HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1886-11-12, Page 8Wall Papers AND liORD1 B1NGS. 1 CANNOT let this opportunity Paas 1. without drawing the attention of the Publics to a finelstoolr of now Wail Papers acid Borderiugs, wbiuh have just been re. ceived. Come and See them. It is o n intention, at later ante, to *gain give in this space some more facts and informatics regarding our Honey, which we are selling at only 10o. per lb, G. A. Dead.Inan, Dru hltst, Bookseller & Fancy Goods Dealer. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. 5OVTHL+1IN EXTENS1ON, W. 0. Si 11, n. Trainsleave alusseIs Station, north aid south as follows:— Going Sou'lt. Cluing North. Stall ItlO 0.10, mixed 10:00 a.m. Express..... 11:40 a.m, 11011 2:40p.m. Silted....,......0:00 pan, I Express 0,00 p.m. g.efan 1 Uems. A chiefs amaug ye takfn' notes An' faith he'll prent it. THorsl,%Y of next week is Thanksgiving arty.o purpose giving the Seefnrth market report every week. THE ]ride business Is livening up on the Brussels market. Bann us in the local items and mance yourself useful as well as ornamental. No now officers have conte to Brussels yet in connection with the S. A. aBooerNG matches, paring bees and dancing parties are in fell bloom. AFTER you read this number of TICE POST hand it to somebody who does not get it. WE will endeavor to got Tnn PosT ready by Thursday morning of next week so that our employees may have the benefit of a holiday. IT would not be a bad idea for the Di- rectors of the skating rink to commence getting things in shape for the coming season and arranging the winter's pro- gram. Is response to an appeal from South- ampton sufferers by the big fire, Brussels Council wired them to draw on us for 025.00. The outside cities and towns have responded nobly to the call. 11. A. Muare. L. D. S., has purchased the dental practice of G. L. Ball, L. D.S., and has removed to the office occupied by the Iatter and will attend to the wants of all persons favoring him with their pat - t ronage. Fon Sens.—"The Practical Homs Ph - l sician," comprising 1142 pages of valuable information to every family, is offered for sale, at a bargain, as the owner needs the money invested in it. The book may be ' seen at THE POST Publishing House. OWING 20 a rush of work this week in connection with oar change we are re- luctantly compelled to leave out the busi- ness carols this issue. We hope to have everything all right neat week. Every advertisement in the paper had to be set over, hence the large amount of extra work. TAUS Norma',—Winter has Dome and Mrs. Birk oan supply the latest Toronto Styles of Head dresses, Toques, Lawn Tennis Cape; Tam O'Shauters, Hoods, -e Fancy Fascinators, &c., also Fancy and Rand knit jackets, any size or shade, made to order. A oall Solicited. Op. posits Queen's Hotel, Brussels. ee LAST Friday a young woman named Agis9„e,MoIntosh was arrested for veg. fancy. On being brought before Justices Hunter and Shaw, Saturday morning, she was allowed her liberty on promising to leave the town. A constable escorted her to the town limits: She had been mak- higher home for some time with the Hal- liday family, at the old toll house. CHANGE ox PaorsnTL.—A. M. nay has disposed of his house and lot, near the Grey Branch Agricliltural grounds, to Mr. Eckenemiller,—It is reported that Jas. Bron has pun:based the residence of Jas. Bennett, near the utation.—Samuel Plumb bought the comfortable cottage, on Flora street, from Geo. Miller,—George Bart paid 5600 to Wm. Thompson, stone meson, for the Harris property, north of • • the bridge. Rnzvi RooEes received word on Wed- nesday afternoon from the bridge con- tractor, Peterboro', stating that fes men wo ld be here tide week and the work will be pushed ahead so as to be complet- ed by December 1st. It is high time something was clone as a more shameful bungle was never perpetrated on a long suffering community. We expect the County Council will do something hand- some for us as Brussels has lost heavily by the loss of the bridge to say nothing of the annoyance and inconvenience. WHAT WE MAv ExrEe1',—Mud,--Pall rain.—Bad roads.—Dark nigghts.--A large grist of candidates for Municipal and School Board oftloers.—Some of our residents to make money on bucket shop speculations and some more to lose,—A dandy iron bridge across the Maitland in the course of a few weeks.—The oold, wet weather to make things lively in the boot and shoe stores, and in the readymade clothing line.—People to oommenoe figur- ing out what they have to be thankful for, --The tea -meeting, social, lecture, and eenserb season to open up for the winter. • -A rush to the rink as.soon. as there is ice and that the shareholders will realize large profite on their investment. ---Jas. Oliver to tape charge of the market Bottles next Monday.—Everybody to take a fancy to Tun POST in its new clothes,—The street corner "ornaments" to go and take a chair while cold woather lasts.—People to bo on the look -out for wood,—The Poot llousq question to be firod at the Bounty Commit next month, and the said Council to very prudently (7) vote it down. • -Next year's Counoil to got down on their 'marrow bones' to keep the expenses lower than they etre this pan—Short days and long nnights.-. Sleighing. THE BRUSSELS POST Teas makings of a Reform eleotor lire Tmtlst, Scott Act arses to be 110111(1 to - arrived in Polling sub-divieion No. 8. Seo day (Friday), birth notice, SEvi E.u. changes in t110 complexion of .1'iln 1toslt Exchange of Cox & Co. got our business then are expeetod 111 the deal to work 011 Wednesday of tills week, They future. have solo oontrol of ono wire, Some talk of a couple of new brie]; Tmo Deoernber session of the County blocks being erected next spring hl Brus- Colncil will be ]geld in the Brussels Town sols. Hall, commencing on Wednesday, Dec, 1. Nen Thursday will bo Thanksgiving day. It will be observed es a general 1101, iday in town. Services will likely b0 held in the various ohurehes. Ox 'Tuesday afternoon of next week a County Temperance convention will be held in the Baptist Church, Wingheon, commencing at 1. o'clock, Alarge attend ance is asked for. Ton light fall of snow on Sunday was a sufficient inducement to draw out a few cutters and sleighs, bub the beautiful soon disappeared and the roads are now quite muddy. INSTEAD of .calling attention to the change of advertisements in the local column our readers will consult the epee headed New Advertisements to ascertain where new goods are brought to the front. Ix the suit of Ferguson vs, Vanstolis, dispute over commission for sale of lands 52,25 will pay for Tans POST and either the weekly Globe, Mall, Advertiser, Free Press or News to the 1st of January 1888. W, H. Herr, Agent. le is said, with some degree of certain- ly, that Ld. Grundy has leased the bak- ery in the rear of Anisett's grocery and will go into the broad baking, 51.50 secures Tana Pos'r from now to the end of 1887. 14 months reading for 51,50. Don't borrow cTno POST any longer but call in and leave your nine along with the large number of new subsoribsrs, THE Seaforth Expositor in *caking of the ]heavy weight oontest that was ar- ranged to take pplaoe in that town between G. Perris and J. D. McColl says :—Half an hour before the time for the match to commence Mr. Perris reoeived a telegram from Mr. Modell, saying he was sick and could not come. Much to the dieguet of the assembled crowd, the event had, in Manitoba, hoard before Judge Doyle, therefore, to be declared off. It is mei- last week, judgment was rendered on Tuesday in favor of plaintiff. W. B. Dickson for plaintiff, and Wade & Sin- clair for defendant. ' LAST Sunday morning Rev. T. L. Wilk- inson, of Toronto, occupied the pulpit of the Methodist Church. He preached a very interesting elle: mires from the words found in 1st Corinthians, 11th chapter, and from the 29rd to the 06th verse. 140 persons took the sacrament and the names of • several new members wore added to the membership roll. THE Brussels correspondent to the Ex- positor went out of his way last week to get a slap at F. S. Spence, who leotured here on temperance, for talking polities. When the truth is known Mr. Sponse is a Reformer and the charge preferred against him consequently falls to the ground. We fail to remember where the lecturer showed any preferenoe for either political parties. Oen attention has been called to the sad condition of Mrs, Thos. Denison, who is now with her mother, Mrs. S. Pearson. Itis said that Mrs. Denison's mind is very badly impaired and has been brought to this condition largely by not being oared for properly. It is a terrible posi- tion to be pre in, and there's a very large amount of caro upon her friends that should rightfully be borne by the one who promised to care for her in sickness and in health. It's a long luno that hes no turning. PlisauNTATION.-On Mon any evening of this week a deputation, representing the parishes of St. John's, Brussels, and St. George's, Walton, waited on Rev. IHlr. and Mrs. Cluff, as the parsonage, and after having assured them of the 000fidence and esteem of their people, presented Mr. Olnff with a tangible proof of the salve in the form of a very handsome gold welch bearing an appropriate inscription. Mr. Muff returned thanks on behalf of Nire. Cluff and himself, and expressed their gratitude for the uniform kindness of the people, of which the present gift was but one of the many proofs, and hoped that their efferts, encouraged by such kind- ness, would prove tho sincerity of tis ut- terances. 111r. Cluff wishes to acknow- ledge, through the columns of Toos Poem, the very great kindness shown 11im by the members of his congregations. The watch was neleoted specially by T. Flotobor and is a good ono. Venue:sos.—Last Friday Mrs. Halliday and her two daughters, who have made their home in the old toll house, about 2 miles north ofBrussels, were arrested as, vagrants, in the instance of Duncan Mc- Lanohlin. They were brought before A. Hunter and Reeve Rogers and at the ev- idence of Duncan MoLauohlin, Jas Ire- land and Rich. Armstrong were sent to Goderich gaol for six months, Mr. Mo- Leuohiin found them lying in the feces corner on Thursday- night on a bundle of straw. They have earned their living by begging for years end were not willing to work when. opportunitlee presented them- selves. At one time this family owned a good farm but on account of drink and the troubles that follow in its wake they were reduced to beggary and have been e drag on the neighbors and people of Brus- sels for a long time. Mrs, Italliday stat- ed iu her evidence that she had oppor- tunities of securing homes for her daugh- ters but she declined to let them go. This is a very strong reason for the erection of a poor house where such people could be sent and kept at a much smeller expense than by the municipal ()candle or by the County, IA@OnT.tnr To G1ttNGElls.—The Listowel Banner says :—In 1879, the Maitland Grange was formed by oharterissuedfrom the Dominion Grange to a body of farm - en in Elms and Grey townships. The Grange was very suocessfulfor thresyears and everything went on smoothly until 1888, when a debt began to accumulate to the Grange Wholesale Supply Company, of Toronto, from whom the Grange had purchased upwards of 87,000 worth of goods, and remitted moneys on account from time to time. The Grange store had been burglarized twine, the novelty of the thing began to wear off, and finally, one by one the patrons began leaving their or- ders and obtaining their goods elsewhere, until no one was loft but the Masher and Secretary. The Grange Supply Company threatened suit against the Secretary and finally commenced an Wilma against him. The suit was tried before Chief Justine Cameron, and a jury at the Toronto As- sizes, on the 20th and 27th days of Octob- er, when Mr. Falaoubridge, Q.0., appear- ed for the plaintiffs, and Messrs. Darling d: Mabee, of this place, for the defendant. After a large amount of evidence hadbsen given, the boosts 00 the Maitland Grange gone through, the examination of the See/rotary, the Master, and other mem- bers of the Grange put in, and the argu- ments of the lawyers limed, the Chief Justice took the ease from the jury and entered a verdict for the defendant with costs, he holding that the Supply Com. pany should leave sued the Grange and not the Secretary, The Maitland Grange is said to be not the only one in financial trouble, and the effect of tllislew-suit will be that the creditors of these Granges will now premed aired against thein, as chart- orea institutions oapable of suing and be. ing sued, bio that Modoll was siok, but some doubt this, and are not baokwark in saying that he is afraid to meet the Huron boy and shammed siokusss to avoid n contest, Mr. Perris now claims the heavy -weight ohampionship of Canada, and isjuet wait- ing for McColl or any other good man to "tread upon the tail of his coat." Strathroy now wants the electric light, A. P. Zoeller has shipped 586,000 worth of eggs from Woodstock this season. Sheriff Springer has removed his resi- dence frons Waterloo to Berlin. G. C. King, merchant, has been elected Mayor of Calgary by a 'majority of 24 over John Lineham. A'fugitive embezzler from Chicago, who had mado away with 5180,000, Las been arrested at Montreal. "At the West Elgin Reform ConventionG. E. Casey was unanimously re -nomin- ated for the Commons. The South Brant Reformers renomin- abed Mr. Paterson for the Commons and Hon, Mr. Hardy for the Legislature. Twenty-two buildings in the business portion of Dalhousie, N. B., were destroy- ed by fire on Wednesday of last week. The amount paid by the Dominion Gov. ernment for assisted passages and trans- port of emigrants since 30th of June last exceeds 8100,000. Lieut. -Governor Masson has refused to sign Treasury warrants at Premier Ross' request, and has intimated his intention of sending for Mr. Mercier if Mr. Boss is not satisfied. W. B. Hepburn, of Preston, has signed an agreement to erect at Ingersoll a boot and shoe manufactory that will employ not less than sixty viands, and is to re- ceive 810,000 bonus therefor. 8033ST- Scomo.—In Brussels, on Nov. Gth, the wifo of Mr. P. Scott of a son. Auction ale. Moxner, Nov. 22xn.—Lot 17, con. 13, MoIiillop, farm stock, implements, &o. Salo oommeuoes at 1 o'olock, sharp: Goo. Moiim, prop. A. Delgatty, anat. Brussels Markets. Corrected Carefully Every Week. White ran Wheat,.,..,09 70 Red Winter 71) 71 Spring Wheat 60 70 Barley 43. 60 Oats 20 28 Peas ,.., • 48 00 Butter, tubs and rolls.... 18 15 Eggs par dozen 16 00 Flour per barrel 4 00 00 Potatoes 40 00 Hay per ton., 9 00 10 00 Hides per lb 6i 7 Dressed Hoge . 5 00 5' 50 Salt per bbl.,, wholesale.., , 60 80 Sheep skins, each 50 1 00 Sr -7.. AF'OS'vTS3 MA.cZ>SJTf•E. 00)100oenn oA11EsuLLY smite WEEK. White Fall Wheat 70 71 Spring Wheat 70 72 Barley 48 Oates 27 Peas 48 Butter 18 Egs 16 Potatoes . , 40 Hay 8 00 49 28 60 14 00 46 9 00 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN.' AGOOD MILK 00W IN CALF for Sale. Apply on lob 6, eon. e. Grey 10.81 to ALES. MCDONALD. 4" XCELLBNT OELLAR TO LET, very ebsnn, suibablo for Sruft, bettor, er choose, frost 700001 attd well vsntllatod. JAL GRANT, Postmaster, �Y.fOIOE FARMS FOR SALE..-.. A. few splendid, impprevod farms for sale in the township of (troy, Morris and Mol{illop. Apply to A. DIOLGATIJY, Go, Auctioneer, Brasasls P. 0. A GOOD FARM TO. RENT, OR .t9.. 3101,0,11 miles from Oranbroo 'k. Por lurtbor particulars apps y to A. EAYMANN' ar to WM. OSTIllt Oranbrook P. 0, Oonoord P.0. 1 H ARM TO LET.--NORT L•alf lot 20, con. 8, Monis, 100 Ceres, 90 cleared. Good log house, frame stable and excellent tabard. Splendid eupply of good years. T'Thrills eaperiod sy HSOHA28» L30103, five le-tt etox000, Lindsay, L�jj EiVIA.LE TEACHER WANTED .IL:—Ono bolding aendor3rd oleos oortle- eato, with a knowledge of the Kindergarten preferred. Salary not to mooed 18100. Send testimonials. W, H.M0$e, Secretary Brussels School Board, E A. MARTIN, L. D. S., M Emmy Graduate Iteydl College of Dental Si01!100—rgaons. Oa)1101d Biook, Brnsota Charges i Moderato. QTRAYLD ON THE PREMISES of the Undersigned lets 18 d; 14, 00 n, 3, Grey, on or about the 15th of August, n two your old steer, red and white in color. The owner le requested to prove proplrty, pay expenses and take him away, tv'UIN T IN AfchLA.iN, 10 4 Jamestown P. 0. 11AR11I TO RENT--TIIE SUB- .11; norther will rent his farm, let 18, eon. 7, Grey township far a term of 000 years. The farm is in good order and the reason for routing it in the proprietor intends giving tip term Ogi:l MoYNFpardon' ars apply to Prupriutor, 1110 'Brussels P, 0. OTIO1;. Notice in hereby given that the 0015015. tion of the villagBe of 0resssis {viii imply to the Legislative Assembly of 1110 Provinam of Ontario at its next Session' or a Bill for the ratitlaatiau and eolrdrming of a certain Deed and agreement between the Village of Blur- sale Blursale u nil Jelin D, Ronald. Corporation of the Vlllags of Brussels by WADI. 0 SINNCLAIR. Their 6olioitors, Brussels, Oca 11, 1880, 10.7 �> ICN TlSTIIY, t., L,i1.11,L. D.6., kronor Graduate and 110, 1t. O. D. g., of Toronto. Nitrous Oxide Gas administered, Prides graded and as low us good work won 10 done tor. OtIOoe over Johnston's Hardware Store, 3011101111. P,S,—'suing sold my Brussels prretise and transferred all orders for arbifl sial tooth to E. A, Martin, L, D. 3, Patients whose work is to be completed will mall upon Mr. Martin, who will satisfactorily complete such Nur$ at urines previously agreed upon, Parties whose mu:mute aro 00101881 ere re- quested to promptly remit the amount duo to my a ddreei, Look 1153 045, Ssatsrth. lj"IOR BALE.—Two P'ARMS-- not Li,on the 0th Sou„ and lot 10, on the 7th con , oMorris, aontailliug 100 110000 e soh abouteS nom 0alaar0d, frau from stamps on ono fnrnl 0101 about r.0 soros °leered on the other, The el eared land in in a good .stato of cultivation had well fenced. Good frame hart and stables, and log house on uno, and on the other a log house ama log barn, There is a goodbearing orchard on lot 14. A noy- of-fatllug spring creek runs through both places. The sols is ilrst.elaos, there is no bettor farms )n the township,. Those plans aro admirably adapted for grain growing or grazing,cud within gee miles of .the flour- ishing own of Brussels. The pitmen will be sold -together or 035010tely, and cat be poor. chased Omar and o0 easy term P. Apply 021 the premises or address the proprietor, hue• shine P. U. . GIGO. SEALE, 04! Proprietor, '.laanks4:'irt^iatig' DAT'. The Ladies' Ald Soeiotyy of the Methodist Oburob intsod giving a Ggoso Sochil in the basement of the church, on the eveuiug of Thnekesiving Day, 1812 inst. Fowl will Is soma, A good program is hang prepared. Tickets55 and 10 conte. rhe public invited, 111:8. PLETCHER, MR8, STSWAIOT, Secretary. President. EWING AND FANCY WORK. i 7 —;Sirs 11foGarva is now prepared to do soaring in all its bran0hes, Also stamping both Milo and the7Preneh paste. Embroid- ery in silk and wool. Fancy quilting 10 leav- en, vine stitch, Hair switches trade to or- der. The undersigned w1l1 tench embloidory to sohularo ,titer school boars to those wiob• tug to learn. Gail and see the patterns at 011113, MOGA1tWA'S . 1844 Mill Street, Brussels. N'OTIOE, Tho Treasurer of the East Huron Agri- cultural Society will be at T. Ball's Ho- tel, on Saturday, Nov. 6th, and following Saturday from two o'clock to six p.m., to pay Fail Show prize money. Any per- sons who cannot conveniently meet him there will please send their post office ad- dress and five cents for postage and reg. istration and their prize money will be sent by mail. D. STEWART, Treasurer, ST Book Store IUMSI Photo., Scrap and Autograph Albums just Opened Out and will bo soidiat Big Bargains,. See samples in the window. A nice lot of Christmas Novelties in stock, Call and See Us. NEW FIRM. 7/t Omiihl SMITH a BOSS, TtlA�sl The above firm dasire to inti- mate to thr Public generally that they have formed 'a co -partner- ship for the purpose of carrying on Carriage, Sign and Ornament- al Painting, and are prepared to attend to the wants of the public on most reasonable terms. Mr. Boss having had experience in some of the best shops in Toron- to and both being practical work- men we guarantee to give satis- faction. Estimates and terms. ober- frilly furnished. Shop over Veal's furniture store, corner of Turnberry and Mill streets, Brussels. SMITH til ROSS. Nov. 12, 1886. .�e voceriec, C onker*, is ono of the finest iu the County of Huron and sold at prices which cannot be surpassed. Our Japan Tea at 40c. per lb. is one of the finest . grown. Our special blend of Coffee stands Unrivalled. 20 lbs. Bright Yellow Sugar for $1. 5 Bars Electric Soap for 25c. SPECIAL VALUE IN SYRUPS. • .A.11 the Choicest Fruits of the Season, A 7!'ull Assortment of Crockery and Glassware, including China and Lamp Moods. Bakery Department. Having built a first-class Oven, we are turning out broad of the very best quality. Pastry and all kinds of Confectionery, Fancy and Home -Made Bread a Specially. Agent for Fleischmann & Co's Compressed Yeast. • Quality Our Leading Feature. Thanking our numerous Customers for their patronage in the past anis soliciting a continuance of same. Geo. Thomson. 99 sTizkikT These Overcoats Must have their Sze'ing ! • 0 R. SMITH, the Great Clothier, is again intrenchecl behind ® a bulwark of an Ylilmonae Pile of 44 a ® 4410 vott oto ..A.11-13 SUITS, and is prepared, as usual, to battle against all opposition no matter who they artd or where they come from. The guileless opposition we have had so far in this town only adds fuel to the fire and the flame of business mounts higher and higher. "No Survenaev99 Ouv Motto, not only on the 5th of November but on every day of the year. Prides to Suit Everyone. Men's all -wool Suits for $5, Youth's all -wool Suits for $4.5o, .boy's Suits for $I, regular rice $2, Overcoats at Tour Own Prices. A. R. SMITH. !.7 111g i (keit 00 101 111 w1l's T110 risy 0051101 tills city. bette luno', your Sp said • Head mew Sen to do will hent into ale (Lan that °ugh Chri the helm pray good ter.) Beed, keel of yc Se even will 000101 yon lies, any 11111 give and all t 10111' 11in are fort wan Jou, is t You 101011. 1111 CYOr slid hay you the this this Am war nisi doe adv turn ml her me yo to yon cit 011 071 C On cib do ed 0 foil 000 wi wi