HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1886-11-26, Page 8TI -TE BRUSSELS POST .Sonis people prodiet en o en 'sinter Tile station yard has been much mi. 1 BOOK8 IND iliB11111181,ziii,-,vigtfirol,,i;:iroletz 2. , . e a mask o liPA KANneonis sign bee been hung out by 'W. W.A. Calblek in the shape of 0 baby FOB' ITOLEDA.Y GIFTS, Smith Et Boss, painter% in front of theie shop, 8,000 cords of cordwood were da. ot1 oraoaL _ea Atte 1 ts " his "r (1)ift g t &reams:271.11,-11L1'ni stook, im- taunted at the Enterprise Salt Works thio Year's Cards rt: S. PULTON, Of TIM ?.0W1 etaff, was called home last weak owing to the illness of bis mother, resnembrituce for f riends. A LIME amount of grain has bean par- doned dining the lad week On the Drina eels market. Xmas & New yeer. TOYS AND FANCY DODDS ' Now le the tine to advertise strayea cattle, 81,00 pays for a monthef inser- ter Xonts anti Now Year's Presents now ;ion in Tus pos.r. at the Headquarters for Tun exchange office of Cox Et Co. was eloaea. Em Thursday owing to it being Santa .0 Thanksgiving aay in the Stake. Lain' week Levi Latimer had the Mitt- fortone to be thrown off it load of barrels, G. A. Deadman, at Wroxeter, and bad two ribs broken. Im is hinted that 3?. Thomson will run Draeeist, Beoks.iferee, Feevy Goods Dealer. for the Reeveship with the promised sup. eurreerseue,aamweeersaseaueneee'ea-see port of our Conservative Mende, in op. Poeition to W. H, McCrecken, GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. X1E..B.-For a holiday preseet to a friend - or relative, 'lobbing will bo more highly suounsks vareurassott, W. (I, & 11. 41. appreciated than 0 yeer's subscription to Tee PosT. Experiment on some friend Trains leave Brussels Station, north and and see if this is not a most seismal south as known:- truth. Going Sunlit. (04510 "$"th' , Tense was am exchange of preachers in I°° •.7a.'; a.m. I Mime° "0 '26 4'111' the Presbyterian cherishes loot Sunday eze 1 ,m, ; Express 0.10 pal, evening. Rev. Mr, Jones preached in Illxpres4 ....11:43 eau. I Mai4,1 pan. Melville church and Bev. 111r. Ross in Stius c4te1115. IT:::Tires;ogitt.fr.,r.i: boy. Pans. W. U. LITTLE and ehildron., of Luoknow, Were visiting Mrs. T. Eleteher this week, Wimas, of Durham, bee come to town and will work for R. Sperling, pro- duce dealer, iinnnt Wm= has purchased a house and lot north of the railroad. The price is stated at QM. 380. Prrieoli and wif e, of Wingbara, were in town for a few daps this Wal. They were visiting at B, G. Wilson'e, Tiros. Galleon IL P.P., was in town on Tuesday of this week. He went on to Seaforth to hoar Justin McCarthy, M. 3?. Tee 'marriage ceremony between W. M. Sinclair and bliss Rambla will be solemnized next Monday morning, at 0 o'clook, in St. 3'ohn's °bomb. TEE anniversary servieee of the Meth°. diet church, Druesels, will be preaohed on Sunday, December Seth. Tho tea ineet- lag takes place on Christman day, Pe is said Hon, Wm. Meredith, of Lon. don, will likely address a public meeting in the Brussels Town Hall, in the inter- ests of the Conservatives, in the neer f uture. NEXT Wednesday will usher in the month of December. The County Calm. oil will convene hue on the afternoon of that day ana will continuo in session on til Saturday. 0e,ThanksgIving day Sir john A. Mac &Mead and colleagues puma throng Brussels, on the afternoon train, whil en rotate to Goderich from Walireeton There was no display. Tee pulpit of the Methodist chum was occupied by Saml. Fear and Rev. j L. Herr lost Sunday, in the absence o the paetoi, Rev. W. Smyth, who was a. Bincardine preadang edueationel rex mane. 1 • A.103WEING of the Brussels Reformers called for this (Friday) evening, in th Reform club rooms, over Deadman drug store, for the purpose of Betroth delegates to attend the Reform Conve tion on Tuesday afternoon of next wee TEAS 1 TEAS 1 1 TEAS 1 ! 1 -For eve ly five years, camel. home this week fat: a visit. W. R. ie a stout, hearty locking ebiel's arnang ye tekin notes man and the climate and his work evi. Au' faith he'll prent it. ;hotly agreed with him. Tun fire engine test at Montreal Wile llxao bums Bswenrinama is on the sick postponed until Wednesday of next week, list this week. J. D. Ronald and D. D. Shragg came Miss Bot BRINE, of Seaforth, is visiting home front the east on Wednesday after. at P. Scott's. noon. The Ronald steamer will make it Hamm, of 'Mitchell, spent Sunday interesting for the other competitors. with his sister, *errs. E. Meisel'. Losr,-A black pocket book was lost on !V. RAM= has returned to hie home in Main street, between the postoffiee and Blensbard after h stay of ten months in the Garfield House, last Monday evening. Brussels. It contained over 88.00. The finder Will IdISS JENNIE WELLS returned to Dresden greatly oblige by leaving it at Mrs. A. on Wednesday. alter a six weeks' visit in Webster's, or at TUB POST Publishing *di locality. • House. Mks, A. L. BTIEITLEEES, of Stratford, Wu are pleasea to hear that 3. D. Bon - formerly of Brussels, passed through add has secured tho order to ship at ones Brussels last Monday on her way from one 01 hie best steamers, two hose reel carriages and all the necessary applianoes S. W. CALLANnea, of Clinton, is in town to the distant young, growing city of Cal - this week pushing the Federal Life Els- eery, at the base of the Becky mountains, sumac° Company. J. B. Grant is the N.W.T., some 800 miles west of Winni- local agent. peg. It will bo shipped as soon as ready. WATCH the advertisements in TEE POST !TEE PAST, PlIESENT AND FUTURE Or Inti - for holiday bargains. If the merchants wan .-This is the subject of a lecture have them they will Let yon know through: by Bev, W. Smyth, inthe Brussels Town oar eolunms. Hall, on Thursday evening, Deo. 19th, 92.25 will pay for TEE POST aria either under the auspices of Loyal Orange Lodge, the weekly Globe, Mail, Advertiser, Free No 774, Brussels. A. big turn -out is ex - Press or News to the 1st of January 1888, peotod if the weather is favorable. The W. R. Herr, Agent. managing cummittee are booming the BEV. ma. Yottio, of London, the Bish. Leduc with more than usual vigor, op's Commiesioner, addressed St. john's ON Decx.-Entertainments are arrang. church congregation on Wednesday ev- ea for as follows in town 1 -Temperance ening of this week an church work, meeting ou Tuesday, Dec. 7 Old Folks Msas E. Wu's', of Detroit, stenograph- Concert on Tuesdiry, Deo. 14; L. 0. L, er of the 'United States Circuit Court of leoture on Tbersiday, Deo. 16 ; Upper . Michigan, is on a short visit with his Canada Bible Society meeting on Thurs. uncle, E. E. Wade, before resuming his day, Deo. 16 ; Methodist ten meeting. on ' labors on the Fall Circuit. Christmas atty. Then there is nommis- REv. 3. S. Coos, of Bluevale, will tion day for Local House candidates on preach in the Taethodest ehuroh, Brus- Deo. 21, the municipal nominations on eels, next Sunday, morning and evening. Dec, 27 end the Local House elections on Rev. Smyth will be absent preaching Dec, eg, anniversary sermons at Mt. Forest. TEANITSOIVINO DAT.-Servioes were held 91.50 secures TOE POST from now to the as announeea, on Thanksgiving day, and, mica 1837. 141110811110 reading for 91.50. taking the stormy weather into amount, Don't borrow Tus POST any longer but wore fairly well attended. Rev. S. Jones call in and leave your name along with pi:imbed. in Koos church from the text the large number 011 110)11 subscribers. 100 TICEETS were sold at Brussels sta- tion on Thursday to persons attending the political demonstration in Listowel. The bend received 020 for going. Twenty Reformers were counted among the Brus- sels contingent. BEATTIE'S 'bus has received a thorough over hauling and painting and looks about AS good as new. R. Barrett had the job of painting it and did the work up "brown." The 'bus will not be put on the road until the new bridge is finished. plea -merits, cif), lot 31, arm. 13, Croy. Sale oommeneee at la o'elook. JOITIOS Den. nom, prop, Capt. Strata'', alma 21)X.Vtiefuesimax.,0 314.A.M.PEC=ISS. Whito Ftaiwii.at ...... .. 70 71 These Overcoats Must have their Swing ! mum= ecuneenLe liViillY WEI:10, Rea Winter 2 Spring Wli eat ... 00 70 Barley 40 50 Oats 20 28 Peas 48 00 Butter, tribe and rolls, - , 18 15 Eggs per 110001, 10 00 Flour per barrel 4 00 00 Potatoes .. 40 Oa Hay per ton. .. 9 00 19 00 Taken por ib (147 /kneed liege., ..... ... . 5 00 5 50 Salt. per bbl,, wholesale.,00 80 Sheep skins, each 50 1. 00 . 13=-4....'70=34= 84.41.1'0.1'.. -='1. - 13 is 'Es 144 n. k. pound of Tea you buy you get a China Cop and. Saucer sank I have just re- ceived Five Hundred cups and sewers to give away. , NOW is your time to boy tea at Guo. 20- . To those requiring aids to vision. 33e sure in asking for Leaunnee's.speataoles that you get 33. Lioncean's-as there are imitations in the market, and see that every pair is stamped 33. L., without which none are Amman% Do not be de- oeived by any similiarity in the name. Mos. MoLens fell while ooming down the hill on the north side of the river, one day last week, and broke her arm. It is said that a man was upset out of his buggy the other night and thrown against the folio° and had his shoulder injured, owing to the dense darkness and the want of our bridge. Will the County Council, the Warden's Committee and the Om Engineer. take note of this. A. roma temperance meeting will be held in the Town Hall on Tuesday even- ing, December 7t13, commencing 7:30 o'clock. Rev. Mr. MoQtatrrie, of Wing - ham, has been. invited to give an address, and an efficient committee has the re. mainder of the program, of music and readings, in hand- The presence of a large number of our residents is asked for. A. collection will be taken to defray expenses. BIBLE SOCISTY.-The annual meeting of the Upper Canada Society will be held M Knox church on Thursday evining, De - found in let Theesalenians, 5t13 ohapter ember 17th. commencing at 7:30 o'clock. and 18th verso. At St. John's church Rev. 3. G. Manly, agent of the Society Rev. W. T. Muff discoursed frum the will deliver a lecture on the Vertifleation 186th Psalm, 18th to 22nd verses. The of the Bible, by the old and imperishable al verse of Psalm TOO was the portion of dwelling places of Palestine, with pietor soripture upon which Rev. W. Smyth ha illustrations. A collection will be tak basea his remarks at the Methodist en for the Society. • church. The collection taken was for Less Tuesday morning Miss Nary the pooe. Rev. J. Ross, B. A., took for Fitzpatrick left Brussels for Brandon his text the 82nd Psalm ana se verse. Man., where she is to be married to Alex The sermons ill the Methodist and. Mel. Elliott, a former resident of Morris town villa churehes partook largely of season- ship. Miss F101'0110144 made the tri ruble advice 011 partyism in reference to alone so as to save her intended hueban a double journey. Mr. Elliott is to b Tun Poor would like toknow who open- congratulated on teeming a person so ed the tandem for 'the .new iron bridge? generally respected as his intended bride -Who drew up the contract papers and A number of her friends went to the sta hadthem signec17- WM, added the penalty tion to see her off and wish her good speed th t TT' 99 sT4.141, la4VOK T. TEME is a report out that the rate of • taxation this year is higher than it was last year. Seel' report is untrue as the rate is a little lower and where 11 person's taxes are increased over last year it is owing to being assessed higher than the preceding year. We observe, with pleasmo, from the city papers that our friend E. E. Wade bas been sworn in. before the Court of • 'Common Pleee, as, a Barrister at Law. IVe understand he intends to make his .4ebut at the County Court Sittings in tfioderiola nest month. As entertainment of a novel and unique oharacter is promised us shortly by 'Ye old Folkss," who will give a concert, at the Hall of Town Fathers, in the burgh Bruesels, on ye 1011 day of ye lest month of thisi ye present year of Geace, at ye hour of early, oandle light. Those who attend will require to part with two or three York shillings as they may pre- fer seats in front or not but all will be Vallgome and will enjoy themselves. Ourr.-Last Sunday ?cooing Thomas weather on Thanksgiving day a large 'Hari:oft died after an illness of about company sat down to the neatly arranged two weeks, aged 42 years. The deceased tables in the basement of the Methodist was born in Wansworbh, England, and ohuroh. It was a novel as well en 11 memo to America, with his pareuts, iu sumptuous repast. Instead of following 1860, and looated at A.Many, New York out the old line of tee-rnootinge there was abate, whore they resided for five years. served turkey, goose, duck, ohiekens, p0 - In 1.856 the family came to Brussels ad takes, 44(0 53', Lto., &C. in abundance, have lived here ever sines, The subject while 050)011 porker "deoorated" two of of this notice was well known throughout the tables. It was in reality a 60 oent this section of country and AVM a straight dinner for a quarter of a dollar, After forwara man in all his dealings with the ample justice had been done to this de- publio, Nine years ago he married Miss pertment an adjournment to the andienee ilutobireson, of Grey township, ana ohs room Vate in order and the program of is cow ;left, with a daughter and son, to the evening entered Upon. It was made nlottra the leers of a kind husband aria a up of a solo from Miss Stewart; two roe - good. father, lar, Hityeroft boa not en- itetions from Mamie Fear trio by Mr% .joyed good health for several years and Bevell, Mrs. Eleteber and G. A. Powell last 30110 10001 110 England with the hope solo by Miss Herr ; reading by W 38 of benefiting his health bet it resulted el- Dickson; solo by Mrs. Revell (encored) ; most contrary to his expectations and his "Mortgaging the farm," by Mies Herr, ^demise was ellaclen aad unexPeeted, ex- Park Powell, Mrs, Fletcher, G.A. Powell, e,ept to the people of this immediate vie- end W. H. Herr ; address by Rev, 3. L. jnity. The funeral, on Tuesday after- Nerr organ solo by G. A, Powell ; duet* neon VMS Very largely attended. The by Ethel Powell and Boggle Fiddler serviiisa was conduoted. by Mr...liftyhoe, quartette "Allow ute to move a vote of of Ingeieoll. The businees carried tni by thanks." The program' was carried the Harmon Bros, will be continued, through without break, the little folks Geo. Hayoreat baking full eharge of its being worthy of speoiel mention. Rev, Hayet'oft aud the sorrowing relat- Mr. Smyth presided. The, proceeds iVeti have tho 8yr:wally of a large ofrole amountsa to ovee 680,00 end will be op. plied ma the new organ tuna. of friends in their bereavement, eonnewridi annarta.nt- EVEITT WEEK. White Fall Wheat.. . . .... . 70 71 Spring Wheat 't 70 72 Barley 48 49 Oates 27 28 Nee 48 60 Butter 13 14 14gs 10 00 Potatoes 40 45 Hay 800 000 ,e,e00 .uueue,e0,easeauseuesereeerieueuresuaswasuin TIE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. .V.X0E1, LENT CELLAR '11) _g_..1 LET, 111 07 0ben, /11111,111/1 0 !or 11,0)1. lint 4 or, or 01:. . vr., :great ?IMO! And 1103) Vox, tilttio,1. J. It. GRAIsT, Postmaster. . ..... .. , (-1. HOWE FLUMS FOE SALE .- N../ A. few splendid, Itop.voreil forma l'Oe 10510 1,, the 50.5,11311111 01 (.1 1 0`, Mardis anti AIM( Ww. AMOY to A. DisL,GATTY, Co. A 1101.5..100Y, Brussels 1'. C, A 600]) FA.RM TO RENT, 011 L3_ Rum, 11 wiles ivoin Orantir noli. For f 11r1.11.5r pv.rtion111 04 1(1)1)11 to A. 11AYMA N34, ,, , .., WM. OSTER . Crimbrook (1.0, "' - Conoord P 0, N. OTIOE . The Council of the Corporation 04 the County of Huron will meet in the Town Hall in tho Village of Brussels, ou Wednesday, the first day of December nest at 3 0'01001C 11.01. PETER ADAllSOH, • 104 County Clerk. Manse after the contract had been Tan POST expyesies wishtoa many signed? -How many converts were made years of happiness may be the lot of Mr. at the Listowel meeting on Thursday 7- Elliott and Ids trusty littlebriae. What about that street lamp at the atm WhO gave his name as James Town Hall ?-Why thetemperancie people Robinson, was arrested last Sunday ana ofBrussels do not stana to the front and placed in the lock-up. He was brought not flunk when they are wartted?-If it's up before justices Hunter aud Rogers, true that R. lidatherdale will be a can- on Monday, for selling'.jewelry without ammo as Councillor and if Jas. H. Young license. He pleaded guilty and was son. end Jas. Buyers are going into • the field -kneed to pay a fine of 810.00, or 20 days for the vacancies at the School Board 7- jail at hard labor. He took the latter 311 11115 is to be an open winter and if rio and was removed to Goderielt on Tuesday what stove wood will cost per cord 7- morning, by Constable Hioks. 31 15 gen- How a man oan work months for nothing orally supposed that he stood in with the and pay large as they omne due 7- man who burglarizea Dr. Holmes' rosi. Why some man with money does not aenee, as they were together on Saturday build a row of comfortable cottages that evening and nave seen in the neighbor - would rent for about 96 per mont117- What majority the Reform candidate will have in East Huron next month? Goose 5000A0. -Despite Slavery stormy R. SMITH, the Great Clothier, is again intrenebed behind + a bulwark of an Immense 'Pilo of onit[ 4trini g • .AND SUITS, and is prepared, as usual, to battle aphid all oppoSition no matter who they aro .or where they 'come from. The guileless opposition we have lutcl so far in this town only adds fuel to the fire and the name of btisiness mounts higher and higher. "ITo anamtlaer Ouv Motto, not only the 5th of November but on 0VOry clay of the year. 1i-1A:11M TO LET -N ORTH ..IL Loll lot 20, CM 8, Morris, 100 sexes, 40 ulcer ed. Good log house, frame stable agui excellent orchard, Spl Bugle Supply oi good Water. '1'5r1118 oany a period of five 7011x1. 111CHARD LEES. 16-tf ' Box 576, LliodsttY. .ZIENIALE TEACHER WANTED ' -one holding a Ma or erg class se,1AO. eale, with a knolvlorlfe of the Kindergarten testi tuoniste. H . MOSS, Secretary Brussels Solionl Board. QTRAXED ON TEIE PREMISES LI of the undersigned, lot 28, eon .4. Morris, on or about August 15t, a red yearling steer. The owner is requested to grove pv01)51.13,, pay 0E1)011Sea One tete hell away. 204, GEO. BBEWAIZ QTRAYED ON THE PREMISES 1.. of the undersigned. lot 10, 00n. 14, Grey, on or anout July 10111, a rod and white year. ling steer. The owuor is regnested to prove Property, pl.}, expenses aud take him 51707. 28-4. 301014 ASICIN. T 0 T ICE .-PifIRSONS WHO are indebted (5 0005. 'Watson, either by note or.b epic account, aro 11000001 04 to tali at 4., Sohonok'e orrice and settle the same not later than December 10113, 20-8 THOS. WATSON. QTRAY1bD ON THE PREMISES Is) of the undersigned, lots 13 dr 14, eon, 8, Grey, on or about the 15111 of August, a The owner is requested to (1110110 11TOIO.TTY Pay expenaea and take him away, QUIN= .010130A1N, 1.0 Jamestown P. 0. ARM '10 RENT -THE SUI3- .L.soriber win rout. his feria, lot 18, con. 7. Grey tinanship, for term of Ave years. The farm le in pea eels r and the reason for renting it is the proprietor intonds giving up farming. Per fullparticulars 8445)4 3' to JOHN AMINTOSH, Proprietor, 1115 Brussels 2.0. NopicE. Notioo is hereby given that tho Corpora- tion 00 the village co Brussels will apply to the Legislative Assembly el the Province of Ontario at its next Session. t or a. 13ill for the ratification and oOntinning of a certain Deed end agreement betweenthe Village of Britr- sale and ,Telin D. liona1c1. Corporation of the Village of 1.3russels by WADE dc SINOLATE, Their Solicitors, Brussels, Oct 11, 1886, 10-7 Prices' to Suit Everyone. Men's all -wool Suits for $5,• Youth's all -wool Suits for $4.50, Boy's Suits for $1, regular price $2. T.4"10R 8/LTJE.-TWO FARMS - J.' Lot 14, on the 01!) 00(1., and lot 15, on the Morris eoutaihing 300 cares earth about CO nares cleared, free from stumps on hood after night fall. one fawn, and about eo earec eleued ou the WE are SOrry for the Clinton New Ike other. The cleared 18)111 45 in a good state man. Ple finds fault because tho Deoem- ti Doe awl. •Wall 1"a".• Good frame barn and stables, and log house ou ono, and on the otner a 10g 115)100 and log harm There is 11 goodb oaring orchard on lot 14. 4. or.faillng spring creak rune Owen& both plum The soil is first class, them 13 no bettor farina in the township. Those planes aro a tintivably adapted for grain growing or grazing, and within five miles of the flour- ishing town of Brussels, The pineets will be solo together or sopazatol y, and 0011 be pur• chattorloliettp (51111011 easy terms. apply on the premises or addresS tho proprietor, Sun• shine 1?, 0. • • GEO. SEALE, PrepriotOr. bar session of the County Council was not held there instead of Brussels. Did it ever occur to you, Bro. Hohnee, that people outside of Clinton do not look upon the muddy hub as that aentre of at- traction and paragon of excellence you thioleit is ? Why bless your heart the 51141 11(005 here just the 00,810 Se it doos with you and Wo are satisfied to allow other Ogees to enjoy their term of gather. ings along with us. If you secure the County buildings, poor hoose, rhe', tto, allow ua the privilege of. gazing ou the County parliamentarians seesion, once in a while. -- asomassT. CATELIOIC.--111 Brussels, on Nov. 18th, the wife of Mr. W 13, Oalbiek of it son. Bumir-Butoannouen.-At the resideldee of the bride's father, East Wawa - north on Nov, 24113, by Rev. 3. F. Parke, of Trinity ehureb, Blyth, Mr. ;Mouthful'', eldest son of Mr. John Bettly, fotmer1y of TJeborno town. ship, to Prise Sarah Jane, 8rd dough - let of M. John Bitiekbrough. 7EXZE77. ITATenOST.-In Brussels, on the 210 Met, Thomas Hayoroft, aged 40 years. Ovorcoats at Your Own Prices, A. R SMITH. ve5.151111:110. BANKING. MoINTOSH IVIeTA.GGART, 335.1071.11335,BRUSSELS Transact a General Banktng Business. Votes to hand discounted. Interest ',Bowel) on deposits ropayablo on demend. Prompt attention given to collections, LEGAL MH CONVEYANCING. ADE & SINCLAIR; BARRIS- TIM% cto. 01000 10 Leekte's b1ock, Brussels. 8401007 115 Loan. B. DICKSON, LATS WITEE 1313 •Garret, &Proudfoot, Sioderieb) So- licitor, Convoyanear, as. onto.), axons% block, 13rus5ols. Money to loan. A LEX. HUNTER, 'CLERK' OF the vonsbn Division o mut, 00..auron, Conveyaneer, Notary Public , Loud, Loan and 1080104100 Agent. Donets' invested. and to loan. 00,100tione mado,... 01000 in 4)1110- 135810 11100)1, Brussels, MEDICAL CARDS. 1")11- HUTCHINSON IIAS RE• .8-.1 moved his ofIloo to rooms over the Postal:too. Besidence on 11011.1310ee11, T lioNAUGHTON, M. D., (3. 8) o bl, L. B. (300. . Edinburgh, P hychlion • Surgeon and Aceouchor. °Moe, 8Irs, Shiers block, Turliberry Street, QEWING AND FA.NOY WORK, ,•„_1 -Mrs MoGarve is now prepared to do Dewing in alt its branches. ma0 stamping both blue and the larench paste. ' Embroid. ery in silk and. word. alloy quilting in loav- es, vine stitch, Hair mallow's 01101(5 to or- der The uudersigned will teach ernhfoldery to scholars after 0511001 }mare to those wish,. ing 114 15008. Cap anl1 sou the patterns at 00119. MoDeltVaisi 18-t11 84111 Skeet, Broom, 41A.R134. , GREY FOR SALE, being let 14, on the 16th eon containing 108 atree, south 1101164 150n le eon., eon. tabling de acres. a the banana) wolltimhered. A, never failing crook otosses tho lot and it is well adapted for twining or grazing. Lot 15 is mostly ideared and under 4400(1 oultiratiOn, 411s hal- mute wed timbered with Meet e.sh, Will eon all together 08 1)1 parts to suit the pur- chaser. 145u1*h1,01 artieularrapply 81 11110 proprietor on the premises. 01110 1011 (384o11 drained. .ti 0110. AVISIEV, 1VI. F. CALE, M. D., 0.1111. Member of etc college of Physioiena and Surgeons of °tamale by examination. Office and Itesidene-maln St. East, Ethol Ontario. BUSINESS CABS. VT H. MeORACKEN, ISSUER . of marriage Licenses. Ofnoe 01 1010 Gmeery, Turnherry Strout. \VAT M. RODDIOK, HOUSE, SIGN v and Carriage, plain and ornamental pahater. Estimates cheerfully furnished. Charges moderate. DENTAL. 7E'XrrJ11r . G. L.,Ball,L. 33.13., Donor Greduate and X. 11, 0. 13,, of Toronte. 1-.Titrous Oxide Bard111140/0d. P11008 graded and as low as good work 0141120 done Oar, Dolce over johnstenti Hardware Store, Beaforth, A MoNAIR, ISSUER OF MAR. rlago Licenses , by appointment of Lleut.-Goyernor, Commissioner, &o,, Q. D. Conveyancer and Agent Fire Insurance Co. Mee at the Oranbrook Post Offioo. T 01. O'CONNOR, FIRE, LIFE, 0) Avoidant and Loau Insuritueo Agent for some of the' best and most reliable Oem• 000003gC1',1:5P0uirnztligrly):fgenlioarostifen "I- E. A. MARTIN, Ti. R. S.4 Me3MIN"rrIST0 _ Honor Graduate Boyid 0011090 of Dental Surgeenit. Oilloo-Gitifield Block, Brussels, Charges Moderate, 3131MIN1L 3tk.l'I' u W. 3,Faar,L.4) S. Graduate of To- ronto 11010001 011 Dentletry. A11 Oyler- ' alone guaranteed. 011100-0a4y's • Bloch, soefortb. - Argileial teeth, first quality, and a guaranteee 111, 000 910004400 set OHUROHES, PUBLIC BUILD - 0250113, and Private Ileum painted and decorated in modern sytles at rensonable prices. Datimate given. Address - H. °LUCAS, 9.0111 G0400100, • W. O'BRIEN, V. S., HONOR • Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College has resumed the practice of 30115 Nett, V.S,, %Mlle prepared to treat 0.11 dis- eases of domesticated animals on Innentille audapproved prineiples. Tren.tment of its! - 100(0 foals a specialty. 0300511 John Nott'e 17.8. ISS LILLA. O'CONNOR, Teacher of/dude, Vocal and. Xuatru. mentalon Organ, Piano, or Eaitar. Har- mony and Thorough Bass, Advanced puulls fitted for Teething. Terms on applioatiOn, Ettlerence-Lodies of •Loretto Academy. Guelph, nesidenco-No. 2, Werra°, south. near station. PJobert Cunningham ' INSURANCE AGENT, Guelph, Ontario. 01. BLASHILL, "cp- utaker, thanking his many enstoiners for their liberal support in the past; • wishes to iniorM them that at 10)5 01.5)5 in Sinale's. bleek 130 Mope nothing but farst-class meats, all kinds of Poultry And 815111340 Moot Delivered to all parts of the town free. Oath paid for Pat Stook. Hides And sheepskins bought Sir cash. iglarsta For keell The subscriber offers ler sale his valuable Parra in the Township of Dray, oomprising lots 6 and 7, 0011.11 in said township. Thls farm contains 200 acres midis within 11 miles from the thriving village of Brussels, with good gravel rondloo,ding thereto. ,,'1120111 1l31 acres are °leered, free from stumps and in a high state of cultivation. The balance is nutty wooded. This farm le partioniarly 1 well fenced, nearly the whole of the fences being straight and having been erected in ,-t 1885 and '88. Oh the prombles there is a dem- fortable log 4.111011(019 1.0015 Dad a goo d frame 100111 ith atone stabling untiornea th Ili Which there le b. well With an ablindant stip» ply 05 excellent water. There 00 liiiewleo a now frame implement house, 40E26, Vet floored, above and below, and neatly aided 8410 4)41111(8113 ler particulare amely to the Proprietor, jASIDS DICKSON. Ilogistrar, Iktifon Co., 19-15 Goderlob. 33