HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1886-10-8, Page 5OCT. 8, 1880.
07 orris.
Tho township allow at Myth on Friday
of this week,
The roads have boon very muali improv-
ed this summer in this township.
Tho Reformers made a gain of 10 at the
Morrie Vonore' list court, held before Judge
Tome, on Tueeday of this week.
A. B, Robertson ehowed a mammoth
squash at the East Huron Fall Show that
weighed 91 pounde. There would be eat.
ing for a family all winter on a squash like
Listowel rate for thio year is 17i mills.
Mr. Bright, of this town, will build a
flax mill near Arthur village.
Green Dorn and pumpkin pie socials have
been bold in thie neighborhood this fall.
Last Thursday and Friday were Fall
Show days. Friday was a very dieagroe.
able day.
Bedford Richardson loft town last week
for Toronto, where he will enter upon a
course of study to 111 him for the medical
Iron roofs aro coining into prominence.
It is expeoted that Christ's Church will
shortly be raised from a mission to a self.
supporting parish.
Pour thousand, nino huudred and forty -
Eve ooxea of cheese were registered at the
Cheese Fair hold here on Tuesday of last
week. There were five buyers present but
.>� very few sales made.
Tho board fence around the new Agri-
cultural Park is completed, and the track
t graded, but on account of the latsnees of
the season, the new hall, shine and pens
will have to be left over until another year.
Isnveziox.—Rev. F. Ballantyne, late of
Westminister, Presbytery of London, was
inducted into the pastoral dingo of Duff's
Church on Tuesday Inst. A. large congre.
gation assembled to witness tho services, at
which Bev. John Boss, B.A.. presided. An
excellent and appropriate discourse was
preached by Rev. S. Jones, from Exodus
14 :16—"Speak unto the children of Israol,
that they go forward." The usual questions
were then put to Mr. Ballantyne, and these
having been satisfactorily answered he wan
duly inducted as minister of the congrega-
tion. Bev. S. Jones then addressed the
minister iu faithful and affectionate words
of counsel, after which Rev. D. B. McRae,
in a happy manner, urged the congregation
to be loyal and helpful to their minister.
In the evening a reception social was held,
when interesting and instructive addresses
wore given by Messrs. Rose, (chairman),
Samicaon, Jones, McRae, Musgrove and
Mr. Ballantyne, the newly inducted pastor.
Tho choir furnished very pleasing mesio.
Proceeds of social, 646.00. Bev. Mr. Ball.
antyne enters on his work with very bright
prospects, and under Me charge a prosper-
ous future is anticipated. The Walton
congregation is to be congratulated on hav-
ing secured the eervicos of ono who, by his
success in his former charge, has proved so
efficient a minister of the Gospel.
Rev. George Lounds, of Amboriy, occu-
pied the pulpit at Roe's church last Sab-
Robb. MaLauohliu sold two foals, 4
months old, to John Raynard, near Ethel,
for the handsome figure of 6155. Mr. • Ielo.
raises excellent stock.
Miss Hannah Hansom and Miss Emma
Hall, of Montreal, aro visiting at Robt.
Ransom's, 6th con., this weak.
The Grey share of tho Laud Improve.
men Fund has been paid.overto the town-
ship Treasurer. We have not heard how
the moues will be expended,
Judge Toms paid a well deserved Qom.
pliment to Wm. Bishop, the well known
5s1eseor of this township. Ha said Grey
was the beat assessed township in Huron
County, with one exception. The Judge is
the best authority on this matter.
A social will be held in oonneotion with
the Sunday Snhool, in Turnbnll's school
house, No. 2, on Monday evening, the llth
inst. Tho program will nonsiet of speeoh-
es, readings, ,to. A splendid choir will
disooeree sweat mnaio to the audience. Tea
will be served at 7:30 o'clock.
Susriusn PANTS! AND PuxenxrATrorr.—The
young people from Roe's appointment, mat
at 11. Malice's 6111 con. on Friday evening
of last week and presented James Frnyno
with a beautiful floral album and bible.
Tho presentation was made by Mise Rach-
el Roe, and Miae Borthagloritage rend the
address, which was very appropriately re.
plied to by Mr. Frayno, after which the
oompany partook of the good things pro-
vided. Tho remainder of the evening was
spent in playing the usual games with mus-
ic and singing intermixed. After spend-
ing n very pleasant anal enjoyable time to-
gether the company broke up well satisfied
with the evening's proceedings. James A.
has been leader of the choir at Roo's ap-
pointment for the past two year's. He is
leaving the neighborhood, and will he;great-
lo missed.
13rutitwelet Corxneil.
Tho regular meeting of the village Conn-
ci1 Board watt held on Monday avenin' in
the Connell Chamber. All the members
present, Reeve Rogers in tho chair.
Minutes of last meeting read and passed,
• The following accounts were present-
ed :—
Quarterly Band grant, 626,00 ; Conetable
McComb, ono month's salary, 610.00 ; Jas.
Danford, hauling engine, plank and wood,
Moved by W. H. Herr, seconded by Goo.
Broker that the foregoing aocouats be paid.
Moved by W. F. Vanstone, seconded by
Geo. Baker that tho Land Improvement
Fund from Grey and Morrie be applied on
the Local aboouut,
Moved in amendment by W. H. Herr,
seaondel by John Wynn that the mentos
received from Grey and Morris townabipe
for Land Improvement Fund be applied to'
weird a fund to pay off the debonttiroe of
By-law No. 7 of 1878 (fire engine) which
mature in about Iwo yearn. Amendment
carried by the Reeve's vote.
Striking the rates for the year was the
next bueincsn and after a very lengthy die-
outaion. tho following wee the resort :—
County rate, ono and five tenth mills; too.
al rate, six mills ; railroad rate, ono mill
By-law No, 7 (fere engine) one and. two.
tenth mike ; By-law No, 8 (Ronald) four
and five -tenth milia ; By.law No, 9 (front
street) half a 00111 ; By-law No. 10 (Howe)
ono mill ; Saltool rate, six and seven -tenth
mills. After reading the By-law confirm-
ing the above rates the Board adjourned
for n mouth.
I3x ubt,tttls ,Shoot Board.
The regular meeting of tho Brussels
School Board was held on Friday, Oct. 1st.
Members present—E. E. Wade, chair-
man, Mrs. Smith, F. S. Scott and T.
F. S. Scott protosis against the confirm-
ation of minutes on the ground that the
last spacial meeting was not properly call-
ed and thought notion taken was illegal.
Moved by Mrs. Smith seconded by Thos.
Fletcher that tho minutes of last two epee -
meetings be adopted. Carried.
The Principal presented his report of the
attendance at School for the months of
August and September ae tinder :—
Room 1 2 8 4 5
Average 28 30 30 88 68-195
On Roll 28 30 87 42 75-212
Baum 1 2 8 4 6
Average 27 30 40 .42 81-220
On Roll 40 88 48 50 97-270
The property committee certified to the
eorreotnose of Wm. Aiulay's account.
The Board then adjourned to moot again
ou the first Friday evening in November,
Huron Fall Assizes.
The Aeeizee Court opened at Goderich on
Monday of this week, Hon. Justice O'Con-
nor presiding. The :Aril docket contains
eleven casae, Tho orimioal business is
light. Alex. Morton was chosen foreman
of the grand jury.
Perdue vs. Clarke, the frrot case on the
Est, was taken up on Monday afternoon.
This is an anion of libel brought by Char-
lotte Perdue, of Clinton, against Robt.
Clarke, of the same place. In Juno 1885,
plaintiff was in the service of Thos. Trick
as a domestic ; rn the afternoon of Juno 29
Mrs. Trick was found dead at the foot of
the oeller stairs ; au inquest was held and
plaintiff was the principal witneae. She
stated that she saw Mra. Trick fall down
the stairs and break her nook. A letter
was published in the Clinton News -Record
challenging the inquest signed "Critic." In
reply to this letter a communication signed
by the defendon, Robt. Clarke, appeared
in tho Clinton News Record and the Clin-
ton New Era, which communication plaint-
iff contends imputes to her the crime of
murder, adultery and perjury. The jury
returned a verdict for defendant. Menus.
Garrowland Scott for plaintiff ; B. B. Osler
for defendant.
Lawrance vs. Luoknow was commenced
on Tuesday morning. It 1s an action by
Thomas Lawrence against the corporation
of the village of Luoknow to recover bal-
ance of acoount.due him for the roofing of
the Luoknow Town Hall with metallic
shingles. Defendants say that their con-
tract was with George Burgess, and that
they are not liable to plaintiff.
The grand jury on Tuesday returned a
true bill in The Queen vs. Arthur Wyatt,
iioi tlx Ciouxxaty Notorx.
Newry Fall Snow was hold on Tuesday of
this week.
A committee cf the Stratford council has
recommended the re -imposition of market
Mitchell has a rete of 20 mills on the
dollar, and a floating bank accommodation
of 810,000.
Tho Stratford base hall club retiree from
tho field with the championship of the West-
ern amateur league.
The Western Assoniation of the Congre-
gational Churches was hold in Stratford on
Oct. 5 and 601.
Wm. Soeder, of the 10th can. Ellice, lat-
ely threshed 600 bushels of oats from a field
of eight sores.
The libel ease of Hogg v. Crabbe is ad-
journed until the Middlesex Assizes in Jan-
uary next, owing to there being no time to
try the Baso at the present sibling of the
court in London.
A meeting of Reform elootors in each
mnnieipality of both South Perth Ridings
ie called for Monday, Oct. llth, to oleot six
delegates to attend a conventionin the Re -
forth club, Mitchell, at 1:80 p.m., on Tues-
day, Cot. 12th, to elect exeontive oifieorefar
the Ridings audio nominate candidates for
the Oommoue and Looal Legielnture.
When the mixed train from Sarnia on
Mondsy evening of last week was between
St. Marys sad St. Pants a playful bovine
kicked out the door of a cattle car, and
three of rho stook made a jump for liberty
and have not Since been found. The bal-
ance of the oarload stepped out at St. Paula
and there was considerable delay in getting
them together again as the night was es.
penially dark.
John Morrison, sr., got fourth prize for
oolored (hoose at the Provincial exhibition
held at Guelph. This, with a first and sea.
and at the Toronto. Industrial is a very good
reourd for the Newry factory. Mr. Morrison's
son-in-law, Charles Owens, of Bluevale, got
first prize for white cheese anti fifth for
colored at Toronto ; first prise and the gold
medal (which was the sweepstakes) for col-
ored cheese, and first for trnoklo cheese at
In aweordanea with a requisition signed
by the secretary of the Bhutehartl Mutual
Piro Insurance, asking • for an investigation
into the cause of the fire, which lately eon -
sinned the barn, crop, and implement of Jos.
Logan, of that township. Coroner Sinclair
panelled a jury of Mr. Logan's neighbors,
who, after sifting all the evidence forthcom-
ing, returned a verdict that the firs was set
by some poreou or persona unknown to
them, and that Mr. Logan wee outiroly ex-
osernted from all eomplieity in the affair.
A meeting of the din:eture ut the Lima.
Farmers' Mutual Piro Lsurance Go. was
hold on the 21st ult. Applications for In-
Rwanoe were received and a000pted cover-
ing 'deka to the amount of'#14,880. After
the nsna] routine business it was moved and
(tarried nuautmously, "That the members of
this board wish to record thole deep regret
at the lase by death of Wm. Ifammoud, leto
Vico-President of this Company, and to
ocuvey their sincero sympathy with his
niiliebod family in their more bereavontent."
Mooting then aljonrued till the 12111 On.
Now Fair G'rrous dao.
Now that 4110 hurry of tb0 hall
Show le over the Directors should
take some aotiou about enuring a
larger and batter grounds and arrange
for the erection of commodious build-
ings, &c. Everybody is convinced of
the self-evident fact that the present
grounds aro not what they should be,
Listowel has taken tho initiative in
very similar circumstances and have
formed a joint stook company who
have purchased land, fenced and
graded it and will put up the neoose-
ary buildings next summer. There
18 no dellbt the same could be done
hero, It has been freely stated that
if the Agricultural Society bought the
race course the Caledonian Society
would pay theireharo so as to have
the use of the grounds. Now is the
time to handle tine matter. Who
will make the first move ? Tao Posm
has been booming it for some time
and we aro going to continue until
the purchase is effected. With fine
large grounds, good buildings, and
yards arranged for cattle, &e., the
East Huron, and Grey Branch Fall
Showa cannot be excelled.
Canadian Nowrs.
The potato rot 1s so serious in the
vicinity of Stanbridge East, Que.,
that many fields will be left undug.
The steamer Francis Smith we,s
released on Tuesday of int weak on
bonds for $16,000.
Burglars entered the general store
of Whyte at Powley, Drayton. on Sat-
urday night or Sunday morning and
cracked open the safe, getting about
$900 in each. No clue.
The Auditor -General intimates
that he hopes to be able to adjust
during this month all printing claims
in eonnection with the Voters Lists
and socounte of -revising barristers.
James McKeown, a printer, was
arraidned at the Toronto Police Court
for a brutal crime on a ten•year-old
girl named Elizabeth Lorraine. Mc-
Keown boarded with the girl's par.
ante. The girl is in a critical condi-
tion. McKeown was remanded till
the 8111 inst.
The Toronto St Andrew's Society
have decided -to take necessary steps
for incorporation and also to colo-
brate the .fiftieth anniversary by a
hall on St. Andrew's day, at which it
is expected the Marquis of Lorne and
Princoes Louise will be present.
A. series of daring robberies have
been perpetrated in Aylmer, Qne.,
during the past few weeks, the latest
reported being at the residence of a
lawyer named Gordon, from which a
box containing $8,900 worth of notes
and negotiable enmities w118 taken,
The first step towards improving
the navigation of Vancouver and Brit-
ish Columbia coasts will be undertak-
en within a couple of weeks. Tho
Government has just authorized the
construction of hennas or lighthous-
es on Sidney Island bar and Zero
Sir John Macdonald left Ottawa
Monday to take part in rho formal
opening of the Murray Canal. He
will address a public meeting at
Belleville Wednesday evening and
will return to Ottawa on Thursday,
Hon. lir. Foster, who accompanies
the Premier, will, at ita conclusion,
proceed to New Brunswick, whore he
delivers several addresses.
Prairie fire+ have been raging 10
Southern Manitoba and also about
Elkhorn. Considerable damage has
been done in both neighborhoods.
The prairie fires came upon ilfosera.
Lorrain, Norice and McDonald, throe
Winnipeg lawyers, camping near
Carman. They barely escaped with
their livor, and lost their entire crimp•
ing outfit.
John, Shand, Brussels',
to whole was awarded the First
Prise for both Fine and Coarse
Boots, at rho Fall Show, hero, on
Wednesday, Oct. Gth, bogs to state
that he did not eater for COMP1rTI-
'llox his splendid Exhibit of Leath-
er, as the Prize List distinctly
stated that, could be done by the
manufacturer ONLY.
Shand does not believe in
Bogus Honors or Blarney.
r11 oo(
limo oi Brussels I
STYLISHtedf 41111i RY2
Tuesday, 'Wednesday,
Thursday, ,g day
a XI.d Saturdays
OOT. 5,6,7,8&9,
and following days, when we will show to the Ladies of Brussels and
County of IIurou the grandest display of New Fall Millinery ever ex-
hibited in this Western Country,
"wiThis Department is still under the able and efficient management of
whose ability to please is so widely known. -
G. A. Powell has much pleasure in announcing the arrival of his
Fall and Winter Importations, which for quality and cheapness have
never before been equalled, all of which has been bought before the
recent advance in Goods, and will be sold at the Closest Cash Prices.
We Sell Millinery at Dry Goods Prices.
We Sell .Millinery at a0712712012, Sense. Prices.
Remember the Greatest Attraction of 188G will be the Grand Milli-
nery Opening at G. A. Powell's, commencing on Oct. 6111 & Gtb, that
being our Fair Days in Brussels. Ladies don't fail to see the great
attractions we are showing.
Our store will be open 011 Wednesday night for inspection of our
Millinery only, as the early closing movement is still in progress. We
will not sell any goods on that night but will have our store nicely
dressed for the occasion, Tho Brussels Brass Band will give a lltel0l•
Bal conceit 0.1 Wednesday a,id `,]rttill•d:by r;Jv.1i11U'•a i,.t i,,:...s, u.
Please do not ask us to sell any goods on Wednesday night.
All will receive a hearty welcome at the Great City Millinery House.
G. A. ',t. ° ,