HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1886-10-15, Page 44 THE BRUSSELS POST OCT. 15, 1SS0. fa 4i{ru5EcI.s nsf. FI?LO.1Y, OCT. 15, 1886. Perth County Nor:eie. A 150 lb. squash was a curiosity at the Mitchell fair. George Albert Doney, formerly of Milthank, 'teased his L. L. B. exam- ination at the Toronto University re- cently. Willie, the youngest son of R, Morrow, of St. Marys, had the mis• fortune to have one of his eyes put out while he and another little fellow were playing with a sickle in London last week. Tho Stratford Herald says that Messrs. Holland & Wade of the En- gineering Department of the G.T,B., Montreal, arrived In the city, and will commence to stake out the ground for the new shops. The work of building will be commenced immediately, and pushed through to completion with all possible speed. The Reform Convention for the South Riding of Perth met at Mit- chell on Tuesday. Every municipal- ity was fully represented and the greatest unanimity prevailed. The Reform Association wan reorganized with W. 0. Moacrip, of St, Marys, president, and T. H. Race, of Mitch- ell, secretary ; vice-presidents, Dr. Irving, of Kirkton, and Thos. Byars, of Dublin. The nominations of Jas. Trow for the Oommous, and Thomas Ballantyne for the Ontario Legislat- ure were made nnauimously by a standing vote. The nominees in turn addressed the convention amid the greatest enthusiasm. Canadian Newt+. Diptheria is prevalent in Port Stanley. Sarnia's rate of taxation is 2 1.10 cents on the dollar. St. Thomas will likely have free postal delivery next year. Geo. A. O000k, M.P.P., of South Oxford, has erected a $15,000 resi- dence in Norwich. The Hamilton Police commission- ers have accepted the resignation of Chief of Police Stewart. Manager Humphries, late of the Torontos, will succeed Bancroft as manager of the Rochester base ball team in 1887. A man in Roman amputated ono of his tees with a razor, after suffer• ing some days from a wound made by a hay fork. He was assisted by his better half. "Rev." Wyatt Hannah, an Eng- lisliman who preached at Brandon and -Whitewater Lake all summer, has gone west after securing $2,000 worth of goods from merchants. His forged cheques wore dishonored at SVinnipeg. It is rumored that the tunnel ecbamepromoted by the Grand Trunk Railway 0o. is about to be put in def- inite shape, and that it is the inten• tion of the company to go on with the work. The directors wore to meet in Sarnia Saturday to discuss the pro• poser. The Haldimand Assizes opened at Cayuga Monday. The criminal dock- et is heavier than usual. A great deal of interest ie being taken in the charges of bribery arising out of the late Haldimand election. There are five in number against six different persons. Two of them are co•de- fendents. True bilis were found for bribery against Henry Oribbins and John Sunday. Other bilis aro under consideration. A tar and feather outrage was per- petrated on the 41h concession of Mono lately. A man and wife nam- ed Coulter were being visited by an acquaintance named Wood, who had whiskey with him, and the two were engaged performing the exodus act on the contents of the bottle, when they were attracted outside by a noise and were set upon and stripped and tarred. Arrests ase expected in con- nection with the affair. Ohms. A. Hand was arraigned on Tuesday at the Assizes at Sarnia be- fore His Lordship Justice O'Connor, on the charge of having hired one "Nip" McDonald to blow' up J. G. McCrae'a house in Jane. He was also arraigned on the charge of having dynamite in his possession with in- tent to blow up Inspector Palmer's residence three 'weeks ago. The grand jury brought in true bills a- eeinst trend in each .case. "Nip" stela".,aid ie represented ad living at different times In Port Huron, De- troit and at other cities, At ono time he was auspccted of the murder of Dan Ewer, of Port Huron, at De- troit, about a year ago. When ar- raigned Hand was somewhat nervous but recovered himself. The trial was commsnesd on Thursday morning. 13, B. Oster, •Q, O,, of Toronto, has been retained for the defence of Hands. Diphtheria is prevalent in St. Marys, The Galt Oouuo11 is making war upon the overhanging street signs. Col. Denison will give his decision in the Burns coal conspiracy °nee at Toronto on Monday next, A Crooked Lake Indian took sec - and prize for the best wheat at the Regina fair in competition with the whites. A meeting of ratepayers will bo oallsd shortly to consider the desirtt• bility of securing a branch of the 0. P. R. from a point near Tbamesville to Ridgetown. At Oanninglon on Friday night last some unknown persons broke in- to the batraoks of the Salvation Army toro the head out of the big drum, destroyed a tambourine, and smash- ed the collection plate. A young lady residing near Belton was married on Wednesday of last week, and on Sunday was visited by a young man who had long beau rival suitor for her affections, and who was ignorant of the feet of her marriage. An Indian at Granite Oreek, 13.0., is reported to have killed no fewer than nine persona. Hu last victim he stabbed in a quarrel a ehort time ago and then fled to the mountains, where he is regarded ns tolerably safe from pursuit. A collie whose form is well known on the streets of Elora, sneaked be- hind his master lo the train on Wed- nesday morning last, and when the locomotive started out with a special, was snugly ensconced beneath one of the seats of a car bound Guelph - wards. Arrived at the Royal City, he disembarked with the other folks, failed to find his master, remained a- bout the station all day and waited the return of the Eloriane from the exhibition grounds, rembarked for Elora with the crowd, and gob home on time, much to the satisfaction of all concerned. Mr. Bigg, principal of the Parkhill Hill School was last week fined $2 and costs on a charge of assaulting a public school pupil named Howley. The latter threw a potato and struck a little girl, while on the street at re- cess, The Principal of the High Sohool being a witness to the act re- quested the boy to accompany him to the room taught by Mr. Gilbert, principal of the Public Sohool, as there was an understanding between the two principals that the one should assist the other in maintaining dis- cipline among the unpile of the schools, for offences committed out- side the buildings during the hours for which the teachers are responsible for the conduct of pupils. The boy refused to go, and Mr. 13igg collared him, and ho thou refusing to go, Mr. Bigg gave him a few smart blows with a cane. About 2,000 persons witnessed the mounted sword contest between Dun- can Roes and August Schmitt, late of the German army, ab St. Louis. S ergt. Walsh has been fighting with R ase through the country, but when the pair reached St. Louis and issued a challenge to any one, Schmitt, who is nn adept swordeman, accepted it, and a genuine fight wag the result. There were nine attacks, alt very vicious. Blows on the armour were counted, but head blows were not al- lowed. Ross, who is extremely pow. erful, cut through Schmitt'° armour in the third attack and drew blood in a stream. Ross won the first four attacks and Schmitt then won throe, almost knooking Ross from his horse in the seventh. Ross won the eighth and in the ninth Schmitt struck Ross on the head, nutting the mask and almost splitting his skull. The fight was awarded to Ross, five points to four. At Monday night's meeting of the Toronto Baseball Aseooiatton the re- port of the directors and that of the Secretary -Treasurer were read. These reports stated that the receipts for the season of 1886 showed $12,000 of an inoreaee over those of the previous year. Nevertheless there was a de- ficit of $2,000 paused, it woe assert- ed, by exceptional expenses that would not be likely to occur another year, Of the proposed increase of $5,000 to the capital stook, $8,000 has been subscribed for and fully paid up. The directors have engaged for nowt sea- son a non-playing manager in the persnn of 0. H. Cushman, a gentle- man of largo oxperien es in the base• hall world. The death of the late Smith was fueliegiy referred to, Report adopted. The following were elected direotors :—E. S. Fox, Sergi. Stark, Lem. Fetcher, T. G. Black- stock and Wm, hlaopherson. At- tempts to go into an investigation of the past management were shut off. Mr. Foloher then startled the meet- ing by announcing that he would re- tire. It was concluded to defer ac- ceptltnee of hie resignatiou until the first meeting of the nsw'board. Hon, Geo. W. Ross will open tho new Aylmer High Sohool an Oct. 19th. During the first throe mongol or the current year, says the Victoria, B4O., Times, British Columbia pur• cbaued for 'coneumptlou 430,008 lbs, of sugar in Eastern Canada. More is a single item of trade between the east and the west amounting t0 about $1.00,000 annually. Forty years ago William Fenney, a brother of Mrs. John delay, of Bay street north, left Hamilton and went to California to push his for- tunes. He wrote ocoasioually for eight years, and then stopped writ. ing. For 82 years his family did not hear from him or of him, until one day 'last week, when he surpris• eft his sister and brother-in-law by quietly walking in upon them and announcing himself. Mr. Frooney has been mining in California and Dritieh Columbia all these yeare, and amassed a considerable fortune, Be will nettle in Hamilton. (y` WO RAM LAMBS FOR SALE, well Brod Loorhic000. e, Grey,OS, LeooHniw. l-4 0- HOUSE TO LET.—FRESHLY papered and kalsomined. Nice quiet ootnfenoed, v tient low godeanti. It. cellar. -Canada's Favorite Weekly THE WESTERN MIVERTISER QF LONDON, ONT., Pies been Tautly improved of late, now ap- pearing regularly� tent4hadditinonw"Dparms,'Iluet rat- ed Articles, etre. All its welt -known popular features will he retain ed for 1887. Only 81 per annum, Including the romaider of 1988 to bona. fide new subscribers. "The Holly Queen." This is the title of our new and beautiful premium for 1897. Beyond doubt the most °harming olegrapli (colored plata.) over ot- lered with any newspaper. Size 16401001108. Only 10 Dents in addition to yearly subscrip- tion, I. -Agents wanted everywhere Fifty val- uable prises to be awarded, over and above the oath commission, to the mess auco080111 agents. For free sample papers, terms to agents, oto., address ADVERTISER PRINTING 00., LownoN, ONT. THE POST'S CLUB OFFER'. Yon can have The Western Advertiser sod Its beautiful premium, together with Tun YosT 10r1887, for $2.80 ; or, without the prom - rum, for 58.08, by addressing us as follows! .Fizuaneln- SOL FACTS A gentleman, who lives in Brus- sels and who used to be a tanner and knows all about leather, want- ed some to make boots for himself and his boys, he bought from us, although we charged him Five Cents per lb. more than other shops were willing to sell him for. He gave us to understand that we were cntting the best leather of any shop in Mussels. Three out of every four pair of Boots that we made last fall are good for anoth- er year. We exhibited our loath- er at the Fall Show here and re- ceived First Prize. Is there any blarney or false honor about these facts ? Other shops can cut this quality of leather if they are willing to pay the price. If they did they would not grow rich quite so fast. It pays better to cut "Excelcis- simus" Kip, "Slaughter" Kip, "French" Kip, (Tanned at New- market, Ont.) "Keifer" calf, &c., &c. We are not going to allow TWIRL', ABUSE O10 dtISitiili'ituam xo'rION preventing us any longer from Claiming the superiority which justly bolougs to our goods. The Great Boot &.Shoe House. PETEat RIOHIE, Foreman, ADAM GOOD, Proprietor. G. ROGERS BEGS TO ANNOUNCE THAT HIS �I�i�erY & Maililo Be1t[JfttS TO VST FULLY 0PEE)) OUT! for the Season, under the able management of MISS GREEN and MISS WILSON, whose Styles and workmanship gained such unusual satisfaction during the past season. 0f course it is unnecessary to say our Stock as usual is very complete and of a first-class character, for which the Dominion House is Noted, and our stock being Very Much Larger than any other store in Brus- sels gives every Lady a much better selection to choose from, which in Millinery is very important ; this combined with employing only first-class hands is a sufficient guarantee that the very NEWEST STYLES may be obtained. Having no old stock left over from last Season en- ables us to Show an Extra Display of New Goods. We have taken great pains this season to secure every Novelty and we would invite every Lacly, whether they want to buy or not, to give us a Call. Miss Green, with her usual courteous and obliging manner, will be only too happy to show our splendid stock to all who may wish to in- spect it. We would also call attention to our Handsome Stock of Mantle Cloths, which we Make Up to Order, thus ensuring no old moth-eaten or old fashioned garments which is too often the case with most stores who buy them ready-made. In conclusion we would ,just say our Stock in every Department is very complete, and everything having been bought before the big advance in goods took place wo will be able to supply our customers the whole season through at the same Low Prices we have been selling at all along. 1F1.. GaEZIIS. The Noted Cheap Store. #t* 40644 o. Groat City Millinery Opening came off last week and reached the Key Note of that wonderful word a real monument of fame built for the Groat City Millinery and DRY GOODS HOUSE Brussels is Proud of its Parlor Store. The beautiful Show Boom in a blaze of magnificent splendor, and crowded to its utmost capacity. Fluttering humanity charmed by full band of music, hundreds of peo- ple gaze with astonishment upon our unparalleled Display of Millinery and Millinery Novelties. Everybody more than pleased with the Great Wednesday and Saturday night exhibition. Many were the Compliments showered on the Millinery Leader and his able Assist- ants.. Now that the Great Event of the season is past we'll settleright down to business, and give our Customers Bargains and our large and valuable stock a lively send-off. Now for BA16&AI1VS in all Departments at G. A. POWELL' S Great City, ,Millinery Howse. Try a Package of Unity Tea, It will ]hake you Happy with glee.