HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1886-10-1, Page 44
culvert ou side road 8, oon. 15, $4 ;
Themes Strachan,, expenses to Po.
mato on' township heftiness, $8.60.
Council then adjourned to meet again
at d'uck's hotel, Oranbrook, on Fri-
day, Oct. 22nd.
ilal' Niru ell 4105 ,
.1'Ii10.d 1, OCT. 1, 1886,
Morrie. Council 1vleeting.
The Ouauoil suet pursuant to ad-
journment, in the Council room, on
Sept. 2061. 'Members nll present,
the Reeve in the obeli. ,liuutes of
last meeting road and passed, Ac•
counts were ordered to be paid ns
follows —Thos. Clark, removing
flood -wood, $8 ; P. Scott, repairing
scraper, $3.50 ; Joseph MoLlroy,
ditching, $85 ; Thos. Code, ditcbing,
$8 ; Allan Lindsay, grading and re-
pairing sideroad, $20 ; Quintin An-
derson, spilcee, 750. ; J. Colley, in-
epecting on western boundary, $2.-
d2i ; G$6;Praetor,POn cedar, culvert and
culvert and
ditch, $3 ; 3',
ditch, $4.60 ; George Johnston,
gravelling at Buttan'e bridge, $4.63 ;
W. R. Kerr, printing Vetere' Lists,
$80, advertising Court of Revision
and posting of piste, $2 ;Mimosa
ford, charity, $10; William Ellie,
ditching, $10 ; for gravel, T. S.
Campbell, $2.90, J. McMillen, $5.25,
P. Ja&keon, $7, W. Whiteford, $5.20,
J. Shurrie, $4.66, 3. Martin, $1.75,
J. Sellers, $8.10, 3. Evans, $3.25,
A. W. Sloan, $2.80, Wm. Skelton,
$5.26, S. Walker, $9 50, J. Leech,
$8.40, J. Whiteford, $4.60, H.
Wright, $4.25, A. W. Sloan, $9.66.
&loved by H. Mooney, seconded by E.
Bosman that Robb. Warwick be grant-
ed 26o. per rod for digging 60 rode of
ditch on sideline between lots 5 K 6,
con. 8, ditch to be five feet wide at
top, three feet deep. and 18 inch bot-
tom.—Carried, Moved by E. BOB.
man, seconded by S. Caldbiak that
John Mooney be appointed Oolleetor
for the current year at a salary of
$80, on furnieliing satisfactory se-
curity to the amount of $14,000.—
Carried. Bylaws No. 5 iu 6 were
duly read and pe.ssed. Tie rates for
the current year are, county rate,
2 1-10 mills, township, 1 mill, and
railway, 8-10 mill ou the dollar.
The Council then adjourned to meet
again on Oct. 25th.
Wer. CLARir, Clerk.
Wts. SPl,t:cz•:, Olerk.
A Dynamite •sensation.
On the arrival of the Grand Trunk
train from Petrolea on Friday last
an arrest took place which created a
sensation in Sarnia. On the Otb of
Juno last an attempt was made to
blow up the residence of J. G. Mo -
Orae and to burn down that of Thos.
Houston, both of whom have been
conspicuous workers in the temper-
ance cause and energetic supporters
of the Scott Act. Dynamite or nitro•
glycerine was supposed to have been
used. Mr. McOrae's family had a
narrow escape. tip to Friday night
however, it was supposed by the peo-
ple of Sarnia that the perpetrators of
this dastardly act would never bo
found out, it being generally under•
etood that the Attorney -General had
given up the case ; but it was not so.
The matter was placed in the hands
of Government Detective Rogers for
investigation, and the latter immedi-
ately set to work, and after looking
into the surroundings decided upon
what course he should pursue. He
sent a clever assistant to work in with
the suspected parties, but, after
spending about three weeks in the
neighborhood, he discovered that his
indentity bad become known. De.
teethes Bogeys thereupon withdrew
him, and immediately sent another
competent assistant to lake his place.
After spending forty days in com-
pany with the suspected parties this
assistant received a pointer that led
to the arrest on Friday. It appears
that one Charles A. Hand, who runs
an hotel in Sarnia known as the
Rossin Rouse, told. Detective Rogers'
assistant the particular. of the ex-
plosion, gluing the names of the par.
ties directly implicated, including
himself. He told who had been em-
ployed to fire the fuse, and that the
dynamite used wee got in Detroit.
The assistant became quite friendly
with Hand, being a boarder at his
hotel. During the time which De-
tective Rogers spent in Sarnia he
was in constant communication with
his assistant, which was never sus-
pected. The assistant, who sailed
under the name of Billy Armstrong,
was arrested for disobeying a sum -
mous to give evidence in 0 Scott Act
case and fined $50. Thie, however,
was simply to deceive the people with
wham he was working. A few days
ago Inspector Palmer summoned sev-
eral hotel -keepers in Sarnia for sell-
ing liquor contrary to the Canada
Temperance Act. One of the parties
summoned was Hand. Hand im-
mediately decided to give the Scott'
Act Inspector a taste of dynamite,
and offered Rogers' assistant $25 to
fire the cartridge, at the same time
stating that he had dynamite cars
ridges at Petrolea, together with det-
onators, all of which were ready for
use. The assistant allowed Hand to
pursue his course, and he accompan-
ied him to Petrolea by the noon train
for the purpose of getting the cart-
ridges. Rogers saw his assistant and
Hand leave. The arrangement was
that they should return the same
night. Rogers got the assistance of
the local police and waited at the sta-
tion for the train, which arrived about
two hours late. As it steamed into
the station Hand stepped to the plat-
form carrying under his arm a cigar
box wrapped in a newspaper. Rogers
immediately scented him and told
him he was wanted. Hand then
made a pass to get rid of the. cigar
box, but Rogers grubbed it, and the
prisoner immediately weakened ; the
assistant was also arrested, but tits
was only for the purpose of keeping
up the deception which had been car-
ried on for the past two months.
Both were immediately driven to the
gaol and searched. The cigar box
contained two half pound dynamite
cartridges and a piece of fuse, While
going from the station to the gaol
Hand admitted to the detective that
he was in Sarnia on the night of the
explosion, but refused to say anything
more, saying that he was "too fly:"
Both Hand. and Detective Rogers' as-
sistant, who was arrested with him,
were looked in a Dell together. It
seems to have been Hand's intention
to blow up Inspector Palmer's resi-
dence on Monday night. During the
pregruss of the work of the detectives,
Inspector Palmer, Mr. N1o0rae, the
County Crown Attorney, Julius Buclio
and another wore the only parties
who knew what was going on. Mr.
Palmer, however, was somewhat un-
easy least there should be a slipwhioh
would result in his being blown up
with dynamite, but Hand had not a
abnuee to carry out the 'terrible
scheme with which be is credited.
$20 ; Donald Campbell, planking At midnight the residents wore seen
Grey Council Meeting.
Council met at Dames' hotel, Oran-
broolr, Sept. 24th, pursuant to ad.
journment. Members were all pros -
tart, the Reeve in the chair. M.in
utee of last meeting read and approv-
ed. lilai;srs. Strachan and. Oliver re-
ported having examined the side road
bet iteen lots 30 and 81, cone. 16 and
17, and recommend that nothing be
done on said road as it is in .a fair
state of repair. Moved by Walter
Oliver, seconded by Edward Bryans
that the Reeve and Treasurer be au-
thorized to borrow of McIntosh 5 Mc-
Taggart's bank, Brussels, the sum of
$600 for township purposes.—Oar-
ricd. Moved by Thomas Ennis,
seconded by Edward Bryane blink the
Reeve be instructed to issue a deben-
ture to John Dunbar, contractor, on
the completion of the new bridge on
con. 2 , provided it ie finishedaccord'
ing to speeifiaations.--Carried.
Moved by Edward Bryans, seconded
by Thee. Ennie that Wm. F. Cale,
M. D., be appointed Medical Health
Officer for the township.—Carried.
The following accounts were banded
in and ordered to be paid :—Hiram
White, 500 feet elm plank for bridge
at lot 10, eon, 12, $6 ; Hart fi Co.,
blanks for Voters' Liet Court, $2.20;
Ament Bros., lumber for culverts,
$2.81; F. S. Scott, oonetable at
Voters' List Court, $1.60 ; Valentine
Foster, ditching at lot 20, con. 12,
• $8; Wm. Spence, expenses for Vot-
ers' List Court, $88.33 ; James Holly,
ditching and culvert on side road 6,
con. 16, se per Engineer's award,
$24.26 ; Marshall Harrison, hitching
at lot 82, eon. 14, Engineer's award,
$10.50 ; Geo. Johnston, gravelling on
boundary Grey and Morrie, $100;
John Tar, grading et lot 5, con. 6,
$20; Jameo McNair, gravelling on
side road 3, cons. 14 and 15, $28.05 ;
John 13ishop, logging and stumping
road lot 6, con. 5, $14.40; David
Clark, planking two culverts, lots 10
and 12, cons. 18 and 14, $2.50 ; An-
drew McNichol, cleaning out culvert
at lot 13, con. 12, $1;`bliehael Fox,
repairing culvert at lot 14, con. 10,
$2.50 ; Bobt. Ball, culvert and break-
ing atones et Tote 1 and 2, con. 4, $8
Quintin McBlein, gravelling at lot 1,
cub, 4 rind at lot 8, oon, 6, $70.45 ;
ctothiug to 1):.'i1
i ineman, au idiot, $0.84 D. W.
Slingerland, grading on side road 6,
eon. 12, $18 24 ; George Coats, no.
dordrain across road lot 62, con. 1,
$2.50 ; Henry Ball, gravel, $10.70 ;
S. Fraser, lumber for culvert, $1.50;
John Harbottle, Engineer's expenses
under the Ditoies and Watereourse'a
Act 1888, $60; Thornes' Bothwell,
atone culvert at let 7, oon. 9 end 10,
standing on the street corners discuss-
ing' the nu.toer. The Scott ?lot sup-
porters aro delighted at the re.ult of
the clever work of 1)eupcti•ro It•gors
and Itis nsaist+nt, and the (+ovw n •
merit is receiving greet prale6 for its
action iu the matter, hand will
etand 1115 trill at the ileXt -issues.
Our. 1, 1E;B6.
The Leading Hous
G. A. Powell,
New Garfield House,
Special Discounts v
Pall Show Days,
or on any day to persons buying in large quantities.
New Goods Arriving Daily.
Ordered work & Repairing
Pro2,pt17 ,attended to.
'�.�.. S. OSTRf NDER,
, •;1' Graham's Block, Brussels.
Have always on hand
a fresh Supply of:
1 r'
THEY 1-+.
Sue�iall➢ ui Piiluu� I11 9ecipes
:irestr i
4 444 ....3 e Ste a "' ""--'"7"." ."••'.�
1111 ,64
Mabee, Drawing books and all School Supplies on hand and procured
at iihurtest Notici.
A New Supply of Cheap wall Papers Just in.
1--1AIRJC+12JA-ValS 00.„
Ontario. 1 Opposite Queen's Hotel, Brussels.