HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1886-9-24, Page 88 $100 REWARD.' We would like, the public to bear in mind that our Honey is Guaranteed Pure and Free from any Adulteration whatsoever, Wo oiler, therefore, the above reward to any person who will find it to the contrary and yet it is only 10c. per lb. G. A. Deadman, Druggist, Bookseller tG :Apiarist. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. --- SOUTHERN EXTENTION, W. G & B. R. Trains leave Brussels Station, north and oath, as follows:•— 00I11gSoatL, Going North. Mail 7.15 a m.'Mixed 111•°3n m Express......•2:11) p.m, Mixed 8:50p.m Express 905 p.m. The morning train south and the nicht train north will only run on Tuesdays. .Thursdays, and Saturdays. Taal .tit Items. A chief's among ye iakin' notes An' faith he'll prent it. (CAL. STOVES. OVERCOATS, FALL Fairs. DARE nights, 1luuns roads. LONG evenings. TIME to square up. GET up your garden "sass." J. WEEarEis, of Doon, was in town this week. NEST Friday will usher in the month of October. 3 XX XXX vinegars ab A. Good's. - CEIOKET, base ball and croquet to take a second place. BausaELs grain market is com- mencing to boom. THE front gate will now have to be taken in by the parlor stove. GEO. COLVIN 1s building n stable, 20x88 feet, on hie property south of the village. HIGH Court of Justice, Chancery Division, is in session at Goderich this week. PLriis, Peaches, Pears, Grapes. A Good. THE next election for school trus- tees would have been by ballot had the resolution been properly worded. You, yes we mean you, can help us make THE POST more readable, if possible, by handing us in local items. Give us the facts and we'll arrange them. ADAM Goon Wants to whisper some- thing to you. We won't tell you what it is but by referring to page 6 of this issue you may read for your- self. Don't forget thia, ExTEA value in Fruit Jars and pickling yinegars at Thomson's, G. A. DEADMAN arrived home last Saturday from Winnipeg. He en- joyed bis trip, saw a large number of persons formerly residents of Brus- and had a good time generally. Jas. Coma had the misfortune ;t0 have his hand badly cut by a small circular saw in Ament's miII, last week. The cut is between his third and fourth fingers and will lay him up for some time. RIPE TOMATOES.—Persons wanting to. matooefor preserves, pickles or sauce can get any gnautity of splendid ones from Thos. Kelly, the well known gardener. Se- cure them before the frosts come. Buy. H. MCQUARRIE, of Wingham, preach in Melville oburch on Sat- tir,lay, at 1 o'clock p.m, Communion . sere, ice will be held ou Sabbath, when Rev, , Al. D. McDonald, of Seaforth, will prt.'aoh both.morning and even- ing. Re v. J. L. Kerr supplies Rev. Mr. MoDo,'ald's pulpit, JOHN JONR, s, who lives just south of I±:nlssels, prat luted us' with a ripe strawberry, on , Monday of this week, grown in his sari °n, as a scoond crop, accompanied by s number of green Once. In our own 8'arden ripe rasp- berries, second growth,l '' were re the k ped on Saturday. This lilt. culiarities of this season. Now that the .long eve. ninge are getting in and people think o.'" send• ing them profitably, we hope ,the ex- cellent library of the Mechanics I i- ,stitute will not be forgotten. Fos' the small sum of $1.00 you can get all the reading you desire for a year aA;d can secure, books this way beyond. your reach otherwise. Miss Jessie Ross, the obliging librarian, may be found at the library, over'Veal's fur- niture store, on Wednesday and Sat- urday evenings, when books can bo obtained and your membership fee pnid. Help yourself and the Instituto by extending your patronage to this laudable enterprise. THE BRUSSELS POST ADVERTISE. FALL rains. VERX heavy frosts. 'Wuo la going to "skip" next ? Now is the time to advertise your strayed cattle, NEST Thursday, at 9 8.m,, on Eliz- abeth street, rice and slippers. • A Nunnx= of our residonte aro vie. icing tile Provincial Show, at Guelph, this week. SAM. HiNoES had the misfortune to break ono of the bones of hie log on Tuesday of this week. AUCTION sale bills printed on short notice, Auctioneers supplied by ap- plication to THE POST Publishing Eouse, AST man who eau Rundle hick and shovel or build board and frost fence, that is will- ing to work and want' a spot oasll jab, apply at this utllce at once. Mb you see, but of course you did, the advt. of Unity Tea sold only by G. A. Powell, in Brussels. Take a package home with you. TEMPERANCE,—On Wednesday, Oct. 181h, a Temperance Convention for the Eaet Riding, County of Huron, will bo held in the Town Hall, Brue • eels, commencing at 1:80 o'clock. Subjects of special interest to every temperance man and Woman will be discussed. F. S. Spence, of Toronto, Secretary of the Dominion Alliance, will bo present at this session. In the evening a public meeting will commence at 7:80 in the Hall. An address will bo delivered by Rev. Wm. Burgess, of Listowel, a well known temperance worker, a lecture by Mr.. Spence, whose reputation is too well known to need any intrediiction here, and a number of musical selections by well known vocalists. Beep this date in mind. PBocxxarxmanc.--The City Carriage Works offers one wheel -barrow to the first person who solves the following problem :— Two moo, named John and James, had each a daughter. John married Jamas' daugh- ter and James married John's daughter, what relation would their children be to each other? Mr. Walker in thanking the pnblio for the past liberal patronage begs to announce that he has lately taken into the business Thos. S. Humphries, who has had a thorough practical experience in the man- ufacture of all kinds of carriages, and that the now firm is in a position to turn out work second to none in the county. SIR Jour/ A. MAonalALD and EDWARD BLARE may disagree on constitutional government, but all must admit that the City Carriage Works is the best place to buy Cutters, Sleighs and Carriages of every diseription. Repairing done neatly and quickly. Jnxoe WALREn. Taos. S. HuisPanIns. BASE BALL.—A meeting was held on Friday night in the Central Hotel, for the purpose of organizing a base ball club. The reason a club is be- ing organized at this late hour of the season is occasioned by a challenge being issued. by James Watson, of Wingham, in behalf of the Bluevale club to play any club in Huron or Bruce, The Clippers, who have been defunct for two years, then re•organ- izod with a full staff of ofiioers as follows :—W. F. Vanstone, President; B. Gerry, Vice•President ; J. Ross, See.-Treas. ; J. Stratton, Captain, J. Stewart, A. Currie, R. Black and S. Laird, Committee. The Clipper base ball club, of Brussels, hereby accept James Watson's challenge for $50 on behalf of Bluevale base ball club to play any olub in Huron or Brune, to bo played in Wingham, and have Iopoeited $50 in the hands of F. S. Scott, Brussels, as stake holder, and Appoint Mr. McLean, of London, as umpire. Match to be played as soon ns articles of agreement are signed. JAMES Ross, Sec. O. B. B. C., Brussels. Sept. 21st, 1886, ENTERPRISN SALT WORKS EXHIBIT.-- Under XHIBIT:— Under this heading the Toronto Daily Mail gives the following flattering yet well-deserved notice concerning the exhibit at the Industrial Show :— This is an exhibit of remarkable in• terest to dairymen and meat curers, it consisting of salt put up in half and quarter sacks, grocery bags, boxes, etc., many fancy specimens of it in a crystallized state being shown. It occupies a space 10x12 feet on the south side of the main building west of the entrance, and by its pleasing decoration, es well as from tho fact that it is a domestic product, which for purity, strength and freeness from lime is superior to the imported ar- ticle and excites more patriotic ad- miration. The salt is manufactured by F. 0. Rogue, at bis well at Brus- sels, Huron county, Ont., and is pre- pared exclusively for dairy and table use. Owing to its purity and goner. al excellence it is the only Canadian Salt used by the leading meat curers in Toronto and vicinity, and is fast coming into universal demand. It would be a matter of which the people Islay naturally feel proud that on their own shores is found an article of such universal ooneumptien as salt equal to what has heretofore been obtained from what was looked upon as the world's beet source of supply, but when competent judges pronounce it superior oven unusual oxuboranoe Cannot be ridiculed. MISS LEOGAT'T, of Millbank, is vis• icing her sister,Mrs, A. Webster, Mae. BISSET; of Colborne, and daughter wore visiting at Win, Van• stone's last week. Wonx has commenced on Cho cellar of J. Hargreaves' now residence. It will be finished this fall. B. Ginn Use purchased the right, good will and fixtures of the Novelty Bath Works from Dr. Ilutchinson and J. 11. Orooilor. The bath ie a good one and there ought to bo money in it, gAtcnorT BROS: Lave a wo11 estab- lished reputation as stove dealers and their large stock now on exhibition should be seen and examined by in- tending purchasers. Read their new advt. end then go and call on thorn. ENTERPnI8E SALT WORKS 'AHEAD.— We aro pleased to state that Reeve Rogers was awarded the silver medal for his dairy salt, and the 1st prize fez table salt at the Provincial Show, nt Guelph, this week. It is a fact patent to all that lot uniformity of grain, purity of color, and strength there is nothing in the world can beat it. A fair field and no favor is all Mr. Rogers asks. ---- --- ---. BORN, _.—. BRANDox.—In Benfryo, on the 2lst inst., the wife'of Rev. W. J. Brandon of 8 BOIL ELATT.—In Morris, on the 22nd inst., the wife of Mr. Nathaniel Flatt of a daughter, MARRIED. TATLon—WATT1RWOBTn.—At Windermere Villa, on the lath inst., by Rev. H. (1. Speller, Mr. Archibald McAlpine Tay- lor, B.O.L., Toronto, to llfiss.Henrietta Gertrude Watterworth, daughter of Mr. Wm. Watterwortb, Reeve of Ing- ersoll. DIED, HAnanniva9.—in Brussels, on 'the 22ad inst., Mary Auu, beloved wife of John Hargreaves, aged 27 years. FEnepeose.—In Central City, Colorado, on the 16th inst., James, only son of Rev. John Ferguson, formerly of Brussels, aged 28 yrs., 2 mons. and 18 days. .Ei.uc-ttori m,a1tlt+i, -- TUESDAY, SEPT. 2870. -1'0001 stock, im- plements, &o., lot 1.1, con. 5, Dorris. Salo commences at 1 p.m. Jas. Misaiminge, prop, Goo. Kirkby, ailed, \VRnnESDAT, SEPT. 28o10. --Farm stock, implements, &e., lot S. hif. 22, con. 1 Grey. Commence at 1 p.m. J. A. Frain, prop. Capt. Stretton, and. THnnsnAT, SEPT. 80.—Farm stook, im- plements, &o., lot 24, con. 6, Morris. Sale commences at 1 o'olook p.m. sharp. John Johnston, proprietor, Capt. Stretton, aura, CO 1l l M FAIRS. 11R.S. Western, Loudon, Sent. 2; th to Oct. and. Central, Hamilton, Sept. 27th to Oat. 151. Northern, Walkerton, Oct, 9th 10 Sib. East Huron, Bru,soi , Oc:, 9111 & 0,22. South Baron, Sealortli, Sepb,271,11 & 281h, East Wawanosb, Belgrave, Oct. 1st. Wallace Union, Listowel, Sept. 90111 & cot. 1st. West Huron, Goderioh, Lept, 21st & 22nd. Hallett, Clinton, Sept. 23rd & 24th, Morris, Blytb, Oct, 7111 & 8111. Brussels Markets --- COMMUTED CAanr0LLT Evan: WEER. White Fall Wheat......... 72 73 72 74 Red Winter GO 74 Spring Wheat Barley 48 55 Oats 28 29 Peas 50 52 Batter, tuba and rolls •1112 13 12 Eggs per dozen Flour per barrel 4 60 00 Potatoes now 35 40 Hay per ton 7 00 00 Hides per lb 7 7,i Dressed Hogs 6 00 5 50 Solt per bbl., wholesale .:GO 80 Sheep skins, each 60 1 00 Wool 17 20 Soso 40100/12110.1111.1111110154011 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. rpHREE GOOD PURE BRED L eloocter ram lambs for We, Apply to J. N. KNSIOIITEL, 11.50 Brussole, r'fOICE FARMS FOR SALE.— AS ow splendid,improved,fIrma for sale in the township of Grey, Morris and MCKil- lop . Apply to A DEL OATTb',Oo Anotionoor BrusaeleP 0. 35-tf rftEN.DERS WANTED! ]L Tenders will be received by the under signed up to Oct. 1st, for 25 oords of steno to be de- livered during 1110 winter, 11 -lin WM, GRAHAM FARM FOR SALE.—THE UN- dorsignod wishes to dispose of his Or. oollont 155 acre farm, lot 4. eon. 0 Gley, Moro aro 140 aoros clear of stumps and under crop. 30 sores of 'fall wheat in 1,000 rods of straight fence. There is a Arai -class tiwodingG house, large bank barn, 00 x 00 foot orchard, and all other necessaries. Possession would bo given next spring in time for the putehasor to put In his Drop, Tho farm 1e only 2 ranee from Brussels. 11.21 GEORGE CROOKS. Voterir' Lint Court. Notice is h ereby given that a Court will bo Iblls Lonor, the County Judge' of rope County Count of the County of Ruron, o4 the TOWN 1Il1.LL, MOB:US, ON TUESDAY, October 6th, 1886, al 10o'cleoka.m, to hoar and determine the several complaints of errors and milestone on the Voters' Llet of the Municipality of Morris for 1556. All PO/00110 having btteinees at tho Court Aro required to attoh,1 at the maid time and plane. Dated this 2104 day of September, 1880, SVM. CLARK, Mork, Sm. 24, 18i$6. P 0 RESS VE ,°TOR —AGAIN "We buy good Honest Goods •D S=IjIJ CHAP. NOTE THE PRICES 30 Towels for $1.00, 25 Yards Towelling for $1.00, 97 Pair Hid Gloves, size 5 • to 6, for 20c. per pair, well worth 75 cents, Beautiful Dress Goods, all colors, for 15 cents, regular price 20c. Our two Stores at Brussels and Sunshine are now LL of the best Quality and Prices to Suit. Having never been tied to any House we buy from the Bed Ioueoo in the Dominion of Cal:.aidaa As Smith. Don't Fail to see Our Millinery Opening on Fair Days, Oct. 5th & 6th. BUSINESS CARDS. A MoNAIR, ISSUER OF MAR- S. rinse L'senses, by appointment of Lieutenant Dever, r, 00rlnissm nor, 00., Q. Oillce'Iat sue 0rauhro Agent Post Oaloe. tensa 00. T 'M.O'CONNOR, FIRE, LIFE, tJ • Accident and Time Inn rime Agent for 1.01110 Of 6119 hast and 111,..V. (01, 1, AO 0 00019 o1- les iu 61,9 I80 010iou,. Turuberry 81,001, near the 020tiou. 8m i ISS LILL& O'O0NN0R, 1Y1. Teanber of genie, Voon1 nail instrument- al on Organ, Pie 00, nr Cutter. Narolnuy and 1110reugu 1111.00. 0d1'01100d (11 Bis fl UM for Twinning. Term s no aosdcat'.au, 21010ran05 —Lalli eS or Lino un 000,1•*, v, a0.'p1,. 1100i- deaee--No. !,'ter race, (south near Welton. 12W. O'BRIEN, V. S., DONOR i • OraOnnta of On111 , Veterinary College, has resumed 1110 p ,a•1,1000'.iann Nett, V. ft., ands propare•i Lo treat all d 411ow808 domea tinted anGr,ai1 011 te.501,10 su.1 approved principles. T 011,,0011t of delicate foals a ap0ohdty. Witco n„ duns 14tt'13, V. S, FOR SALE. --TWO FARMS-- Lot 14, on the 0111 con., and lot 15, 011 the ,t LEX HUNTER, CLERK OF 7611 con•, of Morris,00utaudng 100 acres each, x about 90 nares Moored, tree Iron stumps on the Fourth Division Court Co, Huron, 0110 farm, and about 60 acres cleared on the Conveyancer, Notary Public, Land, Loan and other. The cleared land is in. a good state of Insurauoe Agent. Funds invested and to loan cultivation and woll 20110011. hood. frame barn 0olleotlona made. 033100 in Graham's Block and stables,andlog homes on ono, and on the Brussels. other a log house and log barn. There is a good bearing orchard on lot 14. A nov0r-0ail- ing .spring oroek runs through both places. The soil is firs Waimea Chore le u o bettor farms in the township. These places are admirably adapted for grain Browing or grazing, and within ave tulles of the Nourishing town of Brussels. The planes will be sold together or oaley, terms.a Apcan ply on tbought e premises or address the proprietor, Sunshine P • 0. aEo, sEALE, T A. HUTCHINSON, 5-21. Proprietor, I! . BANKING. 1\/fo1NTOSH tE MoTAGGART, lV1 BANKERS, BRUSSELS, Transact a General Banking B zcsiness. No100 to band 010oonuted. Interest allows on deposits rcuayable a demand, Prompt attention given to collections. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. E, WADE, BARRISTER, &a. '4 • Moe formerly 000apied by A. J. M0 - Coll, Esq.,toLeokle'sBlock. Money to loan 7 B. DICKSON, (LATE WITH V 1 • Carrow & Prondf000, Godorioh) 8o1io. ltor,0onveyaneor, kc. Oaloo, Grant's Moot, Brussels. Money to loan. MEDICAL CARDS. T A, MoNAUGHTON, M. D., 0. Pl M. L. R. O. P, Edinburgh, Physician, Burgeon and Aoeouoheur, Oiaoe, Mrs. Shiol s Mock,'ruraborry Street. '19 /PORT.GAt1E SALE OF VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY IN THE TOWNSHIP OF C UNTYOP HURON. IN THE Under the Minn of solo oontninod In a certainMortgage to the Vendors, which will hem:educed at the time of sale, and in pay. Mont of which default has boon modethere will bo sold b y Public Auction at the 'Amer- ican Hotel 111 the Village of Brusools, 111 the County of kuron, on TVeelnescicly, 6th of October, 1886. at 1 o'clock p.m,,the following valuable pro- perty :—boing composed of lot a number 01 and s2 in the DM ooneo0eioa of the eaid township of Grey, co utaining together two hundre scree, more or lees, There aro said to be on lot No. at a good barn, a log house and an orchard. Tanffio AND 0000170005 011 8400-10210 pur- chaser must at the time of sale pay ono -tooth of hiepuroha0o money to the Vondore, their Solicitors or Agents, and snfaoiont wiih$1 thirty day0 thereafter, with interest at 61 per cont., to reduce the balenoo of purchase money to 09,500, which amount shellremain on Mortgage to tho Vendors for Ave years, with interest at 09 nor cont. per annum. The Mortgage to contain a 0ovenant for Insurance in the North British caul Mercantile Insuraeo° Company to tho full taenrabl° value of the buildings. The V oudors will not ba bound to aoeount for, roduoo or 511010 or prove the oont0uts of on/for0de or evidences of title not in their possession or furnish etudes of Ike same. The purchaser nnist investigate the title at his own expense. Tiro other conditions of sale Will bo made known at the time of Bale, or on application to the undersigned at To- ronto.. Per further partioulars apply to the tinder. signed or to J. Ti. OnAna' a I3ruOoSlO. HOWLAND & A1lNOLDI, Vendors Bellei10ra, Toronto, 8opt.2nt1,ti086, L. R. C. P. Edinburgh, Coroner for the County of Huron. llesldonoo, on Mill Street. 01000 at Har. grooves' Drug 'Store. M. F. OALE, M. D., 0. M. Member of the College of Physicians and Burgeons of Ontario ,by examination, Onloe and Residence—Main St. East Ethel, Ontario, 1 DENTAL L. BALL, L. D. S., HONOR G• Oradtiatoand Member of Roal Col- lege of Dentistry, Toronto, visits Brussels Moo every Monday and Tuesday. 8, B, Mor - les, assistant, attends *aloe romaluder of the week. All operations carefullypotformod and :M11.ra0teed. Tho Various nnmethetl0e, local and general ,used. Pr,oesmoderato. Oilioo,—Ovor G, A. Po welt's s tore. D3EN7rI0T. W. 7, Pear, L. D. S., Graduate] of To. route S ohool ei Dentistry. A•11 opera- tions guaranteed. Croce—Oady'OBlook, 1 .8eafortb.• P. B.—FVIll be at•the Queen's Hotel, Brussels, oVory Monday Pot the pra0tie° of his profession. 'UT H. MOCRAOKEN, ISSUER Y I • of Marriage Licenses, Oaioe at hie Grocery,'ruruberry, street, 2.20 Robert Cunningham, INSURANCE AGENT, Guelph, - Ontario.