HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1886-10-1, Page 5OOT, 1, 1886. THE BRUSSELS POST DISTRICT NEWS. tieitfo th. A Caledonian Society was formed in Seafortli out Friday Just with the following oi'ficera t--Ohiof, Alexan- der Stewart; 1st Chieftain, Dr. Oitm- boll ; 2nd Chieftain, J. R. Lyons ; 8rd Chieftain, J. McIntyre ; Sem. Lary, J. 0. Marstons ; Assistant Sec- retary, W, Meredith ; Treasurer, J. Roberts. 33lytla. Thursday was civic holiday. Court of Revision was held in town on Taesdoy last. A large number from this neigh- borhpod are attending the Exhibition in London this week. The Blyth Choral Society gave their first concert in the Temper - mice Hall on Monday evening. The attendance was smell owing to the very unfavorable weather. The so- ciety has only been organized a short time and is making rapid progress in advancing musical science. PEasonsms.—Mrs. M. Young is visit- ing friends in St. Marys at present.— L. H. Shane is nt present spending a few holidays in Detroit.,—Bich. Welker left here on Friday morning last for Detroit.—Miss Jane McQuar- rie is visiting friends in Milton nt preeout.—Jno. S. McKinnon loft town this week for Toronto where he purposes going to attend a Business college.— Will. Milne left town on Tuesday morning to attend the Med- ical college in Toronto, which opens Oct. let,—Miss Hopper, of Paisley, has been engaged by D. B. McKin- non to Lake charge of the millinery department this season.—Mise Herd has returned to town again to re• sumo her duties as milliner in And• arson As Elder's.—R. J. Oolton, of Walkerton, spent rt fow days in town this week.—Art. Emigh, relieving agent on the G.T.R.; spent Sunday in town.—Rev. M. Craig, of Clinton, occupied the pulpit acceptably in the English church last Sunday morning and evening,—R. Render• son, formerly principal of the Pub- lic School here, spent a few days visiting friends in town this wool:. — Bliss Nellie Oolton has returned from lier visit to Stratford. She in• tends leaving for Winnipeg shortly. — Balill Murdock and Principal Shaw wore in Brussels this week. vies. Belgrave Fall Show on Friday of this week. They usually have a good show. Tho Council appointed John Moon- ep collector for 1886. Mr. Mooney maltee a tip-top collector and gets the money almost every time. The salary is $80. The township rate for this year is one mill on the dollar, county rate two and one-tenth mills and the rail- way rate eight -tenths of a mill. The Morris township Fall Show will bo held at Blyth on Thursday and Friday of next week. There are few township exhibitions beat this one and there is always a largo at. tendance of spectators. John M. Hughes surprised a good many of his friends by going off quietly to Blyth, and at the Method- istparsonnge, being united in marri- age to Miss Mary A. Kellinglon, daughter of Matthew Kellington, of this township, All thie took place on Sept. 15th but a great many hard. ly believe it yet. Your correspond- ent wishes the happy couple all the joys of married life. DIED, --Seldom does a more mel- ancholy event take place in a neigh- borhood than that which befell the family of George Turvey, 2nd line, last Friday. A. number of members of the family had been clown with dysentery but had recovered with the exceptisn of the mother and daughter. They both died on the one day and were buried together on Saturday at Jewitt's church. TWO hearses in the one procession is a very unusual and mouruful sight not soon to be forgotten. Rev. J. 5. Cook, of Bluovale, eonduted the service. Mr. Turvoy and family have the sympathy and prayers of the community in this very heavy affliction. IEthel. David Milne lost a valuable thor- ough bred cow last week. Mrs. Hides had 17 teeth extracted at Brussels last Monday. Mrs, Davies hes been very poorly for Outlast two weeks, but she is now convalescent. John Imlay returned from Dakota about two weeks ago. He has re- sumed work as fireman in Mr. Milne'e saw mill. xl. V. McAllister is erecting quite an extensive addition to his store. J. T. Cook has the contract, and is pushing tho work with his usual en. orgy. The band serenaded Win. Milne and 3, C. Heffernan last Thursday evening, and when they got through they found themselves $12 richer. The boys appreciate their liberality. William Robertsou, of Chicago, spent his holidays (two weeks) with his parents bore. lie has a lucrative situation in a large wholesale and re- tail establiehment in the Western city. George Dobson appealed on the result of his 2nd clues examination. His appeal was enstained, and the Minister of Education has granted hien a nonprofessional 2nd close ear. ante. Goo. has been very success- ful with his examinations so far. The Methodist church will give a Literary and Mueioal entertainment ou Thursday evening, Oot. 14111, to eonsiet of first class music, reading, recitntrons, a speech by W. II. Kerr of Tim POST, and a lecture by Rev. R. Paul, on "Matrimony." B. Gerry will occupy the chair. Cra-oy. Connell minutes in another cob uma. Joe. Illenary left last week on a business trip to Manitoba. Miss Jessie, Robertson is visiting in Toronto this week. Robt. Habkirk and Robt. ifcUnll. um are visiting at Guelph. Intending exhibitors aro getting things in order for Brussels fair. .& number of our young men leave shortly for the Michigan lumber woods. ff A great many from this section are "taking in" the Western fair at Lon- don this week. Fall plowing is being pushed ahead as rapidly as possible. The land is iu flue order, Oliver Smith has removed to Ches• ley whore ho will enter into merch- antilo life. John Robertson, Oth con., is away in ItloKillop township this week visiting old friends. Apple paring bees are beginning to cast their shadows. Tho apple crop is very large in this section. The Bird boys are doing some tall threshing with their steamer this sea- son. They are kept busy every clay. Last Saturday Thomas Woodburn of con. 7, died after a very brief ill- ness of inflammation of the bowels, aged 67 years and 10 months. He hacl been in Brussels on Friday.. The funeral was on Tuesday. Now that the evenings aro getting long we presume our follow young men are spending a part of mull in reading. There ie no way in which a few hours can bo spent more pro• fitably, caro been taken, however, to stake up one or other of the standard works of the day. There are two ob- jects to be gained in reading which are indeed worth a great deal, these two objects are information and im• provement. How well it is to be posted on the leading question of the day, which can easily be clone by reading the journals of the day, which are now within the reach of all. A great writer has said, "Reading mak. ebb a young man old without either wrinkles or gray hairs," 1113 fV AI, Dickson --Cormack. Last Tuesday morning a large number of relatives and friends assembled at tiro re- sidence of Mrs. Oormack, Elizabeth street, to witness the tying of the matrimonial bow, by Bev, S. Jones, between Wm. B. Dickson and Miss Jennie Oormack. The bride was attended by Miss Pretty and Miss Lizzie Dickson. The groomsmen wore 0. W. Oormaok and A. M. Kay. The bride woo very neatly attired in a create dress with cream lace overdress, white veil, orange blossoms and white kid slippers; ' Mies Pretty wore n darned net dress, with °ream law and Kiss Dickson a white nun's veiling, with cream Inns, The ceremony over a sumptnous wedding bran kfast was partaken of, and after showers of rico Mr, and Mrs. Dickson took the noon ;rein for a IL week's visit to some of the eastern cities followed by the congratulations and good wishes of a vary large circle of friends. The wedding presents oomprieed all that wag handsome, useful and ornamental and _I expressed very loudly the esteem in which the bride and groom are held by the people of Brussels and surrounding country, The following is the list and name of donor ; — Lemonade set and tray, ?fiss Lizzie Dick- son, Goderioh; °look, T. Fletcher and wife; pair of hand painted panels, with plush frames, Mies Annie Oliver, Toronto ; two winker rocking ohairs, J. 11. Grant and wife; family bible and hanging lamp, Bolsi. Dickson and wife ; lemonade set and tray, Mrs. H. Spence, Goderioh ; silver arum, Charlie and Harry Oormack, New 'Rork ; individual silver cruet, A. Slraohan ; silver pickle cruet, J. 1V. Shaw, Blyth; silver cake brisket, A. ,Murdock, Myth ; hanging lamp, W. 11. Kerr and wife; silver cruet, Ars. J. 0, Kidd, Listowel; silver cake basket, W. M, Sinclair ; eilvor fruit dish, Miss Maggie Dickson, Goderich; fancy china vaso, Mrs. J: W. Shiel ; silver celery dish, Geo, Arm- strong and wife; plush photo album, A. M. Kay, Goderioh; silver fruit dish, G. A. Powell and wife ; bevelled glans mirror, with garnet plush frame. J. Wilson and wife, Seaforth; dozen silver knives, P. Scott and wife ; dozen silver forks, Miss Pretty; half dozen silver spoons, Mrs, Webster ; silver spoon holder, F. S. Soot; and wife ; silver fruit dish, Mrs. H. Brodie, London; plush photo album, Harry Dick - eon; out glass berry sot, Mrs, Donald Soot;; silvor salt cup and spoon, Jas. Grieve and wife; bronze plush jewel case, Mise Bolla Scott, Toeewnter ; toilet bottles and pin cushion, hand painted, Miss Nessio Kay; pair of vases, Robt. Graham ; silver butter dish, W. Wright; cigar ease, Mrs. Webster; silver napkin ring, 11. Y. Grant; white quilt, Mrs. Aldridge ; silver butter dish,Miss Jounie Dickson; glass sake dish, Mrs. Wm. Revell, Toronto; darned net pillow shams, Katie Oormack ; amber glass water pitcher, ,Mrs. Geo. Forsyth, `lees - water; gilt and plush photo frame, Allis Oormack ; silver napkin ring, Ruseie Fletcher ; silver butter knife. Reggie Fletcher; broom, Jessie Grunt ; dust pan, Leslie Kerr. The groom's present was a beautiful set of jewelary. Tun POST throws an editoral slipper after the happy couple and whereas, notwith- standing, nevertheless as W. 11. Dickson, of the first part, and Miss Jennie Cormack, of the second part, have covenanted to- gether, and have, according to the laws of the land, (See. 02, sub -ase. 60, R. S. 0.) mutually consented to be joined together, we hereby wish the aforesaid persons every pleasure and happiness come -at -able in the journey of lifo and hope the aforesaid part- ies will never have cause to regret the day when they became husband and wife and the papers worn signed, sealed and deliver- ed in tho presence of a score or more wit- nesses. Four inches of scow fell on Sunday, Sept, 8, at the Bit,* Mud, no.tr Ed- monton. Millinery Opening! Tuesday i' Wednesday, OCT, 5th & 6th. Mrs. Alexander desires to intimate to the Ladies of Brussels and sur- rounding country that She will have her Fall Opening of Millinery and Fancy Goods on the days of the East Huron Fall Show, Oct. 5th and 6t11, when she will be pleased to have them call. Having just returned from To- ronto all the newest and prettiest fashions and styles will be on ex- hibition. Every effort will be made to please our customers and the sat- isfaction given in the past is a guarantee for the future. Hrs. Alexander. Next door to Jno. Growar's. STOVES ! .STOVES! STOVES ! 1,10-Levrianowkr Are to the front this Fall with a large and well selected stock of Cook- ing, 13ox, Parlor, and Coal stoves. In cooking stoves we wish to call SpIGCIAL attention to an entirely now lino, `Tull OnIGINAL," "Tnis WABBIolt KING," and the old reliable "Woo) Coox," weighing :400 pounds. The "RUGAL PilxixsuLAa" is a square base burner, for coal, that should be seen by every intending purchaser. LAMPS ! LAMPS ! LAMPS ! Lamps and all general house furnishings always kept in stock. Plated Goods a specialty. HOLGIVE ES A CALL. .�ayoroit Bros. LIES' I3LOOlf. LL`t� •18 11 � •F^ —0000000000— GRIND MlLINefl°=OPElVIN6 c _-- T TI3.1� EAT CITY KEINE . Y —AN D— ry Gooiis House ol B1hfle1s —0000000000— NEW GARFIELD HOUSE NEW ALWAYS AHEAD FOR STY'USH MLLllERY0 —0000()00000— WILL BE ON Tuesday, 'Wednesday, Thursday, Fr da And Saturday, 00T. 55 6, 70 8 & 9, and following days, when we will show to the Ladies of Brussels and County of Huron the grandest display of New Fall Millinery ever ex- hibited in this Western Country, —0000000000— This Department is still under the able and efficient management of MISS PR, ;TtTY, whose ability to please is so widely known. ' —0000000000 G. A. Powell has much pleasure in announcing the arrival of his Fall and Winter Importations, which for quality and cheapness have never before been equalled, all of which has been bought before the recent advance iu Goods, and will be sold at the Closest Cash Prices. We Sell Millinery at Dry Goods Prices. We Sell Millinery at Common Sense Prices. IN MILLINERY WE EXCEL 1 —0000000000— Remember the Greatest Attraction of 1886 will be the Grand Milli- nery Opening at G. A. Powell's, commencing on Oct. 5th & 6th, that being our Fair Days in Brussels. Ladies don't fail to see the great attractions wo are showing. ►eBA1N.TD CONCERT® -49 OPEN ON WEDNESDAY NIGHT ONLY l l Our store will be open on Wednesday night for inspection of our Millinery only, as the early closing movement is still in progress. We will not sell any goods on that night but will have our store nicely dressed for the occasion. The Brussels Blass Blind will give a musi- cal eencert 011 11 Jclllosday and. Stttardtty evening's Ll fi J:1L U tai s.,,�[,•, Please do not ask us to sell any goods on Wednesday night. All will receive a hearty welcome at the Great City Millinery House. Yonas RxSP1 CTPULLv, G. A. Powell, til, TML GREAT OJTY MILLINERY HOUSE.