed the officers in the per-
formance of their duties, and will
likely suffer the penalty of the law
in consequence, a warrant being is
rued for his arrest.
ei parliamentary return gives the
number of arrests for drunkenness
upon Sundays in cert„)(( cities and
tovrus of Ireland. between April 80,
1885, (ma ih" Solea dm() la -1 year.
In the Dublin 11e(ropod(tau Polios
District the iliimlier of arrests wore
1,002 ; iu the city of e,rk, '(351 ; i.
city of Limerick, 184 ; city or Wat-
erford. 100 ; an(l hu the town of Bel
fast, 973
Aecot ding to `rile Iii'eruatiou1I
Royal Templar, Iiincardine Select
Council of 't'enlplars io obliged ((1
supply watelunen every night •to
prevent the destruction of the pro°
arty of \ltlet.tritte Joseph Barker, of
that Vero. lir. Barker hla, been
the victim of several outrages in
eun-egllenee of bis devotion to the
Scott Act. 110 MI5 im,l9o.1 finee
for the violation of rho law amount
ing probably to $1,000,
\Vritiug of panpen'.ul a11(1 strong
drink tho London Ueaord rata that
1.11_h of 1lanpers of all ells -es
in England Dud Wales relieved in
1884 ayes 766,1114, a unmber equiv-
alent to ne'ar'ly a thirty-fifth part of
rho eutihe population. The cost 01
their maintenance was $42,0)2,761.
Tho u•(I1 ionone: of the poo. rates,
including V (1 ion • miscellaneous
01hi11•gec, reached the ei]Ornume sum
of $70,988,3315. "The ono great
cause uorlerlying the whale of the
]nailer is the ole, old story—drink."
A onrioua c11,110 was committed in
Junction City, 12en1ncky, ou Christ.
1110.0 Day. .21 promimmt Probibi
tluuist there, unused W. T. Clark
run, wt., ivanned t 1 lake a drink.
This so muddled his brains that lie
was prevailed upon to (motion:3
until he died. .1 number of anti
prohibitionists, thinking he was
only dead dru1111, and wishing to
cele1•ate 1)8,18 via 1y, carted the
(lett( 1utu1 about towel wi'h t flag
flying over the remains. 89(1)011 car-
ried tllie inscription : --"Prohibition.
111 died December '35." Ono cur
ions port of this (()fail' was that
Clarkson Has not a reformed drnuk
and, hilt a roan who ((2811 always
been s0her and enjoyed au excellent
reputation. 1111 the pipits who as-
sisted iu (11(1 crime have (nen ay
A Dublin, I.ralunl. propel' says :—
((11 !Monday last tho Groat I':r.,tero,
w'hlch 1; at present lyunt at the end
of the Noah \Vali, Wats the (nhject
of 1a keen ello1uutur b0(wecn the ad
Vo0ates "1 '1.'uu1peatuee and their op.
patients. An application 381112 made
to lir. 0'1l,,11•), Police lfagistrate,
'on tho part of the owners of the vas -
sol, for a his day hneeso to sell boor.
tine, 1w11 Spin's on board. It was
strenuously opposed by the Society
for tho Precrntl0o of lutenlperaaea,
and by a number of the clergy, both.
Protestant and Roman Catholic, in-
cluding, the
n -c uding,the eco APOlib)1110ps and a
number of .the ((•811ing citizens.
Tllero were a large number of Prot-
estant clergymen and gentlemen
connected with the Temperance
movement in Court, after hearing
the counsel representing the various
parties, witnesses fur and. against
the application 48010 0(8110(1. ,Among
the opponents was Archbishop
%dab, 1;1e said he 00(iro1)2 dhoti)•
proved of the t(pplicati,m. Ho ap'
prehe11dod that if a license wore
granted it would lead to drunken
2,1814 and 1enn0ra11t1'. At the close
of the case Mr. O'Donel refneerl the
application on the ground of the
general of the pl wa
(1111) ((8 11(11 roolnlings, ad 1 ai(0 dtog-
er to whielf persona would be expos-
ed it they obtained drink
00118(1001,» IN VS.
1lrandnu, 11(tH., tv'll b•, lighted by
1-1)ell Wit y oho("ly '
Sapphire bine and grey is an (g-
ladly., comb( oat ion.
0i111: •,1 all I , • t 1 .Ixw, 14(1
F1nudluio,( fit (8 ltrnhrollniu.
Egg 818)1181 08(1 (0 removed by
rubbing with enlnlll-,u 1Ono shit.
Ara recent (nuc lion Mu Opine
sup wheels were offered las favors.
Squares of gold loco are uu ox•
tremely uretty addition to it plus❑
A novel carie receiver is a poree-
bun pug dos, bolding in. his Menti
t1 bras, unlbiella.
Swab 1honnuwsserl (1(11101tld to
brans toboggans are among the pop-
ular oddities.
Lemonade, sets of Pomona 8111,+
have (1 novel frosted effect, and aro
refroshieg to behold.
Sgnare dinner plates grow 1n fat'
or, and the newest aro a plrfeot
study of artistic deem ati nl
An inkstand in perfect. imitation
of a silver fox, with a hoard of rich
ly chased silver, is a novelty.
The newest bottles for ar0•Otttle
salts aro mane of ailtione silver,
chased hi Etruscan designs.
J -p. 01.88 teapots, being a square
of copper with bamboo 1landlas, aro
to be the (11111(1 of a O'eluck to18.
Square lanterns, perfura(211 land
adulated with large opals and agates
of various colors, find unrivsOed
Italian wino jars ora hoar 1leeor.
Sled with fride-cut months or
bronzes, and fhui-:had 0.4'1 f:uluy
ribbon bows.
Spots of grease 1.11 ay be effectu-
ally removed from t111 mast deli•
alto fabric by the application of dry
buolcwnea( fiJitr.
A mtxturo of wetter and a little
common soda is said to posseel rare
effioacy in cleannw, old painted sur -
fact a for repainting.
Sprays of brass may be beauti-
fully frosted by (lipping them in a
solution of gum arable, and sprinkl-
ing them with powdered glass.
Dandles of unitaliou of antique
ivory are seen on ankle very elegant
toilet articles. Tito carving and
tinting are moat (artistic and pleas-
CtuIacliltu i®revv.74.
A Norlaual unuru.i (11)1.1 a ht;
bear In the wools last w.lulc, with
0110 brow of his axe. •
'elle salary of 511pe. 11')rfurd, of
the Canada, Southern, has ba ni iu•
caused to $1,(100 a ye(1)'.
John N. Zinkrn1uu, of \\'oilesloy,
shipped 418 iaekag81 of bitter to
Cardiff, in Wales.
The Galt saw worlds have- a large
order for for their lance tooth cross-
cut six's from 1110 Western States.
A (IOras In 131LIlIeboro' was (wised
will] lockjaw in consequence of a
nail running in one of 114 hind foot.
1. & J. Livingston., of Listowel,
pity $60,000 1t year to the G. T. r,
for freight upon goods received rlono,
Last week a barrel of apple( pass.
ed through Sarnia for China. Tlloy
were slipped front Guelph, (tad the
freight ryas $8.
A genuine native Japanese, Z.
1lorikosh, of Tokio, Japan was one
of the guests at the Grigg House,
London, 0(1 Friday.
Ex•Cbief Stewart, of Hamilton,
bas offered and it 11 understood will
accept, a (1001(10(1 las special agent
(detective) of the Baltimore & Ohio
The first annual exhibition of the
St. Thomas Poultry and pot Stock
rlssoOilatinu will bo held in 5t. Thom-
a. on the 18111, 19111, 'WOt(t rand 21st
of January,
7.'hu family of David JOueraux of
G1ouuloyer, were deprived of their
Christmas turkey, by having it stol-
on from the kitchen just after it will
W. M. Ecker, who was sono1101d
for two seal's for horse Stealing ill
klalahidth, has been found guilty of
u 11111 offence in .Norfolk county and
will stay in j ail an sate 1 yd.tr, (a, a
A. va)nablc horse buluugi,lg to W.
limens(( of Artomesia, 8912(5 If )11841 last
week while ill (ho amt of jumping
ever as forma by being pierced in the
body by a 0(1)18p pointed stake.
Seven sons of Joseph Siftou, wit,(
roshdes on (ho old Cioyliu how, Dun.
with, were in St. Thomas on (41on'
day end had had their photographs
taken in agroup. And such a group 1
Seven brothers whose total weight
represented 1,100 pounds, an aver•
age of 200 pounds each, and their
united height being 42 feet 0 inches.
an average of nearly six feet one inch
'1 (1S 1'01I '1A1LUEEIN(k 1
The undersigned *Wears to intimate
to the public that be has opened a tailor
shop in the Lost Office block, over Laird's
harbor situp, where leo is prepared to at-
ter.d to the wants of the public in witting,
toting and making clothing In the latest
and most 1000(018blo styles, Aly long ex-
tawiet0e together with a course of in-
818001iuu hider one of the best cutters in
1'0runto 1s a gnarante„ of being able to
do satisfactory work, Satisfaction Gear-
Cyr. a1. (i'AS• a.
Any amount of Money to Loan
on Farm or Village Pro-
perty at
Straight Loans with privilege
of repaying when required. Ap-
ply to
A. Hunter,
Division court Clerk, Brussels.
Money to Loan ou Fuxin Pro-
perty-, at
t'ltIVAT1'. AND C0151'ANT (4871)6,
J3russels, Ont.
L\1oNEY r 0 1OA.N,
of Private Funds have ,just boon
placed in iuv bands for In-
!Burrowers eau have their loans
complete in tire, clays if title is
Apply to E. E. WADE.
lEI bTl I8'EM Tll,
Da 0.13.\V1tsr'e`Jcl ve Mild -*rain Tront-
meut, a guaranteed specific for Hysteria,
Disshtens, Oouvuielo0s,'iso, Nervous, Non.
8038 1, Raa(lache.Narvoils Prostration caus-
ed by the use of alcohol or tobacou, Wake -
filth 040.montel Dep reasiou, Soften in g or the
Brain vomiting In insanity, leading to nlis-
ory,decay, mid death. l'tomatllro 0181 Age,
llareness, Loss of Po year L1 0lthor sox Invo1.
u.ntary Lse! and Spermotorrhwa os1:.od by
over-exertion of the ]train. self-abu so or
over-lndn111eno0. Each box 8001(ains anti
month's treatment. EL it box, or six taxon
for 51, stint by ma(1, propaid, on receipt 08
798 GUARANTEE 81)1 tt0$10
To Duro any case. With each ordor ('08018181
by us f ornix boron, accompanied with 8111, wit
W0100011 the purchaser our ,vrttt00 5100(80'
t'oo(o 70(01(11 ((IS money if 1110 treatment
does not affect a cure. (moron taco 83811e(1
onlyby Jan. 1{arcrnav00 20 00„ iln]ssals.
AT (131ilATLY
J'AN. 1.9, 1887
Brussels, - Ontario,
R,educed Prices r GH.ANG•E- OP PROPRIETORS.
Wo have on hand the following :
Laud Rollers, Plows, Harrows,
Scullion, Horse Powers; Straw
°utters,'Turnip Cutters, Grind-
ing o;' Chopping Mills, best
make, and 1 Good Second
Hand. Lumber Wagon.
\Vo have started it Planer
and Matcher to work, Parties
wishing to have .Lumber Dressed
and Matched, or Flooring sized.,
tongued and' grooved may rely
on getting first-class jobs on the
most reasonable terms.
Repairs of all kinds promptly
attended to at the .1300sslar,s
W. R. Wilson.
Loan & Investment Co.
This Company is Loaning Money •
on 1")(1'131 Security at :Lowe:s'
Mortgages Purchased.
8, 4, and 5 per cont. Interest
allowed on Doposits, according
to amount and time let.
OFFICE.—Corner of Market
Squnro and North Street, Godo -
horace Horton,
Steady Emplu7Jn(cut to (ail Men.
None need be Idle. Previous
Experience not essential.
We pay either Salary or Com-
IOQ len Wanted
To Canvas for the Salo of Can-
adian growls Nursery Stock.
The Fontliill Nurseries,
,Lltrgee in Canada,
Over 400 _dens.
Don't apply- unless you can
furnish first-class 135308011605, and
want to wort;,. No room for lazy
men, batt can oniploy any 110rn-
ber of energetic mon who want
Stone & Wellington,
Toronto, Ont.
$ 'w OF XIV? -
A now stock of )iuli'alo Robes,
Goat Robes, Horse .Blankets,
bells, \)/hips, &l).,
Watchmaker &
1 1� dJUST TO 6 -!AND.
rias on panel a splendid stock of Silver
and Gold 2111011 \Vetohos, also Cuff 111(1. .A. Splendid Assortment Of
tons, 0r01801os, 1 wrings, rent's Piens, Tr unkS)
Finger kings, 13011 Plato Vest Chains,
Nooklots, also a find assortment of wall.
nub and n10l101 Clooklt. in Steak.
8 "Repairing 1.oatly 11011 Promptly
1'1 soca ted,
QiII;P;N'H 1101'klf, (3L008.
(:TAS, J0 T. JS.
And Satchels,
' -e aro,
Having; leased the well known and splen`didly equipped Boller
]!'louring !Gill from Messrs, \\'m. Vaustollo 10 Sons for n • tern) of
said,s, WO desire to intimate) to the farmers of Huron Go. and t]ie
ptlblie) generally, that we aro prepared to turn out the best brand's of
Hour, loci( lifter tho-Gristing Trade, supply any quantity of Bnu'.,
Chopped stuff, &c„ and buy any quantity of Wheat.
The mill is recoguizod as one of the best in 1110 000nty and our
long oxporienee in this business Hives us confidence in saying We
guarantee satisfaction.
Flour and Feed Always on Hand.
Gristing and Chopping promptly attended to.
Stewart Sia Lowlo1,
ireair.CO •
STOVES ! St. () lrES ! i73TOVIES
4,GROIF1;,' EAR B.
Are to talc front this ]fall with a large and well selected stock of
Cooking, Box, Parlor, and Coal stoves. In cooking; stoves we wise]
to call Special attention to an entirely new line, ''T1183 000cINAr.,"
"THE WA1nioia KING," and the old reliable "\Vooe. Coon:," weighing
400 pounds. The "ILaacsAL PEIIINSrLAR" is a square mise burner, for
coal, that should 11e seen by every intending purchaser.
Lamps Lamps Lamps
Lamps and all general house furnishings always kept ill 510011.
Plated Goods a S'eoialty.
GI\1'. l"8 A CALL. Haycroft Bros.
® 13API.1) growing trade, what makes it tl '('1he pod will of buy-
-La- ars gained for ns by good Goods, low prices, square dealing and
conrteolis treatment, added to these our Enormous Stock of
Reliable, hirable, Depeiic
able Clothing,
consisting of nearly One Thousand Pieces of Tweed, in all Colors
and Styles. Every Garment ].Light. Every article warranted. No
misrepresentations made. We sell wool for wool and cotton for
You are asked to -day to pay your attention to 0nr
Immense ]Bargains in every quality, enormous stork ofchoice gouds.-
Naw Styles. Everybody can bo pleased. There will be no mis-
takes in talo weather from this out if you a1'0 in need 1)f a suit or
overcoat 110te 1.81 00 111110 to buoy it. Do not delay, it may prove
GENT'S Vii' U RN'JS1-IIN (:a S.
Our stock t1{' Gent's Furnishings is complete in every 'munch. Our
i1111i1011S0 stock of Hots, Caps, i?ndorwear, Mitts, Gloves, 'Ties, &c,,
that must be
leaned Out at Low Prices
to make room for Spring Stock.
We Lead, Others++Follow,
*toss n o s