The Brussels Post, 1886-11-5, Page 8S
,wst+ewo, rs�rna>o
T cannot lot this opportunity pass
without drawing the attention
of the Public to a fine ssoek of
Wall Papers
and Bondexings,
which have just been received.
Come and see thorn.
It is our intention, at a later
date, to again give in this space
some rnoro facts and information
regarding our HONFIY, which we
are selling at only 10c..per lb.
G. A. Deadman,
Druggist, Bookseller c' Fancy Goods Dealer,
Trains leave Brussels Station, north and
oath, a sfollows:—
coint;Sordh, Going North.
Mail 715 am. I Mired 10:96a.m.
Entrails 11, Mail 348 Pm.
Mlied 8:60p.m i)zpresa eats pre.
`cA'.Cix1 CiUZa
A ehiel's amang ye Lakin' notes
An' faith he'll Front it,
lamp at the Town Hall is becoming
more and more apparent.—A couple
of marriages are "on deck," and
judging by appcaraneee others will
shakily follow. --7 weeks to Chriatinae.
—Jas. Oliver was the bigbsat bidder
for the market scales for next year.
Ilia offer was $90, or $2 lose than
last year.—Weekly practice is being
held for the Old Folks' eoneert, to be
belch in the month of December.—
The awnings in front of the stores
have been laid to rout until next sum-
1ner,—Tho regular quarterly meeting
of the etstliodist Church will bo held
next ,Sunday morning, service com-
mencing at 10:30 o'olook,--Every
necessary preparation is being made
for the Goose bocial, on Thanksgiv-
day, under the auspices of the Ladies'
Aid Society of the Methodist church.
A good program is being arranged
for tlhe occasion.—See the new advt.
of S. Ostrander. He is working into
a good trade.—Tickets for member-
ship to lbs Mechanics' Institute
Library will be given from now until
May let, 1887, for the small num of
50 Dents. We want 100 more names
added to the membership roll.—The
business men have contributed freely
and generously in aiding Mrs. Wm.
McGervie, this' week. --Geo. Thom-
son has built a new oven in connec-
tion with his bakery.—Nomination of
a Reeve and 4 Councillors will be
held on Monday, Deo, 27th, at the
Town Hall. The polling places on
Monday, Jan. 3rd, will be at the of-
fice of Geo. Love, Council Chamber,
and Danl. McLennan's residence,
corner of Turnberry street. A. 'Veal,
Geo. Cooper, and B. McNaughton are
the Deputy. Returning Officers.—
Adam Good's t col. advt. may be road
in this issue.—The town bell will be
rung every evening at 7 o'clock, com-
mencing with next Monday, to give
the time for closing the stores.—Jos-
eph Laird hae moved his barber shop
to the "Oriental," in Grant's block,
where ho will be found.—The fire en-
gine was out last Tuesday and was
thoroughly tested. The tanks were
filled at the same tlme.—Saml. Fear
brought to our office, last Tuesday, a
bunch of strawberry and raspberry
blossoms, fruit forming and a berry
nearly ripe. He pulled them on the
day mentioned above. --A person
don't need brains to play the tricks
some of the "smarties" tried on Mon-
day night. Outhouses appear to
have a very magnetic influence eve"
these simpletons.—The new cricket
bat to be presented to S. H. Laird is
on exhibition in the window of THE
25 DENTS, in advance, gets 'THE
POST for the balance of 1886.
ESSRA value in Fruit Sam and Pickling
'vinegars at Thomson's.
Moaner afternoon was occupied in
trying the case of McIntosh ve. Har-
rison, at Walkerton Assizes. It is a
novel action, being the first one of
the kind in Canada, and is a case
that will be of interest to bee keepers.
The plaintiff owned a house and
blacksmith shop immediately adjoin-
ing the defendants place in South-
ampton. The defendant has a large
number of bees in his yard, and the
plaintiff brings an action asking for
a mandatory injunction to restrain
defendant from keeping the bees. He
asks for it on the ground that the
bees are a nuisanoe to him and his
family, and that they interfere with
'his business as a blacksmith by sting -
lug horses brought to bo shod. The
Judgs reserved decision.
To those requiring aids to vision. Be
sure in asking for Laurance's epeoteoles—
that you get B. Leunoics'e—as there are
imitations in the market, and see that
exerg pair is stamped B, L., without which
none are genuine. Do not be deceived by
any eimiliarity in the name.
Tuesday evening J. R. Clark, the
Boot•L'laok Orator, delivered his fam-
ous lecture on the above subject to a
large audience in the Town Hall. He
spoke for tiro and a quarter hours of
the famous buildings, illustrious men,
river Thames, streets, foga, Sao., of
old London and gave a very interest.
ing account of his early life, rising
from a boot-blaok on the streets, to
the position, he occupies to• day. Mr.
Clark is a natural born orator. He
handles his subject iu a masterly
manner, while his powers of mimicry,
description and humor cannot be sup-
erseded. To attempt even a faint
description of bis lecture is not to be
done without giving it in detail. It
must be heard to be enjoyed. Mr.
Clark was born in London, of Irish
parents, in the year 1842, Dame to
Canada 17 years ago. He has deliv-
ered "To and Fro in London" 584
times, to say nothing of his 4 other
lectures. Mr. Olark is married and
has 3 children living. Their home
ie in Detroit. We have pleasure in
stating that he has agreed to return
in the course of a month or so and
deliver his celebrated lecture, "Hits
and Misses." A packed house is en-
sured, as everybody who heard him
on Tuesday evening will go again, to
say nothing of the attendance of per-
sons who were not present to hear
"To and Fro in London." Mr. Clark
left Brussels Wednesday afternoon
for Crediton,
S. 'F; S. lima is appointed agent for
Oreelman Bros.' improved knitting ma-
chines. Knitting done to order and size.
Z. Y. 8. Kirk,
Opposite Queen's Hotel, Brussels.
Posx 801108.—New time table on
G.T,R. It came in force last Mon-
day.—This is November. The 18th
is Thanksgiving day.—A valuable
parrot, belonging to' J. R. Grant,
died last week. It was very brightly
colored and was a splendid talker.—
alker:'1'he constable has the names of acme
boys who will be brought before the
Magistrate if their pranks do not
suddenly cease.—School Board meet-
ing this (Friday) oveuing,—Tbo Hal-
lowee'en pranks were few and. silly
this year.—It to expected that Chore
will be only one change in our staff
of public school teachers for next
year,—The new stone building op-
posite the Town Hall is about corn•
pleted, as far as the mason work is
oonedrnsd,—The necessity of a street
WAs'xo•—kleOntn,—On tad Nov„ at the
residence of the bride's father, by Rev.
Sohn Moss, list„ assisted by Bev, 1),
11, Moltne, 11J.r. Oharleo }vette to Aliso
Eliza 111o(rae, emend daegbtor of 11Tr,
Sohn McCrae, of Morris,
Tlesat<Y,rhlwie-5uify 7STrty.
The Ladles' Aid aooIetyy of the Methodist
(Murobintend giving a Gnose Soohrl lu 0110
basement of the oburoh, on the evening of
Thauksgtving Day, 18th inst, Fowl will be
aorvoa, A geed program la being prepared.
Tickets 96 and 10 (outs, rho public) invited,
Alas. rrzaTou 7n, NUS, STDIWAnT,
aeorato0y, Rroeiiluut.
UPSIDE D01/71\14.
Adam Good, in last week', Pear, obargad
me with having made, in a previous ieaue
of the paper, false and malicious state-
ments ooncerning him, and that he hae
been reluetently compelled to piaihe the
matter in the hands of his lawyers.
In placing this matter iu their hands,
does it not occur t0 every unprejudiced
reader that he has been doing las best, or
worst, to add insult to injury. Adam
Good in his first advertisement after the
Fair took it upon himself to animadvert in
no measured terms concerning lbe quality
of leather used by other ehoemakere, and
very broadly gave it to bo understood that
they wore using material of a °heap and
very inferior gnaliiy.
He then spoke of a tanner who went in-
to his shop to purchase leather who gave
bim, Adam Good, to understand that ho
was usiogleather of a quality altogether
superior to that used by other shops. Sohn
Kneobtel was that tanner. My shop was
the only other shop he visited. Therefore
that thrust was levelled at me.
The kips Kneahtel looked at in my shop
were too large for thepurpose required, and
he went to Adam Good's where he seleoted
a mailer hide, as he only wanted to out a
certain number of fronte out of it. iia de-
nies giving Adam Good the slightest grounds
for using hie opinion in the manner the did.
He denies in tote having expressed any op•
inion at all upon the subject- He says
Good himself did all the blowing (which
I could very readily believe) and he did not
consider that he hsd any business to oon-
tradict him.
Good, no doubt, anxious for foundation
for one of his sensational yarns, jumped to
the conclusion that $Wachtel acquiesced.
Good then sneeringly goes on to enum-
erate the names of the .different kinds of
leather I had exhibited at the Fair. Among
other names be quoted "Exceleisaimus"
kip. This word he never saw applied to
leather nor used in conneotion with leath-
er until he saw it hung up on my exhibits.
This, I hold to bo unmistakable evidence
that it was me and my leather ho was
writing about in Tun Poen.
Then be goes on to mention French kip,
made in Newmarket, Ont.
Whose Freaoh kip was it he alluded to?
Somebodys in $eaforth, Wingham or Listo-
wel Not likely. He had no controver-
sy with them, it was someone nearer home
he aimed at, and to my mind there cannot
be a shadow of a doubt that that person
was me.
That statement was intended to be in-
jurious. One man does not soak to injure
another man through good motivoe. If
not through good, motives. then 0 must
have been'the reverse, through evil motives.
Evil and maliciooeness have the same de-
rivation, therefore maliaiouenesa was the
proper word to use, when Adam Good
made that statement he knew there was
no foundation for it. If there was no
foundation for it then 0 was false, no mat-
ter to whom or to whose leather it applied
and 0 must have been intended to serve a
bad purpose.
This m my answer to his allegation that
I made false and inalicioue statements con-
cerning him. If I have erred in supposing
that it was me and my leather he alluded
to, I am ready to apologize for my erron-
eous supposition,
At the show I beat him in a fair and open
competition and was awarded the two
First Prizes for my boots, that is for both
work and material combined. A boot is
not judged by its make only, but by its
make and material both being noeoesery to
the production of a first-class article.
The only prize Adam Good won in a
legitimate manner et the Fair was a 2nd
Prize for 'coarse boots, concerning this
prize eines the Show Good has been die.
oreetly silent. Ho got no large placards
printed to place in his window exhibiting
that fact. Be was contented to placard
his window all over with Firth Prize
Tickets for leather while the lad was it
was only a bogus prize, the red Flatlet be-
ing applied to his leather under misappre-
hension, the Judges being under the ini.
pression that the loather belonged to Mr.
Stitt, there being no prize given for leath-
er exhibited by a boomalrars. Had he tak-
en, as I did, two Let Prime for his work,
there wonld not have been a dunk lett up.
on a single roof in Benguela, he would have
blown them Wan off. I do not intend to
enter into any comparison between itis
ability and mine as judges of leather, I
Would only be lowering and stultifyiny my -
POST Publishing House. It's a
"daisy."—'1'be band gave their usual
weekly serenade last Saturday even-
ing. They have kept tbeir part of
the agreement in a most honorable
and straightforward manner. --A
gravel crossing has been put across
Xing street where it is intersected by
John street. ---Capt. Lewis and Cadet
Grant have been moved from Brute
eels, They "farewelled" on Wednes-
day evening.—The new advt. of G.
A. Powell, speaking of his November
sale, should be perused by everybody.
—Wm, McCullough has had his
residence, on James street, improved
by a coat of paint.—Keep your eyes
open for the new advt. of Thee.
Fletcher next week, ---No word about
the bridge yet. The way this bridge
affair has been handled is a disgrace
to any body of men professing to
take charge of the work.—See John
Shand's advt.---A new livery stable
is talked of.—A largo amount of in-
teresting matter is crowded out this
week on account of a rush of advert-
10,000 mNVELOPEs for business men
at Tam PosT Publishing House that
will be furnished you, with a neatly
printed card on the corner, cheaper
than you can buy the same envelope
retail. Try a thousand.
Brussels Markets.
OoaaaaTsn Gtsarur, Enna% Wesa.
White Frll Wheat.... 7069 70
•60 70 self by so doing.
40 50Be speaks of my ignorance, while he
26 20 is not intelligent °tough to know the ex -
48 00 tent of his awn ignorance in this matter,
He is stuffed to bursting with exaggerated
idoaa of bis own importance and know-
ledge, he is animated by a moat sincere
and devout admiration of himself. There
is no hyprocriay with him when he pays
his devotions at the shrine of great "Ego."
In conclusion I would just say 1 am ani-
mated by no ill -feeling or jealously toward
Adam Good. 1 have never either openly.
or covertly spoken evil of hie work or ma-
terial ; I have never tried to gain a oueto-
mar from him in an underhand or insid-
ious manner ; Lam not covetous to appro.
priato to myself anything he poeaesecs ; I
have all the work I can attend to. I cc•
aupy the leading position in the boot and
thee trade in this village and X am doter.
mined to maintain it in an honest and
straight -forward manner against 00
14 the Motto of te4a.A-1111ID tus Peo-
ples Shoemaker.
Red Winter
Spring Wheat
Oats.......... .....
Butter, tube and rolls 3.8 16
Dego par dozen 16 00
Flour per barrel
Potatoes new
Hay per ton
Hideo per lb'
Nov. 5, 1886,
A NOTHER Annual Announoemeut Almost Alphabetically
RRANGED by A. R. Smith.
BQOTS Beneath Banter, Brussels Beware Before Being
ETRAYEO into Believing Bogus Bills or Buying Ball
Bargains. Bring Bundles of Bank Bills to Barter
at di• R. Smith's.
COERCION Condemned, Careful, Candid Customers Cannot
4 00 00
40 00
0 00 10 00
7 7)
Dreamed Hogs 6 00 5 50
Safi per bb1., wholesale .,60 80
Sheepakina,oaoh 50 . 1 00
Wool 17 20
f'Pnn Treaesret of the East Huron Agri -
.L cultural Society will be at T. RAM'S
HOTEL on SATURDAY, Nov. BTU, and 401low-
ing Saturday from two &clock to tie p.
to pay Pah Shaw prize money. Any per-
sons who cannot conveniently meet him
there will please send their post office ad•.
dress and flvo cents for pottage and regio
tration and their prize money will be sent
by snail, D. netwenr,
ORRECTLY Contemplate Closest Clip
Competition Claims at A. R. Smith's.
PLAY Dangerous, Display Distracting, Description Doffocl
EBTS Duly Demanded but Dunning Deno Decently ;
No Degrading, Deception, Destruction on. Deals
at a. B. Smith's.
VERY Earnest Enemy to Extortion Entitled to Every
XPLANATION, Elaborate Energy Exercised, Egotism
Exorcised, Enticements Extra at A. R. Smith's.
FALLING Fearful From First Figures in Fancy Fantastic
ASHIONS For Fastidious Females, Fresh Finery
At ,R. R. Smith/s.
GREAT Gulls ! what Generous Gifts, Grandest Goods
OING, almost Gratuitous, Going, Going, Gone to A. R. Smith's.
ATL Halcyon Harbinger, Highest Hopes Harbored.
CI ASTEN liere
To a. R. Smith's.
IMPORTANT Information, Immense Inducements to intending
I NVESTORS In Innovations. I Invite Inspection. A. R. Smith.
IDS, KKondallgreeu, Kerchiefs, Kerseys and ERSEYMERES Kept, Kindly Hall
at a. R. SMITH'S.
LADIES Listen! Latest, Loveliest. Luminous Lustres Lying
OOSE. Let's Look into A. R. Smith's.
MERINO'S Multiplex, Millinery Manufactured and
ANY Maiden's Mantles Made. Mind Me—
A. R. Smith.
NO Nonsense, Newest, Nicest, Neatest November
OVELTIES Now or Never, at A. R. Smith's.
OCTOBER Opening Offers Only Opportunity Of Obtaining
RDERS, Objections Of Organised Opposition Overcome
At A. Ra Smith's.
PRINTER'S Paper Pays. People Personally Prefer
ATRONIZING Paying Prices.. Panegyric Prohibited at A.R.Smith's.
QUIOK Questions
UIETLY answered
sit a. R. Smith's.
REALLY, Reliable, Reduced Rates Ruling Ready-mades,
ALLY Round A. R. Smith.
SUCH Splendid Selections of Specialties Seldom Seen ;
AMITIES Sent, Simply See, Satisfaction Sure,
at f.1. R. Smith's.
TREMENDOUS Temptations, This is The Time To
AKE Those Things. Try A. R. Smith,
UNIQUE Underclothes
To a. R. Smith's.
VALUE8 Vindicated, Vain, Vapid, Vindictive,
ITUPERATION Valueless to A, R. Smith.
Worth While Wishing
E Went With Wealth
To a. R. Smith's.
XTRAORDINARY Xcitement, Xcellent
1IBITION of Xtra Goods at A. R, Smith's.
YOUTH and Year's Yield
OUR Yollowclust at A. R, Smith's Commercial