HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1886-11-26, Page 7Noy. 26, 1886. &yawn -m.4 -c golumn, The Grand Lodge of Mastitis of Kentonlot (beloved reeentiv that oloon-lteeping was 012 Girona) againct the Order, and 'should be punished ite nab. This is a doh). ion which we hopo will prevail throughout the entire Order L. three.year-old child in Earrie• burg got a bottle ef whiskey and drank two ounces. It then fell in• to a drunken stupor and its life was saved with difficulty. it came out of the stupor with every indication of a tremeedeue hod, and demand - ad water continuously, A. lager beer brewer of Louisville, ICy., has a Strasbourg aloft of more than ordinary excellence. The ()leek is like ordinary clocks, until juet Were the hour, when a little *Pe mu jumps up from behind, with 0, lager beer glass in his hand. This he elevates to his head, and then 0070, 111 a wonderfully distinct and human nay, "Lager beer," as many times as the clock should strike to designate the hour, .A. farmer of Delaware county, Pa,, much troubled by (wows Bolted a peck of corn in whiskey and sciat• tared it near the fence much fro quentecl by the birde. They ate of h and got decidedly druuk, and the farmer vette so amused hy the exhib ition that he forebore to shoot them and after a time they flew !instead- ily away. .The result was god. The crows never came back. Tho heads they had the next morning must have been all that they de. aired WHAT ONE GLASS WILL DO. 1. It is supposed that there are eix hundred thousand drunkards in this kingdom, and many times that number of heir and little bit drunk - Arai', and they all commenced their winked career with one glaea, • 2. The vett oceau of intemper- ance, which everyone lookupon with leaser, ie made up of one glass and he who takes but one helps to fill this dreadful hate of fire and de. etruotion. 8. It is the exempla of the ono glans thinker by which so many °there ere lueea into the paths of intemperance, far more than by the excesses of the drtinkard. 4. To argue in favor of one glen is at once to condemn the liquor as dangerous. Why not plead for the saute limits in taking water, milk, tea, coffee end ether liquids ? 5, It is the one glass that keeps up the fashion of drinking and vast numbers are ruined simply by giv. ing away to the tyranny of this fashion. ' 0. There are very few of the clue - &Re drinkers who are not lea to the public house, and it is here they acquire the love of drink And think• ing company. 7. One gifted will deprive yon of doing your duty in assisting to re. form (Altera. To effect a good work like thie, you most be able to set abstinence: before them your example of entire 8. If ono glass is safer than two, none is safer than either. 9. Tho bee glass soon requires "ono glass more," and the "just all• other,',and in this Way men are un- tntentionally overcome and led on to ruin. 10. To the reader of this paper I would affectionately say. Never, never take the first glass. Tins is the true secret of remaining sober all the days of your life. • Need Words. Pardon all but thyself, Love understand:, love ; it needs •no taik, Tho sermon is the bloom of the whole life of the preacher. The great want of the church and the world is life, warmth, earnest - IMO, power. Do not etenelnde that the prennee of God failed boom% your plan miscarried. We may choose a life of sin with all is consequence's, but we cannot chops() the life of sin without its itonsequenees. A. hely life 1108 0, voice, It uptake when the tongue is silent, and is either a conetant attrotien or % con- tinual reproof. Sin taken into Me soul is like iquor pouted into a vossal—Ho nuch of it t19 it all it also 1101150118. The tench and tincture go together. Except, the Lord build tho house of n button character their labor 18 mt hot that build it, Except Ilio end keep the fortress of the hum. 1111 110111 I110 watchmen walteth. 0111. Moral reformation may turn out bo devils—a wit), never bring in God., And in the emptiness of the 0 wept and garnished heart there is b au invitation to the seven to come back again and (111 11. Wo have certain work to do for our heads, and that is to be done etrennottely; other work to ao for enr delight, and that is to be done ninthly; neither ie to be done by halves or tibias, but with a will; and what is not wurth tins effort is not to be Lieu° at all. 110)1B HECORITION. Pillow shams are out of faehlen. Pillowe are smaller than formerly. White grenadine eurtaine, with Cluny lace insertion and edging, aro used in drawing•roonee. • Portieres should be of heavy material, and may be of Turcomau, tapestry, ar plush. liana:tome lamps are used even in houses where there is no gas. They are of porcelain, brass or bronze, with fancy (diadem - The smaller the room, the lighter should be the furniture, and the decoration of the wall. A. large roam eiteulti have heavy furniture, and the walla may he dark. A. bedroom should dever SOM. bre, the brighter the better. White scrim curtains with antique leo border and insertion are liked for chamber vondews. The walla should bo of a Itght ttnt, the pic- tures restful and pleasing. Scarfs are greatly iu favor, and are put to numerous uses. Chair scarfs are more stylish than tidies, especially for straight-backed chain Mantles are often draped with scarf, instead of lambrequins, and bar. &MS, sideboards and tables are coy. ered with loug scarfs with ornament- al ends. There aro many things mere im portant about a home than fine turn- iehinge, A. room in winter should have all the SIDI possible; a bright fire, two or three easy chaire, a few extra cushion, and a readable book unout, would go far toward making the plainest room oily nod cam• fertabte. Do not buy an ugly piece of furn- iture simply beceuse it is cheap. In purchasing, coneider comfort first then heathy. Ty to combine the two in all you purchase. Do not be in haste to get everything at once, but gradually build up your home until it is "a thing of beauty and a joy forver" to all its inmatee. The prevailing wood for dining• room furniture the coming year will be oak. the finest coveted in antique style and highly polished The room should have an oak mantel to correspond. Oak hall SOW' and carved chairs are all the rage. Din- ing.room chairs are usually cash ioued iu loather. Fine table damask has the work- ed monogram m the centre of nap- kins and table cloths. Dinner -clothe or tray-olothe are now fashionable when made of the new Irish linen with colored borders iu eo•called peasaut-work. KITCHEN WRINKLES. Tomatoes are nice with cream and sugar. Sugar loses pert of its strength by boiling. e Never vash raisins : wipe them. with a dry cloth. Wet stud flour well the Weide of pudding bags, Wrap fruit jars with paper to keep out the light. Sugar should be browned in a dry pan for 8101100. Figs are good boiled five minutes and served hot. Bool ooffee iu a salt sack ; it is nicer than egg to settle it, Keep preserves in it dry place ; Beal won flour paste, Pub soda in sour fruit for pies and they will require less sugar. After pitying fruit drop it in cold water to prevent it changing color. A. little sulphate of potassa added to preserves prevents fermentation. When ono boils front the side of the psu the flour ar corn stareh is done. Glaze the bottom ernst of fruit mes with white of egg and they will not be soggy. Always put a little soda iu milk that is to be boiled, as an' acid i formed by boiling. , Do net boil vinegar for pickles Boll the vegetables in salt and tvab, or, drain and pour the vinegar on. Seal thejnice loft from canning nits in small betties and keep for making fruit pudding sauces. Fer coevemenee in cleaning lamp ehimneys, nothing i unser than a small sponge Maeda to the owl of a ethic. Tho newest buttons aro large balls of wood highly polished and show - ng the grain. Beans end Floods aro niployod as buttons. Etch ad Ivory ottani; show fine designs, THE BRUSSELS POST C UST 0 M TA. II. °RING Tho undersigned bags leave to intimate to the publie that 110 11)10 (Vend16 tailor shop in the Post Office block, over lisfrcrs barber shop, whore lip is prepared to at- tend to the wants of the public in outting, fitting and making clothing is the latest and 10000 fashionable carnet. My long ex- perience together with n course of in- struotion under one of the best putters in Toronto is a guarantee of being able 00 do satisfactory work, NatIsfaetIon, Guar. (1ntood. G. a. fairefSfit, ONEY TO LOAN. Any amount of Money to Loan on Farm or Village Pro- perty at ' O & 6i PER CENT. YEA.RLY. Straight Loans with privilege of ropaymg when required. Ap- ply to A. Hinter, Division Court Clerk, Brussels. moN mr TO LOAN. Money to Loan on Farm Pro- perty, at LOWEST RATES. PRIVATE AND COMPANY Mb& • W.. B. DICKSON, Solicitor, Brussels, Ont. MONEY 'P0 LOAN. PRIVATE FUNDS, $20,000 of Private Funds have just been placed in my hands for In- . vestment. AT 7 PER CENT. Borrowers can have their loans complete in three days if title is satisfactory. • Apply to E. E. WADE. MO., ILAION.M, Auctioneer, is prepared to attend to Sales on very reasonable terms. OFFICE.— Opposite Town Hall, Brussels, IPAALTR IS WEALTH. 1)0 , 0. IL Wnau!'s vo and Brain Treat- ment, a para.:4°54 spoolno for Hysteria, DI50I110118, 0o,iv)lll000 Ite, NOVVOnS, NOII. raittia,liostiaolio,NorVous Prostration onus- od 17 0100 use of slot:111ot or toba000, Wake. fulness tal Doproosion, Softening of Ilio Maio resulting in Insanity, loading to zn ory,tlooay, and (loath, Pion -Mare, Olt A,0, Baroness, Loss of Potter in Miter sox, 11nvol. utitary tosses all CI Spormobarrh ton 0n11n0,1 by corer -exertion of the Main , salt -104o or ovar.indulgoono. 110.0h box contains ono m0111110 treatment, SI 0, box, or six boxes or $0, sant by mail, prepaid, on r000ivt 0 • prioo, 1V1) (1010 MA WYNN SIN IMONES TO 5010 ally 0650. WW1 each order 01' '0100) 11)1 08 for Six bqxos, adoomnaniad with 311 win total pthouroba(or ont Writton 011)0011.tn000 -canna 'btu) money it the treatment 110,0 not °Neat 1 cure. Guarantees issued onlyby Jon. Hargreaves ,0 Uo„ Mussels, WILSON PO 1.71AMYY, AT GREATLY &dud Prices We have on hand the following : Land Rollers, Plows, Harrows, Scuillers, Horse Powers, Straw Cutters, Turnip Cutters, Grind- ing or Chopping Mills,. boot make, and 1 Good Second Hand Lumber Wagon. TAKE NOTICE. We have- started a Planer and Matcher to work. Parties wishing to have Lumber Dressed and Matched, orFlooring sized, tongued and grooved may rely on getting first-class jobs on the most reasonable terms. Repairs of all kinds promptly attended to at the BRUSSELS FOUNDRY, W. R. Wilson. HURON AND BRUCE Loan & Investment Oo. This Company is Loaning Money on Farm Security at LOIVEST RATES OF INTEREST. Mortgages Purchased. SAVINGS BANK BRANCH. 8, 4, and 5 per cent. Interest allowed on Deposits, according to amount and time let. OFFICE.—Corner of Market Square and North Street, Gode- rich. horace Horton, MateiteEn. AGENTS WANTED • --- Steady Employment to 00011.3101i. None need bo Idle, Previous Experience not essential. We pay either Salary or Com- mission. 100 Ell Wanted To Canvas for the Sale of Can- adian grown Nursery Stock. The Fouthill Nurseries, Largest no Canada, Over 400 Acres. Don't apply unless you can furnish first-class References, and want to work. No room for lazy men, but can employ any nmn- ber of energetic men who want work. AoratEss Stone & Wellington, Nurserymen, Toronto, Ont. SIGN SCOTCH COLL..1.1t. A new stock of Buffalo Robes, Goat Robes, Horse Blankets, Bells, Whips, &e., JUST TO' HAND. A Splendid Assortment of Trunks, Valises, And Satchels. in Stock, GIVE m](1 A. CALL. Dennis; 7 ttal NATIONAL ROLLER MILLS! Brussels, Ontario. CHANGE OF :PROPRIETORS. Having leased the well kaiwn and splendidly equipped Boller Flouring Mill from Messrs. Wm. Vanatone & Sons for n term of yearA, ive desire to intimate to the farmers of Huron Co. and the piddle generally, that we are prepareCl to turn out the best brands of Flour, look after the Gristing Trade, supply any quantity cif Braii. Chopped stuff, &c., and buy any quantity of Wheat. The mill is recognized as one of tho best in the County and our long experience in this business gives us confidence in saying we guarantee satisfaction. Flour and Feed Always on Hand. Gristing and Chopping promptly attended to. A. CALL SOLICITED. Stewart 8z Lorick, STOVES ! STOVES ! PROPRIETORS •TOVES! n.a.ICCIECCIFT EVROS:. Are to the front this Fall with a large and well selected stock of Cooking, Box, Parlor, and Coal stoves. In cooking stoves we wish to call Special attention to an entirely new line, "Tim 011mixsz," "THE WARRIOR KING," and the old reliable "Wow) Coca," weighing 400 pounds. The "REGAL PENINSULAR" is a square base burner, for coal, that should be seen by every intending purchaser. Lamps Lamps Lamps Lamps and all general house furnishings always kept in stock. Plata. Gocas a Specialty. GIVE US A CALL. HOLMES' BLOCK. Bayeroft Bros. AHEAD! '1'9EA.,01k,N1 ..ESIVretrOVFMAtrreTLROM AHEAD 0 • MR, of the Leading House, Determined to Lead the Trade 11 ever an the alert for Bargains and has jnatTeceived a few lines that will interest the sharpest buyers. 'BOOTS csz Full Assortment of all grades of line and staple Boots & Shoes always on hand. dust a lot of Ladies' French Rid Button- ed Boots, which we offer at the very low price of $2.50 per pair. OUR We can give you a, well made Heavy Fulloloth Overcoat for the very Small sum of $5.00. Full Suits, all wool, at ,'O.00 and up. These prices, we know, are right and cannot be equalled, and we will allow no contradiction unless the man is six rut high. Gent's Furnishings, A good assortment on hand. =.11f471 Our Goods are all new and sold at the Closest Cash Prices. SHOMAKING SIMMAKING Having Secured the services cif a. fast.elass Shoemaker we are prepared to do All Kinds of Custom Work Neatly and Promptly. GRAMM'S YLOCK, Baussra,s. 5. OSTRANDER: