HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1886-10-22, Page 5QCT. 22, 1886. DISTRICT NEWS. Rabbit hunting is the favorite past - time of acme of our oporte. W. E. Burgess hoe been engaged ae assistant postmaster. R. Olimi° and F, Clark have open. ed out a general store on Main at. The Irish delegates met with quite a hearty reception in our town on their visit week before last. Tho Foresters are arranging for a grand concert on December 17th, Chas. Kelly, Reuben Fax and other vocalists of note aro engaged for the 000arden, The now German Evangelical Ohuroh will bo opened on Nov. 7th by Bishop Bowman, of Pennsylvania. The new Methodist church will be dedioated on Dec. 19th. The servic- es will be conduated by Rev. Dr. Potts, and Rev. Dr. Williams, of 'To- ronto, and Rev, J. W. Holmes, of Guelph. fir•41.rtbroo1r, On the evening of next Wednesday a social flop and supper is arranged for at Tuck's hotel. Rev. T. L. Wilkinson, of Toronto and others will address a public meet- ing in this place on Tuesday evening of next week, with the object of ar- ranging fer forming en Electoral Un- ion. A large attendance ie asked for. Council meeting will be held at Tuck's hotel on Friday of this week. Next Wednesday the plowing match will be held on Jas. Slemmon'e farm, neat Oranbrook. If the weath- er ie fine a large turn -out is expected. There are four classes for men and one for boys. The postero will give the full particulars. Gros. John Long offers his farm for sale. See advt. in this issue. Council meeting on Friday of this week, at Tuck's hotel, Cranbrook. James A. Frayne has removed to Gordo where ho intends malting his home for a while. On Friday of last week Mary Ran- dall, aged 25 years, died. Her home was on the 13111 con. In the Chancery suit, at Belleville, last week, referred to in our last is. sue, the plaintiff (Thompson) won the case. There have been several serious cases of dysentery in the northern part of this township but the patients aro getting along nicely now. The Listowel Standard says;—Joo. Scott purchased last week from hers. Thompson, 2nd con., Grey, 23 lambs, weighing 2,400 pounds. The price paid was 8i -o live weight, or $87.15 for the lot. Donald MoLauchlin should have been credited with 2nd prize for a 2 year old filly, heavy draught, and tat on a 1 year old filly in the swine class of horses, at the Blyth show. His oolts are hard to beat, Tho township Council has paid off the balance of their railroad debt ($7,000) and -have yet $1,000 in hand from the Land Improvement Fund. Grey township is getting in good shape and its affairs are very well managed. The Grey it: Morrie Cheese and Butter factory will wind up their cheese making this week, it is ex- pected, as far as outsiders aro con- cerned. Mr. Robertson may make a tow more for the patrons. The season just closing has been a fairly eucoeseful one. It is expected that Electoral Union meetings will be held in this town. ship uext week by Rev. Mr. Wilkin - eon, of Toronto. The object is to arrange with electors who are Bound on the temperance question to nee their. frau phis° for the advancement of the cause, Look out for posters. Some of our plowmen object to the manner the Dirsotors of the Plow- men's Association are running things this year in barring uou•residents. The plowmen of Grey township are not afraid to compete with the bust in the Province and do not like to be shut down to their own neighbors. There is no honor in that. There will likely be a good many entries, however, as the matoh will talcs place next Wednesday, in a very central position, viz. on the farm of James Shin: mon, adjoining Craubrook. We are pleased t0 learn that the trustee of 8. 8, No. 2, Elvia, have eeured the services of J. IL MOBa11i, formerly of (hie township, for another year, at a salary of $500. The true - tees of that section aro men who take a lively interest in eduoation, and who know how to reward the services of a good teacher. We congratulate them upon their choice, as we know Mr. MoBain to be not only a pleasing member of society, but also a tlier- oughly effioient andpainetaking teach er and an enthusiast in the profession. D. Robertson had a logging bee on Wednesday of last week 1n which a largo nambor were assisting. They worked like neilore during the day doing a large amount of work. The day's proceedings was followed by a "imolai hop" in the evening, in which besides those who were assisting dor ing the day a number from Morris, Walton, Cranbrook and Brusools took part. A number of choice songs were rendered during the evening, Dancing was kept up lively until the "wee oma' hours ayont the twat" when all departed for their reapeot• ivo homes well pleased with the oven• ing's enjoyment. Iiitlaol. 1lliss Lucinda Lake has been sink for the last two weeks. Mrs. Gale has returned from visit. ing friends in Mitchell. The brick work on 1T, F. Ma- Alliater's block is completed. John Heffernan has added very much to the appearance of his fine residence by having it veneered. Willlio Holonbaok had the misfor tune to break his leg last week. Un- der the doctor's care he is doing as wall as can be expected, David Tindall, sou of the late Be‚n Tindall, talks of spending the winter in British Columbia with the hope of benefitting hie health. He thinks o leaving ire the course of a few weeks il'ir. Lyric, of Exeter, has boon en gaged by H. F. McAllister to tak charge of the tailoring department It commotion with hie business. H expects to move into the new shot thio week. A public meeting next Ronda evening, will be addressed by Rev T. L. Wilkinson, of Toronto, on the subject of Electoral Unions. A largo attendance is asked for as Mr. Wil. kinson is well worth hearing. Robert Wriglit, of Ripley, was in our village last Tuesday.. He has disposed of Lis business there and has made arrangements to start but. oiler shop here. Ile iutende to be• come a resident of our village in the course of a few weeks. Alex. Patterson, of Molesworth, and Miss Janet Elliot, eldest daugh- ter of Win. Elliot, were united by the matrimonial tie on Thursday of last week. Wo wish the happy couple a long life of happiness and prosperity. The marriage ceremony was perform- ed by Rev. D. B. McRae, Craubrook. Mn. EoiTon.—Thinking a few linos to our valuable papor would bo acceptable I ke the liberty of punning you tnis note. am living in a motion house on the O.P.R. nd we are boarding O.P.R. employees, bout 90 miles east of Calgary. Calgary a thriving town at the foot of the Rocky onatains and is situated on the banks of a beautiful Bow river. This is in a fine cality, both for ranching and agricultural urposes. There aro some fine ranches ithin a cow miles of Calgary, such for iu- ance as Dunn d; Lineham, 1,000 cattle nd 8,000 sheep ; I. G. Baker about the me number and several others with large rds. What crops the farmers have in e good, especially roots and potatoes, the nest I ever saw. Provisions are veryhigh re as we have to pay for butter 25cts. r lb ; eggs 25ote. per doz, ; aheeeo 20ots. r lb. ; apples 48 per bbl. ; pears Hots. r lb., and other things accordingly. hero are about 1,000 inhabitants in this ace and still they aro pouring iu from all into. I think the day is not very far Stant when it will bo away ahead of innipeg. There is a large coal bed a w miles west of Calgary and they are go - g to employ 100 men to work at it at 00. Gleiehen is another small village, miles east of Calgary. It is ou the aokfoot Indian reserve, Thede red men theprairie oautte the white man a good ai of trouble as they walk right1 in d sit down on the floor, pull out their pee and smoke. Of course they are not rtioular how long they stay and they al- ga make it a point to be around about el times. They are making raids on the its men, The Blood Indians are the rst for this. They held up a man not g since, noar here, and relieved him of rifle and revolver and all his wife's thing. It is a1oryloommonl 000urrence see throe or four squaws and pappoeee king in the windows, holding their nkete over their heads, so as to have a d view. itledicine Hat is situated on banks of the South Baskatohewan and about 300 inhabitants, It is in a fine slay for farming and ranching purposes. ere are several ranches near the Hat, o some good beds of coal. There ,is also Indian reserve a few miles from this co, they are the One tribe. Ten miles w the Hat is Dunmore. This is the dquartors of the N. W. Coal tF Nevi - ion Co. This road runs to the Galt ea at Leithbridge. I think to take the thwost for flue olimate it cannot be ton anywhere. I do not speak from erieuce as I have not put in a winter 0, but by what I am told it is not cold attle grasp all winter. It has been dry summer and fall so far. I might say, re closing, that times aro dull this year mon are plentiful but we are looking ard to better times whoa the Hudson Oe, co00111112011000 work. I uudoratand tnm °oeuce grading on the 11th of month. Thanking you for your space Editor, I will oonoludo. D, Dosses, an., Lathom, 0.P.10. thorn, Oct. 101h, 1887. THE BRUSSELS POST g over the meeting, The following was the program :—Chairman's eddr,•.ss ; mesio by Roe'a church choir; reading by Eliza A. TindeU ; natation by Winnie Baynard; solo by blies Min- nie Gerry; reading by Mies E. Maun- ders ; recitation by Mies A, Baynard ; singing by the choir ; p�ddrees by W. H, Kerr, of THE POST ; singing by the choir ; solo, with cornet aaeom• panyment, by T. P. Simpson and J. Cameron ; reading by Mies Gerry ; singing by the choir ; reading by J. A, Young ; gaging by the choir ; lecture by Rev. R. Paul en "Matri- mony ;" solo by Bella Smith ; sing. ing by the choir. The program was carried through without a break tied each person did their work in a way satisfactory to the audience. After the canal votes of thanks the gather. ing was dismissed with the beuedic- tion. The proceeds of the evening amounted to about $10,00, which trill be applied on the parsonage debt. This entertainment was a new de parture from the old style of tea meetings and the pastor and his poo ple are to be congratulated on its suia0000. More rim. Council meeting on Monday of next week. W. G. Hanna ie just completing a comfortable little house on hie farm for himself and wife, Itis expected that the Literary So- ciety, that was such a su000se, in An- derson's school house, last year, will bo revived early next month and Icept in running order for the winter. The close board snow fence, put up y near Charles Ritchie's, on the gravel road south of Brussels, will be o grand tbing'to keep the road from blockading next winter. It was a terrible place for drifts. Mre. R. Forsyth and eon and Mrs. Mare and eon, of Sullivan township, were visiting for a week with T. A.u- dorson, A. Forsyth and other old friends in this locality. They return• ed home ou Tuesday of thio week. Rev. Mr. Wilkinson, of Toronto, is holding throe meeting in Morris this week for the purpose of organizing Electoral Unions and arranging for the concentration of the Prohibition vote on caudidates who will work for temperance.. The gats reoeipte of the Morris Branch Fall. Show, recently held in Blyth, reedited the very respectable figure of $390,41. The ten cant ad- mission foe appears to be popular and oounte up about as high as some of the Societies who ask 25 oents at the gate. A. K. Robertson, a well -know agri oulturalist, has puroltased 300 barrels of primo apples from the fruit grow- ers of Morris and Grey townships and will ship them to Glasgow, Scotland, this fall. Mr. Robertson will aoaom. pony the consignment and sec that he gets fah'play on the other side of the Atlantic. SUNSHINE TO THE FRONT.—A. R. pinit1i is now having a regular rough and tumble sale of Men's Beadylnado Suits and Overcoats. Top shirts and under clothing, blankets, dress goods, ladies' mantles, &a. Wm. Ilaslatn is more than rushing business for A. R. He is giving 10 lbs. of good Japan tea dust for $1.00, 20 lbs. sugar for $1,00. Almost everything a farmer needs kept in stock. Smith's store would be a credit to a place throe times the size. To the Editor of Tan PORT. In response to your Morris oorrespond. ent'a version of the Halliday raid in which he oomplaoently compares the boys north of Brussels to savages and rowdies, and valiantly defends the rights of the. poor people so much in need of a man around the premises. Would ha like the position we ask him? Perhaps he has occupied it when lie knows so much about their affairs, but an 000usional visit on the part of your moralizing correspondent oould not possi. bly give him any conception of tho intoler- able nuisance those poor people have be- come (and they are continually getting worse) to the neighborhood where they ex- ist and which has so long supported them in indolence though not luxury so we forgive lain. But while not wishing to champion the boys and men north of the Tillage of Brussels.: or the cause of any class engaged in outrage, whatever the necessity let him remember this case has had a hearing and if he further imputes guilt to parties proven innocent his defence of the Halliday family, whether in person or in print, may find his position a very very sultry one too. .The Halliday family, Sir, would not, if their conduct were the same, bo tolerated among the savages to which ho refers and why should they in a community to which your moralist would bo no great credit anyway. Yours, .Ossanvlta. to a I a le m th lo p w et a ea he 0.fir he Po p0 T pl po di W fe 1n 0 54 I31 of de an pi pa wa me wh wo 100 his olo to loo bla goo the has loo Th ale an pia bolo hog ga 1010 Nor boa exp her SS 0 this bolo and forw Bay they this Mr. La MUSICAL AND Lirea,Rr.—A very in- teresting entertainment was held in the Alethodist Church on Monday evening of this ,votlk of the musical and literary order. B. Gerry, of Brueslls, took the; chair and presided Morrie, Oot. 20111, '86, A Selling craft went down with all hands on board off the coast of New- foundland on Tuesday last. News of the murder and cremation of a woman by ono of her neighbors comes from Palmar "Rapids, county of Renfrew. At a meeting of the Board of Di, rectors of the Toronto Baseball As. soclation E. Strachan Cox wits 10. elected Preeidont. BANKING. A(I a1NTOSII k AICTAGGART, BANISNRS, BRABSIiLB Transact a General B(inlaing Business. Nome 1•) head dime motel, Internet allow.)1 on tio.ieattl 111t%.1!,ltl 100 demand, Prompt at0onttou given to eolloolious.: LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. T E, WADE, BARRISTER,So. 114 • Qlllno formerly noanplo i b y t .1. Ara Qoll,Eaq„ 111 Leakto's Rlnok. Hooey to loan MT, ��XT B. DICKSON, (LATE WITH !tor, Conveyancer,, de ke uUllnae, ICranle 0,1ook Brussels, bronoy to loan, ALEX HUNTER CLERK OF the Fourth RebryPullLand L000nand Ineuranoo Agent, Funds iuvfelted and to loan Qolloctione made. Office in Graham's Block Brussels. MEDICAL CARDS. T A. MCNAUGHTON, M. D., 0. Surgeon and Acoo sobour,li Edinburgh. rs, 88 o1's btook, Turuborry Street. Mte. Shiel'a A. HUTOEIINSON, Af.D., L. 0, C.P. Lldinburph, Coroner lios(duee,on County trees, OdMiraloe at Ear. grooves' Drug Store. 3. M. F. CALE, M. D., C. M. Morebor of the College of Phvototans and SurgeonsofOntario ,by examination. Oafao and Realtiauoe—.11ato80, Zoot, EOhe , Ontario. • 0 __._...._.__ _ ENTAL L. BALL, L. D. S. HyONOR Col- lege of Dentistry,, te Toronto, viteta Royal Office on Thursday of every week. 13. B. Mw • los, assistant, attends Mike remainder of the week. All operations carefullypetformod and ouarantoed. The various autesthatise, local andQeneral, used. Prices moderato. Office,—Over G. A. Powell's o tore. °•bw. J. Fear •L. D. S., Graduate of To- ronto Schoolof Dentistry, All opera- tious guaranteed. OIDoa—O ady's Block, Soaforth. Artificial teeth, first quality, and a guaranteed at, for 512,00 per set, BUSINESS CARDS. yu H. MoORACKEN, ISSUER Grocery,Turuberry, street, Olaoou 20tite 0 -•.•••-,....ems.. ., TM. ROI)DIOIK, HOUSE, SIGN painter. Ea mates' plain ho rfuully furnished. Chargee moderate. McNAIR, ISSUER OF MAR. rialto0Aoonsoe, by appointment of Lieutonant•Gov,ruor, Commissioner, Oto„ Q, IL Conveyancer ari4Igqout Eire Insurance Co. Olpeo at 1110 tlraubroolt poet onleo. T11, O'CONNOR, FIRE, LIFE, Aent Remo of Wit bust and 10001 reliad Loan ble. ee Ca mpanr. lee iu the Dominion, COMM Brick 'Perraoe, Turnborry Sttaet, noar thu etatioo.. Om lt/i'ISS LILLA O'CONNOR Roaoborar muds, Vocal odd Instrumoot- ni on Organ, Piano, or Guitar, Harmony and Thorough lines. Advanced pupils acted for Teaching. Terms on application. Reference, Ladies of Loretto Aoadefoy, Guelph, Resi- dence—No. 2, Terrace, (south )rear s atton. W. O'BRIEN, V. S., HONOR • Graduate of Oa tart° Veferieary College, has nod is prepared to treat all 4maseNott, o t domes- ticated animate on sutentiae and approved priuoioles.. Treatment of delicate fume a specialty. Odleo nt Jahn Notts, V. S. Robert Cunningham, INS URA NCE AGENT, Guelph, • Ontario. IF YOU WANT AN ELEGANT ane Cabinet Orve gan enquire at the L oeta0moo 1a - FARM TO RENT.—THE SUIS• Grey township, toga term cf five years. The earner will rent his farm, lot 12, eon. 7, farm !gin good order and the memo , for rent. Iugltle the proprietor intends giving up farm. log. For fullpartioulara apply to JOHN MciNTORB:, 1141 Brussels Brussels Y.O. 'PARR FOR SALE.—THE UN• J. dereigood wishes to dispose of hie ex- cellent 155 acre farm, lot 4, con. 6, Grey. There aro 140 aoros clear of stem u, and under crop, 110 acres of fall wheat in 1,000 rods of straight fence.'note to a .ret -plass dwo.ling bowie, largo bank barn, 60x00 feet, °reliara, and all other neeeesarles. P6soo0at011 would be given next spring in time for tea pa re roger to put in his atop. The farm 10 only 2 miles front B-••---'- 11-tf GEORGE 01100ES. 1011. SALE.—TWO FARMS -- Lot l4,onthe 6thoo0-, and lot 15, on the 7th eon., of Merris,00ntntulug 100 acres each, abwut 00 acres Moored, free from stump^, on one farts, aid about 00 acres cleared ou the other. The ulcered land is in a good state of cultivation aid well fenced. Good frame bar. and stables an dlog house on"ons, and. on the other a log douse and log barn, There le a good bearing orchard on lot 14. A'•,)'ovor-fail- 1ng spring creek 11120 through both places. The son is .ret-olaee, there is no bettorfernes sn the township. These places aro admirably adapted for grain grown or grazing, and within Tie miles of the nourishing town of Brussels. The planes will be sold together or separately, and can be bought cheep and on easyterine. Apply on the premises or address the prey rioter, Sunshine P.O. • 5•t1, GEO, SEALE, -Proprietor. Boots & Shoes r Boots & Shoes ! Boots & Shoes ! Ready -Made Clothing Ready -Made Clothing ! Ready -Made Clothing Gent's Furnishi'.gs, Gent's Furnishings, Gent's Furnishings. SATS & CAPS, xATS 1-1.A121S & CAPS. We make no puff about our Goods but wait- 112 People's verdict. !MALL" Graham's .Block, Si 0 Brussels, Se OSTRANDER.