HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1886-10-29, Page 4r THE BRUSSELS POST TOOT. 29, IMO Ln+.:... The Post Bookstore. The Poet Book ore lis ot of eked with the Christfnas Goods and Panay Artieles. A stook of boautitnl Photo., Auto. and Sorel) Albums just in. China Cups & Saucers at a Bargain, All these goads have been bought rtght and will be sold at Close Prices. ra' Ali the School Books, Note Papers, Envelopes, a. Call in and See the Goods. .111415010 Ike irit55.cia .o , FRIDAY, OCT. 29, 1886. G. H. Finlay, of Guelph, son of ex - Mayor Finlay, of Goderloll, has been appointed to a position in the Clinton branch of the tunic of Montreal, vice V. Wilder, who has been transferred to the London branch, About 6 o'clock an Sunday even- ing the Percy property in Luoknow, awned by Cameron & Campbell and occupied by Jas. MoGowen as an betel and R. J, MeMath as a carriage factory, was totally destroyed by fire, Lose on the bulldibg, $2.000; in - ninnies, $1,500. McGowen's doss on the contents is about $1,500 ; no insurance. The contents of B. J. MoMath s shop were saved, but in a damaged condition; lose about $500; covered by insurance. Pex-tla Count- Notes. Carlingford Presbyterians have opened a new church. A new skating rink costing $6,400 is being built in Stratford. His Honor Judge Lizars, of Porth County, has appointed H. J. Kelly, of St. Marys, a oo0stable for .the county. The G. T. R. employees at Strat- ford commenced a change in their time on Monday of last week. They o quit work now at 5:80 o'clock. Mason County Notere. A, Armitage, an old resident and first Mayor of Seaforth, has left that town for Toronto, where he will re- side in future. David Fisher, of Colborne, exhibit- ed nine heavy draught horses at the Huntingdon (Indiana) hair recently, and carried off all the prizes in that class. The Seaforth High School building will be enlarged and otherwise im- proved, a by-law to loau the Board $5.000 having been carried by the ratepayere last week. The other morning a child of Steplt• en Powell's, of Exeter, had a narrow escape from being scalded to death. Mrs. Powell had taken a pot of boil- ing water off the stove and placed it on the floor, and was performing other duties, when the child, while playing around, fell into the water. It was badly scalded, and little hopes are entertained of its recovery. The County Crown -Attorney of Godericb, challenged nineteen of the jurors at the recent Assizes, on the ground that they were stopping at a certain public house. These gentle• 'men deem it a reflection upon their. characters. What connection their place of lodgment had with the mer- its of the particular case upon which they were called to pronounce is not at all clear to the minds of the ohal• !enged jurors, so writes one of them in the Huron News•Record. '21e following jail statistics are furnished by Jailer Dickson, and will prove interesting to many of our readers :—The following is a synopsis of prisoners committed to the county jail for the year ending 801h Sept., 1886 :—Number committed, 52 males and 10 females; tote], 62.' Of the total number 18 were government prisoners and 44 were county prison. era ; thus the government bad to de- fray the expenses of 18 against 44 which were n charge upon the county. The daily average of prisoners in jail was 6. The average number of days for each prisoner was 58. Out of the above number committed 3 died in jail, viz.: 1 female, aged 65; and 2 snake, aged 82 and 85 respectively. Nationalities.—Canada, 21; Ireland, 16; England, 12; Scotland, 10; United States, 1 ; other countries, 2. Religions. --Presbyterians, 20 ; Church of England, 16 ; Church of Rome, 14 ; Methodists, 8 ; other de- nominatione, 8. Married, 20 ; un- married, 42. Temperate, 27 ; in- temperate, 85. Offences for which committed,—Assault, 4; contempt of court, 4 ; drunk and dieorderly; 4 vagrants, 18; larceny, 12; insane, 10 ; rape, 1 ; stabbing. 1 ; horse stealing, 1 ; house breaking, 1 ; total, 44. The remaining 18 were for trifl- ing offences. You will observe the small number committed for assault, only 4 ; in former years assaults and using abusive language formed the large majority of offenoee. This year only one was committed for using abusive language, This to worthy of entice, especially in connection with ,,,• .?,Au“ Au, ',tar in fu,ev, irrlperfect.. ay though it has been unforced over the county. There was one more committed during this year than the previous year. The greatest number in jail at any lime during the year was 17 ; the lowest number was 6. Last year wo carried over to the en- suing year 10, while' this year we carried over 6. The year, as a whole, was a quint one in jail es compared Ctlt±'1'oai TAILORING. The undersigned begs leavet to intimate to the public that he has opened a tailor shop in the Poet (Moe bleak, over T,aird's barber shop, where he is prepared to at- tend to the wants of the public in nutting, fitting and making clothing in the latest and moat fashionable styles, My long' ex- perienee together with a course of instruc- tion under one of the bosh cutters in Torou- 10 is a able to do stale. factory guarantee ork. SatisfLotion Guaranteed. V+. A. ]Meer. Canadian Newts. Sam. Thomas, of Ayr, shot a 284 !b 000n. Richard Colbeck, of Mersea, grew red peppers 114 inches in circumfer- ence. The scheme to run the St. Thomas street cars by the electric system has been dropped. North Grey Reformers have nom- inated James Cleland, of Meaford, for the Local. I'. Purcell has been nominated as the Reform candidate for the Com- mons for Glengarry. Augustus Odell, of the township of Deleware, had $85,000 left him, and 450 acres of land to his son, by an uncle in New York State. Mrs. Dunlay, of Wilberforce town ship, County of Renfrew, has been arrested on the charge of murdering her husband a few weeks ago.. Rev. Dr. Campbell, of Knox Church, Earrlston, has received a unanimous call from the Presbyter- ian congregation of Oolhngwood. It is intended to work night and day on the 'i.'hamesford section of the 0.P.li. extension, the electric light apparatus having bean secured for the purpose. The Northwest Council have refus- ed a petition for the admission of cat- tle free of duty, on the ground that the matter rests with the Dominion Government. The contract for the oonstruction of a breakwater at Port Arthur has been awarded to Archibald Stewart, of Ottawa, the price being said in the vicinity of $100,000. The contract for potatoes for the Mounted Police at Battleford has been let at $1.94 per bushel. The potatoes will be brought chiefly from Prince Albert by teams. Manitoba millers have been given such favorable rates by the Canadian Pacific Railway that it is confidently believed they will be able to secure the British Columbia market for their flour. A steam vulcanizer in a Brantford dentist's office explCded, slightly scalding a young man named Pass. more, destroying a set of teeth and blowing the cover off the machine through the ceiling into the room above. Recently Alfred Sutton and Daniel Mahoney were hunting deer in the woods at Cowiohin, B. C. Neither party knew the other was out, and Mahoney, seeing Sutton moving in the bush, and thinking he was a deer, raised his gun and fired. Tho ball passed through Sutton's heart, kill- ing him instantly. The deceased was a native of Bruce, Ont., and a nephew of Sheriff Sutton, of Walker- ton. Toronto railroad oiroles are speop- lating on the possibility of the Can- adian Pacific obtaining control short- ly of the Northern & Northwestern and Northern Pacific Junction Rail- ways. W. 0. Van Horne and other U.P.R. officials, accompanied by Northern & Northwestern directors,. have left for a trip over the Northern road, which has given Dolor to the belief that amalgamation of the roads ie on the Lapis. A decision was given in an inter- esting ease at Toronto on Oct. 22nd by Chief Justine Wilson in the Court of Appeals, which will silence all dis- putes about the legality of the Sal- vation Army to beat drums, eta., in the streets. and relieve that body of much persecution in the courts. George Martin, a Salvation Army soldier, was sent to jail fur ten days by a judge in Lakefield, ODs., for disturbing the inhabitants by boating a drum or tambourine on the streets on Sunday contrary to a municipal by law. The (Thief Jr:Alee,in po.-411 ing the conviction by the Lakefield judge, quoted Edmund Burke, chew- ing that while ringing a fire bell at midnight disturbed the people, it was to save them from possible dostrua- ticn by being burned to death. It was shown in the evidence against Martin that lie was beating the dram for the spiritual good of the inhabit- ants, The conviction 'of Martin was xWI a number of years bank. , quashed. E. A. MARTIN, L. D. S., Dentist. All work skilfully and artisti- cally performed. Office over G. ' A. Deadman's Drug Store. This Space is left open until Next ,Week for Jahn Shand's Answer to Adam Good's Obaraeteristio -Diatribe in To -days Peer, for like his Big Boot it is fear- fully ooustructed. • THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. OUSE TO RENT OR SELL on Thomas Street, Brussels.ruiBOSS . Apply to R. HUTCHINSON HAS RE- moved E- itoeidea e a MIM aStreet.t0010 over the Post "[11OR BALE. --THE UNDER - 3' signed afore for sale a good working horse, sound in his limbs,to., a also toll bug- gy, nearly new. Termsto salt the pnrc leer. 0. ANDERSON, 10.2• Teacher, 'Walton A GOOD MILK COW IN CALF 1G 2' sola. Apply ALiX, MoDOlt 3 Grey D to TXCELLENT CELLAR TO LET, .1V very oheeo , suitable for fruit, butter, or ohoosp. Frost proofJ.10. GRANT, Postmaster. rpWO RAM LAMBS PpFOB SALE, 1 wall bred LeicoP000. MoLAl!OIi0Ii4 con 0, Grey, 14.4 CHOICE FARItIS FOR SALE.— itrza odfor ssale i in thetownship of Grey, n lop . Apply to A O0LGA1Tr,00 Auctioneer nn_ Brussels? 0. AGOOD FARM TO RENT, OR Sell, li milee from Oranbrok. For further partioulare apply to; A.IRAYMANN, or to Mt. OSTE 3, Oranbrook, 11.0, Concord. P.0, 14-0 1LT'OUSE TO LET.—FRESHLY .11 papered and kaleomined. Nice quiet low to good tens tenant. with IL GRANT. ant 1'000 BUSHELS OF SWEDE Tuxntoe for sale in tote to suit pus ohesers, They aro a splendid atop, The price is10 ceu4'h per bushel, Apply to TBOtnAS DAVIDSON ,oyo0 0 eon.11 P.O. 18.4" FARM TO LET.—NORTH HALF 1o0 28, con. 8 16orris,100 aorea, 40 cleared. Gooeloghouse, frame stable and exoelleat orchard. Splendid supply of good water. worms:: for a p urled of nue years. APPIY to RICHARD L18ES, Box 010, 1 indsay. QTBAYEI) ON THE PREMISES Gro , 00 orjabo n0i 010 ICOhtoof10August, oa twit trey, year old steer. red and white in color. The owner is requested to prove property, pay ex- panses. and take himOINTIN' M013LAIN, 16.4" •JamestownP.O. NOTICE Is hereby given that the Corporation of the village 01 Brussels will apply to the Legisla- tive Assembly ofihePro vino o bt Ontario at its heat SPsatou for e. B111 for the , 1tfteation and aonarmattou Oa certain Deed find sgroo- ment between the village of Brussels and John D.iionald. Corporation of Village byWADOkSNCLi Their Solicitors, Brussels. Ootobor 11th, 1886. 10.7 .1.FARM FOR SALE.—THE SUB - scriber offers for sale his valuable farm 10 the Township of Oren, comprising lot 22, con, 11. The farm contains t0 florae, 46 of which aro cleared, the balance in bush, Tnoro is a oodframe barn, 80x40 foot, also a good UNDOUBTED AsCAINS —FOR OUR— NovsmsSR s4z� G. A, Powell is offering Special driven, Startling Bargains, Amazing Quota- tions, Extraordinary Attractions in ell departments for November. In Dress Goods we ere offering Special Outs. See Our DRESS GOODS at 100., worth 124c., 120, v,rth°150., 15e. w,rth 273., tt 29a, worilt 25c., at 25c. worth 80c. 1 Ladies' eeamless all -wool Hose at 28a., worth 800.5 Ladies Black Cash- Imere Hose (full fashioned) 50e., worth 650. Gray Flannels nt 150, t& 200., worth 200. & 25o. All -wool Gray Flannel at 250. & 80c., worth 30 & 35o. Special drives in Plain and Fancy Winceys. Our Mantle Cloths are ac- knowledged by all to be the choicest in town. See them. Seo our Fur Trimmings, Fur Oape1, Black and Colored Velveteens, Black and Colored Flushes, Kid and Cashmere Gloves, Silk Handkerchiefs, &o. SEE OUR G -RAY COTTONS, Carpet Warp, Cotton Yarns. All will be sold at prices unheard of in Brus- sels. Seeing is Believing so Millinery at Dry Goods Prices. Bargains for ell at G. A. POWELL'S Great City Millinery Howse. 151 BEGS TO ANNOUNCE THAT IIIS Milli�erY & Bepartnieufl HI NO VT 'TT ,T_IY OPEEI in ,?T ! for the Season, under the able management of MISS GREEN and MISS WILSON, whose Styles and workmanship gained such unusual satisfaction during the past sdason. Of course it is unnecessary to say our Stook as usual is very complete and of a first-class character, for which the Dominion House is Noted, and our stock being Very Much Larger than any other store in Brus- sels gives every Lady a much better selection to choose from, which in Millinery is very important ; this combined with employing only first-class hands is a sufficient guarantee that the very NEWEST STYLES may bo obtained. Having no old stock left over from last Season en* ables us to Show an Extra Display of Now Goods. We have 'taken. great pains this season to secure every Novelty and we would invite of every Lady, whether they want to buy or not, to give us a Call. --)0(-- Miss Green, with her usual courteous and obliging manner, will be only too happy to show our splendid stock to all who may wish to in- spect it. We would also call attention to our Handsome Stook of bearing orator d and a nover•IallinR well. Mantle Cloths, which we Make Up to Order, thus ensuring no old There aro rive coml. tall vrheeit and ANTS 7q nares eaedod down. Partindlare mey• Up moth-eaten of old fashioned ;';`tl'11l'-ii!.s which is tic nf`en i'1 ' o' wia,l eo,I.byapplyl:,gtot.,u pria,1 ,• - 000.11. Grey,or by Writing bo ]Lim et Ora., moat stores who buy them ready -matte. In conclusion we would just brook P. O. JOHN ON,LG w say our Stock in every Department is very complete, and everything having been bought before the big, advance in goods took place we will bo able to supply our customers the whole season through at the same Law Prices wo have been selling itt. all along. 'l' TM. B.GASEEILL, VV 73utohor, thanking hie many ouetomere for their liberal Support for the poet six yonre wi0ho0 00 inform them that be- ing burned ont or the old stand hall fitted up a 6hOp in emalo'e Block in idrstoless 61y10 whore he helms to tee all the old ouetomor8 and as many now ones 06 too at to give him a gall. Ikoapnothing but 0,0t.olasnmoats, ell kinds of Poultry and Savydgo Mont. Deliver. oda O all t parte a k Of the fotin Free, Cash Said for Fad The Noted Cheap Store,