HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1886-11-12, Page 44 a,umrnur tarn cr
7iitcto hi'rotisaaaalits.
Sewing and Fano), work—Mrs Me•
'Watchmaker and Jeweler—Jas. Tonne,
Tub upside down --Adam Creor
Grocery and Bakery—Geo, Thomson,
Painting,—Smith & Boss.
Boots and Shoes—John Shand. -
K.nittecl Goods—T. Y. S. Kirk.
Dentistry—G. L. Ball.
Xmas floods—T. Fletcher,
Overcoats, &e.—A. 11. Smith.
Female 'Anchor wanted—W. 1:1. Moes.
Dental —i , A, Martin,
tr4 e `'Nrtts5e15 Vast
F RID:IY, NOV. 12, 1886.
date both political parties are get-
ting into line and putting on the
war paint. 011 the Reform side
Hou, Edward Blake states that he
has euffieient evidence to assure him
that election day is nut fey diataut,
From.a Conservative 1tttudpniet the
Montreal Gazette gays
"That the elections will oceur within
"eight mouths we all know. That they
"will occur at au earlier period, no one,
"not even the Minister, Call Cay."
After stating that the revised vet-
ere' Bata tiro not nil in yet, stud that
the Governor General is out of the
country, the organ goes on
"But whether the appeal may be made
"in two months or eight months, the
h'e Government ought not to
"friends of t
0 LTRSEL}'L+',S. "be slothful in perfecting their organism -
"Non, etc."
Tuns week we present THE Posv
to our readers in a new dress of bre-
vier type, purchased from the well
known firm of Gwatkin & San, of
Toronto. Wo have also alba an-
other column to Cash page, so that
THE Pose now has 48 calm -nue in-
stead of 40. This will place more
space at our disposal for local, dis-
trict and general news and, with tho
aid of our efficient staff of carros-
pondents, we ere determined to make
this paper a household necessity.
We have completed arrangements
with Grip, Canada's well known
and highly appreciated cartoon jour
nal, whereby wo aro enabled to pro -
sent ono of their cartoons each week
in our columns and this should, and
no doubt will prove a very attractive
feature to a groat lumpy. In each
issue will be found columns devoted
to interesting' cout'nned Stories,
Poetry, Farm Notes, Temperance,
Household Hinte, Funnygraphs,
Good Words and all the news that
can be crowded into the space at
our diapoeal.
These changes rind improvements
have occasioned a large expense and
we not only ask prompt settlement
of past duo subscriptions and the
squaring up of accounts but hope
that the friends of THE Pose will
give us their hearty support and
'good will as well. The business men
have done their part in the past
and we return them our best 111001rs.
We went to add 500 names to
our subscription list this full and
winter and a good word spoken by
every subscriber to Tae Pose to
their neighbor or friends will large-
ly aid us in accomplishing whet we
A. large namber of candidates are
already m the field alai are actively
engitgsd iu oanvassing Cho free and
independent electorate. Tho Re-
form party feel quite assured of
victory at the Corning election, while
many of our Conservative friends
say Sir John's majority may be
pulled down but be will still retain
power. Time will soon decide the
• IRELAND and -Ham- holo is a
kuotty problem. It is not just now
that the little green isle has been a
thorn in the aide of the British Par-
liament but for years this qut:,tion
Lias been rising and Working itself
felt. The advent of I:ieh orators
favoring Home Rule, and anti Horne
Rule, respectively, iuto Canada, has
not thrown very much light on this
vexed queation, for the nddreases of
these gentlemen disagree altogether
on the essential points in the con.
troverey. Home Rule is looked up.
on as a stop in advance by its advo.
cater. They argue that what the
Chartists of England asked for,
viz. :—That every man should have
a vote ; that voting should be by
ballot ; that there should be annual
parliaments, and that the members
should be paid; that the property
qualification for members of parlia-
meat should be done away with;
that the country should ;,be divided
into electoral districts, &o., seemed
very improbable at the time but are
now recognized as essentials to good
Government. Our cartoon this
week shows up the Homo Rule Pig
and the ways and means taken to
quiet him, but wo aro of the opinion
that some decided and decisive ac-
tion will have to be taken and that
soon, or there will be trouble that
will cause bloodshed and disaster.
How would it do to take the Euler-,
ald isle out into the English Chan -
mei and hold lit under water for five
minutes ?
Now that Police Magistrate. Smith
has been sworn in for tho,East Rid-
ing of Huron we look for some en-
ergetic work in putting the law' in-
tone. Inspector Miller bas been
holding some cases for trial and we
look for a lively skirmish. The
hotel keepers have hod their own
way for a long while and have made,
money and we hope they will now
pull in the horns and remember
that the Canada Temperance Act is
law in Huron. County, Mr. Smith
is a cool, level-headed man and will
fill the positi on of Polioe Magistrate
very acceptab ly. The Ontario Gov-
ernment overstepped the bounds,
usu ally followed by governments,
by appointing Mr. Smith, as he is a
warm supporter of the Conservative
Burglars have been on the rampage
here lately.
The Foresters will hold a concert in
A. move is being made to secure con-
nection with the C. P. 11.
The German Evangelical new ohurch
was opened last Sunday.
F. Gabel, of Mitchell, talks of locating
his hosiery establishment in town.
Listowel has given 4100 in aid of the
sufferers by the Southampton fire.
St. Andrew's day, Nov. 50th, will be
celebrated by the Scotties of this town.
Dr. Michener has sold out his drug and
book business and will remove to Dunn-
ville, Haldimand Go. J. Livingston and
J. A. Hacking bought his stock.
The young people of the Methodist
ohurch have purchased a 0.200 pipe organ
for the new church and intend having an
organ recital on December 17th.
THE present indications are that
the Dominion elections will be
brought on shortly. While there is
a degree of uneortainity ai to the
Nov, 12, 1lio-b
J31}• th.
J. Walker, of Clinton, spent Sunday in
Dr. Sloan left town, this week, on 9
trip up to Muekoka.
Mies Carson, of Clinton, was visiting
friends in town this week.
Mrs. Wm. Drummond is at present
visiting friends in London.
J. Emigh has erected a largo shed in
connection with his house.
A shooting match is to be held on Fri-
day the 12th, at the Queen's hotel.
Neil McTavish, from Alpina, Mich., is
visiting friends in town.
A. large number from here attended the
Foresters' slipper in Londesboro' last
P. Kelly & Son are shipping large
quantities of flour to the Eastern market
this week.
Jas. Spading was in Wingham last
week looking after the interests of the
new salt well.
Tho first grand ball of the gelation is to
be,given in the Queen's hotel on Friday
evening, Nov. 12th.
Miss Doan, of Clinton, has been engag-
ed to take charge of the intermediate de.
partment of the public school next year,
P. Kelly is in Ottawa this week.
On Friday afternoon the Orangemen
formed into a body and marched to the
Methodist ohurch, were a sermon was
preached to them by the Bev. Mr. Mills.
In the evening a grand supper was held in
the Orange Hall, which was prepared by
,,Little Harry." A large number wore
present and all spent an enjoyable even-
The social held in the Presbyterian
church en Monday evening last, to cele-
brate the 20th anniversary of the Rev, A.
McLean as pastor of that congregation,
was a grand success. Everyone having
satisfied themselves with the good things
provided, Mrs. Mel;ean was presented
with an address and a handsome dinner
sett. After the presentation the crowd
assembled up -stairs when addressee wore
delivered by the visiting Clergymen, after
which it was brought to a close, '
The Minister of Education has promis-
ed to raise the Woodotook High School 10
the tank of a Collegiate Instituto if, upon
inspection by himself or cleputy, it is
found to meet all the requirements of the
law, the change to date from the Septem-
ber opening.
He deals in Solid Leather.
No Blarney, Humbug or Mis-
representation with him.
'Watchmaker & Jeweler
Has on hand a splendid stook of Silver
and Gold filled Watches, also Cuff But -
tone, Broaches, Earinge, Gent's Pins,
Finger Rings, Boil Plate Vest Chains,
Neoktets,'also a fide assortment of wall.
nub and nickel Olooks.
rte' Repairing Neatly and Promptly
All work skilfully and artisti-
cally performed.
Office in Garfield Block.
Xikt ' $10005
Practical Watchmaker cd Jeweller,.
Thanking the Public for past favors and
support and wishing still to secure your
patronage. We era opening out full linos
Gold and Silver Watches,
Silver Plated Ware, front established
and reliable makers, fully warranted by
. Cloelo of the lateet designs.
Wedding Binge,
Ladies Gem Rinse,
Barings, &o.
Alec have in stock a frill line of Violine
and Violin Strings, Pipes, &c.
N.B.—Tsettor of Marriage Licenses.
T. Fletcher.
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P La
h 4Y{E OUT
for the Season, under the able management of MISS GREEN and
MISS WILSON, whose Styles Ind workmanship gain-
' ed such unusual satisfaltion during the
past nasal.
Of course it is unnecessary to says our stook, as usual, is very
complete and of a first-class charmer, for which the Dominion
House is noted, and our stook being`Very Much Larger than any
other store in Brussels gives every Iady a much better selection to
choose from, which in Millinery is viry important this combined
with employing only first-class han43 is a sufficient guarantee that
the very
may be obtained. Having no old stook left over from last Season
enables us to show an Extra Display of Neil/ Goods. We have tak-
en great pains this season to recur{ every Novelty and we would
invite every Lady, whether they 14nt to buy. or not, to give us a
Miss Green, with her usual cowteous and obligin g manner, will
be only too happy to show our spbndid stock to all who may wish.
to inspect_it. We would also cal attention to our handsome stock7-
of Mantis Cloths, which we Make, p to order, thus ensuring no olcl :'
moth-eaten or old fashioned garients which is too -often the case
with most stores who buy them, ready-made. In conclusion wo
wouldjust say our Stock i11 everPepartmsnt is very eomplete, and I.
everything having been bought Wore the big advance in goods
took place we will be able to surly our customers the whole sea-
son through at the sante low pries we' have been selling at all A'
, Ate' d?' ', q,.