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The Brussels Post, 1886-9-3, Page 6
6 Dirsotory of harelips and Societies. SIELvn,LE Cuuoan.-Sabbath Services at 11 a.m, and 6683 pan. Sunday School at 9:80 p.m, RevJuo. Ross, B. A„ pastor, Knox Cnrnan,-Sabbath Soryioos at 11 a.m. and 6:80 p.m, Sunday Sohool at 2;80 p.m, Res. S. Jones, pastor. Sr. Jo)ni's C)Iuscu,-Sabbath Services at 11 a.m. and 7 pan. Sunday 8:11ool at 9:30 a.m. Rev, W, T. Cluffe,inououbent, METDODIST Crlonaii; Sabbath Services at 10:80 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. Sunday Sobool at 9:80 p.m. Rev. \von. Smyth, pastor. Bomar C'ATnoLIO °REBOIL -Sabbath Sur. vice third Sunday in ovary month at 11 a•m. Rev. P. J. Shea, priest. ODD FELLOW'S Loner: every Thursday evening in Graham's block. MASONIC Lonoo Tuesday at or before full moon in \ranstone'e block. A. 0. II. W. Lonoi meets on 1st and 3rd Monday evenings of each month. Forms, ma's LODGE 2nd and last Monday evenings of each month in Smale's hall. L. 0. L. let Monday in every month in Orange Hall. Pos' Oeinco_-Offieo Hours from 8 a.m. 7 p.m, MEcuANlcs' INSTITUTE Reading Room and Library in Holmes' block, will bo open from 0 to 6 o'clock p.m. Wednesdays and Saturdays. Miss Jessie Ross, Librarian. Varieltie$. A rural Guide says : , "Cuttings root easily now." So do pigs. Waadortul is the instantaneous effect of West's Pain Xing in relioving cramps, cone and all bowel difficulties. Worth its weight in Sold and costa but 25 cents. Should always be kept in every household. Sold by Jno, Her- groaves & 00., druggists. Fair Traveller -What does this mean ? The expressman says he can't find my trunk. Here is the check for it. Baggageman-The trouble is, ma'am, that you changed cars too often. 'rhe cheek and part of the handle has arrived, but the other pieces haven't got along yot. Liver Complaint onnsas Dyspepsia, Indigos. tion. Liver Oomplsint onuses Sick Headache, Dizziness. Liver Complaint 0ause8 all Kidney Troubles. Liver Complainto causes TmeO- rese'siuOodltcudby Dr.. allbeLver Cure. Sold byall druggists. If there is anything that makes a man's conversation erratic, and jumbles up his ideas so that he doesn't know a hole in the fence from a chunk of beeswax, it is to have a rawboned grasshopper climb up the inside of his pants while be is out walking with his best girl. West's World's Wonder or Family Liniment is a remedy that no well regulated household should be without, as it is a positive euro for Rheumatism. It is invaluable for Sprains, Cuts, Bruises, Burne, Scalds and an diseases reqquiring external application. Price 25 cents and 10 cents or bottle. Sold by John Har- greaves & Co. "There is always something about this paper that I cannot read," ob- served Mrs. Brown, with an expres- sion that would Have kept her lord (silent had he seen it. "What ?" he questioned. "The wrapper ;" and for a minute ho fanoied derision por- trayed even on the face of the clock. This is to certify that I have used Mal4reg- or's Speedy Cure for Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint, and do honestly say that if it Dost me one hundred dollars (0100.00) a bottle I would not be without it, as it hie done me more good than all the medicines I ever used, and I feel like a new man, -Yours truly, Amax. STEEL, Carleton Place, Oct, This medicine is ror axle at 50c. and 31 per bottle al Hargreaves trug Store. Sam Jones says : "There 16 some. thing wrong when a preacher gets four hundred dollars and a pitcher five thousand dollars." But Sam should remember that the fivo•thous• and -dollar pitcher has a much better delivery than the four -hundred -dollar preacher. The latest remedy for Coughs Colds. Croup, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, ono., is McOrog. or's Lung Compound. There ie no remedy in existence containing any ono of the native in- gredients composing MaGrogar'e Lung Com- pound. so do not say you have taken every- thing until you have tried this for your cold or cough, and your opinion will bo t110 same 08 all wile have used it, 010: that it is the beet. Sold in 500 and 61 bottle() by Juo, Hargreaves & Co., druggists, A story of a country parson's in- dependence will be appreciated by those annoyed at late comers to church. A. man came into the cburob lute and started to walk the whole length of the gallery. The pastor, who was praying, stopped suddenly, opened his eyes, and, pointing a long finger at the disturber, said, "Yon sit down right where yon are." He then resumed his prayer. Have you Toothache ? Dee Field Lightning. Have you Rheumatism ? Use Fluid Lightning. Hoveyoua Stiff Joint? Use Pluid Lightning. Have you Neuralgia? 005 T'luld Lightning, Have you Lumbago? Use Plaid Lightning. Are you troubled with Headache Lisa Plaid Lightning, Have you any Pain? Use Fluid Lightning. It will cure you the instant it is apng StoTry tt. 100. per bottle at Hargreaves' George Alfred Townsend says that he has written an average of 30,000 words a week for the last twenty-five years. -Exchange. And when George Alfred Townsend Bays so he does pre- cisely what he does when he describes Canada in his correspondence for American papers -he -lie --well, to put it short, he hasn't written that much. "George, dear," said a sweet young wife to her husband, "I've had a talk with the servants this morning, and have agreed to raise their wages. They said everything was so dear now -rent was so high and the price of meat and butter had risen to such a price, and everything --i thought this was reaeonable, because I've so often heard you complain of the same thing." 444.01141 THE BRUSSELS POST Talking about busy men, who leave their homes early and get back after dark, never see their children, a man of that sort was hurrying sway one morning when lie found that hie little boy had got up before llhu and was playing on the sidewalk. Ile told the child to go in. Child wouldn't. Man spanked him, and wont to busi- ness. Child went in howling. The mother said, "What's the matter ?" "Man hit me," blubbered the you❑g- eter. "What man ?" "'That man that stays here Sundays." 1?orse Talk. If you whip the horse for shying you are making the habit worse. Never drive a horse fast on a fall stomach. Hurry by goiug slow the Bret few miles. A pail of water at a time is all a horse should have In an hour it may have more. 1,tave you over triad atoOrogor & Parka's Oarbollo Comte for sores of any kind? It is beyond doubt the very boot praparatlou in the market for 110(100 and orlring Somme, Barna, Onto, Pi inpleo. Blob hes, and is the only proper method of applying 01000110 acid, Sold at Hargreaves Drug Store for 81,0. per box. The beet fly -net for farm horses is not a not but a white eottton sheet strapped on over the harness. If possible shorten the hours by a longer rest in the noon haat, and un- harness the horses that they may take their tlinuer in comfort, Maud S., "the queen of the turf," is in training in Murphy's Lends, and promises to do eome very fast miles a5 soon as the fat is worked off of her. B10 on y0nr Guard. ,ron't allow o cold in the Head to slowly and surely develop itself into Catarrh, when you onube aired for 100, A few applications w1)1 cure incipient Catarrh, one or two boxes w111 cure ordinary Catarrh, One to aye boxes will ourecaronic Catarrh. Try Drouzo. Chase's Caned- atarrh an Maxey Cobb, tthelchampion trotting stallion of the world, diode the other day at Philadelphia. He had a record of 2:14, never equalled by any other stallion, and hie owner had recently refused $40,000 for the ani- mal. p9JUCS MEDICINE' 4ut1cs _ LIVER & Eooit:. STIlATI'OBD, Sept. 21111,1885. It gives mo pleasure to recom- mend Dr. Jug's Medicine to all who maybe sufroriugfrom Lung, , Liver or Kidney complaints, as 1 have found it thoroughly efficient In my own o0so, in fact I found It the most useful medicine I over had in my house. War, MowAT, ltowat's Bank. Good blood is appreciated more and more every year by those who buy horses for city purposes. The farm- er who has the best bred animals to sell generally fares the best. The breeding season is the time to think of this. If you have a good farm horse keep him. The diffieultiea in the way of securing a good horse cannot be real. ized until the animal is really requir. ed and attempts are made at purchas- ing. But few horses are exempt from defect of some kind. l7anadian News. It is stated that the Quebec elec- tions will be held in October. Hon. Geo. W. Rose, NI.P•P,, Min. Tater of Education, has arrived home from his tour in England. Ths Thorndale Spy is the title of a new journalistic venture launched by Meeers. Garner & Steele. Geo. R. Pattullo, of the Woodetock Sentinel, has been appointed Regis- trar of Oxford in plane of Mr. Inger. loll, deoeased. Edward Hanlan made hie third trial against time on the Lake at Worcester, Mass,, on Saturday, and made three miles in 19 minutes and 20 seconds. He rowed his first mile in five minutes, and made the turn in 9.22. He received $500 for his effort from II. H. Bigelow, of Worcester. A.match has been arranged between Wallace Rose and Beaoh at London for 4500 a side, to be rowed on the 25th of September, the title of cham- pion of the world to be also involved if it then bo held by the Australian. In the event of a match between Beach and Gaudaur it has been ar. ranged that the Ross -Beach contest take place a fortnight earlier. The Oatmeal Millers' Aseociation met at Woodstock on Thursday. Of- ficers for the ensuing year were elect- ed thus :-President, Walter Thom- son, Mitchell ; Vice•Pres., Jae. Muir - head, London ; Sec.-Treas., D. R. Ross, Embro. Executive committee H. Murton, Guelph ; J. Wright, Owen Sound, and H. S. Moore, Nor- wich. A. number of topics relating to the oatmeal business were disoussed, among which were an estimate of the amount of old oats on hand, and also the prospect for the new crop now being harvested; how the quality of oats may be improved, each as the introduction of new seed, a separations of the different kinds, methods of cleaning five. ; how to improve the quality of the oatmeal, and also the package in which it is shipped, the different kinds of oatmeal required for the market, (to. TIARA IN GREY P011 SALB BE - ow 10014, on oho 1011, den eonteintng 100 12000e smith part lot 19 on (' 0.1.1 , 0011416 tying 46 acres, 0.11011 In ptrtly olnred, (''3 bal. anee wellImb'.rrud, A 00 ver (Atli 0.1 crook °roues the lot awl it is wall 'o 1411 Rod for farm. Ing or grtr in;. rig' Is mostly cleared and under g )0 1 cultivation, the 0114110. Aran tin bared with 1,11,11,)0,aIII. 1VIII e11 all t.r:ether Or in parts to Nnit th, =renown wr, t''Ir further partlonlars no ply to the proprietor 014 the premises. This lot Is well drainer), tf Ono. .071.101 E1, ARNI TO BFNT,-Till; SUB- eortbor whir out lot 20, oon,b, Orey,0011.• taluing100 soros, (Omit 50 cleared, for one or more years. Moine, baro and all other eon. vonlanuaeon 1110 lob. T. here isa linen city of teedthat would be loft, by tiro louse agree- ing to leave n similar amount when his Bin10 was not, The use of Implements won id also b0 allowed, Also 100100101 in ilowlok town- ship,{ mild from Wrox000r, 80 40000 0143711d.Thorn is mimosa 011 the lot but no barn. A tenant building 0 barn wouldbe alloowed to stop it out of the rent. • 1'oosotston eau be given on April let. For further particulars apply to TS OS. WHITE,, HEALTH IS 'WEALTH, G env�1' t. s ; p �01fyq DEM N , ; of Dn. L. 0, WEST'S Nerve and Br11111 Troat- moot, a guaranteed 0000100 for Hysteria, Dia• ninon, Oonvnlsione, Pits Nervous, Neuralgia, Headache, Nervous Proeiratiou caused by the use of alcohol or tobacco, W akefuln see, Ment- al Depression ,Softening of the Brain result- ing in insanity, loading to misery, decay and death. Premature Old Age, Harron ass, loss of Power in either sex, Involuntary L08800 and Spermotorrhma 00.1.1A ad by over-exertion of the Bruin, self.abaso or over -indulgence. naoh box contains nue month's treatment. 91 a box, or six boxes for 60, sunt by mail, prepaid, on receipt of pries. WE 411111 RANT1110 sig. ,BOXES To euro Buy ansa. With mush order received by us for six boxes, accompanied with 05. wo will sand the pnro11aser our written guarantee 0, refund the mousy if the Broaatm0nt does not effect acure. Uuaranteo0100ued only by John Hargreaves & Co„ Brussels. Canadian Paoidc ilailway Time Table. Teeswater Branch. Milos Going West Mall: Expro 0 Toronto.. Dep 7.2 a.m. 0 Orangeville - • . 0.50 4 7t• Amaranth'1 •. 10 Waldemar. , .• 12 Luther • , .. . 234• Arthur . 801 Kenilworth.... 88 MT.. FOREST .. 44 Pages ...... 47 HAnioIoTON. • .. 56i Fordwich .... GO Gerrie . • .... B91 Wrox 69 Wingbam Itoa11 Teoswebsr.elex. Arr 11 Orangeville act f10.05 10.15 : 10.24 " 10.81 " 11,08 " 11,30 " 11.58 a.m. 12,isp.m, 12,28 12.65 " 1.08 " .15 1.88 " 1.5 .m. 5,40p.m. 7.05 7.22 " 7.82 " 7,38 " 7.44 8.10 8.29 8.46 9.01 9.10 9.81 9.4u 9,46 10.03 10.15 11 11 11 11 11 11 It 11 Milos, Going mast Express Mail 0 Tee0Water Dep 5.15 a.m. 5 Wingham (toad 5.478 ' if Wroxeter .. 0 5.58 Corrie 6.02 11 I7f• Fordwich .. . )iaxrieton .. •• 6.25 " 08'064i Pages lr • .. . 6.35 ' 36* Mt,Foreat.... 6.51 ' 431 Kenilworth ., 7.09 501 Arthur .. .... 7.26 61* Luther ...... 7.53 11 64 Waldemar.. •. 7.58 " 66f Amaranth t 8.04 11 170 Orangeville Jot 8,12 '' Orangeville •. 8.85 •' Toronto •, Arr, 1'0.4 m. 2,150 m. 2.30 2.49 11 2.56 8.06 8.29 3,40 8.57 4.19 4.89 5.10 5.17 5.24 5.35 '5.65 .8 .m lc It 11 11 11 11 11 14 Roll eshment and Dining Rooms -AT- TOBLONTOJUNOTION, ORANGEVILLE AND CARLETONJUNOTION, S.TSisTOI-E ',ON 33.A.S2757T,9 ON THROUGH TRAINS -BETWEEN- -TORONTO AND MONTREAL. - T. FLETCHER, TICKET AGENT, ssmsss Ls WEAR SPEOTAOLES And Eye-Glassos -That will Preserve Your Eyesight, - .F, LJ.LZ4R US; Manufacturing Optician, lata of the firm of Lazarus & Morrie, 28 Maryland Road, Harrow Road, London, England, hal ap- pointed an agent for the Renowned Spect- acles and Eye-Glassoe which have been bo. fore the public for the past 25 years, LA%Anus' Speotaolee never tiro the eye, Last many yoare without ohmage. -For sale by* JAS. DREWE, • . Hardware Merohant 81.3m* Brussels, Ontario. 0 'I I Is aro senna, lint thane who 1 I, .'n h en.,l'o(llnnd,)lnfnn free, 0411 wNriestIou about wrse 11,1 ran do,1,0dllvoot 110,1,0111a 4 then tr0,n 00(0 570 par 001. Sams :weed 000,10 Inn ear. libber sax, •0,1,100,011 , ,... aro required. U ululoly Yee ofn dinned I(Ole fortu;nes,w All15 naw, 1A1111" P011 SALE ,--TLIE UN- . dorsigno,l otters for R011811001 noro8, 1101010 lot 0, 0011, 15, Liroy, 100 olaurgd, bnlmwo tlwbar- o'l with 1100011 fwd 1)10110, A optntortnbla bonne and barn is on the Plato. TEnare.-T1) Bolt purchaser. ,Ui057, kleN:bi' ON, 47-101 1,41000010, ON DECK. Ge©. Phippen., Painter, - r'1'u,sseZS, is prepared to do All Kinds of PAINTING, GRAINING, GLAZING, KALSOMINING, PAPER HANGING, &o., I&c., at Reasonable hates. Satisfaction Gtaaranteed Ira Every Instance. ORDERS Left at Geo. Baekor's Stora will be promptly attended to. AGENTS WANTED ! Steady Employment to Good .D:fert None neocl bo idle. Previous experience not essential. We pay either Salary or Com- mission. 100 lien Wante0. to Canvas for the sale of Canadian grown Nursery stock. The Fonthill Nurseries, Largest in Canada, Over 400 Acres. Don't apply unless you can fur- nish first-class references, and want to work. No room for lazy men,but can employ any number of energetic men who want work. Address Stone & Wellington, N0t1'S1r!/naelt, • Toronto, Ont. BABY 0A. RIAGBS ! I have a nice lot of Baby Car- riages on hand that the Public should boo. • They are Well made, nieely finished and will be Sold at Reasonable Prices. SM THEM, naxtlI®as v Collars ! and everything in the harness lino on hand. Also Trunks, Valises, Satchels, tiLC., &C. I3. DENNIS. SEPT. 3, 1886. fli101W.41 1'r1.Ra15 FOR t3ALii.-- 1..:Stow splendid , 1,n proved ,f arms for Bali) Int0,(0wnshlpalb1rey, Morrie and dlaieil- 1op .0bply )e At 0101110,01, y,Ce auctioneer Brussel' P 0, 10.11 ','+ b1W ]iI.,ACKSIIITU.. i liriu1 your luuls Ammo's to 1/.21 lel 14 wan, ho blas l,)lAHI'11) W. 'i'. .Ell N'l'l1lt'h STAND, 11 russets. l0 1(111 pro.otlawl ler ;Hors and risen to the highest 1ros111on 10. 0I,. leading hol•su•rh0'inl; uolnblis lmnut of gYr.l4 1 ,lsdln• b1,YBh, ;Wind and. Alm) 11,21111 pae_,ol Iv1011 helor0 th emu {h 0ha (Loyal Veterinary Blueing School of I. H. dntl th, 1 -an loll ,l9 lighuul, w hero hundreds of ar111,101 0010,11 1,200,1,1 aur hands daily 1 o'6,1 safely guarantee toe urn anu- 6mebed lout 10 Interfering hosier, NOW I00711 11(111 ropatrlrmq of 411 kfnlo d00 o on r eal0ushlo terul0. and werkinanehip that will please. By giving toe 0 call 0 feeln•,4lsao'1 I would n000ro your trade. B. 9) WA.N, 17.00 - Holl or's Old Stalin Here we are Ancil Thanking the public for thoir pat- ronage for the past 14 years I de- sire to state that I am prepared to attend to all hinds of lIouso, Sign and Ornamental Painting in a workmanlike manner. !Paper Hanging$ and Kalsornining done in a manner that givos Sat- isfaction every time. GRAINING A SPECIALTY. Now that the house cleaning season will soon bo hero send your orders along early so that they can bo attended to in good time. Itioci.lick9 Tho Olcl Reliable. T \1PORT.:INT TO DAKOTA SETTLE S. LAND COMMISSIONER SPARKS' FAM- OUS ORDER OF APRIL 8nn RE- VOKED BY SECRETARY L AMAR. limiest settlors not be made to suffer be- cause of a few disreputable characters, Reported Resignation or Removal of Sparks. Washington, D. 0., Speoial Telegram, April 7. -Thi text of the order of rovooation and a history of the order of April 3 were laid before each member of the cabinet at yesterday's meeting. The language of the order of rovooation was approved as it stands. It is said that if any evasion of the order is attempted, bar. Sparks will be called on to resign. TE01 Or THE ORDER. Following is the full text of the order of revocation; -Department of the Interior, Washington, D. 0., April 0. -To the Com- missioner of the General Land Moe :-Sir, On April 3, 1885, you issued the following order: - Practice, Suspension of Entries -Final action in this office npan all entries of the public: land, except private cash entries and such scrip locutions as are not dependent npou ants of settlement and cultivation, is suspended in the following localitioa, viz.: All woat of the first guide meridian (vest in Kansas ; all west of range 17 wast in Ne- braska ; the whole of Colorado, exempt land in the lata We reservations ; all of Dakota, Idaho, Utah, Wasbiugtou, New Mexico, Montana, Wyoming andNevada ; and that portion of Minnesota north of the indemnity limits of the Northern Pacfflo railroad and east of the indemnity limits of the St. Paul, Minneapolis eb Manitoba railroad. In ad- dition, final action in this offioe will be sus. pendod upon a 1 timber entries under the act of June 3, 1878, also upon all cases of desert land entries. [Signed] W. A.. SPARKS, Commissioner. Whatever necessity may have existed at the time of its promulgation has ceased to be sufficient to longer continue au order suspending all motions, and involving in n common condemnation the inn000nt and the guilty, the honest and the dishonest. While I earnestly urge the exercise of the stnidtest vigilance to prevent by all the agencies within our power; the oonsumma- tion of fraudulent or wrongful land claims, yet, when the vigilance of all these agencies shows no substantial evidence of fraud or wrong, honest blains should not be delayod or their consideration refused on general reports or rumors. Tho above order as is- sued by you is therefore revoked, and you will proceed in the regular orderly and law- ful consideration and disposal of the olaime suspended by it. Very respectfully, [Signed] L. Q. 0. Lewes, Secretary.