HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1886-12-24, Page 6•
, "I've come to asst a favor of you,"
Dlrgtory of �Ilarollas and a4lot1ost i said Mrs. Pit/eine to the minister,
"Sally is very
restless and ,1 can't
ET.vli-t,s C aurum.—Sabbflth eterviees1 ct 120,, to bleep,*'Yo d ou Tend
at 2:30 p. ntiil lieu pdohaSltussy 1L
M ' me one of yousermons to read to
pastor. her ? 'fhat will fix her I know."
'KNOx C'nGLotX.--R. albatlt Services at 11 rein cannot /twist niter t114 patient has
m.m and stud i l(? },nl. Sunday t'iabpol kmagic. coin I Do netfbe fnducel tointakelaa,
at WO p.m. leer S. ,Tones, pastor:I substitute, but insist upon having West's
rSir, tt wa l Xrt c ir.--rebtoth Services Pole Ting. Genuine sold by J. Hrtrgrt«vos
at 11 t. .:n.ova p n Sunday School nt fi Codruggists.
9:10 a 1.m. W. 1. Cluff, incumbent. Weary ai'}' b:•ain, worker -4(y brain
Vey ester t u--Sabbafb Services ie so tired I nigh I Knew of none
10;.1.1 matt tn:1 0:90 p, nt. Sunday
School at'' ;00 p.nt. iter. W. Smyth, eller solitude in whish no hying thing
pastor. intrudes, to which I might retire to
'ROMAN CATIOLIO enrueu..--Snbbath rest. Sympathetic friend—I can
Selviee third Sunday in every month, at show you au yid roller dieting roll:.
11 a.m. ROA% I 1 sham, priest. "If my dog dose' bite anything,"
ODD 1'CLl.ntt s LOoOtt every Thursday
is lained a Grittiot avenue saloon,
evening in Graham's bleak.p
1Llsosn• Lepton Tuesday at or before 1st, '!oltferybodt say he tints no
full moon in the Garfield block, good. If he bites eompnily. lien
'3rdA0Iondnv eveningof each moist .O. W. Lopor meeta nn 1st and Daft r ebody says he meet be hilted.
P'panETL'e.'N. Loose 'and and loot Monday rissole to me dot dog dean' get some
evenings of each month in Simile's ball, fair show "
L. U L. 1st ilonday in every mouth in OfleQuregor•L 5artIc's Citeltolle Comte.
()mot hall. Baro you an old Sore, Cut, Burn, Bruise,
Poor Ovrier..—tlfbCe hours from 8 a.m. s°1100(15 nu ds or at lbce ln'II ohs' te'ro le bat
to ', ;,i.ni. Due cure, nannoly, ftfsGrognr & Parke's Car.
um:tte:ea' Iserier'rr Iteadlog* Room belie Cecatn, tl you but try. 00, it trill Cnra
and Library in Holmes' Mock, will bo Linea you. It eerie but lige. at llurgreavoe;
rug stern.
open from U to o'clock c.ni. �iSons day. The thickness of the human
and Satnrlay.. hiss Jessie hoes, Lib -
00010l. hair. varies from tho 2ii0ti to the+.
000th pactof au ill e',, but when it
man gets one in hip, tX,''rtll, via the
butter, he is almost r.ilti' g to swear
that it la thick no a strand • f the
Atlantic,: cable.
Professor (to students)—Pray gn
on smoking, it dosn't annoy me in
the least ; on the contrary, I like to
oro others enjoy it. It is the same
with tobacco as with hay; I don't
eat ally myself, huts am delighted
to watch others enjoying it.
Thousands owe their rocovnry from
Rheumatism to West's World's Wander or
Family Liniment. It is conceited • every.
whereto be the best .known remedy for
Rheumatism, nuts, Bruises, Sprains, Burns,
Scalds, nue all diseases requiring external
applioation, Prior LS ccnto and 50 centuk+er
bottle. Sold by John nargrc,voe R Co
After the clerk had pulled down
every thing in the store without
satiefylug his customer, a woman,
himif there was anything.
ails melted 1
else ho had n'+t shown bor. "Yes,
ma'tue," he sand, "tile cellar. ; if'you
1 wirll it I will have that brought up
acid shown to you."
Iu chemistry the bent way to sep-
crate two bodies is to introduce a
third. The Raimo holds true in other
departments. To increase the dis
lance 1-0twee II ttpair of lovers all
that's required is to let *Willie walk
into the "back parlor" with a light-
ed candle in his hand.
SSoGreger's Secede' Carr.
When we say McGregor's Speedy Cure is
Oho only perfect cure for Dyspepsia., I icor
Oomllalute,Indigeetion , mud impure Blond,
wee aro toning the plain foots, of which bun
dredsupon hundred's can testify, who have
been restored to perfect health by its use.
wowould therefore advise you strongly i
you aro subject to any of tho above troublesf
togivo McGregor's Speedy Cure a trial and
be oanvinoed. It is sold. it 500. and $1.00
bottles a0 Hargreaves & 0 o's. Drug Store,
The law of gravitatton.—Tho class
in natural philosophy was bring ex-
amined by Professor Snore. ''•Oau
you give an illustration of the law
of gravitation ?" "Yea," responded
Tom Anjery, on of the students. "If
a letter weighs more than half•an.
ounce it coats double postage."
A fair and buxom widow who had
buried three husbands recently went
with a gentleman, who in hie young-
er years had paid her marked atten-
tiou, to inspect the graves of her
dear departed. After contemplating
them in morneful silence, she mut.,
mured to her companion :--"Ah,
James, you might have been In that
raw now if yott had only had a little
more courage 1"
STnemSn0D, Juno 0,' 51.
For several years I was greatly
troubled with asthma, ecmetimes
having to sit up seven or eight
nights in summate'', table to
sleep and almost unable to
breathe. A friend recommended
Dr, jug's ,llodfcinc and Pills. Tbo
first bottle gave great relief. and
after using els bottles was cured.
and ono now sloop and work ea well es over.
• PATRO',I''LANr1AN, Farmer, Downie.
Sold by G. A. Deadman.
A sleeper is one who sleeps. A
sleeper is that in whioh the sloopei
sleeps. A sleeper la that on which
the sleeper which carries the sleep-
er while he sleeps rune. Therefore
while the eleeper sleeps in the sleep.
sr the sleeper carries the eleeper over
the sleeper under the sleeper .until
the sleeper which oarriee the sleeper
jumps oft' the sleeper and wakes the
eleeper in the sleeper by striking the
sleeper under the sleeper, and there
is no longer any sleeper sleeping in
the sleeper on the sleeper. •
Cttmaaiun leave .
The :atc.t piece of slang is New
York city is "foddering up."
1t costa money to advertise, hat
it costs more not to advertise.
Some merchante give short weight
to certain cu' -touters, it is said, be.
oanoo they have long waits for their
Eta OR 'Vizir Guard.
Don't allow a cold in ibo head to slowly
and surely develop itself into Catarrh, when
you onn t,a sure l for 100, A fvvr applications
wilt cure inetpions Catarrh. Ono or two
boxes will euro ordinary Oatmeal'. Ono to 5
bolos will corn chronic Catarrh. Try Dr.
Chase's Cuundian Catarrh. Curo—itwilt cure
Never does a man believe NO strong
in the nttrections of gravitation as
when he sits down en it curie and
find 1; gone.
'ahoy do not say "etoluach ache"
111 Boston. ''Gastric neuraigio" 1n
the proper word, lint it• gets there
all the same.
writer in a Baltimore paper
tells "How to make a Poultice."
How to wear one and look stylish is
the greater conundrum.
A boot Mack at. Salt Lake, Utah,
challenges attention by a sign on
which is inscribed this legend : Boots
biecleened at a sacrifice:
A Prontable Mire.
Mew men have accomplished the snore
amount 00 work and good in this world as
the celebrated Dr. Chase. Over 00,000 of his
works have been Enid in Canada alone. We
want every person troubled with Livor
Cbrpinint, Dyspepsia, Ffoadaohe Sidney or
'Urinary Troubles, to Dun Irl at rear dyuggist
and buy a bottle of Dr. Chm'm's Liver Curo,
iO will sure you, Medicine and Recipe Book
for $1.00.
It is said women dress extravag-
antly to worry other women. A
man who dresses extravagantly gen,
e1•ally worries his tailor.
An Irish paver, in describing a
dnel at Waterford, says that one of
the ootnbatants was shot through
the fleetly part of the thigh hone.
First Wayfarer -Well, but if you're
a Dublin man, how can you be born
in Cork ? Second ditto—Sure it Was
just this, I was staying there at the
Mineral Polson.
Nothing but pure extracts from plants and
roots are used 1n preparing McGregor's Lung
Oomponnd, the modern and now popular
remedy for oongha, Colds, Bronchitis. Croup,
AOthm.t and all affections of the Throat,
Lungs, and Cheat. All mineral poisons and
dangerous substances are avoided, which
renders it sato for children or adults. Sold
at 500. and $1.00 per bottle at IIargroavea &
'Oo's. drugstore.
At Atlatna,.Ga., has been found an
association of young ladies who
are sworn to do everything in their
power to abolish the "parlor b eau"
This is the glorious season of the
year when you wear an overcoat ono
day, a thin coat the second, a por•
nus plaster the third, and a doctor's
bill the fourth, .
A physician bating directed one
of his patients to bathe a wound in
tepid water, the patient sent his
little girl to the drtig store with a
note, saying please sell bearer ono
' halfpintof tepid water.
Tile Last Tear 2880,
After the abovovocals ended thor0 nand
beppo pore011 guffering from nh.aumatlem,
or analgin,Toothach0 8ondaohe, Lumbago,
Or any, of Fluid
i f 1:hey only res ins ee a
bottle of Pl�id Ltghtning, ae it cures instant -
17, Pain cannotLightning,
used. The
runt's io.Elgi , Lightning, said by Ono. 1(07.
.grntrvog& 0o:, drngsigte.
"Did pen carry that prescription
to old Mrs. Smith last night 2" said Oampbsllford has a yoke of oxen
the doctor to the office boy. "Yes which weigh 8,660 lbs.
'sir," "Did she take it 2" "Yes, 'Of 2,700,628 passengers carried
•sir.'• "How do yott know ?" "Crape dhring the year by tho Michigan
• on the door this •morning." Central and Oanada Southern rail -
"I am going to become a mss- road only seven were injured and
iiouely," she said, as she gazed, at four killed. A. good record.
flim with a why don't•he-ask-mejto George Whitfield, tho youngster
taarryhim expression on hor face. who constructed the bomb that was
Loolting down upon her, he r'epliecl. exploded recently at the North
.Don't yen think you bad better be- Ward night school, in Brantford,
gin on a 110 •-thenThey were has been sentenced by Police Mages-
married in the spring, under; the trate Weyina to six mouths in the
spreading cticstilnt teres, Central.
Three of the young alligators
brought from Florida by the Kuighte
of Pythias who met in Toronto, aro
alive nod flourishing at Markham,
Knox Otlurch, Kincardine, is now
being heated by etenm, '1 complete
apparatus having Imola placed in the
building at all expense of $1,000.
At Peter Marshall's farm, South
Dumfries, t • o mon loaded lip twee.
ly loads of turnips per hour for
eight ooutinuoue hours.
One of the workmen 50 Naugst•
tuck foundry gets an occasional
dime front miters, who think
worth that to see him plunge his
bare hand in the molten iron again
and again, with n0 hal'(11
One day recently while a cow bo•
ouging to Joseph Hall, Reeve of
Warwick town..bip, wail reselling
Pr tougno through a crack: in a box
stall in which wee Mr. Hall's Lard
Heade stallion, the horse seized the
cow's tongue with his teeth and
tore it out by the roots. The cow,
which wee email $6O, had to bo
A farmer reeitliug near (Minton,
toile that he noticed a swallow hang -
in g sn:+peud•:d front a rafter in his
barn, and as he cattld trot see itul'
reason for it hallgutg there, he took
the trouble of climbing up to find
out. The bird had apparently, beet)
building its nest, unci 111 using
hov'eo :wait' by some means it had
coiled around tho swallow's neck,
end strnugled it.
liiram *Walker, the wealthy 'dis-
tiller of 'Vtalhorville, near Windsor,
has left for an extended trip in a
private palace car. He oharttred
the special palace car "Wanderer"
expressly Inc Mr. *Walker's party
and :man red for it to bo run
through from Detroit to San Fran-
cisco. The car wits designed by
i11r. Vanderbilt for his own personal
two, and is Duo of the fiuoas in die
country. Itis fitted up tvitll private
state rosins, Largo dining saloon, ob-
servation room, kitchen, etc., with
electiie bells throughout and 10 ru
pleb with every comfort and insury
that modern ingenuity can suggest
lir. Walker's family accotnpauies
A end shooting accident ocetlt'.ci
at O:trgill Bruce county last Thera
day morning. It appears Joseph
Jobnenn, of Consargowan, went into
tale boarding horse, under the in•
fiuenco of liquor, and Johnoon and
Urich got into an argument about
nationality. Mr. Jicltlieg, propriet
0r of the hordiug•lionre, wanted to
get Johnston out of lila house, and
pieked up what he euppoted to be
au empty gun, put a small charge
of powder in it, planed a cap on it
and beetled it to one Griffith, wile
happened to be there, and told him
to scare tho oicl man, Ceriffiith plao
ed the gun on the bar and vrithin a
few inches of Johusou'e back and
fired. Johnson dropped instantly
and never spoke after. The Phot
took effeot just below the ' shoulder
blade. Both men have given them
selves up.
X73. RI 1! YE487.
knonnosmonit for the Coaling You,
Grip is now so wellknown as to esquire
vary little of either description or praise.
It is the
and it is furnished at about one-half the
price of similar journals in the United
States, Grip's Cartoons, in addition to
being strictly impartial when they refer
to polities, are always Doi the side of pat.
riotism and morality.
The lab's improvements aro universally
admired. The journal is enlarged to 16
pages, and it is printed upon heavy toned
and woll;calendered paper. This gives
both the engravings and the letter -press
a beautiful appearance. And, notwith-
standing this enlargement and improve-
ment, the price of Grip is
(the prioe it commanded when but a four
page sheet.)
Do not bo without this favorite Caned.
iso Cartoon Paper. Its price places it
within the reach of all.
Ali(lreas the GRIP PRINTING AND Pun-
Llsnrsc Co., 28 and 28, Front Street West;
Toronto. Now subscribers, sending $2,
will receive the paper the balance of 1886,
and to Mat December, 1887,
:-' /toJ1 :,yt'i"I(y/PIS /l8•
say',01y e:c/,o%n p c0/Dry
_4 vrrl�irr /
Ogee -
^i E1 TLEMAN -WANTED '1'0 11
represent n len.+inq1'+ r.h Ii Tiro In- .
PumiceCn. 111: 131.1dd,r,� tncpcctor
Ii os 440. Toronto. !Mt.
1, of the nm'ersignod lot 20, coo. 15, (fru0,
n0 or about Nov, 10th, n white ahnarli u.•
Ott 111. MI =nor 10 requested to prove pro-
ve 00 y-, pay 11'../1 11(11,11 11,0,1 take him awry.
23.0 'r,. ,,rind P.11
Infallible Blood Purifier, Tonic, Diuretic
boss of Appetite, Lodigeatlon, Dyspepsia,
Biliousness, Jaundice, Liver Complaint,
Rheumatism, all Kidney Disonees Scrofula,
Diseases peculiar to Females, Salt Rheum,
Townie and all Skin Dieea sea, 8oadnoho,
Palpitation of the heart, Solo Stomach end
Monet Burn. Pmely Vegetable.
lbei C. wear ti Co„ Toronto, Ont.
What Made Him Happy.
Much to buy and little to spend,
The wants of his family had no. end.
A briilianthought popped into his head,
Try the Leading House, it said.
When ho reached the door and looked within
Our big assortment made him grin.
There were best new goods, pile after pile
And he felt himself compelled to smile.
Our prices ho found were cheaper by half
Which pleased him so he had to laugh.
There was nothing he saw he could not afford,
Wo gave him such Bargains he. fairly roared.
We laugh, you laugh, everybody, laughs who sees our grand Assort-
meat of Boots & Shoos. Ready made Clothing, Hats,
Caps and Gent's furnishings, &a:, &c.,
which we offer for the next
30 days at
our present low prices in order to reduee our stock and make room
for our large stook of Boots and Shoes in Wingham, which we in-
tend to bring here on 1st January next.
DEC, 2o1, 1886.
tieBook Store.
11tt8 Ethnic ft, Special Effort to
place within the easy reach of
the Public a splendid assortment
of goods suitable for Christmas
Trees, Presentations, Gifts, &c.
Otto stock is mode up of Beau-
tiful Plush, Leather and Cloth
bound Photo, Scrap and Auto-
graph Albums. Splendidly bound
Family and Pocket Bibles. Toy
books from 6 cents up. Miscel-
laneous books containing inter-
esting stories, readings and tut -
ecdotes from 10 cents up.
Our Animals are just to hunts.
We have
GIRL'S " "
13A13YLAA 1),
,'PIH? 1'1(i%E,
and a number of other books.
Toy Department.
To enumerate all We have in
this line would take IT too much
space lout you will find Drums,
Guns, Horses, Wagons, Trains,
Meehanical Toys, Dogs, Rubber
Goods, Shell Goods, Work Boxes,
Money Boxes, 'Trumpets, Horns,
Whistles, Blocks, Tools, Toy
Watches and Clocks, Sets of
Dishes, 'Rattles, Paints, Dolls in
ill Varieties, Authors, Dominoes,
nucl hundreds of other articles.
Musical instruments I
In musical instruments we
have a large stock of Harmoni-
cas, imported from Germany;
ItLetalaphonos, Concert Flutes, a
a new style of instrument, Jew's
Harps, &c.
A Call will satisfy you as to
our stock.
Handsome range of China
Cups and Saucers sold at low
prices. ,
Httnclsleighs, Rocking Horses,
Carts, "Wheelbarrows, >Cc.
Nothing charged for inspecting
our goods and getting Our prices.
All tho School Books always
is Well assorted and consists largely of the most staple and Season on band, also a large stock of
paper, envelopes, &e.
SPECIAL L'itI+ltIUml 01+k'JER., able Goods, andsold at
X111 subscribers to Grip, new or old, are
entitled to a copy of the eadeii sent lith. pp that will
l ,�, 'ake Toil
ograph "Conservative Leaders," or the - 'SCP �,to r m tRn
tho companion plate "Liberal Leaders,"
shortly to be published, on payment of 5
coats fox postage.TIM POST POST AN)) GRIP
trill be furnished to subscribers, by spec.
al lrrttngotnont with the publishers ,of
thenulatter. Journal, both paper's for only
aPPY- Give °Eh a Call.
I"0 R, 30 IDA-STS
AT S 01\1 -111Y. 1\ 1-I .