The Brussels Post, 1886-11-12, Page 7Nov. 12, 1886. THE BRUSSELS POST
rs; eeneasrereateslztererea
6.envt ; all.ce da.t uamt.
•'Temper'auce people will have
theinsolver to blame if any Scott
Act enmity lts, nater January nest,
a ooutwit that will vote n Police
Magistrate's salary, and do any.
thing oleo needed for the carrying
out of the law,
Under the Missouri IIigh'aeonso
Law for the year ending July, 1880,
at is snid that the State rlorivac1
revenue of $1,528, 267, um against
$190,000 under the old law, The
nunther of Saloons during the year
cleoroasud nearly 60 per cont.
A. man of philanthropic disposi-
tion asked a hardened tramp why
he drank such soel•dostroying liquid
as whiekay. "Alas!" said the tromp
with tears in his oyes, "I lutve hunt.
ed in vain for senate bind Christian
soul to sit by my side and pour it
down nay throat for mo, but I am
eoutpelled to drink it myself."
A largely attended and enthusiss•
tic meeting of students from Toren,
to end'1'riuity Medical Schools was
held recently, when a society we::
organised under the name of "The
Temperance League of the diedical
Students of Toronto," tad otfioors
elected. The league has two pledges,
ono total abstinence and the. other
auti'troatiug, About 00 siguod the
total abstinence pledge, including
sevetaI of the faculty.
There is nothing wrong in ,1
Catholic clergyman declaring him.
self a prouibitiouist. Thera is uoth•
ing that coufliots with any principle
of my creed in announcing that I
am a prohibitioniel, and, .e far as
regards the suppression of the 1i -
sash res } 7.erxrfrz,.. __ r, . ar sussooresser ssasserrts n'a as _ s^ ;e sant/ rmr s
been a total abstainer for 86 years,' CUST'0\f TAILOBINO ! ti rpm: evalR44 A'!)0.isDR Y, NATIONAL AT -g ON A L g'.�OL LE'T, Mil �I C.,. 't
have spent thousands on thousands 0. j d A l`a CA l i f 1l. .Jt'i R 16A 1. L Ji t
of dollars for the phase of temper.
ante, have delivered hundreds Of
tomperauoe leotures from Maine to
Now Orieags, for which I never did
nor wauld receive even my travel-
ling expenses. I am a Son of Tory-
porance, a good Templar, a Booh-
abite, or anythiug that will tend to
turn rnisgttidocl people from that
evil which is the parent of nearly
every other evil—the use of intoxi-
oante of any kind ; and I pronounce
the attempt to euliet temperance
voters in n political party outside of
and clashing with National politics
the most absurd and euicidal plan
that could be conceived. Every
such politico.tetuporanae vote helps
the rumseller and strengthens the
political party with which rumsellers
and too many deluded driukora al-
ways vote. To my knowledge 11.
quor•seller not only gloat and re-
joice over threats of this new -fledged
and new•tangled party, but they
pay money to aid it, as wolf they
Use white oilcloth back of the
kitchen table and sink and under
hooks that hold tinware.
Glaze the bottom crust of fruit
pies with white of eggs, and they
will not be soggy.
If you scoroli clothing in ironing,
place in the sun to draw 111e marks
Save your cold tea ; it is excellent
for cleaning grained wood.
Tepid milk nod water clean oil-
cloth without soap.
Vinegar will clean
tl•- stove doors.
the mica in
quor traffic ultimately, I am au on' A good cement to fasten 00 lamp
and out prohibitionist; Wet is, I tope is melted alum ; use as soup au
em in favor of rooting out and lie melted, and the lamp is ready` for
stroyiug the traffic es it exists and
abounds in our conu'ry •to day, as
soon as that becomes possible. In a
other words, I m in favor of killing
the 'musterr as soon as wo pos4bly
eau, but if I find it impossible to
kill him to night, I will begin by
starving Lim to death sail killing fug waif scarlet fawn,
him td-nmorroty if I can. --•–lay. If, when blackening the stove, a
Father Cleary, President Catholic small lump of sugar and some soap
Total Abstinence Union of America. be added: it will improve it very
use as soon as the cement is cold. 1
The most effectual remedy for
slimy' and greasy drainpipes is cop -
pores dissolved and loft to work,
gradually through the pipe,
Bran or oatmeal ;rater should bo
used when bathing children suffer•
"The magistrates, during the
Belfast riots, with . praiseworthy
zeal for the peace of the town closed
the public houses. They recogniz-
ed that riot ever begins with. or iA
fed by 3riuk, find so in the exercise
of authority committed them for the
benefit of their fellow citizens, they
became stern prollibitioniete ; nod
they offered, et: far as we are aware,
no compensation to the publican for
this Maine law 1"—Trish League
Journal. The St. Laois rioters,
the Chicago anarchists, the 13elfeet
mob, always and everytaitcie;-relied
on strong drink to tierce them to
plunder and deeds of rapine and
blood. The law unhesitatingly clos-
es up every liver saloon when a
mob of a hundred mon nnitu to in'
jure their neighbors' property and
endanger their lives. Why should
not the slime law close the sumo Sit -.loons when they become elle fatalities
• for intoxicatinu to it hundred mon
who injure the lives and endanger
the property of helpless wanton and
children in at hundred Homes ?'
• The was an old decan-
ter, and its mouth was,
gaping wide, the
rosy wine had
ebbed away and
deft its crystal
side, and the
wind wont hum-
' ming. hamming
--up (Ltd down
the sidee it flew
and through the
reed -like hollow
• nook the wild-
est notes it blow. I
plaosd it in the window,
where the blast was blow-
ing free, and fancied that its
mouth sang the queerest strains
to die : "They tell me --puny eon-
quorors i -the Plague has slain his
ten, and War Itis hundred thous-
ands of the heat of men but I"—
Ivo rhos the bottle spore—"but I
have conquered more than all
•your famous conquerors, fie feared
and famed of yore. Then, conte yo
youths and maidens, Dome drink
from out my ono, the beverage
that bulls the brain and barns the
spirit up'
that puts to shame con-
querors wbo slay their spores below
for this has delndod millions with
the lava tide of woe. Though in
the path of battle darkest waves of
blood may roll ; yet, while r killed
the body, I have damned the very
soul. The cholera, the sword', such
ruin,nsysr wrought as I, in mirth
or malice, on the innocent have
brought. And still I breathe upon
them and they shrink before my
breath, and year by year my thous.
Aline maw ;r0r, nailer, n0An 00
Phineas T. Barnum, the well-
knotvn showman and temperance
advocate, was asked the other day
itI his Bridgeport home what he
thought of the political temperance
movement: He replied :—"I have
I Ti10 undersigned ba gs leave to intimate tAT GREATLY
Put a piece of charcoal in the pot
when boiling cabbage, to prevent it
filling the house with the smell.
It is said that the application of e
bit of ice or even cold water, to the
lobo of the ear will step hiceough-
To cement cracks in stoves mix
stove blackening, doter end cold
water. Another way is, take equal
part's of sifted ashes, clay and salt,
and a little water.
Never servo potatoes, blilod or
baked whole, in a' close (fevered
dish, They became sadden and
clammy. Cover with a folded nap-
kin that allows the steam to oscepej
or absorbs Um moisten.
Ginghtuua anti prints Witt keep
their color bettor if washed in water
thickened with (lour starch. Flour
is very cleansing and will de ilio
work of soap in ono or two washings
in the starch water. This, with the
rinsing, will be sufficient, and the
goods will look freshet Mau awash -
ed and etsrohed itt the old-fashion-
ed way.
Much trouble may bo avoided by
keeping fiat irone inn dry place so
they shall not rust, aid by remain.
boring to wipe each iron, not only
the first time it is taken from the
stove, but every time, Spermaceti
(dropping of candles made from the
eubstanoo will ituswer) tied into u
small piece of linen, rnbbedfrog tient
ly, on the irett esems to keep ib
smooth, end 1 "think, gives a gloss
to articles stiffened with cold attach.
'2o clean at spine still : If yon
wish to Glean your spice Milt, grind
a Handful of raw rice in it. 'Phe
particles of spice and pepper, or if
coffee, will not adhere to it after the
rice has passed tht'nugh.
A way of treating soiled kitchen
Halle : Dissolve a lump of extraift
logwood the size of a grain of (torn
in hot water and put it in four or
five quarts of limo that is ready to
use. Ouo application will be as
good as two without the logwond.
'10 scour knives easily, mix a
Small quantity of baking soda with
your brick dust, and gee if your
knives do not polish better.
Trenton has contracted for 16
electric lights, and 80 lights have
been ordered by naerellauta of the
General Booth lige . started for
New York State to begin acam-,
paigu there. . Ira Canada lie has
'travelled 4,800 mires, gotta 67
times in 26 days, and attended ten
al1•night meetings,
to the public that helms enema a tailor
shop lu the Post Cflioo block, over L ird's
barber shop, whore he is prepared to at -
"/end to the wants of the publis in putting,
fitting and making gloating in the latest
and most fashionable styles. lily long ex-
porienoe togothor with a mute of in.
structton under one of the boot cutters in
Toronto is a guarantee of being able to
do satisfactory work, Satisfaction Guar-
Any amount of lvloney• to Loau
on Farm or Village Pro-
perty at
• Straight Loans with privilege
of repaying when required. Ap-
ply to
A. Hunter,
Division. Court Cleric, Brussels.
Money to Loan on Farm Pro-
perty, at
' Solicitor,
Brussels, Ont.
of Private Ponds have just been
placed in any hands for In- •
1. vestment.
Borro-fivers can have their loans
complete in t free days if title is
satisfactory. f
Apply to
F.. E. WADE.
; Lk _MT:4,
is prepared to attend to •Sales
on very reasonable terms.
O:rr:'zoa.—Opposite Town IIaMI,
Dn.e. E. Wre's ?Ten•a end 'train Treat-
ment, a guaranteed simian for Hysteria,
Dizziness, Convulsions, Fits, NervenS, Not1-
ralgin, Aoadaeho, Nurvons 1'rostratlon amus-
ed by trio neo of eboohoi yr tobaooe, Natte-
fttlnone , Mattel Depression, Softening of the
';rain resulting in Inszbilw, leading to mis-
ory, doany land death, 1�tomature Old Ago,
untery Losses end Spsrmotorrrhronascaused by
over-exertion of tl10 Brain, self-abuse or
ovex•inaulgeneo. Boob box contains ons
montb'N treatment $1 n box, or six boars:
dor 00, snot by mall, prepaid, en receipt of
twit Gs1umt/'emiit SIX rums
To auto anyoaio With oaolt order ruaaived
by us fey eta boxes, naoomrauted with SO, wo
Will tend the pureheSer our written gnaran-
d esnotofftotn, m50 Gurenteesaistuot
only by Joo. tItrrreavas k 0n., Brussels,
Iteduced. Phew
Wo have on basal the following
Land I3olloi's, Plows, Harrows,
Scullion, horse Powers, Straw
Gutters, Turnip Cutters, Grind-
ing al; Chopping Mills, -best
make, and 1 Goad Second
Iland Lumber Wagon.
We have started a Planer
and Matcher to work. Parties
wishing to have Lumber Dressed
and Matched, or Flooring sized,
tongued and grooved may rely
on getting first-class jobs on the
most reasonable terms.
Repairs of all, kinds promptly
attended to at• the Bnessl ns
W. R. Wilson
Resew AND DRUC1(
Loan & Investment Co.
This Company is Loaning lIoney
on Farm Security at Lowrsi
Mort ages Purchased.
8, 4, and 6 per cent. interest
allowed on Deposits, according
to amount curl time let.
OFFICE.— Corner of Market
Square and North Street, G•ode-
horace Horton,.
Steady Ent11i, lunar to Good Men.
None nee „to Idle. DANous
Experience 4�.,t essential.. •
We pay either Salary or Com-
100 'fon 'laded
To Canvas for the Sale of Can-
adian grown Nursery Stock.
The 1!enihi11 Nurseries,
Largest in Canada,
Oyer 400 acres.
:Don't apply unless you can
furnish first-class References, and
want to"work. No room for lazy
mon, but eau employ any num-
ber of energetic men who want
Work.. Animaas
Stone & Wellington,
Toronto, hitt.
iwTA4. ' .y
-A new stock of Buffalo Robes,
Goat Robes, Horse Blankets,
Bells, Whips, &c.,
A Splendid Assorbrl cat of
Trunks, 'Valises,
And Satchels.
in Stock.
Brussels, - Ontario.
Having leased the well known and splendidly equipped Roller
Fleming Mill from Messrs. Will. T anstone & Sons for 0 term of
years, we (desire to intimate to the farmers of Huron Co. mud the
public generally, that we are premixed to tarn out the b .st brands of
Flour, look after the Gristing Tracie, supply any quantity of Bran,
Chopped stuff, &e., and buy any quantity of Wheat.
The mill is recognized as one ot'the best in the Canary and our
long experience in this business gives us confidence in saying we
gnaranteo satisfaction.
Flour and Feed Always on Hand,
Gristing and Chopping promptly attended to.
Stewart & Lowick,
! iIC Y"= -T'71 t iC CF- Es) -acts.
Are to the front this Fall with a large and well selected stock of
Cooking, Box, Parlor, and Coal stoves. ,In cooking stoves we wish
to call Special attention to an entirely new line, "Tare ORI(#INAL,"
"Tms WARRioa Knza," and the old reliable "Wool) Coon," weighing
400 pounds. The "Beoen PENINsrrAit°' is it square base burner, for •
coal, that should bo soon by every intending purchaser.
Laps Lamps Lamps
Lamps and all general hone furnishings always kept in stork.
Platted Gods a Specialty.
GIVE U5 A CALL. - P - -- y
HOLD:IES' BLOCS.. is eros - 8.
.SAD ! AHE !
N'-ael pq t �• ^r'' N;,, a :, '}Cji�'Tp, p`a�' •' L
.L V9. �i� _. f', �r,; d....'+9 .-e+.Txn,
of the Leading House, Determiner' to Lead the Trade 1s Ever en the
alert for Bargains and has just received a few hies
that will interest the sharpest buyers.
&•'' i ,s.'I— OB-.'.iS.
Full Assortment -of all grades of line and staple Bolts & Shoes
always oh hand. Just received a lot of Ladles French Kid Mitten -
ed Boots, which we offer at the very low price of $2.50 per pair.
OU' CLOT. 17IT.a``.TG3-.
Wo can give you a well made Heavy Fullcloth Overcoatf't',1 the
very small sum of $5.00. Full Suits, all wool, , tat `+0.00 and alt.
These prices, we know, are right and cannot be equalled. and we
will allow no contradiction unless the mail is six feet high.
Gen ,'s Furnishings,
A good assortment on hand.
._r,g' t 1M1:
Our 000(15 are all new and sold at the •
Must DotedBios.
S .01 ..KIN G 1
Having secured the services of a first-class Shoemaker ker 1'1 0
prepared to do
All Kinds of Custom Work
Neatly•aud Promptly.