HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1886-10-15, Page 88
Oar. 16, 1886.
Tint telephone poles in town have
SPEOIFic 010111 OF EOM Yi been neatly painted this week,
T$E Weekly Globo to the end of
Wily is there such a difference 11887 for One Dollar, balance of 1886
in the specific gravity or thickness free to new subscribers. W. H, Kerr,
of Honey when taken from the Agent.
same flowers 2 It ]night bo said Tan Daily Ontario in speaking of
that the longer it is allowed to Po- the fire in the Defoe Afouso, Belleville,
plain in the hive the thicker it bo- referred to last week, says :—.Et. M.
Ceramic, who oeoupied room 57, in
comes, so gat extracted too soon the second story in the oast and wag
after being gathered by the bees the first one to discover the fire, With
it is very thin and will frequently groat presence of mind ho put on hie
sour. We use a large hive so as cont anis vest and ran out of his room
to get the honey thick and well calling "fire" at the top of hie voice.
ripened before extracting. By buy- His first thought, ho said, was of the
lug our honey you will therefore danger of the guests in the third
get as good as can be obtained. story and, leaving his own room to
the mom of the flames, he dashed
G. A. Deadman, up stairs is give the alarm in• the
l uggist, Bookseller d Apiarist. third and fourth storeys. After he
1' did this he went hack to his room for
""°"'"'"'="="'''''''''''21 his clothing, but it was to late. With
GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. a spirit of heroism which was highly
commendable, he cared more for the
SOUTHERN EXTENSION, W 0 & 13, R. lives of his fellow boarders than he
Trains leave Brussels Station, north and did for We °en effects ; for when he
outh,asfollows. returned to his room the pleoe was
eohie Beeth, Gains Nortlt• all on fire. Ho had no pante on, but
Mali 7:15 am,I Mixed...,: .... ...10:25a,m'
3.49 p.m. wore a cont and vest. In his great
Express i1:45a.m. Mail
Mixed 8:50p.m. Express ...,..9315 p.m,
hurry to dress he forgot them. Some -
-m--.'"---""' one loaned him 0 pair of trousers
y afterwards to cover his legs, but they
d"ila .r.ills 211.1 , only did that partially. They just
came a short way below his knees,
A ahiel's among yo talon' notes but Mr. Cormack, with a true spirit
An' faith he'll grant it. of manliness, appeared to care little
for his own lose since all the gide and
Now is the time to advertise. servants, too, were paved. He is a
BEAD G• A. Powell's advt. this telegraph operator in Cox & Co's.
week, broker office, and came to Belleville
Orman your grapes. Prices very low. from New York." Wo can imagine
A'Aac Goon. Harry sailing round with his kilt style
THE advt. of 13'. 0. Rogers should of
f wardrobe.
e. It is wealthier tofsleeep
be read by everybody. yourP y Y
G. L. BILL, L. D. S., will be at hie office, are still boarding at a hotel, you are
Brussels, on Thursday. then prepared for an emergency.
ANOTHER member added to the Good PE11soNALs.—Miss Heleu Welsh, of
firm. See birth notice. Kincardine, was visiting at J. R.
Tues. MCLAUGHLIN has some fine Grant's this week.—W. A. Tato, of
lambs for sale. See advt. Toronto, spent Sunday in town.—
Cow Chains from 10c. each and up. Joe. Ballautyne was home from Blyth
Oall and Inspect our Stock. for a day this week.—J. Myers and
THE bridge is up and Grant & Co, wife, of Stratford, were visiting their
are offering greater inducement than daughter, 111re. G. A. Powell, for a
ever in Hardware. few dep.—Rev. Dr. Griffin, of Guelph,
THE POST and Weekly Globe from President of the Guelph Conference of
this date to January 1st, 1888, for the Methodist 0hureh, passed through
the small sum of $2.25, in advance. Brussels last Saturday on his way to
$2.25, in advance, secures THE a church opening at Beryls. He re-
PosT and Weekly Mail from now to turned on Tuesday.—Thos. Watson
the end of 1887. Now is the time to sr. arrived home last Ssturday from
subscribe. s• visit of three weeks to his son
h in Winnipeg.—Mrs. Wesley
James ELLY will be very grateful to as. Joseph
certain the names of persons who were in Yoo, of Oakville, was visiting old
Geo. Thomson's grocery, come time ago, friends in this locality last week.—
when he and Mr, Thomson made en agree- ltev. W. Baugh, of Ripley, was in
meat for building stone. Brussels this week.—Mies Shannon
Sas the advt. of the Westeru Ad- is visiting in Wingbam.—Ryall Pel.
vertiser, the best paper of the west. ton was home to Woodstock on a vis -
THE POST will be clubbed with it for it this week.—Mrs. J. H. Crocker, of
1887 for $2,25, in advance. Shelburne, has been renewing old
NEXT Sunday communion services acgnaintanes in Brussels for the
will be held in Knox church. The past week.—F. S. Scott, J. 11I. Mold
pastor will be assisted by Revs. tush, Giffard Elliot and others are
.Messrs. Ballantyne and McRae. attending Chancery Court at Belle.
THE following answer is sent us to villa this week. The case they are
the wheelbarrow question of Walker on is Thompson vs. Kendall, and is
& Humphries :—John's ohildren be- about north -half of lot 25, con. 11,
come half-brothers and sisters to Grey. Mr. Elliot is acting for the
James' wife, and vice versa. They defendant.—Wm. Pelton, wife and
therefore become step uncles and children, of Listowel, were in town
aunts to each other.
Gmrose PEBBIE and J. D. McColl
have signed articles of agreement for
a heavy weight and wrestling contest
for $100 a side and the champion-
ship of Canada, to take place in 8ea-
fortb on the 27th of October, in the
following events :—Putting the 21
and 14.1b. shots, throwing the 16 and
12.Ib. hammers, throwing the 561b.
weight, tossing the caber, wrestling,
catch-as•oatch-can. G. McLean, of
St. Marys, is the final stakeholder.
25 CENTS, in advance, gets Tun
Pow for the balance of 1886.
Tun prize list of the Blyth Show
oley be found on page 8 of this is•
The new bridge put up for use un,
til the iron bridge is completed is a
very eubstantial one and was opened
for traffic on Wodnosday.
AN information was laid against
James Irvine, Thos. Sample and
Willutim Sample jr. for wilfully and
maliciously injuring property oeoup-
ied by the Halliday family, Case
game on before Hie Worship Alex,
Hunter. The charge against the two
former was dismissed but in the latter
ease against Win. Sample, he wise
fined $8.00 and costs, W. M. Sin-
clair took charge of the naso for the
—The band serenaded W. B. Dick-
son an'd wife on Tbiirsday night of
last week.—A. Currie has built a
large woodshed to the rear of his res-
idence on John street,—No less than
6 buggy horses from Brussels were
exhibited at the Blyth Show leek Fri-
day.—Service in the Catholic church
next Sunday.—Candy, shoe laces and
button hooks wore in groat demand
lest Saturday evening.—A wedding
is on the tirpls in which E. D. and
Miss S. aro said to be the contracting
parties.—Au unsightly hole in front
of the woolen mill has been filled up
with broken stone,—The Free Mae -
one intend removing to the commod-
ious hall over TICE Poem Publishing
House, Garfield block.—A ratepayer
complains of people who feed their
cows on the sidewalk. The constable
should look after them.—J. R. Smith
is converting a stable on his lot Into
a comfortable dwelling house.—The
weather has boon very much like En -
dish summer.—The Fall Shows are
over. --P. Thomson had the job of
putting up the temporary bridge.—It
ie said S. Ostrander intends going into
the ready made clothing and fiat and
cap department.—The tax collector
will Boon be on the rampage.—A
large crowd gathered on the street
corner last Saturday evening to hear
a man swear about a horse race. The
"cooler" should be the temporary
habitation of the user of blasphemous
language on the street. -14 "goose
eggs" is a good batch for one clay.—
Special YanAllen was assisting the
Army on Thursday evening of this
week.—A farmers' ball and supper
will beheld on the 22nd inst. Danc-
ing in the Town HalhA large num-
ber of our townspeople are greatly in-
teresied in Rev. Sam. Jones' sermons
and the daily papers are eagerly
sought after.—There 1s a great scar-
city of freight cars at Brussels sta-
tion. About 80 or 40 are wanted
now for grain, salt and produce.—
The Dry Goods merchants have
agreed to adopt the early closing sys-
tem throughout the Fall and winter.
The temporary bridge is finished. P.
Thompson, assisted by the veteran
bridge builder D. McNaughton, and
W. Richardson rushed it up in a
hurry. The approach to the bridge
has been gravelled,—The town solid -
over Sunday.—Mies Lily Turnbull, of tor has all the papers ready in the
Attwood, was visiting in town last 1 Ronald ease which will be settled by
Week,—•John Campbell and Miss special Aot of Parliament. Mr.
Campbell, of Seaforth, were in town
on Monday. Mies Campbell was on
her way to Kincardine to sing at a
concert.—Mrs. Wm. Buyers, of Strat-
ford, was visiting James Buyers last
week.—Miss Myra Holland has been
quite ill during this week but is re-
covering nicely.—J. Mulholland left
last Tuesday for Dakota where he
purposes entering the ministry of the
Methodist church.—Mrs. Porter and
children and Mies Morgan, of Winni-
peg, are visiting at 'W, H. Moes',—
E. E. Wade is away at Toronto.—
Itir. and Mrs. Howell, of Hamburg,
were visiting their daughter, Mrs. S.
Plum, in Brussels. --Lest Tuesday we
were favored with a call from Rev,
Geo. Richardson, of Listowel, and
Rev. 0. E. Stafford, of Palmerston.
They were on a missionary deputa-
tion to the Honfryn relation.—Miss
Lottie Smale is visiting her brother
Hendy, at Waterford.—Mies Lizzie
Jackson is home from Toronto and is
prepared to receive pupils in music.—
Mrs. Archy Taylor and her daughter,
of Tara, formerly of ,Brnssele, Were
visiting old friends in town this week.
—Miss Strachan, of Glencoe, who
was visiting friends in this locality
for several weeks, returned home last
Thursday.—Miss Jennie Wells, of
Dresden, is making a visit with her
Brussels friends.—Geo. Oaldbiok, of
Holmosville, was in town this week.
He was on his way to British Coll
umbia.—A little daughter of T.
O'Neil was badly scalded last week
by the bottom dropping out of a pan
containiuing some boiling pudding.—
Mrs. Hutchinson is away at Now
York visiting, --Albert Donny, of Nip -
gam, is visiting his mother.-0oun•
oilier Tallier has been on the aid hat
this week.
FIVE large cases, weighing 1,100
pounds, were shipped from this eta•
tion on Tuesday last. They contain-
ed clothing and other useful articles,
for gratuitous distribution among the
Indians on the Aesinibuine .Reserve,
Indian Head. The articles were con-
tribntetl by seven of the Auxiliaries
an the MaitlandtPresbyterian Society,
viz Kincardine, Huron, Langeide,
Lucknow, Bluevale, Ethel and Brus-
sels. Through the kindness of Mr,
Creighton half -rates were secured on
the G.T.R. ae far as Toronto, whore
they will be forwarded to destination
by the 0.P.R. at half -rates also.
A MEETING of the Warden's Qom.
Inittes, concerning the delay in the
building of the new iron bridge, was
held here last Friday. The contra0•
tor, Mr. Law, of Peterboro', was also
present. He agreed to build a tem-
porary bridge to take tho place of
the new struoture for a few weeks.
The delay has been 000aeicnod in gett-
ing iron from the Old Country. Aa
far as allowing the bridge to be taken
down before the new structure was
ready the blame seems to refit entire-
ly on the Oa. reiegineer. The iron
will be here in Sly course of a few
weeks, Owing a bungle in the
bonds given by the contractor ho is
not compelled to forfeit anything for
non -fulfilment of contract at time
apecifpd, viz Oot. let.
lions.—In Morrie, on Qat, 8th, the wife of
Mr, Thee, Sono jr. of anon (still bort),
Savnon.—In Grey, on Ost. 0th, the wife of
Mr. Henry Savage of a sols.
Goon,—In Brawls, on Oot, lith, the wife
of Mr. Adam Good of a son,
Homier—PAUL0N,--la Wroxoter, ou the fah
blab, at the residenoo of the bride's
parents, by the ltov. Mr. Edwards, Mr,
Wesley J. I3upfer, of Gerrie, to Miss
Ada E., eldest daughter of Mr. James
GresoN—reams: In Wroxeter, on tho Oth
inst,; at the Presbyterian Manse, by
the bride's father, Mr, Thomas Gib-
son, of Wroxeter, to Miss Jessie, eldest
daughter of Rev. George Brown,
MreurE.—I0 Morrie, ofSunday, Oat. 10th,
Margaret Mioltie, aged 30 years, 11
months, 20 days.
—..�•.-....A.uction t5u,lolx.
MONDAY, OCT. 18Tlr.—Fast, farm stook,
implements, S:s., lots 80 and 81, con. 9,
J. I.Grey.
Baker, prop Oapb. St ottou, au tails.
TOEsnax, OCT. 2GTu.—Farm Stools, imp-,
lements, &o. lot 11, you. 10, Grey. Sale
oommences at 1 o'clock, sharp. Thomas
Moore prop. Geo. Love, anat.
Ronald takes the foundry property,
pays the town Treasurer $1,100 and
all the costs of securing this special
Act. It is to be hoped this dragged
out cage may be speedily and satis-
factorily settled.—John Wynn should
have been credited with 2nd prize for
single top buggy at the Brussels Fall
Show, last week,—R. Malcolm has
hung out a new sign at his furniture
store, Wilson's block.—W. R. Wilson
is building a dry kiln at bis foundry.
Their band saw works splendidly.—
Tho Blyth base ball elub failed to
connect this week. They even sent
a 15 cent telegram oolleot.—A new
fire engine was tested last week. Its
destination will be Bowmanville, we
understand.—Last Saturday George
Whitley, of Seaforth, stopped in town
while on his return trip from Walk.
erten, where he had been attending
the fair with his trotting horse. He
won 1st prize. A horse race was ar-
ranged for Saturday evening here but
one horse did not show up so it fell
through. There was a good deal of
"wind" expended over it however.—
Beattie's'bns is receiving au over-
hauling and a new dregs of paint.—
The Olinton cricket club came to
Brussels on Thursday to play our
team but the rain prevented the game
coming off,—A .Reform Demonstra-
tion will be hold at Winghare next
Tueaday afternoon. Hon. Edward
Blake, Hon. A, M. Roes, M. 0, Cam -
Oran, M.P., Thos. Gibson, M. P. P.,
and J. Somerville, M.P., aro expect-
ed to be present.—Tho Laidies' Aid
of the Methodist church will give a
goose social in the church on nuke.
giving Day evening,—Rough weath-
er is predicted for a time.—Dr. Gra-
ham 19 having a well dug on hie lot
north of the river.
TUESDAY, OCT. 19:11.—Farm stook, imp-
Transact a General BanlYioog
B us'iness..
Nolan to lint dtseaa,ited.
Interest,tltowa l on dop,alht rs,,tyablell011
Prompt attention Riven to oolleatinns.
loments &o. Lot 13, Con. 0, Grey. Salo
oommences at 1 o'clook, sharp. Robt.
Memory, prop. Ales. Dolgatty, anat.
•• Tilvesnas, Om. 28Tu,—Farm stools and
implements, lot 18, oon.7, Grey. Salo Dom-
me/ices at 1 o'clock, sharp. Illijab Bate-
man, prop. A. Raymnnn, aunt.
TEUEBDAr, OCT. 210,—Farm stock and
implsmonts, let 12, con. 14, Groy. Bale
commences at 1 o'clock, sharp. George
Brigham, prop. A. Reymann, aunt.
WEDNESDAY, OCT. 20TH.—Farm stook and
implements, lot 17, con. 7, Morris. Sale
commences at 12 o'clock, noon. Purvis dt
Burgess, props. A, Delgatty, allot.
WEDNESDAY, O0T. 27.1e1.—Farm stook and
implements, on lot 11, con. 7, Morris. Sale
to commend at 1 o'olook. Jas, Hall, prop„
Geo. Kirkby, anal. —
Brussels Markets.
Ooa11eOTnD OAnnraaax Event WEEK.
White PO Wheat.... •. 69 70
70 71
Red Winter Sb 70
Spring Wheat 45
Barley 20 28
Pass 48 50
Butter, tube and rolls 18 14
Eggs per down15 00
Flour per barrel 4 50 00
50 00
Potatoes new
Hay per ton 8 00 9 00
Hides per lb 7 7i
Dressed Hoge 5 00 5 50
Salt per bIt., wholesale .:60 80
Sheep skins, each 50 1 0 1 00
very cheap , suitable for fruit, butter, or
cheese. Frostproof and well ventilated.
J. R. GRANT, Postmaster.
A foweplendid,impxo� rile use or sal
in the township of Groy,
lop. Apply to A DELGAPTY ,Co Au bl n er
sell, 11 miles from Oranbrook. For
furtherartioulars apply }VM OSTElt, to:
Oranbrook, P.0, Concord, P.O.
Turnips for sale in lots to suit
pur chasers. They are a splendid crop. The
Price fe,10 Milt, pet bushel. Apply to
THOMAS DAVIDSO:T, Lot 10 eon.11,
13-45 Groy, Oranbrook P.O.
County Funds to loan on farm sonority, In-
terest Op"
oeut, Applyto the
LJ 100 sore farm for sale, near Bru ssol0, also
20 head fat nettle, a gentle driyiug mares,woll-
broil and pretty fast. and one general purpose
mare. Apply to URIA11 MOFADDEN.
11-4 Lot 8, con. 12, Grey.
tt 77 of the undersigned, Lot 0, Con .3, Groy, a
two yeas old steer, gray in dolor. The owner
is reqquested to prove property, pap charges,
and baste him away, ELIJAH JAC188LIN,
12-4 Jamestown P. 0.
All persons indebted to the late James King,
shoemaker, aro kindly requested to collet Mr.
Iiailitnty's shop on llionday,256h inet„whoa I
wllTbo thorn to reosive mnioa and give re-
ceipts for the eamo. All interested will please
govern themselves aeeexdiugly.•wkt 10ING,
IAA Ethel, Oat, 110111589.
Butener, thanking his
many customers for theirtiboral
upport for tho past six years
wishes to inform them that be -
lug borne d out of bbe old stand has fitted up a
ahoy in Smale'e Block in first•class style
nal ant many
now °noseso]tho old ou Soo fit to give pima
call. I keep nothing but first-class moats, all
itindeofPoultry and Sausage Meat. Deliver-
ed to all parte of the town l7rao, Cash paid
for Fat Stook.
. OMloo formerly occupied by 1..7, Tie•
Oo11,90eq., 1n Leckie's Meek. Money to loan
�7 T
tl 7 n Garro'w t Proudfoot, Ooderioh) CoIlo-
it0r, Oonvoyaneer, &e. 00155, Grant's block,
Brussels. Money be loan.
Varna For tL1e.
J1he subaertber offers for sale his valuable
farm hi t110 Town ship of Grey, nom5rising iota
O and 7, con. 11 h1 said township. This farm
contains 200 aeras and is within 11 miles of
the thrivingvillage 01 B russets, with good
gravelroadeading thereto, About 150 sores
aro cleared, free from stamps and in high
state of cultivation, The balanoo is finely
wooded, This farm 10 particularly woll fenc-
ed, nearly the whole of the fences being
straight andltavingpboon erected in 1885 and
1886. On the premises thorn is a comfortable
log dwelling house and a good frame barn with
stone stabling nudorneath in wbleli there la
a well With an abundant supply of excellent
water. There is likowlac a 010w frame imple-
menthouso, 40x20, well Oooro,1, above and bo.
low, and neatly sided and painted. Ser par•
tteufaro apply to the Proprietor,
Itogfatrar,ronr Go.,
.tom the Fourth Divlolou Court Co. Huron,
srcegtsotedadtoloIInuante. Fundivsnan
Colleetioni made. 011100 in Graham's Block
T A. kloNAUGHTON, M. D., O.
•, M. L, R. 0. P, rdinbergh. Physiolsn,
Surgeon and Aeeouahoer. 00100, Mrs. Shiol s
blush, Turuborry Street,
r.1 .
L. 1t, 0. P. 0diaburgh,
Coroner for the Qoanby of Huron,
Residence, on Mlll Street. 011100 at Mar -
grooves' Drug Store,
M. F. CALE, 111. D., C. M.
Member of the. College of Physicians and
Surgeons of Ontario ,by examination,
°into and Rosidonos—Mnlu 8t. blast, Ethel,
Ontario. 0
Graduate adblember of Royal 001.
loge of Dentistry, Toronto, visibe Brussels
Oiheo on Thursday of every wook. 11. B, Mor -
les, assistant, attends °iflea remainder of the
week. All operations carefully pet formed and
nuaranteed. The various awnelh011es, local
and general, need. Prices moderato.
0.111a0,—Over G. A. Powell's s tore.
'IW. 3. Foes,L, D. S, Graduate of To-
ronto School of Dentistry. All opera-
tions guaranteed. 012ios-0 ady's Block,
Artificial tooth, first quality, and a
gunrt¢toed fit, for 013.00 per set.
•of Marriage
etLcLicenses. Ofaoo3a 3 his
G rocery, rrY
11 • rinse Licenses, by appointment 01
Lieutenant -Governor, Oommisa ouor, ,to., Q.
B, Conveyancer and Agoat Fire Insurance Co..
00100 ,rt the Cranbrook Post 00100.
• Aoaldont and Loan Insuraneo Agent for
some of the best and most reliable Compan-
iesin the Dominion, OMoe, Brick Terrace,
Turnberzy Sheet, near the station. .8m
Teacher of Nunic, Vocal add instrument-
al on Organ, Plano, or Gaiter. Harmony and
Thorough Baas. Advanced pupils fitted for
—▪ Ladies of Loreto Academy,
application. Eos
dance—No, 2,Terraoo, (south near station,
-piW. O'BRIEN V. 8., 13ONOR
. Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College,
has resumed rho practice o(John Nett, V. $.
and 16 prepared to treat all diseases of domes-
ticated animals on eatontfao and approved
specialty. OffiTceaat John No t'a, V t6 f0ale a
Robert Cunningham,
Guelph, - Ontario.
• Coal Stove with grate, Centro Table or
ane Cabinet Organ enquire at rho Post Office.
18- .
norther will rent hie farm, lot 12, eon. 7.
Grey township, fora term of ave years. The
farm is in good order and the noses for rent -
ing(t la the proprietor intends giving up farm-
ing. i1'or full particulars apply to
301355 MOINTSSH,
Brussolo P.O.
doreigned wishes to dispose of hie ex-
oellent 155 nerd farm, lot 4, eon. 0 Grey.
There aro 140 mores clear of stumps and under
crop. SO aures of fall wheat In 1,000 rods of
straight fence. 'There: in n first -clam dweinng
house,largge bank bare, 00 x 00 foot, orchard,
and all other Ueeeesarios. Possession would
bo given next spring in time for the parohasor
to put in hie crop. The farm 18 only 2 miles
from lOrussele,
11-tf 0110110E 01000ES.
"... Tv the Village of 13rh8sols. Thorp 10 a
goodbarn, 40x 00 feet, neat cottage house with
good collar, hard and eon water and ovary.
thing convenient, rho land 1s well under -
drained with too. Whore aro about 100 bin ok
currant bushes, one dozen end adiall bleak
raspberryy, two dozen red, ono dozen goose-
berry, plenty of strawberry plants, and one
dozen apple, plum, .and ohorry trees, The
fruit ie the best that Money eau buy and in
full bearing order, except apple, chary and
plum trees. The beet of neighbors,
Apply to b, F11AIN,
13.4- llruesols,
SALE. --TWO FdR12S•—
IL Lot 14 on tiro 0 tuaon., and lot 15, on the
7(1 1 eon, of'Morris .contalning 100 acres eaoh,
about 00 soros °leered, free from stumps on
Ono farm and about 00. floras °leered ou the
other, The cleared' land ie in a good state of
auitivation and well/ended. Good frame barn
and stables, an dlog house on one, and on the
other a log house and log barn, Thyro is a
good bearing orchard on lot 14. A never -tail•
ing spring crook runs through both please,
Who soil 90AseS-aloes, there is nobotterfarms in
tho township, Thoeo pla000 aro admirably
adapted: for grain growing or grazing, and
Within five miles of the flourishing town of
Brussels. Tile plaoo0 will be Said together or
separately, and San be bought cheap and on
easy terms. Apply on the promisee or address
the proprietor,Sun0hblo lib0.
GEO, sr.Arz,
G.tf, Proprietor.