HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1886-10-29, Page 8S
Tcannot let this opportunity pass
without drawing the attention
of the Public to a fine sock of
'Wall Paap®ro
and Bo clo ingsy
whish have just been received.
Conte and see them.
It is our intention, at a later
date, to again . give in this space
some more facts and information
regarding our HoienY, which we
are selling at only 10c. per lb.
G. A. Deadman,
Druggist, Bookseller cf. Fancy Goods Dealer,
Trains leave Brussels Station, north and
outh,oat ollowa:—
Going South, Going North.
Mail 7:15 sal Mixed 10:25a.m.
'Express 11:45a.m Mail......, 2149 p.m.
Maxed 850p.m Express 235 p.m.
A ohiel's among ye takin' notes
An' faith he'll prent it.
Lock out for winter.'
ADVERTISE your strayed cattle in
S. H. LAIRD has built a stable on
his lot, Elisabeth street.
25 CENTS, in advance, gets Tan
Posr for the balance of IS8,fi.
Cow Chains from 10c. each and up.
Call and Inspect our Stock.
S. B. Mourns, of Wingbam, was in
town this week for a few days.
CHANGE advts. of A. Good and Jno.
Shand are in this issue.
G. L. Bun, L. D. S., will beat his office,
Brussels, on Thursday.
W. H. MCDONALD leaves for the
Dental College, Toronto, next week.
Env. W. SMYTH was visiting at
Mt. Forest and Orangeville this week.
GEonaE Love's services seem to be in
demand as Auctioneer. No lees than four
applications already.
SEE G. A. Deadman's advt. He
has a large stook of new wall papers
and borderings.
OvloRoosxs are now held at a prem•
rum and the linen duster has been
folded and laid to rest.
Avon= sale bills printed neatly
and expeditiously at Tae POST Pub.
lisping House.
SEE the card of Dr. Hutchinson re•
(erring to the removal of his office to
the post office block.
Tan temporary bridge is standing
the test well and the heaviest loads
arose it with ease and safety.
ErxsiA value in Fruit Jars and Pickling
Vinegars at Thomson's.
A BRUSSELS young "lady" is adver-
tising herself in the Toronto Mail.
She wants a man, poor thing.
THE Weekly Globe to the end of
1887 for One Dollar, balance of 1886
free to new subscribers. W. H. Kerr,
TEE use of the market scales will
be sold, by public auction, at the Can.
trill hotel, on Monday, at 2 o'clock
Weems who are owing us wood for
Tan POST would greatly oblige if they
would get it hauled in 'before the
roads get bad.
Samna, Rlvnns is home from AI-
goma where be spent several months
this summer. He liked the country
fairly well.
THE sermons preached by Rev. 2'.
L. Wilkinson, last Sunday, in the
Methodist Church, were very practi-
oal discourses.
Wner does,George Love do with all the
sewing machines he brings to town? No
less than two loads brought from the sta-
tion one day this week.
G. A. Powsr.a's new advt. may be
read in this issue. The Garfield
House is well stocked with great big
bargainshe says.
SEA the advt. of the Western Ad-
vertiser, the best paper of tho west.
THE POST will be olubbed with it for
1887for'$2.25,in advance.
Tail work the Raymond Sewing Meohine
did at the Brussels fair must have had a
good effect on the ladies by the way M.
Gilpin is watering them around the Donn.
try since. About one a day and some days
IT is expected that Cox & Co, Will
open their stook exchange office in
the apartments in the Queen's hotel,
now occupied by Joseph Laird, bar.
Priest LIsnns.—We ask the at.
tention of the business men of Brue.
8018 to a rule of our office that has
been sadly neglected of late, viz. "All
change advertisements must be an our
office by Tuesday noon." Lately We
have had to change •advts, in the
hurry of preps day and it can't bo
done, therefore we ask the business
people to kindly remember this,
Loos out for wet weather, Tar:athletic contest between Gicl.
THOS. PLETCHI R IS in rho Quoeu con Peirio and J. D. McColl, an.
City this week. volumed for Wednesday, at Worth,
AN addition has been made to the slid not conic off ae the latter failed
Ameriaan Hotel stable,
Mas. W. H. MCCRAOREN Was visit•
ing at Hamilton last wools,
Somme Board regular meeting on
Friday evening of next week.
Menem Court on Thursday of this
week. Tho report will be given next
DE: HotasEs is adding a bay win.
dow to bis commodious residence on
Turn berry street.
ell, spent Sunday with her sister,
Mrs, W. Nightingale.
Oan3R our grapes, Prices very low.
ADAM Goon,
REPAIRS to the cemetery fence aro
in order this week. Not before it
was needed, either.
THE bridge is up and Grant & Co.
are offering greater inducement than
ever in Hardware.
THE Free Mason's new hall, in the
Garfield block, is about ready for oa-
eupation. L is a fine one.
Tau Pose and Weekly Globe from
this date to January lsb, 1888, for
the small sum of $2.25, in advance.
0. R. COOPER and family intend re-
moving to Toronto. They will sell
their furniture, &o. to -day (Friday).
JA:uEs J nnLY will be very grateful to as-
certain the names of persons who vere in
Geo. Tliomson'e grocery, some time ago,
When he and Mr, Thomson made an agree -
anent for building stone.
Tan bottom of the rink has been
levelled and everything is in reach.
nese for Jack Frost to supply the
$2.25, in advance, secures THE
POST and Weekly Mail from now to
the end of 1887. Now is the time to
FATHER SHEA Will hold divine ser-
vice in the Catholic church, Brussels,
on Sunday, 31st inst., commencing
at 11 o'clock.
A SPECIAL meeting sof Maitland
Presbytery was held at Ripley last
Monday. Rev. J. Rose, B. A., at-
J. Y S. Krim ie appointed agent for
Oreelman Bros.' improved knitting ma.
chinos. Knitting done to order and ease.
J. Y. S. 1irk,
Opposite Queen's Hotel, Brueesle,
A enema is being dug on Dr. Gra-
ham's lot, William street, prepara-
tory to the erection of a new brick
residence next spring.
G. A. FEAR, druggist, was home
from Petrolia this week visiting hie
parents. The coal oil region appears
to agree with G. A.
WM. SMITH and T. Roes have
formed a partnership in the painting
business. They will make a good
team by putting "Billy" on the "off"
side. They are both good painters.
To those requiring aide to vision. Be
sure in asking for Lanranoo's spectacles—
that you get B. LADnAnois's—as there are
imitations in the market, and see that
'nary pair ie stamped B. L., without which
none are genuine. Do not be deceived by
any similtarity in the name.
10,000 ENVELOPns for business men
at THE POST Publishing House that
will be furnished you, with a neatly
printed card on the corner, cheaper
than you OMD buy the same envelope
retail. Try a thousand.
JAIME BENNET and family remov-
ed toHamilton this week. Mr. Ben.
net has a situation in the pity. We
are very sorry to lose them as resi-
dents of Brussels but hope prosperity
may attend them in their new home.
DENTAL.—E. A. Marten, L.D,S.e
honor graduate Of the Royal Oolleg
of Dentistry, Toronto, has opened an
office in the rooms ober G. A. Dead -
man's drug store. His advt. an
pard may be read in this issue. We
extend a cordial welcome to Mr. 1VIar
tin in becoming once more �a residon
of this locality.
Dow;1 Dowe 11—The price of Meat at
Wm.Blaebill'e butcher shop, after this
date, Oot.18th. will be AS follows:- Sir-
loin steak, 12, s per pound ; round steak,
1.0o ; sirloin roast, 10e; other roasts, 8 and
90 i boiling beef, 5o to 7o ; pork, Sound 10o.
Beef sold by the quarter. W,ui3LAsumn,
MAIMS 1 THANES 1—beet Saturday
our old friend Dan. Robertson, of
Grey, presented us with a basket of
beautiful mammoth pears. Six out
of the number weighed 41 pounds
and won the red ticket at the Brus-
sels Fall Show. It's presents like
the above that sheds sunshine into
the path of the country editor and we
indulge in the hope that before an.
other fall comes Dan. may be no
longer single but with Mass
will compose a pair.
THE very least the County Council
can do for all the trouble and expense
occasioned by tho iron bridge bungle
is to remit our proportion of the Co,
rate this year. 1t will take hundreds
of dollars to put the back streets in
the sante sacro of repair they, were in
before they were so badly out up this
fallowing to the Main street being
blocked, We presume Reeve Rogers
will sec that'we get out rights, how•
to show up,He forfeited has deposit,
The general impression is .that Gid-
eon is too much for him and be ap-
parently known it.
EXCURSIONS will be run from all
stations on Ontario Division of C.P.R.
to 'Vanoouvor, 33. 0., Vibboria, B. 0.,
and San 17rancisoo, Cal., via Canada
Partite all rail route, by regular trains
on 29th and 80th October, at the low
rate of $90, Tiokets will be gond to
return for seven months and will ad.
mit of stop over at any poiut on the
Canadian Pacific railway. tl.11,infor.
mation and tiokets by applying to T.
Pletcher, Agent 0.P.R„ Brussels.
SWAMP Waisnur.—Early lest Wed'
nesday morning Inspector Cavan,
accompanied by Constables Scott
and Hicks, of Brussels, and Paisley,
of Clinton, started northward on
search for persons suspected of being
engaged in the illicit manufacture of
whiskey. About 7 o'cloelc a.nt. Con-
stable Hielcs and Constable Brother,
of Wroxeter, went to the Royal Ho-
tel, in that village, and arrested Relit.
King, a man of about 35 yeare of age,
unmarried, who was boarding et this
house, and put him an the lock up.
Meanwhile Constable Scott had laid
hands on Sebaetian'Hooper, a youth
of about 17 yeare, who resided with
his father in the south east corner of
Turnberry township. The place was
thoroughly searched and two stills in
the oourse'of manufaotura were found
in a back room. The prisoners wore
brought to Brussels and cams up for
trial before Justioes Hunter and
Shaw, We.lnesday evening. Hooper
plead guilty. King said "not guilty"
but his own evidence and that of
Bryce Young, a brother.in-law to
Hooper, convicted him and they
were sentenced to two months im-
prisonment and a fine of $400 each,
and in default six months additional.
Another still was found in the bush
where the manufacturing had gone
on. A considerable quantity of liquor
has been sold but those who are sup-
posed to know say it is vile stuff, en-
ough to kill a dog. The prisoners
were taken to Goderich on Thursday.
King 15 a sawyer by trade. Inspect-
or Cavau is it most efficient officer for
ferretting out this illicit whiskey bus-
THE press speaks of J. R. Clarke
as follows :---"His To and Fro in
Loudon" is a piece of brilliant patch-
work, and as such entertains im-
meusely affords irIr. Clarke an excell-
ent opportunity for displaying his
peculiar talent in touches of humor,
pathos, and dialect ineloquence, Song
and story"—London Free Press.—
"Clarke is one of those rare MOD, so
seldom met, who has learned the sec-
ret avenue to the human soul. His
lecture, "To and Fro in London," is
full of the ethics of humanity, wit,
humor and pathos. He holds his
hearers at his command. Moral
teaching, like a golden thread, gild -
ens through it all. And the beauty -
0f all is, one enjoys a delicious, satis-
fying aftertaste like that of good
cheese after a rich dinner. Don't
fail to hear John R. Clarke if ever
and whenever the opportunity oc-
curs."—Detroit Free Press. --"John
R. Clarke appeared again last even-
ing. Great audiences have greeted
him, His theme was a very attrac.
tive one—"To and Fro in London."
Nine hundred people heard him in
St. Andrew's Hall. His humor, songs
eloquence and character, with bits of
old country life, were richly enjoyed
by the audience, and wo deemed it an
exquisite pleasure to hear this groat
Chautauqua effort, and declare every
man, woman and child should hear
this man of eloomenae."-Toronto
Morning Mail. --"To and Fro in
London" is free and easy, racy, and
very eloquent at times. Clarke is a
witty, keen student of human
nature."—The Times,
.A.. -motion. Sales.
SATURDAY, 00T. 30M1.—Farm stook, lot
14, son. 16, Grey, Salo commences at 1.
o'clock. Geo. Avery, prop. Alex. Del.
gatty, aunt.
FRIDAY, OCT. 29xn.—Farm stook and im-
plements, on lot 18, con. 10, Grey. Salo to
oammenee at 1 o'olook, Ohne, & Jas.
$night, props., A. Reymann, anat.
Brussels Markets.
70 75
70 72
55 70
45 50
20 27
48 00
14 15
15 00
4 00 00
85 40
Hay per ton 9 00 10 00
Elides , per lb.... ... 7 7
Dressed Hogs . 5 00 5 5
Salt perbbl., wholesale 00 8
Sheep skins, each 10 1 0(
White P'al' Whitt......
Red Winter
Spsing Wheat
Oats ....
Butter, tabs and rolls ,
Mout per barrel
Potatoes new
Wool ....... .. .......
Ocr. 29, 1886.
NOTHER Annual Announcement Almost Alphabetically
RRANGED by A. R. Snaith.
GOTS Beneath Banter, Brussels Beware Before Being
LP STRAYED into Believing Bogus Bills or Baying Bad.
Bargains. Bring Bundles of Bank Bills to Barter
At A. R. Smith's.
OEBOION Oondemnod, Careful, Candid Customers Cannot
ORRECTLY Contemplate Closest Clip
Competition Claims at A. R. Smith's.
ri ELAY Dangerous, Display Distracting, Description Dolled.
LP EBTS Duly Demanded but Dunning Done Decently ;
No Degrading, Deception, Destruction on Deals
,lit • A. R. Smith's,
E VERY Earnest Enemy to Extortion Entitled to Every
XPLANATION, Elaborate Energy Exorcised, Egotism
Exoreised, Enticements Extra at A. R. Smith's.
FALLING Fearful From First Figures in Fancy Fantastic
ASHIONS For Fastidious Females, Fresh Finery
At A. R. Smith's.
GREAT Guns I what Generous Gifts, Grandest Goods
OING, almost Gratuitous, Going, Going, Gone to A. R. Smith's.
HAIL Halcyon Harbinger, Highest Hopes Harbored.
To .4. R. Smith's.
IMPORTANT Information, Immense Inducements to intending
NVESTORS In Innovations. I Invite Inspection. A. B. Smith.
KI08, Kendallgreen, Kerchiefs, Kerseys and
ERSEYMERES Kept, Kindly Kall
LADIES Listen ! Latest, Loveliest. Luminous Lustros Lying
OOSE. Let's Look into A. R. Smith's.
MERINO'S Multiplex, Millinery Manufactured and
ANY Maiden's Mantles Made. Mind Me—
A. R. Smith.
N0 Nonsense, Newest, Nicest, Neatest November
OVELTIES Now or Never, at A. R. Smith's.
OOTOBER Opening Offers Only Opportunity Of Obtaining Optional
RDERS, Objections Of Organized' Opposition Overcome
At A. R. Smith's.
PRINTER'S Paper Pays. People Personally Prefer
ATRONIZING Paying Prices. Panegyric Prohibited atA.R.Smith's.
QUIOK Questions
UIETLY answered
At 4. R. Smith's.
SALLY, Reliable, Reduced Rates Ruling Ready-mades,
ALL! Round A. R. Smith.
SUCH Splendid Selections of Specialties Seldom Seen;
AMPLES Sent, Simply See, Satisfaction Sure,
At 4. R.
TREMENDOUS Temptations, This is Tho Time To
AKE Those Things. Try A. R. Smith.
NIQUE Underclothes
TO e2. R. Smith's.
VALUES Vindicated, Vain, Vapid, Vindictive,
ITUPERATION Valueless to A,.R. Smith.
TELL 'Worth 'While Wishing
E Went With Wealth
To 4. R. Smith's.
XTRA.011,DINARY Xcitement, Xcellent
HIBITION of Xtra Goode at A. R. Smith's.
YOUTH and Years Yield
OUR Yollowcdust at A. R. Smith's Commercial