HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1886-12-10, Page 71
• .•
Dm 10, 1886.
6tinvera1Lce 0.....011.in. nvi,,t,
bone soup ,turi bait rations, (11 order
Tim Iowa= Jinn)),
Tlie 'braved battle that over vow fought I
Mall 1 ten you whore and when?
On tho maps of the world you. will find it
'Twos fought by tho »others of mon
Islay, not with the cannon, 0.1 battle shot,
With sword, or noble pen ;
Nay, not With eloquent words or thought,
Prom the Mouths of wonderful men.
But deep in a walled pp woman's heart —
Of women that would not yiold,
13ut bravely, silently bore hor part --
Do 1 than is that battle) field I
dint ono tittloon-Iceoper may fio eh
on roast turkey and litrupagoe.
It don't, pay to !vivo ono thousand
homes blakted, ruined, defiled, and
turned into a bell of discord and
mieery, in order that ono wtrolesalo
liquor dealer may aniase 0 large
Iti don't pity to gnu, one man, for
$15 11 (1116ItUrr o noon 40 to sell
qUOr, untt than spend $0,000 on a
trial on another man for buying
that liquor and oonumttiog murder
under as iotloenee.
No marshalling troop, no bivouac song ;
No banner to gloarn and wave I
But, oh 1 these battles, they last so long.
Front babyhood to the grave 1 Good sized horses 1100 in dernend.
There are 7,000 saloons in New Clover makes the farm rieli.
York city. Tim onion crop of 1880 is it stnall
'Why should lottery be prohibited, "a'
end saloonery bo licensed. Jersoys ,ire emphatically the but -
A Young Mono Prohibition Club
has been started in Now London,
There le a prospect of a vigorous
local option fight in tho Alabama
ter cows.
Good results from bagging grapos
reportod front every section.
Ventilation is hotter than refrig-
eration, say loadiug fruit dealers.
Lep tura.
Apples are plentiful and thou) ia
The ouly eate way of (Nuking, 1114 to fair export trade.
Tlie sugar beet is. a mon valid tire
the Itislimen puts is to ' leavo off
- miner food for Stoop.
boforo you begin."
The liquor traillo is the heaviest P"'"i136 may bo laft in the groll
drag , upou the progress, the deepest through the winter.
The value of roots 111 wittier
disgreco of the nineteenth century.
in of stock cannot beaver estim tt
0(0. Neal Dow is now past oighty
veers of age, and is heart,' and hard ed.
A short clip of wool is one of the
effects of drought reparto.1 from
The marked advance iu tho price
of wool is the natural result of the
goneral etortago in the wool clip.
The surplus of beat sugar in
France for export this year is 860,-
000 pounds.
Every body who has a stock of
hops on band is happy on account
of the marked advaurie 10 prices.
Tho production of oleoinavgarine
for domestic consumption is cavil
ally estimated at the rate of 1,000,
000,000 ponntis Dar year.
In purchasing hens select (i tre
fully from well Icuowu yard 1,
avoid the introduction of diss.tse
and lice into flocks,
It pays to burn tho g mho over
after the grass and weeds aro fully
dried. Fire ii) the fall 8 ;NOS 111i11111
tions are, very properly, resolving to weeding in the '4113:111g*
Progreiedve cud LiVatO re ill nor th-
take the respective oda forrn-
western status sucotted in grotviog
or records regarding' temperance,
fair 001)134 of pooches every year bV
rather :hen any mem election' pledge,
gtving winter protection.
tie the indication of just what inay
V„Vnyandottes awl the b *or atetin
be expected from them 1.Toloss
candidates aro know)] to be men of of 1-1Ymmitb 111.)00 1.1.1
decided temperance convictions, 1 r"""i"g " 1)01111 1'1
1 popularity as go)isral pdrpose.fetvls.
lion' 91111 91410 (1011011a 00 them will find,
Bonn colory growers veport 8)1,3i
ti the end, they are 'ironing 011 n
broken reed. Mactuesierlike, they
may 1-11y that—et the proper time,
a proper measure, with proper guar:
1111 10014, nod proper compensetion•—
will ord, be opposed, mid then, in
worlvin t. It 11) Haiti he 18 now pre,
paring a history of proitibitiou.
Miss (Iberian) Gray, of England,
nue, ionary for the World's W. O.
T. U., will vieit America next year
in the interoets of hor work.
.A. petition is boiog circulated by
tbe W.0 T.U., of Portland, Oregon,
which 18 to be presented to tho Leg-
islature, asking lin1 savanna and
frostings be forbidden in 1111 places
whero alcohol is sold,
A Nashville (blot)ing man one
looming told his family of m dream
ho bad 1 he pevious night, in which
he 0111V three gals, 0110. ft, 0130 len/1
and ono blind, and he wondered
what it all meant. "I know,''
promptly responded his little son.
•.The 11)1)!) flint se118,you .whisky 19
1141 1,11PM, mailer 18 tho lean cat,
nod you ore Um blind eat,"
Sarno of the temperance copycat
coestul blanching ol celery with
round the of throe loon ilio:o awl
about one foot long, slipped ov..e tho
celery whou dry.
Cider vinegar may be qoicloy
toad» when the ohm Is pore by 1'.the House, vote against eeiv needed
Ilia latter to a nigh temper
anaendment to the hies 100. havo, or I 111°Ving
antra and ponying torn ono barrel
any opportunity to even consider
toanother, to bring it into 111000
thetn. It will require a very large
direet nontect 101111 the air.
number Him that to overweigh anv-
periments outdo at tho
thing when i1018801'0 is really 110811'
ed. 'With such men tho proper gan Agrleultural College make is
appear that the ashes of corn 0011,)
have a valao .111 11111111115 of $2.50
per 100 pounds, which is Inure than
twice that of hard wood or ot wood
Lovett, tho noroory man, 1100:1
first a cushioned head for pressing
apples into a barrel iu paoking.
Several newspapers may/be employ.
ed instead, under the permanent
head. The 0118l011000 head or the
newspape.ts are removed after the
apples are pressed, and the permau-
out head is ready to be tautened
&gin 11011 DAIllY 0011'1), —It(10t8
are healthy food for (Iowa and 10 -
crease the kow of the milk, but care
is reqqtred 1n feeding those liable to
give an unplo 1011)1 flavor to tho
milk aud butter, 0 arrota and aug-
er beetti, experience hes. taught, are
among tho roots beet adapted for
dairy cotes. Torntps and cabbages
give nov10130'901 flavor to both milk
and butter. Route should not bo
feel alone but in combination \vitt'
nitrogenous foods.
KEI111 A GOOD TRA3f ,-4111 Lb 0 11
doubt the groakost and most 00111 -
mon loss in team m tintg(nneut is
from keeping poor 1100004 nimble at
time does uot errive, and the yro-
per mensti re is never presented.
WHY Be Watite.—It will not look
well upon thit Parlimentary history
of England, for the 1500011 of show,
as it must, that one, or the ablest
and beat (if not tho very boot) of the
prime ministers ever at tho head of
the British govormatent woe driven
from Lis place by an out cry increes-
ing the tax on ardeut spirits and
beer. Church disestablishment and
the laud act in Ireland, a change iu
the electoral system giviog now votes
to millions, a disastrtme campaign
in tbe Soudan, and a narrowly
escaped war will) Russia'all them
and othertt
crisis were efaly over.
passed. But making ilia liquor of
the people dearer—this was too
much. The terrible effect of the
wars, pest and prospective, which
caused the need inereased taxation,
were lorgraton. Some time it must
come to pass, that 1111111A11 blood and
tears will weigh nun o in the balance,
111 eVery eivilizod nation, that) whis
key, or even beer.
• 10 001031 PAY,
It don't pity to hung 01)0 onizon
beonuso another el Neu oells him
1103 t11118t0 dO a full day 1 Writ, 11
It donI 13113' to 111110 '1110 odizen is the oared difficult thing possible
in Ilto county jitil incense another for tnauy torture to gut tho idea
eitizen sells him liquor. into their 11011119 11)0111 horse capable
11 110111 pity to have one citizen of tieing little is entirely valueless.
in the lunatics asylum beaause an An old, worn out horse will always
°Ulm. citizen sold him liquor. Boll for something, no matter how
I1 don't pay to have fifty- work, poor he nnty bo, 11110 always tor a
113011 ragged, to have one saloon- 1411011.101 1)011)41 iit proportion to his
value .whemost worthless, hoe
farm purposes, 401111 the dear wages
non, paid for farm help, it does 1101
require 1111.1011 deduction from a fon
day d 10111.0 work each day to wake
108a an 00831 1)10 by selling then) 11- tip the 151110 of a Orst 01194town in
guar, every respoct.
keeper dressed in broed.cleth and
flush with money.
It don't pay to have ton smart,
active, intelligent boys transformed
into thuivol, to enablo 0110 10011 to
'Clur 1ln.1•Irsign b -rY11 illt111110.0
11) 010 1)1 trilr“ 110 11,14 .riiirrini a tailor
shop , , 0iI 1,41 nmou i*,.111. over Lotird'e
berbo whore lin is Toner- d to nt.
tend 1l 111, wants of tit, 1111 ,10 in teasing,
fitting ,1 1 in ling °Intl; lig 1, the latest
and . I • 1 11,1 ,iib'' +1.1- 31: 101W OX.
1il'i1 1''1".rg'rt/V11' ,Virr,r 1 cioarae of in
strip -idol 0.1 Lir 0111 of .11., 11 140 (totters in
Torow. , • ) goavaitte, .1 b ring able to
do sal farad rry work, 9,1"Arria-t1011 1010-
G. a. Rii.ww,
t/1 A' Pt/ 1,),T.
Any amount 1.1.1 Nfortey to Loan
on Garel or Village Pro-
. perty ot
6 b 6i PEP., CENT. YEA•11.LY.
Straight LoIns with privilege
of repaying ‘vlien required. Ap-
ply to •
A. H inter,
ow6rt Br11see./4.
goney to 1101111 011 Farm Pro-
perty, at
• --
1'11101'i'1E 7,111) r1,0111':L00 PUN 1)11.
Brussels, Ont.
PRI V -17'H FU N DS,
of P•eivIt3 nude have just been
placed ill MN' hands tor to,
vostmont. •
AT 7 P811 CENT.
Borrowers can have their loans
ia titre 3 days if title is.
Apply 1.o E. WADE.
3)11,0,11. NVIrel's 'Toro and Brain Trent -
Men), a guaranteed apooiflo for Hysteria,
Dizziness, Coon sinus, "lIs, Noryous,. Nou-
reIgla, Handrtelto Noryous Ps
rotration caus-
al by tho 1)50 00 alcohol or tobwro, W,,1.°.
fe1nes4, Rental Dourerraintr, Benening Of the
)1,'1n rearming i Insanity, leading to
erg, decay, and death, Planraturo Ohl Age,
BI1r0110115, 08S NItaT In either sox. Drool-
untary Losses an 1 Spormotorrhala caused by
oval...exertion of the11 self-11MM or
nce. ach box con:mins mac
montAVa troatano it, St a, hog, or six boxes
for m
sent by all, prope,1,1, on receipt Of
WI) GUARANTEE sex 150x09
To earn any oeso, With each oralor lareeiyorl
1)7 110 forst:01meg, necom Panted NV{ bh 55, we
will Feud the purchaser crar writton guaran-
tee to reform the money if the treatment
(lona 1101 effue)) II. cure, Gontantees issued
ettlyby Ton.rEargreaves 0 Co., lirtts Rola.
Watchmaker& Jeweler
rir15 011 hiltril 11, 71011d1l stock of Slilvor
01111 (I old 11 1 lol Watches, also (3, 11 But -
trap, Brortshos, leavings, Clont's Pins,
Finger ltings, 11.110 V0114 Chains,
Necklets, also it fine tt4i001 111011f of 40011.
oat mot Wok& Olooks.
is.%" nepairine N rattly and Promptly
QUERN'S 1.01.20-,
ci AS. 3-C71\TMS.
1r 110 WILII9N FO Intl'.
Piedmoed, Prices
We have on hand the following :
Land Rollers, Plows, Hamm,
Scuitters, Horse •.Powers, Straw
Cutters, Turnip Cutters, Grind-
ing or Chopping Mills. best
make, and 1 Good Second
Hand Lumber Wagon.
We have 5b1101011 It Planer
and Matcher to work. Parties
wishing to intro Lumber Dressed
and Matched, or Flooring sized,
tongued and grooved may rely
ou getting lirst-class jobs on the
most reasonable terms.
Repairs of all kinds promptly
attended to al the Bilossin,s
W. R. Wilson.
Loan &Investment Co.
This Company is Loaning Money
on Farm Security at Lowissr
Hortgages Parelmsed.
14, 4, and 5 por cont. Interest
allowed on Deposits, Recording
to amount and thne let.
OFFICE.—Corner of Market
Squaro and North Street, Godo -
Brussels, Ontario.
Having leased the well known and splendidly equipped floihr
Flouring 1iill from Messrs. Wm. Vaustone 6.. Sons for a term of
years, we desire to ill ilHati• to the formers. of Huron Co. and the
public generally, that ave.aro prepared to turn out the best brands of
lour, look after the Gristing Trade, supply any quantity of Bran,
Chopped stuff, ;Ind buY nmy quantity of Wheat.
The mill is recognized as one ar the best in tho County arid our
long experience in this business gives us conDdenCe in saying we
guarantee satisfaction.
Flour and Feed Always on Hand.
Gristiug and Chopping promptly attended to.
Stewart & Lowick,
Are to the front this Fop with a large and well selected stock of
Cooking, Box, Parlor, and Coal stoves. in cooking stoves we wish
to call Special attention to an mitarely new line, "Tux OranixrAn,"
''Tmo %anion KING," 111111 1110 old reliable "WOOD COOK,' weighing
400 pounds. The "Ity.oni. PENnow.r.111" is a. square base burner, for
coal, that should be seen by every intending purchaser.
Lamps Lamps Lam -os
Lamps and MT general bense furnishings 1110ay:1 liept gtoek.
horace Horton, Plated. ercods a -S7lecia1ty.
Steatill ,T1Imployinext 1,, Hen.
None need b 11110, Previous
Experience not essential.
We pay either Salary 01' Com-
HOLMES' BLOCH.. Elayeroft Bros.
inn Nen Wanted
To Canvas for the Sale of Can-
adian grown Nursery Stock.
Fon thil .Nnmeries,
/Awe i,, Canada:
Over 100 Acres.
Dol't apply unless you can
furnish firs t -class Befereni.es, and
want to work. No room for lazy
men, but can employ any num-
ber of energetic men who want
work. Annamss
Stone & Wellington,
Poronto, Ont.
Vir R EA 7.7 Qz CM 0 3F,'
Groceries, Crockery,
Glassware & Confectionery,
is ono of the finest in the -County of Heron and sold nt prices
which cannot be surpassed.
- •
Our Japan Tea at 40e. per lb. is one of tlic finest ,grown. Our
special blend of Coffee stands Unrivalled. 20 lbs. Bright YelloW
Sugar for $1. 5 Bars Electric Soap for 2.5e.
V6W t2F 7" All the Choicest Fruits of the Season.
A new stook of 13n lialo Robes,
Goat Itobes, Horse Blankets,
Bolls, Whips, &c.,
A Splendid Assortment
Trunks, Valises,
And Satchels.
in Stock.
a Dennis.
A Vali Assortment of Crockery and. (1 130o110110, -including China
and Tianip oods,
Bakery Department.
Having built a first-ela..,s }von, \VP tire tuning out brulta‘ of the
very best quality. •
?ashy and all kinds qf
Panty and Horne -Made Bread a Sfiet.ialty,-
A goat for Meischnzann Co's Compress, -d Yeast.
Quality Our Leading Feature.
Thanking our numerous Clustomer for their patronage in the
past and soliciting a continuance of same.
Geo. Thomson.