The Brussels Post, 1886-11-26, Page 44 Strayed --John !!skin, Strayed—Geo, Prewar. Notice—T11os, Watson, Boots a ~hoes—fine. Shand. Pocket book lost --Mrs. Webster, house wanted—S. Ostrander. Teas—Geo, Baker. r_a_rnor..z�scn....wa.+lvacwac.nr_.,-ca:.*m vraa�xA t�'�71C 1ji11Saf't5 41lLst, i'rtrnal , NOV, W. 18y6. b 1S2 HURON 10.,rOR.1fERS. A. Convention for the East Biding of ThuTamen (Local Legislnt'.ire) will be held in tl'e To .en Hall, Brussels, on Tuesday, Nov. 30th, at 1 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of eelectiog a standard bertrer for the coming to. cal House election. '.Chree delegates aro expected from each polling sub. division in the riding. Tux Ontario cloctioua will come off ono any curlier than at first an- nounced.. Nominations nn Dec. 21st and elections on the 281.h. The change was made owing to the school meetings in rural roctious being held on the day previously named for election day. $2,000,000 is placed as the sum necessary to meet the oxpenses of the Northwest rebelliou, by the Do minion Government. This money might have been saved Lod the claims of the .ettlers of that coun- try been paid the same uenount of attention before the outbreak diet they received afterwards. In our cartoon thie weak Hon. Edward Blake is sending Sir John to cut it switch from trees that are appro- priately labelled and the iufereuce is Ulm the 1ldministration of affairs in the Northwest will tell against the Dominion Govutument when the verdict of the electorate is roc• dered. Ticattempt to burn out 1f. Y. AleLenn, of the Seaforth Expositor. last week, was a despicably small piece of busiueee and sttunps with an impress that can never be erased the depth of meanness iu the party or parties implicated. The editor of the Ex,ositor, because lie spoke bis sentiments on a wanton outrage committed upon respectable gentle- man at Varna, must be taught e lesson, and the fire bug is employed. Shame on the person who would indanger the life of a neighbor and his farnily by going under the driver of night and Betting fire to the buildings. The come luau would cut a man's throat if Le thought it would not be found out. The people of this locality are a unit in their expression of disapproval of such dark plata. Canadian Newm. At Monday's meeting of the Dominion Cabinet it was decided to make St, John, N. B., the winter port. Seventeen deaths from diphtheria and two from diphtheritic croup occurred in Montreal last week. Justin McCarthy, M. P., denounces as utterly untrue Professor Goldwin Smith's report of Mr. Gladstone's failing in- tellect. In a message to the Toronto City Coun- cil Monday night Mayor Howland accus- ed the City Solicitor with neglect of duty in failing to proceed with en action against the Street Railway Company. The Mounted Police authorities at Cal- gary have arrested four men Moused of killing cattle on the eolith side of the river belonging to General Strange, The total value of exhorts of fish from Canada into the United States for the nine montbe ending Sept, 30 was 04,040,- 000,a ainet $6,200,000 during the same period in 1880. The Hook and Ladder Company of Brantford defeated the Hose Company of that city in a prize drill contest the other night for a medal valued at 0100. The Hooks won by 50 points. Mrs. Annie Smith, aged 48, of King William street, fell down the cellar stairs at her residence in Hamilton on Thlirs day of last week and broke her neck, dy- ing immediately. Her husband died about 18 menthe ago. She leaven a grown-up family. There re excitement at Belle River over ell prospects, and a now company has been organized, with Mr. 0111wa11 at the head, en oil expert from Pettesylvanie, who claims that the indication are first. class, but does not expect to meet any oil before a depth of 2,000 to 2,800 feet Inde been reached. They are now preparing to bore at the least five or six wells to the depth mentioned, and have hired Themes Bellaire of Bello River, who is now busy taking leases from the fanners on the let and end concision, Maidstone. IVERMINISKCIFIBIRESIMMJACIRMEMESSIMMTIMPEMI A Abcrfoyle eportetaan on Thankegiv- ing day shot a calf in mistake fur It dear. The city of Kingston ban decided to adopt tho electric light et 2s acute per I spark till midnight, St, Catherinos people are endeavoring to secure a proper observance of the Sab- bath by canal and street oar men. Not less than 10000 barrels of apples have been shipped to Great Britain this Fall front the counties of Oxford Norfolk and Elgin. The Council of the village of Waterloo is following in the wake of the cities, It has decided to have a portrait of alt ex - Mayors hung on the walls of tho Connell chamber. Quebec Liberals are contesting the re- turn of twelve Tory members of the Legislature, while the Ministerittliste eau only manage to contest the election of three Liberals. Nearly'00 workingmen of London, Out„ will be disfrancbtsed at the ep- proaohiug Local election, owing to Judge Elliot's decision not to hold his court for the revision of the voters' lists until December 17. The ohampionehip lacrosse match at Montreal on Saturday between Toronto and Montreal resulted in a draw, darkness preventing more than one game being played, and that was won by the home team, Carleton County Council has decided to cancel the grant of 0400 to the County License Commissioners or enforcing the Scott Act on the ground that the work should he enforced by the Provincial Government. The Canada Gazette contains an Order - in -Council declaring the adoption of a tariff of allowances for fare and draft up- on pnakages containing imported sugars in order to establish a uniform practice in weighing and taring of such. John Kemp, Reeve of Goulbourn, who has just returned from it visit to the Sud- bury Mii.iug District, has brought with him several splendid specimens of silver and cower oron found there. A. railway, four miles long, is being laid to the rtobio copper mine, and au extension of two miles to another rich mine recently pur- chased for 030,000 is talked about. The Royal Humane Society has for- wardedto the Minister of Mariue a parch- ment oertificets for bravery in saving life, tobe Rrosentcd to Captian Thomas C7aenp- bell, light keeper at Hamilton Canal. Tho certificate is awarded to Captain Camp- bellin consequence of his having been in. strnmsntal in the gallant rescue from drowning of some fifteen persons at var- ious times, tiae last of whom were tho members of ex -Chief of Police Stewart's family. Judgment was given at Osgoode Hall on Saturday in the action of the city corpor- ation vs. obs Toronto Street Railway Company, to compel the company to place conductors on one horse oars. Judgment was given for plaintiffs for an injunction to compel defendants to put eonduetors en all cars. The injunction is not to issue for ten days, to give the com- pany an opportunity to procure coduotors for one horse cars. The ease will likely be nppealed. Tho Port Arthur Enterprise has the following :—Thos. cannel's wife gave birth to a son on Thursday lust, which is qute a enriosity fu its own way. The little arrival is blessed with at: mato, finger on ueeh hand. The superfluous digits are nttaehed to the hands beside the little finger ends are both well form- ed. Thu one on the right hand is used by the baby with as much facility as the rest of the fingers; while the cue on the left seems incapable of motion. In the matter of toes, too, the 'baby is equally bles-ed, having an equal dozen of them. Dr. Robinson, who is in attendance, says the extra fingers and toes can ba easily re- moved without injury to the hands or feet, and their removal has consequently been decided upon. The Grand Trunk express from Mon- treal due at Toronto at 8 last Friday morning was over two hours late. The delay arose from the two Pullman cars, Cimbria and Leghorn, having caught fire between 8 end 4 that morning, abort 8 Miles east of Napanee. There were thir- teen passengers asleep in the two cars and they had to make a hasty exit into other cars without waiting to dress. The two care were sidetracked at Fredericksburg. They were completely destroyed. They were valued at 082,000. Most of the passengers lost their money, clothing and valuables, and their loss in estimated at between 01,500 and 02,000. They were supplied with new suits of clothes at the expense of the Grand Trunk on the ar- rival of the train at Toronto. The last issue of the Canada Gazette. contains the following: " His Eseelleney- in council, on the recommendation of the Minister of Jnetice, has been pleased to order, that the Order -in -Council of • the 20th September, 1888, relating to the application of fines and penalties imposed under the Canada Temperance oat be, and is hereby, cancelled, and that all fines, penalties or forfeiture recovered or enforced under the Canada Temperance act, 1778,' and amendments thereto, within any city or oounty or any incorp- orated town separated for Municipal pur- poses from the county, which would otherwise belong to the Crown for the public nsee of Canada, be paid to the treasurer of the city, incorporated town or county, as the case may be, for the purposes of the eafd act " Advices from British Columbia state that the United States Customs officials are finding it almost impossible to put down opium smuggling from Viotoria to Portland, Or. Capt. Gardner, of the United States Customs, has been investi- gating the several metbods employed to defraud the revenue in opinrn smuggling with good results. At his instigation it Chineee interpreter named Hueatie has been arrested, and the authorities have discovered several of his'pals, whose ar- real will shortly follow. This gang would send demijohns leaving false bot - tome fitted with opium, from Victoria to Seattle, and from there to Portland filled np with spirits over the opium. This little game has been going on for 001210 time right under the noes of the revenue officers. The large number of demijohns going through empty to Seattle, when they were filled with spirits and shipped attracted the attention of the officers whish led to the discovery of the game that was being carried on. t THE BRUSSELS POST Nov. 26, 1886. I t1 •1� 1 ani i �,,. 11)4I 'j}' . i gilt I •� I . tf Schoolmaster Bioko sending: oolilt A. to rut II. swit(:h, Thelaet 0. P. 11. Lott of (bit RCaeo'-1 left Owen Soueotl I riday at 4-p, nl. A J,•r•ey lr•ii ,r at';nrnmer.+ide, P.1:,I„ sixteen nal.nlls,ld. is riving Milk aid raising 0 calf. Ayoungmau fishing at Princeton, N.11- recently ealiglit an eel with a plink cling- ing to it, ;ail. More 1hw, 510,000 113V. been spoet iu Tileoul,urg dnriug the pal( year in the erection of now buildings. 'rho Chancery Court et Ottawa hies annulled the marriage of Miss Beaty on the ground of insanity. Lord Cecil is at present on a visit to the PlYin oath. Brethren of Ottawa, where 1 w. he will mmo l: for about a week. Mayor Howland has dclinetely decided to bo e,unli.tate foe Toronto for the Local House solely in the temperance interest. The Coity of Moen:eat has won, before Silver Plated Ware, ,from nsulLtishcd the Privy Council in England, the Lech - in wbiob e million dollars I and (Viable makers, fully lvavr.tnt-•,l by svrotiorc snit, are involved. 1 All mirk skillfully and ttrti- Li- n"' Joseph 1Ieckerdon, n, respectable calls ji:a'f1)lalu 1. Clocks of the latest designs, faremer living three miles west of Water- i loo, committed uleide at Monday morn- 1 ing by hanging. The people of Walkerton have joined with neighboring mnniuipaliti,.n ill ort- - deavoring to b,lvetbo,Teeswator extension of the C. R. P. rim to Leake Huron. R. 0. Gallagher, fruit:a•ur, Toronto, was on Monday fined ,1430 art i costs or 30 days for breach of the gamo lows in having quail exposed in his store for sole. The Canada Health Journal gives ata. tistics to Allow that London and Hamil- ton are the two healthiest cities in the list of places of aver 20.000 inhabitants, A. 4. Allen. of Clifford, has received the IN'est Wellington Reform nomination for the Legislature, Mr. McKim staving, for business reasons, declined another term. The Bennett Manufnctnring Company, of London, hue sold out to English oapit- alists,the present proprietors still being in the firm and allowed an annuity of 2500. A shipment of creamery butter is about to be made from Guelph to the West Indian Islands, with a view to opening up a new market there for the Canadian product. The tea ship Eudora arrived at Port Moody at 12 o'clock on Friday with 18,- 000 packages .of tea for Canadian and United States markets, The vessel was thirty-six days out. A toboggan club hea been organized at Dorchester Station with the following offi- cers: Dr. Graham, President' Thomas Kellam, Vice -President; Mark Tellaek, Treasurer, and W. 11. Shaw, Secretary. Prior to leaving Glenco for Truro, N,S- Rev. John Robbins, .of the Prebyterian Church, was presented with two addresses one beingfrom the Appin congregation, and a wel filled purse. A large gathering assembled attho railway station to see the family off. During the gale of Wednesday last a grain warehouse at Eagle, in West Elgin, containing 4,000 bushels of wheat, 1,500 bushels of oats, and a quantity of peas was overturned into the lake, the whole structure dashed to atoms, and every bushel of the contents lost. Two Bayham youths, James Smuok and Wm. Ferris, have been arrested, charged with forging the name of Henry Stratton, Reeve of the township, to a 950 note, and have been committed by a Til- sonburg magistrate to Woodstock jail for trial The Court of Appeal tat Montreal has dismissed the motion to reserve the judg- ment of the Court of Review granting a new trial in the case of the man Poitras, claiming &ma tee for having been fined ij_TA°.c 9 N L. h1 a., [ fl.yC' fr# 1 'v'gt1:I, T. FLETCHIER, Iir1:.- io"tl 1►'r(trl(ulclL•ra' ,f .1. nilly)', Thnnl,ing the Poblie for p101 tnrurs and support and wishing still to "oauru ynittr p1 l'Oleftg ‚. We aro opening opt Nil linen in Coil and Silver Watches, Oflice in G11111:•1'1 Block. ova=ism. Jewelry : Wedding kings, Ladies Gem Bingo, Broaches, Eerie ifs, ,Cc. Also have in stock it full line of Vinlit,s sad Violin Strings, Pipes. ,fr. r0" N.13.—Issuer of .Marriage .Licenses. T. Fletcher. e,mem:.��.rosze..am•aesvacc01.1 ------ . Groceries, Crockery, Glassware & Congectionerr9 is ono of the finest in the County of Huron and sold at prices which cannot be surpassed. Our Japan Tea at 40c. per lb. is one of the finest grown. Our special blend of Coffee stands Unrivalled. 20 lbs. Bright Yellow Sugar for $1. 5 Bars Electric Soap for 25e. SPECIAL VALUE IN SYRUPS All the Choicest Fruits of the Season, A. Full Assortment of Crockery and Glassware, including China because he knelt on one knee only in and. Lamp Goods. church, Tho following have been incorporated as the Paris Fabric Trimmer Company with a capital stock of 520,000 :—Elbert .Delos Weyburn, Chicago, manufacturer's agent ; George Davidson, knitter ; Wm. W. Clary, mtennfaotnrer• ; Abraham Tay. lor, carder t Wrn. Bain, dyer, and Wm, 7. Turnbull, accountant, of Paris. The days of nomination and polling for the Provincial oleations have been. changed from the 22nd and 2f1th of December to' the 21st and 28111, hi con- sequence of the annual school meetings occurring on the 20th. The writs will be dated the 4th of December, and all voters' lists should be returned to the Clerk of the Peace by the 3rd of December, in order to be in time for use at the aleotion. The Masonic Relief Association of the United States and Canada have been in session at St. Louis during the week, The election of oflioore resulted as fol- lows :—President, Martin Collins, of St. Louis; first vice-president, John R. Pope; of New York ; 'second vice-president, 7. R. Robertson, of Toronto ; treasurer, Wm. De Lento, of New York ; Advisory Board, HT. J. Higgins, of/Milwaukee ; L. C, Williamson and H. 1t, Mitchell, of Toronto. 'Toronto wait chosen ea the plane of mixt meeting. Bakery Department. Having built a first-class Oven, we are turning out bread Of the very best quality. Pas11_t' a,od all kinds of Confectionery, Fancy and Home -Made Bread a Specially, Anent for Fleischmann & Co's Compressed Yeast. Quality Our Leading Feature. Phnnkitlg.aur numerous Customers for their patronage in the past and soliciting a continuance of gauge. '.l'1110 01.3ASON e BffK STORE t has made a Special Effort to lace within the ells roach of place Public a splendid assortment of goods suitable for Christmas Trees, Presentations, Gifts, &c. Our stock is mode up of Beau- tiful Plush, Leather and Cloth bound Photo, Scrap and Auto- graph Albums. Splendidly bound Family and Pocket Bibles. Toy books from 5 cents up. .Miscel- laneous books containing inter- esting stories, readings and an- ecdotes from 10 cents up. Our Annuals are just to hand. Wo have BAND OF HOPE, BOY'S OWN PAPER, GIRL'S " " ]3ItITISII WORKMAN, WORIiWOMAN, BABYLAND, CHATTERBOX, CHILD'S OWN MAGAZINE, THE PRIZE, and a number of other books. Toy B@riartfonto To enumerate all wo have in this line would take up too much space but you will final Drums, Guns, Horses, Wagons, Trains, Mechanical Toys, Dogs, Rubbei1? Goods, Shell Goods, Work Boxes, , Money Boxes, Trumpets, Horne, Whistles, Blocks, Tools, Toy ; 'r Watches and Clocks, Sets of j '. Dishes, Rattles, Paints, Dolls in J all varieties, Authors, Dominoes, and hundreds of other articles. Musical Instruments ! In musical instruments we have a large stock of Harmoni-j cas, imported from Germany, Metalaphones, Concert Flutes, a 4. a new style of instrulnent, Jew.'s Harps, &c. A Call will satisfy you as to our stock. Handsome range of China Cups and Saucers sold at low prices. Handsleighs, Rocking Horses, Carts, Wheelbarrows, &c. BEAUTIFUL XMAS & NEW FEAR'S CARDS ,LUST TO HAND. Nothing charged for inspecting ii our goods and getting our prices? All tho School Books always on hand, also a large stock of paper, envelopes, &c. 1°tl Give Us a( Ca(115 Geo. Thomson. X M