The Brussels Post, 1886-9-24, Page 44 THE BRUSSELS POST BEE advt. of tenders wanted. gb.0 11C�aStISS gni. 1 Byname. Hardware in large ver• ., �__�_,..-._.-..- i Ealy at Grant & Go's. ' FR�_..----- GRANT & Co. are allowing a hill line FRIDAY, , ,SEPT. 21 1586' of erose cut caws, alt malice, F -– 1 STAINS» glees in all colors, always LOCAL ITEMS. ( on heed, at Grant & Co's. B.GERRr and wife are away this SILVERIVARE i.n largo variety at week to Chicago for a holiday trip. Grant & Co's. Lulol01TE11 lambs for Bale. See People's Column. APPLE parers in the latest at. terns at Grant & Co's. Ton. 'KELLY was away at the Pro- vincial Show %hie week. TAE junior baso ball club talk of playing a match at Blyth next Tues- day. L, BELL, L. D. S., will visit Brussels office every Thursday instead of Monday, after next week, Bmansne will find it to their ad. vantage to inspect our stook.GraANT & Oo. NORTE Huron Teachers' Aesoci• ation will be held in Soaforth, Oct. 71h and 81,h. Miss MONTGOMERY, of Walkerton, has purchased the Sage property, corner of John and Market streets in this town. A MEETING of the Directors of the Bast Huron Farmers' Institute will be held in Brussels on Oct. Pith at the American hotel. Ox the 30th inst., and Oct. let and 2nd a free exhibition of what the New Home seeing machine can do will be given et Grant's block. Ml are in. vited. To those requiting aids to vision. Be sure in asking forLaurance's speetaeles— that you get 73. LAullaige;'s—as there ate imitations in the market, and see drat esery pair is stamped B. L., withont which none are genuine. leo not be deceived by any similiarity in thaname. ROBT. BLACK, miller, woll-known in Brussels, was in town last week, He has leased a grist mill in Gerrie, and will, without a doubt, give the best of satisfaction. WE extend our congratulations to A. M. Taylor and bride. The mar- riage ceremony took place at the rest• donne of the bride's parents, Ingersoll, on the 18th inst. The happy bride is known to a number of our resi- dents, her maiden name being Miss Wittterworth. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor intend making their home in Toronto, for the present at least. RoBEEnY.—Last Friday night some person, or persons, broke into the station house and helped themselves largely. A. pane of glass, 12x14 in- °hes, in a narrow window, was smash- ed and someone squeezed through it wlio unfastened the door. Boxes of goods were opened and among other things missing are one dozen lathes' jerseys, two boxes of gold braid, and two gross of dress buttons. All of these goods were taken from boxes belonging to Wm. Neal, merchant, of Walton. After satisfying themselves in this department a pane of glees was broken in the waiting room so that the window fastener could be turned and the window raised. They then opened drawers, with an axe, bat got no booty. The case with tioirete was not meddled with. A valise was taken from the waiting room, the contents emptied on a bench on the platform, when it was used, it is supposed, for carrying the dein geode away. Londesboro' station house was mainly treated a few nights afterwards, Detective McCarthy has both cases in hand. Dien.—On Thursday of last week James Ferguson, only eon of Rev. John Ferguson, formerly of Brussels, died at Central City, Colorado, (about 40 miles from Denver) aged 28 years, 2 months, and 18 days, The body was embalmed and cofflned and was expressed to Brussels Saturday night, arriving here on the noon train on Tnosde.y. The funeral took place from Melville church, on Wednesday afternoon and was largely attended. The deceased left Brussels over •8 yeara ago and was a stout, hearty youth. After living witli his parents at Vaekleek Sill for a while he mat. riculated and attended McGill Col- lege, Montreal, with the intention of preparing for the medical profession. In the aummer of '85 ho took typhoid fever and had a very severe attack. For the purpose of benodtting his health he was taken to the seaside but no apparent good resulting he and his father went to Denver, Colo- rado, iu Nov. 1885. Jae improved for a while but it soon bonnie quite apparent that Consumption had set in and he passed through the various o,,.6a.b tal,ialy instil death closed his eyes on the 18th inat. He was bur. ied alongside his mother and brother in the Bruosele cemetery. His mother diad Dight years ago last Feb- ruary. Although of a joyous dis- position the subject of this notice died with the assurance that the Saviour was precious to him. The service was conducted by Rev. J. Rose, B.A., enlisted by Rev. 5, Jones and Rev. D. B. McRae. A LARGE constanmont of chopping axes just to hand, at Grant & Co's. BOILED and raw oil and paints in all varieties, very low. Grant & Go. Win have a large stook of fine gloss, both single and double. Grant & Co. Cow chains, cheaper than ever be. fore offered in Brussele, at Grant & Go's, Tula Reformers gained 14 votes for parliamentary purposes at the recent Court of Revision in Brussels. WANTS= immediately two apprentices 10 learn Parmcy Work, Hoods, Claps, Jackets, Rm. Apply to Mrs. Kirk. The LANTERN at each of the foot- bridges these darlc eights will be a great convenience to the travelling public. W. 11. 11icUnnaxun is after some of the smart youths of our town for me- lietonsly destroying his property on Wednesday night. A. R. SMITE'S adt't. will be 0f ln• terest to our readers, particularly the ladies, as he makes an announce- ment of considerable importance to theta, Read it. OAars0TEa's Plane found, south of Brus- sels. The owner earl have the same by proving property and paying for this advt. by applying at Tan Poon Publishing House. A. 11UNTER, I'. Thomson, R ,t, Graham and W. H. Kerr are attend- ing Court this week as witnesses in the Yeo—Alcock will dispute. W. B. Dickson has the case in hand for the defendant. IT is reported, from reliable sources, that a young (shoemaker of this town was united in marriage to a fair resi- dent of Gowanstawn oa Monday of this week. We withold names until the report is confirmed. W. T. HUNTER has a great stock of sun flowers in his garden. We measured one, the ciroumferenee of which was 3 feet, 6 inches and dia. meter 1 foot, 2 iuehes, One stalk bad 47 flowers. Who comes next ? IT is to be hoped if there is any forfeit for non -fulfilment of contract at time specified, in connection with our new iron bridge, that the contrac- tor will be made too the line. The mason work was completed last Sat-. urdey and yet there is not a pouud of iron on the ground. HoneEMEN.—A meeting of the Do• minion Draught Horse Breeders' So- ciety will be held in Queen's hotel, Seaforth, at 1 o'clock on Monday next (firet day of South Hurou Fall Show) to which all breeders and deal - ors in heavy draught stook, and farmers interested in eaolo are in. vited. GREAT preparations are being made for the Western Fair, to be held at London next week. In addition to the usual attractions at these large shows the Directore have secured the Japanese art workers, museum of curiosities, horse, donkey, men and women races, concerts, fire worlfs, &c., &c. Cheap fares on all the rail- ways. JAS. WALEER has taken T. S. Hum- phries into partnership. The latter is also a practical man and has had experience in some of the beat shops in the country. The City shop firm is also having a trimming and paint- ing shop run in connection, so that they have everything within them- selves. The boys are working up a good trade right round home. OBIT.—With a feeling of very deep regret we are called upon this week to report the decease of Mrs. Har. groaves, who died, after a brief ill- ness, on Wednesday morning, aged 27 years. She was married to her now sorrowing partner in Paisley 10 December, 1884, and although almost a perfect stranger in Brussels her pleasant, kindly manner, coupled with her lvilliugness to lend a helping hand in every good word and work speedily drew a very large circle of warm friends. On Sept. let a batty daughter was born and although the mother appeared to be recovering nicely from her illness, and congrat- ulations were freely offered, but the spode of that fell disease, ooneump- ton, had been deeply sown and the patient took a bad turn and altos a few days sleknese the messenger death came and hissed her spirit to her Maker. The net nova could hardly bo credited by a great lnauy, at first, but it turned out only too true. The funeral took place on Thursday, the corpus being taken to Paisley for interment, per noon train. Mr. Hargreava0 has the sympathy of the entire community in his hour of loneliness and sadness as he mourn the lose of a true wife end helpmate. The little motherless babe is doing well and will be well oared for by Mr. Hargreaves' mother. TUE Scott Act must be fairly well observed by the roeidents of the north ride of the river ns we have only heard of two duekings yet in crossing the foot.bridges. FALL OPit5INGe.—According to an- nouncement the Fall opening of the Boot & Shoe store of S. Ostrander was held on Saturday. There was a largo number of visitors who admired the largo and well arranged stook. lir. Ostrander evidently understands his business and has mado a very favorable impression upon the public. He expressed himself well pleased with the business clone ou Saturday and looks forward to a large trade. See his advt. this week.—Last Sat- urday Adam Good Held hisFall open- ing of boots & shoes. During the evening we visited his store and were convinced that it well deserved the name of the Great Boot & Shoe House, the pine being literally pack- ed with shoes from floor to ceiling. How so many boots can be disposed of is only explained by the large num- ber of people which were purchasing. We were informed that nearly 100 pairs of boots were sold that day. aSorriM- Last Saturday the farm of the late Jas. Thompson, south half lot 18, 000. 4, containing 100 acres, was sold to Rohe. Yuill, of Tseswater, at the respectable priori of $5,275. Morris Voters' List Court will be held in the Town Hall, before Judge Toms, on Tuesday, Oct. ssh, com- mencing at 10 o'clock, a.m. See ad- vt. In this 105110. Things are commencing to hum and boom in A. R. • Smith's store, Sunshine, since hie now fell stock of goods Dame to hand, W. Haldane ie selling piles of ready-made clothing, tweeds and dress goods. Tombetoues have been erected in Sunshine cemetery to the memory of Miss Maggie Clegg and Harry Baines, who were drowned last spring while on their way home in a boat from Brussels. Tho stones are beantifnl and expensive ones, costing $185 each. SEPT. 24, 1886, The steamer Frances Smith, of Owen Sound, bee again been seized by the American authorities at Sault Ste. Marie, Mioli., on account of some informality as to the security of $15, 000 on a former seizure at St. Iguacc, Mich., for improper reporting nt that port. The libel suit brought by David Campbell, of the Milton Champion, for $1,000 damagos, alleged to have been sustained by an article in the Milton Reformer, Brothers & White proprietors, will be tried at Milton on Monday next. Polios Magistrate Young and the proprietors of The Reformer are the defendants. The alleged libel was contained in a letter upon the Scott Act question, whieh the plaintiff attributes to Mr. Young. That the climate of Canada cou- duees to longevity is proven by the list of the veterans of the war of 1812 15 who will survive. The an- nual report of the Minister of Militia tells us that there are at present 62 of these warriors who are 90 years of age ; 31 91 years ; 86 92 years; 17 93 years; 23, 94 years ; 15 95 years ; 5 96 years ; 6 97 years ; 8 98 years ; 4 99 years ; 2, 100 years ; and 1, 101 years old. An notion for $10,000 damages has been entered in the Superior Court by the Hon. 'Thos. White, against J. P. Whelan, proprietor of the Montre- al Post, on account of an article pub. Belied in The Post alleged to contain libations statements. This is said to be in connection with the Haldimand contest and the alleged showing oI the Riel picture. Mr. Whelan says he "will fight Tom to the end and prove him an economiser of the truth," W. W. Moore, of the county of Wellington, a solicitor, was arrested at Hamilton for false pretences, the complainant being Horace Shaver, of Amadei:. About two years ago Moore, with whom Shaver had been acquainted for some time, represent- ed to Shaver that he owned property iu ltlooretown valued at $600. Shav- er, without making a search in the registry office, took Moore's word, end advanced him $800. Recently he has made discoveries which led him to believe that Moore did not own anything, and that ho hail no means of collecting the $800. A deputation from the Dominion Alliance waited upon, AttorueyGeri- eral Mowat for the purpose of urgiug the necessity of the Legislature re- commended by the Oommlttoo on Law Bnforoement. Mr. Mowat said that the Government fully recognized the propriety of enforcing the law, but it would require time to got all the machinery for the purpose to working order. Ho assured them that none but those who sympathized with the act would be appointed in- spectors, and the Government would give all the assistance in their power towition. arcls carrying the law into exaen- "NOT LOST BUT 0014E BEFORE."— The poet has said "Friend after friend departs who heth not lost a friend ?" Orators, in speaking of the mutability of everything earthly, ask the question where are the worth- ies of the past ? Where is Moses, Daniel, Samuel and Jacob ? Of the first three, we suppose they are safe- ly landed in heaven but about Jacob, if reports are true he is safely landed in Uncle Sam'a territory. Jacob ie only the front name of the person re- ferred to, his last name being Welsh. He leased the north -halt of lot 19, eon. 6, eometime ago and since that has distributed his custom among ileo bueinese men of Brussels and Wing - ham, not showing favor to one more than another. Monday Mr. Welsh, tools train from Belgrave, so it is said, and now is enjoying the pure air of Michigan. A. large number of of his former "friends" visited his home ou Monday but although anx- ious to see Jacob their wishes could not be gratified. Rumor, well found- ed, plaoo his liabilities up in the hundreds of dollars, ono Brussels merchant being sorry to the tune of $180. Jacob had only one leg but had he two dear knows how much he might have "salted" down. We can- not do better than conclude by the "touching" verso, respectfully dedi- cated to the Borrowing creditors "Say Bhy 011021541 friendship grieve for those Who safe arrive on Michigan's shore, Released from alltbetr debts and duns They are not lost but sono before, Not lost, not lost, but gone We're,' T OOH IiERB.—A FIRS'P.OI,ASS 100 sore harm for sale, tow Brussel y. also M hand tat oattlo, s gentle driving mattes well•. bred and pretty fail, and Mils pauatnl purpose mare, Apply to i11i1A11114 At.nt'AI717S N. Lot 5, con, 12, Orgy, 1`tj ARk1 TO RIit T.—TLII, SU13. .�A sor£bor will rent his farm, tat 13, non, 7, Grey township, for a term of ave years, The fern is 10 good order and the ruin, 1 for rout. ung1t le ohs proprietor Intends gi vhug np farm- ing. iron roll particulars apply to X01114 E1u1NPOR'$, Proprietor, 1144. Iiraeels L.O. A remarkable story comas from the township of Cashel. A daughter of Hiram Grunter was taken suddenly with cramps in her body and limbs, attended by excruciating pains, wbicb lasted for a number of days. She was declared to bo the victim of witchcraft, and as a proof, and at the coma time as a care, her friends were told to secretly place a Bible in her bad, and if she was a victim it would be impossible to keep her in the bed while the Bible remained there. Ac- cordingly the Bible was placed in the bed as directed, and it is alleged that the girl arose at once, that she could not be forced to remain longer in the bed, and that her complete recovery immediately followed. STOVES! STOVES? STOVES! Are to the front this call with a largo and well selected stook of Cook- ing, Box, Parlor, and Coal ttoves. In cooking stoves we wish tocall Brum attention to an entirely now line, "Tins "LIB ORIGINAL, Tono WARRIOR KING," and the olcl reliable "Woos Coox," weighing 400 pounds- The "REGAL PM/moue is a square baso burner, for coal, that should bo seen by every intending purchaser. LAMPS! LAMPS! LAMPS! Lamps and all general house furnishings always lcopt in stock. r1atedr Goods a specialty. GIVE II HOLIES' BLOCK. Hit "GrO..t Bros. PAY \NIT .e0 fA NIT �j I 'E'SNOTIJINGL1.(eiNIT j'NITY?,TE1d l H GLEE SOLD ONLY BY G. A. Powell, New Garfield House, Brussels, - Gntairio.