HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1886-12-10, Page 68 Diro tory of %mho and Seeietiest aler,vu,i,x Caluucu,—Sabbath bermes at 11 man, anis 00 p.m. Sunday School at 2:80 p. m, ltev. John Ross, B. A., 3,astor. 1 ox Cuuucll.—Sabbath Survicos at 11 an. and and 11:30 p:m. Sunday School at 2:30 pant. Bev. S. donor, pastor. ST, 30110'0 C111110111.—Sabbath Services at 11 a,nt. null 7 p.m, Sunday School at 0:00 a.m. Bev. W. '1'. Clntf, incumbent. Ifrsruoviar C'nencu.--Sabbath Services 'lt 10:80 co.m. and 0:30 p. tn. Sunday )School at 3:30 p.m. licv. Wm. Smyth, paster. Itoalas (la.nor.re Comtm.-.-Sabbath Service third untidy in every urontlt, ut 11 a.u1. Rev. Y..f. Shea, priest. ODD FaI,ww''S LODOa every Thnrsday evening in (Arnhem's block. )?drown Laod•5 Tuesday at or before full :noun in the ciarfield block. (1 0. U, W. Loom: meets Oki let anti Ord 11lo11da\ ivi.niiign of each month. Four.sTnt, s Looms nu 2nd e 4last Monday evenings of c:t"h mouth in Simile's hall. L. 0. L. let Monday in every month in 'Orange Hall. PoeT 0133.1113 ,,_COic,.•ii<,ur.-frem 81,.01. to 7 p.m. \he„tt.latt:' 1v:raves ;beading it,rnn 3 0d Library in 13 ie:ell block. will 1,,, open from is t:, s o'clock pan. Wednesdays :ma Satur,.i:0 . ::hes Jessie luau, l.ih• rnri:tit. Wily is a fat none liko weber ? 13teause neither can run up hill. eta a rule, the silent roan is meth, (Alen", painstaking, eeroful, Ile weighs 1013 wards nod propounds uo- onrately. In business lie makes nu fuss or parade; Ito transacts it, how• ever, with diligence 8(1(1 prudence, Brag and vanity are thins t togeth- er they wore born, and together they will die. They aro laughing it) I,ewiolon, Me., at the boy, who, whet) the teacher wilted if auy ono could tell what the word ");ender'' meant, nt, 03)0 i oi1 Itis lingers, null to rho quosti 0.'1\\'011, what is it John ?" Answered : "Please tnn111, it's what goes with geese." nett relrnr<k Pit cilia's O'ttrbalic ('wrote, . Dave you an old Sure. Cut, ndu+ nt31i+e, 000..11 union, Salt 'ouAu.sor 1l•"nourn'I! ea el <to iMato:. bollsComte. It you bu ger it 1't) k i (t • bolls CVrat- 1t 3011hat try i1, it will oat.. virtue you. it o'ota but ....t , .it i(.t.., Drug Store. ill It tiie11'a1!0--Inn N11,t3•,331 33x0 :1 tourist 1' Prisoner—Yes, sir, [ love nature in all her radiant b„ntlty-- 111agi,,F •at;•--llatat]ly'1 \33(13 min ] that ! How n,nch money have yoti uh:mt „nr 30 ,tht s ;''r— y'ecrnty 11031 (1(11331 1:11;!a.t• (30-- (1110.:11•:v) Thou 1 0111131 elms wit 1'„t1 1S 1 tai. \\'e drat; the lino be 1sh awl tramps at $1 their repo r„ry from lihc:uulati,11 0, \l.:st•s world', Wonder or vberopt' 'ire the )'best tniown conceded of it Khenl,:atiF:,:.''its. 11 niisas, Sprains. 11ul'e.. Scald.. and .Al J,noason re,lufriog ex's, ur, npptl01til,+1. l',',3,. ” r omit. 111,3 On cents 1,, bottle. Sot: I,y .1.311 Hargreaves a Co., Druggist... All Eastern Man who was travel!• iu1 i1i Aritenens entered a bunk in a certain village and asked for a draft en New York. ••Don't keep 'ere," was the 1)1':1111pt reply. "Do1i'% yon, do any business with New York 1 "Ne, sir." "Isn't that a littlo, Angular ?" •I tiuu't see it. When a bank has got a mortgage on evtn•y form 111 the county, a lien au every mule which comes into town, 3)3111 It Bret claim on every stock of corn and (0 ttOn for miles around, what 'does it want to fool with New York for ?" 191o4.retrer'0 Speedy Carr. When tvs .nay 3io(iregor's Speedy Cure is the only perfect euro for Dyspepsia, Livor Complail.t a,Indigestton,and fmpu re Blond, we ere 31111)130 the plaits foe ts, of which hon. dreds sped hundreds can testify, wito have been restored to perfect Health by its use. We would thorefure advise you strongly It you are subject to any of tho above troubles to give ilIcGregar's Speedy Cure a trial and be cnnviucel. It is sold ie 000. and 81.00 bottles at Hargreaves &CW's. Drug store, :Gerrie—It's very wrong, ma, to telt a faiseh00d, isu'b it ? Mater— Of course it is, clear. Bertie—And it's wicked to ask a little boy to toll lies 2 Mater—Why, yes. Berrie —`Nell, that's whet my bencher made me do tc•elny. Motor—Gra. clone me ! 011ado you telt a ho, Bertin ! Bertie—She made lee promise to bo it good boy in the fn. burs. The Major (rocking Nellie on his knee for Aunt Mary's sake) -"I sup- pose this is what you like Nellie 2" "Yes it's very nice. But I rode on a real donkey yesterday --I moan one with four legs, you know." lite Last Your 188C, After the above year is ended there read be no person suffering trent. Rheumatism, Neuralgia, 'Toothache, Hoadaobe, Lumbago, or any at/utopian, if they only purchase a bottle of Fluid Lightning as it cures instant- ly. Pain cannot etaywhere it is used. The name is Fluid Lightning. Sold by Jno, Har- greaves & Co., druggists. Henry Ward Beecher was sick unto death in crossing the ocean, and nothing gave him relief until he got his feet on dry land again. Bob Ingersoll wants to know why he didn't try the prayer cure. A. little girl being asked if she had au ear for music, replied : "Yes, I believe I have ; for I have heard the sound of a fiddle when a man was playing on it at least two hued. rad yards off." Mineral Pelson. No thing btlt pure extracts from plants and roots are used in preparing MOGrogor's Lung Compound, the modern and now popular 'Varier, l s:. circ'.,.)_ ',.t1 -111x 1303e:,t way rotund is 1130 :11013001 way home. The sayings of a print many leen \votti11 fill 0Jiull)es. Their doings could be written an a postal 0811.1. Pain super es1at after tile. l,ati,mt ]'ns taken e. single doer of west's Nom icing, the Magic pure. Do not be induced to tate v eab;titute, but lusi,st Munn hsving \%'3,;.'s Pain King. t,euuine seta 1.y .`. largnitvI s ,L• 00., druggists. The little tor of the Statue of Liberty snakes a comfortable seat far a l:el'san. What an awful big ache the goddess would have, should she accidentally grow a corn I "Why do -yon hi.ir, Johnny 2" 1.1lid ono boy to number. "I hide to save my hide," replied the other, as Ire hied nosy to eeanra a spot. ?i con viet 1311t11 a bail and chain nttacbnlent grave its an e3em•0 for not taking 11 summer Vacation, that he 31834 too closely 11ec1 to busmese, One of the 1,8rdest dunes in life is for a youth to believe that it luau older than himself tuideretan(ls any• thing ; but be gets there some day. A Profitable Life. k037 10011 113373, 1C0003plt0l13d 1110 0311110 amount of work and good in this world as the celebrated Dr. Chase. Over 00,000 00 bio works liavo beau aoidiu Canada alurto. Wo want twiny persontroubled with Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, headman°, kidney or Urinary Troubles, to canto. at your druggfat and buy a bottle of Or. Cha'30 0 Liver Cure, it will cure you. Medicine mutt Beelpo nook for 81.08. A speculator leaving married a homely girl, the possessor of a very largo fortune, declared that it wasn't the face of his wife that struck Hill so much its her figure. A Boston sigh advertises to teach "throat gymalrastics." After suf. Rout training a man eau swallow a "whole torchlight procossiou" with the most artistic grimace. It is predicted that the young la dies will shortly carry walking - sticks. The dear girls have always been noted for being tricky ; but tide is certainly t1 novel sort of she• cane-ery. rte on Toni. 0aaral. Don't allow a cold in the head to slowly and surely develop Erten into Catarrh, waon Yougan be for 10e, A '33,011 cueincipient Catarrh. wOnolioaatiuno boxes ,0incula ordinary Catarrh. One to 5 boxes will euro obroaic Catarrh. Try Dr. Chase's Canadian Catarrh Curo—itwill caro 700. A. correspondent \Via1105 to ]snow "how to get rid of a fool." Pro• cure a loaded gun, put your mouth over the muzzle and touch the trig- ger vi1]1 your toe. The bullet should ; be swallowed whole. At Fort Ann, N:Y., Mr. Cossey, as reported, said he would have car- ed nothing about bis daughter's elopement, which occurred last week, "if rho had not spoiled two bills of potatoes by jilmpine. out of the window.'" eaJOGS MEDICINE Fee. ewes` irvee BLOOD. ` romady for coughs, C albs, Bronchitis.. Croup, Asthma, and all affections of tho Throat, 1 have used threebottlee of Dr. Lungs, and Chest. All mineral poisons and Jag's Modloina for Broucbitts clangorous eubetanoee aro avoided, which andbave received groat benefit renders it sato for children or adults. Sold from it and oa11 highly recent- at 10o. and 81.00 per bottle at Bnrgreuves 3; mend it. Mats. 1 msolv,rty, Oo'e. drugstore. They tell a good story of a South bold by G. A. Doadanan. A. Waterbury 5•ysar•old, ab the supper table lust evening, sot down a cup of milk which he had raised to- his lips, with the remark :— "Mamma, I believe the milkman boa a env cow,,, Maryland employs 80,000 people In putting op canned goods, and the chance of discovering the chap who nuts peach stones in the cans along with the fruit seems like hunting for a needle in a hayetaok. The Pet e>•bon' authorities wan In attempting to impeach the the parents of a baby that was left testimony of a 'witness in a recent comfortably Melted up in bed in case, Mr. Conkling, the New York lawyer, began hie address to the jury as follows : ".Gentlemen, I think Ican see that witness now— his mouth stretches across the wide desolation of his taco, a fountain of atoll ood and a eepnl'ehro of ram." THE BRU,.;,. . 1 •.• DEO. 10,188U laa,l 1� t Georgian statesman, who went to Charlestown in the old days and stopped at a hotel. A. waiter brought out some shrimps, which the Georgian stowed away as best :u3, could. Ina moment the waiter reappeared with a stand of celery, "No," said the Georgian, ,halting his head solemnly, "I have tried your bugs and don't like them, and you can bet yer life I don't want n one of your grass 1" 0(10 of the hotels of that tow 01i Tuesday night. Valuable codfish banks have been discovered off the coast of British Colombia, and already several New- foundland ai:d Labrador firms eon 1(0)plate embarking in 11111 trade. THS' VII_a_LA_Gi ITIJACE<BMIrTFI. 1IR. Garn,—Jol1n, you don't semi to be able to make anything of that "Bleu" BOLT. ,TORN.—O, don't you fret. If it comes to that, I can easily chicle it ill the tub, and 11IAKE A ZLE OF IT. - FIZ- 0 Et nactilia lye Oakville literary society stertod with '75 members. Tiloonbnrg will have a pr01iltry show, Dee. 20 and 21 150 in prizes. W. G. Laidlaw, of Milton Grove, Middlesex, pulled three turnips weighing 85 lbs. Tho 3330si0n of the Elgin County Council lasted but a day and a half, tbo shortest 00 record. Th„re ore 20 Sunday rcboole ]i1 Brantford, nearley 400 affront s and teacher and 3,400 3033alalrs. Five 331e11 senln'ed threw 1 - 1 herring in 01111 11.1)1 Port Bur- well 10 'Puesday of la ' week. The Young Men's Christian As. SOCn143"ll of St. P1301nto, will er80 a S10,000 building next yea A man encumbered with tl.e nova of Sovl ¢piper 1(0131)1' •1 blsol omit shop at Nanticoke Beide:mu • county. Pa1011y Council have paeSo,l d by law forbidding the NOvatia'i, A„1y • to beatt their drums i0 the nt.c'e :. Sunday. J. B. Lyon, of Arnprior, isp•u.. ., week hunting on the 14Tattat,a 1.1 returned 311111 '21 real deur n•t • moose cow weighing 840 11)0 Dr, Mclnnes,'of Vi'toria. men swan in the Tarlcoy Point tenni .o on Friday of last•woek. Wi',ci n.:':an; are not eomi110u M this regb313 N. X'rankhn, cf \'nlsingh::cl1, ..t1 moving a, stump ma011i110 re1•e” 3y. when it fell ou the Ilnrees, driving the hind logs of ono 6 in. into the ground, killing it. A London lean let off some pig • eons for Boston. One of them ma,ie the distance, 520 miles, in 21 hoar, allowing that it resters tho two nights. on which it was 011 the wa'y, This was at the rate of 25 miles 1111 flour, the fastest time on record. The distance was 14150 the longest ever known to bo covered by ilny pig• One. There is a revolt against sm1111 birds and feathers of the 3333300 for millinery ornaments among those ladies who are W130 to 33113 a stop to the slaughter of 1111, forest bird; of America and rho w13010 world. N E W FI P !I . Book Store �i i" .0 M Si Photo., Scrap am,1 .\ntograph Albums jur• ?iwined r'1 •; and will be sold at Sue 51311 311116 lot o± ,tock °ePl See .:.,t 113.133 N 011' lb 'a' t o TIME 1 .S. W, ithf O1,ET11 &ROSS) T. Rossi The above firm claire to inti- mate) to thr Public generally that they have formed a co -partner- ship for the purpose of carrying on Carriage, Sign and Ornament- al Painting, and aro prepared to attend to the warts of the public on 111101 reasonable terms. Mr. Ross having had experience in some of the best shops in Toron- to and both being practical work - Men 'too guarantee to give satis- faction. in JiiStima100 and terms cheer- fully furnisliuc:. Shop over Veal's furniture store, (korner of Turnberry incl Mill streets, Brussels. SMITH & 11055. -11'I vi 00U ,'01 01411— Hand 141 111111d iitr,t ..,Its. re. ' 131 Pao '- IN? Straw t.! . t"'1, Wit vers,tbie food, Moot ,(ars, 1,1 Sliers. the genlli Yort !' r1 Gni .1 Grinder, I L t, Sol Po a .34, large £111[1 51111111. .L 331 yes, Heald Powers—c', ''l, and ' i Pow-. ere. AleeIrto Celebl4 .1 SEWING MACHINE, It Leads them all. BEST SATISFACTION GIVEN. Geo. Love, T. FLETCHER, P3•aciie0t iDatchmaker rC Jeweller, Thanking the 11ubli0 for past Encore and support and wishing still to secure your patronage. We aro opening out full linos '10131 mud olives Watches, Silver Plated Ware, from established and reliable makers, fully warranted by 315. Clocks of rho latest designs. -THIS SEASON BOOK STORE st has made a Spacial, I';i11or't to place within the early reach of ' tho Public Il• sploudid assortment of goods suitable for Christmas Trees, Presentationt5, Gift e, a &o. Jewelry Wedding Rings, Ladino Gem Icings, Broaches, 131arings, 40, Our Stock is mode up of Beau - Will Plush, Leather and Cloth hound Photo, Scrap 10311 Auto. graph Albums. Splendidly bound Family and Pocket Ilibles, Tot' books from. G cents up. 131lsc•el- laneolts books containing inter- esting stories, readings and illl- ccdotes from 10 cents op. Our Annuals arc just to hand . We 110\'e BANI) 01? HOPE, BOY'S OWN PAP1,li, GIRL'S " " BRITISH WORKMAN, ,3 WORKWOMAN, BABYLANJ), CHATTER13OX, C IILD'S OWN MAGA ZINE, THE PRIZE, and a number of otliet' books. Toy Departmentl To enumerate. all we have i.11 this line would take 1(p ton much space but you will find Drums, Gulfs, horses, Wagons, Trains, Mechanical Toys, Dogs, Rubber Goods, Shell Goods, Work Boxes, Money Boxes, Trumpets, Horns, Whistles, Plucks, Tools, Toy Watches and Clocks, Sets of Dishes, Rat1138, Paints, Dolls in all varieties, Authors, Dominoes, and hundreds of other articles. Musical Instruments ! In musical instruillents - we have a large stock of Harmoni- cas, imported from Germany; Metalaphones, Concert Flutes, a a new style of instruinont, Jew's Harps, &c. A Call will satisfy you as to our stock. Handsome range of China Cups and Saucers sold at low prices. Hanclsleighs, Rocking horses, Carts, Wheelbarrows, &c. BEAUTIFUL XMA6 P4 NEW YEAR'S GARB ITJST TO IIAND. Nothing ehargod for inspecting our goods and getting our prices. All the School Books always on hand, also a largo stock of paper, envelopes, 3%0, Give Ti's a Calle Altai have ie stock a full lino of Violins and Violin Strings, Pipes, ere. utile LB.—issuer of ltfarriago Licenses, T. Fletcher, ca