The Brussels Post, 1886-11-5, Page 44 THE BRUSSELS POST Nov. 5, 1S8O. tr Book Store ! A IB TT St Photo., Scrap and Autograph Albums just Opened Out and will be sold, at Big Bargains. See samples in the window. A nice lot of Christmas Novelties in stook. Call and See Us. c kegust. FRIDAY, NOV. 5, 1886. , Canadian N©wS. Sarnia is to have streeb,letter box- es. Whitby has done away with all her verandahs, A man was fined $50 for selling cider at the Whitby fair. A Paisley, Ont., firm have just put in a safe, made in Galt, the door of which alone weighs 2,800 lbs. Brantford Y. M. 0. A. is worth $15,401.45 over and above liabilities, has a cash balance of $1.95 ol1 hand and spent $1,574.50 last year. A farmer tied his team to a veran- dah post at Elora at 9 a.m., and left them there until 5 p.m. le was fin- ed for this cruelty. A petition is to be circulated at St, Thomas asking the Government to appoint a day to take a vote for re- pealing the Scott Act. Mrs. Philips, of Midland, present- ed her husband with three fine obild• ren the other morning—two dough. • ters and a son. All are doing well. Thos. Simpson, of Eramosa, has a curious apple. It has two distinct cores and was grown from the same stem, representing one whole apple. The storm at Port Dover did $40, 000 damage by wrecking the light- house and piers, demolishing boat house, and washing out the (t. T. R. track. During the recent windstorm, a woman in Waterloo was lifted off her feet and carried across the street, and a horse was knocked down and in- stantly killed by a flying plank. The referee of Oct. 18th says :— "Beach's parting pronouncement is said to be that he will not engage in any more matches anywhere. This course of action or inaction is so thoroughly uncharacteristic of the man that, without challenging the good faith of those who made the an- nouncement, I will go tho length of saying that 1 do not believe the statement. Beach would lose caste by giving up while rivals were clam- ing for matches. He is entitled to choose his own course, and I don't say he is bound to go on until he,gebs beaten, which is the end of moat champions • but he simply cannot retire as a champion with unsatisfied challenges standing. Nor, as I said, do I believe that he will or wishes to do fie." Eight years ago Eli Lalond, a prosperous farmer of Aldborough township separated from his wife and went to Michigan. Last spring La- lond returned to Aldborough, and re- sided in his own house, which had iu the meantime been vacated by his wife, who had removed to Taylor, where she was conducting a boarding house. He remained on his farm three months, two months ago going to reside with a fellow -countryman of his named Fred. Dislieau, near Muir - kirk, in the county of Kent. On the 80th September he came to St. Thalami and inetruoted his solicitor to enter an action for the recovery of his two youngest children, on the ground that their mother, in whose charge they were, was not afit guard- ian. Upon bis return he found that some parties had set fire bo his house burning it to the ground and entail- ing a .loss to him of $400 or $500. On Wednesday night of last week about nine o'clock a gang of men, whose faces were blackened, came to the house of Mr. Disheau, and forced Lalond, who ivasjust recovering from a severe illness, to accompany theta to the road. When they reached it l'.I •� S ,l;hl^ Ih'' nl l roan's nlothna vii and haamaared Input With tar iraiu head to foot, finally adding a coat of feathers, and threatening to kill him if ho did not promise to leave the country. The victim had to secure the services of a St. Thomas pbysie- inn in order to got the tar removed. He holds that the outrage was plot- ted by his wife and her oldest son, who, he clonus, threatened 10 shoot hint at Bothwell a few wooke ago. The St. Thome Board of Trade BANKING. novo asked the Connell there to re- seind their resolution requiring the M. 0. R. not to run trains through the city faster than five miles per hour. Frauoia Ogletree, Indian agent of the Winnipeg treaty district, states that there are 130,000 acres of land in that reserve, that the Indiana had 29 ac.lee of crop this slimmer, but that the drought effected it and there was only a yield of 830 bushels. The Indians have forty-nine acres fenced with wire and ready for Dropping next year, and they have nine or ton houses on the reserve. They make a good deal of money by gathering seneca root. Year before last they sold 1,200 pounds at from 20 cents to 28 cents per pound. The quantity they have collected this year is not known, as they have taken it across the line and there sold it at 31 Dents per pound, Each succeeding year the industrial class on the reserve in- creases, and it is expected that soon a majority of the Indians will till the soil for a sustenance. Those who have become steady, industrious ag- rioulturaliste are succeeding well. On the Long Plains' Reserve, west of the Portage, sixty-six acres of crop yielded 300 buehels, and on the Swan Lake Reserve 80 acres yielded 200 buehels. And the crops on both these reserves suffered badly from drought. Ou the Long Plains' Re- serve there are good houses and other substantial buildings. - The Indians of this reserve also raise a large amount of vegetables. All the re- serves were supplied a short time ago with cows and bulls, and these are reported to bo In good condition. ami THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. "G1oR SALE. --THE UNDER' .1.2 signed offsrn for Bala a good working horse, sound in his limbs, &o., also a top bug- gy, nearly new. TeremnNDER6the0N purchaser. 10.24 Teacher, Walton AGOOD MILK COW IN CALF far sale. Apply on con. 4, let 6, Grey to 10-8^ ALEX. McDONALD, 1X0ELLENT CELLAR TO LET, very obean, suitable for fruit, buttor,l or oboesg. Prost proof and woll ventilated. J. It . GRANT, Postmaster. WO RAM LAMBS FOB SALE, T Well bred LoioetApply G, Oro THOSOXoLII011LTN 14-4 na0I0E FARMS FOR SALE. ACoweplendid;improvsd,tarme for solo in the township of Grey, Morris and afolUl- lop. Apply to A DNLGArTr,0 o Auctiono or BruseelsP 0. 15.41 Unfair Competition! The business mon of Brussels as a rule are a fair and honor- able lot of men but we are sorry to say that there is exception to this as well as every other rule we have been subjected during the past three years to the most unfair competition and misre- presentation by certain parties; and when we found John Shand publishing a lot of statements in regard to us, every one of which was untrue. in THE POST of Oct. 22nd, in order to deprive us most unfairly of the merit which justly belonged to our Goods, we con- sidered it time to defend our character and take steps to make him retract or prove what he sail. There is no need for conduct, there is plenty of for us all and all we want be let alone. such room is to The groat Boot Shoo Hausa, Sign of the "BIG ]LLD 13001'." PETER RICHIE, Foreman. A3)AM GOOD, Proprietor. �1i'olNTOSLi ti MaTAGGAB'I', i3ANKB118, •1• ERU8319148 Transact a General Banking Business. Notes to hand dleominbod. Interest alto we 1adep9slt3 ran eye', to n flomand. Prompt attention given to onlleablons, LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. 1.+ E. WADE, BARRISTER, &a. aoe formerly 000uplell by S r. 1,ro.n Ooli,nsq.0#, 1n Laokia's Bip0k \Toney to loa U B. DICKSON, (LATE WITH Y V a .arrow & Proudfoot, Godorloh) Solie- itor,Oonvoyaueer, &o. Oaloe, Grant's bloolc Brussels. Money to loan. ALEX. HUNTER, CLERK OF the Fourth Division Court Co. Huron, Conveyancer, Notary Public, Land, Loan and Ooilpotianoinade.r031100 in Graham and to Block Bruseole. MEDICAL CARDS. DR. HUTCHINSON HAS RE- zuoyocl 1)1001000 to xaoins over the Poet 01x00. Residence On Milt St root. T A. MoNAUGHTON, M. D., 0. !1 • M. L, R. 0. P, Edinburgh, Physician, Surgeon and Acoouoho:rr, Oboe, Mrs. Shiol s block, Turuborry Street. - M. F. CALF, M. D., 0. 113. Member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario ,by examination. 01000 and Rosidoocs—linin St. Baste Mho , Ontario. DENTAL G• L. BALL, L. D. S., HONOR . Graduate and Member of Royal Col- lege of Dentistry, Toronto„ visits brussels Office on Thursday of every week. A. U. Mor- tes, assistant, attends aloe remainder of the weok. Allaporation0oarofully pet formed and nnarant00l Tbo Parlous aut0ethottos, local and general, used. Prices moderate. 011ie 0,-0 ver G.A. Powe11's store. xsTIST. W. J. Ferer,L, D. S., Graduate of To - route School of Dentistry. All opora- timesgnarautood, O10oe—Oady's Blood, Seafortb. Artificial tooth, first quality, and a guar tutood fit, for 012.00 per sot. �.t A. bIARTIN, DENTIST L.D. . • S., Honor Graduate of the Toronto School of Dentistry, is prepared to perform all operations to the severalbranches of Dentist- ry. Localand general anesthetic's need for extraction. Prices moderate. Consultation free,and satisfaction guaranteed. Omen— Over O. A. Deadman's drug etoro, Bruasols. 1G - BUSINESS CARDS. WH. MoOBACKEN, ISSUER . of Marriage Lioousoe. 03000 at his Grocery, Turnberry street. 2.28 UTM. RODDIOIt, HOUSE, SIGN VV and Carriage, plain and ornamental painter. Estimates cheerfully furnished. Charges moderato. AMoNAIR; ISSUER OF MAR - . nage Licensee, by apppointment of Lieutenant -Governor, Oommieeloner, &o., Q. B. Conveyancer end Agent Piro Iueurane° Co. Office at the Oranbrook Poet Office. T IL O'CONNOR, FIRE, LIFE, d e Aooidont and Loan ineuruuco Agent for les in the f the ominion,pi ataee reliableost ick uTorrauo, Turnberry 51,cob, near the 'station. ilm 1-,t W. O'BRIEN V. S., BONOR . Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, hasresumodthe moo Hoe of John Nott V. S, and prepared t0 treat all 0300as0000 domes- ticated animals on eotonbido mud approved epooialty. 0Moe Treatment John of delicate 5. ionto n ��ISS LILLA O'CONNOR Toaobor of Stunk, Vocal add Instrument- al on Organ, Piano, or anter. Harmony and Thorough Nass. Advanced pupils fitted for Teaching, Torras CM 0Dpplioation. Rotenone, Ladies of Loretto Aoadon.y, Guelph, Bosl- denoe—No. 2, Terrane, (south soar station. Robert Cunningham, INSURANCE AGENT, Guelph, - Ontario. AGOOD FARM TO RENT, OR Soil, 1,} miles from Cranhrook, For further particulars apply to; A. 1tAYMANN, or to WM. OSTEN, Orembrook, P,0, Oonoor,1. P.O. 14.0 'fjARM TO LET.—NORTH HALF ..0 lot 10, con, 8, Morrie, 100 acres 40 cleared. ooaSitslbl tend rhrd.. house,frame upplyof good Water. 'corms easy for a patioI10131ve yetere LEES, Apply to 16.1f Box 570, Lludaay. QTRAYBD ON THE PREMISES oe tho uuderslgcod, lobo 11 Ss 14, 000 , 8, ya ryotd steer reel ands white 4n gcolor.a Two owner is requested to prove prop orb y, pay ex- penses. and take him away,• 2T HoBT,AIN 10.4' Jamestown 1. 0. lf. 'AR11i TO BENT,—THE SUB - rtownshbor wnfor a term of ent his farm, mare. Thn. e farmtownship, Y farm ie in good order and the ram >a for rout• ing it le ilio proprietor intents giving up farm- ing. For full partioulare apply to JOHN (1To114TOSH, rr0prietor, 11•0f Brussels. PA, j10B SALE, -TWO r+ARli•I8•--- Lot 14, on the Oth eon., fella lot 16, 00 tbo 7110 eon., of Morrle,o0nttir,fag 100 110000 caolt, lib .i1111.1 1101'00 0:0.1ri.11, 1101 1,l",1 1 1 0110 Tura', aud about 60 soros othor. The cleared laud is in a good state of cultivation and well fended, Good frame barn and stables, an dies house on one, and on the other alog bunco and log barn. Thorn 10 a good orchard on let 14, A hover-faii- 1noring crook nine through both planes. The soli ie 11ret.ol0as, there is no bettor farms in this township, These places aro admirably. adapted for grain growing or grazing, and within Ave miles of the flourishing totvn of Bruesole. The plaeds wiuho sold together or 0ptiaa010peseorldos00yon.Apply, premises ar the proprietor, Sunshine P.0, GEO, SEALE , 6-11. Propriotor AHEAD! -:- AHEAD ! 01.6 TEL XX N13.31 of the Leading House, Determined to Lead the Trade is ever on the alert for Bargains and has just received it few lines that will interest the sharpest buyers. --BOOTS cSZ SIIOMS• Full Assortment of all grades of fine and staple Boots & Shoes always on hand. Just received a lot of Ladies' French Kid Button- ed Boots, which we offer at the very low price of $2.50 per pair. ou:R CT.IOTHTNC-r. We can give you a well made Heavy Fullcloth Overcoat for very small sum of $5.00. Full Suits, all wool, at $6.00 and These prices, we know, are right and cannot be equalled, and will allow no contradiction unless the man is six ,feet high. Gent's Furnishings. A good assortment on hand. - zalczazzaElmn, Our Goods are all new and sold at the Closest Cash Prices. SHOEMAKING the up. we SHOEMAKING ! Having secured the services of a first-class Shoemaker we are prepared to do All Kinds- of Custom Work Neatly and Promptly. S. OSTRA.NDER. GRAHAM'S BLOCK, BRUSSELS. F. C RO BEGS TO ANNOUNCE TEAT IIIS 111.11111M1'111�1�5 Mull° A� NOW -Ell-UFIT1-Z OUT for the Season, under the able management of MISS GREEN and MISS WILSON, whose Styles and workmanship gained such unusual satisfaction during the past saaso1. —)o( -- Of coarse -it is unnecessary to say our Stock as usual is very complete and of a first-class character, for which the Dominion House is Noted, and our stock being Very Much Larger than any other store in Brus- sels gives every Lady a much bettor selection to choose from, which in Millinery is very important ; this combined with employing only first-class hands is a sufficient guarantee that the very NEWEST STYLES may be obtained. Having no old stock left over from last Season en- ables us to Show an Extra Display of New Goods. We have taken great pains this season to secure every Novelty and we would invite „every Lady, whether they want to buy or not, to give us a Call. --)0(-- Miss Green, with her usual courteous and obliging manner,, will be only too happy to show our -splendid stock to all who may wish to in-' specs it. We would also call attention to our Handsome Stock of Mantle Cloths, which we Make Up to Order, thus ensuring no old moth-eaten or old fashioned garments which is too often tho case with most stores who buy thele rell,(TV-OW1Sli•'. In conclusion. wi would irtot say eat Stock in every U0petrulu.... La very w.11li �e, at.1.1 ur,.'ythint having been bought before the big advance in goods took place we will be able to supply our customers the whole season through,at the same Low ]'rices we have been selling at all along. The Noted Cheap 'Store