The Brussels Post, 1886-10-22, Page 66
airao cry of C>raurohos and Sooiobiost
Mlsuvu,Le Chalon.^Sabbath Services at
11 awn. au 1 t 311 p m. Sunday School at
"Biddy," Rid to lady to hor ser•
vent, "I wish you would stop over
and seo flow old Mrs. Jones is, thio
morning," In a few minutes Biddy
«;311 p.m Bev. Jnn, Moss, I;. A., pastor- returned with the information that
11`:eX c„intlii.--•'$lbbtLth Strvieen 03 11 Aire. Jones wile seventy-two years,
man. an,i iirtl pan. Sunday School, at 2130 seven months, and twenty-eight days
p.m. r Rev. loner pastor. old.
Sr. 10 IN `t endued.- -Sabbath 1ervk es at (1j101 P1'a will visitns Dile 6111p1111er. nIl
Ile ;e•
11 a•lti. nail 1 p.m. Sunday 'J;3U pared by euchring a supply of \Year's Blain
A.M. ll v W. T. (4ut1 , ineunlbc, 1. King, to he kept wtibia roach. DIsinfeat
1!7i ;t, 15T C errt t[. .SahbaLh SLY' vides at Yf11 1wlif enrrya ova ala ya5 tI1 t ghosb(iu ya25
10:20 n ns lad 1,130 p.m. innday 96ba,a1 aG nen is. Soldby.ttargreavas Sr Co., druggists,
A preacher becoming 'annoyed at
people coutluually looking round to
the door to nee who wne coming in,
paused in his diecouro to say, ''Ladies
and gentlemen, if you will give me
your tiloso attention, I will keep a
look -out on that door ; and if any-
thing worms than a man enters I will
warn you in time to Make your es-
6 30 pan. Roe, \v m. Smyt11, pastor.
ltC.)1. (l.vrianao Cncarn.-•Sabbath Scr-
vicetltird Sunday in every ulontll et 11 a,m.
Itov. P. J. Shea, priest.
Onu FOLLotv'e Lenag every' Thursday
evening 111 Graham's block.
Masoen' Lome Tuesday at or before lull
moon in Vanstole's block.
A. 0. 11. W. Lenon meets on 1st and
3rd Monday evenings of each month.
Pott.arnies 'mimic Snd and last Monday
oveuinge of each nlontlt in Smnle's hall.
L. 0. L. 1st Monday in every month in
Oraege hall.
Pon Orrne.—OiliceHours from 8 a.m.
to 7 p.m.
Mxantxtos' INslrrcru Rending Room and
Library in llolmos' block, will be open
from 6 to S o'clock pan. Wednesdays and
3atnrdnys. Miss Jessie Ross, Librarian.
spring and Summer,
Prepare the body for haolth and vigor by
taking Dr. Chaco' a Liver Caro. No Spring
modiuine equals it. rt stimulator the Liver,
aids digestion, and purines the Iblo0d. Largo
bottle and Booty o Book, 51. Sold by all drug•
A citizen of fine discrimination and
delicacy was riding iu the suburbs
with his beet girl the other clay, when
When is a thief like a seamstress ? I they passed a stable, in the door of
11301 stood a couple of valves.
When he outs and runs. w 1
"Paying dear for good company,"
as the rook Said when ho was put in
the pigeon pie.
Re of year Guard
vont allow 0 cold in the tread to slowly alio Lawyer (to timid young woman .—
surely develop itself into Cotn:ytl, tritest you
can he cured for 15c. A few 8pol:cations will i
ora iueiplent Catarrh. One or Lou boxes wb1 "Hove you ever appeared a5 witness
";Sao," said tho young lady, "those
two onto little cowlete." "'Toy are
not cowlots, Araminta; they aro bul-
lets." And the procession moved
rapidly on.
cure ordinary Catarrh, Cue to five boxes w411
cure chronic Catarrh. Try Br. Chase's C'utd-
an Catarrh Cure—it will Pure you.
A book on etiquette, the Boston
Post thinks, might justly be termed a
work on haughtyculture.
"I know what the nights
are," said the mother of six
she sat dawn to repair the
trousers and jackets.
McGregor it Parke'', Carbolic (Lraie.
Have you an Nd Save, Cot Bu-p,Brir se,
Cern, Bunion, Salt sena um, t',n I o 0 milei.
Rough Hands Or Fact I l s,,, t[e O'01,ut one
ecru, namely, McGrew,: A. rm ka Ca.boite
Comte. I1 you but try 10, It tri,. couvade you.
It costs bub 258. at llartgre:. 83 drag eto;a.
A Persian philosopher, being asked
by what method he had acquired so
much knowledge, anawered : "By not
being prevented by shame front ask-
ing questions when I was Ignorant."
"Patient as Job himself," occurring
iu a reading lesson, "Who was Job ?"
was the natural question. Ono bright
boy volunteered : "I don't know ex-
actly, but he had something to do
with printing."
;11cGregor's Speedy Cure,
When we say, 1tcGregor's Speedy Cure 1e the
only perfect cure for Dyspepsia. Liver Com-
plaints. indigesttou aur impure Brood, we aro
telling plata facts, of which ho:mit opon
hundreds can testify who have been restored
to pert eat health by its use. We t. out,l here-
fore advise you strongly It you x'0 n su afoot
to any of the above troubles :05. re McGreg-
or's Speedy Cure a trial and be convluoed. 1t
(seek' in 50e. and 51,00 buttes at Kargrcayet
& 0o's. drag store,
The following terse note was re•
oently left behind by an eloping
couple, in r, Hampshire hill town ;—
"We've eloped. Forgive ue if you
can, and if you can't, what will you
do about it ?"
A real economical Philadelphia
woman never throws away her old
dish -pans. When they become worn
out and unfit for the kitchen she
scours them nicely and she and her
two daughters use them as bustles.
Mineral Pelson.
Nothing but pure entreats from root- and
'plants are used in preparing McGregor's Lung
Compound, the modern apt now 1000) r re-
medy for Coughs Colds, llronchais, Croup,
Asthma, and all affectionsofthe throat, lungs
and Onset. All admiral 1)ole0111 nod danger -
Oar substances are avoided, wbllolt tsarists 11
safe for children or adults. Sold at 500. and 81
per bottle at Eargre6V0s' drug store,
"Here is a little thing I just dashed
off," said a buzom maiden as she en-
tered the sanctum. The editor was
just about to state that he didn't nee
poetry, when the young lady produc-
ed a golden roll of butter. It was ac
oepted with thanks.
An Iowa weather prophet thinks lie
has a sure think in predicting the
equinoctial storms. But if there is
anything that will ;keep the storms
away; it is a weather prophet's pre-
diction that they will be here on
The Last Year, 1886.
Atter the above year is ended thorn need bo
no parson suffering from Rheumatism. Nam-
ralgia, Toothache, Headache, Lumbago, or
any acute pain,if thoy only purchase a bottle
of Fluid Lightning, as it curse instantly. Pain
cannot stay where it 1s used, Tho nam is
Fluid Lightning. Sold by J. LLargroavee t0 Co.
A minister made au interminable
call on a lady of his acquaintance.
Her little daughter, who was present,
grow weary, of 1118 conversation and
whispered In au audible key : "Don't
ho bring his amen with him, mam-
ma ?"
am -ma?"
A clergyman who had been mar -
tied three times, and hae a numerous
set of olive branches, which spring
from diverse maternal ancestry, con -
fosses to a slightly disconcerted fool.
ing, when shortly before his third
marriage he was approached by ono
of his daughters, a girl of nine, and
one who called his second wife moth-
er, with : "Papa, will you let me go
to see you married ? I have nova
been at any of your weddings,"
of labor
boys its
pile of
in n suit before?" 'ioung woman
(blushing)—"Y•yee, sir, of course."
Lawyer—"Please state to the jury
just what suit it was." Young wom•
an (with more oonfidouce)—"It was
it nun's veiling, shirred down the
front and trimmed. with to lovely blue,
with hat to match." Judge (rapping
violently)—"Order iu the Court."
We aro constantly in receipt of the most
flattering testimonials in reference to West's
World's Wonder or Family Liniment, This
remedy has no equal in the our0 of Rlienmlo-
tient. A tow bottles will ouro the most aggro•
voted ones. It isalso invaluable for Sprouts,
Cuts, B111iee3, Barns, Scalds and ell coo•
plaints requiring externals application. Price
•LG 00nt0 and 50 cents per bottle. Sold by Jno.
Hargreaves & Co., druggists.
A Chicago newspaper tells of a
young Hoosier, who, to show hie ex-
pertness on a typewriter, wrote a love
letter with it. It was a fatal mistake.
Iho girl's brother was a printer end
she could get type. She wont to hor
brothers office, and set up in cold
type : "Dear sir ; I am not to be woo-
ed by machinery. I enclose your
ring. Please return my letters. Re-
spectively —." She worked that
off on a proof preee and mailed it to
the youth. It seems on the face of
it as though he had a fortunate es-
D!• JUcs
• LIVER _&
Juno 10,1885.
For two years my wife suffered
from lung and heart disease
through rheumatism. She was
greatly emaoiated and too weak to
do anything for herself; oho was
given up by ave doctors, they o11
passed their opinion that she
could not live. She connmonoed
using Dr. Jag's Medicine in De-
cembor,188(,and after taking six
bottles she was so much improved that she
could look after her household duties,
Engineer, C. P.11., Dast Toronto.
Sold by G4, A. Deadman.
A few days ago two ladies, ono of
whom carried a baby, entered. a Bos-
ton carpet etore and signified their
desire to Iook at some carpets. It
was a very warm day but the sales-
man cheerfully showed roll after roll,
until the prospiration literally stream-
ed from every pore of his body. Fin-
ally, one of the ladies asked the other
if she did not think it was time to go.
"Not quite," was the answer of her
companion, and then, in an under.
tone, she added : "Baby likes to see
him roll theni out, and it'e not time
to take the train yet."
At the Calgary Pall Fair a prize of
$25 for the bust baby was offered.
Ws alleged that 1t man in Dnr.
ham recently swallowed four show,
buttons in mistake for pilin.
A party of Canadian Paoific rail-
way directors are forming a company
for the purpose of erecting a mam-
moth hotel at the Banff Springs.
The trial of Chas. A. Hand, hotel.
keeper, of Sarnia, who was committ-
ed for trial on the charge of felon-
iously hiring "Nip" Macdonald and
another person unknown to blow up
the house of John G. IIcOrae, of Sar-
nia, on June 10 last, took place at
the Sarnia Assizes last Friday, and
was not concluded until a late hour.
After hearing the evidence, the ad-
dressee by counsel, and the summon-
ing up of Mr, Justice O'Connor, the
jury, after an absence of half au hour,
returned a verdict of not guilty. The
second indictment of having the same
dynamite in hie possession was then
read, and by consent of the Crown
the jury were ordered to render n ver -
diet of acquittal, and they did so. A
similar verdict was also agreed to on
a third indictment. Appltoation for
bail in the sem of $2,000 was made
m the Palmer cage, and the accused
was released thereupon to appear at
the next assizes to answer.
AA, well bred Ifeiersters. Apply et lot I, nun.
6 Cray, 1iO+. lielr.Ot111L1l .
0,11, oro storey 11t :leer f ,
Soave: ea.,3'o the) lid, ,
0, , 0,11 information nu tl ,
they Itruoi baleen •
1110111 Irani 51 toy 1ptr any.
I11ot ottrol. Ino oWartedfeTy1
aro abeoluloly ere or snug little for:unda
Ail a nut.,
XL 13 13 I:Aii HILL,
' ' 7 llatoht r, thanking hie
k"••^ ' f many enetou" rs for too irllbornl
support for rho pant six years
wishes to inform thtout tinct 111'
Ing b;,rno) outof the old stead has 11010001'
shop Jo Smalu'u Bloolt la druid:10as style
where ho hop ea to see all the old mleteu01s
and ea Many low anuses nee Int to oleo him it
call, T keep nothing but Ill•et-olaall plants, ,tui
kinds of 1'o nl try and Smiaow) Moet. Deliver-
ed to nil ports o1 the 10,011 Iwo. Cash paid
tor FabSt k
ai"171'Sll Foe• s14111 C`.
The eubs2riber snore for solo hid vu1nab10
farm in the Township et Grey, comprising 1010
0 and 7, coo. 11 in suit township. This form
aontniue 200 acres and is within 1.1 miles of
the thriving village of 11tassels, with good
gravel road loading thoraco. Abort 100 acree
aro clamed, free from stumps nod in a high
state of cultivation. The balance is ilnolY
wooded, This farm is particularly wollfenc-
ed, noarly the whole of the leucon being
straight and having boon erected In 1985 and
1890. On the premises there is a comfortable
lag dwelling house and n goad frame barn with
steno stabling underneath in ,vltl111 thorn is
a well ,with an abundant supply of eo,ollont
water. Thera is likewise a now from° h,rplo-
mont house, 4040, well floored, above and be-
low, and neatly sided and painted. For par-
tionlaro apply to the Proprietor,
Registrar, Iluron Co.,
11.18 Godurlak.
Canada's Favorite Weekly
VERT :31 4
Hae boon vaatly improved of late, now op -
peering regularly iu twelve -page form, with
the addition of now "Departments,' Illustrat-
ed Articles, oto. All its well-known popular
features will be retain 00 for 1887. Only 81 per
annum, including the remaidor of 1880 to bona -
fide new eubsortbore.
"The Holly Queen."
This is the title of our now and bountiful
premium for 1007. Beyond doubt the moat
charming olegraph (colored picture) ever of -
!Grad with any newspaper. Size 1Gx201nehes,
Only 10 omits in addition to yearly eubeorlp-
tion ,
LW Agents wanted everywhere FIfty val-
tlable prizes t0 bo awarded, ever and abovo
the cashoommiss3011, to the most euocessfttl
agents. For free sample papers, terms to
agent0, etc., address
You eau have The Western Advertiser and
its beautiful premium, together with Tai,
Poet for 1897, for 52.05 ; or, without the prom -
/um, or 82.25, by addressing us as follows:
.'fXT- Ste_ Si:ERR,
�p11 ".J3016_
A. gentleman, who lives in Brus-
sels and who used to he a tanner
and knows all about leather, want-
ed some to make boots for himself
and his boys, he bought from us,
although we charged him Five
Cents per lb. more than other
shops were willing to sell him for.
He gave us to understand that we
were cntting the best leather of
any shop in Brussels. Three out
of every four pair of Boots that we
made last fall are good for anoth-
er year. We exhibited our leath-
er at the Fall Show here and re-
ceived First Prize. Is there any
blarney or false honor about these
facts ?
Other shops can cut this quality
of leather if they are willing to
pay the price. If they did they
would not grow rich quite so fast.
It pays butter to cut "Excolcis-
simus" Kip, "Slaughter" Kip,
"French" Kip, (Tanned at New-
market, Ont.) "Keifer" calf, iso.,
We are not going •to allow
provonting us any longer from
claiming the superiority which
justly belongs to our goods.
The Great Boot & Shoe House.
Our. 22, 1 SSu,
stmt.. = - a2e,m o01l w7sblB A Tannase tsomm:nrg„504SITHSC,'ee:Soll
We respectfully desire to announce that our Fall and Winter
Stook is
Comprising Full Manges of all the different Goods in the various
We would especially call the Attention of tho Ladies to our
ID S fir P }TME T
which will be found to consist of the Latest and most desirable ma-
terials for Fall and Winter wear, with Trimmings and But-
tons to match. A Pleasure, to have You Inspect
them and compare prices.
in beautiful shades of Cream, Blue, Pink and Cardinal. Our Gray,
White and Scarlet Flannels are excellent value.
Eamine Our i ll-17Tool 25c. Line,
the best to be had. In Twoocl Suitings, Pantings and Overcoatings
we are offering a good selection—Made to Order on the
Shortest Notice and a Fit Guaranteed. Soo our
GOc. all -wool Tweeds.
The Newest in the Markbt and First -Class value.
Cooper 6' Smith's Boots ' Shoes, cc Full
.flssort nett.
Groceries Fresh and Good !
Teas a Specialty.
Wo are Sole Agents for the Bazaar Patterns. All Sires and Num-
bers constantly on hand. Monthlies given away Free.
Thanking our customers and friends for their generous support and
assuring them that it will be our aim to give them Right goods at the
Right Time and at Right Prices.
I remain, faithfully yours,