HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1886-9-10, Page 66 THE BRUSSELS POST SEM. 10, 1886. the I will appoint lo} ri!•:t Directory of Churches and Sooiolicst ) ,vrraat ('l , eU Sabbath Services at 11 Lot and et3il p.01 Sunday School 01 2:30 p.m. Rev. 3110. R7 ss, 11. A., l : t r. l;v„o Cur llrit,- :rnhhath get ices at 11 n.m. 'u1 11:00 p t . Mtna',t tt7ht 11 at 30 pm,. iii - o 1 1 c-:, ,r Kt. ,lou c nl a•'i!4,1,11.:11 h tlr.on at 11 'i ni and 7 p.m, Sotol1y .3e't•2,• at 0„30 amt. llov, P;.'1'. Cent'''. i,:,•umb:.i.1, 3lerum,t TCi:et;,1,, trill,iah:1, cleersat 10G;i,a,nt,+.:nd n:1P1 pont, Sunday S,'h.'.:,1 at 2:30 p 01. lt�v. lv101. Stny1 h. pastor. I ar.1y ('1'rim.m Cure( n. _4sbbnth Scr- ticetbirdSnrdsvin every tool tit at 11 n.LT. Rev. F, T, Shea, priest. Ot,u Fr1.t,aw'a Loma every Thursday 0venillg ill. 1. lltl.anl'e block, 11\soak Loom,: Tuesday at Or before full moon in 1'anatone•e block. A. 0, 0. AV, Lonna meets on lot and 3rd Monday evenings of each month. i ,hrarsa'e Lonna 2nd and last Monday ace luno of each month in Smile's hall. L. 0. L. lot Monday in every month in Orange hall. Foix Oic'icr.—Oflice Ilonrsfrom S a.m. 7 p.m. ;ileclrsaic;' IXal'1TUTI1 Beading Room and Library in liolmes' block, will Us opeu from 0 to o-; o'clock 10.10. O cdncedltys and Saturdays. :hiss .1 resin Ross, Librarian, ll' (LIMA IN . rt.() l'i . Remember that a little time and money expended in the fall of the year on underdraining will prove a ;;rent Having of time, which means money, next spring. West's World's Won 4cr ut 1 ,i, ly Liniment is a t needy tbnt nn well rel nits ion Lotion/Iola should he without, as it s 0 p, s 1.00 elle, for Ith camellia:. it 11 lova, Bao 0 for 0101110, Gilts. 131.111.0 10. Burns. acvrtla and sit ,i l`ra.ea n0111,1100 nd TO oeuts per bottle. cation. bre Jubatri oDr- Dar - grooves & Co, If your trope have not been quits up to the mark, don't go about 'croak- ing." It wilt do yon no good, and is infections. Misery lilies company. Look ou the brighter side, and you will find things turn out bettor than you. expected. ,davo you ever tried MoGrrg0r & Parke's Carbolic Cerate for sores c[ nap lotto. ? It la market for bt healing ottdOry eerrin rep 00 00,, ) urn urnie, Cu ts, i'imples. D lotcl es, awd is the only prop sr methed of applying Osr.rdin Acid, 001d 1t Aare; roar es Drug Store for st.c. per boo. There is always a .certain amount of obnoxious matter which finds its way into our wells. As the water is generally low about this season of the year, it will bo an easy task pumping out and cleansing before the autumn rains fall and bring the water tip to high-water mark. Headache Iitlfottsneaa, "Whenever I fool gout of sorts, bilious, my she I takt e Chasse Liar Cure.or ed with a b Thera ie more roalbenvdt from one dose or year Lever Cure than inma'y bottles of mime modlcines."— Jrto. MCNAssIR, Bond Read. There is a remarkable falling•offin the clip of wool this year in the States. In Ohio and Pennsylvania alone the deficit is over 1,000,000 pounds. In Texas also the crop is short. Wool is twenty per cent. higher than at this time last year, and is expected to go still higher. Have you Toothache? Use 3,1,11,1 Lightafng, !lave you Rheumatism ? Use 1013,1 Lightning. Have you a Stier Joint? lite Fluid Lightning. Have you Neuralgia? Uso Yield Lightning. Rave you Lumbago? Use Fluid Lightning. Are you troubled with Iloadache? Use 1+luid Lightning. Have you any Paiu? Llse t'Iuid Lightning. Itwill Dura you the instant it is Itppied. Tryft, 200. per bottle at Hargronvoe' Drug Store. In ninny of our American ex• changes we read, Canadian ashes for sale by the car load. It causes us It pang of regret to see such announce- ments. When wood ashes one be sold in ldts of fourteen to twenty tons it speaks very plainly that some farm. ors are beiug robbed of one of the best fertilizers nature eau provide. Be on your Guard. ou't allow 17 cold in Otto head to slowly and surely develop itself into Catarrh, when you can be cured for lbs. A few applications will cure incipient Catarrh. Cao or twu boxes will cure ordinary Catarrh, Ono to ftyo bo .es will num chronic Catarrh. Try Dr. Chase's Caned - on Catarrh Cure—it will mire you. Tho apple .crop in the United States 1e likely to be very short this year, and the market will rule high. American buyers, with a keen eye to business, are ranging the batter parts of ilia Dominion. Farmers need not be in any great hurry to sell, There is little fear of leaving any left on their hands, if well gathered. This ii to certify that I have used MoGreg. or's Speedy Cure for Myspor'Fta .end Liver Complaint, amide honestly say that if it Dost me one hundred dollars (ii1l,01u) a bottle I would not he without 11, na 3b 1ne dime me more good than all the medicines I over used, and lien' llkoa 110w man Ynu rs 1.: ulv, ALEX. S1Iitn,0arloton Place Cita. This mo,5lonto is ror sale abaft. and 01 per bottle nt iiargrooves Lrug Store. We regret that the officers sent out by the British Government to put - abase horses were not as successful as they were led to expect. In their travels they saw plenty of the proper material ; but few were offered in re- sponse to their advertieemonts. In the city of Toronto the "topers" gath- ered together all the blind, lame and hall horses they could find. For sev- eral bouts afore was a procession of these cripples. It was a waste of time tendering such. These officers know a horse thoroughly. They are not discouraged ; but will try again later in the year, when farmers are not so busy, Our Government led them to believe that they could pick up about "700 suitable horses annu- ally, anti so they should bo able to do. Tree peddlers will soon be on to "',elf a committee war path lefOYo ordering, neuter- oil appropriation," Hltitl the easiuer tarn the standing of the growers. Un- as lie emptied the tioutonts of the scrupulous sellers will palm all' any safe into 1110 veljKtl• worthless varieties, knowing that it An American statesman got aft at will bo a few years before the fraud is Falls View to look at Niagara, After discovered, Persona cannot exercise exnulilling it critically for a moment too mueli caution in buying fruit leo turned to a by titanllor and re- trees oral] dceeriptiona, Frequently intuited, I'Iingo affair, ain't it? I years of care null patience result iu s'pose it rens all night, tom" bitten disappointment, on feuding the variety of tree to bo not what was pur• chased (London Truth) 11 r o-ntl(i i i i 1th 1 1 1' I have been aualyelll g the lint of conth,!fretvet ts,t , 41 !,ren ren„.•• , Ministerial appointments, 1 fled that VEERS' P1(:Kiltis. er'•. I.u., irnl ni - y .:incl C iii 1.11 3 4011'''tit, i.,_ F•,."t1 ,:10 tr nl i! t Nell reg, 1 ' Linn; (Y ury 0.1,,ligg.1,1 1U 111 ror V 1 Mire tar eel oTell•- 01 1.01111 yell 1111.111 1 ..1 this IA. your cold or 0000511. and 1)000. .1. inn n•:II lin 111 is ai nil WWI 0 leave used d, vast that It i, the beat, Hold in foe. and cl la's Ileo by .r rn, n.u'F;nmrvs Co.,druan els. The full of the your le generally the time when fires 00011r, and the born and its contents are reduced to ashes, A great portion of these fires take place on the premises of those who are over.coufident,.and don't insure. These parties will say, Oh l wo are too careful ; no danger of fire break- ing out with us, etc., etc. It is just these persons that find out their er- ror when too late. Insurance is re- markably cheap. To all farmers wo say, insure, insure ! Why will you suffer when as cents will buy a bottle of West's Pain 1(tng and ono dose will Duro the worst moo of collo or cramps and a few dososwill euro summer oomplaint,dysellt- drug store and purcor hase a Goto without de• lay. Springtime brings many duties, mud there is generally a rush of work. Belly farmers say they would like to have planted shade trees; but wore too busy last spring. To those wo say, don't leave It till next spring or the same thing will likely occur ; plant I1OW, as soon as the leaves fall, altholtgli not ns good a time as in the spring. Cut back the branches well.; but don't out oft the !leads of the trees ; mulch well and there will bo little fear of their growing. LIsrovTL, APB. 21,'80. My eon, eight years old, has been effected withnronahitis from in. fmioy,has had a very severe al tank oyory winter. After taking two bottles of Dr, Jug's medicine and Pills was so nruob improved that f or over a yams he hits not been troubled. M. A. Sca0L1.. DIVItet M tRCIA. ulna'�` LIVER& BLOOD:3 Sola by G. A ,Deadman, Brussels. Fair time will seen be around again. NOW, don't bo selfish, lend go alone to the principal exhibitions. Take your wife and other Members of the family along with you. Rail • way tioietn are cheap to the lending fairs ; there is something to see and enjoy, and they will appreciate the visit. So many of our farmer friends take in the leading faint themselves, and forget to bring their helpmates, considering the looal show good enough for them, where the main pleasure is to stand around and gos- s} OL1.0MAn0Aarol:.— When the bill was passed last session for the sup'. preesiou of the manufacture and eats of bogus butter, it was pretty getter. ally considered to be the death blow to the spurious article. Of course no person sells oleo ; all keep the pure quill. Yet there are daily offered for sale in our cities large quantities of rubbish, designated butter, selling at 14 cents per pound, whereas the genuine article commands from 20 to 25 cents. It is no use passing Ads of Parliament, bristling with penal. tine, unless steps are taken for their enforcement. V oix-eotlo s. A tramp she was mending his clothes, remarked to a •passer-by that he was obliged to spend a great deal Lf time in looping after his rents. A Chicago minister preached last Sunday ou "What can I do to be sieved ?" It would eaem that the first move would be to got out of Chicago. A Sunday School teacher in Litch- field told his infante to ask any quee• tions they had in their minds, and a little ono squeaked, "When is the sir- ens Coating ?” Tho girl being absent the lady an• 1 swered the back door bell. She was aoeosted by an embarrassed looking man glue ;—" Excuse me madam, but 1 have comp for your remains." It was the swill merchant, This was in Boston. "1Iercy on me, Mary, where have you been ? The back of your dress is covered with dust. You have not been sitting on the front step I hope?" "No, ma, I couldn't got the piano stool high enough so I put the big Bible on it," The new bvby had proved itself the poesessor of extraordinary vocal powers, and had exercised them much t0 Johnny's annoyance. One day lie said to his mother ; "Ma, little broth- er same frond heaven, didn't he ?" "Yes, dear," Johnny was silent for some tome, and then he went on t -- .'Say, ma t" "What is it Jahnny ?" "I don't blame the angele for bonne. ing tum, do you." forty•seven members either of the Peerage or of the families of Poore, or of the Untitled landocrnoy, have re- ceived places, carrying with them fat ealaries. To the victors the spoil - It is not so very eurprlsing that the privileged classes should wish to clutch at office, in view of the booty which, under such ctrctunstanoes, ac• ernes to them. Besides these appoint- ments, et number of Peers are given en addition to their incomes by their Wives receiving salaries for being lay figures in Court tomfooleries. Thte is the apportionment of the spoil of Pears and Peers' sous :— Lord Salisbury, 15,000 per annum ; Lord Halsbury, 5110,000; Lord Aeh• bourne. 25,000 ; Lord Oranbrook, :22,000 ; Lord Iddesleigh, 15,000 ; Hon. E. Stanhope, 25,000; Lord Randolph Ohurcbiil, .£5,000 ; Lord George Hamilton, £5,000 ; Lord John Manners, 22,000 ; Sir R. Cross, (with a peerage) £5,000 ; Hon. F. Stanley, £5,000 ; Lord Londonderry, 120,000; Lord Dunravon, 12,000; HOB, W. Broderick, 11,200 ; Hon. H. North- cote, £1,200; Lord Charles Beresford, £1,200 ; Lord Lathom, £2,000 ; Duke of Portland, £2,500; Lord Mount- Edgcumbo, 22,000 ; Lord Arthur Hill, 21,000 ; Lord Lewisham, 11,- 000 ; Lord Folkestone, 11,000; Lord Onslow, 1700 ; Lord Limerick, 21,- 000; Lord llenuilcer, £700; Lord Hopetoun, £700 ; Lord Elphinstone, 1700 ; Lord Ile Roe, 41700 ; Marl Waldergrave, 2 700 ; Lord Beancamp, 21,000 ; Lord Harris, 12,000; Hon. S; Herbert, 21,200 ;, Lord Coventry, 11,700 ; Lord Barrington, £1,200 ; Lord Lintore, £1,000. Total, 1110,- 000 to Peers and sons of Peers. Be- sides this, the Duchess of Bnceleuch, receives 2500 as Mistress of the Rob- es, and eight Peeresses 2500 each as Ladies of the Bedchamber. In 1840. There was time to live. Men sleep yet in their beds. The epoch of haste has not come. A days journey was a serious mat• tor. Brawn and brains went hand iu Band. The saddle was the emblem of speed. Wo were still a nation of hand. workers. The highways wore dusty and pop• ulcus. No house contained a sewing ma- chine. The canvas oovored wagun was the ark of trade. Tho turnpike was still the great artery of trade. There was not a mower or harvest - or in existence.' The land was lighted witb enudlos after nightfall. Buttorwas unmarketable a hundred miles from the dairy: The steam saw -mill had just begun to devour the forest. The lord of a thousand acres sat with hie harvesters at dinner. The day began with the dawn, and nut with the train's arrival. Ho who counted his possessions by the square mile kept open Louse for the wayfarer. Tho telegraph had begun in Wash- ington and ended in New York twelve months before. The rich were lavish in an abund• mace which was not yet covered by the Iceen eye of oommorce, From Last to West was the psi• gremage of a life. From North to South was a voyage of discovery. The Woodetolk Caledonian games were indefinitely postponed on ac- count of rain. !lobe. Currie, Reeve of Bast Wan a• nosh, and wife are home from the Old Country. Two years ago a man and his wife were buried on Salt Island. Recent- ly the bodies were removed to the Sault Ste, Marie cemetery, and the 51. Marys Argus ie authority for the statement that both bodies were turn- ed into stone, that of the woman weighing 1,100 pounds. The grave clothes bad not changed, and even the tints of artificial Ilowere that com- posed the wreath, and motto, "Safe in the arms of J'osus," which lay on her breast, wore as fresh, and beauti- ful as when placed there ton years ago, -03 (IN :1])C.1.NC1'i 1 ays n,munvEaa.1110-rvlut.... �sr1040051.4.amacvaarmmwaa,prs,lm. ST! .sm: +am i�a.avmi+utsevasimwirvasa: —F011 THE— BALANCE HE— BALANCE ISM This is rt Specht1 Otter to new Subscribers and will afford them an opportunity of seeing what it is as a weekly visitor. 4 MONTHS 25 C n.ts. Subscribe Now and get the Commencement of our New Story A Viral Wife. W. H. KERR, Publisher. THE CITY Carriage and Shoeing Shop. WATTS & M'KAGUE. While thanking our numerous friends for their patronage during the past three months we wish to remind the public that we are in a better position than over to sup- ply your wants in any line of Car- riages. We came here to do an honest business and stand second to no other mechanic in the Do- minion of Canada. We are pre- pared 10 do all sorts of machine work and dross mason's hammers and tools of all sorts. In Horse Shoeing we are so far without competition. Wo have travelled around the world for our experi onto. If you have a cripple that has BEATEN your blacksmith you have only to bring it to the City Shoeing Shop -and we guarantee a miraculous cure the first or second visit. Please give us a call. Wo are here for the solo benefit of the public at large. Yours truly, WAm'rs t`v McKAGrtln, Brussels. Wo have also the best wood- worker in the County of Huron iu connection with our shop, we re - for to the well known J,11,i138 FVA.LIi- nn, the proprietor of the wood work department. He guarantees perfect satisfaction in all linos of wood -work. Cutters made in the latest style, neat and durable. He has just got in his winter's stock of timber for Cutters and Bob - Sleighs. All repairs done at the lowest price, Pie also does Paint- ing at his Shop. Give hien a call and ho will give you the satisfac- tion you never got before. "A clop lar saved is a dollar made." JA1f1;8 'Wax= ClflO.IClt [+AIIMII FOB SALE.— 't3o1vvpb,nil1i 0inprevull,tnruln lar sale I u the 1 , s eeb31, of (Vero)31, elnrriu and MOW.. lot _t ppi i fn ,t 1)1 01111,0,, Auetioneer. Brussel, P () , 15-01 i,+.til,; .\ c;ltlfV FOR ' 11;8 138. r, leu owe; 1 t I. 110.1 aa. tee „ 1. 1VGILY BABY{�A.R"IA is 1 '1. hav,1 tt nice lot of .II:1by Olu•- r+nc;eL+ on li lull that the Public BbrIIlt1 see. They are Well .made, nicely finished and will be Soli at Reasonable Prices. :, alrness 1 Coil= 9 and everything in the harness line on hand. Also. Trunks, 'Valises, Satchels, -�'1 '7-- H. DENNIS. ]ALT! IS -W ALTA, 1 B. 1:. 0. \vrr,o'a Nes. e 0•,d 13min1'reat- u1,'.�, , s n" -au'...•. 1 ener, 1., if:,:,„•%n, 7.a: . o“..11. .1,, \,..,',, ', u.nlob, O ,,,:•,..,'9,...o., n.�...:,:'au ,•en,r.l Lv the it ••'`,.'r0,: 1,1000„, weaklfellt- ,l. Ul” C••'0,'.1 ,0 0 :. 0! t 10 14 u to7lt- 11.0 ` . ... I . •a I 14 :'• t11,3 8511 drain. I': +nonill�eOld A p31, LORI! 01 rowx, :11, 1,10:10.,, 1,1,0.11111, .• : 1n0s3 tt1111 S po.-u do. ,:.Y0eaurad by 001-1'c••: r 0,103 the :u!':.100,0 00 00ea :110111. •e=.n. ldaoa box c".lt.:' ,s one month's t:e.ume.7t. 81 abos, or 100 nn•:e, tu:•.81,0011 by Iuail. prepaid, on 0011'0 of a,ta), >V E G0 0 it,t N TIi( 8110 BOARS To Cera,tl,Y case. \Vint Oao11 order received Ly u- ;or s r be::ss, uloolnilanio,I W. nl 03. WO V,' 1 .ea,l 100 pn100nserellr W,'iteutl ku0rn.ntoe r, "•'cud 110 wenoy if the U•mitu, eat deco not etre,: nears. t3uttrauteeslss,0douiy by John liaratezl'es at Co., n'rosspls. Canadian Taoifio Rai1w y Time Table Teeswater Branch. Miles (:Cling 'Yes( Mall, Lspro 0 "Toronto.. Dnp 7.3 0,111, 5.40p.m. 7 - 11 gi it 11 cc ' 14 0 0"au:evillo ., 0,00 4 .1);an0t.v;l'0J1; 13.05 7f ',tel: a nth I „ e0.15 '1 10 Vitt dentar.... (0."1 121 .!:1er.. 23s 1r.iuu• '11,08 i'31 .tail„rn-th.., 11.30 11 ',1". or . '11 .Amus,, !lt 0.4 ... i'Itip.m. er.t t'',.:d.1..oh ., 12,05 .1 00 11 -0.40 .. , , . 1.05 1, 021 W,oxeler ,,I .15 " 00 I lv:nghalo Roe1.38 7.22 ,32 7.38 7.44 8.10 8.23 8,10 0.01 1110 9,311 0.40 0.40 0.03 L'o to'aier„Art 1,e .nl, 10.15 Miles tiulnl0 rust 00110000 Ifete 0 5 14 Ili 30231 331 4'5.1 501 011 looawator Dep \Vingllnm 11oa 1 tVrdxotor Hort to . •• lr'ordwich . , .. li:alt'iston .. rages Ift.Porest.... Kenilworth .. Arthur .• 5,16 a,m. 5.38 ' 5.17 ” 5.53 5,112 0.25 3.35 (1, 7,09 7.31331 bother •. ,... 7,53 04 Waldemar..., 7.58 fi01 :Amaranth i8,01 178 Orangeville Jct 8.13 0rangovitlo .. 8.35 Toronto .. 11.00, 10,4. Refreshment and Dining Rooms 2.15 p.m. 2.30 2.19 ” 2.53 " 3.00 " 3.20 0.40 4.57 4.10 4,30 5.10 5,17 5.24 5.35 5,55 II " ,1 1, ,I ,r ,3 ,m —A.T— TOI[ONTO r UNCTION, OIIANgEVI LIG ANO oituLlri'ON J urio'r1.0N, 7:1tYITC1SMO7k7 S3.,A.S •::a'I?B 01.7 THROUGH TRAINS —0111wrtn0•-- —TORON'TO AND MONTREAL.— T. ICL +" I OIIEi, 5!'211(13?' AGENT* IDSISSSE11,t0