HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1886-11-12, Page 3Nev. 12, 1886,
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If danger is scorned it comes the
more quickly.
Virtuous wife rule + by obeying
her husband,
A SI(N O1 FALL, The glory of a proud man is
~T1 quickly Wilma to disgrace,
e.net the ',hook of ripened corn,
Nordic Mile for the county fair; + Few of defib 0/1111'1W Epigram".Nor the emelt of tho ngeirrel•lntnter's
linin x hod ratite: uudertalie to bo the
Iiliigin4 out on the uum•uing air.
'Tie not the/tom mint for point good dovc'e than ono (lei:one serpent
Ons tba Simmer Queeu'a bead Ilona,' '1'u jam year (duperion to nta.al
Nor yet the deepening purple tint make them beg g hard for all you give
Of the hum's autumnal noes, [Leta.
716 not the gently failing leaf,
Ierost.dycd in its brilliant hues. Piety is lilio boons ; it AC eni9 to
Nor tbo fait that the daaeon comes to (10 brut on poor soil.
ohuroh A broken reputation is liko a
In brand now, squeaky shoes. brukon voce it may be mended
"Tie not the vinoyard'a luscious fruit but aim's +s shows micro Ilio cinch
On iho sunny side of the hill, y
Nor tho doaeon's son in hie now °hook Was.
suit l.f you °[milt trust a man for the
(Added on the that year's bill.) fall amount, let him skip ; this try.
'Tis not that the woodpile daily grows, lu , to t o on holiest
'Tie not the call of the plover, get an average y
Tia not that the deacon's daughter goes
From gate to gate with her lover.
'Tia not that the coonskin, newly flayed,
Docks the side of the fermor'a barn,
Nor that the old man brings oggs to trade
For akeinee of stocking yarn.
But a single on the wall
Of the deacon's grocery store ;
And joyful news it tolls to all lite is two•tltirle a Cliriatieu, any•
Who chance to pass the door. how.
Its painted totters, big and grand, Flattery' la like cologne water—to
To neighbors, friends et a1., be smelt of, not awallosved.
Give a sign of fell now surely at hand—
"Now Wrier, Ten Cents per Gall" I have noticed that the man who
is always telling what bo will do
when lie gets there, never gets
When a man has a great dual to
ray ho can say it in a few words.
Canadian Ne-wla.
Victoria, B.C., is about to spend
$500,000 in sewerage works.
The Stratl>:roy Town Council bas.
got tin infant on its hands.
TLe Knights of Labour biscuit
factory factory, at Chatham, has
been exempted from -taxation for
nine years.
The gunboat at Victoria, 13.0.,
has been despatched to Ialetlakotlall
owing to the offensive' attitude. of
the Dnuoan Indians toward Bishop
Jumps Colson, of Guelph, has
been appointed high constable of
Wellington for the Assiaes, in the
place of the late James, Armstrong,
During the past year Mount For•
oat has voted $26,000 to advance
the interests of the town ; for bonus,
es, $12,000 ; local improvements,
$4,000 ; fire protection, $2,500 ;
.High School, $G,000.
RG9K:rv.A7n"fLJt6r6diEv.5.3 P' '.WitOOnSL. OZIO71 'PlFailtOw` ,.W"3iliu 7"•,AOOOtoWOO G.w111oix" "a]YII@itN n5,1'v
Eaquosiug townabtj has sit tit 1 ?llU,;,y'A;111
collectors. :_J
Air. Phillips, of Outlaw, :+Luta 30
16 with lasOsier,
ttu;rli, Toole . Mill
B. ll. ()x14 , fZ. Cl.received £ipll �j
for defending 011as, ;land at Sarnia.
1 liken Canadian failures were re-
port.il to 1)un & Co. during the past
Montreal tipper -tondo in is agitat•
ed ,n•ar a 11(0011 of promise talkie in
' "h, uioty ."
The 10.s by ileo lire at Snntbnutp
100 it placed at $00,000 ; inaarttn•
uo $10,000 to 12,000.
The town ball and three stores
al Bat aurora were destroyed by fire
last week.
The Catholic priest. itt Fort Polly
is missing, and is believed to have
perished on the prairie.
Wild ducks by the wagon len
were at the Ridgetown market last
Satorday, and selling al 100: each,
It is stated that a medical cont.
mission will shortly moot at Otttt.
wa to draft it Health 13111 for the
whole Dominion. •
The Mount li'oroet Index publish-
ed its valedictory last week. Mr.
Stovel having taken up his abode in
Winnipeg ie the canes assigned.
Au Order in Council bee beou
pas gel by the Provincial Govern.
'lint annexing New Edinburgh to
the Oity of Ottawa as a aouarato
Nearly forty families 11tiv,1 been
rendered homeless by the Sontll-
nmpton fire, and an appeal is !lade
an their. behalf to the charitable poo•
pia of Ontario.
A young man, who resides near
Little Onrrent, Ont.,, some three
weeks since, sent registered letters
addressed to a Merchant of Toronto,
in which be stated he hail enclosed
one hundred and fifty dollars.
When the letters reached the mel••
chant they contained blank shoots
of notepaper and pieces of an old
newspaper, but . no money. The
Merchant reported the [natter to
the Pestoflleo Inspector. Mr.
Sweetman visited Little Current on
Wedneaday of last week, and: insti-
tuted an enquiry. It was discover.
ed that the young: men had proper•
ed two clots of letters ; that in one
sot he had placed the binuk note-
paper and pieces of newspaper al•
luded to, and that w the other lie
had enclosed $150 in the presence
of two respectable men, who, a1 his
request, tteeompenied him to the
poetoliice to witness the posting of
the letters. On reaohing the post•
office he mailed and registered the
dummy letters ; and of course, kept
in his pocket those which contained
the money. Au effort had also
been made to indicate that the en-
velopes of the lettere had been tam-
pered with. The young man of be-
ing charged with his attempt to
emit euepioiou on the postoffie ad:
mated his guilt, and made a humble
apology io :.tho postmaster. His of.
fence is punishable, as there was an
obivions intention to defraud.
has always been to failure.
There is no treachery iu silence ;
Minot) lea hard argument to boat,
Don't uristake habits for charao•
for ,• the men of the most character
have the fewest habits.
Thu man who is thoroughly po.
I will sing you a song of singers ;
Listen, and you aballlnear
Row the lark on high, in the breast of
the sky,
Sings to tho opening year.
In a still blue place for a moment's space
All song from wing to creat,
Ito sings in the sunt -.and the rapture done
Sinks to his silent nest,
I will sing you a Gong of singers,;
Listen, and you shall hoar
Row the wind of the acuth, with a sweet
warm month,
Sings in the heart of the year.
It is hey 1 for the fields of roses, and hey!
for the haulm of thyme ;
And hey l for the shady oiosee with e
lilt and a laughing rhyme l
And the lake will ruffle its bosom,
And curl its creamy crest,
When the passionate sigh of the wind
comes nigh
The liilies upon its breast.
I.will sing you a song of singers
Listen, and you shall hear
The song close bid of the katykid,
In the falling of the year,
Wide iu the leafy ranges,
He sings in the waning light,
And his loos -song knows few changes
Tinder the stars of, night,
Shrill in the forest reaches,
In doublet of satin green,
Re sings, as his wild mood teaches, Itis stated that John Macdonald,
His ono song to his (peen. of Tiverton; will give a personal
bonus of $2,000 to secure the ex-
tension of the Canadian Pacific
Railway from 'Teeswater• to laver.
huron and a station at Tiverton.
W. J. Douglas, of Renfrew, re.
contly pulled in his garden a head
of corn, the husks of which enclos-
ed seven ears. The math ear is
large and sploudidly developed, and
the others ;tit etustoredaround it.
A Midland }report status that a
Buffalo sportsman was on the north
shore hunting for some .time, but
failzgg to kill anything be pu rchas•
ed a tame bear, advanced to within
two feet of the post to which it was
chained, shot it, and had the car•
etas shipped home as the [laked
material. of a marvellous hunting
The editor of the Shelburne Eeon-
omiet has been prostrated by a new
conundrum., unloaded upon lima
without warning by an indignant
subscriber who had been dunned for
his arrears of dues. Tho editor was
invited to answer the question,
"What' .do squirrels climb tress
for ?" and after he'lfal engaged in
considerable ineffective but brain.
wearing apectilation, he was inform'.
ed that it was for "obssnuts." Out
of consideration for the back dues
the man's life was spared.
The greatest glacier of Alaska is
moving at tile rate of a- quarter of a
mils per annum toward the sea.
The front presents a wall of ice
some 600 feet in thickness ; its
breadth varies from three •to ten
miles, and it is about 150 miles
long. Almost every quarter of an
hour hundreds of tone of ice in
large blocks fall into the sea, which
they agitate in the moat *lent
manner, the waves being such as to
toss about the largest vessels that
approach the glacier as if they wore
small boats,
. True bills have been found against
nine parties in Kincardine for as•
smiting a constable there on Sate
urday whilst the officer was en.
gaged in executing a Scott Ad,
search warrant. Two trite bills
have also been found against a Rip.
ley hotol•keopor named Edward
Hodgins for levelling a revolver at
the sumo constable aid threatening
to shoot hien whilst lie was search-
ing his house; The constable tools
his men and the whiskey before the
magistrates at 7. inenr.dine.
I will deg you a song of singers t
Listen, and you shall hoar
Tho song of the snow, soft, soft and low,
In the night-time of the year,
Out of the deeps of heaven,
All in a pure white glow,
Bider the stare of oven,'
Sings the angel of the snow.
And the heart must lsaru to listen
And bend its wayward will,
While the frost flakes glow and glisten,
And the winter air is chill,
And the song 10 pure as pity,
And glad as glad can bo—
For an angel sings with brooding wings
The song of charity,
Oh I spank kind words to one arida'll,
As through Me world you go ;
Let helpful deeds beside your path:!
Like.ftowers,of beauty. grow. ,
The fragranoe of a loving word
Will linger in the heart,
As sweetness haunts the flowers wetarize
When summer days depart.
As wo go journeying on through itis
Perhaps we may not know
The gond our loving words havo dont
To those who come and go.
But God will know ; and Surely lie,
In his good !fine and way;
The giver of each kindly word ,
Will royally repay.. r .
So apeal: kind words to one and all,
This' life is all to brief,
To waste in discord and n strife,
And 1111 theheart With grief,
With sunshine born of loving words
Let's scatter cloude of pain,
And thus malls bright the sorrowing 4oa,
'As skies are, after rain.
Good Wards.
Mercy prepares a strong prot1t-
When thou art kind to tho wort y
thou pieaseat all.
Life indeed 10 short, but by Dia
becomes too, long.
Thou mayeat well dislimeo wit a
pleeaure if at the same time bh i
overcomest grief. qq
lie lived well who could die while
he wished.
A good man even in death mall
am mistake.
A good cause fears no judge.
No man is good unless he is god1,
unto all,
We deprecate now faults while 11)
bear with tbo old.
A hotheaded patient makes tl
phyaioian harsh,
The people hate the life of Li
Ihr 'whose death is lipped for by friend
:1Nt. Q'.ANrITY OP'
Wool 'Wanted
Ri es) JhrKet� Frio°
--PAM IN— rouM1hYyge•ary
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tuc+i`.5•tacrS,tea> 9Aamb sf � om
t, C Sh or Trade 1
The wife and daughter of Normau
McAliieter, a widely -known and ro-
speoted farmer of Upper Darling
township, in North Lanark, loft
their home on Tharaday evening
last to go to Clayton village, by way
of a short road through the woods,
and worn both lost. .Darling town-
ship is divided into two sections,
known as Upper Darling and Lower
Darling. The former is a remote
district, about twenty miles from Al.
monte; and abont tweutyfour miles
from Perth. Mrs. McAllister was
expecttod home before night, and not
having arrived, grave fears for her
safety were entertained, The fact
that,the woods throiigh which . she
had to travel were infested with
bears and other autmals Ado her
friends all the more rinxlolln, !Led a
party was itnmediately otganiesd
and a diligent aearoh started. All
night long the woods echoed with
horns and gnu shots, which alarmed
the whole country. The search was
kept up constantly, but no trade of
the lost could be fbund. On Friday
reinforcements were gent out, and
among them was young Mr. Mc.
Allister, a son of the Iost women,
who, in bis excitement, aooidental-
ly had ono of bis hands hurt by the
gun exploding. He was removed
from the woods, and taken to the
doctor at Clayton Village, and it is
feared his hand wilt have to bo am-.
putated. The search for the woman
and child was kept up day and night
until Saturday.evsnrng, when the
news was received that the lout
woman and child had wandered
througli.tho woods to the shores of
the White Lake, above Pakonham
village, where they were found safe
on Saturday morning, their gar•
Plants almost torn to shreds, and
themselves feeling thoroughly ex.
haunted. Their reappearance
caused the greatest joy and relief.
3 have in stock a good assort-
ment of Blankets, Shii.•tings,
Flannels, fine and coarse, Full
Cloth, :Fine Tweeds, Coarse
Tweeds, Yarns, c&e, Also an as-
sortment of Cotton goods.
1 am now prepared to take in
Weaving, &c.
Flatief actio
Knitted Goods
Made to Order.
Give Me a Call
before taking your wool else-
Yours Truly,
lA tB HARS !
Glass & Putty,
Lath & Shy. t.glesw
Stove Pipes.
Mixed Paints !
as any other with similarity in name is
Beware of Imitations,
Grist and Flour mills !
The undersigned having completed the change from the stone to the
Celebrated Hungarian system of Grinding, has now the Mill in
First Class Running Order
and will be glad to son all his old customers and as many new ones
as possible. Chopping done.
Flour and Feed Always on Hand.
Highest Price paid for any quantity of Good 1 Grain.
y' �T �1
EAST ` TUBO.1..\
All made of the Best Material and finished in a Workriianliko
Repairing and Parotins promptly attended to.
Parties intending to buy should Call before •
Btpnianlvons.--Marsdon Smith, 73. Laing, Jas. Cott and Wm. Mc-
Kelvey, Grey Township ; W. Cameron, W. Little, G. Brewer and D.
Breckenridge, Morris Township ; T. Town and W. Biashill, Brus-
sels ; Rev. E. A.1'oar, Woodham, and T. Wright, Turnberry1..
_�f. ;.''':.._�.