HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1886-10-29, Page 5OOT. 29, 1886, THE BRUSSELS POST DISTRICT NEWS. iorittarlitsx-orsre. Rev. D. 13, McRae has gone to Ripley to attend Preabytery,—The School Board of this :motion has ad• vertisedin tbo Globe for a teacher for 1887.—Bnainese ie booming at the order mill. The Cameron men are making great bevels among the North- ern Spies.—A few days ago a little boy, on being told that hie papa was a gentleman, exclaimed quite lndig- antly, "He io not a gentleman." Boys do not like to have their papas called names.—The regular meeting of Court Woodbine, No. 100, will be hold on Saturday, 80111 inst. It is desired that a full meeting bo had on that evening.—A. Raymann's new shop is abort completed. 13th. Division Court vine held on Mon• day last in the Orange Hall. His Honor Judge Doyle presided. The Orangemen will celebrate the 5th of November by attending the Methodist church. Rev. Mr. Mills will preach to them. The mesons who have been work- ing on the railroad bridge hero have completed their work for the fall. Tho arch will not be completed till spring. Peasomms.—Robt. Magee, whohns been on the nick list, is able to be around again.—Miss Ruth Jones is on the sick list this weelc.—F. W. Tanner is visiting friends in Alvin• ston this week.—Miss Bell, of Look. now, is at present the gueet of Mrs. R. J. McGill.—M. B. Mallory, of Wingham, paicl our town a flying visit this week.—Mrs. D. B. McKin- non, who has been visiting friends in Toronto, has returned home again.— Miss Janet 111oQuarrie, who has been eponding a few weeks with friends in Milton, bas returned home 'Twin. —Rev, Mr. McMillan, of Wiunipeg, Man., is at present the guest of the Rev. A. MeLean.—Giff. Elliot was in Brussels this week. '31orriea. A. Foresterslodge is about to be established in Sunshine. The root crop is now being cared for and will yield an average return. A. little son of 0. B. Harris has been laid up with broken arm, oc- casiond by a tumble on the floor. It is said the Halliday family will leave the old ramshackle of a house if the township council remove them. They had better do it and oblige the neighborhood. The Electoral Union questiou is etirring up a good deal of controversy and men who prefers to be advocates of Prohibition will have to too the lino or play slink. John Forsyth, ,son of Alex. For- syth, who recently removed to Mani. El:the, died in Dakota, on the 18th inst., aged 28 years, 6 months and 4 days. Tho particulars of his death are not to hand yet. At an organization meeting, in Di- vision No. 8, the following officers wore elected to further the interests of the Electoral Union :—Pres., D. Hogg; Vico-Pres., B. Wilkinson; Sec., Itobt. Clerk ; Treas., Ohne. Wilkinson. W. and J. Johnston and their fam- ilies felt for British Columbia ou Monday of this week, They took train at Wroxeter, going by the all rail route, C. P. R. and purchased their tickets from T. Fletcher, tgent, Brussels. The Itlessre. Johnston were out weal lost summer and were so taken with the country that they leased their farms in this township for a term of years and wont to the Pacific slope. We wish them sue • me in their now hoine, A number from this locality heard Fon, Edward Blake at Listowol last Tuesday. Tho emotion sale of Tilos, Moore's last Tuesday, was a very successful one, although whiskey was not given to prime the bidders. Geo. Love WAS the auctioneer, BUICID11.—Las4 Tuesday Mrs, 0. Wiliam, wife of 0. Watson, mer- chant, of Molesworth, Wag found about 1:80 e'elook p.m. hanging by the nook to a short pieoe of rope in a uoroh in the Orange Hall, adjoining hor residetne. She was men at 11 o'cloolc and notbiug unusual sue- peeted. The deceased was about 46 veal e uf no and had been in poor health for a long time and to this ie attributed the suieide.P Ib would ap. pear that she was very determined about it as ber feet were touching the floor blither body was inclined for. ward as if to throw all her weight on the rope, The shook to the neighbor - howl was very great. Mr, Watson has the sympathy of the community in his bereavement. The funeral was very largely attended. Fliblak OP NATITRE.—T1108. Smith, lot 6, oon, 6, has t. regular, genuine N, P. vow that has made for herself a record to be handed down to poster. ity. On Saturday, 16Ih inst., oho had a calf and on Saturday, 23rd inet„ oho added to her Lanni)/ by hay. ing another calf. Both the mother and calves are living and doing woll. This cow surely deserves a puff from our M. P. when he next discourses in Ottawa on the big eggs and ,eows giving mills. PLownes Mnecm.--The an fill al plowing match wee held ou the farm of James Slommou, lot 14, oon. 12, ou 'Wednesday. There was a large attendance of plowmen and specta- tors and everything pulsed of very harmoniously. The work done wag fully up to that of other years. The plowing was finished by 4 o,clock, and after the judges had given their judgment u splendid supper was par. taken of that had been prepared by Mrs. Slemmoo, assisted by a number of other ladies. The following is the list of prize winners :—Medal °lass— ie', Hiram White, Davidson plow ; 2nd, Wm. Bird, Monroe plow. lel alas men—let, Peter Keifer, David• sou plow ; lid, John MoLauchlin, Monroe plow. 2nd class men—let, Allan Lamont, Davidson plow ; 2nd, Mitts McDonald, Monroe plow ; Srd, Jno. McIntosh, Monroe plow ; 4th, Thos. Bird, Monroe plow. Green clase, for men who never plowed at a match—A. McKay, Grieve plow. Boy's olass-1,1, Jae. Knight, Pat- terson plow ; 2nd, Thos. Brown, Pat- terson plow. The judges were Thos. E. Hayes, IticKillop ; Walter Noble, Logan, aud Geo. Martin, Brussels. The medal was presented to Mr. White, to become hie property. A gold medal will be secured for the next year and the competition thrown open to.the world. The prizes were paid out at Dames' hotel on the ev- ening of the match. The Grey Plowman's Aseociation is in first- class thriving condition and there is something like $40 in the treasury. John Stewart is President; Gideon Peirio, Vice -President; A. Reymann, Secretary, and Jas. Slemmon, Treas- urer, it is expected that their au- ntie] concert will be hold as usual as the people are anxious for it. Mrs. J. M. Davies was visiting friends in Brunets last week. Morris Fogal has improved the ap- pearance of his house by having it nicely painted. Quito a number of our villagers at- tended the Reform demonstration at Listowel last Tuesday. Last Friday evening while playing Laura Spence fell and broke her arm. It was promptly attended to by the Dr. and she ie doing well. We heard of a gentleman who vis- ited Ethel not long ago and stopped with one of our villagess. The horse was put in the stable while the driver attended to his business. Imagine his surprise when he went to hitch up to find that some pigs had pulled the bridle down and had chewed the lines all to pieces. A pair of lines hail to be borrowed to get home with. • Last Friday evening the peaceful slumbers of some of our villagers were disturbed by some roughs who had imbibed too freely from the in- toxicating cup, and were making night hideout' with their drunken brawls. Lilt not time something was done to stop this midnight rioting which of late has occurred too fre- quently? Rev. T. L. Wilkinson, of Toronto, agent for the Dominion Alliance, de- livered an excellent lecture in tbo Methodist church last Monday even- ing. Short addresses were made by the chairman, Rends. R. Paul and W. J. Brandon, At the olose of the meeting a vote was taken to see who were in favor of having an Electoral Union established. The majority being favorable lo the sehome, an organization was formed, and the following officers elected :—President, A. W. Panabaker ; Vice -President, J, ()ober; Treas., T. P. Simpson ; Sec., J. A. Young ; Executive amemittee, L. Dobson, Dr, Gale, W. Simpson, 11 Wanner and J. Whelpton, The schooner E. W. Rathbun, bound from Toledo to Goderioh with o cargo of (mai, oonsigned to Ogilvie & Hutchinson, while making Gode- rioli port on the evening of October 21st, during a heavy gale, missed the north pier and went ashore on lam shoal off the mouth of the river, the sea washing over her, carrying away her spars and rigging. The crew clung to her till daylight when the Governmett life -boat, under com• mead or Oaptain 'Win. Robb, wont to the rescue and brought them 'Lahore. The crew oonsisted of five men and ono womith—the cook. The vessel has broken 1111, nothing ,boing saved. She was owned by William Doe, of Goderieb, and was uninsured, .9.99999•••••••••., LET EVERY "TUB" STAND ON ITS OWN BOTTOM. In last week's Posy, John Shand mado statements in regard to us of such a false and slanderons na- ture that we have been, reluctant- ly, compelled to place the matter in the hands of our Solicitors, Messrs. Wade & Sinclair. Of course, like all other lying statements, it contains its own contradictions. He says we took an underhanded way of gaining a Prize for our leather, then in the very next sentence he says that the Judges and the President did not know to whom our leather be- longed, concluded that it was Mr. Stitt's, and awarded it a First Prize. Now, this shows how clear we are of the charge of trying to influence the Judges, as they nev- er knew it was ours, but thought it was Mr, Stitt's. All his other statenaents are of the same nature. Take his blowing about the cele- brated Bal and Fils French leath- er and John Hallam being solo agent. In this we believe he errs more through ignorance than in- tention, and for his information we would say that this brand is the cheapest and poorest French leather that we know of in the market, and can be bought from any leather house in the Dominion. Mr. Benson, the traveller for John Hallam, called on us before he called on John Shancl and tried to convince us by showing us a letter pretending to make him the Sole Agent. We soon showed him that we knew as much about the leath- er trade as he did and when it came clown to the fine thing we found that the principal thing in favor of the leather was that it was "Cheap." We said that we cut good leather and that mere cheapness was no inducement for us to buy. He replied that he would like very much to sell to us but if we did not buy he would go across the way and sell it to John Shand. We said that John Shand was at perfect liberty to buy what- ever leather he chose and if John Shand is paying a big price for this loather let him come to us, we can,get him that brand from: one of the best Houses in Canada, at about the same price as the best Canadian leather is sold for, that is, about fifteen per cent. cheaper than the French leather that we aro Cutting. We again repeat what we have said before. A gentleman, who lives in Brussels, and who used to be a tanner, and who knows all about leather, wanted sonae to make .Boots for himself and his boys. He bought from us althocigh we charged him about ten per cent. more than other shops offered him feather for. He gave us to under- stand that we were Cutting, the best leather of any shop in Brus- sels. Three out of every four people thitt we made Boots for last fall do not need any new boots this fall. If our Boots wore only for a year as ordinary boots do we would not have room enough for shoemakers to make Boots. We exhibited our leather at the Fall Show here and received a First Prize. Other shops can cut this quality of leather if willing to pay the price. If they did they would not need to tell untruths about their neighbors, but they would not get rich quite so fast. We are not going to allow Bluff, Abuse and Misrepresentation pre- vent us any longer from claiming the Superiority whieh justly be- longs to our Goods. People's verdict. The Great Boot & Shoe House. BANKING. marie.918.990949•KM9..911911110sta$9•1190 WINTOSII & MeTAGGART, DANKHRS, 131VISSELS Transact a General Banking Business. NU$39 to hand diSo mated, 'intermit 111101141 on (lopoulti reaaytildu sou demand, Prompt attention elven to collections, LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. E E. WADE, I3ARRISTER, &o. • Odloe formerly 000npled hy k. 3, Mo• 0011,Esq., to Leckie, Blook. Money to loan W B. DICKSON, (LATE WITH a Ostrow &Proudfoot, Goderioh) Sone - !tor, Conveyancer, &o. (Moo, Grant's blook l3ruasols. Money to loan, A LEX HUNTER, CLERK OF tho [fourth Division Court Co. Huron, Conveyancer, Notary Public, Land, Loan and Lowrance .A.gent. N'tincis invested and to loan Collections made. Oilleo in Graham's Block Brussele, MEDICAL CARDS. A. MoNAUGHTON, M. D., O. ! a M. BODDIOE HOUSE SIGN and Carriage, plain and ornamental painter, Bali ma tea culIoertuIIy furnlehed, Charges moderate, A. MeNA.IR, ISSUER OF MAR - Maga Llooniili, by oP1°1"1"" 02 Llimbenitut-Govornor, 0011misSioner, 00., Q. B. Convey/moor 004 Agent Piro lostiranoe Co. (Moe at the Oranbrook Post Odle°. J, O'CONNOR; FIRE, LIFE, Nt 9 A0014Jlit and LtMLII Itlallranee Agent for some Of Me best and. most reliable Comport - les lo the Doinluion. °Mee, idol Terraini, Tarnberry BB out, uour the station. km 'Pi W. O'BRIEN, V. S., HONOR • Graduate of Outario Veterinary College has rearmed the brae tioe of John Mott, V. S.' and is prepared to treat all disease, of clomes- cleated animals on solouriflu 004 appr.ireci principles. Treatment of delicate Oats a sueolalty. Gilloo at John Batt's, V. b. IV/FIBS LILLA. O'CONNOR, Ail Teaoher of Muck, Vocal tad Instrument- al on Organ, Plano, or Gilitar. Harmony and Thorough Bask Advanced pupils fitted for Teaching. Terms on application. liefereneo, --Ladies of Loretto Academy, Guidon. Reel- donoe—No 13, Terrace, (south near ioation. Robert Cunningham, INSURANCE AGENT, Guelph, - Ontario. U • M. L. R, O. P. Edinburgh. Physician, F YOU WANT AN ELEGANT Burgeon arid Accouoheur, Oftlea, Airs. Shiere I blook, Turnbarry Street. Coal Stove with grate, Centre Table or 11no (3abluel Organ enquire at the Pool Office, WM. F. OALE, M. D., 0. M. Member of the College of P11701.1,04 and Surgeons of Ontario ,by examination. ()Moe and Roslilonoo—Xala St. Mast, REA , Ontario. 0 DENTAL G• Graduate end Member of Royal Col- lege of Dentietry, Toronto, visite Brussels 0111.. 001 ay o every wok. 13. Mor- ten, assistant, attends oilier, remainder of the week. MI operation, carefully poi forined and anarantsed. The various ,ainesthotlos, looal and general, used. Prices moderate. 011100.—Over G. A. Powell's tore. L. BALL, L. D. S. HONOR n3E:IN TISIC. W. S. Poor, L. D. 8., Graduate of To- ronto School of Dentistry. MI opera- tions guaranteed. Oilloo—Cady's Block, Seaforth. Artificial tooth, first quality, and a guartnteed fit, for $12,00 per set. VA. MARTIN, DENTIST, L.D. J. n ' • E„ Honor Graduate of the Toronto School of Dentistry,ls Prepared to Po:1arn:1%111L zorr2loauis.itlf.d thgezfrvaef alnulf=otts.of.D,,za extraction. Prices moderato. Consultation free, and satisfriotion guaranteed. OFFICE— Over G. A. D °adman's drug store, Brume's. 10 - BUSINESS CARDS. AV H. MoORAOKEN, ISSUER TV • of Marriage Licenses. Oillee a t his Grocery, Turnbarry street, 2-23 ri'ARM TO RENT.—THE SITE. 1. norther will rent his farm, lot 12, ouri_, 7, Grey townahip, fer a term of flue years. 1.11. farm Min good order 04,1 the re arie , for rent- ing it is the proprietor intends giving up ing, Por Por 0111 partioulars apply to JOHN MoINTOSH, Vroprietor, Brussels P.O. pAnwr FOR SALE.—THE UN dersignerl wishes to dispose of his ex- cellent 106 acre faint, lot 4, eon. 0, Grey. Thom are 140 acres clear of stanina tied under crop. 00 mores of fall wheat in LOW rods of straight forme. Thom Is a Aret-class dweaing house, largo bank barn, 00 x00 foot, (=liar a, and 011 other necessaries. Possession would be given next sprlug Ili ilu,, fee tee purchaser to put in hls °top. Tno fares is only 2 miles from Brussels. 11-tf GEORGE CROOKS. I1OR SALE. --TWO FARMS -- 1s Let 14, on the Oth eon. , and lot 10, on the 7th eon., of Morris, aoutouieg 100 acres each, ub..mt 00 acres cleared, free from stomps on one farm, and about 00 aores cleared ou the other. Thu cleared land la in a good state of cultivation and. well fenced. Good frame barn and. stables, a n dlog house on one, and on the other a log house and log barn. There is a food boating orchard on lot 14. A. 0000r -4.t1!. Ing Plann.21e 1a4o .1,10 .b r farin the township. Those places aro admirably adapted for grain growing or grazing, and within five miles of tho flourishing town of Brussels. The pineal] will bo sold together or separately, (011(1can he bought cheap and ou eaey terms. Apply 00 16. promises or address the proprietor, Sunshine 3.0. GBO. SEALE, 54f. Proprietor -• ]3oots & Shoes Boots & Shoes Boots & Shoe Ready -Made Clothing! Ready -Made Clothing! Ready -Made Clothing Gent's Furnishings, Gent's Furnishings, Gent's Furnishings. 1-3E_AJI'S & CPS, EIT1s & EIATS & CAPS. ' We make no puff nowt 07b1' Goocls 1)71,4 //Mit th PETER BIOME, Foreman, . ADAM GOOD, Proprietor. LL Graham's Block, US. Brussels, S. OSTRANDER.