HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1886-12-24, Page 7DAA, 24, 1886. gtay.eraitte C �Zrr�a�rr, Of the eixteon hundred or more commercial traveller in and about Montreal, it is said that 1t majority of thoni are total abstainers, and the proportiox: inoroasen each' year. A Chiang{o alderman, John Colvin, lute vacantly attempted to have the saloon lieensos rinsed to $1,000 a year for that city, His helium° has been rejected. At present the saloon lieensos aro $600, and 9,760 are is• sued at that rate, Sit Charles Crawford, the chief median" authority in the I3ritisb army, is of the opinion that the attitttte of the people of England is considerably, lowered by the use of alcohol. Thu ]poral statue of a good many are lowered by the satno agency. Sir William Harcourt, after the downfall of the late Gladstone Gov- ornment, Raid regarding the drink traffic, "A.lcohol is a poison in poli tics an 1t 1e It pale00 02 eoaiety. Tile drink question is ons of the groahost questions of the future." Ho clear- ly indicated that in future hie pos- ition would be with the totnperiation MO 51, At the leash sitting of the Renfrew County Court five coustablee were charged by License Inspector Mc donelcl with refusing to serve. stun nne11808 w Scott Aot cases. They pleaded guilty, and the .prosecutor net desiring to dress for punishment but simply to make their duty lfnowu to them, they wore bound in $100 • each to appear for jndgouteut when called upon, Throe have )'ince re. gigned. Rhode .Island is the latest of the American Staten to adopt prohibi- tion. The law went into foroe there!J on lin 1st of July, and the first few months' results nave bean very sat. ,1111 iehictury to ills, frith:de. It is report- ed that tate average Hunner of ar- rests for July for four previous years had (300 ; this year under !Ito new law, rho number was 2133. In Ang nst. 1835, there wore 647 arrests, and in August, '80 bat 849. Sep- tember, '86 had 008 arrests, and Septowber, '80, but 338. Tho Tol- edo Blake says, "Men who doubted its practicability arc nowiio staunch supporters,„ is tht 1.'r,l.vinea of Nova Scotia, more. than once half of the counties lave adopted the Srutt Act, and a hem) es haw for the baltioce of a very I s etre: gem. nature, lots been enacted I by the Pee:iucialLegi,I,,tare. Tho' new 1i0ettao law provides only for 1 sale i11 hotels to gloms, to be drank at ;noels or in their rooms, .Ptars aro net allowed, land drinking, other titan above stated, on the premises. Tho hours of prohibition aro from 8 in the evening till 7 in tho morning, and on Saturday evenings. at 6. An i applicant of license meet obtain the consent of council of the municipal. ity land of two thirds of the rate pay.ere of the polling district. The pen- alties aro also made heavy. Shops aro )allowed to sell from a pint up ward, not to be consumed on the premises, and wholesale liceneos for quantities of not lase than 16 gal. lone. THE BRUSSELS epranfeeetrartnesteSeneramoirmaimreenfOuistuEsiosseforeorreemsessearevierrealninnt Stains ou wood fain Ito removed with strung v 'iticgar or malts of lata - 00, Leatller (their seats natty be t'oviv. ed by rubbing ilium with well beat- en white of ogg, Sandpaper will whiten ivory kuifo handles, that may have be.ago.come yellow with 1180 of ago. 'White paint that has two=0ii. colored may be nicely 0lettn3d by using a little • whiting' in the water for washing, A brilliant black varnish for irou stoves and firopleosu is made by stirring ivory -black into ordinary shellac varnish. A good oe,nont for china is 0111111.ary carriage:tartish. If put to- gether neatly the fracture will be hardly perceptible, and it is not af• fooled by water'. Galvanized iron pails aro riot do hirable receptacles for drinking wet - or. The zinc cotatiug us quickly of footed by the water, forming a pots 00005 oxide of zinc. For cleaning brasses belonging t, mahogany furniture use either' powdered whiting or srraped rot en. stone, mixed with sweet otl, and rub on with aullanois skin. A window open aslight distance both top Land bottom, and a °him noy draugnt also open, ,ire the only sure ways of peeping pure air in ,t sleeving room whims doors are clot - 00,, Vinegar is better than ice for keeping fish, 13y putting a little vinegar o0 the fi-rh it will keep per- fectly well oven in very hot womb- at.. Pieh is often improved in flav- or ander this treatment. To prevent polished skeet from rusting, after cleaning, and when not in one, tanto it oluuh, .vitt) a very little swoot oil on it, mud wipe the articles over so as to slightly but evenly oil the surface. Steel knives whioti aro not le general neo may be kept from rusb- 1ng if they aro dipped iu a strong solution of soda— one part water to tour of soda ; then wipe dry, roll in flanuol, and keep 1015 a dry place. Flowers of sulphureprinkted on a hat shovel and the fnmos inhaled while they are fresh will cure cold in the bead. 0. teaspoonful of sul- phur is ouff3oient and does not ono se disagreeable sensations. G RATNS 0.10 GOIA . The man who .pardons disap- points his foe. Injustice is very herd to bear. Yet wo must all learn to expect it, and to suffer it as calmly as we oan. Friendships aro never completed till men aro bound to each other by the annllnoil experiences of sorrow. • lien often attempt, by the light of season, to discover the myeteriee of eternity. They might as well hold up tL caudle lo see the stars. The sire of an evil tongue must be done at the heart. The weights and whets are there, and the clock strikes according to their motion. Don't be frightened if misfortune stalks into your tltltnbte habitation. She sometimes takes the liberty of walking .into the prosencteehatnbor of kings. • Many a true heart that would have Rinne back, lilcip rho dove in the ark, after its first transgression has boon frightened boyond recall by the savage natnro of an nntorgiving spirit. 13o Pnuetuttl--1( you deb{ro to on joy lira, avoid unpnuctual Perseus. They impede business nod poison pleasure. Make it your owl, rule not duly to bo ponctuai, but a little 1:aortahand, • HOUSEHOLD DIETS. In cleaning silver iterosono may bo used with advantage. Carpets may bo brightened by 'lusting with a damp flannel mop. o Epg stains may bo removed by in rubbing with common table salt. 1$ Canadian. No'ao-0s. Ono woman in Sydney threw tones at auothor'e "lady duck," the palter retaliated by throwing tttonos tat the duc't's assailant and for so doing, and a variety of other faults, was fined $,12.25. The following °tutus tho number of miles ridden by six membere of the Stratford Bicycle Chub during the season of 1880 :—C. J. Wade; 2025 ; A. J. Watson, 1520: 0. P. Smith, 1495 ; J. McFadden. 1442 . F. 0. Hyde, 1200 ; 11. McBnin, 740. Tho closing exorcises of the Tor- onto Normal School took placo (fri- day night. The report of the ex- aminers showed that 82 ladies and 37 gentlemen had passed their ox - amination. Twenty ladies and 14 gentlemen had received certificates, grade "A." The Prinoe of Wales' gold medal ;raw wow by W. B. Smith. Ten students failed to satisfy the examiners. On the 18411 of November 'last a couple of colts strayed from the premises of M. Moyer, con. 2, Dere- ham, They were first traced to the aoutro aide road, Dorchester, and from thonoe to Belmont. From Belmont they were followed to St. Thomas and from yhore to Fingal, whence they were followed to Ioui a, thonoe to Dutton and from ttturo t; Dlinwiah township, near Obatli tan, where they wore founts 80 miles from where, they started. Groat interest wan taken in Wood- stock in the sale of the late joint Forbad' horses, ou Wetiuosday, Red a number of eportsmot were there from different parts of tho Suites and Canada to ttttonci the sale. 'Tho prices fetched woro coneiderod good. Tome Ralph, the trotted', wear for $476 to 13. S. Wright, or Miltue.tff- olie ; Maumee, 11 brood mare, went. to Jno. Scott, of Galt, for 5840, and Gssivoutrees, tlnottlor brood man, to Goo. li'orbea'' of Cleveland, for $120, Bonuio Bird Wad bought by ;folio .Gentlriu, of Hamilton, for 000. Three halt bred yearlings, by btru- ohino, brought only $240, while the other runners sold its follows ;— . Oliver, 8 yours by 13ullion, out of Experiment, B. Wright Miurtsttpol• is. $510 ; Hurry Cooper, '2 yours, by Long Taw, out of Maumee, A.. E. Gatos, Toronto, $500, Duko, It, Bond, Toronto, $500; Wood- stock, 8, yours, Mr, Hilgour, Tor- nto, $140; a bay filly, by Strach- o, out of Maumee, John Scott, 225. l`IIJa 1'0.1 1',U1LOLiLNtl The undersigned bogs leave to intitnnto to the public that the lets 'panel is tailor shop in the Poet Officio bluok, over Laird's burner ehog,,whore be is prepared to at- tend to Ilia wants of the pabtioincntting, flbting and making olothing in the latest trod moot fashionable etyius. Aly lung eX.- pnrieuca together with n euurso of in- strnotion audetr ono of do bot r..uatin in Toronto is n guarftnlou 0 b>ting able to do satisfactory work S itieraetio:l eluar- anteed. t(�a e.1. i ',[+zeg. Al ONE TC LOAN. Any amount of fslotioy to Loan on Farm or Village Pro- perty at (3 cC PERCH NT. YEARLY., Straight Loans with privilege of repaying when regtiircd . Ap- ply to A, H anter, Division Cou1f Clerk, Brussels. 01,13:Y 'TO LOAN. 3fo11ey to Loan ou 1?it,rin Pro- perty, at LOWEST it i.T'I S.2 1'ata'fA'ra .9.513 (1015015030 511033310. ; ;W. B. DICKSON,l Solicitor, J3rnssols, Ont. ONL1 TO [JOAN. PRIVATE FUNDS. of Private Funds have ,just boon placed iu my lta,ads for 111- vostmetlt. AT 7 PER CENT. i3orrowers can have t11oii' loans complete in tht'ou rlltys Utak: is satisfactory. Apply to E. t", WADE. HEALTH 18 HAITI An 0. 11. ww'r.6T's'ie,vn and Brain nest' meat, to guaranteed spat11u for Hysteria' Disalnene, 0ouvo181oue, Vita, Nervous, Not' ralgta, aeadaoho.Norvons erostrstlon emus' odbythousonr 0,1uo1101 or to b.00c a, 5V,sto' fatnosi, uut,nral 1). p roast no, 53 ftoniug of aha Benin teaultin150 nsnnity, loading to nth' ory, decay,and death. Ylemrtttiro 01d Age. narouoss, 005 of ['fluor in ettner hos,I0vol- ubtary Looses and epermotnorb tea caused by over-exertion of the !train, self-abuso or ovar-ludulgouoe. Hach box contains One mouth's tr,oi0ant. 31 a box, 0r 0111 boson for 80, s 015 by m10, prepaid, on (anoint of price. WE t.i'.&3tt1'I'3:ai SIX ttONESS To cure ,any case. With oath order r000tvod by us fornix bones, sow ln monied with eu, WO Will sand tho purchaser our writtou gnash. Imo to rotund tho 10000y if lho treatment does not effect to Duro. Oinranteas issued onlyby Juo.'liargraavas 0 00, nrus sols. rTA. S. (TONES, Watch .a :eel 8Z; J ewele n 11as on itancl .a splendid eteek of Silver and (Gold 111101 tVatoboe, oleo Cat nut. 50119, liroadwi, 1'aarht;n, C,ent's Pins, Finger Mogi, !till flute Vent Chains, Necklets, also is One asnrLneint of wall-, nut, and niokol twleeka, r✓ Repairing; Neatly Rad Prontlntly 1'1sooatod. Cai13911N' 3 1(0'101, 13rioox. JAS. LION -MS. POST rtl11fW nra,A4tk AtRI'Yu6tk, N2-11.1 I ON AL ROLLER MILLS. A'P GREATLY Reduced nacos ducos ! We have on hand the following : 'land ]Rollers, Plows, Harrows, Scul'liet'n, Horse Pawvcrs, Straw Cutters, T'tunip (,titters, Grind- ing or Chopping Mills, best make, and 1 Good Second Hand Lumber Wagon, TA.KE NOTICE. Wo havo started tt Planer and Mitteltor to work. Parties wishing to have ?:lumber Dressed and Matched, or Flooring sized, tongued and grooved may rely on getting first-class jobs on the host reasonable: terms.' Repairs of all kinds promptly attended to at the Bnuss77ts FOUNDRY. W. R. Wilson, FIURON ANI) 131WC11; Loano& Investment Co. This Company is Loaning Money on Farm Security at Lowssr IR:w'rp.s or INTEREST. :l[3lrtgageh Purchased. SAVINGS BANN BRANCH. :e• 8, -t, autl 5 par cent. Interest allowed on Deposits, according t0 amount and time let. OFF/OB.—Corner of Market Square and North Street, tUtode- ricb. horace Horton,' 3D.NAm:1x, AGENT.; WA NITA: Steady I' mp,lor/t!I3 )3 f tt Gnarl lieu. None steed ho Idle. Previous Experience not essential. We pay either Salary or Com- mission. 100 lien i'aI1ted To Canvas for the Sale of Can- adian grown Nursery Stock. TIie foothill Nurseries, Largest in (](Biala, Over 400 :Ivies. Don't apply unless you can furnish first-class Fi,efereni,os, and want to work. No room for lazy men, but can employ tiny num- ber of energetic men who want work. ADDRESS Stone di Wellington, V1trsdn1mei., • , To)'g11t0, O1)t. ,svair or vac 'COTOJI COLL, 11l•JJ1 §73A new stock of Buffalo "lobos, Goat Robes, Horse :Blankets, Bolls, Whips, ips, &c., • JUST TO HAND. A Splendid Assortment of Trunks, Valises, in Stock. Brussels, Ontario. CHANGE OF PROPRIETORS. Having leased the well known and splendidly equipped l:ioller Flouring Mill trona Messrs. Win. Vanstone t"L Soule 11»' 11 1('1.1)1 of years, we desire to intimate to the farmers of Huron Co. att:ut the public generally, that we are prepared to turn out the best. 11t;lnds of• Flour, look after the Gristing Trade, supply any quantity o]' Bran,, Chopped sniff, &c,, and buy any quantity of Wheat, The mill is recognized as one o1' the hest in the County and our long esperienec in this business gives us confidence in saying we guarantee satisfaction. Flour and Feed Always;on Hand. Gristing and Chopping promptly attended to. 0. CAtt. Sonieirrn. Stewart BB Lorick, c011100 �x'ems�wa aw• PROPRIETORS. STOVES ! STOVES ! -:HTOVFS ! Tkit. -ta' qui R ' 1 '1.7 1 .ym- `,"'•..v, .05 Axe to the front this Fall with a large and well selected steel: of Cooking, Box, Parlor, and Coal stoves. In cooking stoves w(, wishto nail Special attention to an ontsrely new line, "TItn emoixAi " "Tun IVAnntion KING," and the old reliable "Woos) COOK," weighing 400 pounds. Tho "Bao,ti, PENINsuaAIt" is a square Meso burner, for coal, that 513001d be seen by ("Very intending purchaser. Lamps 6amps Lamps Lamps and all general house furnishings always kept in stook. Plated Goods at Specialty. GIVE 17$ A CALL. HOLMES' BLOCK. aycroft Bros. 88 BRO,, C 1lAPID growing trade, what makes it) The guocl ;will r,f buy - • cos gained for us by gond Goods, low prices, square de:tiling and courteous treatment, added to these our Enormous Stock of Reliable, Durable, Dependable Clothing, consisting of nearly 0110 'Thansand Pieces of Tweed, in all Colars and Styles. Every Garment Right: Every article wai'i'anted. No misrepresentations mode. We sell wool for wool and cotton for cotton. You aro asked to -clay to pay your attention to ono OVERCOAT STOOK. Ian sense :Bargains ill every quality, enormous shock of,:hoicegoods. Now Styles. Everybody cult be ploased. There will bo rn luis- takes in the ww•r atlter from this out i1' you tiro in need of tt suit 'or overcoat now is the time to buy it. Do not delay, it may prove. dangerous. S 1r` . Otto stock of Gent's Furnishings is complete iu every branch. Onr immense stock of Hats, Caps, Underwear. M•itts, Glows, Ties, &C., that :Mist be Cleared Out at Low Prices And Satchels. to hake 0310101 for Spring Stock. --- GIVE MId A. CALL. E. Dennis.. We Lead, Others Follow. i1hetes.