HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1886-10-29, Page 3OCT. 29, 1880.
7lnitln6' yulegnr tlidekly.
Don't forgot to mewl, boys;
Toole aro bandy things;
And n little poking up
Ofton comfort briugs,
])rive tho nail of purpose
Deftly hero and tboro ;
Rammer with your might and twain,
If you but repair.
Don't forgot to mend, boys,
As you go along;
If you find your will is woak,
Try to make it strong.
Mend your manners daily,
Try to bo polite,
Rudeness in a growing lad
Is a painful sight.
Roughness is becoming
Ina polar boar.
But tho making of a man
Needs some daily care.
Don't forget to mend, boys,
All your doubtful ways,
And so merrily you climb
Up to manhood's days.
As you go on building
Let your labor blond ;
Character will brighter shiuo
If you stop to mend.
Ue1119 of Tlioagllt.
When one lives entirely with the
course of nature, every day is fully
']'here are three little wicks to tife
lanap of a man's life, brain, blood and
There ie frozen music in many a
heart that the beams of encourage-
ment world melt into glorious song.
The wealth of the world is the
wealth of civilization, and civilization
is the fruit of Christianity.
As reasonably expect oaks from a
mushroom bed as great and durable
proflte from small and hasty efforts.
'When we look clown upon the earth
wo think of the past ; when wo look
up to the pity we think of the future.
The eye of the master will do more
work than both of his hands. Not to
oversoe workmen is to leave your
purse open.
A. tyrant cannot roll bind one end
of a chain around the arms or lege of
a people without finding the other a-
round his own neck.
A snob ie that man or woman who
is always pretending to bo something
hotter—especially richer or more fash-
ionable—than they are.
Grief knits two hearts in closer
bonds than happiness ever can ; and
common sufferings are far stronger
links than common joys.
Patience is a moral mospuito net,
Politeness is hke an air -cushion ;
there may be nothing solid in it, but
it eases jolts wonderfully.
To bo Pasted in Your Nat.
Every time I barrow G newspaper
I do a very small ant.
Every bine I tell the truth I add to
my strength of character.
Every time I oppress a servant I
am guilty of a sin against God.
Every time I epend a dollar foolish-
ly I am opening a pauper's grave.
Every time I pay rent 1 am taking
that much away from a home of my
Every time I buy an article I nm
encouraging the manufacturer or pro-
Every time I speak a kind word I
am adding a brick to my temple of
Every time I pay a debt I am do-
ing right end helping to put money in
Every time I refrain from speaking
in defence of a friend I prove that I
am not a friend..
Every time I refase to do n favor
when I can as well as not, I prove
that I am growing mean.
Every time I give to distant char-
ities to the neglect of those at home I
am guilty of giving only for vain-
Every time I speak erose and im-
petuously I am weakening my nerve
power, and adding to the misery of
gime °n0.
Flower looped tulle dresses remain
in vogue.
Bright yellow is oombinod with
dark blue.
Bright yellow is seen on runny new
Pink with silver gray is a. lovely
Dark green with tan or fawn color,
is very lovely.
Now French (rooks aro exceedingly
Wings and fancy birds will he weed
as aigrettes.
Little girls' frocks aro made charm-
ingly loose and full.
Yellow and white aro much nom-
bined.in Paris millinery.
Slcirta aro worn very short, nud
Shorter behuicl than before,
Feather bands ere the preferred
trimmings for now fall wraps.
Black and brown aro combined with
the embroideries now used,
Cue piece, flowing elbow sleeved
are coining in vogue for dressy gowes,
IEnes piuir and a greenish simile of
blue emu -blue admirably with black.
A fnsbicuallle fad in vogue at .Con.
ex are 004)00 tied -with bright rib-
Pink over golden brown often prov.
es becoming and is especially hcsiuti
A groat deal of black ie seen in or-
naments and trimmings for toilets
and bonnets.
What a pity that the exquisite vet
vet flowers are not to be worn on the
winter millinery,
French frocke are gathered and
puffed where English gowns are
pieeted and plain.
New lace toilets are very elegant,
and as much in demand as during
the summer season.
Pale silvery gray gauze over rich
moss green constitutes one of the
meet charming mixtures.
Black with absinthe green is newer
and more summery in effect than
black with rod or yellow.
For dressy occasions black and
white lace toilets trade over colored
silk foundations are very popular.
Gray watered silk is combined with
black cashmere and black camel's
hair in gowns for elderly ladies.
Under petticoats of silk in dark
and light colors, white and blank aro
made with gathered pinked flounces.
1Vhito or deep yellow velvet is fash=
ionably used with white surah, the
yellow etauding particularly high in
Parieian women refuel to wear
large bustles, but view with complac-
ency the prospect of the return of
hoop shirts..
A black lace dress made over sul-
phur satin, and trimrnod with sul-
phur and lilac ribbon, is a very ef-
fective combination.
Surab, from its many good qualit.
ies, is an ever desirable fabric, and is
this season more fashionable than the
heavier Silks.
Wise women aro not in a burry
with their winter costumes for the
street. Novelties aro promised for
later in the season.
A pretty way of making baby blan-
kets is to have the edges crenellated
instead of scolloped. Delicate torch -
on loos finishes the edges.
li id gloves with rich Spanish lace
tops, the lace matobing the color of
the glove, aro the preferred wear
with till dress, short•sleeved frocks.
Bright surah and taffeta waistcoat,
full and sagging, seen on the dark
plaid frocks of little girls, are 0 pleas.
ing and frequent feature of fall
Silk guipures in all the sombre,
shades, suoh as black, brown, merlon,
blue, green, eto., make very pretty
autumn dresses when made over Silk
or moue.
Thought weight riding habits have
not been a suocess this season. The
Russian bang is worn by both young
and old, but is much more becoming
to the former.
A great deal of feather trimming is
used on plush mantles, especially the
shorn feathers stripped in two tones,
light and dark brown beiug an °spec-
ially pretty combination.
A house dress is of some coarse
woolen material in old red, trimmed
down the front with pale pink sirah,
ornamented with beaded gallons in
the caobomiro shades.
For trimming toquets and capotes
of fancy velvet, head embroideries and
very fine chenille will be used for the
brims, and ribbon velvet sewn with
light colored spots for the bows.
Dressings with linings of the name
Dolor as the transparent materials of
which they are made are not as Goon-
oneical as those intended for use over
different colors, but they are very
Almost all the new corsage aro
opened in front with two revers,
sometimes very narrow and eome.
timms extremely wide, and the epaoe
between is usually filled with a bout
fant plastron.
White 1e combined with many col-
ors, the oolong making the whits more
becoming to the majority of women,
while the whits possesses the advent+
age of relieving any tendency toward
undue brightness.
White or cream silk bolting cloth of
almost cobwebby texture makes an
exquisite material for draping over
silk or satin, and band embroidered is
one of the most beautiful fabrics of
transparent nature.
The fashionable fbney for transpar-
ency affords opportunity for countless
quaint and pretty effects, and really
beautiful and artistic combinations
are soon, and admirable taste almost
universally (Replayed.
1) 11 the 1111100 of oxygen With file
sugar ill fermentation of eider that
cheese -I it tl vinegar. '11)0 Inas
rapidly ;Lir La brought int', coated
With eiderthe faster the 11t11ircd
e111)11;:. tt it) uacne,. Cider for vinte4lr
should nut be interred into the (toiler,
but be lift where it will be eenve lli dirt
t.7 draw o 11100 daily and 0011101/ to
the 6a0001. Pouring eider through
uo,Ll'e° al raw or shavings 14 also re-
emn needtnd, Its the )1101!a flicly 11111)
liquid id divided the greater the
quantity of air it will °eine 111 cull•
toot with.
I,uetdittll JN (33VO4.
1. Munro, Scott Act meglatrate,
Drifferim hay reeigned,
Au autluaodo mining colnpauy id
to be incorporated in Canada.
Tho A'tanitobe Government has
sent out oirou!ar:, to the municipalit-
ies with a view of adopting Some
measured of relief for the sufferers by
the recent prairie fired.
The Dominion Government has
purchased six miles of railway run -
Mug from Westville to Stellarton,
owned by the Aoadie Cool Company,
for $50,000. It will form part of the
branch connecting the letercolonial
with Pietou town.
Darese, Connelly, and Maxwell,
throe tramps, who murdered one
Dillmau near Lytton, 13. 0., have
been convioted of murder and sent-
enced to be hanged on the 24t1, of
November. The crime was commtbt.
od to obtain the sum of $7.60 from
Dilltnan, who was a railway baud.
A young man from' the country
tied his horse to It fence at Elora a
few days ago, and for same time pro-
menaded round the village with his
girl and made various heavy invest-
ments in confectionery. .Finally the
pair concluded to return home, but
fouud their rig missing, acid it Wee
afterwards discovered that another
fellow had taken posseesiou of the
conveyance, driven hie girl home,
and then returned the horde to its
It was learned at Camp Gilmore,
Quebec, on Wednesday night of last
week, that a party of six intoxicated
lumbermen mane up from Lower Gat-
fuee0 Damp, and at midnight raided
a house near that camp, occupied by
an aged woman named T0routh and
her 16 year-old daughter, Nellie.
The men gagged the mother., and fast-
ened her ill a chair, then tying the
daughter hand and foot, they oriuiin•
ally assaulted her. The girl fainted,
and fearing they had killed her, the
assailants released itirs. Turootb,
who fled to the Damp for help. While
she was gone the emu set fire to the
cabin, and escaped. The girl was
found with her throat cut from ear
to ear, lying in a thicket near the
blackened ruins. There is no clue to
the identity of the men.
Gelds aro seem, but those who wile to
Stinecn h 0e.,Portlnpd, Mnlno,wlll receive
free, full lnformntion about work whicl,
they can du, old lire at hame,Wnt,r la pay
awned over them from 83 to 1r5 per day. Same hove
not required. Youoe day.
free. who Marl ni 00110
am absolutely euro of snug little rottener. do le Saw.
Farm For
Tho subscriber offers for sale 111,3 valuable
farm in the Township of Grey, comprising to to
0.aad 7, eon.11 in said township. This farm
contains 000 mares and le within 11 miles of
the thriving village of 13 (0,0010, with good
gravel road leading thereto. About 150 aores
aro olenr ed. free from stumps and in high
state of cultivation. The balance is finely
wooded. Thls farm is particularly well folic.
ed, nearly the whole ofthe fences beingg
straight and having been eroded in 1880 and
1890. On the promises there is a comfortable
log dwelling house and a good frame barn with
stone stabling underneath in which there le
a well with, au abundant supply of esnellent
water. There is likewise a now frame imple-
ment house, 40x20,wo11 floored, above and be-
low, mud neatly Bided and painted, Por pur-
tioulaza apply to Oho Proprietor,
liogietrnr, Huron 0o.,
111.80 Goderlah,
otinada's Favorite Weekly
Hae boon vastly improved of late now ap-
pearing regularly in twelve -page form, with
the addition of now "Departments," Illustrat-
ed Articles, oho. All its well-known popular
features will be retain ed for 1887. Only $1 per
annum,lnoludingthe ramatderof1880to bora-
ado now subeoribore.
"The Holly Queen."
This is the title of our now and beautiful
prowl= Mr 1887. Beyond donbb the most
charming olograph (colored 'picture) ever of-
fered with tiny newspaper. sine lOrlO ine hes.
Orly 10 Dante In addition to yearly subsorip-
t*�1' Agents wanted everywhere Fifty val-
uable prises to be awarded, over and above
the oath ootnmisston, to the most nuooesaful
agents, Per free sample papers, terms to
agents, ole,, address
LONDU:r, Oar.
You can hove The W,ostorn .tdvortioer and.
its beautiful promlttm, together with Tug
Post or 1081) for 88.001 or, without the prom -
tum, for 180.01, by attrirbssing us as follows:
exr. x . asaza .,
Having leased the well known and splendidly equipped Roller Floltring
Mill from Messrs. Wm, Atastono & tions for a terns of years, eve desire
to intimate to the farmers of Huron Co. and the public generally
that WO are prepared to turn out the best brands of Flour, look after
the Gristing Trade, supply any quantity of 13ran, Chopped stuff, ®&c.,
and buy Any Quantity of Wheat.
The mill is recognized as one of the best in the County and our long
experience in this business gives us confidence in saying we guarantee
Flour and Feed Always on hand.
Gristing and Chopping promptly attended to.
Stewart & Lowick,
`suoweilWJ Jo a.iennee
q g e{ Ilgl N Cy..
`e g Fee
oo Mm
0 rg•h°
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m m bin
Yr, owe
9 8.ai Ny
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g;Rto edlee<
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m m .N P.
3 wpm°.
p Tw b�
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0 o Q g .o.3 ; y
m P
a tyo g.e
A 0 m
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y m m G o
m Sa `r C2g
eO0 p 5.;
mi,P m R
arr .age Forks,
All made of the Bes Material and finished in a Workman -like manner
Repairing and Painting promptly attended to.
Parties intending to buy should call before
Rnrnilnuons.--Marsden Smith, B. Laing, James Cutt and Wm. Mc-
Kelvey, Grey Township ; W. Cameron, W. Little, G. Brewar and D.
Breckenridge, Morris Township ; T. Town and W. Blashill, Brussels ;
Rev. E. A. Fear, Eirkton, and T. Wright, Turnborry Township.
OR 91'
The undersigned, having completed the change from the stone to the
Celebrated Hungarian system of Grinding, has now the Mill in
First-class Running Order,, .
And will be gladwto see all his old customers and as many now one,
as possible. hopping done.
Flour, and Feed Always on nand.
Highest Price i5aid for any quantity of Good Grail .