HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1886-9-10, Page 5SxvT. 10, 1880.
Win omen. •
Jsmes Ohne had ono of hie ribs
broken while playing cricket. Rev.
R, McOosb was bowling.
E. J. Smnllboru and family will re•
move from town and take a position
on tho G. T. R, in the oaetern part of
the proving°.
East 't'Pawanosh.
George McGowan is making a very
good sale for hie Egyptian wheat. It
was s very good crop this year.
Seeding lune got a good start in
this vicinity as harvesting is mostly
all finished. Moat of the farmers are
getting their seedin without rain.
Mrs. Fairbanks and her t,wo
daughters, of Massachusetts, who has
been visiting in Blyth and the sur-
rounding country, is going home next
Rev. Mr. McKenzie and wife have
been visiting at Mrs. Dingwall's for
soma time returned last week after
spending a grand time listening to
the pipes.
As the young folks had to stay
home from the circus at Clinton and
let the old folks go they thought they
would not bo behind, so a couple of
young men went together and asked
a crowd of young folks. They had a
fine lithe Leat Saturday out at the
Point farm.
A./ex. Lucas, of Alvinaton, was
town ibis week.
Sidney Jones, of Toronto, was
town this week.
Tho band purposes holding anoth
grand concert shortly.
D. B. McKinnon is attending t
exhibition in Toronto.
Miss Maggie Kelly is visit'
friends in Clinton this week
Quite a number of sport(' attend
the races in Brussels this week.
J. H. Rutherford, of Galt, is t
guest of Mrs. Juo. Gusman at pro
Rev. J. R. Newell and wife, of P
Dover, are the guests of Rev. M
Park this week.
E. 0. Tanner and Dr. Milne le
here ou Wednesday for a trip up
rho Bruce Mines.
There is some talk at present
the band going to attend the ban
tournament at Zurich this moat
Be sure and collar the let prize boy
Rev, A. McLean preached in th
Presbyterian church at Winghamlae
Sunday evening, His place was fil
ed hero by Bev. D, M. Ramsay, o
1Vm. Joner and family, who hav
been residing here fur some time
took their departure from town thi
week. They purpose spending a fa
days in Thorold and then return t
their home in England.
Our enterprising business men, W
Southeott and Harry Pethiok hav
erected a street lamp in front of thoi
business places which make° a won
derftil improvement to the street
Some more of our merchants ough
to follow suit.
Mr. Laurence'° graphoseope ca
exhibition, ander the able manage
meut of N. L. King, exhibited on th
market square on Saturday evening
last. During the hours of the oxhib
ition the place was literally packed
and all expressed their high appre-
ciation of the views exhibited.
BABE BALL,—In the last week's fe-
euo of the New Era it seemed to he
greatly troubled over the recent base
ball match played here between the
Clinton and Blyth teams in which
the former was defeated. The Olin•
ton team came out hero with the in•
tention of wiping out everything be-
fore them—but much to their surprise
they got Left, the home team exosil-
iug them in batting, fielding, he. Al.
though the decision of the umpire
wits rank and every point given in
favor of Clintou, our boys were the
victors, We may 'date that when-
ever. the Clinton team are anxious to
play another game of ball our boys
are prepared to meet them at any
time avid at any piaci the Clinton
team desire to play.
Tinware was at a premium hero
hist week.
iithe1 brass band serenaded Oran•
brook Met Thursday evening.
A. huge number of people in 'hitt
locality will take in the big shows at
'Toronto, Guelph and London thie
There will he no servioo in tho
Presbyterian ohuroh next Sunday,
owing to the communion at Oran-
brook. •
The funeral sermon of the late Jas.
S. King was preached last Sunday
evening, in the Methodist church, by
Rev. R. Paul. Thera • was a largo
congrogation •and the rev. gentleman
delivered a very appropriate address..1
The iron bridge will not bo com-
pleted before next summer. Your
correspondent made a mietako last
See the professional card of Dr.
Oalo in this teen°. Re is working up
a large practice and is meeting with.
good eucoess with hie patients,
Pnireoser.e.—J. 0. Heffernan has
moved into his new house. When
completed ho will have one of the
finest residences in the village.—Jae.
Spence, of Mildmay, spent last Sun-
day with his patents.—John Elliot
has purchased a lot from John ()ober,
and is making preparations for erect-
ing a house. — Miss Gordon, of
Orangeville, is visiting her sister, Mrs.
Paul.— Miss Rebecca Spenoo was
visiting at Brussels last week.
Tho Sunday School picnic, under
the auspices of the Methodist church,
WAS held in Mr. Eokneier's grove' last
Tuesday afternoon. It was well at-
tended, especially by the children and
young folk. The ladies provided
well for the occasion by having their
baskets well -stored with everything
nice, which could not fail to tempt
the appetities of the most capricious.
The most popular amusement wee
swinging, which a groat tunny seem.
ed to enjoy thoroughly. A. collection
was taken up in behalf of the Sunday
School and $8.45 was realized. The
brass band furnished excellent music.
TIN WEDnsNO.—Last Monday ev-
ening a large compicny assembled at
the residence of J. M. Davies, to help
him and his estimable lady celebrate
the 10th anniversary of their mar-
riage. The worthy couple were the
recipients of a great number of pres-
ents, The following was the het :—
Rev. D. B. McRae and wife, wade
ins and popper box ; Rev. R. Paul
nd wife, comb case, match ante and
oup ladle ; Mr. and Mrs. Simpson,
offee kettle pr. and Mrs. McKelvey,
ranite tea-pot ; Mr. and Mrs, J. A.
oung, granite preserving kettle ;
1Ir. end Mrs. A. W. Panabaker, knife
harpener ; Mr. and Mrs. W. Spence,
ea tray; Mr. and Mrs. W. Milne,
offee and spine mill ; Mr. and Mrs.
. Wanner, two granite pie plates ;
HIr. and Mrs. Elliot, waffle tins; Mr.
ud Mrs. W. Patton, fiour sifter and
gg•beater combined; Mr. and Mrs.
. T. Cook, two lee. trays ; Mr, and
Hirs. J. Kehler, half-dozen china
utter patties ; kir. and Mrs, Rupp,
ranite weal' dish ; Mr. aud furs. J.
aird, soup ladle and granite spoon;
r. and Miss McKay, flour 'sifter and
gg• beater, combined ; H. McAllister,
ce-boiler ; Mrs. Robertson, spice
ox Miss McDonald, stow pan ;
re. Annie, duet•pau ; Mrs. Leish-
an, fly -cage; Mrs. W. Elliot, case
th boot brushes and blacking.
any others were present and other
esents received such as rattles,
hietles, &o. After partaking of a
untiful spread, and enjoying a
easant evening the company sewer.
ed wishing the host and hostess
any happy returns of the day, and
preseiug the hope that they will be
ared to celebrate their silver and
o their golden wedding.
Quite a few parties are going to the
Toronto Exhibition.
Miss J. Pirie, who WAS deugerous-
ly ill last week, is now rapidly recov-
Mre. and Mies Tipplin, of the Wing -
ham road, cliod quite suddenly of
dtarrahcna, within a few days of each
other. Their illness is attributed to
decaying logo in the house is which
they lived.
Nixon's "Lucy" is too eoou for any
of the would-be•trotters in:thislocality
as was evidenced at the Brussels races
ou Tuesday afternoon. She made
her $50 eaeily. It seems, however,
that she is not fast enough to win a
great deal of money on the turf.
Our base ball olub brought home
the first prize, $20, from the Tees•
water tournament. Tho boys feel
jubilant over their two 'tell deserved
victories. It only required five inn.
Inge to vanquish the Teeswaler club,
score 20 to 4, The Gerrie club was
the next victim and so mnoh were the
hearts of the Howiolt chaps set on the
$20 the' it took seven innings and a
snore of 26 to 8 to convince them
that.nfter all, they knew scarcely it
little bit about baso ball. Gerrie was
outplayed at every point. They lost
the game iu• the first tunings, and
aaeh cue, ttfto'r that only shoved
them deeper under, ,They failed to
"get on" to Gardner, to any extent,
and were oompellod to drop the wil-
low on "three strike's and out" in
numerous instances. Our boys pound-
ed MoLattglthu out of the box on the
third innings end punished Purslow
sorely through the rest of the game.
The following is the soore by innitige:
Innings. 1 2$ 2 5 6 7 Total.
Bit -male .6 5 10 1 2 2 °-26
Gerrie 2 1 1 0 D 5 0-9
Innings. 1 2 8 4 5 Total.
Bluevale 8 7 1 2 2-,80
Teeewater. 2 1. 0 1 0•-4
The 'sacrament will be dispensed
in Knox ohuroh on Sabbath, the 121h
inst. Preparatory services will be
hold on Friday evening til 7 o'clock
and on Saturday at 11 o'olook n m.
The sacramental service will be at
11 o'clock nem, on Sabbath. The
Rev. Mr. Stewart, of Delmore, will
assist in all the services.—Mrs. Dob-
son, who has been i11 for a tome of
typhoid fever, is recovering nicely
and will soon it is hoped be °°twat•
scent, --John Cameron has renovate
ed his eider mill and is now prepar-
ed id attend to the want's of the farm -
ere in the eider line..—Inspector Mal•
loch visited our school on Thursday
afternoon of last week and expressed
himself as being well satisfied with
the school and complimented the po•
pile on their good behavior. -0e
Thursday evening of last week our
quiet little village was the steno of
quite a ripple of excitement by being
agreeably surprised by a serenade
from the Ethel braes hand, under
leadership of D. Milne the sweet vio-
linist. The Ethel band deserves
credit for the progress they have
mule during the short period of sev-
en months organization. If the boys
only keep together and praottos much
they will soot, be able to compete
with most of our town be ul+, Wo
wish them every success and indulge
the hope of hearing them again in
our village.—Mies Watsou, of Blyth,
and Miss McCrae, of Morris, are -vis•
iting at Rev. D. B. ilioRae's.—A,
.Reymann, who passed the recent 3rd
class examination, purposes attend•
ing the model school at Mitchell.
Voters' List Court at Dames' Hall,
Oranbrook, on Friday of next week.
Court opens at 10 o'clook a. m.
Robt. McDonald arrived home from
his trip to Scotland last Saturday.
Es went for the benefit of his health
and to sae some relatives. Wo aro
pleased to hear that he is very moll
The township rate !hie year is one
mill on the dollar and a quarter of
a mill railway rate. For a big town-
ship our affairs are quite economic-
ally managed, although now and then
there might bo some improvement
To stop all blowiug about tall hay
James Mitchell brought to TIM POST
Publishing House, a sfalic of grass,
sent to him by Alex. McDougall. of
York Colony, N.W.T., that moasnred
18 feet, 2 inches. It is"a sort of reedy
grass and, of oonrse, does not gross
upright. Who comes next 2
James Fowster, lot 35, con. 16,
had quite a curiosity grow on his
farm this year in the shape of 38
straws of black oats from one grain of
seed. The grain was put in about
the 24th of lMlay and was on a new
pieoo of ground. The little sheaf
may be soon at TUE POST Publishing
Last week Thos. Smith shipped a
prepared dwelling house, everything
complete, except the scantling and
rough lumber, to Manitoba. It was
of the Chinese villa style of architect-
ure and had no less than 29 doors in
all. The building received one coat
of paint. It was the property of Mr.
McCulloch, of Plum Creek. Mr.
Smith has 30 hands employed this
The New -York News speaks as fol•
lows of a Grey boy well known to it
large number of our readers :—Gideon
Perrie, all round athlete and weight
thrower, of Bru's'sels Ont., was born
in Lanarkshire, Scotland," Feb. 18,
1868. He elands 6 foot 2 inches amt.
scutes 19.4 pounds. His pbyeicel
. mettsuremoute are; Chest, 40 inch.
es ; biceps, 14 inches ; forearm, 18
inches : thigh, 24 indicts ; calf, 15
incises. He first became prominent
as an athlete about a year singe,
when ho competed in several open
games in the Eastern States and
Canada. This season he has shown
vast improvement, and gives promise
of being one of the best, if not ibo
best all round weight athletes in
America.. At the National Irish
games at Oak Island Grove, August
6th, be attained is height of 14 feet in
slinging the 66 -pound weight for
height, defeating. Week, Flynn uud
others, and lowering all previous re-
eords. Ho is one of tho few athletes
who pnts shots squarely in accord-
ance with the rules. Perrie is it quiet
andunassuming young man, and
shows improvement every time he
compotes. Ho is open to moot John
G. Maxwell, of South Boston, or any
man in America in au all round con-
test, to include putting the light and
Leavy shot, throwing the light and
hoevyhammer, slinging the 66:pound
weight from the side and for height,
and bossing the caber, IIs tviil snake
a =stole. for $250 a side, or better,
to be decided four weeks from signing
articles, give or take ,x;50 for (Melee
of place of contest.
%:11 asst reople in the
A.11,314 177Exoslic 92'4
who upon being presatttccl with New Advertising Xtttc:r
Reading or ,Studying it to see if they can strike any Nets'
throw it away, their thoughts areiu their foot not
Now wu wish you to read the following and then consider if you can-
not be benefited by it :—
A sure Cure for Diarrhoea, Dysentery and
Summer Complaint. 25e. a Bottle.
A most Excellent Remedy for Coughs & Colds
and a relief in Consumption. 25e. a Bottle.
The best Pain Killer in the Market, 25c. it Bottle
for Biliousness and kindred Conlple,ints. 25c. a Bottle.
A remedy for Dyspepsia, Indigestion, &c.,
and Kidney Diseases. 25e. a Bottle.
Pleasant and sure. 20e.a Bottle.
Think over the prices necessary to try any or all of our preparations
the benefits to be derived by you from such use aucl that you can get
them from the spot where they are Manufacture's] at
Chemists, Druggists, (C.c., opposite the
We guarantee them Better than half the Patent Medicines 'wade all
MI' the World.
Takes this opportunity of informing the People of Brussels an d sur-
rounding country that he will have a Fall Opening of
Graham's Block, - Brussels,
TO 1386,
His Largo ancI well assorted Stook will be complete and open to the
inspection of the pnblio on the above date.
Cgre extend a Oordiai envi,tation to Ali.
Tho Brussels Brass Banco will bo in attendance during tho ovoniug�.
Gra'ham's Block, .Brussels,