HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1886-10-29, Page 66 Dirootory of Churohas and Sooiotios, Mitnetxa.s CIIUriCll; Sabbath Services at 11 a.m. and 6010 p.m. Sunday School at 2:30 p.m. Rev, Jno, 1Zo3s, r. A., pastor. Biros Cntntca.—Sabbath Services at 11 a.m. and 6:30 p.m, Sunday School at 2:30 pan. Rev, M. Jones, Pastor, ST. J.+11N'e Ce0aoa,--Sabbath Services at 11 nsn. and 7 p.m. Sunday School at 0:30 Ban. Bev, 111, T. C1n1Te, ineumbent. METnohl0T CBURC11,--Sabbath Servtcoe at 10:30 a.m. and 0;30 pan, Sunday School at l; 30 p.nr, Bev, lvm. Smyth, pastor, Bortu C'sruoLte Cnuacn,—Sabbath Ser. vice third Sundayin every month at 11 a.m. llov. P. J. Shea, priest. Onn FElsow's Loner every Thursday evening in Graham's block. Mesoixo Lonodc Tuesday at or bofore full moon in Sranstone's block. A. 0, U. W. LODGE moots on let and 3rd Monday evenings of each month. 303052En's Lonox 2nd and last Monday evenings of each month in Smal4'8 ball. L. 0. L, 1st Mondayin every month in Orange Hall. Poor OFrxolL—Offioo 1•lourg from 8 S.M. 00 7 p.m. MEe5ANICS' INSTITUTE lieadingBoom and Library in Holmes' block, will be open from 0 to 8 o'clock p.m. Wednesdays and Saturdays. Miss Jessie Boss, Librarian. 'Varieties. A rousing speech : Breakfast is ready I Practicing jawgraphy in school :— (Messing gum. West's PMa king is a purely vegetable com- pound for the certain cure of chine, oxide, dux, dysentery, diarrhoea, enmmer complaint, collo, cholera morbus, cholera, and cholera infantnm. Price °Scents, Sol° by Jae. Har- greaves & Co., drugglete. Prominent in politics : Ballots and bottles. Living "on tick" : The telegraph operator. Social tins of then end in matri• menial knots, The P0. can't eon a stamp when they can cel it. Burning out the oil makes the lamp lighter. How many peas are there in a pint ? One p. Marvelous. One One dozen of Dr Chase's Liver Cure will cure Sick Headache, Dizziness, and Sour Stomach. One to two bottles are warranted to cure Liver Complaint, Indigestion and Di 1- loneness. Sold by all druggists. Shakespeare was not a broker, but he furnished many stook quotations. A Chicago man has applied for a patent for a bath -tub. He seems,to tjlink it a new idea. It is a remarkable peculiarity with debts, that their expanding power continues t0 increase as one contracts them. Mistress : Do the things keep wall in the refrigerator ? Bridget : Yes, mum : all barrin' the oice, which 'pears to melt away ivry bless• el dry. 1IICGregor L r'ance'S Carbolic Cent e. Have you an old Sore, Out, Burn, Bruise, Corn, Bunion, Salt Munro, Pimple, blotches, Rough Hands or Face? It so, there ie but one cure. namely, McGregor a Parke's Carbolio 0erota. If you but try it, It will convince you. It omits but 050. at Hargreaves' drug store. In a sad dilemme was Brown when ho received a note from his landlady that he must pay up hie board bill, or her daughter would sue him for breach of promise. Cholly—"Why, that was Harry Brown's tnrnout. What made you think that was an ambulance wag- on 1," May—"Oh, I noticed a young man in it bad his arm out of place." "How would you like to have your hair cut ?" asked the barber. "With the scissors," replied the customer, and silence fell on the place with a dull thud. no on y0at• Guard .�on't allow a earl in the head to slowly and surely develop itself into Oatarrb, when you rise be cured for 150, A fow applications will cure incipient Oatanh. Ono or two boxes will eine ordinary Catarrh, One to dye boxes will ours obronio Catarrh, Try Dr, Chase's Caned - an Catarrh Cure—it will euro you. Often applicable is the advise of Burdett° : 1VIy eon, any fool can jump from the Brooklyn bridge. If you want to really distinguish your- self, stand in the water and jump on to the bridge. Boston Hostess to Western Visit• or : Your people laugh at us for be ing fond of beans. -Visitor—I wouldn't mind it. Out in our South- ern Illinois father says beans are bet- ter than corn 10 fat hogs on. June 19,1085. Par two years my wife suffered from long and heart disoaso through rheumatism. She was greatly omaoiated and too weak to do anything or herself; she was given up by Ave doctors, they all passed their opinion that she could not live. She oommenoed using Dr. Jag's Medicine in De- cember, and after taking six bottles she was so much improved that she could look after heir household duties. J. M. Roubles, P,ngiueer, O.P.R., Olast Toronto. Sold by e. A. Deadman. "Now, Mr, Witness," said a Col- umbus lawyer, "are you willing to swear the chair was facing the east ? Remember, sir, the awfulness of per. jury." Witness—Well, I won't swear, but I'll bat yon $10 it was, How obtuse some people are 1 When Fogg was asked by Miss Flora Whom affections are eenterecl on her pug Leah, if ho liked doge, the stup- id fellow replied, "I don't know; I never a10 any." THE BRUSSELS POST Site agreed with him.—"It's mom and drink to the le meet 1ti jolly good fellow like Smith," said Jones. "\Voll• judging from the condition you mime home in when yon have been with Smith," said Mrs. Jones, with Asper. ity, "I should say it was meet and ariltli," Mantl—Yea, I have sant bite back hie letters ; given him back hie ring. •Edith—mud aro you happ ? "No, I and lnisornble," "Then why slid you do it ?" "Well, pa and ma wero so pleased with him I was afraid we weren't suited to cinch other." Mineral Poison. Nothing but pure extracts from roots and plants aro usein preparing Mah'rogor's Lung Compound, the modern null now popular re• reedy sti alae, and a ]Coughs, 1 aro tilu0s o tbuothroat, unge and chest, A11 mineral p ol0ons and Ganger - our snbatenees are avoided, wbloh rondore it safe for children or[dulls. Sold eh 50o and 31 per bottle at Hargreaves' drug store. Lawyer—"Are you single ?" Fe. male witness --"No." "Then you are a married woinau ?" "No" "So you are a widow." "No" But, my dear madame or miss, you meet be• long to one of these classes. As what shall I put you down ?" "1 am—an—engaged woman." "Oh, well, you temperance people can talk all you want, but you don't mimeo me that life amounts to any• thing without sociability," said to Chicago hotel guest to a visiting lecturer,. "Wo are sociable enough," was the answer. "Yee ; but not in the right test', T' like to toast my friends," "So dons the devil." We aro constantly in receipt of the most flattering testimonials 10 referees° to West's World's Wonder or Penni? Liniment. This remedy has no equal iai the cure o1 Rheuma- tism. A tow bottles will Duro the mos0 aggro, rated case, 13 ionise invaluable for Bpraive, 0050, Bruins, Burns, Scalds and all mom• plaints requiring external) application. Price 00 ciente tied 60 =taper bottle. Sold by Jno. Hargreaves & Co., druggists. Old Mr. Bently (reading the paper) —I Bee that a colored gentleman named Scott has just died In Balti• more at the age of one hundred and fiftythree. Old Mrs. Bendy (sigh• ing)—Ah, me 1 Death is a sad thing, especially for a person like Mr. Soott, for instance, who was so used to living. From Glen Falls comes the story that a compositor who imagined that he had talent for constructing sen- tences had this lino to set : "A. tall woman with a slight stoop." He substituted the word piazza for stoop and suffered the eousequence of thio act, as he wyonders across the country looking for work. The Last Year, 1886, After the above year is ended there need bo no person suffering from Rheumatism. Neu- ralgia, Toothaohe, Headache, Lumbago, or any acute pain, if they only purchase a bottle or Fluid L,ghtning, 0e it mires instantly. Pain cannot 0003,10110r° it is used. The name 33 Fluid Lightning. Bold by J. adargroayss do Co, druggists. Rings that he had seen.—Mrs. Traveller—While we were abroad my husband mot a real live king. Just think of a body and fleshy king 1 They wero travelling, and the king asked my husband to call on him when be reached Paris. He called. Mrs. Stay-at-home—My husband, not long ago called on four kings. What do you think of that ? Mrs. Traveller—You don't mean it. Mrs. Stay. at-home—Yes, I do. That foolish -call prevented me from hav- ing aying a sealskin. A man found $168 a fete days ago and the owner rewarded him with a pair of suspenders. Upon receiving the reward, instead of being satisfied, he kicked himself because the sum of money wasn't twice as large. When asked why he wished the sum had been larger, he said that he would have stood a show of getting a pair of pants to match the new suspend- ers. Some men are never satisfied ; in these days gratitude can only be found with a search warrant, lie was in big luck to get the euependers. O1cGregor's Speedy iinl'C, When we say 11oGrogor'e Speedy Cure 1s the only perfect euro for Dyspepsia, Livor 0om- plains, Indignation and Impure Blood, wo are tolling plain facto of which hundreds upon hundreds eau testify who have been restored to porf ect h eclat by its nee, Wewould there- fore advise you strongly13 you aro a subjoot to any of the above troubles lo give Moore - ees Speedy Ouro a trial and be convinced, It fit sold in 50o. and 81,00 bottles at Hargreaves & Co's, drug store. "Come, doctor, you are very skil- ful, I will give you the honor of carving." "With pleasure, madam." And immediately the doctor begins his teak. He is very absent-minded,, and when he has finally made a doop cut in the leg of mutton he stops, takes a roll of linen and some lint out of his pocket and carefully bandages the wound. Then after regarding it critically, he remarks with profession. al gravity, while the guests are stupe; feed with astonishment : "There, with rest and good care, there is nothing to fear." Sent Jones' Aphorisms. God is as much under law as I am. God is always under obligation to de right. If you will show me a praying pew, 3 will show you a powerful pulpit, It takes a first-class preacher and a lirst•claes hearer to got up a first- class sermon. It's as much your duty to got ready to hear as it is my fluty to get ready to preach. YOt2 must have oyes to see the e11u, and yea tit L181 keep your eyes open. 'lichee are an much in the way of religion as poverty, Oh, brothers, let you and 1" realise that if wo ever get to heaven there met bo a process of making quo. Metrical and hematite" a ammeter otherwise very nulovely indeed. You can't lay down your r0ligien to -day and take It up- again tomor- row and go on with it. 'Brother, God knows just ellen cor- ner of your nature, and !snows lvhrtt one to play upon when he wants the sweetest music. Law mo 1 I believe the Lord runs this world, I do l I do I I expect if I got up to Heaven in. tact I will regret in heavou that I've clone a thousand things hero. There 1s nothing and nobody in the moral economy of God that can make sin hopeful and a blessing to men. If everybody was rich you would have to go to the wash -tab and cook - stove. As a matter of choice, I would rather he poor than rich. Getting money is like drinkiug salt -water. It is very hard to keep a big, fat, healthy, Methodist straight iu posi• tion. 3'11 tell you 31E8. You now con- verts will average up the dead square level of the old ones. Good company 1s 0 blessing to any• body. The busy men in this country are the only men who have time to do anything. The lazy man !e not worth any- thing iu the kingdom of heaven, ,,When you see a fellow who don't know how much he has given he hasn't given much. Uh, how meu take the ehado,v for the substance, and the onght•to-do-it for the having -done -it. Whenever a man is real firat•alass for any one thing lie's tolerably good for anything. One of the best meu I over saw in my life was a lawyer in full practice. The world has been trying for several thousand years to find out what an old sinner 1s good for, and has found out nothing. But I want to say that when you are in eternity you are going to see what he was goad for, and that his sole use was to shade where the sun ought to shine. It is worth something to a man to belong to a good family. Old sinners are not satisfied with us unless we live better than they do. That's religion—to want to avoid the thong that's wrong and to do the thing that's right. I believe I'd rather a follow would steal anything I've got when I'm aeleop than buy of me ou oredit and not pay nee. God pity a roan that hasn't got enough to keep him enjoying life, without running into the sins of the world, the flesh and the devil. There 1s nothing in death to harm a good man, Let you and me get as high as God wants us to be, and then every soul that WO bring to Christ will be on a level with us. 1f your boy were to get religion, and get it like you have it, wouldn't it bo it sight. - - Many a penitent hag been !chocked cold and stiff at the altar because somebody has approached him that he had no confidence in. I wish every servant girl could wear sills 011 the time, because she , looks hotter iu If my daughter only had ono dress, that'should be to whole one. If it lacked anythil)g at all, I ehonld out 1t off at the bottom unci never at the, t) Religion will make the floor Olean and the pillowcase shine as bright as snow in its purity and whiteness. The Methodist and Presbyterian churches in the Lisgar .Hill district wero destroyed by the recent prairie fires in Manitoba. Gananoque complains of a very large surplus of young men who hug the street'cornore, excel 1n protanity, and insult lady pedestrians. The Regina Leader suggests that "Galt" should be spelt "Gall" in view of the fact that Sir Alexander charges $3.50 per ton for coal. The bones of'a man buried forty- five years ago have been removed by unknown grave robbers from a Char- lottetown, P. E. I., cemetery. Richard Knoles, of Milton, N. S,, has in his garden a fruit tree which ho grafted four years ago and ' which in 1884 born pears on one branch, Gravenstein on another, and Bishop pippins on another, and which this year has small apples on the branch bore pears last year. OCT. 29, 1886, 14'es9"':Mrif31Fdr78.,"9M0.'vTl08DEt] fA-w'"' n-stt$'ts'ri:&'E63toC LIfoQt6M.`el' G rrs We respectfully desire to announce that our Fall and Winter Stock is Comprising Full Ranges of all the different Goods in the rations Departments, We would especially call the Attention of the Ladies to our LEN '.ti t which will be found to consist of the Latest and most desirable ma- terials for Fall and Winter wear, with Trimmings and But- tons to match. A. Pleasure to have 'You Inspect them and compare prices. 0 WILL FLANELS in beautiful shades of Cream, Blue, Pink and Cardinal. Our Gray, White and Scarlet .Flannels are excellent value. Examine Our till -'cool 25o. Line, the bust to be had. In Tweed Suitings, Pantings and Overcoatings we are offering a good selection—Made to Order on the Shortest Notice and a Fit Guaranteed. See our 60e. all -wool Tweeds. HA`r S A Tho Newest in the Market and First -Class value. Cooper. 6 Smith's Boots 6' Shoes, a Falb Assortment. Groceries Fresh and Good Teas 'a Specialty. Wo are Sole Agents for the Bazaar Patterns. All Sizes and Num- bers constantly on hand. Monthlies given away Free. Thanking our customers and friends for their generous support and assuring them that it will be our aim to give them Bight goods at the Bight Time and at Right Prices. - I remain, faithfully yours, STRAOLIAN