HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1886-11-5, Page 66
Nov, 5, 1886.
Dlroctory of hnrohol and Sooiotiooi
5ILnvime OIlei,e t,*Sabbatll Serviees at
11 a,m, and (1:80 p.m, Sunday Soboot at
2:00 p.m. Rev, Jum, Boss, B. Al paster.
iisox Ci u telh-Sabbath Services at 11
a,m. and 0:80 pan. Sunday School at 2:80
Rev. S. Jones, pastor.,
Sr, Jnllx's Clttraen.--Sabbath Services at
11 0,511. and 7 pot. Sunday School at 0:80
a.m. Rev, W. T. ClutTo, incumbent.
1Mt:1'uOnies' CnrncSo.-• Sabbath Services at
10:30 am,tencl 0:00 p,n1. Sunday School at
0 80 pan. Rev. 1v ni. Smyth, pastor.
BOMAN CATHOLIC Onuocn,.-Sabbslh Ser.
vice third Sunday in every month at 11 a.m.
Bev, P. S. Shea, priest.
ODD Fsnl,ow's L01,co every Thursday
evening in (i'rallani s 1,10e1t.
MAsoste Lonos Tuesday at or before full
moon in Ironstone's block,
A. 0, 11. W. Loons meets on 1st and
8rd Monday evenings or each month.
1'onssrsa's Loose 2nd and lost Monday
evenings of each month in bimalo's 1iall,
L. 0, L, lot Monday in every month in
Orange Hall
lro12 Oo'Flcs--Office Hoursfrolu 8 a,m.
to 7 pan.
14iueunsics' Issrrrurs Reading Boom and
Library in Holmes' bleak, will be open
from (i to S o'clock pan. Wednesdays and
Saturdays. Miss Jessie Roes, Librarian.
Fearer'' INart OOHi.
The stock stables should be kept
scrupulously clean.
Pumpkins are excellent to make
pigs grow. They should be boiled
and the seeds removed. Pigs will
thrive on this with very little meal,
before the time for heavier fending
comes on.
One dossn of Pr Casee's Liver Cure will
cure Sick Headaul,e, 01asiness, and Sour
Stomach. One to two hot tlee are warrengod
:}o euro TAW/ (:outple ,1, la0151094 an nod 5351.
loneness. Sold by all druggists.
Some years ago the Danish Gov-
ernment established schools for teach.
ing the art of butter•making. The
result is that to -day Danish butter
command the highest price in the
British market.
.1(eta'egor'.0 1•nrk 1''n(-nelkolle Ce role.
Hage yen ne 011 S,. o. 1'. L. Turn, R rules,
0011i. 1101,101,, Sim 10h 1 lir, plr, ti whebos,
Bongh Houde et' Y.,ua 2 , ' there `4,1141,10
cure, namely. N011,.,,> .4 )'l, ear'., Cal 01,115
cerate. Cfyon but 11v it, as.) l011v111oe you.
1t 0csts bu4 _uc. n t 111.1 -,., '.' 011,. etsrc.
Tho egg shell is porus, and any
filth on it very soon affects the meat.
Eggs'should be cleaned as sow) as
gathered if at all soiled, and those to
be put rip for winter should be eggs
which have been gathered as soon as
laid. Eggs wet by rains are difficult
to keep fresh.
Be on year Guard
aon't allow a cola in the hoed to slowly amt
surely develop itself into (la in: ell, when you
man be cured for 15o. A hew applications will
cure incipient Catarrh. 0 ae or two boxes will
cure ordinary Octarrh, Onetn Ree boxes will
cure chronic Catarrh. Try Dr. Cuese's Oauud-
an Catarrh Cure -it will curs you.
No tfmo should be lost in removing
honey that the bees will not need
during winter. As soon (.s the pro-
duction of honey ceases bees begin to
go at the eurplus, removing first that
farthest from the centre of the hive.
If they have no available room they
will not gather honey as thele is no
place to store it.
The Last Year, 1886.
Atter the above year is ended there need be
no person suffering from Bheumatfem. Neu-
ralgia, Toothache, Headache, Lumbago; or
any acute pain,if theyonly purehe.se a bottle
or Fluid Lightning, as t cures instantly. Pain
cannot stay where in is used. The name is
Fluid Lightning. Bold by J. nfargreaves & Co.
A flock of hens will pay for them.,
selves before they are one year old if
they are rightly oared for. You can
sell them, if yon choose, for a good
price, and raise another lots but it is
not advisable to do so, as the second
year is the most profitable ; but do
not keep them after they are two
years old, for after that age they do
not pay so well.
Miaeral Polson.
Nothing but pure extraote from root; and
planta are used in preparing McGregor's Lung
Compound, the modern anti now popular re-
medy for Coughs, Colds, 18ronohitls, Croup,
Asthma, and all affections of the throat lungs
and cheat. All mineral poisons and clangor -
0u5 substances ore avoided, which renders it
safe for children or adults. Sold et 50o and 01
per bottle at Hargreaves' drug store.
When it is desired to dry off cows,
care should be taken to do this grad-
ually in order to prevent inflamm-
ation ii the udder, The cow ohould
be milked twice a day, but not all the
milk taken from her. When the
amount of the yield has decreased
sufficiently, the time allowed to elapse
between rankings may be longer un-
til the cow is dry.
;McGregor's Speedy Cure,
When wo say luo(3regor's Speedy Ouro is the
only porfeet aura fox Dyspepsia, /over Com-
plaints. Indigestion and impure Blood, Wo ora
tolling plain teeth of which hundreds upon
hundreds eau testify who have boon restored
to perfect: health by its use, Wewould there-
fore advise you strongly if you are a subfeot
to any of the above troubles to give 31oGre6
or's Bpoody Cure a trial and be convinced. It
is sold in 000. and 81,00 bottles at Hargroayos
Fc Oo's. drugstore, ,
Iron 1s an important part of the
blood, giving its red oolor, but this
lees not necessitate taking solutions
of iron for the health. All well -de.
veloped vegetation contains some
iron. It 18 the coloring matter of
green leaves. In exile from which
every trace of iron has been removed
seeds will germinate, but they will
be white. Pouring a solution of cop.
pores or sulphate of iron on the soil
will change the leaves to a dark green
{ In the 'horse, 11 gond width between
the eyes, the eyes prominent but
placid, wvvith a good height from the
eye to the ear, aro indioatione of in.
telligenoe. If the forehead is prom-
inent and smooth it indicates a mild,
equable temper. A rand, rather
long barrel iudieatee good disgestion ;
a double loin, ntreogth ; Ito oblique
shoulder, sure-footedness. With flat
hard bones, long in the arils, speed is
A tourist without money is a tramp.
A. tramp who has money 1s a tourist.
The men who frequents the pawn-
broker's generally goes out on throe
When n mall buys a porno plaster,
whether ho likes it or not, he gener-
ally sticks to hie bargain.
;It used to be said "Dear' men tell
no tales," but this was before the au-
thor of "Celled Book" died.
Dr. Tanner fasted forty days and Lived, Ii
would not be safe et tins season of the year to
goa single day without u supply of West's
Pain Bing In the house, heady at u moment's
notice and ooete but 25 cents at Hargreaves ds
Co's. Drug store.
Women ne 0 rule are not profane,
and yet a great many of them rip,
tear and darn—their Ilueband'e old
"I want an empty barrel to make
a hen coop for my bull dog," was
the greeting a man gave to a grocer
yesterday afternoon.
The fat woman at a dime museum
may not be "all wool," but she is
"generally a yard wide or more."
Wo aro ooustantly in receipt of the most
'flattering testimonials in reference to West's
World's Wonder or Family Liniment. This
remedy has no equal in the euse o1 Bheuma-
tfem. A few bo tiles will cure 'the moot eggra.
voted case. It Liaise iuyaluable for Sprains,
Cuts, Bruises, !)urns, Scalds and all emu -
plaints requiring external) application. - Price
e5 cents add 50 oasts per bottle. Sold by The.
Hargreaves & Cu., erngeithe,
Nothing bothers a modest but hun-
gry old hen so much as wheu silo
has made a hearty breakfast of an old
shoe lace to find the unfortunate shoe
still at the end of it.
Physioiau—Yon are to take this
mixture after meals. Poor patient—
But it is very seldom, doctor, that I
got a weal. Physician—In that case
take it before meals.
.A. little New York girl committed
suicide because her mother rebuked
her for neglecting her piano practice.
Considerate girl ; cruel mother ;
happy neighbors.
800ATBonn, A dg. 0, 1885,
Having suffered from kidney - dis-
ease from childhood I aonaulted
eminent doctors in Chicago, New
York, and in Canada. Also tried
various patent medicines, but get-
ting no relief from any source gave
up, as I was sure my oaee irae h0 0-
1oea. Finally I was induced to try
nr. Jug's Medicine, and I am glad
to say that three bottles oared mo,
Dry Goods Merchant.
Sold by G. A. Deadman,
The following notice is posted on a
fence in Morris county,, Texas :—"If
any man's or woman's cows or oxen
gets in these oats his or her tail will
be out off, ae the ease may be. I am a
Christian man and pay my taxes, but
d ----n 'a man who lets his critters
loose, says L"
A caulne with a tin oan attached
to his toil by a stout cord passed hue•
riedly down street. "Is that dog
mad ?" inquired an anxious pedes-
trian. "Well," responded another,
"I caught a glimpse of hie counten-
ance as he passed by, and lie didn't
look the first bit pleased,"
BLOb s ..
The oath of a lover incurs no pen-
.A. lover, like a torch, flanges the
brighter by agitation.
Love, like a tear, arises in the oyes
and falls to the breast.
The wise man will command, the
fool servo his desire.
Time, and not the will, puts an
end to love.
Courage increases by daring, fear
by delay.
His own disposition is 0 bitter
punishment to the miser.
A miser has no life, but a longer
He who interests himself in the
Cause of another involves himself.
He who fears himself lives in con.
tinual agony.
Rule thy desire lest it rule thee.
He who would be frugal must rule
his desire and passions.
Nothing better oan be obtained
than a true friend.
No gain satiates avarice.
He who can not do kindness may
not await kindness.
In the misfortune of others it is
good to learn what must be avoided:
To accept a 'favor is to soil one's
He who knows how to return fay.
ors extended receives more,
Thou 0lnnee0 doubly when thou
abettest a sinner.
G 81100 era panrrn, opt lbno1, vbn trrOr n
N,l,bo ,o ena wlllrrro, r,
Cm, NII )p(nrm000, 11lont nm4 •.I .1.
tl,n) 40, dud FA to 11 athomu,,lun V. 'my
,ham from FA In $-S pa ,lay v nun pn4 •
carnal erns&'4 in it y. Pallor tor. yoongnrold. at mast
not ebsolroJ. l0,u f Bougsiar{oB e'oo r ate. oalnrt at mast
oro nbS,lutoly urn o(onug Iltlta formate. All Is now.
Is hereby gi vnu that the Corponttlon of the
village of it moans w11) apply to the Lel:lshl-
tiv0 Assembly of the Pru ranee of Ontario at
its neat 14 ceni,n for a 11111 for 0140 ratification
and 0000rmd tlau alit ourfuhl Dead and ,41 rum
went botwuau the Village of liraeeah au,)
Jolut ll, l:niutbi,
Oorporatloa of the Village of I',rneeobl by
wnnla d- $1NOLA111,
Their `f,uicttoro,
Brawls. Oe5)blr 1'':11, 1351. 11.1
eoriber o9fore for esle his valuable farm
In the Towusbtp of Grogy, o0nlprieiug lot Se,
oon.11. The termoontalee 07 acres, 45 of
which aro oloured. the balance in bush. Tuore
isa good frame barn, 00x40 foot, aloe a good
bearing orohard and a never -failing well.
There are five acres in fall wheat and aeollt
20 moxas seeded down. Partlonlara In ay bo
had by applying to the 5p10501etur on lot 25
coon. 11, Gray, or by writing to him et Crain
brook k. 0. 101555 LO\0,
15 45 Proprietor,
Nutober, thanking his
many customers for tbotr liberal
support for the pact six yours
wishes to inform them that be-
ing burned out of the old etand has fitted up a
shop in smulo's Block in fireh•o1n0s style
whore he hopes to Boo 4111 the 01(1 euetomers
and as many now °noses eco at to give him a
oall, I keep nothing but flret-olaso melte, all
kinds of Poultry and eausago Neat. Dolivor-
edt0all ports ofthe town 1'000. Cash paid
for Fat Stook.
LJ81'051 'PAHA:DUO N.
Tho undersigned begs leave to intimate
to the public that he has opened a tailor
shop in the Post Office block, over Laird's
barber shop, where ho is prepared to at.
tend to the wants of the public in cutting,
fitting and making olothing in the latest
and most fashionable styles. My long ex-
perience together with a course of instruc-
tion under one of the best nutters in Toron.
to is a guarantee of being able to do satis-
factory work. Satisfaction Guaranteed.
111. A. Beer.
Farm. For male.
The subscriber offoro for sale his valuable
farm to the Town chip of Grey, comprising lots
0 and 7, eon. 11 in said township. This farm
contains 200 acres and is within 14 miles of
the thriving village of Brussels, with good
gravel road leading thereto. About 150 acres
aro clear ed.(roo from stumps and in a high
state of cultivation. The balance is finely
wooded. This (arm is particularly well fano-
ed,noarly 1110 whole of the fence being
straight andhering beau emoted 1n 1835 and
1830. On the promises there 10 it comfortable
log dwelling house and a good frame barn with
stone stabling underneath in which there is
a well with au abundant supply of exoellent
water. There Is likewise a new frame ilaplo-
10511 hone o, 40x20, well floored, above and be-
low, and neatly sided and painted. For par -
Haulers apply to tlto Proprietor,
Registrar, Huron Co.,
13-41 GOclerlch.
.. D. S., Dentist.
All work skilfully and artisti-
cally performed.
Office over G. A. Doadm€tn's
Drug Store.
Canada's Favorite Weekly
Has boon vastly improved of late now ap-
pearing regularly In twelve -page dorm, with
the addition of naw "Departments,' A11 its well-known popular
features will be retained for 1887, Only 81 per
annum, including 0110 romaider of 1880 to bona-
fide now suboorlbere.
"The Holly Queen.7/
This is the title of our new anti beautiful
premium for 1887. Beyond doubt tbo most
charming olograpb (colored _pptaten) over of-
Sered with any newspaper. Sie0 1540 Inches.
Only 10 oeute in addition to yearly subeorip-
Agents wanted everywhere Fifty val.
uable prices to be awarded, over and above
the cash commission, to the moot ad000estul
agents. For free sample papers, terms to
agents, oto., address
i,et).poN, Oar,
suflvOho tehretlnitbeatiupremium,. oqtleweTu
The opportunity is often lost by Poemtor1887,ter i2,OG; or, wlthotlt the prom -
hesitation. Min, for 92.25, by addressing 110 as follows:
The tongue of the condemned has
will, but no power,
6> ssanneseseenuCS1.JR1"r5."''vr' t'!: ATistmeeresim4Lern. .she
We respectfully desire to announce that our Fall and Winter
Stook is
Comprising Full Ranges of all the different Goods in the various
We would especially call the Attention of the Ladies to our
---01— —
which will be found to oonsist of the Latest and most desirable ma-
terials for Fall and Winter wear, with Trimmings and But-
tons to match. A Pleasure to have You , Inspect
them and compare prices.
in beautiful shades of Cream, Blue, Pink and Cardinal. Our Gray,
White and Scarlet Flannels are excellent value.
Examine Oiu All -Wool 25c. Lige,
the best to bo had. In Tweed Suitings, Pautiugs and Ovorcoatings
wo are offering a good selection—Made to Order on the
Shortest Notice and a Fit Guaranteed. See our
50c. all -wool Tweeds.
The Newest in the Market and First -Class value.
Cooper -4' Smith's Boots Shoes, lb Etta
G-roceries Fresh and Good !
Teas a Specialty.
Wo are Sole Agents for the Bazaar Patterns. All Sizes and Num.
bees constantly on hand. Monthlies given away Freo.
Thanking our customers and friends for their generous support and
assuring them that it will be our aim to give them Right goods at the
Right Time and at Right Prices. --
1 remain, faithfully yours,