HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1886-9-10, Page 88 To the Readers of The Post. We have engaged, for a length of time, this corner of THE POST Awl purpose giving yon, from tinio to time, sone facts and informa- tion regarding our IIONEY, which we are offering at only 10c. per 1b, We think we can prove to yon that our Honey is superior to most of that offered for sale. G. A. Deadman, Druggist, Bookseller d' apiarist. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTHERN EXTENTION, W G & B. R. Trains bare Brussels Station., north and oath, as fellows.— tioix,gSontl1, Geta-; 'h,r111. Mail ...............7:15 a.m. 51ired ...,......,.1a:25n.w. Exyr<ss........11;9.71.u1, 8L,' 1 ^ris pan, Ailxed 1.611 ,.m 1':x wise The morning train south and the night train north will only run on Tuesdays. ahnrsdayn, and Saturdays. f70c`riIc.tvs tem ' . A chiel's among ye ialdu' notes An' faith he'll prcut "THE VAGRANT WIFE." READ "The Vagrant Wife." WE are indebted to M. Y. McLean for the report of the Seaforth rases. VOTERS' List Court on Thursday of next week, commencing at 10 o'clock a. re. GRANT & Co. are showing a very fine line of Building Hardware. A RESIDENT of Turnberry street says he hopes the constable will put a stop to ball throwing on the main street before some window smashing is done. WE hope there will not be any fool- ing and fiddling about the bridge con- tract until the water in the river gets too deep for fording. Why is it not pushed ahead ? FAnansn Tools of all )minds in large var- iety at Grant d: Co's. PERSONS attending the Exhibition, now going on in Toronto, should be sure to see F. C. Roger's exhibit of salt, on the south side of the main building, west of the south entrance. THE Clinton cricketers were to have played the return Association match with Brussels on Thursday of this week, but owing to the very heavy rain the game was postponed. Gnaw & Co. made e. large shipment of Hardware to Manitoba on Friday. A COUNTY Convention of all persons interested in the temperance canoe will be held in Cardno's Hall, Sea - forth, on Friday of next week, com- mencing at 10 o'clock. F. S, Spence, of Toronto, will be present and ad- dress the meeting. . Wa are pleased to state that Wm. M. Sinclair passed his final examina- tion, at Toronto, last week, and is now a fully fledged Solicitor. We congratulate him on his success and believe he will succeed well in his profession. We have not learned where Mr. -Sinclair intends locating. GOING To IiANsas.—To whom it may con• cern.—All those indebted to John Nott, V. 0„ are requested to settle their amounts before Sept. 15th, 1888. After that all un- paid accounts will be collected according to law. IT is reported that Constable Mc- Ooomb captured one of the "soon" youths of our town in some caper near the Army barracks on Wednes- day night and marched him to the THE BRUSSELS POST TUE anniversary services of the Methodist Sunday School were preaoh- ed by Bev,, 0. E. Stafford, of Palm- erston, last Sabbath. In the morn- ing the rev, gentleman spoke printf - pally to the children, from the text, "Thy people shall be my people and thy God my God." The school led the singing, Miss Minnie Gerry pre. siding at the organ. In the evening the discourse was to the young ladies, the sermon being based on Prov. 81st chap. and 80th verse. The large congregation was vely deeply inter- ested and Mr. Stafford sustained hie reputation as of old, that of a good preacher. The entertainment on Monday evening woe rather enjoy- able, although a large number of per - sent connected with the church wore conspicuous by their absence. The program consisted of singing by the scholars, a reading by Miss Minnie Gerry, recitatioue from Millie Smyth and Miss Bewtinhimer and interest- ing addresses by Rev. J. Ross, B. A,, and Rev. Mr, Stafford. The report of the school showed that there were 18 classes with about 200 pupils on the class books. The receipts for the year were about $50. Psuus, Peaohes, Pears, Grapes. A Good, Posr Solara,—A number of our citizens attended the raoes at Sea - forth on Friday of last week.—A. vory unseemly racket was looked up out- side of the Army barracks one even- ing last week by persons who should know better or else be taught a lees- on.—R. Sparliug has rented the eel - lar under S. Ostrander's store and intends to purchase and pack all the eggs he can got hold of and work up the local trade.—Cheap excursions to Niagara Falls, Chautauqua and Roch• ester on Friday of this week. Fare from Brussels $2.00 to the Valls, and $3.00 to Chautauqua or Rochester. 'Tickets good for 5 days.—The stone fez building up the abutments of the bridge is being hauled.—The days are growing short very quickly now, —Watch out for the prize fiats of the East Huron Fall Show. The Il air will be held in Brussels on Oct. Nth and 6th.—A. Oaldbick has purchased the frame cottage and lot -on Turn - berry street from M. Cardiff sr. He will make a number of improvements in the building. It is a nice piece of property. --The new house Councillor Wynn is building on his park lot is well on towards completion. --The band boys keep up their part of the agreement regarding the weekly con- cert in good style. The ,mucio furn- ished is good and rightly appreciated by our citizens.—R. Leatherdale has purchased rt new wagon for his furni- ture business. Itis got up for strength and durability. Scott & Williams made it.—Oysters will soon be to the front. There's an "r" in this month, you know.—The contractor for the stone work at the bridge gets $7 a square yard for his work.—Tile boys will have to toe the scratch now since Constable McComb is on the war path. By the way we believe he carries a key for the lock-up, too, whatever that means.—A. few more street lamps are to be put up. The Reeve advises one to be placed at the Town Hall at the expense of the cor- poration.—The rates for the year will be struck at the next Council meet- ing.—Report says there will be a wedding in one of our churches be- fore long. Gress who the contract- ing parties are.—The Toronto Ex- hibition will attract a large number from this locality.— Arithmetic. If "Lucy" shut out all the horses in the lock-up. His weeping and wailing 1st race on Tuesday afternoon and softened the hard heart of the "bobby" "Lady Van" distanced. "Lucy," how and the boy was let go with a warn- ing. Rub it on to them, constable, To those requiring aids to vision. 13o sure in asking for Laurance's spectacles— that you get B. LAURANCE'S—as there are imitations in the market, and see that oxery pair is stamped B. L., without Which none are genuine, Do not be deceived by any similiarity in the name. IT is reported that one of our reel dents has been victimized on the patent potato bug killer. He sent away his money for it and received a neat little package which contained 2 blocks of wood with the printed di - motions, "Catch the bug, place it on block No. 1, then put block No. 2 on top of 11 and hit it with a sledge ham- mer." This is another instance of bought experience being the best. Svniirsa.—A sandy haired, freck- led faced boy undertook to possese himself of some plums, the property af'ona of OUT bueineee mon. His made of working the racket was by spearing them by means of a jack- knife. The business man's method of working hie racket, which came very shortly after the capture of a- foresaid boy, was by means of a Goon hard strap, 2 feet in length by 21 inches in width. Latest accounts by telephone state there was a Goon ]iv much could "Lady Van" beat "Ho l Boy," the last horse in the 1st race ? —A. hand rail oath side of the stair- way going np to the Town Hall is a necessity. Ooming down with a crowd without anything to hold on to is dangerous.—Seaforth cricket olub is expected to play a match Hereon Fri- day of next week. A. county match will be played on the 21st inst. be - wean Hnron and Perth.—Millinery openings will soon be on the tapie.— The record of the old "Clippers" should cause our base halters to gather np a nine and take the con- ceit out of the Bluovalo baseballers. Our boys could give them a "warm" game, if nothing more.—A new time table came in force last Monday on the G.T.R. There is no change in the running of trains on our line.— The races were a little too overpower- ing for some people on Tuesday and some mere boys were to be seen under the . influence of "spruce,"—There will be no pio•nic this year of the em- ployees on the W., G. &B, division of the G.T.R,, owing to the fact that the general manager had fixed the price of tickets at what tho men considered too high a figure.—Under the school PERSONALS.— J0l1n Alexander has been writing pootry for tho Toronton- lens, Ho gave them seven verses, to the tune of "Ileighte of Alma," The title is "The Young Canadian Lion," and dedicated to the Toronto volun. tears. The Lion is no "summer coon,"—Wm. Stewart and wife wore visiting at Toronto and other places. —Mies Aline Spence, of Godorioh, spent a few days with her friends in town tide week, --A. G. Dickson ar- rived home from his trip to the Old Country on Monday of this took. His health was greatly bonefittod by the voyage.—Dan, Kenny, who is living in ftlnskoka, after a week's stay in town, returned to his north- ern Verne.—Giffard Elliot, of Blyth, and S. Maleomson, of Goderioh, were in town la'.t week,—J. H. Crocker, of Shelburne, was in town for a few days this week. --Byron Pelton, of Innerkip, spent Sunday with las sis- ter and brother, Dire. R. Wilson and R. Pelton.—Jae. Gibson's infant son died on Sunday, aged 7 mouths and 21 days. The funeral was on Monday afternoon.—Miss R. V. Ball left last week for Norwood, where she fills the position of milliner. --Earn- est Plum is in town,—Rev. W. Smyth and Mrs. Smyth will be home this (Friday) evening. The rev. gentle- man will take the two services on Sunday in the Methodist church, as usual,—Mrs. Bauslaugh has returned to Brussels after au absence of sev- eral weeks. G. A. Deadman left on Tuesdny for a holiday trip to Winni- peg, Ho want per 0.P.R. steamer from Owen Sound and will come back by the all rail route.—lira. L. White and child, of Innerkip, is visit- ing Miss Edith Town this week.— J. W. Shaw and A. Murdock, of Blyth, and Detective McOarthy, of Strat- ford, were in town on Tuesday.— Misses Grant, of Goderioh, are visit- ing at C. R. Cooper's this week.—G. J. Amen), wife and children, of Ypsi- lanti, Mich., were in town this week. The Michigan atmosphere appears to agree with G. J.'e constitution, judg- ing by appearances.—J. Gordon has been on the sick list this week.—J. D. Ronald arrived home from the west on Tuesday morning, He came per C.P.R. Mrs. Ronald la visiting friends at Chicago, Chatham and Lon- don,—Mrs. J. L. Kerr left on Wed- nesday for a visit to relatives and friends at Guelph, Brampton, and Toronto.— -The Wingbom 'Times speaks as follows of a former resident of Brussels, in the person of H. Seel lie, who used to clerk for R. W. Tuck : —One by one the eligible young man of this town Eire being hooked by Hymen's halter and deserting the ranks of bachelorhood, the latest de- sertion being that of Hamilton Smel- lie, the popular head clerk in T. A. Mills' store, who was married, on Wednesday, at Fergus, to Miss Mag- gie the youngest daughter of Wm, Murray, one of the leading merchants of that town. The happy young couple aro at present enjoying a short trip and will return to Wingham a- bout the middle of next week. Mr. and Mrs. Smellie have our heartiest congratulations. --Wm. Revell, wife and children, of Toronto, aro visiting at J. R. Grants. BORN• Fnan,—In Morris, on the 4th inst., the wife of Mr. Samuel Fear of a son. Nlsnrrsoai,E.—In Brussels, on the 3rd inst., the wife of Mr. W. Nightingale, mer- chant, of a son. MORSE.—In Ann Arbor, Minh, on Aug, 4tn, the wife of Mr. Harry Morse (nee Miss Lena Olappison) of a daughter. MARRIED. 81oo18so—CnAwronn —In Brussels, at the residence of the bride's parents, on the 6th inst., by Rev. J. L. Herr, Mr: Gor, don Mooney to Mies Rebecca Crawford, all of Brussels. DIED. G./MON.—In Brussels, on Sept. 5011, Binh - old B., infant son of James Gibson, jr., aged 7 months, 21 days. COVING FAIRS. Industrial, Toronto, Sept. 6011 to 18th, Provincial, Guelph, Sept. 20th to 25th. Westorn, London, Sept, 271)1 to 000. 2nd. Central, Hamilton, Sept, 27th toOot.let, Northern, Walkerton, 0et, 5011 to 8th. Bast Huron, Brussels, Oat. 5th & 6th, South Huron, Soator0h, Sept. & 28011. Nast Wawanosh, Bolgrave, Oat. 1st. West Huron, Goderich, Sept, 21st & 22nd. Plallett, Clinton, Sept. 28rd & 24111. Morris, Blyth, Oot. 7011 & 8th. Brussels Markets. Connaorin Osnereasv Evans WEER. White Fall Wheat70 72 Red Winter Spring Wheat Barley Oats ...... Peas Bettor, tuba and rolls Biggs per dozen Floor per barrel Potatoes now rata this year the amount to be levied flay per ton elytime. The strap 15 kept handy 'go will be $2,050,—Thera has not been Hideepertb that the next will be sure to get his an assessment for the past two months Dreeaod Hoge WM. The jack-knife was confiseat. 110 connection with the A, 0,11. W. of Salt per bbe, eachwho apaIo ., ed. J Canada. Shoop slcina, each .. Wool 72 50 78 45 50 20 80 60 61 11 12 11 12 4 50 00 50 60 7 00 00 7 7d 5 00 6 60 60 80 00 1 00 17 20 SEPT. 10, 1880, TEE BUST SEa SON .1IAS COME —.... --11,.1147 13 The past week has seen the larger portion of A. R. Smith's onornous purchase of Silks, Velvets and - Woolen Dress Goods placed on our Counters and for beauty of design and extensive variety, combined with usual low prions, it has no equal in this hart of the country. We have taken mel o than our usual care in the selection of our FALL & WINTER DRESS GOODS. For street wear, Woolen Dress materials will load they aro more beau- tiful than ever. Wo arc showing all the Now flmnbivations and effects such as Pekin Stripes and Plaid Effects, and in Velvet and Plush Combinations, all with plain materials to perfectly, match, combining richness with perfect taste. Velvets and Plushes will be very popular this fall. PLAN) IalI P1113 nZS in every Color and every shade of Color. Brocaded Velvets in- one and two tone stripes, Plaids, &c. for softness of texture and richness of design they stand unrivalled. CARPETS! CARPETS! Carpets are selling freely with us. Prices always tell. Note the following and act accordingly :— TAPESTRY 40c„ BODY BRUSSELS $1.00, BEST TAPESTRY 75e., BEST BODY BRUSSELS $1,40, MOQUETTE $1.65, A. R. Smith. BUSINESS CARDS. ,4. MoNAIR, ISSUER OF MAR- -Ca. • xiage Licensee, by appointment of Lieutenant -Governor, Commissioner, &e.. Q. 13. Conveyancer nod Agent Fire Insurance Oo. 011.100 at the ()outbreak Post0111oe. T M, O'CONNOR, FIRE, LIFE, ea • Aaatdont and Loan Insuranoo Agent fox som0 of the bast andm0st reliable Compan- ies in the Dominion, OBoo, Briek Terme, Turnberry St,eot, near the station. em 1X/ ISS LILLA O'CONNOR, 1\:L Teach or of Mania, Vocal add Inst;ument- al on Organ, Plano, or Guitar. Harmony and 'rhorongir Dans, Advanced pupils fitted for Teaching. Terms on aopplioation. Boforenoo —Ladies of Loretto Academy, Guelph, Resi- dence—No. 2,Terrace, (south near station. Ti1W. O'BRIEN, V. S., DONOR • Graduate of Ontario Veterinary 0 ollego, has resumed the uraatioe of John Nott, V. S., and 1s prepared to treat all dietaries et domes- ticated animals on solontifie and approved principles, Treatment of delicate feels o apeelatty. 0Mee at John Notts, V. S. 1 TOULD THE PARTY WHO VVV borrowed the Lamp a and Chandelier from room over Laird's 331111 and Parlor kindly return thorn Ile I can use them now. J. R. GRANT, rpwo FARMS, IN GREY, FOR tiara, or to rent, 80D acres, 100 being to 21, eon. 5, the other lob 20, con, 0. Lot 22 is situated two miles from the village of 101bol, seven miles from 13 russets, twelve miles from L1 etowel and } mile from a novor failing crook, 07 acres aro cleared, most all clear of stumps and under Rood cultivation and Glean, sixty o ozes of crop, good outlet for draining, a com- tortnblo tiwelltng,bank hare, stabling under- nes ader• "g'. A. HUTO IINSON, tILD,, neath, a good bearing orchard and garden a ej well 'convenient to house and yard. Prloo L, B, C. P. Edinburgh, at,00tl,ruvt,$5OS ar your. Lot 2fl is eituatod 2$14 1 miles from ]7t�ial, 10 from T,istowel Rude 0000000 for the county of Huron, from Brussels. OO acres clearod,and under Roaidenso,onM111airomt. 011lao at Elm good cultivation, tiro balsam° poll timbered groavos' Drug Store. w ith bleak ash. hemlock and hardwood. A frame house and outbuilding and a large young orchard are on the farm. Thula forms will bo sold 005Mrato or together to suit purchaser. Posaass on can be giVon at any time. Apply to Capt. Stratton, or to AIATil1IEtV& JNO. Ot7G Propetors.ra. 48-01 BANKING. IVIVNTOSH MoTAGGART, BANKERS, -:- BRUSSELS, Transact a General Banking Business. Notes io hand discounted. Interest aaowel as dopoatls rea tya,ls n demand. Prompt attention given to aolleo0lons. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. EE. WADE, BARRISTER &o. • Oinee formerly oaoupled by A. S, lila• Ooll,]Oaq.,10 Lseklo's Black. Money to loan B. DICKSON, (LATE WITH ., Garrets, & kroudfoot, Goderioh) Solic- itor, Oouvoyancor, ,ko. Wilco, Grant's bleak, Brussels, Money to loan. A HUNTER, OLERK OF the Fourth Division Court Co. Huron, Conveyancer, Notary Public, Land, Loan and Inseranoo Agent. Funds invested and to loan Collections made. Office in Graham's Block Brussels. MEDICAL CARDS. T A. DioNAUGHTON, M. D. 0. e • M. L. R. C. P, Edinburgh. P)ryaiolsn, Surgeon and Aaoouohour, 013100,8100. Shim's block, Tern berry Street, Western ANI) INl)USTIII t.L .11) ART EX1H- London, Canada, SEPT. 27 TO OCT. 2,1886. • Liberal Po'entistnts. Competition Open to the World. •.Che Wostoru pair is the groat event of the season for the people of Western OntArie. The Directors aro determined that the forth. coming ]ilxhibition Shall equal, it not surpass any of its predecessors. The Committee on Attractions aro prepar- ing a splendid programme for oath day of the adlater en, Write to trio ilearo'61ry tot Prloho Lista, Posters, Programs or any Mtormation required, B. WHDPre ideal. Q1OO, bta9liS0o ctary, M. F. CALE, M. D., C. M. Member of the Oallege of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario ,by examination, Onitoand Residence—Main 50. Li.arit, ICtbel, Ontario. 0 DENTAL L. BALL, L. D. S., HONOR • Graduate and Member of Royal Col. logo of Dentistry, Toronto, vieits Brussels Olnoe ovary Monday and Tuesday, B. B. Mer- les, assistant, attonds afiloe romainder of the week, All operatlone carefully performed and aharanteed. Tho various antesth°tics, local and ggeneral-, used. Prides moderato. 011ice,—Over G. A. Powell's s tore, IEAl'I'IfS7C. NV. J. year 0, 1), S., Graduate) of To- rout0 Sohoof of Dentistry. A11 opera- tions guarantood. 0100-0 ady'o Brook, &Wai'Orth. P, 5. Wlllbo al Oho IQuoon', HoOol, Brussels, every Monday for the practice of hie profession. H. MoORACKEN, ISSUER e of Marriage Licenses, O1IIoo at his Grocery, Turnberry Street, 241 I obert Ounningharri, ZNSU1iANCE AGENT, Guelph, - Ontario.