HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1886-10-15, Page 3Om. 16, 1880. THE BRUSSELS POST Vactrn A DRINIUNG MAN, Wo NV not a drinking man: Ilia habit E Z grows :i'o an X 6, do what ho can, 0 oan X L his woos. '7,'1s t'ery RD finds to stop, Thought oft he will S A ; Then fail and 0 K'Whiskey shop Ilte tof•turos to L A. pie pocket always M Tis, And 0 D 13 los clothes ; lIc can't attend to any "bis," Red Cloth R A his nose. • Drink holds him in ire I N grip: Boni) 1' gets in sin, Sure in the Nd down he will slip, Pilled with D(riujI within, Though of no U 0 often takes II U of cloves to quell Ble breath and than in D D makes Those 0 Q know who smell, Flie friends have all au I 0 way When for their A D goes, They can't X Q'a Ilia vile display, And P T nob his woos, In K 0 bas a wife to stay Her heart will A K lat. The debt Z 0 Z makes her pay, And bears her I I will blot. i K I.? can't his doom aright ; Sick ore old A. G lies ; The snakes ho 0 Z trios to fight, And without P 0 dies, MRCP MORRIS RRANOII PALL SHOW. The annual Fall Show of this So- ciety was hold on their grouu,da, Blyth on Thursday and Friday of last weak. Owing to the beautiful weather there was a very large attendance of spec. tators, aver $800 being token at the gate and tickets were only 10 cents. The show inside was very good, par. tioularly the ladies work. A notice. able foaturo in the vegetable depart- ment was a mammoth squash that weighed 114 pounds. Out doors the exhibit was ahead of any show held in this locality this year. Thor° wore no less than 17 entries in the buggy horse class and 8 entries for saddle horses. A little excitement was oc- casionod by a competition in ladies' driving. Eight competitors entered the ring. Miss Lottie Mason won 1st money, Between the Blyth band and part of tbo Olinton band there was any quantity of vocal and instru• p mental music. The Directors are to c be congratulated on the unpreeedent- c ed success of their show. The follow. ing is the prize list :— lionsm8-1;IEA'ry DRAUGHT.—Team marcs, John McMillan, Jas M Mar- c tin, Dickson Bros ; brood maro, hav- o ing raised fool in 1886, Robt Martin, Wm Grievo ; two year old gelding, R B Snell ; two year old filly, T Wal- lace, T Hamilton ; one year old geld- 1 ing, J Scott ; one year old filly, not J known, Jno Scott ; foal, A Willis, J P Rath. a GENERAL PURPOSE.—Team mares w or geldings, J 0 Stowart, H Ross ; a brood mare, having raised foal in 1886, b A Willis, R Sprung; two year old gelding, R Riley, J Williams ; two S year old filly, T Hamilton, N Cum- S ening ; one year old gelding, R Riley ; one year old filly, R Riley, W J Proot- j ori foal, Ed Bell, Wm Grieve. ]3 ROADSTERS. --Span carriage horses, D A Forsyth, J Miller, E McNamara ; yj brood mare, having. raisod foal in 1886, a G N Porcine, Wm Smith ; two year old gelding, A Young, D D Carder ; a two year old filly, Wm Cunningham, Geo King ; ono year old filly, George 5 King ; foal, Thos Lapslie, W Smith ; J Best driving or buggy horse in bar- i; nese, E Livingston, A 1/1 Campbell ; saddle horse, J M Perdue, Jas Barr ; I sweepstals°e, J McMillan; best foal fl got by 'Kentucky Star', R Milne; o best lady driver, Mies Oharlotto Maa- on, Mrs Edey. J JUDGES: Horses.—alas E blas r on, Brnoelield and Robt Miller, Wrox• eter. m CATTLE.—Tnonouen BRED.—Milch cow, Jag Webetor, Thus RRoss; two P year old heifer, let & 2nd J Potter; R one year old heifer, T Ross, J Potter ; a heifer calf, J Clamming, J Potter; bull it calf, Snell & Son, J Potter. GRADE CATTLE.—Yak° oxen, J t' lambs, let and 2nd J (lemming. LErarlsTlea.—Agod ram, Snell Sons, J 0 Stewart ; ehoarling ram lat & 21,d .Jae Henry; ram lam Snell & Sons, Jas Henry; pair ewe having raised lambs in 1880, Snell Sons, shearling owes, Snell & Sons pair owe lambs, Snell & Sons, Ji hoary ; fat ehoop, let and 2u0 Sim & Sons. $ouTnDowNs.--Aged ram, A Sloan, J 0 Stewart; ehoarling ram Glenn Bros ; ram lamb, R llleGow an, Glonn Bros ; pair owes, Lavin raised lambs in 1880, Gluon tiros, Roue ; pair shearling encs, Glon Bros, R lvlcGowan ; pair ewe lambs lot & 2u0 Glenn Bros. OXFORD on SmlorauntE.—• Aged ram H Ross ; shearling ram, L Teske Goo Stewart ; ram lamb, Snell L `Tooker; pair °woe having raise lambs in 1880, Snell & Son, 11 Ross pair sbearling owes, Snell & Son pair ewe lambs, let & 2nd Hug Rose. Junf1Ea.—,Sheep.--•Thos Anderson Wawauoeh, and Jaa Scott, PIGs.---BEltxsnnnO.--Aged boar, E Bell, J 0 Tuck ; sow, baring littore in 1886, N Gumming, 3 Watt ; boa littered in 1886, 8 Gray, J 0 Tuck sow littorod in 1886, E McNamara S Gray. SurroLN.—Aged boar, J 0 Tuck boar littered in 1886, 5 Gray. Any other kind. --Sow littered in 1886, R Sellers. Gamic, --Fail wheat, Geo Moffatt L Tasker ; rod fall wheat, 1V Ben. nott, 11 G McGowan ; fall wheat Treadwell, Goo Moffatt, L Tasker ; fall wheat, Seneca, T Hamilton, le B Laidlaw; fall wheat, any other kind, Geo Moffatt li Laidlaw ; spring wheat, Lost Nation, R G McGowan, J Barr; spring wheat, any other kind, Geo Moffatt, J Barr ; barley, A Mutch jr, T Hamilton ; white oats, T Hamilton, Geo Moffatt ; black oats, T Hamilton, J Harrison ; small white onto, R G McGowan, A W Sloan ; small peas. W J Proctor, R B Laidlaw ; large peas, A K Robert- son, R Laidlaw; timothy seed, R G McGowan, B. Laidlaw; flour, Kelly & Son ; flax seed, 11 E Laidlaw, R Laidlaw. JUDGRs.--Grain.--J Johnston, Clinton, and A Taylor, Blyth, DAIRY PRODUCR.--Tub butter, 40 ounds, '1' Hamilton, J Mcllroy ; rook batter, 20 pounds, M Shuanz •,rock of butter, 20 pounds, W 3 Proctor, Geo Watt ; ten lbs, butter in olla or prints, A Kerr, M Sahuang ; dairy cheese, Jno Mcllroy ; factory hem, let & 2u0 Gordon Young ; xtraoted honey, R Sprung, H Ma• Quarrie ; honey in comb, Id Schuang. FRUIT.—Homo bread, Dr Sloan, G Quinn ; bakers' bread, Jno lt'IoMil- an ; plain biscuits, Mrs N Gumming, as Ferguson ; maple syrup, W J rootor, Mrs J Jackson; maple aug- r, Mrs J Jackson, W J Proctor ; inter apples, .A. Kerr, J Watt; fall pples, J Harrison, Jae Potter ; Box - oro russets, 13 Ferris, A W Sloan ; Northern Spica, J Barr, J Harrison ; now apples, Geo Stewart, A W loan ; Baldwins, J Barr, R G Me - Gowan ; Rhode Island Greenings, Barr, A Kerr; Spitzenburgs, J err, N Cumming; Swaars, A Kerr, r Sloan; Fall Pippens, N Cumming, ' Baines ; 20 oz. Pippens, Geo Stew. rt, A W Sloan ; any other variety, Mrs Riddle, R Sprung , collection of pples, Dr Sloan, W J Proctor ; fivo winter pears, R B Laidlaw, Dr loan ; fall pears, R 13 Laidlaw, Jae aokeon ; plums, J Jackson ; toma- oos, R Sellers ; grapes, • 6- Young, Miss Moffatt ; crabs, F Baines, R G ll aGowan ; collection of garden owes, W 3 Proctor, A K Robortson ; olleotion of house plants, 3 Barri• on ; canned fruit, Mrs R J McGill, Harrison; grape wine, H 111oQuar• ie, 14Ire R J McGill. Juneo.— rnit,--J Stewart, Ben filler. POULTRY.—Turkeys, J Harrison, J otter ; geeso, J Hariison, J Potter ; ouon ducks, J Potter, 1? Beattie ; ny other kind ducks, W Machan,; J Imam ; brown Leghorn, F Beattie, J Harrison; light Leghorn, F Beat - le, Jas Harrison ; black Spanish, J '1'lp1ing, Stator & Siums; iugle buR- & gy, open, 1' IV liavtru'•l ; siugt° buggy, covered. P W Hay ward, Slater b, & Sims ; double buggy, covered, P W s, Hayward ; doubla buggy, upon, Jno Jr, ilruuednu, P W Hayward; cutter, cu ; Slater & Rims, J 13v•.dou ; eabinot Ili worts, A. Bennett ; bores shoes, (ruin 11 lifunuwr, \V Spoouor, Slater & Sun ; pump, J' Willows, J Ferguson ail'; �V plow, 1t Ill Rohiu.on ; above told far, nttnro, lst & 2nd 3 G Mosier; fee- - niug mill, Armstrong Bros; turnip g drill, let & 2ut1 \Ynl Levy; ecitffl.r, i1 G Love, IV L)vy; ohnru, W Levy ; n iron force pump, roeuutruanded, 1 , ltogervou. JUDGE11.—Iwplements, --1) Hog , au, Soaforth, an 1 SV h1c(ltylnout, r, Winghnm, & MANUFACTU10ILa.—L'nll cloth, 13, 11e - d God+an, J Sbortraed ; Iwo e.made ; flannel, Mise Nott, bliss 1'ollook ; )flannel, union, W Proctor, Mies Nott ; h blankets, Gordon Young, dims Nott ; blanket, 00100, Geo 0011108On, W J , Proctor; horse blaukete, J Born, W Bonnett ; coverlet, 111 Schuang, iV Ononingbam ; rag not, illisi Nott, d Mies Buchanan ; rag carpet, Miss ✓ Nott, Maggie Scott ; yarn, G Young, ; hiss Nutt ; ooaree boots, Too Sherr. , itt, A Murdoch ; gook sewed boots, A Murdock ; sot doublo harness, Geo Shar"mau ; set single harness, Geo Sharman ; collection of leather, Adam W 11cCaffor. Rooms,—Early rose potatoes, Jno , Barr, 5 Barr ; late rose, Wm Pollock J ITarriaon ; potatoes, any othor kind, , 5 Barr, J Barr ; colleotion of potatoes, 8 Barr 3 Barr ; field carrots, J Wil- ford, S 13arr ; garden oarrota, A W Sloan, 8 Barr ; Swede turnips, J Shortre ed, J Jackson ; collection gar• don produce, W Proctor, 1t Sellers ; beets, 3 Hamilton, A. Brown ; nnang• el wortzels, 13 Sellers, Geo Collinson ; pompkine, N Oumnug, W Proctor ; squashes, R Sellers, A. K Robertson ; rod onions, R Sellers, P Wi11owa ; yellow onions, S Barn, P Willows ; silver onions, A. W Sloan ; potato on - lone, A. Sloau ; white boons, 8 Barr, J Barr ; corn, J A. Harrison, R Mo. Gowan ; citrons, 1i Sellers, W Proc- tor ; watermelons, '1' 1La:nilton, A K Robertson ; cabbage, drumhead, AW Sloan, R Sellers ; cabbage, red, Geo King, Jas Ferguson ; cabbage, any other kind, R Laidlaw, A K Robert. son ; cauliflower, R Senors, A K Bob. ertson. Richmond, R B Laidlaw ; mileh cow, T Rose, 11 McGowan ; two year old heifer, lat & 2nd R McGowan ; two year old heifer, let & 2nd Tilos Rose; heifer calf (spring), R Ferris, R 'Mc. Gowan ; steer calf, let & 2nd T Boss; two year old steer, 1st & 2nd TRoss ; one year old steer, lot & 2nd T Roes ; fat ox, Thos Rosa ; fat cow, lst & 2nd Jno Scott; Lord grade cattle, Thos Roes. JUDGES.— Cattle. — Robt Gibson, Wroxeter; Win Young, Oolborns, and Qhas Girvin jr., Wawanosli. SJunex'—GoTawoLD,—Aged ram, W Machan, Jas Potter ; shearling ram, lat & 2nd Jno Cumming; ram lamb, Jno Cumming, Win Maohan; pair ewes, having raised lambs in 1886, 3 Cumming, W Machan ; pair ehoarling owes, 1st LCl 2nd Jae 1'ottor; pair owe Harrison ; light Brahmas, lst t4 2nd F Beattie ; dark Brahmas, let & 2nd F Beattie ; Homburgs, P Beattie, J Harrison ; Dorkings, J Harrison, W Grieve ; blaok.breaeted rod Game, J Harrison, E Haggit ; buff Coohins, F Beattie, 3 Harrison ; partridge Ooch- ins, F Beattie; Bantams, 1st & 2ud F Beattie ; Polands, F Boattic, J 1;3entloy; Plymouth Rocks, 7 Harri• son, li' Beattie; Pigeons, let & 2nd I' Beattie ; collection of fowls, Jos Harrison, F Beattie, SEDGE.—Poultry.—Walter Taylor, Wingham. Iasrxe neNTs,—Lumber wagon, Jno Brunsdon, Wm Spoonor; bob•sleeghs, Motor & Sims, R R Douglas ; plow, sod, It 1YI Robinson, Fleury & Sons ; plow, genorol purpose, R Id Robin - eon, Geo Love; iron harrows, T Lamas' Wonie.—Araseine work, Miss Watt, Geo Moffatt ; rick rack, Miss J McGill pillow shams, Goo Symington, Mrs Sellory; patch quilt, Miss Nott, F Hamilton ; quilted quilt, Miss Pollock, J Ferguson ; counter- pane, knitted, Mrs 3 Boutly, bIre J Brigham ; counterpane, crotchet work Miee Soott, Gordon Young ; gent's shirt, Miss Buchanan, T Hamilton ; flannel shirt, Miss McGill, T Ham- ilton ; woolen etookinge, Gordon Young, Thomas Hamilton ; pair of soaks, Gordon Young, '1' Hamilton ; gauntlet mita, Mies Pollock, Geo Symington ; fancy knittin;, W Cun• Hingham, Jas Symiugtou ; mite, Miss Nott, Geo Moffatt ; Berlin .wool wont, Jas Symington, Mies McGill ; om. broidery, Jas Symington, Mee J Bently ; French embroidery, Jas Symington, :lire 11 J McGill ; braid- ing on cotton, Mtss Nott, W Gunn Ingham ; braiding on wool, Jas Sym- ington, NIre R 3 McGill sofa cush- ion, Mrs 11 McGill, Miss McTavish ; collection of ladies' work, Mrs R J McGill, Jas Symington ; gont's slip- pers, 1Irs R McGill, Geo Moffatt ; daruod net, Miss NI Watson, Miss Riddle; crochet vlork, W Cunning- ham, 3 13ontly ; macrame work, Jas Symington, Mrs R McGill ; point lace, Jas Symington, Mrs R McGill ; honitou lane, Jos Symington, Mre R McGill ; ribbon work, Jas Syming. ton, Mrs It 11IcGiti ; (Minn) work, Jas Symington, 1\iisa McKellar ; out- line embroidery, Mrs R d1.oGill, Dr Carder ; Roman embroidery, lst & 2nd Jas Symington ; crotchet skirt, Goo Collinson, Nine Forsyth ; draw- ing by boy, Archie lieQuarrie ; crazy work, Jas Symington, Mrs R 11ioGill ; oil painting, Miss Pollock, Jas Sym. ington ; crewel work, Mrs R IIIoGill, Wm Cunningham ; embroidery on silk, Jae Symington, Maggie McKell- ar ; Java °anvils work, Jas Syming- ton, Miss Sloan ; straw hat, A Kerr ; plain sewing, Alberta Carr, Laura Garr ; patch on gout's pants, Alberta Garr, E Hamilton ; darn on nook, 13 Hamilton, Mary McGowan; leather work, Jas Symington. JUDGES.-- Ladies' work.— Mrs J Johnston, Clinton ; Miss Brown, Wawanoab, Mra J Stewart, Ben• miller, Reuben Taylor, of Leamington, died recently of lockjaw, brought on through a rusty nail running into his foot. At a meeting of the Liberal Con. servative Convention of North Bruce, Mr, McNeil, 11I, P., was oelooted as the party candidate for the Commons, THC M® WS BEST FRIEND THE BEST W. LYI. frloi•xist, E xConafoit Ilton li'onrs, . DIITOu Lie, ORT., tranutaoturor of three dliferont kinds of Wlndmllis. Tho olmpPlost, strongest and most natistacteryWludmil1 yob mode, For pump- ing water, sowing wood, chopping grain or driving any light rnaolltneryy they bare no equal. MyOIgLF,PRATED YUtSP,1 have eo ourodo wend-wido roputation: I gnarautco thorn as boingsuporlor to many now In bhp market, and equal to any over made. Thoy will throw water 000 teat, or fnroo it n mile on .rho level. n' armors and stockmen aro rr-- rn,ithor 1Wl dmiliolrr0Pnwuras zolnlm that mina ars oho boat to the market. Address W. M. 3)0101020, Mitchell, Ont.. % U1.EY 1U LOAN Al 0 1'E13 1 (fent, straight taut; r. 1pi, 1„ :i. J,,L),:IAr:l,, e°- t'rnn l,rcok iiOli t,A'•i'I J.r.t.13E 111 CON • 01a1,I ,lona 111,r on, N, ,.. ...not, or al to w,l1, and ., nu tuner of fruit true, (hooting) on the lat. ler ter.aa and partluul ,rs apply to A 0 f'S'L' 6 ft, lirunneln. GL-tf ' t 1+E1xS. ark. N Q3 l a.il to t pnrirnu•sed { i Lar Iy,.• aunrcata by • afar 1 1 l..m:t.000e, effectuala.:. oordrug- Nat t 1' .: yal Wafers and tako no e+.: uin, or inclose post, a ofor0•>r7rdpa.lIrleulara. Soldby VIE EUREKA 01110druggists,, (110,, Dari on' Dimon.. ]iY— Hargreaves ,C Co., - Brussels. ZEE GREAT ENGLISH PRESCRIPTION Asu0cesefulmedlrinrte.,lo..r Prompt -4.1.41 roro rtt npr +tu ,l t„el rr,- ¢t. r Ir" ,tion. Weaknr II r u , r nr Cord, and 0 i ,n Before. either Hex, 1 n ,, _yr d all in; hiker. caused by indiscrete, yr .rr cation. Rix packages le ouarnaf.,, t , :dr, •.i a unre vrhen all other medicines fan, Oar'pneknao$1, six tss0k- ages 51 hymen. Nord by drurniate, )VrttefJor Pk)apklet. Euaaad GnsimaLCo.,'Dotrett, Mica. Sold by 1l0rgrcaxea ct Co., Brussels. 9I atavu tit Anau11m twat nem Sue [iU G 8 0 10 0 crr.G 0 motnanr i na on ,Sql, oaug ea 1-11 d EAST HURON arriage Works, PUZ 1-1,1-6S —MANUFACTURER 0P-- OARRIAGES, DEMOCRATS, EXPRESS WAGONS, BUGGIES, WAGONS, ETC., ETC., .ETC. A11 made of the Des Material and finished in a Workman -like manner Repcairin.t and Painting pro7nptlzl attended to. Parties intending to buy should call before purchasing. REr1RENoEs.—Marsclon Smith, B. Laing, James Cutt and Wm. Mc- Kelvey, Grey Township ; W. Cameron, W. Little, G. Browar and D. Breckenridge, Morris' Township ; T. Town and W. 73lashill, Brussels ; Rev. E. A. Fear, Kirkton, and T. Wright, Turnberry Township. REMEMBER THE STAND—SOUTH OF B.BIDGE. JAMES BUYERS. la ETHEL 0 ILLS The undersigned, having completed the change from the stone to the Celebrated Hungarian systotn of Grinding, has now the IIt111 in First-class Running Order, And will bo gladito sot all his old customers and as many now ones asipossiblo. hopping done. Plow Ina Feed Always on Rana. 0 Highest Price 6aid for any quantity of Good Grain. MILNE.