The Brussels Post, 1886-10-22, Page 3OCT. 22, 1880,
Thorn's a young man ell the corner,
Filled with lib and strongth and hope,
Looking far beyond, the present,
With the whole world in his scope.
He i grasping at to -morrow,
net phantom none can eatolt
To -day to lost. Ile'a waiting
For tho eggs that never hatch,
Thrre's an old man over yonder,
',Vint a worn and weary fug,
With searching anxious ft:Mara,
And weaic,. uncertain paws.
lia 10 living in the future,
With no desire to catch
Tho golden Now, Bo's waiting
For the eggs that never Walt.
There's a world of mon and women,
With their life's work yet undone,
Who are sitting, standing, moving
Beneath the same great sun ;
1?.vers•eager for the f utare,
But not content to snatch
Tho Present. They aro waiting
For the eggs that never hateh.
Our wedding day, dear John's and mine,
At last, at last had some ;
When we as two should cease to be,
And love and live as one.
Bow eagerly wo talked about
Tho places whore we'd go.
All maiden fear was lulled to rest,
We loved each other so.
Tho words were said that made us one—
We wept our last good-byes.
O'or summer seas wo sailed and sailed
'.to lands with bluer skies. '
Whero Arno's waters swiftly slip
'Heath Ponta Veoohio's stones;
Whore Santo Crooe's marble saints
Watch o'er her honored bones.
Where gleam the gems of art divine
On church and palace walls ;
Whero on the ear the Sistine chant
Like seraph musk)
Across fair Naples' azure bay,
Whore Oaprl'a smiling shore
Woos those who love to feast for aye,
Never to wander more—
Through all that land of art and song,
Where love holds sway supreme,
We roamed and quaffed lifo's richest
And lived as in a dream.
« 0 • • •
Was this indeed our wedding trip ?
No. Only what we talked.
Wo went from mother's home to John's,
And John and I both walked.
"Love He Little, Love Ste Long."
A wedding occurred on the stage of
the Alexander Museum, on the Bowery,
New York, on Wednesday evening,
the 18th iust. Tho bride was the
Priecess Lucy, 19 years old, 27 inch-
es in height, and 28 pounds in weight.
Tho groom was Gen. Rheinbeek, who
weighs 40 pounds, is 86 inches high,
and 21 years of age. Tho Pair stood
on a small table in the centre of the
stage. The.bride, who is bright -look-
ing and quite pretty, wore a train of
white silk with a lace front. On her
head were the regulation bridal veil
and orange bloseoms. At her left
bend stood the bridesmaid, Mies
Annie Bell, a professional stout lady,
whose abundance of flesh made the
bricleai little figure look very tiny in-
deed. The little bride seemed to en-
joy the novelty of the ceremony. She
smiled in an amused manner and in-
dulged in a oligbt blush when the
pastor told her that she should bring
up ber children as "good Republican
citizens of the United. Statee."
investing in property here heti re.1
turned, and there have boleti cone°.
quent inquiree after bargainby leant
and outside parties whieli augur well
for a brisk demand next year. Pro.
porkies along Main etreet, nAllootigh
they have not titian in value yet, are
very firm, especially ninon the an-
nouncement of the building of the
H.13. road, aud next year will pro-
bably Hue a decided advance, at least
in good bulimia bloc:Isl. There have
been one or two heavy inveetmente
made by eastern and foreign capital-
ists, and inquiries are being cues tans.
ly made.
One real estate agent estimates., that
$500,000 would represent the amount
of real abate whicli has changed
bands during the past summer. AA -
other says that a largo portion of the
business done this summer was t110
buying of building lots by men on
salary, who have been Baying up, not
being sure whether they would re-
main here or not, but who have de.
°idea to make their permanent homes
in this city,
Some progress has also been made
during the past year in the settlement
ef vacant lamb around the city ; for
which the real estate agents are 00 -
titled to the credit, as all the immi-
gration agencies work to send immi-
grants west. Tho old lie that lends
around the city are held by epeculat.
ors at abnormally high figures bobs
up serenely at regular periods in the
eastern press, Laud IR cheaper in
the Bed River valley iu the neighbor.
hood of Winnipeg than in any other
part of the province. Altogether a
couple of hundreds were settled, and
/notch more would havo boon done in
this direction had the land -warrants
not taken hundreds to tbo free grant
district who would otherwise have re-
mained here.
Altogether, although neither the
Facet nor the past has been all they
would desire the majority of the real
estate dealers are satisfied with the
prospects for the future.
(From the Winnipeg Free Prose.)
The past summer has not been to
very prosperous one with the real es-,
tate agents in this city; there have
been no tory heavy transactions„ no'
booms, no fortunes made. And yet,
take them as a whole, they aro fairly
well satisfied with the season's aper-
ations, and are more hopeful of the
future than at any time since the
collapse of the boom. A. talk with a
number of agents showed that the
experience of one hacl boon that
of all.
During the poet summer, although
transaetions havo been light (temper-
ed with what they wore in the laal-
cyon days of 1882, there has been a
groat change effected in the minds of
the publie regarding the desirability
of Winnipeg property. After the
boom broke, men with plenty of pro.
petty were rather conamisserated than
otherwise, and for a year or so after-
wards, partly because prices still re-
mained ea abnormally high figures,
but chiefly because under the crash
many lost confidence in the future of
the country, and it wati impossible
to sell oily or farm pooperty either to
Winnipeggers or outsiders. But
prices have steadily been regulating
themselves in accordance with the in-
exorable natural law of supply and
demand, and this summer they found
themselves on a natural basis onee
more. Confidence in the safety of
Equal parts gum arable, gum myrrh
and blood root, pulverized.
Cnaett QUM—Two eggs, ono sing
sugar. one cup sour cream, scant
half-teaspoonrul soda, two cups flour.
If when cooking any dried fruit,
boiling water ia ourea on and left
the fruit simpler, it will bo much nia.
er than to use cold water.
To CAN FRI/IL—Place a silver spoon
in the can so that it will touch top
and bottom of the can, and there will
bo no need of fussing to warm the
beaten eggs, one cupful grated sweet
apple, one pint sweet milk, two large
spoonfuls of sugar, a little salt and
QUINCE bal.—Peel the quinces and
grate them on a coarse grater, and to
one pint of quiuce add three-fourths
of a pound of sugar ; boil it half an
hour ; put in small jars and cover as
other preserves.
BATTER PUDDING. --Ons quart milk,
sixteen tablespoonfulls of flour, four
eggs beaten very light; salt to taste.
Stir until the batter is free from
lumps, and bake in buttered pie plates
or very shallow pudding dishes.
FRUIT Catan.—Half pound brown
sugar, one cup shortening, one cup
of sour milk, with one teaspoonful
saleratus, three eggs, two pound rais-
ins, one pound warrants, half pound
citron ; flour to stiffen sufficiently.
sugar, one imp of butter, ono and one.
half cups of flour, four eggs, two tea-
spoonfuls of baking powder, and four
teaspoonfuls of cold water. This
makes a very light cake. Flavor to
TOMATO BUTTER.—Sixteen pounds
,nice tomatoes, one quart vinegar,
eight pounds sugar. Boil all togeth-
'er until thielt. When half done add
two large spoonfuls of cinnamon, one
of ground mace, and a teaspoonful of
cloves or allspiee.
pint of sour cream, half pint of sweet
milk, half pint of flour, throe eggs, a
little salt, half a teaspoonful of soda.
Beat the whites and yolks of the eggs
separately ; add the whites last, Bake
in a moderately hot oven. This is
the queen of batter puddings.
Ineas Caxis.—Take two eggs, well
beaten, one cup of sugar, half cup of
good, sweet mills, about six table-
spoonfuls of melted butter, one and
one.half cups of flour, in which put a
teaspoonful of baking powder and a
teaspoonful of lemon essence for
flavoring. Bake in one loaf in a mod-
erate oven,
A gang of (10 110 tor foi to r• hey.) bown
diseevertal at tit, Th' (((400,
Diphtherial,' very prevalent areuuol
Wetalelee, Essex ()entity.
floe. A. 'Mackenzie lute been mum-
itueuely re-unnolintoed for East Yorlo.
ObaTINal.011 at P011 SRIC1Py
WV,: (10W11 1111 W'elluetelay 13310.
Bead), the Anatralian worse -tau. 11.00
deeided te retire to ptratte
Deritig the pest Beason 180,000
poutnle or plums were shipped from
The Quebec Taibeqe will have a
working uisjnrity over Conservatives
Stud ludolieraitonts annained,
Port Elgin, by a vete of 124 to 28,
Luse decided to bonus a button rotatory
to the extent of $5,000.
Crowfoot, 00 hie rehire front the
East was bauquettecl by the Mayor
and Connell of Winnipeg.
The cost of the Iceopere of prison
in the Brant Comity jail during the
year was fla cents per diem.
Tho buildings erected iu Kingston
daring the past year aro valued at
between $175,000 and $200,000.
During the gale on Thursday after-
noon last some twenty. five miles of
tde West North-western Telegraph
Line weet of Lonclon was prostrated.
A child four years of ago at Stun-
mersicle, P.E. got a bean (net iu
her throat and an incision had to be
made in the throat before it could be
The five judges of the judicial dis-
tricots of the Northwest will be (livid.
ed tut follows :—Battleferd, Prince
Albert, Fort Pitt, Edmonton, Mac-
leod and Regina.
Cable »daisies Thursday state that
the ship Eudora sailed from Yoko-
hama for Port Moody, 11.0., with
18,000 paoiceges of tea for Canada
and the United States.
Kingston City Council has decided
to purchase the water -works plant, if
the company will sell it for $50,000
and to expend an additional $50,000
iu perfecting the system.
Little Jim Warren, 01 Hemilton, is
the youogost lad in Ontario Licata g
O seeendclass certificate. He reeeiv-
ed it at the ree.eut examination. His
age is 13a years, and he is going to
bo to lawyer.
Tho Ripley Creamery Co. have been
requested to put up ton tubs more
butter for the Colonial Ezhibition,
now going on in London, England.
This id the second lot from this far
famed oretomery.
The voting at Strathroy on Thurs-
day on the by-law grouting $1,000
and exemption to the aleaare. Gunn,
of Allen Craig, to establish a fax
mill in that town, was a miserable
failure, only 144 votes being polled.
The Governnaeut steamer Napoleon
left Quebec on Wednesday of last
week for the north shore of the Gulf
of St Lawrence, and will bring back
the forty or fifty families who, under
the direction of Bishop Reese, are to
be provided with shelter and land in
the County of Became.
A horse belonging to Mrs. Dia-
mond, Queen et. west, Toronto, was
guilty of a very grave indiscretion on
Sunday towards its owner. Mrs.
Diamond was hand feeding the an•
imal, which is more or less a pot,
with candy, when it suddenly became
seized with a desire to possess her
gold watch and attain, which it sot&
denly mapped from the lady and in-
stantly wallowed. A veterinary
surgeon was at ouoe summoned to at-
tend to the animal.
Canadian NOWPga
Two Gravenhurst citizens have been
fined for killing doer out of season,
and an exchange estimates that the
vension cost them $1 a pound.
231RaTE3E3=3, (DISTal.
- . . . .
Having leased tho well linr»ru and splendidly equipped ROBET
Mill from Messrs. Wm. Vanstonedi lions for it. WPM of years, WO desire
to intimate to the farmers of Mixon Co. and the public genevally
that wo are prepared to turn out the best brands of Flour, look after
the Gristing Trade, supply any quantity of Bran, Chopped Eittlir,
and buy Any Quantity of Wheat.
The Juin is recognized as one of the best in the County and our long
experience in this business gives us confidence in saying wo guarantee
Flour and Feed Always on hand.
i•Gristing and Chopping promptly attended to.
Stewart & Liowiok,
A representative of a syndicate of
Detroit, Buffalo, Rochester, and
Scotch millers arrived at Grand
Forks, Dak., on Oct. 7. He said :—
"Tho stockholders of the organization
aro actual inillers. Wo propose to
buy rip all the genuine No. 1 hard
wheat raisecilin the Red River Valley,
not to speculate with but to grind in
OUP mills. This wheat is worth from
10 to 15 cents more per bushel for
actual grinding purposes than any
other wheat raised. Having resorted
to every known measure to get this
wheat in its uuadultoreoted purity,
and having failed, we now impose to
come into ihe market and buy in
An exchange says :—The meetings
being hold by the Rev. Sam Jones in
Toronto aro increasing in interest
from day to day. All the papers de-
vote columna to reports of his ad-
dresses. These addresses are mark-
ed by all tbo well-known character-
istics of this peculiar preacher. They
abound in pathos and in slang. The
most solemn appeals .are introduced.
and rounded off with humorous illus,
trations and. not ovor.rofined witti-
cisms. The Bev. Sate takes his own
course, regardless of Lint, appeal or
criticism. That there is much truth
and power in his addressed, that the
humorous and slangy elements aro
mere appendages and by no means
the sttbstauce of his addresses, must
bo apparent to it'l1 disinterested ob.
00 0
without which none are genuine, and when asking for Lauranoe's
Be Sure they airs Lemreaue's
an they are in the market.
tsuo1.v1lua in
Carriage Works,
All made of the Bes Material and finished in a Workman -like manner
Repairing and Painting promptly attended to..
Parties intending to buy should call before
REFERENCES.—Marsden Smith, B. Laing, James Outt and Wm. Mc-
Kelvey, Grey Township ; W. Cameron W. Little, G. Brewar and D.
Breckenridge, Morris Township ; T. Town and W. Blashill, Brussels ;
Rev. E. A. Fear, Kirkton, and T. Wright, Turnberry Township •
ti A
R:ES-T ek 1FL TilEt
Tho undersigned, having completed the change from the stone to the
Celebrated Hungarian system of Grinding, has now the Mill in
First-ciass Running Order,
And will he gladito see all his old customers and as many new, ones
as possible. hopping done.
Flour and Feed. Always on 1--Xand..
Highest Price paid for any quantity of Good Grain.