The Brussels Post, 1886-9-3, Page 88
To the Readers of The
Wo have engaged, for a length
of time, this corner of btu Pose:
and purpose giving you, from time
to time, Borne facts and informa-
tion regarding our HONEY, which
we aro offering at only 10c. per
lb. We think we can prove to you
that our Honey is superior to most
of that offered for sale.
G. A. Deadman,
Druggist, Bookseller i6 Apiarist.
Trains leave Dialects Station, north Rud
south, as follows:—
GI/ill gSouth, Going North.
.716 a m I lilted 10126nan.
Mixed 3.60p.m E xpren 0:35 pan,
The Morning train south and the night train
north will only run on Tuesdays. Thursdays,
and Saturdays.
c a t cius s
A °Islet's amang yo takin' notes
An' faith he'll prent it. •
“A VAGRANT wife."
XXXXXX White Wine Vinegar et Good's.
FAIR time will. soon be here.
ScisooL Beard meets on Ftiday of
this week.
Rani value in Fruit Jars and pickling
vinegars at Thomson's.
Vnastou Council will meet next
Tuesday evening.
THE lime business is being pnehed
by Thos. Town & Sons this summer.
SEE Geo. Love's new advt. in this
issue. He may have just what yon
Tna various departments of the
Public School opened last Monday
2 Gin Salmon for 25c. Adam Good.
Ds. GRAHAM talks of building a
brick residence on his very eligible
site on William street.
REV. J. Ross, B. A., has arrived
home from his vacation and will oon•
duct the initial services in Melville
Church next Sunday.
.A. NEW floor, joists, &c., wore put
in one of the school rooms during va•
cation. A. new school house will be
the next thing on the program.
Groceries very Cheap. Adam Good,
HSGH WILLIAMS i8 improving his
residence, on Turnbary street, by
new siding, a new verandah and a
coat of paint.
WE are indebted to E. S. Cooper,
now of Buffalo, for several copies of
the Bison city papere containing an
account of the Firemens' Tournament.
Josupa /1zuma, of Oolborne, has
the contract for the store work for the
new bridge. It has to be ready for
the iron super structure by the 20th
D. McLusneAs has moved his house
back from the street, is putting a done
foundatian under it and instead of
the two large windowe in the front -of
the building will have two bay win•
dows. Mr. /de. will have a .00mfort-
' able residence when the work is own-
Como ro—To whom it may non-
oern.—All those indebted to John Nott, V.
S., are requested to settle their accounts
before Sept. 15th, 1886. After that all un:
paid accounts will be collected according to
S. S. ANN/VER8ART.—Next Sunday
anniversary Sunday School sermons
will be preached in the Methodist
(lurch, at 10:30 and 6:90 o'clock, by
Rev. 0. E. Stafford, of Palmer/ton,
formerly of Bruseels. Special col-
lections will be taken for the school.
On Monday evening a musical and
literary enteriatnment will be held,
commencing at 7:80, when musical
selections, readings and short address
rs will form the program. Children
,of the school (Omitted free.
THE flax mill is rushing through
-work in great shape this season. The
greatest quantity of flax delivered in
any one day was 125 tons, on .Aug.
.20th. The season's cop will total
about 800 tone, all of which has
been eaved in very good condition
and the most of it brought $12 a ton.,
There is over 800 tone more flax this
year than ever grown in this locality
before, Ninety-two 'hands are em-
ployed and after the nigh is over 40
bo kept on the pay roll. $425 a
week has been pard in wages. 125
tons of rotted flex was in up to Sept,
let. Wm. Pieper, an old hand at
the flax business, is foreman and is
engineering everything in a most
eatiefactory manner. The Brnseele
flax mill is the best industry in the
place rnd puts many a dollar into the
pooket of the working matt -and from
thein to the business men. The
farming community have every con-
fidence in the firm of J. & 3. Living
ston and their foreman.
VERT cool nights.
SHE advt, of servant wanted.
So.aasr fever in town, of a very
light type, however.
GRANT & Go, made a large shipment of
Hardware to Manitoba on Friday.
Wuxi.= have been engaged frost-
ing the windows of Melville choral:
tide week.
REEVE EGGERS will 11890 a salt eb-
lalt 05 the Guelph and Toronto
Fanstisa Tools of all kinds in large var-
lety at Grant & Co's,
Oun oontinued dory, "Sworn to
Silence," is concluded this week.
Our new story commenoes next
MRS, STACEY presented US with
some beautiful mammoth plume this
week. She has our best thanks for
her kindness.
GRANT & CO. are showing a very fine line
of Building Hardware.
Sun our trial offer for the balance
of 1886. Every person who is not a
subscriber should get their name
down at onoe.
ON Sunday, the 12th idet., Rev. R.
Me0osb, of Wingham, will preach to
the Foresters; in St. John's church,
at 2 o'clock p. m.
GRANT & Co. are doing the fine thing in
all kinds of Apple Parers.
Taos, KELLY and Edward Danford
have improved the appearance of
their respective lots by the erection
of new fences.
Jona ALEXANDER has the handling
of the World's Oyclopedia, for To-
ronto, during the exhibition there.
The Lion will do good work.
Wn understand S. Ostrander, of
Wingham, intends opening out a
stock of boots and shoes in Dr. Gra.
ham's block in the near future.
GLASS in all varieties, very low, at Grant
& Co's.
FALL races on Tuesday of next
week. Everything bide fair for a big
time. Some of the best horses of
this section are expected to bo present.
A. SPLENDID fording plaoe is arrang-
ed in the river near the flax mull
when the bridge will bo down. The
heaviest loads can be taken aoroes
without any trouble.
BLACKSMITH'S findings and best stuff at
Grant & Co's.
You will read G. A. Deaclman's
advt. of couree, of what he has to say
about honey. He is a great enthusi-
ast over the bee business and has be-
come very conversant with bees and
their product. We once got well ac-
quainted with a bee. It was the bus.
inees end of him though and his re-
marks were very stinging, conso•
quently we don't like bees.
THE Toronto Exhibition will
be held from Sept. 6th , to the 18Ih.
We expect Brussels will be largely
represented at it. The fares will be
about the same as former years viz
from 8th to lath inolusive, fare
$4.80 ; from llth to 15th inclusive,
fare $8.50. On the 19th an mar-
sion will be given and fare will be
only $2.75, also on 16th at same
fare, All tickets will be good to re-
turn until the 20th.
Tan industrial Fair, to be held at
Toronto from Sept. 6th to 18th, pre-
sents to the visitor many Mira:shone
this year. Among them will be Prof.
Thompson's museum of optical illus-
ions ; Knights of Labor demonstatt-
tion ; Japanese artists and art work-
ers ; The Little World ; the electric
railway; International base ball
match ; sword combat on horseback;
Zoological gardens '• dieplay of fire
works illustrating the last days of
Pompeii, and a host of other interest.
GARDEN PARTY,—One of the most
succeeeful garden parties ever known
10 Brussele was held on the lawn of
B. Gerry on Thursday evening of
last week. There was a large attend.
01103 both from town and vicinity,
Excellent musio was discoursed dur•
ing the evening by the Brussels brass
band. Refreshments were served in
the form of hot coffee, (take, &o.,
ice cream. There was also a bazaar
table that yielded a handsome return.
A. novel feature was a lively election
contest between Mrs. T, Watson and
Mies Addie Vanden°, for the honor
of cutting a large cake. The polls
opened at 9 p.m. and closed at 10 o'•
clock. Each vote cost 5 cents. Mrs.
Watson was declared elected, the vote
standing 577 against 505. Well -
rendered solos were sung by Mrs. W.
Stewart, Miss Lottie Hill and Miss
Gerry. The total proceeds of the
evening amounted to $127, which will
be applied towards the recent repairs
to the church. The Ladies' Aid de.
day, under whose auspices the party
Was held, desire to return their thanks
to the two ladies who allowed them•
selves to stand as candidates in the
election, and to all other friends who
rendered them assistance. They are
a lot of Willing Workers, and we con-
gratulate them on the unprecedented
moose of the garden party.
"A "i4GRA1dT wife,"
DID yell SOO the eclipse of the eon
Iasi Sunday morning?
A. rum line of Manure Forks going no
Grant & Co's. for 65o.
Ba ready for our new story which
comment:tie next week. The title of
it is "Avagrant wife."
DoN'T forgot to hand us in the per-
sonal items and any looal news you
pick up. We are always thankful for
these favon.
TATR and Shingles at Grant & Co's.
The Judge's Court for the revision
of the Ontario Voterslist will lie
held in the Town Hall, Brussels, on
Thursday, Sept. 16th, oommeneing
at 10 o'clock a.m. See advt. in this
Kirox °nun= Sunday School held
their pic.nic on Armstrong's grove
since our last issue. A very pleae.
ant and enjoyable afternoon was put
in and everything was done to give
the scholars a good time.
Gam. & Co. are showing a new kidd of
House Paint. Every can guaranteed.
ARRANGEMENTS are being complead
for a riding temperance demonstra•
tion to be held at Brussels on or
about the 17th Met. Some of the
best speakers of the provinoe are ex-
pected to be present.
THE pulpit of the Methodist Church
has been occupied by Rev. J. L. Kerr
foi: the past two Sabbaths in the ab•
sence of the pastor. Bev. W. J.
Brandon, of Henfryn,,_ preached lad
Sunday evening. st•
TIIE change of advE.'c'eflhos. Town
& Son, Brussele Lime Works, came
to hand too late for this week. They
are selling a first ohm lime for stone
work at 13 cents and a No. 1 lime for
brick work and plastering at 16 cants.
Wein are the Directors of the Emit
tturon Fall Show doing in tho way of
introducing something new and at-
tractive for the coming exhibition
Don't let Listowel, Soafortb. Blyth
and Wingham leave ue behind. Now
is the time to move.
TIM Queen's hotel bar room is un.
dergoing a complete renovation and
alteration. A new floor has been
put down, the partition bank of the
bar has been taken away and the
soom at the rear thrown into the bar
room. The Queue does a large
R. SPARLING, of Durham, has leas•
ed the grain storehouse of Messrs.
Vanstone for a term of years and will
move to Brussels and take his plaoe
on the market, prepared to purchase
all kinds of grain. With two or
three experienced buyers our market
will stand better than over, if that is
CAns.—In Ethel, on Aug. 12th, the wiff,
of Dr. W. F. ()ale of a son.
Ross.—Pa Brussels, on Ang. 81st, the wife
of Mr. Roderick Boss of a daughter.
Bontus.—In Brussels, on Aug. 24th, the
wife of Mr. Adam Koenig of a daughter.
HAnonzayss.—In Brussels. on Sept. lst,
the wife of Mr. John Hargreaves, drug-
gist, of,a daughter.
MoOtmenzots.—In MoKillop, on Aug. 25th,
the wife of Mr. Robt. MoOnteheon (nee
Mise Tessie Kelly) of a daughter. .
AstnNT—Muun.—On Aug. 18th, at tho resi-
dence of the bride's parents, by Rev, G.
Lienhardt, Mr. John Ames* of Brus-
sels, to Mies Carolina Mars, of Logan.
KnAuss—Krineurms—At Abilene, Kansas,
on Aug. 5th, by Rev. Ido. Keehan,
Mr. Oscar S. Knauss to Miss Minnie,
second daughter of Mr. Wm. Kneohtel,
of Brussels, Ont.
MironELL—LATTA.—At the residence of the
bride's father, on Aug, 17th, by Rev.
T. Brown, Will R. Michell, of Blyth,
to Miss Maggs J. Latta, of Plamfield,
OnApMAN—Mannzin.---A5 the Manse, Gran.
brook, on the let inst., by Rav, D. B.
bloRae, Mr. Geo. Chapman, of Elma,
to Mies Maggie MoKenzie' of Stanley.
leicEAT.—In Grey, on Aug. 27th, Robt. Mo -
Kay, aged 65.
Harrnr.—In Senforth, on Aug. 80th, Roy
Wilmott, infant eon of Wm. and Jane
Hartry, aged 5 months and 2). days.
Industrial, Toronto, Sept. 6bh to 18th.
Provincial, Guelph, Sept. 20th to 25th.
Western, London, Sept. 27th to Oct. 2nd.
Central, Hamilton, Sept. 27th to Oot. 151.
Northern, Walkerton, Oct. bth to 8th.
East Huron, Brussels, Oct. 5bh .84344.
South Huron, Beef or bh, Sept. 27th & 28th.
Wallace Union, Listowel, Sept. 30th &
Oot. 1st,
East Wawanosh, Belgrave, Oct. lst.
West Huron, Goderich, Sept.21st& 22nd.
Eullett, Clinton, Sept. 25rd & 2441i.
Morris, Blyth, Oat. 7th & 8th.
Brussels Markets.
Whits Fall Wheat.... , 70 ee
Rea Wintor 72 78
Spring Wheat 50 78
Barley 48 60
Oats 20 30
Peas .. ....... . , . .• • .., . • 50 51
Butter, tubs and r on 5 11 12
Eggs per dozen 11 00
Flour per barrel ' 4 50 00
Potatoes new 00 00
Ray par ion 7 00 00
Hides per lb 7 7i
Dressed, Hoge 5 00 5 5U
Salt par bbl., wholesale .,,, 00 80
Sheep eking, cash 50 1 00
Wool .. • 17 20
SEPT. 3, 1886.
Tho past week has seen tho larger portion of A, R. Smith's • enormous
purchase of
Silks, Velvets and
Woolen ress Goods
placed on our Counters and for beauty of design and extensive variety,
combined with usual low prices, it has no equal in this put of the
country. We have taken more than our nsual care in the selection
of our
For street wear Woolen Dress materials will lead they are more beau-
tiful than ever. We aro showing all the New Combinations and effects
ouch as Pekin Stripes and Plaid Effeets, and in 'Velvet and Plush
Combinations, all with plain materials to perfectly match, combining
richness with perfect taste. Velvets anti Flushes will be very popular
this fall.
in every Color ansi every shade of Color. Brocaded Velvets in ono
and two tone stripes, Plaids, &c. for softness of texture and richness of
design they stand unrivalled.
Carpets are selling freely with ue. Prices always tell. Note the
following and act accordingly :—
A. R. Smith.
• ot Manias Liettitaes. Office at his
Gr000ry, Turnberry street, 2-23
lingo Licenses, by appointment of
Lieutenant -Governor, Commissioner, Q.
B. Conveyancer and Atm 5 Piro Insurance Co.
Offloo at the Oranbrook Post Oinee.
Robert Cunningham,
Guelph, Ontario.
tJ • Accident and Lean Trumann Agent for
some of the host midmost reliable Compan-
ies in the Dominion, .091oe, Brick Torran,
Turnborry Street, near the station. 3m
al. on Organ, Plano, or 'Guitar. Harmony and
Thorough Bass. Advanced pupils fitted for
Teaching. Terms on aPPlieatiom Bcfortmoo
—Ladies 01 Loretto Academy, Guelph. BOW-
deuao—lio. 2, Terrace, (south near station,
L • Graduate of Ontario Veterinary Oollego,
has resumed tho pro° tioe o [Jo ha Nett, V. -5„
and Is prepared to treat all liillOCSOR of domes.
cleated animals on nicotine and approved
principles, Treatment of delicate feale a
spedulty050co at Xolin Nett's, V. S.
1. GAM, or to rent, 290 acres. 100 being lo
22, con, .5, the other lot 20, eon, 5. Lot 22 is
situated two miles from the village of Ethel,
seven miles from Brunets, twelve miles from
Listowel and13 mile from a never failing oreek.
07 acme are °leered, most clear of stumpe
and under good cultivation and' Glean, sixty
aoros of mop, good outlet 101 0120101515, o COM.
fOTtabi0 dwelling, bank barn, stabling under-
neath, a good boating orchard and garden, a
well convenient bo house and yard. Price,
$4,000 aunt, 8260 per year. Lot 20 is situated
2t miles from Etbel, 19 from Listowel and 0
from Brunets. 60 times cleared and under
good cultivation, the Mamma well titaberod
With blook ash, hemlock and hardwood. A
tram 1101180 and outbuilding and a large young
orchard are on the farm. Then
forme will bo sold generate or together to suit
purobaser, Possession Gan be given at any
time. 8.355113 1.0 Capt. Stratton, 00 to
-11Arrniii w .4 2710, OTJGHTON,
48.41 Proprietors.
Western Fair
London,' - Canada,
SEPT, 27 TO 00T, 2,1886,
Liberal Pposnitonoo. COMPetitiOlt
Open, to the World:
•Plie Western Pair is the groat event of the
season ror tuts people of Wooten Ontario,
The Directors ars determined that the forth-
coming Exhibition than equal, if not surpass
arty of its predecessors.
The Clommittec on Attractions ore prepar-
ing Bv100(11111100IMMal0 for each day of the
Pair, full particulars obwblhwl11 bo vtiblish.
ad later on, Write to the Sanatory for Price
Lists,PostarS, Progranit of any information
R. wiinTlesii, MoBROOMA
Prosidont, Secretary,
Transact a General Banking
woes to head discounted.
Interest allowo I on depositi roaeyo'ilo
Prompt attention given to oollootions.
. 0Mae formerly nompled bv 4. 2, rife •
Coll,l9sq., to Leckie's Block. Stoney tn loan
• Carrow Prondfoos, Godorioh)
itor, Conveyaneer, °Moe, Grant's bleak,
Brussels. Money to loan.
tho Fourth Diviehni Court co. Huron. -
Convoyanoor, Notary Public, Land, Loan and
Insurance Agent. Funds invested and to loan
Collections nado, °Moo in Graham's Block
ea • M. L. R. 0. P, Edinburgh. Physician,
SUrgoon and Aenuoheur. (Mee, Mos. Shiel'S
block, Tambour Street,
L. It. C . P. VdiabatO,
Coraitor for the County of Huron.
Residents), 00 00011 Street. 011the at Mar.
groaves' Drug Storm
('1 • L. BALL, L. D. S., HONOR
N.—Al • Graduate and Molutior nt the Royal
College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto, !Piro
'various antosthetios givon, also a now local '
anmatiletio for tho gums only. All operations
oarofullY performed and guaranteed. Primes
moderato. Pull sots of tooth room 85 to 825
Oilloo over Powell's store. Hours 8 , to 6 p
ron MUST.
w.a. Pear,L. D. S., Graduate] of To-
ronto S ebool of Dentistry. All Opera-
tions guaranteed. Oilloo—Cady's Bloc*,
P, be at the Queen's Hato],
Brussels, every Monday for the practice
of his profeesion.
Agricultural Exposition, x886
An immense: Programme of Now 000 09051
ATTRACTIONS ISprOpCrOd for this Exhibition.
Choap leava• d BalellMaibnit 651 Xi/Pa
Copies of Prise List and Entry For:nen& to
003 000 on application, by post card or other-
wise, to the Secretary at Toronto. Entries close
Saturday August s8th, .22.3, HILL, 5'
JN0. j. WITI1 ROW, anager and Sol'y.
President, Tommy,