HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1886-10-8, Page 66
Iliraotory of Qhurohos and Sooiotioot
. IELVILLle Oituncu ,—•Sabbath Services at
11 a.m. and 0:30 p,ln, Sunday Selam) at
2:30 pan, ltev. Jim. Ross, B. A., pastor.
11NOX Cllcnesl,—Sabbath Services at 11
a.m. and li:3e p.u1. Sunday Sobool at 2;80
p.m. Rev. 8, Jones, pastor.
Sr,J io'a Cnuu0ii. -Sabbath Sorvioos at
11 a.m mud 7 pan. Sunday 8611001 at 0:30
a.m. Rev. W. T. Cluffo, incumbent.
MVIt:Tuopism Cncuou.—Sabbath Services at
10:30 a,m. and 3:30 pan, Sunday School at
30 p.m. Bev. Um. Smyth, pastor.
ROMAN CArnotic Cnrncu.—Sabbath 8er-
vicethirdSunday iu every month at 11 a.m.
Rev. P. J. Shea, priest.
Qoo PnLLow'a LODGE every Thursday
evening in Graham's block.
11Mtso;Jm Lopes Tuesday at or boforo full
moon in Vanstone's block.
A. 0. Li. W. Lopes moots on 1st and
3rd Monday evenings of eaoh month.
FonasmBn's Lonoo Oncl and last I+ionday
evenings of each month in Simile's hall.
L. O. L. let Monday in every month in
Orange Hall.
POST OPAICL —Office Hours from 8 a.m.
7 p.m.
MscnAlrieS' 15801T11011 Reading Room and
Library in Holmes' block, will be open
from G to 8 o'clock p.m. Wednesdays and
Saturdays. Miss Jessie Ross, Librarian.
00'1. 8, 188(i.
it 00331 two young mon of Loam.
ingtoll $7.00 and $14.00 roapeotively
to disturb a Salvation Army iorvioo.
Herring are being caught in largo
quantities on the,Dotroit River, and
ehippod to Detroit, where they find a
ready market,
In future finoe imposed for harm
tions elf the Scott Aot will go to the
municipalities where the infractions
are committed.
The directors of tho Port Elgin
Brush Company have declared their
first dividend at the handsome sum of
8 per omit. per 000001.
The reeeipte of the Proviucial Es-
hibition at Guelph fall considerably
below the amount 1(31(40 in when held
there three years ago.
Thorn aro thirty -ono' candidates in
If economy is wettltli the editor is a
Salt should be eaten with nuts, to
aid digestion.
"I don't see the point, but I realize
its force," said the man, when a beo
settled on the back of his neck.
West's Pain Icing excels all other remedies
in promptly curing dysentery, diarrhoea, flus,
colic, 03olora, (Molars morbus and all al:mates
of the stomach and bowels. Prion only 26ots,
Sold by John Hargreaves a: Co., druggists.
There is nothiug sweeter tban kiss-
es, except when you look through the
window and see the other fellow get-
ting them.
The newest weapon of war is an
electric sword. Run a foreman
through with it and death comes from
the shock.
Question for a debating society.—
Which is the lightest, the pinfeather
of a duels or the conversation of a
society belle,
,lave you ever tried MoGrogor & Parko's
Carbolic Cerate for soros of any kind? It is
beyond.doubt the very best prop oration in the
market for healing and curing Soros, Burns,
applying Carbolic the
Hargreaves Drug Store for 000. per box.
Tho following advertisement ap-
pears in a country paper :—"My wife
Jennie ran away or 3000 taken away
from me a week ago. The first per-
son who returns her I will shoot on
the spot."
"Mark my word for it," said en
elderly lady of Brookland, N. Y.;
"there is going to be a war. All these
boy babies that have been craning
along lately mean something."
This is to certify that I have used MaGreg-
or's Speedy 0000 for Dyspepsia and Liver
Complaint, and do honestly say that if it cost
mould not bhundred
without 16 nal it 0hae ones me
more good than all the medicines I ever used,
and I feel Itke a naw men.—Yours truly, ALEX.
Swaim, Carleton Place, Ont, This medicine is
Tor sale at Ole. and 331 per bottle at -Hargreaves
Lrug Store.
The deacon's wife wanted to jot
down the text, and, leaning over to
her ecapegracs nephew, she whisper-
ed, "Have you got a card about you ?"
"You can't play in church!" was his
solemn, reproving answer; and the
good woman was so flustered that she
forgot all about the text.
Judge—Have you anything to say
before the court passes sentence upon
you ? Prisoner—Well, all I got to
say is I hope yer honor '11 consider
the extreme youth of my lawyer and
let me off easy.
The latest remedy for Coughs Colds, Croup,
Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, oho„ is pioGreg-
or's Lung Compound, There is no remedy in
existence containing say one of the active in-
gredients composing MaGrogor'e Lung ogin-
pound,sodo not say you have taken every-
thing until you have tried this for your oold or
(sough, and your opinion will be ahs same as
all who have used it, viz : that it is the best.
Soolo in3dr00. and
$1 bottles by Jno. Hargreaves
A girl whose young man took her
to the show last week, and went out
four times to get a clove, called him
la four•leaved clover.
"Iam willing to give a young man
a start in life," said old flunks as he
kicked Jones out of the door, "but I
don't consider my daughter a chromo
to be thrown into the bargain."
Be ern year Guard.
r, en't allow a cold in the head to slowly and
surely develop Rolf into Catarrh, when you
eanbe cured for lee, A few applications will
ouzo 1noi0icnt Catarrh. One et two boxes will
cure ordinary 0atarrh , One to Aye boxes win
euro ohronia Catarrh. Try Dr. Chase's Canad-
an Catarrh Cure—it will owe you,
"Flow do you do ?" That's English
and American. "How do ybu carry
yourself ?" That's French. "Row
do you stand?" That's Italian. "How
do you find yourself ?" That's Ger-
man. "How do you fare ?" That's
Dutch, "How can you ?" That's
Swedish. "How do you perspire.?"
That's Egygtian. "How is your
stomach ? Have you oaten your
rice ?" That's Chinese. "flow do
you have yourself ?" That's Polish,
"HOW do you live on ?" Thift's Bus-
eian, "May thy, shadow never be
less," Tbat'e Persian. And all mean
the same thing.
A Torouto trader talks of ehipping
fresh 33alnlan from the Framer river,
13. 0„ to the Liverpool uorhot.
Hon. A. ill. 110511, 1Jrovin01301 trona -
arm. and COnlmieelonel' of itg;r)enitlll'e
will be present at the K11101trdiae fall
fair en 7111 and 8113 of October, and
will deliver au 3.113113300,
Andrew Lucas (eplored) diad in
Brantford 'Wednesday Morning of
last week, supposed ago, 128 years.
He was born in elavory 111 Tonne—tee?,
end was General Jack000'a servant in
Canada. Deooased was highly r0•
speotod by all who employed hilae,
The 13attloford 13cruhl, of the 18th
says :—"On `Tuesday night al
band of eixty.fonr Indiana deserted
from Pounclmaker's reserve with the
avowed iutauti0n of going to Edmon-
ton. The immediate cause assigned
for their departure in that r,itione were
training at the Iiineardono model stopped bemuse they refused to worse.
school, that number being nix in ox' Bo far as known, they did not take
case of the list last year. much Govorumout property, or pro -
A. Galt firm is staid to be engaged
on is largo order of pias to go to Cuba,
and is the second or third that has
been reeeivod from that distant laud.
Have you Toothache? Use Fluid.tghtu1ns.
Have you 1i11rnmatlem 0 Doe Fluid Lightning.
MIME you o SUIT Joint? Deo Fluid Lightning.
Have you mora stn so Fluid Ligi16n100
potty of any kind, with thein, A
bltinket and n few other small things
belouging -to the Roman Catholic
school teacher are missing. They
have with them some of the gnus al
lowed on the reserve and, as far as
0e0 you Lun,bago ? Use Fluid Ligh4,Jloknown, very little :unma :non or
g -
royca troubled with Headache? Use Fluid provisions, and no 110103333 Or carts, 60
Lightning. ft wit you any Pahe i Use riots
Ligutuiug. It will aero you the instant it is that the trip is likely to bo both tedi-
applied, Try it. 200. per bottle at Hargreaves'
Drug Rom.
Tho last issue of the Prince Albert
Times states that about forty of the
Mounted Police and a uumbor of cit-
izens of that place are ill of malarial
The Alma College Board has ap-
proved of the erection of an addition
to the College building at a cost of
$17,000 provided `;$8,000 can be rais-
ed by subscription.
S. Z. Newman, of Owen Sound,
has it plum of the Pond Seedling var.
icty which girths seven inches one
way and seven and a -half inches the
other, and weighs over a quarter of a
Headache rtlliousness,
"Wbeneverl fool out of sorts, bilious, my
liver v of woriduniched g tight, or with a head-
sobe I take Chase's Liver Cure, Thorn le more
rnalbonent from one dose 0r your Liver Ouro
than in many bottles of sumo modtoinee."—
Jso.0100000500,113ond Herd,
The Mennonites of Southern Man-
itoba have gathered a splendid har-
vest this year. The wheat ie plump
and well -colored, in great contrast
with the frosted and shrunken variety
of lint year.
Mrs. Emma Jane Deleon, of Essex
Centre, when° husband, George Dol -
son, wes killed while attempting to
drive across the railroad in July last,
has mitered au action against the
M.C.E. Company for $10,000 dam-
The London Advertiser says :—
"You're a Her 1" shouts the Mayor
from hie official chair to on alderman
at the Council Board. Are we to re-
turn to the days when London was
known throughout the land as the
oity with the rowdy mayor 2"
Wonderful is the effect of West's World's
Wonder or Family Liniment in Rheumatism,
Sprains, Cute, Brnfsee,Burns, Scalds, and all
diseases requiring external application. It
stands without a rival, Pries 26 sante and 50
cents per bottle. Sold by Jno. Hargreaves
& Co., Brussels.
Last Thursday evening J. B.
Scholodeld, of the firm of Morten &
Soholefield, barristers, of Leaming-
ton, dropped dead while playing cro.
quet in the Scott House yard. De-
ceased had just struck his ball when
he was observed to stagger and fall.
He breathed but a few times after be-
ing picked. lip. Heart disease was
supposed to be the cause.
At Lower Village, in Richibuoto,
N.B., a boy twelve years of age, nam -
Marcel Arsoneau, was leading a horse
to pasture, tend had fastened the rope
around his body. The /torso became
frightened by a dog, ran away, and
dragged the boy after him for a dis-
tance of two hundred yards. His
head and body were frightfully, muti-
lated, and his sufferings were intense
during the two hours that he surviv-
d his injuries.
8310470onn, Aug. 8th,1083,
About throe years ago Iwas laid
up with bronchitis, and for six
months was unable to do anything.
Four bottles of Dr. Jug's Medicine
completely cured me, and my
hoallh has boon first.rato ever
eines in fact I never felt better in
my lite.
W. H. Menne,
G. T. R. Works, Stratford.
Sold by G, A. Deadman.
About three days since it was dis-
covered that three graves in the vil-
age of Wardsville had been opened
and the remains of the deoeassd re.
moved. One was that of a person
buried about twentyfivo years ago,
but only the skull was abstracted, In
another case the remains of Mrs. J.
11. Dykes, interred about pix Spare
ago, Was abstracted, together with
the oak coffin and the third ease
was that of a daughter of a Mr. Roe,
now iu England, which was interred
nine years since. What was the
motive for the violation of the sanot•
ity of the grave in these instances
cannot be conjectured. Naturally a
feeling of great indignation pervades
the community in connection with
this outrage.
ons and hungry. The Indian Agent
and Inspector Begin, of the Mounted
Police, left on Friday to follow up the
The race between William Bcaob,
of Australia, and Wallace Boss, of
,St. John, N.B., for X500 a side, was
won by Beach. The champion was
four lengths ahead at the finish.
Beach won tho toss for positions and
took the Surrey side of the river.
Beach was the favorite in hotting, 35
to 10 being placed an him. When
the signal was given Boss was first
away, but 00 led for only the first nix
strokes, when Beech passed him and
steadily increased his lead until he
was two lengths ahead. At Walder'e
Roes spurted, and when Hammer-
smith Bridge was reached he drew alp
on Beach. Several barges got in
Beach's wator and he was compelled
to cross Ross's bow, bet .he avoided
fouling. The Australian soon shot
ahead again, and there were two
lengths of open water between him-
self and his opponent when Dives was
reached. He increased his lead to
the end. The race was a procession
almost throughout. The race was
rowed over the championship course
from Putney to Mortlake. Beach's
time was 28 min„ 5 sec.
is prepared to attend to
sales on very reason-
able terms.
Steady Employment to Goocl M'en
None need bo idle. Previous
experience not essential.
We pay either Salary or 'Com-
100 Nig . Wanted
to Canvas for the sale of Canadian
grown Nlusery stock.
The O;onthill Nurseries,
ll, 13hat S1L111i
01 lJeteh❑r, tlutnh11lna 1(3,
many 0uetonmrs for tooft'lib Oral
support for the putt six years
wiehuu to inform them tint be.
ing barnud nu4 mt tin nod ntnnd lute 11tto l lip a
,bop ,in 8mnln's ntoolt its 11old 0aes style
whore an 1,01100 to see all tliu 31.1 OlJtimno's
and as many 5Jw 0111114 05 ane alt to [ileo 1,3,» a
poll. I hoop ,.,tli1o4 but (1ret.elass mla0r, 1111
t al patof r+ Caulk1031
for7a4 610(sk.
Carriage and
Shoeing Shop.
W'lii T f3 & M9(:13111E.
While thanking our numerous
frionds for their patronage during
the past throe hiolltlls we wish to
remind the public that we aro in a
better position 1111111 ever to sup-
ply your wants in any liur. of Car-
riages. We camp hero to do an
honest business and stand second
to no other mechanic in the Do-
minion of Canada. Wo are pre-
pared to do all sorts of ma01line
work and dross mason's hammers
and tools of all sorts. In Horse
Shoeing we are so far without
compotition. We have travellocl
around the world for our experi-
ence. If you have a cripple that
has RE.1:TER your blacksmith you
have only to bring it to the City
Shoeing Shop and wo guarantee a
miraculous euro the first or second
visit. Please give us a call. Wo
are hero for the sole benefit of the
public at large.
Yours truly,
We have also the best wood-
worker in tho County of Huron in
connection with our shop, We re-
fer tp the well known JAtrEs Winw-
nn, the proprietor of the wood-
work department. He guarantees
perfect satisfaction in all lines of
wood -work. Cutters made in the
latest style, neat and durable. He
has just got in his winter's stock
of timber for Cutters and Bob -
Sleighs. All repairs clone at the
lowest price. He also dons Paint-
ing at his shop. Give him a call
and he will give you the satisfac-
tion you never got before. "A dol-
lar saved is a dollar made."
Janos WALsrr..
Largest i?t Granada,
Over 400 Acres.
Don't apply unless you can fur-
nish first-class references, and
want to work. No room for lazy
men,but can employ any slumber
of energetic men who want work.
Stone a, Wellington,
Toronto, Ont.
� ILI]Eci
Glue a& Putty,
Lath Shingles.
Stove Pipes
Tarred Felting,
Alabastine Paint.
Mixed Paints
Zi H,.AD 8&OIL.
Wood wanted at the Brussels Salt Works. On
and after October let, 1888. we Will take any
famo)1111 of
In Trade for Dry Goods, Groceries
&c., &c.
.N'ezv W'c4oas,
2 JV'ezv .Bl3. fes,
x ✓Yezv Cutter,
any of which We will also trace for either Stove
or Cordwood.
It is distinctly understood that No Wood will
be taken on Accounts up to
00TO33M R 1, 1886.