The Brussels Post, 1886-10-1, Page 66 %notary of Churohos and Societies, lfisbvn.ras Cnvlteu.—Sabbath Services et 11.8.n1, and (hill) p.01. Sunday Seim/ nt 3:30 p.m, 'toy. duo. heal, lit A., pastor. IS:sos Caption.•-• Sabimth Services at 11 11,m, and 1:110 p.m. SUII11 y School at 2:30 p.m. liov. S. Jones, pastor, ST. J011\'0 t+ashen,--Sabbath Services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday School at 0:110 a.m, Rev, IV. T. elude, inontubont, Mt:Taobiar Unfair.—Sabbath Services nt 10:30a.n1.and 8:30 p.m, Sunday School at Sl0 p.m, rev. NY m. Smyth, pastor. Rotas Caxuol.lo Colrncit,—Sabbath Ser- vicethirdSundayin every month at 11 elan. Ilev. P. J. Shea, priest. ODD FaVhoW'8 140nalt every Thursday evening in Urallam•s block. 1f usoi\rc Longz Tuesday at or before full moon in `austone's block. A. 0. 17. IV. Lonna meets on 1st and Sr3111onday evenings of each month. 101 32n's Lenon 2nd and last Monday evenings of each mouth in Srnnlo's 11a11. L. 0, L. 1st it(onday in every month in Orange IIall THE BRUSSELS POST OOT, 1, 1886. If there it; anything below, the A peddles. gold 52 cents worth of olouds that 1vi11 make an angel red mucilage at Beaton, and was obliged around the oyes, it is to see ti near- to pay $2 for a ltoenee to legalize the sighted bachelor thread a needle. transection. An Irish country doctor, eonvers. Speculators are digging on the faro] ing with a friend about tbo hlgb rate at Sandwich Wost in sneroh of a of mortality then prevailing, rework. °host of gold said to have been buried od, "Boded, there aro people dying there (luring the patriot war. From a mound at Calf Mountain a who ever died before quantity of human bowie, sirups, and A philanthropist asked d the daugu• other relies have been takon, and ter of a rich manufacturer, who eon- ploys m• will be submitted to the Winnipeg did a hundreds foro of mon, if elle neer Illetorieal Society for exawioatioU. did ," was t her father's bands. On Tuesday night last 100 yotulg withwas the reply, "bot I rub miry grape vines and 15 young plum trees with ,rlyoerino and oatlnoal every wore out down iu the proton of Junes night." T'umphrioe, of f�uaeuaton, Who rQcI feel o rtninnsrts, cowardly authors of the mischief "er not working oringI Ont of eked, bilious, my liver not work Otgttgh t, or reeked with nhord- haV01l0t bg0tl iDdotltitled. soh° l take 0 base's 1, Ivor (hare. Th en is more A miner named Thee, 1tebCTta, real boned t from Ono ,lose olyuar Livor Unre dissatisfied with the way in which the tLan In many battles of eouiu luwiletn". JNo, Museum, Ilona lOOad' conlraets for the erection of a new I3onsemnid : "Cb, please, Miss, church were let, aseaultod Bev. A. A, there was ayouug gentleman called Badley, of Calabogio, knocked out when you lens out, He didn't leave one of Lie front teeth, and badly out itis lip. Pear °MON•-01110e noursfrom 8 a.m. no card, Miss, but 1 can show you INPT1TeTs Bre 7 p.m. BOOM and onwho he is, 'came there aro the of 1IaCnA\ICP' 1tOPdlll�, Library in Holmes' block, will bo open his photographs in your alb111re from ti to 8 o'clock p.m. Wednesdays and In school a teacher noticed a huge Saturdays. Miss Jessie Ross, Librarian. blot of ink on a boy's Dopy book. "What is that," ire demanded, "Surd .._ ._.._VatsIliio>L. Notes. I think its a tear, sir." "A tear ? How could a tear bo bltiok ?" "Sure Last week a eon of Chas. Straag• way, Pilkington, observed a largo bird sitting on a high tree malting its morning meal off a fish a foot in length. He got a guu nod shot the had, which proved to be a bald 11euc1. ed en -le measuring 8 foot from tip to The marquis is the newest Ince. and' think one of the colored boys tip of wing. 11 is rumored that the Brantford company ]s making an endeavor to secure the Passmore property at Port Dover, with the intention of tsouvert- ing it into pi0-ale grounds, with a race track, base ball and other ath letie conveniences, enug cottages and, other suitable accommodations for pia-nic and excursion parties and summer r'esortere. Flat finger rings aro out of fashion. A glove must be long or it 18 nosh ing. Ile on year Guard, ron't allow a cold lu the head to slowly and surely develop itself luta Catarrh, when you A Can be cured for 152. few applications will curs incipient Catarrh. Ono or two boxes will e ordinary curehronCatarrh, Try Try DOlBo'sCaned- au Catarrh Curs -1t will ours you, Skirts are gathered, draped or plaited. Tho beryl and tho opal are fashion• able stones, Black and white sill: hose in pin checks are imported. Etamine with wide meshes is com- bined with woolen lace. The latest remedy for Coughs, Colds. CrOup, Whooping Cough, nronehliis, etc., is Htorireg- or's Lung C0mp0210. Thorn is no remedy in existence containing nay one of the active in- gredients composing MO rogor's Lung C&m- panne, so do not say 2100 bora taken every- thing until you have tried thl s fey your cold or oougu, and your opinion will be the same as an who bavo used it, viz ; that it 1n tbo best. Sold In 000. and 81 bottles by Jno. Margrearee & Co „druggists, Velvet j8ckets, sleeveless of course, are worn with lace dresses. White silk vests, braided with gold of a pale tint, are worn with tailor- made dresses. Women will Nova largo and splen• did ornaments in jewelry, men very smsll and quiet ones. It is considered more in France for a bride to wear a long plain tulle veil than a lace one. This it to certify that I bavo used 1loGreg- or's Speedy Cure for Dyspepsia and Liver 00nlplahit, and do honestly say that if it coat me one hundred dollars (3530.on) a bottle I would not be without it, as it hen done me nod I feel like than a all map—Yours truly ever ax, S@EEL, Carleton Placa, Dur. This medicine 1s for sale at 50c, and Cl per bottlo st lrargroaves Lrug Store. Times are good again across the line.- Thejewelry trade has improv- ed 25 per cent., over last year. Shoes are less pointed, and have renou0aed high heels which gave such an unsteady gait and projected the body forward. Plush jackets aro made without any extra trimming of fur or paesem- enterie, end are beautiful from their very simplicity. Varieties. If Parliament gots in hot water, it )1150011 es. Brewers can't strike ; the hops keep On working. Does a TO011 marrying a grass wid- ow live in clover ? Like the worm, the roller skate will turn when trod on. Despatches say "the corn market is pinched." Tight shoes, perhaps. Advertising is a great deal like making love to a widow. It can't be overdone. clave you aver tried MoIregor & Parka's Carbolio Comte for sores of any kind 7 It is beyond doubt the very b est preparation In tho market for healing and aurins Soros, Blume, Cu tit, Pimples. Blotch co, and is the only proper method of applying Oarbolio &cid. Sold at Hargreaves Drug Store or 210. per box. Miranda married a chiropodist, be. cause she wanted her man to always be at her feet. "This is my sphere," said a happy 'vice patting her bald•headod husband on the pato, Moat men like to see themselves in "Inuit," but women don't. They prefer eine or satin. Do you know the nature of an oath madam ?— You wouldn't ask that question, judge, if yon knew my hue. hand. "Hello, Jim ; where've ye bin ?" '"Fishin', whereve you ?" "Fishin' ; what d'yo ketch ?" "Oold, what'd you ?" "Thrashin'." A little boy said ho would rather have the earache than the toothache because ho wasn't compelled to have his ear pulled out, "You never sate my hands as dirty as that ?" said a petulant mother to her little girl. "No, but your mother did," was the rely, must have dropped it.' Gave you ToOtbnol,o? Use Plaid lightning. Rove you llhoumntlsln ? Uso Fluid Lightning. Have you. Stiff Joint ? Uoo Vivid Lightni ug. Have you Neuralgia? Use Fluid Lightning. Have you Lumbago? 1100 Plaid Lightning. Are you. troubled with headache? Use Plaid Lightning, Duro you any Pale 7 Uso Fluid Lightning. It will 111ro you ib0 instant it is api'lied. Try it. '350. per bottle at Hargreaves Drug Moro. The following incident happened in one of the public school of America Teacher : Define the word excavate. Scholar: It means to hollow out. Teacher : Construct a sentence 1n which the word ie properly used. Scholar :' Tho baby excavates when it gets hurt. I110 of tho greatest importance that al bowel find stomach oompinints should be at. tended to at once. espadally at ibis season of the year. \Vott'5 Pain Bing is prompt, reliable and certain 11050r to fa0. Ouly?5 coots. Sold by Jao.13a1'greavos & Co. It was roorganiztug,—"I should say that this railroad company ought to reorganize," exclaimed a disgusted passenger on a Weetel'n road. "That's what it is now Join;," promptly replied the conductor. "Then we. may hope for better sea. vice ?" "No, sir. Two men now own all the stock, and the object is to got all into the ]lands of one." wonderful is the affect of West's World's Wonder or Family Liniment i 1 SOheu andaril Sprains, Cuts, Bruise e, stands withses out rivl externalP ri a "all cents and be cents per bottle Held by Jnu. Hargreaves & co., brussels. A tree happened to fall upon a sow. Her back was injured, but in order that she might live long enough to fatten, her owner put a set of trucks underneath her in such a way as to support her back. In course of time elle became the mother of ten healthy pigs, and, strange but true to say, each pig bad trucks attached to it the same as those under the mother. $o says an exchange from the- rural die• trlots. No frills about him.—"Gentlemen," ho said to the reporters as the sheriff put the knot where it would do the most good, "will you grant me one last request before I die ?" The re. porters to a man said that they would. "Then write me down as having boon simply "hanged," not "launched into eternity." I'm no dude." This request caused some consternation among the younger re- porters, but they all inept their word. B7nwTPon11, Aug. etb,1080. ALOut throe years ago hiss laid up with brouohitis, and for nix mouths -was unable, to do etnytlling. Four bottles of Dr. Jug's Mo die Ina completely cured mo, nod my health has Loon first-rate over since, in foot leaver telt better in my llro• W. 11. MAW!E, G. T. n. works, Stratford. Sold by O. A,Doadman. "Luny," ebe said to the new girl, when the question of wages had been settled, "there are times when my husband comes home in a—a—eon• dition." "Yos'm" "In a befuddled condition." "Yes'm." "Caused by overtaxing his brain at the office." "I understand, ma'am, and if be eom0e into the kitchen and puts his arm around one I'm to—." "Retain your dignity." "That's it, ma'am, That's just what has happened in my two last places, and 1'11 warrant you I can behave in such a manner that He'll take me for the lady of the hones.' Don't you let the befuddled condition worry you as long as I remain, ma- ma.' D°•JUGSa: MtDICINE` n1ria •ton eti BLOOD.' Canadian. NoWre. A Chatham tailor got a $000 order from Forepaugh, V. Bell, of Plympton, deg 125 po• Woes ont of ono hill, all good 61120. J.lrvino, of Palmyra, 'Cent county, grow peaches 10 inohee 1n eircumfer• 0000. JonathanNropf, of Iaysvllle, grew some corn stalks 11 feet 91- inehee i high. „a;i t. k,u;�Yr'.►:b i \'Ar M. 13 L 1> SHILL, Dutcher, thanking his runny 0 1, i(l hers for tuelr ltb0r03 00(33rt for the past alit years wishes to inform them that bo - hie horned ou t of the old stand Into Mad. no a altnp in Staalo's Block 4n arat•olpss style whore. he hones to see all the out customers and as many nmv 0 )0 na sea tit to give hint a Dill 1 keen nothing but first -Olsen meats, 1,11 kinds of fool try and Han0a130 3,101.3. Deliver- ed to all parts of t110 113011, i rou, Gu811 1)41)1 for Fat Stook, TUN CITY Carriage and Shoeing Shop. The capture of sturgeon ai Porte Talbot and Barwell have been phen- omenally large this season, Tons upon tons of these cartilaginous Ina. Reit na- fieh have been shipped to Buffalo, sturgeons weighing '75 to 115 pounds have been captured by scores, but Masers. John Price tG Co., of Port Stanley, took out of their No. 3 west net the other day a .sturgeon wmigb- iug 160 pounds. This is believed to be by long odds the largest fish ever caught on the north shoro of Laky Eno. A St. Thomas veterinary surgeon pulled a dog's eye tooth recently. The canine was braced up on its hind legs on the chair, and opened its mouth quito naturally. The surgeon took advantage of the opening and with a pair of horse forceps took a firm hold of au eye tooth. The dog yelped and wrapped lois legs and tail around the surgeon's arm in a deo• perate grip, but the (oroeps kept their hold, and after a ]lard struggle the tooth was torn from its fasten- nge. The dog fell back in a dead faint, but was soon revived and set at liberty. The sweepstake prizes for the boat farms do the Province were awarded by the Agricultural and Arts Aseoei- ation at Guelph as follows :—The first prize to Simpson Rennie, Itlilli- ken, township of Belabor°, County of 'York ; the second to Wm. Donald - eon, of South Zorra, township of Bast Zona, County of Oxford ; and the third to John Fothergill, Burlington, township of Nelson and County of Halton. The form of Win. Reunie, township of Markham, County of York, was placed in the fourth place, and that of -John Campbell, jr., of Woodville, township of Marlpoee, county of Victoria, in tho fifth. Tho competition was so close that there WKS only a difference of seven marks between these five out of a possible 200, and of the 17 forms visited all were found to bo worthy of the clos- est scrutiny. The prizes were $100 $60 and $40. The London Advertiser says :— We have private information which points very strongly in the direction of an election in October. Wo would warn our Beform friends everywhere not to permit themselves to be lulled into a false security. The Govern- ment wore fully resolved upon bring. ing on the general election this an. tmm�, and they have not yet aband• °nod the intention. It is true that tho result of the elections In Iiaidi- mand and Ohambly have caused de- lay, but they have not yet gauged the Government to abandon tho deter- mination. Sir John Macdonald in his speech assumed dist the general elections would be brought on in 1887. Of course they will if Parliament is allowed to continuo its full peeled; but that declaration of the Prime Minister proves nothing, Mr. Nor- quay recently informed a friontl and et]pportor that he was delaying the write in the cage of tho Provincial eleotions in Manitoba beeltuse it was mooted that the Federal Govern - malt would bring on the elections this fall, gild it would bo more con - Valiant and bolter for the party to biles the Proviwoial and Federal oleo - Hone in Manitoba at the same time. WATTS & 9'KAUUL. Fl A Rte While thanking our numorotis 'DUMB friends for their patronage during J �'i the past throe months we wish to remind the public that we aro in n bettor position than ever to sup- ply your wants in any lino of Car- riages. We came hero to do an honest bnsinoos and Stand second to no other moehanic ill tho Do- minion of Canada. Wo are pre- pared to do all sorts of machine work and dross mason's hammers and tools of all sorts. In Morse Shoeing WO aro so far without competition. We have travelled around the world for our experi- ence. If you have a cripple that 110.5 BEATEN your blacksmith you have only to bring it to the Oily Shooing Shop and wo guarantee a miraculous 01110 the first or second visit. Please give us a call. We are hero for the sole benefit of the public at large. Yours truly, WATTS & MoILeuo, Brussels. We have also the best wood- worker in the County of Huron in connection with our shop, we re- fer to the well known JAIiIS WALic- 3113, the proprietor of the wood- work department. He guarantees perfect satisfaction in all lines of hood -work. Cutters made in the latest style, neat and durable. He has just got in his winter's stook of timber for Cutters and Bob - Sleighs. All repairs done at the lowest price. He also does Paint- ing at his shop. Give him a call and be will give you the satisfac- tion you never got before. "A dol- lar saved is a dollar made." J:s11I11s WALAI;a. 1S1 oJ Glib & Putty, Let 1, & ate, , ^1,es. O ES --AND — Stove Pipes Tarred Pelting, Alabastine Paint. Mixed Paints ALL COLORS. L HAD ez OIL. BCERRY. WOOD WANTED Wood wanted at the Brussels Salt Works. On and after October lst, 1886, we will take any amount of CrenaDiVr In Trade for Dry Goods, Groceries &c., &c. WE HAVE ALSO POR SALE 2 New 'Wagons, 2 JV'ew Buddies, .1 JV'ezu Czotter, any of which we. will also trade for either Stove or Cordwood. It is distinctly understood that No Wood will bo taken on Accounts up to OCTO1E3JJR 1, 1886. F. C. ROCS FRSs