HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1886-12-10, Page 8Am who are deairouslolisecnriug
,Xmas :& Neve
" ° ' • Year's Cards
and other Noliday Gifts in the shape of
'('(JYS A1tl12 1 .t11('Y MOODS
or in Basks, Bibles, Albums. &r. should
Cali at the Headquarters for
Santa Claus,
wliero they are cheaper than ever.
B n first curling of the season, ou the 1V. M. Sreeee nt and bride arrived ]tome
sell rink, was lona on Thursday of from their weddhlga tour m1 Tuesday
this week. eight.
THE regular meeting of the Maitland Drvrelolt Court will bo hold on tho 28rd
Presbytery will be held on Tueeday, Deo, inst. Saturday of thin week is the last
91, in Melville ohurch, clay of service.
Now is the time to advorlise your boli. Tee Brussels Methodist ohurch gave a
day bargains. The people are looking "goons" social (whatever that may be) the
for them et this season. other evening.—Woodatook Times.
Josr Arrived, another Lot of China Tun Bnuseeee Pose lute secured a new
Oups and 1auoers to owe AWAr, They go dross of type, and shows many evidences
like Smoke. GEo Reim. 23.1• of increasing vigor end value as 0 local
$2.26 will pay for Tin Pest and Dither jonrual.---Toronto Globo,
tho weekly Globe, Mail, Adver, i w , Free Tote Cue. has pnrchaeed ,t conifort-
Press or Nows to Eke 1st of January 1888, able resideuce, on Mill street, from Thos.
W. II. Kerr, Agent, Watson. Tho price paid was $420, Thu
Fon Dyspepsia or Week Digeetiod drink plrce formerly belonged to Janus Wat-
ST,IisoN M�INEELEWATEU aftur each meal, sou.
For Constipation take it before Break- Tete Ronald steamer in Summerside,
fast. For Sale at the Lion Store. 22-2" Prince Edward Island, was aueoessfully
$1.60 secures THE Pose from now to the tested on Tuesday of this week. Mr,
end of 1887. 14 months reading for $1.50. Bouald superintended the work himself,
Don't borrow 'The Poor any longer lint A new steam fire engine will be shipped
from the Ronald Works this week for
Calgary, N. W, T.
le would not bo bad idea for the con-
stable to stop furious driving on tlromain
street, Because some of our villagers
have good horses that is no reason why
the lives of others should be endangered
in crossing tbo street, There is lots of
room on the concessions for trotting.
Ronour GBAHAEI will be the r0Ceipieut of
all oyster supper at the Queen's hotel,
Brussels, on Friday evening the 17th
inst. Capt, Stretton will do the honors
on the occasion and 0 just emulation
of Mr. Grabarn'e worth as a eitizeu will
be shown by tho presence of his many
L. 0. L, No. 774.—The following offio.
ors wore elected in connection with this
Lodge, on the 6th inst„ for 1887 :—Jolm
Moouoy, L. P.11I. ; Wm, McCullough,
W. M. ; Matthew Wilson, D. M. ; Henry
Mooney, Chaplain ; Albert Gerry, Rec.-
Seo. ; Dr. Holmes, Fin. -Sec. ; S. H.
Young, Treas. ; B. Helmut,
Dir, of Cor.
J. Hannon, Lecturer ; John MoCuteheon,
lot Com. ; Joseph Bowman, 2nd Com. ;
B. Gerry, 3rd Com, ; T. McCutoheon,
4th Com. ; Joseph Smith, 6th Com, ;
Geo. Fitzpatrick, Caretaker ; John
Mooney, M. Auditor ; Geo. Plant, L.
Auditor. The membership is 58.
Tsen,ois won.—Last Tuesday evening
the temperance meeting was held in the
Town Hall, according to announcement.
Rev. Jno. Ross, B. A., occupied the
chair. After devotional exercises and a
short address from the chairman, the
following program was given :—Solo by
Mrs: Stewart ; reoitation by Naomi Wil-
liams ; solo by Miss Kerr ; reading by
Rev. W. Smyth ; address by Rev. Mr.
Ballantyne, B. A., of Walton ; solo by
Mrs, Powell. Mr. Ballantyne dwelt
very largely on the effect, of alcohol on
the circulation of the blood and proved,
quito conclusively, that instead of it be-
ing an aid it was a hindrance. A hearty
vote of thanks was passed for the inter-
esting address. A collection, amounting
to $7.62, was taken, after which the fol-
lowing officers wore elected in couneobion
with the Brussels temperance organiza-
tion :—Rev. Jno. Ross, B. A., President ;
Rev. W. Smyth, Vice -President ; W. H.
Kerr, Seeretary-Treasurer ; A. Stewart,
G. A. Powell, A. Good, Jas. Buyers, Geo,
Crooks, W. R. Wilson and Thos. Moore,
Committee of Management. Tho
meeting was brought to a close by the
G. A. Deadman, call in and leave your name along with
the large number of new subscribers,
T I TEAS 1 1 Tees 1 I 1 —For every
pound of Tea you buy you get a China
Cup and Saucer 14E10. I have just re-
ceived .five Hundred cups and saucers to
give away. Now is your time to bay tea
et Geo. lexanntb. 60-
NExT Wednesday afternoon the annual
meeting of the Couservative Association
for the East Riding of Huron will be held
in the Brussels Town Hall. Election of
officers and other business will take up
the time of the meeting.
PEESEN'vATION.—Last Wednesday even.
ing about thirty members of Knee Church
Sunday School drove out to Geo. McKay's,
south of the village, for the purpose of
presenting Mr. MoKay, who has mica the
position of assistant superintendent and
teacher in the school, with much accept-
ance, with a handsome teacher's bible, a
hymn book, and a gold watch chain. G.
A. Deadman, superintendent of the
school, made the presentation, with a few
appropriate words, to which lir. McKay
responded in a suitsble way. The even-
ing was very agreeably spent end the
young folks loft for their respective homes
wishing their young friend every 0000005
in his future life. Mr. McKay intends
going to Jarvis, wo believe, in the course
of a few week. Ile is a very exemplary
young man and will make his influence
felt for good wherever his lot maybe oast.
We aro sorry to see him leave Brussels as
we have few young men qualified to take
his place.
THE Clinton New Era of last week re.
fare to the death of Thos. Cooper, uncle
to bIrs. George Armstrong of this place :
—It will be a painful surprise and sonroo
of regret to our readers to learn of the
unexpected death of Thos, Cooper, (who
has resided here for nearly thirty years),
which occurred on Wednesday awning,
Druggist, Bookseller, & Fumy Creeds .Dealer.
oorTnnxx exo0N0t0N, 1y, n, St t:• n.
Trains leave Blvseels Stai1nu, north and
aoltth SA fellelra: "-
Going Ao0'b, Going North,
MIA— ..........7104 a.m.
Express 11:45 a.m, Mail.............:00 p.m
Mixed.......... 8:50 p.m. Expre00........0,00 p,nk
Total Zeus renis,
A chiel's among ye takin' notes
An' faith he'll preut it.
A snlxnrr suit is talked of in our viil-
Mos. Mamie, who died on Wednesday
in Grey, was mother to Mrs. Henry, of
Brussels. ed to
Miss BoninlTso' has been engag
take Miss Roes' position as teacher in the
5th department of the Public School.
THs money advertised in last week's
Pose was claimed by the owner, Miss
Oliver, on Friday morning. It pays to
Tanen funeral acuses posted up in ono
afternoon should make the most uncon-
cerned feel that life at best is very uncer-
THE Howard Clifton.00ncert troupe and
The New Orleans University Jubilee
Singers are waiting, for unoccupied nights
to conte to Brussels.
New subscribers coming to the front
right along. THE Pose should be taken
by everyone who wants a tip-top local Mr. Cooper has been enfforing for some
paper. Try it for a year.time with erysipelas, but nothing serious
Emma Examen, son of Thos. English, was anticipated, and he was able to come
of Winnipeg, had the misfortune to fall down town last week, but catohing cold,
on a stick which destroyed the sight of he was again compelled to remain indoor.
one of Ins eyes.
Rev. J. 8'. Pansx, of Blyth, willpreach
missionary sermons in St. John's Church
next Sunday at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Rev.
Mr. Cluff will preach at Blyth.
WP, have pleasure in stating that Mrs.
and IIiss Buchanan, of Brantford, moth-
er and sister to Mrs. Behslaugh, have
taken up their residence in Brussels.
IT ie stated that J, H. Young will be
brought into the field as a candidate for
the Reevoship. There will evidently be
a• large change in the council next year.
AT a meeting of the Conservative As.
sooiation, of Brussels, on Wednesday
evening, W. F. Vanstone was eleoted
President, and E. R Grundy, Secretary,
Nee, OTsren PAahon.—Mrs. Kirk will
be prepared on and after Saturday to
supply Oysters, the best in the Market,
eitherRawor Cooked. Opposite Queen's
Hotel, Brussels. ' 22'
Biwa Socreer.—Next Wednesday even-
ing at the Bible Society meeting, to be
held in Knox ohurch, Rev. Mr. Manly, of
Toronto, will deliver an illustrated lec-
ture on "The Bible verified," by the old
and imperishable giant dwelling places of
Palestine. A large attendance is expected
as the reverend leotnrer is well worth
Camera=s will soon be here and Mrs,
Kirk has a large stook of wools on hand.
Friends who visited him on Wednesday,
found him in good spirits, an expected
shortly to see him out again, and the an-
nouncement of his death came like a
thunderbolt. At shout 8 p.m. he got up
'and sat in an easy chair requesting Mrs.
Cooper to fetch him a newspaper to read ;
while she was gone he fell back in the
chair and expired without speaking a
word, just as ,,he re-entered the room.
He was, possibly, as widely known as any
man in the town, having carried on the
hotel business here for a number of years,
but more recently conducted an extensive
gronery trade, being head of the firm of
T. Cooper & Son. He learned the gro.
eery trade with Thomas Stanbury, about
25 years since. He was a man of consid-
erable intellectual force, kind,hearted,
and enjoyed the confidence of his fellows,
and had taken an aotive part in public
affairs, being a member of the town coun-
oil at the time of his death, and having
also filled the office of Deputy -Reeve. In
political affairs he was a supporter of Sir
John A. Macdonald, and wielded consid.
erable influence. He bsionged to both
the Orange and Masonic Societies. His
wife is the second daughter of Donald
Rose, of this town, and she with five
children, are left to mourn his death.
His funeral took place from his late
residence on Albert street, at 9 p, m„ on
Berlin, Zepher, Andulusion, ire„ lOcts. Friday.
per oz. Baldwin, Saxony, Peacock and RONALD STE,1uEn.—Tho Montreal Daily
Canadian wools, Fancy Caps, Hoods, Witness, in referring to the work done by
the Ronald steamer in the test the's on
the 2nd inst., says :—An exhibition of,
the capacities of one of Mr. Ronald's
steam fire engines took place this morn-
ing. Despite the blinding snow and cold
weather, quite a number of spectators as-
sembled on Mill street, including Alder -
5 -selects, Fascinators, Mitts, Stockings,
Socks, any size or quality. Fancy goods
in great variety. Dolls, toys, &o„ will
all be sold cheap for eash or trade. Call
on me. Opposite Queen's hotel, Brus-
sels. "—`
Cottegeetnis —Who is the laziest man
in town ?—Who is the man in town that men Stevenson, Lamontagne, Wilson and
carnet pay his board ?—Who is the luau Malone ; Messrs. Champagne, Boiler Ia-
in town that owes for his board in an- specter ; F. Nolan, Frank Redpath, Chief
other town ?—Who is the man in town Patton, Sub -Chief McCulloch, Captain
that has learned the most trades in the Beckingham, Captain Wright, Peter
shortest time ?—Who is the man hi town Cooper, Robt. White the chiefs of St.
thathas to pay his rent in advance ?—Who Heurr, Lachine and Joliette fire brigades,
Is the man in town that has got to give se- and a number of others. Considerable
enmity before he can get a small bill of
delay was experienced, reals 00511111 to be
goods ?—Who is the man in town that Inas
got a home to go to when he can't board
any place else ?—Whoever be is he ought
to go and work at some one of the trades
that he served the longest time at and nob
the one he served eight evenings in learn-
ing. The Oriental Shaving Parlor i5 the
Place where Tonsorial Work ie performedin Artistic Skill,
° Lone Bnoe•
T'ne I1051 Would like to see our church.
es better ventilated.—Horse racing stop-
ped on the Main street.—A.lively Christ-
mas trade done and the bank aecount of
our merchants "fatten" up.—Rev. Mr.
,Ballantyne's suggestion of having Tem.
porance taught in our Public Schools
oarriefl out,—Everybody take a notion to
equal '`up before the lst of January,1887.
—8 allarity concert gob up during the
winter; One municipal electron m Brns-
sele without politics being mixed up in
it, --Sleighing last during the holiday
8000033.—The boob' then get the various
enuniCipol offices in the gift of the people.
-The "boors" at the Ronald Works to
inorea0e,—People who swear off about
aids some of the yearkeep their good-
oodresolutions more than tivo weeks.—Every-
body fined who chives without sleigh
be11o.—Another linetof railroad brought
into Brussels in the near future.—A lot
of buildings erected r soh ear, the
boron,—Every rate0ayoout
Reform. Leaders of the Local House, next
Friday evening, the 17th ins(, in the
Town Hull, Brussels.
Man., on November 26, by Rev. A.
Langford, of Grace Church, Mr. A.
F. Elliott, of Brandon, Man., to Miss
Mary Fitzpetrick, of Brussels. Ont.
BAnn0Ns—Ronsnesox•—On the 1st inst.,
by Rev. T. J. Sabine, at the Metho-
dist parsonage, Walton, Mr. George
Barrons to Miss Jane Robertson,
both of McKill'bp•
DuNHAoi—MALONET,—On the 8011 inst., at
the Methodist pararnage, Walton, by
Rev. T. J. ' Sabine, Mr, John Dun-
ham, of Seaforth, to Miss Mary
Maloney, of McKillop_ —_—
McINNss.—In Grey, on 'Wednesday, Dec.
8th, Charlotte, beloved wife of Arth-
ur McInnes, aged 75 years and 10
STew4i1T.—L1 Grey, on Wednesday, Dec.
8th, Alex, Stewart sr., aged 80 years.
l3.ta,--In Brussels, on the 8th Inst„
Thomas Hall, sr., aged 70 years.
=mxxvss=Ls Z4:A•R•7if7Tt3-
connitemtt) Cai:EVELLE E511115 WEEli•
White Fall Wheat ..... ,74 75
Iced Winter 76 70
Spring Wheat..., 6O 76
Barley 427 28
Oatsss 50 00
Pen18 15
16 00
Butter, tubs and rolls.,,
Eggs per dozen
Flour per barrel- ... 4 00 00
Potatoes .. 40 00
sent back for extra hose, etc. It was not Hay per ton 0 00 10 00
before 11:12 that the torah wan applied. Hides per ib 644r 7
In 6 min. 80 sec„ the whistle blew ; the Dressed Hoge 6 65 0 (10
auge re istered 10 lbs. pressure in 6 . Balt per bbl., wholesale,., , 00 80
Sheep shins, eiwh 50 1 00
; 15 Yhs. in 6 min., 35 sec, ; 20 lbs.
ha 7 min. ; BO lbs. 8 lain. BO the. ; 40lbs.
in 8 min. 40 sec., and -60 lbs. in 9 min-
utes. Work was commenced, but, be-
fore the water had fairly got out of the
nozzle the hose became disconnooted,
squirting a stream on thebystanders and
scattering them in all directions. After
a slight delay, suction was once more
commenced from the hydrant, and the
water forced through two lengths of hose,
each of 210 feet, to a branch with a noz-
zle two inches aperture, placed in rear
of the Montreal Warehousing Company's
elevator. With a steam p50000re of 80
lbs. and a water pressure of 210 lbs. the
water wag forced through the double hose
straight up in a jet from the ground to
bo 186 feet high. Owing to the strongg
wind, the stream frequently appeared
"jerky," but the engine all through was
declared by a competent judge to steam
very freely and behave extremely well.
It was also comparatively quiet. After
playing for a considerable time the single
branch wee replaceelby two,eaohof 410011,
and tho water was sunt upin two splen-
did Anemic It was next decided to
draw directly from the canal. Steam
pressure was ilia up to 95 lbs., and 430
imperial gallons revere thrown through
two lengths of hose in ono minute. Sev-
eral lninor tests followed.
A. few splendid, improved £arms for
solo in rho township of Greyy Morris and
Guo 0 nor, Apply° tes P, . DS0LGATT'X, Co.
Berm, 04 miles from Oran brook. For
further particulars apply to
A. BAYMANN, or t0 WM, OSTE1t
OranbrookP,0• Oonoord P.O.
of the Undersigned, Lat 11, son. 5, Mor -
xis, about Nov. lot, five yearling cares.
Three of them aro red in color and the other
two red and white., The owner is requested
to .prove property. pay expenses and take
them away. 18A80 MISllIMMONS,
• 22.4' Sunshine.
Should Auld Acquaint-
ance be Forgot,
No ; don't forget it 1, Brush
it up. Sencl it to the brother in
Manitoba. Buy our Now Pa11
enol Winter Clothing. They'll
shit you better i1i the streets of
our town. Brussels Clothing
House is the "atlld acquaintance"
that we don't want you to forget
or avoid. We'll promise to wear
A. inn by the undoral gned, up to Januar
lith, 1887, for the 0505tion of a solid briok
dwelling house, on lot 27, con. 4 Morris,
Tenders will be received for the whole job,
08500 rho atone foundation. and also sonar
ate tenders for each do5artmspt of the
work. 1'l promises.
peoffirationo may be
25 Brueeele, P.0 •
4O they dory out of the Brussels Clothing House hist week.
What a week for business. A rush, 11 crowd continually hur-
rying, hardly enough salesmen to wait on the eager throng. What
]hakes it? Why such a business ? What is it owning to ? The
same rate of increase for it year of two more :Brussels 1;on't bold
us. 'Why is it so ? Siullily because fight goods at right
have (lone their work.
Gaon sgruFlr,
1I Q1 J rT! ,dot, Tltf
Wo believe in, and the good values we have been giving, not
only briug customers back but bring new ones with the old. Set.
our Overcoat Stock this week. • It includes everything DOW, every-
thing stylish, everything cllu:able"- Tho finest goods the market
affords, as well as all the medium and lower grades.
-half lot SO, oon.0, Alorris, 100 acres, 40
cleared. Good log house, frame stable and
exoelloat orchard. Splendid supply of good
water. (Corms easy for a period of five
yearn, 15-tf BIOB'.Box 70 nihdeay.
k 7 efthe undersigned. lot 10, con. 14, Groy,
on or about July 15th, a red and white year-
ling steer. Tho owner is requested to prove
propeylnay onetime andO8N lihn mere
are indebted to Thos. Watson, either
by note or book acoount, aro requested to
call at A. Sehoaok'e °thee and settle the
seine not later than December 15th.
20-5 T80s. WATSON.
scriber will rent his farm, lot 19, con, 7,
Grey township, f'5, a term of ave years. The
farm is in goodyJder and the 10a50n for
renting it is the propriebar intends giving
up farming. For rill particulars apply to
1101 Brussels P. 0.
Notice is hereby given that the Corpora-
tion of the village or Brussels will appi3' to
the Legislative Assembly of the Province of
Ontario at its uoxt Session or a 8111 for the
ratification and confirming of a cortai11 Deed
and agreement between the Village of Brox-
eels and John D. Ronald,
Corporation of the Village of Brussels by
WADE & SINCL 315. Solicitors.
Brussels, 000.11, 1850. 10-7
Lot 14 on the Oth eon„ and lot 10, on the
7th con , of Morrie, oontaihing 100 soros each
about 00 acres cloarod, frog from stumps on
0110 farm and about 00 items cleared on the
other. The cleared laud is in a good state
or cultivation and wall fenced. Good frame
barn and staples, and log house on ono and
on the other n. log bonne and log barn, Whore
is a goodb oaring orohax,i on lot 14. A now.
°r-fatiiug spring meek runs through both
planes. The soil is first•e1a5n, there is no
bettor farms in the township. These plaoos
aro admirably adapted for grain growing or
grazing,and within live miles of the flour-
i5hrng own of Brussels, The places will be
sole togethwe or separately, and cab bo pur-
ohaeedolroap and on easy term a, Apply on
rho promisee or address the proprietor, Sun-
shine P. 0.
501 . Proprietor.
—Mrs- Moiarva is now prepared to do
sowing In all its branollos, Also stamping
both blue and the Fronsh paste: ebeebrold-
cry in silk and wool. r. rimy quitting in leav-
es, vine stitch, Heir switches mads to or-
der, The undersigned will teach embroidery
to eeholasa after school .hours to those wish-
ing to learn. Oail and. sec the patterns at
18-tf Mill Street, Brussels.
1 being lot 11, on rho 10th oon.00ntaiaing
leo sores. south part lot 15 00 10 eon„ con-
taining 45
on-taining45 soros, Lot 14 is partly cleared,
the balance wolitimbered, h never /ailing
creek Orono the lot and it is well adapted
fox farming or grazing, Lot 15 is mostly
01001 d aadundnr good o111tivalion, tiro bat•
once well timbered with blealc ash, Will
'Transact a General Bankvn-g
Notes to hand dleoountocd.
Interest allowed on deposits repayable on
Prompt attention given io collo°tiono.
° v TERe, &o. Otllce in Leokio's block,
Brussels. Money to Loan.
• Garrow 8 Proudfoot, Goderioh) So-
licitor, Conveyancer, &c. 01/lee, Grant's
block, Brussels. Money to loan,
the Fourth Division Court, Co, Enron,
Conveyancer, Notary Public, Land, Loan
and Insurance Agent. Punde invested and
to loan. Oo,leotions made, Wilco in Gra-
ham's Block, Bruosolo.
moved his o0boo to rooms over the
Pon office. Atesidenee on AIM Street,
�A. MoNA(JGHTON 1±1. D., 0.
o Af, L. It O. P. Edinburgh, Phyoioian,
Surgeon and A000uohor. Office, Mrs, Shier e
bloat, Turnberry Street.
�JM, F. GALE, M.D., 0.111.
Member of rho 0ollego of Physicians and
Surgeons of Ontaaio by examination.
0010e andltesidano—Main St. East, Ethel
G. L. Ba11,L. D. S" Honor Graduate and
u. It. 0, D. S., of Toronto, Nitrous Oxide
Gas administered. Prim graded and as low
as good work combo CODS tor.
office over Johnston's Hardware Store,
Beat orth.
E. A. MARTIN, L. D. S.,
Honor Graduate Royal College of Dental
011100-0010.eld Block, Brussels, Charges
W, J. Foal, L. f) s, Graduate of To.
route Sohoolof Dentistry, All rper-
atiene gusrantoel, Oieo—Oady's
0011 all together or in parts to stilt the pus. ,Bloch soafort,
(Maser. For fttrbborlarticulersannl to 1110
ActJdoialt0eth,firetquality, aurin
drained. oi>.851 PromieoGEThis ERY. ll guaranteed ter 815.00per set.
1' v • of Marriage Licenses, Office at his
Grocery, Turnberry Street,
V and Oarriags, plain and ornamental
palntor. Eatimntce choorfully furnished.
Charges moderate.
. riago Licenses, by appointment of
Lieut. Goyornor, Commissioner, 80„ Q. B.
Conveyancer and Agent Fire Insurance Co.
Wilco at the Oranbrook Post Office.
u a Aoaident and Loan Lrsurance Agent
for novae of the best and most reliable Com-
panies in the Dominion. 01600 Brick Terr-
ace, Tnrnborry street, near tho station.
• Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary
Oollego has rosumod the 111BOtico of John
Nott, V,S„ and is prepared to treat all die.
Gazes of domesticated animals on ooiontitio
andapprr,vad principles. Treatment of del -
100050010 a specialty. Office at John Notb'o
Toaoher of Mucic. Vooal and Inetru-
mentalon Organ, Piano, or Guitar. Har-
mony and Thorough Bass. Advano0d pupils
fitted for Teaching, Terms' on appliontion,
Bhforeneo—Ladies Of Loretto Academy.
Guelph. ltosidcuoe—No. 2, Terrace, south,
near station,
P.,obert Cunningham
Guelph, Ontario.
13 atelier, thanking
his many oustomers fox their
liberal en porb in the past
wishes to inform them that at
110 shop in finnale's block he keeps nothing
but first -chum moats all kinds of Poultry
anr1 Sausage Moat Delivered to all parts 01
the town free. Cash paid for Fat Stook,
Hides and sheopnkins bought torcash•
..1...N The Oolleotor will he at the Town Nall,
on Tuesday, of next week, from 0 am., to 4
pain•, to receive taxes. Please attend,
Thos TOWN,
lam+ ii8'rti For !Sale.
1')10 subsorilior offers for solo his valuable
Farm in the Township of Grey, aomprieing
Iota 0and7,Genii. in sold teem ship, Thin
farm contains 200aorea midis witbin 11 milos
from rho thriving village of Brussels, with
good gravel road leading thereto, About 150
acres ole eloured free' from stumps and in a
high state of cultivation. The balance is
Andy wooded, This farm is particularly
well fenced, nearly the whole of the (oboes
being straight and having boon emoted in
1585 and '80, Onthe premisosthere isacom-
fortable log dwelling house and a goo ilframe
barn with stono stabling undornoa th in
which there is a well with an abundant sum
ply of excellent water. There le likewise a-,
now barna implomont hound, 40x20, well
iloer'od above and boles',and neatly aided
and painted. Por particuars apply t0 the
Proprietor, JAMES DIOESON,
Registrar, Huron 00,,
10.4f 0oder15b,