HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1886-10-8, Page 88
Thele are at least three grades
of Honey on the market. The
Best is the WHITE CLovER and
LINDEN. Tho Worst is that known
as Spring Honey, which is dark in
color and strong in flavor. The
other grade is that obtained by not
keeping these separate. Now, a
colony of bees will consume over
50 lbs. of honey in a year, know-
ing this we so manage our bees as
to make them use the third class
and we then have the VERY BEST to
give to our customers. This is
why we can sell you the Best for
the same pried you will pay for
the mixed.
G. A. Deadman,
Druggist, Bookseller cti Apiarist.
Trains lefty° Hruss°ls Station, north and
oath, as toilon's:—
Going South, Going North.
,]Tail 775 a.m.' Mixed 10:25a.m.
Express 11.4511.m, Tfail .............. 2:40 p.m,
Mixed 8:50pin Express ..... .005 p.m.
ji nc .i (0th jicm�s.
THE first now of the season fell
last Thursday.
13-exemeu Ilerdwnro in largo var-
iety at Grant & Oo's,
Combs in the head are very preval-
ent, a kind of epizootic.
EXTRA value in Fruit Jars and pickling
vinegars at Thomsons,
A LARGE consignment of chopping
axes jest to hand, at Grant & Oo's.
deux Same Lae five men constant•
ly employed in his shoo shop this
fall, See his advt, ,
A. HANDSOME street lamp now sheds
its friendly light in front of the Metb•
odist church,
MRS. Ones, AINLAY anclallilch:en, of
Harrtaton, were visiting with her
Brussels friends this week.
G. L. BALL, L. D. 3., will be at his office,
Brussels, on Thursday.
Miss BAR,T1sns11IEB wiry called
away suddenly laet Friday morning
by the illuess of a friend 1n Bay
Tnn farm property, offered for sale
on Wednesday, at the American hotel,
was bought in by the Company for
A. SPECIAL meeting of tho Warden's
Committee, in reference to the new
bridge, will be held in Brussels on
Friday of this week.
WALTER WILREhe says he has a sun
flower that beats W, T. Hunter's, as
his measures 8 feet, 10 inches in cir-
cumference and 15 inches In di-
O1.711 school teachers are away to
Seaforth attending the Teacher's
Convention, No school on Than -
day or Friday, except in the 5th de-
To those requiring aids to vision. Bo
surd in asking for Laurance's spectacles—
that you get B. LAunaxos's—as there aro
imitations in the market, and see that
exery pair is stamped B. L., without which
none aro genuine. Do not be deceived by
any similiarity in thename.
J. KNIGHT, sou, 12, Grey, sent us
a sample of corn growing on his farm
that measured 12 feet long. He has
figured out that he will have 82 tons
to the acre.
Now that the Voters' List Courts
are over for the East Riding of Hui. -
on, for the Provincial parliament,
and noses counted, the Reformers
claim .a gain of 50.
Ie is said an irate Brussels parent
administered a dose of sole leather to
one of our youths one evening this
week, because he sought the company
of his daughter.
DAVID PERRIE will preach in Mel-
ville church next Sabbath, both morn-
ing and evening. Rev. Jno. Ross,
B.A., will be in Seaforth, assisting at
the communion services.
J. J. Gmene bad the misfortune to
have his right hand badly squeezed,
on Wednesday, while assisting in
loading a seed drill. He will carry
his hand in a sling for some time.
W.F.M,S.—Neat Tuesday evening
the Women's Foreign Missionary So-
ciety will hold en entertainment 1n
Knox church, commencing at 7:80
o'clock. The program will consist of
readings, recitations, eddreases and
musical selections.
SEAForH cricketers played a friend-
ly game with the Brussels club, on
Victoria square, on Thursday of this
week. Brusselh had hard luck, only
making 12 and 10 runs, respectively,
in the two innings. Seaforth made
82 in their lot innings, winning the
match by 1 run and an innings.
OwxNG to the rapid increase of his
business in Seaforth W. J. bear, L,
D.S., is compelled to discontinue his
visits to Brussels and confine his at-
tention to the home office. Parties
with whom he has made engagements
will be allowed their stage faro to
and from Seaforth. See change of
card in this issue.
TREASURER KELLY has received a
cheque for $75 being amount award-
ed to Brussels from the Grey town-
ship apportionment of the Land Im-
provement Fund. The reason our
share is so small is because of the
poor settlement trade with Grey a
few years ago and which served as
the basis of this settlement.
The millinery openings ou Fair
day were very successful and ,every•
thing gives evidence to a lively trade
this fall and winter. There were a
large number of visitors who admired
the millinery and complimented the
milliners. We know of no town in
Huron where a better class of milli-
nery is exhibited and sold. The
taste of the most fastiduous can bo
pleased every time.
IN the burning of the Defoe House,
Belleville, Harry M. Oormack, who
is filling the position of operator in
broker Gox's office in that town, lost
nearly all his clothing. He was
boarding at this house and was the
fleet to give the alarm of fire as he
WAS awakened by smoke entering his
room. The fire occurred at 8 o'clock
on Monday morning. Tho loss was
about $40,000. The building was
three stories thigh and some very nor -
row osoepes are reported.
A chiel's ama'ng ye takin' notes
Au' faith he'll pout it.
SWEDE turnips for sale. See advt.
READ the People's Column this
SILVERWARE in large variety at
Grant & Co's.
JNO. LEOrIE, of Toronto, wed in
town en Wednesday.
APPLE parer,] in the latest pat-
terns at Grant & Co's.
REV. GEO. LouNas, ,of Amberiey,
was in town this week.
STAINED glees in all colors, always
on hand, at Grant & Co's.
GRANT & Co. are showing a full line
of cross cut saws, all makes.
TRY THE Pose for the balance of
the year for 25 cents in advance.
WE have a large stook of fine glass,
both siogle and double. Grant & Co.
R. SPARLING i putting his grain
etorebeuse in a thorough elate of re-
THE local rate this year will be 6
mills on the dollar. It was 8:1• last
Cow chain?, cheaper than ever be-
fore offered in Brussels, at Grant &
WANTED immediately two apprentices to
learn Fancy Work, Hoods, Caps, Jackets,
&o. Apply to Mre. Kirk.
ONE of the best farms in Groy town-
ship is offered for sale in this issue.
See advt.
BUILDERS will find it to their ad-
vantage to inspect our stoat.
THE beautiful solo "The better
land" was sung by Mrs. Revell on
Sunday evening in the • Methodist
W. S. McCeeoxmi took 48 prizes
at Wingham Fall Show, 17 at Sea•
forth, 26 atl3elgrave and 45 at Brus•
sole, totalling 181 in all.
THE Fall Exhibition prize lists will
now for a few weeks have their inn-
ings in the local papers, and more
interesting items will have to get the
DR. HOLMES attended the American
Public Health Association convend in
Shaftsbury Hall, Toronto, this week.
Delegates were present from every'
State in the Union.
A semen D stock of letterheads,
noteheads, billheads, statements,
envelopes, &c. to hand at THE POST
Publishing House. Business men
should give us a call.
TELEPHONE communication is now
complete eastward and messages were
exchanged with Walkerton, Guelph,
Clinton, Listowel and other outside
cities and towns on Thursday of this
AT a special meeting of the Quart-
erly Board of the Methodist church,
holt] on Wednesday evening, John
Mulholland war granted local preach-
er's license. Mr. Mulholland expects
to enter the ministry in Michigan
this fall.
JOHN SnAxn is doing the largest shoe-
making business ever 'done in Brussels.
Ho has, exclusive of himself, five good men
at work daily from 7 a.m. until 10 p,m.
There is nothing spasmodic about Shand,
he pays attention to his business and stud-
ies the interests of his oustemere.
Muss Gem, milliner at F, C. Rog-
ers, was called to Listowel last week
to attend the death bed of her sister.
Tho Listowel Standard in speaking
of this gad event says :—"Oonsurep.
tion is understood to have been the
canoe of death. The demise of Miss
Green is particularly sad, as it is the
fourth time that the family have been
similarly afflicted within the peat
three or four years,"
SEE advt, money to loan.
1887 ALMANACS are to bbs front.
WE had a pleasant call from Thos,
Gibson, M,P.P„ on Tuectlay.
.A. HUNTER anal wile, Gso. Levo
and R. Clark attended the Weetero
Show at London last week.
SEVEEAL persons from, tills locality
wont to Clinton on Thursday to hoar
the Irish delogetcs descant on Home
THE Belgravo Fall Show prize list
'and the report of the Chancery Court
may bo found on page 8 of this is-
Mils. T. Tnomesoo, of London, and
Mrs. (Rev.) Hughes, of Lion's Head,
were visiting ]vire. George Bogers
this week.
W. B. Dimon and bride arrived
home on Monday night after a pleas-
ant trip to Hamilton, Niagara Falls
and Toronto.
TEE telephone men have been busy
this week arranging the wires to con-
neot Brussels with the outside world.
Wo will now be able to "hello" to
the cities. •
E. E. WADE is attending the Tall
Assizes at Goderioli this week,
A ! muresli of llincaelitee will take
its the Blyth allow today (Friday),
OaoRB your grapes,. Prions very low.
Amu' Goo.
Bonen) and raw elle and paints 'IP
all variotiee, very low. Grant & On.
REOheeeen Dloxsos, of Godsriell.,
antlPastmaster Dickson, of l eafortlh,
,voi'e 111 town nn Thursday.
MRs, THos. iieneonEn was a judge
of ladies' work et the Luckeow fair
on Tuesday of this week,
Wm three dolling plows and elec-
tions for hluniofpal and School Boartle
on the ono day the honors should be
well divided this yoar.
THE prize lists of the fall shows
crowd out is number of interesting
items. Another week will finis]]
them up, however, till another year,
NoTT—Goss.-0n the 28th ult., at the
residence of the bride, Hayes township,
Kansas, by Bev. hams Frost, Mr. B,obi.
Nott, of Abilene, formerly of Brussels,
to 11'liss Annie Goss.
GuitnxANA,—A general meeting of
members and all persons interested
is requested at the Council Room next
Ivionday evening a 8 o'clock, sharp.
The committee of management should
bo on hand at 7:80. This will be
the most important meeting of the
club and should be largely attended.
The officers for the next year will be
elected and other important business
TEE Abilene Gazette says :—On
the 28th inst., at the residence of the
bride, in Hayes township, by the Rev.
Jonas Freet, Robb. Nott and Miss
Annie Goss were united in marriage
in the presence of a large number of
friends who gathered to witness the
ceremony. The happy couple were
the recipients of many beautiful pres-
ents. An elegant supper was served,
after which the happy hours were
whiled away in social enjoyments.
THE regular semi-annual meeting
of the North Huron Teachers' Assoc-
iation will be held in the ()enteral
School, Seaforth, on Thursday and
Friday of this week, when the follow-
ing program will be submitted :—
Object lesson, R. Hicks ; delegate's
report, J. W. Shaw ; decimals, Mr.
Plummer ; language lessons to first
class, Mies Helyar ; preparatory
grammar, Mr. Burcbill ; entrance ex-
amination on orthoepy and ortho•
graphy, Mr. Malloch ; teaohere' ex-
aminations, Mr. Harstone ; education
from a moral standpoint, A. McKay ;
English literature, Mr. Haggerty ;
entrance grammar, Mr. Turnbull ;
literature to a fourth class, Mr.
Groves ; introduction of discussion on
advisability of reading circle, Mr,
GOOD.—The grand art exhibition
which was in progress at Grant's
block three days last week, attracted
the attention of all the art loving lad-
ies of our village. The collection of
work exhibited there was the finest
we ever saw, comprising many hand-
some portieres, curtains, lambrequins,
table scarfs, sofa pillows, &o., all ar-
tistically embroidered in tho raised
arasen°, tinsel and wools, on ,plush,
lace, felt and satin. The work was
all accomplished on the New Homo
sewing machine without the use of
any attachment. being done entirely
from the shuttle. Several of our lad-
ies have been taking lessons in this
now art, and undoubtedly we will see
a large collection of it in the various
homes in Brussels, who own "New
Homes." Thos. Watson is the agent
for this wonderful machine, and will
be pleased to show its merits to all
who favor him with a Doll. W.
Nicholl, the travelling agent, was the
operator on the days of the exhibition
last week and did everything possible
to explain the manner of doing the
perance Convention for the East Rid-
ing of Huron will be held in the Town
Hall, Brussels, on Wednesday of next
week, the 18th inst., commencing at
1:80 o'clock p,m. Subjecte of vital
interest to every lover of temperance
will be discuseed and a largo turn out
is asked from all parts of the riding.
The vine•presidente should see that
every municipality is largely repre-
sented. F. b. Spence, of Toronto,
Secretary of the Dominion Alliance,
willbe present and take part in the
exercises, An evening session will
be held, commencing at 7:80 o'clock,
when interesting addresses are ex-
pected from Rev. Wm. Burgess, of
Listowel, and Mr. Spence. Both of
these gentlemen are well known for
their eloquence and a large gathering
is expected t0 hear them. A number
of musical selections will be given
during the evening. The admission
fee has boon placed at the low figure
of 10 canto so as to merely clear ex.
pewees. Let there be a good rally of
everybody who wants to see the cause
'of temperance fiourieh.
GRrsx.—In Listowel, on Tuesday, the 28th
nit., Minnie Green, second daughter of
Mre. Mary Green, aged 17 years, 8
months and 10 days.
KE1111.—In Brussels, on Satuadsy, Oct. 2m1,
Harold Addison, infant son of W. H.
Kerr, of TEE POST aged 2 months and 0
A.u(01O11 ale e.
FRIDAY, OoT. 8TE.—Farm stook, Imple.
manta, &c, on lot 22, son. 5, Gray. Sale to
commence at 1 o'olook p.m. John Oughton,
prop., Oapt, Stratton, auct.
Tnunsn,Y, OoT. I4rn.—Farm stook and
Implements, on lot 11, con. 10, Groy. Salo
commences at 12 o'clock. Henry Wilbee,
prop., Alex. Delgatty, acct.
MONDAY, OCT. 11Tn.—Farm stook, lImple-
manta, &o., lob 7, con. 2, Grey. Sale to
commence at 10 o'clook., Wm. White,
prop„ Oapt, Stratton, auet.
TUESDAY, OCT. 12TH,—Farm stook, Imple-
ment, &o., lot 25, con. 8, Morris. Sale to
commence at 1 o'clock, sharp. Wm. John-
ston, proprietor,
MONDAY, Oar. iBTII.—f'1tr111, farm Stook,
implements, &c., lots 00 and 31, con. 0,
Grey. Sale commences at 1 p. m., sharp.
J. 15. Baker, prop,, Oept. Strebton, acct.
TUESDAY, OoT. 20TH.—Farm stook, imp.
lements, &o. lot 11, con. 10. Grey. Sale
dommsnces at 1 o'elook, sharp. Thomas
Moore, prop. Gee. Love, aunt.
TuS.DAY, O0T. 10ru.—Farm snook, imp-
lements &c. Lot 13, son. 0, Grey. Sale
commences at 1 o'clock, sharp. 11obt
Menary, prop. Alex. Delgatty, and.
Brussels Markets.
White Fol' Wheat....., 70 71
Iced Winter 60 70
Spring Wbest 45
Barley 27
Dots 50
Butter, tubs and rolls 13
Eggs per dozen,. 15
Flour per barrel 4 50
Potatoes new 35
Hay per ton 8 00
Hides per lb 7
Dressed Hogs 5 00
Salt per bbl., wholesale .,00
Sheep skins, each 1760
0 00
5 50
1 00
007. S, 188G,
BAN151111S,. -5. 13Ri1SSI4LS,
Transact a General Planking
Notes bo lurid disannutnd,
Llternet 5119,r 11 n t dap f ilo r 1.l avabl
(Inman (1.
Prompt attnu tion ;liven to collaotions.
Coal Stove with grata, centre Table or
Ana Cabinet Organ enquire at the Post O41oo,
1 papered and kaleomlced. Rico
onfonood, with cut
low good tenant.
Very avian , tuitabio for fruit, butter; or
ohooep. .Froeb proof 11ventilated.
4, GR NT, Postmaster.
Atewsplendid ,improvea,tarms for Salo
In the township o1 Groy, Morris and Moldll-
lop , Apply to A DELGAPTY,00 Auoltioki er
BruseeisP 0.
Turnips for sale In lots to cult
purohasora Thpy are 5 splendid crop. The
price to
Ti cApply
10 oon.11,
18.4• Groy, Oranbrook P.0,
In -
tartlet 0 poruomit, loan
oto 50.5 eeonrlty. In-
100 noxa farm for Oslo, near Brussels, also
20 head fat oat tlo, 8 gouge driving marc;, wolf•
bred. and pretty fast, and ono general l7ptfurpose
mere, Apply to UR(Ai1LooVA DEIN..
of the undersigned, Lot O, Cons, Grey, a
two year old ateor, gray in oolor, 42110 owner
is requested to prove property, pap charges,
and take him away.
12.4 Jamestown P. O.
lE'arrra For isle.
The subscriber Offers for sale his valuable
farm hi, the Townsh! of Grey, oomprleing lots
0 and 7, con. 11 in said iownaliip' Thin farm
oontaine 200 norm and in within 11 milds of
the thriving village of Brunnels, with good
gravel road loading thereto. About 150 acres
aro oloor ed, free from stumps and in a high
stoic of cultivation. The balance is •finely
wooded, This farm is particularly woll fenc-
ed, nearly the whole of the fences being
straight andhavlug been mooted in 1885 and
1800, On the, promises there Is a oomtsrtablo
log dwelling lsoaso and a good haute barn with
stone stabling underneath in which there to
Eh w611 with an abundant moldy of es<oollent
water, There is likewise a new frame implo-
'flout house, 40x20 well floored, above and bo -
low, and !midi shied and painted. 1 or per. ticulare apply to 0110 Proprietor,
JAld14s nxoiiooN,
lloglstrar, Huron
nrio .,
1s•, •
L'J . Oleo° 102000rly occupied by A. ,7, Ma•
Esq., ul Leckie's Il tool., oto nay to loan
1' a Garrow & Prondfool, Godm•toh) Oolio•
icor, Onnvoyanaer, .10. 011160, Grant's bloolr,
Binsole. Money to loan,
Shu Fourth Division Court Co. Huron,
Conveyancer, Notary Public, Land, Loan and
Insurance Agout. Funds invested and to loan
Collections made. 01110o in Graham's Block
T A. MoNAUGHTON, 111. D., C.
L. R. 0. P, Edinburgh. Physloian,
Surgeon and Ao°onohollr, Officio, Mrs. Wore
block, Turuborry Strout.
L. R. 0. N. Lrlinbio'glr,
Coroner for the county of Huron.
Ilostdanae,on Mill Street. Olnoo at Har-
greaves' Drug Store.
Wel. F. OALE, M. D., G. M.
Member of the College of Phystslane and
Surgeons of Ontario ,by examination,
0111oe and Residence—Mate 85. Bast, Ethel,
0 uteri°. 0
a L. I3ALL, L. D. S., HONOR
Nil • Graduate and Member of Royal Col.
lege of Dentistry, Toronto, visits erIlesole
Office ou Thursday of every weak. lf. R. Mor -
los, assistant, attends olnoo remainder of the
weak. All operations carefullypolformod and
ouaranteed. Tho various anclothatles, local
and general, moil, Poses mndorate.
OSlco,—Over G. A. Powell's a torn.
W. J. Fear, L. D. S., Graduate of To.
route Scheele! Dentistry. All oporn-
tious guaranteed. OMee—Oady's nlook,
Artificial tooth, Ant quality, mud a
guaranteed At, for 812.00 par set,
7 of Marriage 010011000. 01000 at his
Gr000ry,Turnberry street, 2-01
• xiago Licensee, by appointment of
Lieutenant -Governor, Comm Widener, &c., Q.
B. Conveyancer and Agent Fire iaaura010 Co.
Offi00 at tee Qranbro5k Post 01nee.
s Accident and Loan Insurance Agent for
soma Foe in the Doinint io , 0010reliable Brick Oan-
Tureborrl Shoat, uoartho station. 8m
A Teacher of Musio,Vocal odd Instrument-
al on Organ, Plano, or Guitar. Harmony and
Thorough Bass. Advanced pupils fitted for
Teaching. Tormaon application. Itoforonee
—Ladies of Loretto Aoadeiny, Guelph. Resi-
dence—No, 2, Terrane, (south near station.
• Gradu ate of Ontario Veterinary College,
has resumed the prelatic of John No00, V. S..
and is prepared to treat all dlooaaos of domes
'cleated animals on oalesbiflo and approved
prinalplos. Treatment of delicate tomo a.
specialty, (Moe at john Nott's, V. e.
�2,obert Cunningham,
Guelph, - Ontario.
l� riaing 8 yours old. Apply 4 AIIA1Yf,
12.24 13ntaeole.
scriber will rent his farm, lot 12, eon. 7,
Grey township, fora term of live years. The
farm lain good order and the reason for rent•
inglt is the proprietor intends giving up farm-
ing. For fall parbioulare apply to
11-12 Brussels P.O.
L' doreigaad wishes to dispose of hie °x•
oollont 155 acro term, . lot d. eon. 8, Grey,
There aro 140 aoroo clear of alumna once under
orop. 80 aoroo of 15511 wheat in 1,000 rode of
straight fence. Thorn is a Arst•olaes dw°,ling
house largo bank barn, 00x00 foot, orahar a,
band all e given next spring in er necessaries.
ime for the purchaion aser]
to put in his crop. The farm is only 3 miles
from Brussels,
11•tf 2150112E 01100116.
TY in tboVtnago of Brnesols. There is a
gosdbarn, 40x50 fool, neat oottago house with
good Millar, hard and soft water and every -
with til, novo rhe aro rlabouto100under-
currant bushes, ono dozen and a -half bloolr
raspberry, two dozen rod, ono dozen .0oose•
berry, plenty 0f strawb arty plant;, and one
dozen apple, plum, told cherry trees. Tho
fruit is the beet that money Mau buy and in
full bearing order. oxeept apple, 5110zry and
plum trees. Tho best of neighbors,
Apply to D. FRAIN,
12.4 Brussels,
11011 SALE. --TWO
Let 14, °ntllo 0th o0n.,and lot 15, on the
7111 den., of Morria,00lltamiug 100 soros each,
about 00 norma °leered, trod from stumps on
one farm and about 00 acro s dented ou tho
other.. The °leered land Min a good state of
cultivation and well fnoed. Good fraulo barn
and stables, an dlog Steno on one, and on the
other alog hound and log bora. There 1s a
good bearing orchard on lot 14, A novo.-fall-
ing spring crook tuna through both places.
The soil 15 first.olaas, therein no bettortarme rn
the township, Those places aro admirably
adapted fox grainrowing or grazing, anti
within ileo Milos of the ilourislung t0tyn of
sepa atelThe y and clan be Will
bougbt lohoajeand er on
easy forme. Apply on the promlaaa or address
the prodrloter, thinahut0 P.0. SIS,
5,tf. ProprioALEior.