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IMOM1931.111106111001197a. "IIIMIONGINWP.i3111111.900,1r,.
Eas4.t Huron Fall Showi, McDenolilin, Jno Skelton ; ono year
010. steer, T Boas Tilos Sample ; steer
calf, F 13eattio, T Boss ; heifer
YERY SUCCESSFUL EXIEIBITION. Donald MoLauahlin, L McNeil ; fat
cow, A. Cowan, T Calder ; fat ox or
steer, R Dickson, Bryans ; Yoko
working oxen, R Dickson, T Russell.
Judges for Cattle.--Jno W Boyd
and Wm. Forrest, Attwood, and Geo
Moffatt, Turnberry,
SUM --LBIOD !VIERS ."--S hearling
ram, Goo Browar, G Moffatt, G Brew-
er ; ram lamb, let & 2ird Thos Mc-
Laughlin ; pair of ewes having raieed
lambs in 1886, Thos McLauchlin,
A Hyslop ; pair of shearling ewes, J
Sample; pair of MO lamina it. His-
lop, T McLauchlin.
0,01 SWOLDS.—Aged ram, W Mach-
an ; shearling ram, 1st & 2nd Wm
Meehan; rain lamb, Wm Machan;
pair of ewes having raieed lambs in
1886, let & 2na W Machete ; pair of
shearling ewee, lat & and W Meehan;
pair of owe lambs, let & 2nd Wm
Meehan ; pair of fat ewes or wethers,
any breed or grade,D D Wilson.
Sonnowss.—Aed ram, J Hew-
ett, J 141 Martin; ram Iamb, j Haw -
alt; pair of ewes having raised lambs
in 1885, let & fend j Hewett; pair of
shearling ewes, J Hewett, Chas How-
lett ; pair of ewe lambs, let & 2nd J
SDROPSEIRE Dowia.—Aged ram,
nos Heritage; ehearling ram, let &
2ud D D Wilson; ram lamb, D D
Wilson, Wm Bishop; pair of ewes
having raised lambs in 1886, 1st &
2nd D D Wilson; pair of shearling
ewes, let & 2nd 1) D Wilson ; pair of
ewe lambs, D D Wilson, Hugh Ross.
PIGS.--BERESHIRE.—Boar, over ono
year, J M Matin, j 0 Tuck ; boar,
under ono year, let & 2nd j 0 Tuck ;
sow, having littered in 1886, Wm
Pomeroy, j M Martin; sow, under
oue year, Ed McNamara, .1 M Mart-
SUFFOLE.—Boar, OAOX ono year, J
C Tuck ; sow, having littered in 1886,
C Howlett; sow, under 1 year, Ghee
Chester white boar, ',ged, Thos
Granger ; Chester white boar, young,
Thos Granger ; Chester white sow,
aged, Thos Granger; Chester white
sow, yonng, Thee Granger.
Judges.—Sheep and Pige.—John
Robertson, Belgrave, and Jae Knox,
POULTRY.--Guines fowl, Frank
Beattie, Jas Harrison ; dark Bra -
hales, lst & 2nd Frank Beattie ; light
Brahmas, F Beattie, W H McCrack-
en; black Spenish, let & 2ud Wm
Grieve; Plymouth Rook, let & 2nd
Wm Love ; white Leghorn, W Love,
Mrs W Ballantyne ; brown Leghorn,
let & 2nd F Beattie ; silver spangled
Ho.mburge, J Harrison, W 15 Mc-
Cracken itli• black flamburge, F Beat-
tie, W tchan ; Polande, F Beattie,
W Machan; Bantanis, Duncan Mc-
Lauchlin, Beattie; Houdane, F
Beattie.; Dorkings, 11 McDonald, 1'
Beattie ; black Turkeys, 8 Burgess,
Jas Knight; white Turkeys, Jas Har-
rison ; bronze Turkeys, j Harrison ;
white geese, F Beattie, Mrs R Brown ;
grey geese, W Pomeroy, J Harrison ;
Pekin ducks, Jae Shurrie, G Brewer;
Ayleebury ducks, W Grieve, S Bur-
gess; Oanadian-bred canaries, 11 T
Hingston, j Bray; fancy pigeons, lel
& 2nd F Beattie; Pea fowl, Wm
Meehan, G Brewer.
Judge.--Poultry.---H Goddard,
LIPLIMENT8.—Wooden axle or pat-
ent arm wagon, Slater & Sims, Scott
& Williams ; single buggy, open, lat
& 2nd Jno Wynn ; single buggy, Gov.
ered, Slater & Sime;, field roller, W
R Wilson ; iron harrows, Geo Love ;
turnip scuffles, let & 2nd Goo Love;
fanning mill, McMurchy & Co. ; two
horse cultivator, 3 Fleury & Son ;
turnipicutter, J Fleury & Son, W
Wilson ; pump, let & 2nd Wilson &
Patton; wide furrow plow, T Henry
& Son, Geo Love; general purpoeo
plow, Geo Love ' • set donbletrees and
neck yoke, Scott & Williams ; farm
gate let & 2na Wilson & Pelton ; sets
of horse shoos from hammer,
& Sime; wheelbarrow, W Wilson.
Judges.—Implemente•-• John Bone,
Wrozetor ; 3 Graham, Attwocd, and
Jas Johnston, Seaforth.
The annual Fall Show of the above
mentioned Society was hold on Grey
Branch agricultural grounds on Tues-
day and Wednesday of this week. The
weather was beautiful on both days
and consequently the number of ex.
Minton and exhibits was largo. In
the in -door department a better show-
ing of roots, vegetables, fruit and
grain is seldom excelled by the Pro.
vincial or Industrial. Tho display of
ladies work was excellent. In fact
everything was of such a high order
there could be no fault found with
the whole display. On Tuesday
evening the "Palace" was visited by
rt large number of people who in-
spected the articles on exhibition,
threw grain, lialenecl to the program
of music, &e. The Oonetitutional
corset exhibit of D. A. Simile was
the centre of attraction to a groat
many, They have sold over 1,100
pairs iu the past 9 months which is
ample, proof of their excellency. On
Wednesday the attendance was large,
the gate receipts being over $100
mgre than last year. There was a
splendid show of horses, cattle, sheep,
pigs and poultry. F. Beattie, 3.
Harrison and W Grieve deserve spec.
ial mention for their excellent die -
play of poultry. In cattle Thos Ross
made a large number of entries, D D
Wilson and john Hewett made an
excellent exhibit of sheep. David
Milne, of Ethel, had a fine herd of
thoro-brell cattle. The saddle horses
were ruled out asthey did not stand
16 hands high. There was a notice-
able freedom from "sharpers" on the
gronnds. Two peep -shows amused
a large number of the sightseers. An
improvement badly needed is an en-
closure for the cattle so that they can.
not roam all over the grounds. The
proceeds of the Fair will run close on
$400. There were 174 diffe.ient ex-
hibitors entered on the Secretary's
books. There is the ground work
for one of the beet shows in the
County here but the "Crystal Palm"
is too email an6 the Directors
would bo doing a wise thing if they
secured the race course and put up
new buildings. No Sooiety in Huron
give', such a prize list as the East
Huron, we believe, and owing to its
length we will have to refer our read-
ers to the accompanying liet for fur-
ther particulars :—
mare, having raised a foal in 1886,
Duncan McCallum, Wm. Grieve, J
Stafford ; mare colt, Jno Armstrong,
John Staord, L McNeil ; two year
old filly, Donald MoLauchlin, Thos.
Roe ; two year old gelding, Mrs W
Ballantyno, Duncan McLauchlin ;
yearling filly, Donald McLauchlin, M
Cardiff, D McDonald ; yearling geld-
ing, Thos. McLauchlin.
GENERAL PORPOSE.—Brood mare, j
Seal, Jas McCallum, T Davidson ;
horse colt, R McDonald, J Semple,
Jno Armstrong ; mare colt, Thomas
Davidson, Jas Evans, Jno Brawn.; ;
2 year old filly, J Stewart, H White,
Jno Govenlock ; two year old gelding,
j Govenlook, F Oliver, R McDonald ;
one year old filly, W J Proctor, Jas
Armstrong, A Ross ; one year old
gelding, Geo Forest ; span of general
purpose horses, It McLauchlin, H
Bose, T MoLauehlin.
Roanzanos.—Brood mare, J Lamb-
kin, W Smith, U McFadden ; horse
colt, J Lapslie, J Hogg, L MoNeil ;
mitre colt, W Smith, J Lambkin, U
McFadden ; two year old filly, U Mo.
Fadden, Geo King, R Dickson ; two
year old gelding, D Strachan,
Forbes ; one year old filly, W Minos,
Geo King ; one year old gelding, Jno
Forbes, Joseph Smith ; buggy horse,
lat & 2nd T O'Neil, P Mcott,
Canerseas.—Brood mare, D D
san, Jae Hogg, J Scott ; carriage
span, Thos Russell.
Judges for Horses. -Andrew Young,
Seaforth ; Rich McKee, MoKillop,
end Robt. Riley, Marnoch.
Jas Douglas, 2nd & 8rd D Milne ; two
year old heifer, let & 211a D Milne, J
McLanehlin ; one year old heifer, A
Nichol, 2nd & 8rd D Milne; bull calf,
33 Milne, J Hewett, D Mi1uo ; heifer
calf, 1st, 2nd & 8rd D Milne ; herd,
D Milne.
san, 2nd & Brd T Roes ; two year old
heifer, Chas Howlett, Jno Sample ;
one year old heifer, lat & and Thos
Rosa ; two year old deer, Donald
Vneetearets,—Onions, from End,
rod, Jno Stafford, Mre W Elliott ;
onions, from seed, Yellow Danvers,
W H McCracken, G Love ; onions,
from seed, Giant Rocca, W 11 Me-
• Cracken, G Love • oniona, from top
site, Geo Broker H McCritelien
onions, from Dioh seta, (.3.• Broker, W
H IleCracken ; top onions, W H Mc -
Cu -token, 8 Burgess ; Dutch setts, J
Wynn, G Broker ; potato onions, W
1-1 McOraolcen, W H Wells ; corn,
Yellow Canada, W id MoOraoken, D
Currie ; corn, White Flint, W H Mo -
Cream ; collection of corn, named
varieties, W H MoCraoken ; winter
eabbage, W H MoOraelren, Miss L
Oliver; curled sevoy, Miss L Oliver,
W H McCracken ; rod cabbage, Mise
L Oliver, W H McCracken; cauli-
flower, A K Robertson ; pumpkin,
Mrs Ballantyne, Jas Evans; ;quash,
A K Robertson, D Currie; collection
of garden produeo, W H McOrecken,
A K Robertson; tomatoes, large, W
11 McCracken, A K Robertson; plum
or cherry tomatoes. 0 Veal, T Kelly;
butter beans, A Russ, G Moffatt;
white beans, A. Ross, W 11 ItlaCrach.
en ; any other variety beans, A. Ross,
W II McCracken; citrons, round
striped, W 3 Proctor, W Pomeroy ;
citrons, long Californian, J Shurrie,
W H McCracken ; water melons, W
B. McCracken, A K Robertson ; musk
melons, W J Proctor, W H MeOrack.
en ; cucumbers, GLove, W H Wells ;
celery, 'white, Mrs W Ballantyne, W
Pl. McCracken ; celery, pink, W
Gosisr.--eWhile fall wheat, Alex
Gardner, 0 Hingston, Hugh Lamont ;
red fall wheat, G Moffatt, Alex Stew-
art, J Stafford ; spring wheat, any
other variety, Tbos McLauchlin, jno
Wilkinson, Jas Sharp ; spring wheat
Lost Nation, G Moffatt, Jas Shurrie,
Alex Gardner ; barley, Alex Stewart ;
barley B Laing, A K Robertson, Jas
Runic ; white oats, A. Ross, Jas
Shurrie, it Laing ; white oats, small,
Jno Hewett, Alex Roes, T Davidson ;
black oats, Alex Roes, G Moffatt, Jae
Ferg neon ; peas, T Wilkinson, John
Sample, Jas Harrison ; large peas,
Wm Pomeroy, G Moff,1, Jas Shur-
rose potatoes, Robt Ingles ; white
elephants, John McIntosh, W H do-
Oracken ; mammoth pearl, W 13. Mc.
Oracken ; beauty Hebron, Hugh La-
mont, W H McCracken ; late rose,
Jas Harrison, John Skeltoti ; eureka,
W H McCracken ; rose climax, 1st
and 2nd W H McCaacken ; white
star, W H McCracken ; potatoes, any
other vartety, W H McCracken, Alex
Gardner ; Swede turnips, Wm Bish.
op, Mrs W Ballantyne ; turnips, any
other variety, Jno Sketon, A Hard.
ing ; carrots, Belgian, W H Mo-
Craoken, Mre W Ballantyno; Altring-
ham carrots, W H McCracken, Mrs
W Ballantyne; scarlet nantes, j Hew-
ett, John Skelton ; early horn parrots
W EL McCracken, Jas Wilkinson ;
blood beets, John Hewett, W H Mc-
Orauken ; turnip beets, P Scott, Jno
Skelton ; sugar beets, W H McOraok.
en, Jno Skelton ; parsnips, P Scott,
Robt Ingles ; mangel wurzels, W H
McCracken, Mrs W Ballantyne ; yel-
low globe mangels, Jae Shurrie, W
H McCracken ; red mangels, W H
McCracken, Joh u Skelton ; yellow
rnangols, 'W H McCracken, Goo Bea-
Judgee—Roots, Grain and Vegeta
ables.—C Proctor, Belgrave ; 0
Wheeler, Belgrave, and Seth Doan,
T Ballantyo, Chas Hingston, Jas Fer-
guson, John McDougall, G Moffatt •
table batter, Jho McDougall, W
Proctor, G A Deadman, H Ball, G
Moffatt ; factory cheese, 1st & 2nd
Robt Robertson ; home-made oheeee,
John McDougall.
yds flannel, Maggie Pollock, W Proc.
tor ; pair blankets, S Burgess, Mag-
gie Pollock ; counterpane, Mrs J W
Shiel, Thos Ainlay ; skeiu yarn, Mrs
Neil Richardson, W H McCracken;
gentleman's suit, Ross Bros ; maple
sugar, 8 13urgess, W Proctor ; maple
molasses, 5 Burgess, W a Proctor ;
honey, comb, G A Deadtean, W Pom-
eroy ; honey, strained, G A Deadman
W Pomeroy ; grape wine, Mrs W
Ballantyne, W P1 McCracken; thu•
barb wine, 0 Veal, Geo Love; straw-
berry wine, W H McCracken, Mis
W Ballantyne ; elderberry. wine, Mrs
Ballankyne, W Prooior ; totnato
ketohnp, Mre W Ballantyno, Mrs
Ballantyno ; home made bread, D
C/urrie, Mrs Ballantyne ; canned
fruits, W H Wells, W P1 McCracken.
MANUFACTURIES.--Colleotion of
leather, Adam Good ; set farm har-
ness, 11 Dennis; sot single harnees,
11 Donnie ; pair fine boots, J Shand ;
pair coarse boots, J Shand, Adam
Good ; axe handle, John Bray ; rust.
lc work, Alex 'Stewart jr ; joiner's
work, Menden Smith.
'TUdges-Domestio Manfs and Dairy
Produce.—Wm Robertsou, Wing.
ham ; L McTavish. Wroxeter, and A
Thomson, Turnberry.
Lames Woms.—Arisoene work, lat
& 2n6 Mrs Ballantyne ; applique
work, Mre W Ballantyne, Mre Ball-
antyne; braiding, Alex Wilson, W H
Walla; berlin wool work, flat, Dr
Brownlee, Mrs Ballanty no ; berlin
work, raised, Jas Ireland, Dr Brown-
lee ; berlin wool and bead work, Dr
Brownlee, G Moffatt; berlin wool
flowers, Mies McClelland, Mrs Henry;
bead work, Miss McClelland, Dr
Brownlee; berlin wool and silk, Set,
G A Deadman, Mrs Ballantyne ; DODO
work, Dr Brownlee, W P1 Welis ;
crewel worh, Dr Brownlee, Arise L
Oliver; card board motto, Dr Brown-
lee, W J Proctor; crochet work, Mre
W Ballantyne, Bliss McClelland;
darned net, Dr Brownlee, Min Mo -
Clelland; embroidery, cotton or mus-
lin, Dr Brownlee, Mies McClelland ;
embroidery, on worsted, Dr Brown-
lee, Mre W Ballantyne ; embroidery,
on silk, Mrs Neil Richardsou, Miss
McClelland; fine shirt, Dr Brownlee,
Miss McClelland ; fancy knitting in
cotton, Dr Brownlee, 0 Veal ; fancy
knitting in wool, Dr Brownlee, John
Wynn ; fancy flannel shirt, Miss eic-
Clelland ; feather stitching, Dr
Brownlee ; hair flowers, A Wilson,
Duncan McCallum; specimen of laee,
S Burgess, Mies McClelland ; lambre-
quin, berlin wool and beads, A Wil-
son, M Sharpin; lamp mat, A Wil-
son, W H Wells ; leather work, W
H MoOracken, Mrs Henry ; pair of
woolen mite, Maggie Pollock, G Mof-
fatt; pair woolen gloves, W Proctor,
G Moffatt; netting, Geo Love, Dr
Brownlee; patchwork quilt, Dr Brown-
lee, Maggie Pollock •, log cabin quilt,
W H Wells, W J Proctor; crotchet
quilt, Thee Ainlay, 0 Veal ; tufted
quilt, Maggie Pollock, 0 Veal ; fancy
quilt, Maggie Pollock, Jae Ireland ;
knitted quilt, Mrs 1-1 G Wilson, 0
Veal ; rag mat, Mre Ballantyne, T
Malay; shell work, Dr Brownlee, W
H Weil e ; sofa pillow, berlin wool
flat, Dr Brownlee, W II Wells ; sofa
pillow, berlin wool raised, Dr Brown-
lee, W H. Wells ; sofa pillow, braided,
M Sbarpin; sofa pillow, patchwork,
Mrs Ballantyne, Thos Ainlay ; pair
stockings, woolen, let & 2nd W H
McCracken ; pair stockings, cotton,
let & 2nd 0 'Vaal; pair socks, woolen,
let & 2nd W H McCracken; pair of
soaks, cotton, 0 Veal; strew hat, 1st
and 2nd W H Wells ; tatting, Dr
Brownlee, 0 Veal; wax flowers, Mre
Judges.—Lathes Work.—Mrs Sea-
man, Listowel; Mrs Sloan, Blyth ;
Miss Jennie Murdock, Wingham, and
Mrs Doan, Edwardeville.
SPEOIALS.—W H McCracken's—
S wade turnips, John Skelton ; red
mangels, Mrs W Ballantyne ; globe
mangels, John Skelton. W H Kerr's
—Loaf home-made bread, Chas.
FRIIIT.—Baldwins, Alex Ross
Lamont ; Yellow Belleflower, R Ing.
les, W Proctor ; Ben Davis, John
Stewart, (Brussels) Joseph Smith ;
Fameuse, Mrs Henry, Thos Sample ;
Grimes golden Et Ingles ; King of
Tompkins Co, Jas Ferguson, J Ma -
Dougall ; Northern Spies, T David-
son, Ross Bros ; Newton Pippens,
Mrs Ballantyne, 3 Howlett ; Pomme
Grise, 11 Ingles, W Proctor ; Rambo,
W Proctor, N Richardson ; RI Green.
ings, A. Ross, R Dickson ; Russets
golden, J Bray, Mre le Brown ; Seek
no Further. Jae Wilkinson, T Wilk-
inson ; Spitzenburg, Jae Ferguson,
Mre W Ballantyne ; Tolman meet,
11 Ingles, Jno Forbes; Pippens, T
McLauchlin, Hugh Lamont ; Wagner,
Id Cardiff, B Dickson ; Ribston
Thos Russell, G Moffatt ; Col -
vert, Jas Ireland, Jas Evans ; Alex.
ander, S Burgess ; Duchess of Olden-
burg, A Ross, W H Walit ; Wall Pip-
pins, ROSS Bros, Jas Ireland ; Haw-
thornden, J Hewett, Jae Wilkinson ;
Maiden's blush, W Proctor, 3 Hew-
ett ; Peter, J Hewett ; Swartz M
Cardiff, B Ingles; St Lawrence, J
McDougall ; collection of apples, W
Proctor, A Stewart, R Ingles ; winter
pears, 151 & 2nd Jno Wynn ; fall
pears, D Robertson, B Gerry s plums,
Wm Pomeroy ; grapes, Sno Hewett,
D Currin ; crabs, R Dickson, J
Judge—Dr Sloan.
FINE Anz—PhotoRraphs, A, Baus-
laugh ; poneal drawing, T Ainlay;
water color drawing, Mies L Oliver,
Lily Veal ; oil painting, j Bray, Mra
Graham; black crayon drawing, G
AI:Madman ; colored crayon drawing,
Dr Brownlee; spatter work, A. Oow-
an, G Lave; painting on silk or vol.
vet, Dr Brownlee, Lily Veal ; paint.
on plaque, J Lambkin, Afro Gra-
litre—Collection of foliage plants, let
& 2nd Thos Kelly; collection of
flowering plants, lat & 2nd T Kelly;
collection of basket p lents, let & 2ni
Thos Kelly.
GENERAL Diaz—Table bouquet, 0
Veal, Maggie Stewart ; band bouquet
0 Veal, Maggie Stewart ; collection
of cut floaters, A K Robertson, James
Harrison ; collection of Dablias, ist
& 2nd Maggio Stewart; Pansiee, Jae
Ireland, Maggie Stewart ; Phlox
Drammoncli, A K Robertson, M
Sharpin ; Asters, Maggie Stewart, A
K Robertson ; Stocks, A K Robert -
sou, 0 Veal ; Petunias, A K Robert-
son, Miss L Oliver ; African Mari-
golds, A K Robertson, Maggie Stew-
art ; French Marigolds, A K Robert-
son, Jas Ferguson ; Dianthus, Mag-
gio Stewart, A K Robertson ; Bal-
sams, Jae Harrison ; Zinnias, A P1
Robertson, M Sharpin ; Gladiolus
spikes, Maggie Stewart ; Verbenas,
Maggie Stewart ; collection of orna-
mental grasses, Maggie Stewart, T
SMIALS.—Quartette singing, D
Stewart and family ; violin musics, D
Ewan, Daniel Stewart ; instrumental
mune on organ, Miss Maggie Stew-
The Constitutional Corset display
of D A Smale was very highly re-
Geo Brewer won Geo Thomson's
special for the heaviest dozen of eggs.
Canadian Wows.
The population of Hamilton is set
down by the assessors at 42,741.
An =denim Council has been pass-
ed placing on the free list brass cups,
being rough blanks for the manufact-
ure of braes and paper cartridges,
when imported by manufacturers of
those articlee.
W. S., Gage, the well-known pub -
lather of Toronto, has offered to bear
all the expenses incident to the visit
of Sam Jones and Sam Small to Tor-
onto. The committee at once accept-
ed Mr. Gage's very generous offer,
which will involve an outlay of about
A. young man, aged 21 years, nam-
ed A. Hay, was feeding the grain in-
to a threshing machine at Mildmay
on Friday, and in holding on to a
sheaf to prevent it from going in too
fast, hie feet slipped from under him.
He fell in, was torn to pieces, and in.
A report oomes from Lake Superior
that on Wednesday last, during a
heavy gale, the captain of the steam-
er Oity of Owen Sound, while lying
beside Pie Island for shelter, saw a
vessel go down with all hands. He
could not make out what kind of
craft it was, and supposed it came
from Verde Island.
The Colonial Exhibition continues
to be well visited. During the week
ending Sep tember lith the turnstiles
recorded an aggregate attendenoe of
262,927. Tho Canadian Gazette ways
it is needless to add that this fact has
been indicated day by day—and es-
pecially on Satarday—by the crowd-
ed condition of all the courts, the
Canadian section not the least among
them. The total attendance since
the opening is 8,548,745.
The promised earthquake has gone
back on Wiggins ; tho great storms,
the undulations of the earth's crust,
and whatever else Prof. Wigging
promised, have not boon fortheouling.
Mr. Wiggins now tries to hedge. The
notoriety for which he has !Arisen he
has obtained, but it is of a kind that
few would cart for. Mr. Wiggins
had better attend to his duties in the
l'inance Department ; he could there
be of greater use to tho public than
in appearing in the character of a
weather prophet.
The Government telegraph lines in
British Clelumbia, amounting to some
600 or 700 miles of land lines and 50
miles of cables, were transferred to
the Canadian Puffin Railway Com-
pany on Saturday last. The trans-
fer gives to the Canadian Pacific Rail-
way all the British Columbia bum.
noes which has heretofore been con-
trolled by the Western Union Tele-
graph Company, the destination of
Canadian business being through the
United States via Chicago, Ogden,
San Francisco and Portland, Oregon.
Un der the now management [tipsiness
a ill go direct over Canadian Pacific
Railway lines,