The Brussels Post, 1886-12-24, Page 44 TI -IE BRUSSELS POST emoloomPuutemetaffsons 'L''leutiot- 1'.nht. Armstrong, Lleotion- -1 b \r•lnstrong. Painting fr it ..L Rosa. Dea.lm."i, Loc. --PosT Pub. Douse. Hall to Let..Wm. Vanston° Found --fore Pub. House. Yarns Cleo, Howe. • �i 0112c 4111115%eI ll3 t, Fan),11-, rlr':(•. 24, 1t Sh. 11011' 1'00V 61'.tND ON 11 .: 'CEII- I'Ell ASU'r: (1 FS Bethany Rev. A, Y. Hartley, of Blue - vale, President of the East Huron Scott Act Association, put the following ques- tions to Thos. Gibson and Thos. E. Hays the two candidates in this riding : 1—Are you a total abstainer from all intoxicating liquors ? 2—Did you vote for the Scott Act ? 3—If cleated will you use your infin. ance to have the Scott Act thoroughly enforced ? Mr. Gibson gave hie answers in writing over bis siguatore, as follows t 1—"I am" 2—"I did," 3—"1 will." Mr. Bays refused to sign any pledges. Grov Council. Council met at Tuck's hotel, Craubrook Deo.'17th,pursnant,to adjournment, mom• berg were all present, Reeve in the chair. Minutes of last meeting rend nud approv- ed. Metter waa read from Darling Mabee, Barristers, in behalf of Hiram White, protesting against the payment of a ditch on lots 18 and 19, eon. 11, under an award made by Lewis Bolton, and subsequently let by john Harbottle, un- der the provision of the Ditches and Wat- ercourses Act, 1883. Wm. Bishop, As - eased, and John Harbottle, Engineer, both handed in their resiguation. Moved by jamas MODonald, seconded by Walter Oliver, that both resignations be accept- ed. Carried. The following accounts were handed in and ordered to be paid Thomas Strachan, attending to Council business, 380 ; Walter Oliver, attending to council business, 344 ; Edward Bryans attending to council, 345 ; Jas. McDon- ald, attending to council business, 340 ; Thos. Ennis, attending to council busi- ness 389 `. Win, Spence, salary as Clerk, 3130 ; Wm. Spenoe, postage and station- ary, 324.30 ; Wm. Spence, , extras on Ditches and Watercourses Act and Board of Health, 380 ; Thos. Strachan, Wm, Bishop and Win. Spence each 54 for se- lecting jurors ; A. Raynrann, Joseph Armstrong and Thos. Strachan each 1:2 for attending Board of Health meeting ; Wm. Cook, gravel, 51.80 John Mead- ows, ows, inspecting gravelling Grey and Morris, Grey shore. 30.50 ; Wm. Clark, gravelling and inspecting on boundary Grey and Morris, 5350 ; Itobt. Coutts grading at lots 80 and 31, con. 11, and ditching and culvert, lots 29 and 80. con. 12,$(0.60 ; J. W. Fisher, plank and repairing two culverts lots 20 and29, con. 8, 32.50 ; John K. Baker, undorbrushing road, lots 31 and 33, con. 8, 35 ; Loci Panabaker, ditch across road, lot 22, eon. 12, 75c. ; S. Shannon, balance of account between Groy and McKillop onboundary, use. ; Alex. McNair, salary as Treasurer, $80 ; Dr. McNaughton, visit to Edward Cribb, deceased—charity, 34 ; Mr. Jack- son, ballot box, $2.25 ; Marvin Howe, ditch on boundary Grey and Wallace, Grey share, $4.43 ; Wm, McKelvey, part payment for ditch at lot 9, 000, 2. 37 ; Jas, Smith, part payment contract ditch- ing and grading at lots 34 and 35, $28 ; Wm. White, gravel, $5.50 ; Samuel Ole - George, covering culvert on boundary Gree and Wallace, Grey share, 32 ; jos, Smith for statute labor jlerformed, $2 ; Thos. Sample, statute labor performed and charged on roll, $2 ; David Clark, error in dog tax, 31 ; Wm. Campbell, gravel, 70e. ; Daniel Glasser, repairing stone culvert lot 3, con. 19, 31.00 ; Alex. Delgatty, gravel, 58 ; John Harbottle, Engineer's expenses Ditches and Water:• courses Aot, 348 ; D. W. Slingerland,. stumping road on Grey and Elmo bound- ary, lot 35, cons. 12 nod 18, Grey share, $22.28. Counoil then adjourned . Clerk. 113Its ( nalc;. Politics are Red Hot. It is expected that Tureeberry will give Gibson a majority of 80 or 00. The township council met for the last time this your on Saturday last. Rev. i'4Ir. Cook gave a lecture, illustrat- ed by stereopticon views, on Wesley and bis Times, at Salem, on the Wroxeter circuit, Tuesday night. Atex. Kay diad on Sunday morning, sf. ter an illness of seven months. His body was taken to Listowel for interment. Court Douglas C. 0. To., of which the do• deeased was a member, escorted the re- mains to the train on Wednesday morn- ing. Mr. Nixon, Grand Lodge lecturer and organizer for the Independent Order of Good Template, held a meeting in the Prosbyterian church on Tuesday evening. Owing to the small turn -out organization W0,11 not attempted. Au onergotio com- mittee of young ladies was, however. ap- pointed to canvass for charter members and we expeet anon to report a flourishing lodge here. To candidates for municipal honors for 1987 are not yet known. Thereiseomo talk of o. struggle between the present Reeve and Deputy Reeve. Should there lie, itcwill be it battle of giants for Reeve Blank end Dopnty McPherson are both strong men. The local feel- ing at present is stronger in favor of )clank and this may deter Me - Phonon from coming out. Crsinihtroole. Hirano White has seemed the eervices of Chas. Hawke, of Listowel, as sawyer in his mill and with e thin saw will turn out lumber, ,to. in quick order, 'Thefarm. ing community should not fail torenem• her title fact. OOTho electors of this tooality will roll 11p N(sn iIollentyne, of Brussels, is at Bann. Jones is lecturing to immense a good majority for Thos. Gibson 00,1 is this tray help sustain the Mowat govern - mon(. 11 (gain's CONCERT. As announced a proceeding issue of Tnz fore, this • in - t.1 csting episode in conuection with the Grey Plowing Association took place on Wednesday evening last. The program which was well gotten up and carried through in good style, under the super- vision of Win. Milne, of Ethel, consisted oto -rine °u i"wv' visiting her lir,ther, audiences nt Toronto this week. Sor•vi•,.. ill he 1U. It in tlu• 5. 1', ohulah au Setordcry (1'hrivtanae duel Leetiuning at 1in:30 eon. We Dreg please) to .tato tient Wnl. Campbell, who WIN MY ill for some time, is ablo to bo second swain. Division Court was hold in the Orange hall oo Monday last. Iiis Honor Judgo Dm le presided. There being ouly t1 few cases, they were tone disposed of. of • selection Ethel baud ; song, Mrs. T. On Monday kat an old fond much re. O'Neil ; song, "13o1d McInt..re," S. II. Laird ; seleetiou, Ethel band ; song, "Barney O'Hac," Hiss 1, O'Connor violin and pianio (lttett, D, W. Milne and daughter ; duet(, ',Very Suspicions," Mise Belt and W. H, Moss ; sang, "dolor Riley is dry," S. Ii. Laird ; selection, Ethel erring ba:,d ; song, '•lla"eh of the Cam- eron men," Robert Dickson ; inetrumeut- al duett, Misses O'Connor ; song,, "Little Cabins all aro empty now," Maud Milne ; song, "Katie's letter," Miss L. O'Connor ; song, "McDonald's old tin .roof," S. H. Laird, with encore, "Bashful boy at school" ; symphony, Ethel string band ; song, "Caller Herrin," Mrs. T, O'Neil ; song, "half -past ten," Robt, Dickson ; song, "Down from cotton field," Maud Milne ; selection, Ethel brass band ; song "Days of my youth," Robt, Dickson ; song, "Gib me dat watermelon," Maud Milne ; God save the Queen. Words fail to give the full and proper eontiment of tine program, as every part of it was loudly applauded, and as shouts of encore arose from all parts of the hall, the spirit shown by the audience proved that they were, to say the least, snare than highly pleased. The Ethel band, under the di- rection of D. W. Milne, did their share to make the entertainment a success. MRS L. O'Connor filled the mne'tcal chair to the perfect satisfaction of all present. The favorite Scotch singer, Geordie Elam- ilton, of Attwood, was "absent but not forgotten." 0.0.D. 114iorri"-. Miss Maggie Bird is laid up with a bad attack of erysipelas. Everything has to give way to polities, et this season of the year. Rev. Mr. Kennedy, of Bervie, has come to the Blyth circuit to supply tho Rev. Wm. Mills' work. Tax tnrurryG,—Tho tea meeting held at Sunshine, last Wednesday evening, passed off quite successfully, over 383 being ree- ked.. After partaking of a splendid lot of edibles, Isaac Rogerson was voted to the ohair. Short addresses were given by B. Gerry, Rev. W. Smyth, W.I .Kerr, and Rev, Mr, Henderson. Music was enpplied by the choir of the church, Miss Rogerson presiding at the organ, and Mrs. Powell, Mrs. Fletcher, G. A. Powell and several members of the Methodist church choir of Brussels, who sang "We'll have to mortgage the farm," and "Hark the Song of Jubilee." An enjoyable even- ing was spent. The usual votes oftbenke were passed, and the gathering brought to a close by the benediction. Lrogorso Society.—Tho neual weakly meeting of this Society was held in their hall Clesgsgreen on Wednesday evening, 16th inst. The Vice. Pres. in the chair. After the usual routiuo business hadbeen disposed of II. Mooney ihocbair, t chair- man of debate, the subject being, "Resolv- ed that intemperance has caused more misery then war." Affirmative, \V, Mc- Kay, Thos. Robertson, Sas Shureie and Jas. Robertson, Negative, Jas Sharp, W. Bryclon, John Shurrio and E. Smillie. After a very animated debate and some very startling statistics lead been quoted on both sides the chairman decided in favor of the affirmative. A very inter. esting program was then disposed of, among those (eking part in it boiug Ales. ars. McKay, Wright. Robertson, Sharp and Bird, A very hearty vote of thanks was Classed to the Chairman and the meeting adjourned to meet again on the 22nd cost. We were happy to see some visitors from our sister society of Ander- son's School. This shows the friendly interest of other Societies whioh cannot fail to be an advantage to every one con- cerned. CnersTnus Tess, --The annual enter- tainment in connection with Anderson's school house was held on Monday eveniug. Tho school room woe packed and one of the most enjoyable programs of the season was gone through. After a splendid sup. per, such as the ladies of this locality al- ways provide, W. H. Kerr, of Tint POST, was called to the chair. The program was made up of vocal selections from the school, led by C. 13. Harris ; D. Stewart and family ; Mrs. J. Kerr, the Misses Ross and brother ; Miss Kerr ; Mrs. Pow- ell and chores ; A. Straoitan and B. Jack- son ; instrumental music by B. Jackson, Miss May Kerr and Mrs. W. II. Kerr ; addresses by Reeds. S. Jones and Wm, Smyth ; dialogue by the plisses Ireland and Moson entitled "Idleness the mother of all evil ." and the unloading of the Christmas gifts and the presentation of the same by Saunta Claus, in the person of D. Stewart, who Oiled the bill to per- feotion. There was nothing stiff or etarohy about the evoniegeperformance and every- body put in a good time. The Secretary's report, preeented by Q. Anderson, show- ed that there were 8 alasees In the school with an aggregate attendance of 50 pupils. The collections amounted to 314.87, and a missionary collodion of 38.58' The ex- penditure for the year was 390,87, The proceeds of the evening amounted tonear- ly $10.00, 1:3111:11. R. 7, McGill was in London this week. W. Scuthoott spent it few days in lax. eter this week. The band attended the great Conserva- tive demonstration hold at Wingham on Friday last. Quite a number from hero attended the Reform demonstration in Brussels on Friday last. Dr. Milne, who is attending the Modi- eal College in Toronto, is hong for his holidays, J, A. Taylor, who has been attending the High School in Goderich, is home ah present on his Xmas vacation. Messrs, McKiuna, and Bloomwho have been in Toronto attending the Business College, are home of their vacation. Municipal matters are beginning to run high. 3Vfyles Young is being talkedofas the man to oppose P. Holly for the Reeve - ship. spected resident of this neighborhood, Dore. Mary McDonald, departed this life at the 111)q10 age c f ,r,1 yen e. Ilei remake wore inter'r'ed in tlu, l'nion burying ground on Wednesday last noel were fol- lowed by a4 large number of frietals, The entertainment and Christman tree in ocemcctiou (twin, the 11:011011 clhtreh 001 a very etrco,^ssful affair. The hall was neatly decorated and presented a very pleasulg appearance. Those who took part in the entertainment did well. After Santa Clans had got through de- livering his presents the evening's enter-, tainment was brought to a close. On Tuesdayevening last the jubilee singers held frth in town, in behalf of the Hopeful Gleaners, and gave a grand concert. There was a largo attendance and all enjoyed themselrea immensely. The University Jubilee singers deserve a full house wherever they go and should they ever chance to visit this part again we feel surd that Blyth will greet them with a full bonne. C orrtedia.in Cw,st. Fish skins and fish offal, imported by glue misufacturore for use in their fao. tories havo been planed on the free list. The idea of leaving the Canadian fish. cries exhibit in England hae been aband- oned by the Dominion Government. Orangeville will pay Jas. Ferguson 3200 damages for injuries received by his daughter through defective sidewalks. 5. T. Mitchell, Publisher of the Dray- ton Vidette, has sold that paper and pur- chased the Eriu Advocate from Mr, Dew- ar. Robe. Gilpin one of the Nile voyageurs, diecl at Ottawa Saturday from consump- tion, the affect of a cold contracted on the Nile expedition. It is stated that notes of hand for 310,- 000 are in the banks at Amherst, N. S., representing the value of goods bought from shoddy peddlers. H. H. Hurlbut, of Grand Island, Quo„ brought down four wild goose at ono shot, the aggregate weight of the victims being forty-five pounds. John l lifftey, aged 70 years, employed in Dow's bRewery, Montreal, was struck on the head by a falling bring and died shortly afterwards. George IIiseler, a hatter of Halifax, has discovered a gold mine in Chester Raisin, in Lunenburu County, N. 8., for tvlticlt he has refused $160,000. A requisition to ex -Mayor Manningask- him to oppose Mayor Howland at Tor- onto is being signed, and there is very little doubt but that Manning will run. The Bedford, Que., Times intimates that :—"If tho powo,ful arm of the Inc is not put in a sling, Bedford's population will materially decrease beforo the winter is out." Mr. Cloghor'n, the President of the Brant Memorial Association, has sent away a draft in full payment of tho cost of the Brunt Memorial. The association have squared off all their liabilities. There were shipped one day last week from the safe works of Goldie & McCul- loch, Galt, to the address of the Alpha Oil Co., Sarnia, two very fine safes, whiolt weighed aolleotively 18,200 lbs. The old Royal Hotel at Orillia, owned by F. Kean and 000upied by Mr. Eaton as a boarding house, was burned Wed- nesday of this week. Loss partly Dover. ed by insurance. The contents were saved. The prospect of getting a lady school trustee to run at the coming eleotions in Toronto has been shattered, Mrs Harvie having declined the honor. Lady voters are canvassing energetically for temper- ance aldermanic candidates, The creditors of the town of Portage la Prairie, Man., have offered to redline the interest on the municipal debt according to a sliding scale, providing the Manitoba Legislature will guarantee the payment of the reduced rate. James Kirwin, a carpenter, while stand- ing on a scaffolding in front of a house in course of erection at Toronto, Monday, missed his footing and fell to the ground, a distance of twenty-five feet, alighting on top of his head. His recovery is doubtful. The high lioense law has just been put in force in Halifax, N. S. Saloons are entirely abolished and nothing but hotels and shops allowed to sell liquors, and those must not sell less than one quart, and hotels only to guests. The result is that two-thirds of the drinking places aro closed. Notide is given in Canada Gazette of an application to Parliament by a Prim- itiveMethodist Colonization Company for an act empowering that company to re• ceivo the paid-up stook of its ehare-hold- ore in exchange for lauds or other proper. ty of the company at such price as may be agreed upon. A St. John, N. 13., dispatch says ; The schoonor. Emily J, White, from Sauda River, N. 8., £or New Yorlr, with a cargo cI piliug, was navigated into port last week by a lad named Patterson, who was the sole person on boarr. The veasoll sailed £eon Sands River with throe per - eons aboard, Captain Pattereon, Mate Atkinson and the boy. It was intended to put into another port on the Nova Seaga coast to oonplete the arety. Short- ly after putting to sea the mate was knock- ed overboard by tho main boom. Captain Patterson put off to rescue the mate, hut it was two late. Turning to row back to the vosscll, ho found that she had dissap• peered. After searching all night be landed at Quaoo. The lard rottenest stood all night and day at the wheel, skillfuly navigating the vetsell clear of numerous dangerous points and finally making St. John harbor' Ole was once token off by hood winds, 'hitt when the bteezo changed he again attempted to effect an entrance, and this time succeeded. Weary with 1 his eoasless watoli and labor, he rail the lschooner on tiro flats and sotight sleep in his berth, whore Ise was found, It has boon .lm,]dc,l to form -a Fro1011 Board of Trade „t Montreal, The new Malli:Obe. Legislature will le' composed of Sntotecn firmer, cdx mar. chants , dye lawyers, four immediate, three surveyors, two doctors, and ou0 brewer. A young man named Earnest Donald. , son, employed in lit. Jerome, Que., post office, ]las been arrested for tampering with registered letters. Ifo confessed to stealing cash and stamps during the past fort' months, Vivo carloads of big guns nod loamy ordnance material arrived at Quebec by the Iutetoolonial hallway from Halifax. Wednesday. Thi war material is in. tended for British Columbia, aud.will gn forward via C. I'. R. from Montreal. Thu (ketone; Departnlout haus refused to grant the application made by Detroit residents to be allowed ht tow pine logs DI rafts to the Canadian silo of the De. then) river, and remove thein in such quantities as may from lime to time be tognired. Yesterday aftornomi Robt. Smith, an aged hoentaker, living about one mile south of Allanburg, between the uow and old Welland Canals, wont to a.bolo in the ion for a pail of water, and Ins body was found sometime afterwards with his head in the water and life extinct. There is a man in West Pioton, aged 68 years, blessed with a charming wife and seven sons. 110 is over six feet high, and finely built. His wife weighs about 200 pounds. His sons are about their size. Six of them with their father, vote at the sante polling -place, while the NOV. cath is counting the days till hecan make the eighth vote in rho sante family, all making the old homestead their home, Charles MoAulay, tinsmith, was tried at the Toronto oriminal sessions last week on the charge of manslaughter in causing the death of hie father, John Wisely, on November 17th. After hearing tite evi- dence and addresses of the counsel, Judge McDougall charged, if anything, against the prisoner, dwelling upon the fact that the fatality was the result of a drnnkon spree. The jury after ten minutes delib- eration, brought in a verdict of (tot guil. ty. Judge Doges, at Montreal, delivered judgment in the Hoke extradition case lost Monday. The accused, said the Judge, was charged with forging and uttering several drafts and bills of exchange by means of filling in the body of blank ohomicsto which the proper signatures were attached, and in this way and other- wise defrauding the bank to the extent of 3179,803,03. He carefully reviewed and weighed all evidenea and Committed Hoke to jail for 15 days to await extradition to the United States, stating, that in the meantime he could apply for a ;crit of habena corpus, which defendant's counsel Dotaaldson, at once gave notice he would do. Thirty-eight eases of game shipped from Port Mnlgrace, N. S., and consigned to a Boston firm, marked "froze salmon," and invoiced as turkeys, grouse, snipe, olhckens, and rabbits, were overhauled at St, John, and found to contain partridg- es, the export of which is contrary to law, and were seized by the Canaaien customs officer. Then, on the arrival of the boat at Eastport, an American customs officer seized the game for being falsely invoic- ed, and the collector at Eastport took it in charge. The question now is, who has a right to the game ? It was seized by a Canadian official on board an American vessel in British waters, and an Americ- an officer again seized the game inAmeri- can waters. The game is valued at $412.- 50, The Muskoka Herald states that about fifteen years ago Mrs. R. Oaten, of Braoe- bridge, while working with a needle ac- cidentally ran the paint in the palm of her hand. There it broke off, the point remaining in her hand. As the broken piece caused her no pain and as sho sup- posed it was very small, it WAS allowed to remain in her hand. Duriog the years immediately following, Mrs. Oaten ooca- sioually felt sharp pains in her arm. and subsequently in the neck, During the course of the summer just passed she felt pains in her head frequently and severe- ly. She consulted her pbyeician, who informed her that the cause, in his opin- ion, was erisypelas. A few days ago sbe was visiting her daughter, who noticed something Woking out of her mother's head just on the edge of the forehead. On being pulled out it proved to be the long lost needle -point. The pisoe was nearly three-quarters of an inch in length and worn very fine, almost thread-like. Dr. Walter McKay, of the township of Middleton, in North Norfolk, is an ex- tensive stock raiser and controls eeveral hundred acres of land. During the past summer many of his cattle were found dead in the pasture fields. Es lost in all fifteen or twenty cows, a 3400 ball, a mare and colt, and a number of calves and sheep. It wens supposed that poison was used, and suspiofon pointed to a man named Robert Morrow, who rents a farm in the neighborhood, and who, in coffee. gnome of an old dispute, was renown to have /node various threats against Dr. McKay. Some time ago the ease wart placed in the hands of Government De- tective Murray and arrangements were made bo watch Morrow's dwelling. Shortly after the watch woe established Morrow was observed to leave his home about one o'clock ono morning and pro- ceed to Dr. Mclbay's pasture fields, where he sprinkled it white snbetaltoo on the ground near the gate through which the stock generally passed. After Morrow departed the watch covered the substance with a paper and repaired to Dr. MuKay's house, returning, shortly after with a lamp and two assistants, The "powder" was impacted and found to be salt. It was loft where deposited and next day two or three more cattle died with all the eymptons of having been poisoned. Tho salt was then gathered up, and, together with the fluid from the viscera of the cattle, was forwarded to Prof, Ellis, of the School of Practical Science, Toronto, for analysis. Prof. Ellis found that the five packages of salt and the vials of fluid untamed large quantities of arsenic, As anon as bo had scoured the reedit of the analysis Detective Murray proceeded to Simeon, aid 500001ng a warrant for Ator• row's arrest, apprehended him, anis lodge eel hire in Siincoo gaol. Sherbrooke hews a flve-legged frog, Tire liamilyol (lith Council leas declar- ed a cum half-hniidfov fca Deo. 28. The Hamilton Palladium of Labor, one of the best journals of its clans, Moe ap. peered ae an evening daily. A silver min of tho ditto of 1712 wits discovered, a few ((aye ago in the ruins of len old dwelling at Barrington, N, S, A careful investigation by The Timer shows that there are in theHnmiltan Sab- bath Sohools 0,500 pupils, 941 Mealtime, and 15,148 colonise of books, The Council of the Six Nation Indiana, ata mncordenuled elle Dominion (,otrrnntootiontg, foe- ia,ip"nnit i; Di', >I1e1Cin- 110n as their medicol cdvisar, at e. sala,y of2,0i0ayeer. John O'('unncre, of l'roecott, Rag be- fore it magistrate a few cloys ago on two Chargee of ,listtu•biccg tico religious ronin. es at the Salvation Army- barrttm;cs there, and Was ti11ee131 and costs en the first charge and 310 and caste on the second. Gilbert Craig, of Carleton, N. 13., has been sentenced to five years imprison- ment for brutal treatment of hie waft and for criminal amok upon his thirteen, yens -old daughter to imprisonment with hard labor for the remainder of his life. The Kingston Waig on Wednesday is. sued a special sixteen -page number con. Mining a carefully prepared review of the mershantilo affairs of the city, portraits of many of tho city's prominent build- ings and leading business men, and much misoollaneousanatter selected with caro and judgment. itha number is credit- able to the enterprise of The Whig, is a splendid advertisement for the city, and should be largely circulated. Copp, Clark cC Go., who talto the place of Mr. Nelson in the agreement, publish a card in the mail giving an emphatic de- nial to its statement that Mr. Nelson gate 614,000 a yuan out of the publication of the school readers. T11ey say that Mr. Nelson gets not a cent, they having taken the publioation out of his bands and that if 310,000 was deducted from the Mail's figure% the amount would still be a gross exaggeration. NOMINATION. The Nomination for the Village of Brus- sels, for the year 1887, of a Reeve and Four Councillors, and Three Trustees for the Public School Board, will ba held in tie TOWN Hsu, on MONDAY, DEO. 27th, 1886, sr 12 010010, 14000N. The Election, if needed, will bo held on MONDAY. Jan. Ord, 1887, between the hours of flit. no. and 6 p. n1. Polling Division No. 1, at Goo. Love's Office, A. Veal, Deputy Returning Officer. Polling Sub -Division No. 2, at Council goon, Goo. E. Cooper, Deputy Re- turning Officer. Polling Sub -Division No. 8, residence of D. McLennan, Ronald McNaughton, Dope ty.Reburuing Officer. F. S. SCOTT, Returning Officer, Brussels, Dec. 13th, 1886. DEO, 24, 1886 Wear f Spectacles � � and Eye-Clnsece that will preservo your Eyesight. F. LAZAR.TTS Manufacturing Optioian, late of the firm of Lazarus .h Morrie, Ott M orylaud Wad, 1Iarrow Itoacl, London, England, hey np. pointed au agent for the heuownad spco. tacks and Eye -CI lasses whit+ have boon before the mobilo for the past '25 yams. Lagarue' Spccenclea 11.O0'' tiro the ,ye Last many years without change, For Sale. b;y 11. Id. JACKSON, BRUSSELS, - ONT. UNICIPAL NOTICE. 11VV TO THE ELECTORS THE MUN1"1PALITY OF G12LY I hereby give notice that the nouin. ation of a Reeve, First and Second Deputy Reeves and two Councillors, to servo for the ensuing year, will be held at Dames' Hall, Cranbrook, at noon on .foliday, Dec, 27th '06 If demanded a poll will be opened at the following places, on MONDAY, ,AN. 305, 1887 : Division No. 1, school house, S.S. No. 4. Division No. 2, school house, S.S. No. 1, Division No. 3, school house, S.S. No, 2. Division No. 4, school house, S.S. No, 9. Division No. 5, eohool house, S.S. No. 11. Division No. 6, school house, S.S. No. 5. Division No. 7, Dames' Hail, Cranbrook. POLL TO I318 OPEN FROM 9 A.85., UNTIL 5 O'CLOCK, P. M. aanxndnIlie OF POLLING WCs -DIVISIONS. Division No, 1, Coe. 1, lots 1 to 31 hi - elusive ; con. 2 to 0, lobo 1 to 17 inclusive. Division No. 2, cons, 7 to 12, inclue. ive ; lots 1 to 10 inclusive. Division No. 8, coils. 13 to 18 inclusive; lots 1 to 17 inclusive. Division No. 4, sons. 11 and 12 ; lots 90 to 35, inclusive ; cons. 18 to 18, inclusive. lots 18 to 35 inclusive. Division No. 5, cone. 7 end 8 : lots 1s to 85 inclusive ; cons. 0 and 10 ; lots 21 to 86 inclusive. Division No. 6, con. 1 ; lots 35 to 70 in- clusive ; cons. 2 to 0 inclusive ; lots 18 to 86 inclusive. Division No. 7, cons. 7 ani 8, lobe 11 to 17, inclusive ; coca. 9 and 10, .lots 11 to 20 inclusive ; cons. 11 and 13, lots 11 to 26, inclusive. WM. SPENCE. Returning Offieer. TIME WORKS S Well that's so. You remember a little over a year ago you were paying 30c. an 0z, for Berlin and Zephyr wools (an extremely exholbtant price) but to -clay you can buy then for just half that figure, viz. 10e., ALL Counts. That is what l roll them for anyway and it pays me just as well as diose that enlarge 20c. for this reason, people buy more at 100. than they did at 20e., and of course I sell mora. I am positively the first to introduce wools into the County of Huron at 10c, end the Only Ono out- side of Toronto and London to sell you wools at the above figure. So Commercial Travellers tell 1ne anyhow, and they ought to lmow shouldn't they? Now in stock, in leading colors, the following wools:—Berlin, Zephyr, Andalusian, Lady Betty, Saxony, Pompadour, Fairy Zephyr and loo Wools, also Peacock, Beehive, Saotoh and Canadian Fingering. So much for wools. Now the next, thing will be something else. Who is going to get our Prize Corset this time, 0i' 21'1d Semi -.Annual Button Contest Commences Thursday, December 1 _6th, 1866, and ends the 20th inst. The Bottle will contain one button fol' every Corset made and sold during the preset year. Ladies and Gentlemen only ars allowed to con pate. No entry fees. Without any exception we have the finest stock of fancy Goods ever shown in Brussels, consisting of Flushes, Velvets, Felts, Satins, Canvasses, Darning Note. Ribbons, &a., deo. KNIT GOODS.—Ladies' hoods, Fascinators, Tam O'Shanters, Infant's Jackets, Hoods, Leggings, Bootees, Mitts, Cashmore Hose and Jersey Gloves in all sizes and awfully awful cheap, if you know what that means. CORSETS.—Bustles, Hoop Skirts, Dr. Gray's Shoulder Braces, B. Forms' Drdss Shields, Children's Waists, &0., &e. CHINELLE GOODS.—Cords, Tassels, Pon Pons, Applique Flowers, Monkeys, &e. WORKING MATERIALS.-Arasenes, Embroidery Silks, Washing Silks, Ribosone, Tilosolles, Flonrisbhig Threads, Braids, Madame Cords, Tinsels, &a., &o. 13RA8S GOODS.—Bannerett Stands, Rods, Match Safes, Golden Slippers, Babber- flies, Beetles, Bugs, Bees, Stars, Half Moons, Bangles, Photo Holders, 40., &a. Sofa Cushions; Ottomans, Slipper Patterns, Brackets, Slipper Oases, Transfer Pat. terns, Rug Patterns, Wooden Shapes, Embroideries, Insertions, Frillings, Smoking Clap Tassele, Lacing Cods, Toilet Bottles, Companions, Plush Frames, Mirrors, Sat- chels, Brushes, Kid Gloves, Silk Handkerchiefs and a host of Xmas Goads suitable for presents. Sore agent for t1ae Domestic Patte1rhs. Monthlies Given df wa y Free. OORSE'1 MATER/AWL—English, American and Canadian Jeans, Coifed Clasps, Steels, Whalebones, slid everything pertaining to the msnnfaoturo of Corsets Relit to stock. Everything new, clean and Saleable, No old faded, dusty, smoky goods on our shelves. T don't (advertise goods for sale I do not keep. Same think it very funny to do so but the public generally don't approoiato such funny business. When you want anything in the above goads come right straight to "Dixie, the stay molter" and if you can't some yourself send your children and yon can depend on getting an oz. An' an oz, or yard for a yard ovary trip, that is the 101M1 of a spring clti0lien 1 am and don't you forgot it. "Tia Stay Marcor," and rho first and only one to sell you wools at 10c, per oz., all colors,