HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1886-9-3, Page 5SEPT. 3, 1886. THE BRUSSELS POST momTO SILENCE ; Bay, Aran, Braying, as my kueet, thab b Ndtl6ti dV 6rJ11 your life mi ht bo spAzad to me. And Heaven has granted my prayer, Yon AIME 'v 1 r Ca17 Ect+ry»»17 will live for ape, my husband 1" A•rr E RODNEY'S SECRET. run END.] 1►.MIDn. ALEX. 111aVEXCI I ltx101.11 1(rn Av Pu°n 01, w I,aurai Vane." a Ludy CAT'S Pride etc., eta. momentary dream of domestic happi- ness, He never loved again, never wooed nor wedded. A memory of Aline always remaiued with aim, but it be - mane in time only a sweet and pleasant one, unmixed with pain. Several years after that day of disappointment and pain, he met her in New York, and then be saw the wisdom of his loss. Sho was tar to brilliant and beautiful over to have linked her lot with his, He ,mild and murmured to himself : Pate is above us all!" Aline was very sweet and kind bim when they mot. She had he the story of his attachment to hers long before that, and at first she h been inclined to laugh at the bachelor's romance, but when threes how kind a motive had blended wi his love, she fait more kindly towa him. In hor youth and beauty perfect happiness she could well sp a kindly thought to one who had lov her in vain. She laid her round white arms fond about the nock of him who had ma hor life so bright and blessed. "I -am sorry for him, dear," she sal "But I never could have Ioved any but you, my own, own darling ons." Actors are good natured. They are always reay to take anybody's part. They are mostly smokers,' too, for they delight in pate.man--If a an really wants to know of how little lwportance 'te is, let him go with his wile to the dressmaker's, WHAT PEOPLE ARE SAYING, "Oh 1 yes I'm in in the field for the Reeveship next year." W. H. Ai. "I'm looking after tho Brussels voters' list, and don't you forgot it." Or. B. "My now wagon can't be bate, only the shrifts wero a little too hoavy to draught." J. K. „d "Mine a dattgbter." A, K. elf "So is mine." B. R. ad "So is mine." J. H. old • "I have aeon a good doal of the northern section of Ontario lately." F.S.S. "The way I repair the bad metes and th rd ire of sidewalk 1s a cantion." J. 13. T. el M. "You bot 1'11 make it hot for them ly at the exhibitions this Fall." de "I'11 stick to the Army as long as d. I live." T. N. one "Wo missed TRE POST very much Last week." Everybody. CHAPTER LXIX. Aline's momentous bridal day rano slowly to its close. Tho physicians remained with M Delaney all day, then they left him Mrs. Griffin's care and went away. IIs was better, they said, but he must ha careful nursing. The wintry day was fading into dark nese. Mrs. Griffin had slipped out fo tea and toast again, and Mr Delaney lay among his snowy pillows gazing thoughtfully into the bright fere His lips moved, and ho murmured sadly: "She will hate me, perhaps." The door opened softly. Ilia bride of a day Dame gliding in, clad in her simple darlr.blue dress, the loose curls falling on her shoulders, "You are better ?" she said, coming up to bim. "Air, I thought you were dead this morning!" Sho sat down in a low chair by the side of the bed, very close to him. His heart beat with sudden rapture, "Yes, I thought that I was dying, too," ho said. "You remember that moment when I kissed your cheek ? Well, just then I had a sensation as of falling from a great height. I thought it was the last of earth, that I had Iooked my last on your beloved face, that I was surely dying!" "Wo all thought so," she replied, calmly and gravely. He reached out and took her hand in both his own. "Aline, will you look at me?" ire asked. She lifted the shyly drooping lashes from her violet eyes and gazed into his face, frankly and steadily. "Aline, do you realize that yon are really my wife ? — that you belong wholly to me 2" ho asked her. "Yes," she answered, quietly. "Is there any sorrow, any regret, any repulsion in the thought ?" he inquired, and she auowered in a low voice : "No." "I have something to tell you," be said, "but, oh, Aline, I am afraid." Sho grew very pale at those words from his lips. She looked at him anxi- ously. "You need not be afraid to tell me. Go on, I will try to bear it," she said, with a falter in his voice, "But, Aline, my own, my darling, you must not bate me for this," he said, passionately. "Indeed, I did not know f passionately. I was surely doomed 1 And, now, if only you could forgive me for any unconscious deception, I should be the happiest man in the world." She bent her blue eyes on him full of reproach and pain. "Happy—at dying?" Happy—at leaving me P'' she said, in a low, strange, bewildered voice. And for a moment they gazed won. daringly at oath other. Then he spoke —almost incredulously: "Aline, have you misunderstood me? I have been trying to tell you that the doubt is onor 1 I have rallied from my illness 1 Love and joy have wrought a miracle! I shall live!" "You—will—live?" she gasped, and stared at him,speachless. "Oh, my dear, aro you sorry t Do you regret that you gave yourself to me? Oh, I would far sooner have died than this I" cried out Oran Delaney, in a passion of despair. But she caught the hand he thtew out in his frenzy of despair and pressed her lips upon it, "Ah, Heaven, how glad I am I" she cried ; and he answered, wonderingly : "Aad you are not sorry—do you not hate me, Aline ?" "No, no, I love you," the answered, hiding hor face against his hands. "I think I must have loved you long, but I did tot know it until, I believed you dying, Oh, I thank Heaven that it has eo kindly granted my prayer I" "Your prayedarling?" he said, athexiu h r .g o in both arms tightly, as if he never meant to let her go again' S110 whispered, with her lips against ed his theca: wi et 11a1, 1,• - '. r ..,•, rn.,«a .11, KILLERS, ASSOCIA'T'ION. d A. meeting of the millers was held in the' Town Hell, Listowel, on Tues. r. day of last week, the object of which tO was the formation of a Millers' Asso- c elation, to embrace the counties of Perth, Heron, Bruce, Grey, and Well- . ington. About forty persons were or present, the following millers and • milling firms being represented :— ' Turner & Agnew, Wtngham; James • Stark, Paisley ; W. Trevelvan, Luck- ' now ; Jacob Steinmiller, Walkerton ; Goodfellow & Howson, Wroxeter ; S. le. Stewart, Mitchell ; Pftffer Bros., Milverton ; Winger Bros., Ayton ; Heinbeeker & Zieger, Hanover; Head. aeon, kit. Forest; Hagerman, Orch ardville ; Stewart &Lowick, Brussels Geo. Leidt, Mildmay ; Thos. Wilson Harrislon ; Alex. Watt, Palmerston Geo. Elphiock, Pinkerton ; H. B Clement, Walkerton ; P. Kelly, Blyth M. Gerrie, Attwood ; J. Pickard, Ex- eter ; A. Moyer & Co., and Hay Bros., Listosvel, i'he meeting was duly or- ganized, and a Millers' Association formed, with the following oJ'iioere :— President., John 0. Hay. Listowel ; Vice -President, Noah Winger, Ayton ; Sea.-Troaa., W. B. Hutton, Wing- liam. One of the principal objects of the Association to to maintain an equitable scale of prices for buying grain, also for exchanging, The fol- lowing scale was adopted for buying : GO lbs. will be the standard weight of a bushel of wheat. For wheat weighing over GO lbs, to the bushel the following prices will be allowed ; 61 the., 1 c. per bushel ; 62 Ibs., 2c., and 68 lbs., 80. This is the hmit to be allowed. When the wheat is un- der the standard weight the following deductions will be made :-50 lbs., le. off; 58 lbs., 2c. off; 57 lbs., 4e. off ; 56 Ilse., 7e. off ; 55 lbs., ile. off ; 54 lbs., 15e. off; 58 lbs., 20o. off; 52 lbs., 80o. off.' The following was adopted as the exchange scale :—For ab wheat weighing 62 lbs. to the bushel, Go 89 lbs. flour and 18 lbs, offal; 61 lb, all wheat, 88 lbs. flour and 18 lbs. I an offal; GO ib. wheat, 88 lbs. flour and It/1a 18 lbs. offal ; 58 Ib. wheat, 8'ft. Ibs., len flour and 18 lea. offal ; 58 lb. wheat, 87 lbs. flour and 18 lbs. offal; 57 lb. wheat, 86 lbs, flour and 18 lbs, offal; 56 lb, wheat. 85 lbs. flour and 18 lbs. offal ; 55 Ib. wheat, 88 lbs. flour and 18 lbs. offal ; 54 lb. wheat, 80 lbs.. flonr and i8 offal ; 54 Ib. wheat, .27 lbs, flour and 18 Das, offal; 52 ib. wheat, 24 Ibs, flour and 18 lbs. offal, Tho above scales to take. offset on the let September. Bnyera as reel, as millers are eligible to the Assails, tion, and are invited to beoolne mem• bars. Tho next meeting of the Asso- elntion will be held ou the third Tues- day in October, in Listowel, 81. Johns, Que., has grouted a bonne of $10,000 to the .0.P. R. Beach and Teemer respective lyele- feated Bubear and Matterson on the Thames Tuesday, A St. Thomas man named :Bobbins lent A. W. Green $9, reesiving a note torr $10, payable in a mouth. '.(she note was not' paid, and on Mon- day of last week Robbins went to Green and asked Oita to square tip. Groan agreed to pay part, nnsl R•ob' bins wan handed a tell dollar btil, which he put in his poolcet, end sent Groon, by his son, the iraeipled note. Green prompt)p lead Bobbins arrest - for larc n. e and a police oma:.` ,magistrate to Into?? o1v 11 have to deeicle whether this mode in th of colloottng debts is justifiable. tleri6u DISTRICT ' cricen hotel, Brunie, on the 18t1 alt., was purobaaed by A I Smithies) schoa for $8,100. W. Knight has taken the Principal ship of the Mitchell pnblie school Mr. Knight holda 9 1st class oortifl onto and is desorvieg of the grantee credit for the coy be has pursued Inaeducational career and the amusethat has attended his efforts proves beyond doubt, his ability. We with him 80000s0, The following is part of a letter re calved by Airs. Pollard from her sou who is living in Dakota :----In Dakota on July 24th there was a ver y bad formerly of tele townehlp, in remit. storm of hail. The hail was as big ling hie subseriptiou to Tim Pone, as small ben sand it destroyed says :—"This week will finish the thousands of wires of grain around hermit hero. The summer hes been St. Thomas. All the windows were very dry, still the °raps aro a fair ilrokon for 111'1°8ani is sent the Glass average although we have scarce had flying through the henna. The a shower since seeding." Air. Forbes ! storm only /anted five minutes There I PI WS, j The Taogan farm, sold at the Am Momrt•im. .Che Trustees of t uo 1 have engaged the sorviooa of B. Ag. new fur next year, The salary is $850, Allan Speir is away to the 01d 'Nutty. He wont with 3, Goren. look who took a number of cattle with him for the market there. A garden petty was hold at Isaacs Rogerson', on Thursday evening of this week. The frnssels breast band was present and enlivened the pro. ceedings with good music, George Forbes, of'l'reberne, Mau., A Sunday School pia -trio in can 1 neetion with lC on will be held on Tuesday 4 ay 01''40 week Games and amusements of all kinds - 1 will bo on band. The Ethel brass • 1 band has kindly eonsentd to attend • land a pleasant time is expected, Capt. Ea:lho now bee oninrn,tnd of the Salvatiou Army. 'l'he horse roans on Friday ,.f this week is the °entre of uttr,acti,u t, a 1 great many. Seaforth Caledonian games will be held an Friday, 1011 than, An ex. °ellent program of galn0a anal sports is preparoil. At the Wootern Rifle Assoelation tourualnent Lieut. J. A. Wilstea cap- tured 4 prizes. He also tools 8 at the Ontario Rifle Asaoei:ttion match. es. Hp's a ilea! clefs slant, • says he will write a letter for TEE will bo no harvest there this summer Posy before long. JLi,towol. Considerable building in pro The High School re -opened Monday. The new Methodist church soon be completed. As much as 175 tons of flag been delivered at Livingston's mill in one day this sulnmor. Five oar loads of cheese, 1 boxes, valued at $12,000, was re ly shipped from this elation by. McIntyre. The home team was too heavy the Buffalo cricketers last week b ing.by 45 runs and an innings. Hay made 12, Connolly 19, Aielo 17, C. Hacking 14 and 11borphy out of the total, which was 106. grass. Lest w h fl ,09 Call A. F for ea t- 0. tyre 16 end the farmers are about crazy. Hurd times this winter aro certain. Dakota is a failure this year but such a stoma never was known here before. Tho storm lm•eked down a 111811 three times. The ground was oover• 111 ed with hail and water for a long while, as 1)rsn.—On 'Friday of last week a ax well known resident of Grey townebip in the pardon of Babt, McKay, lot 18, 0 t. G ley. The minutes of Grey township Council may be found iu this issue. We will not be at all surprised if we have another wedding to report before long. A small portion of Joseph Knight's barn was injured this summer by a flash of lightning. The quantity of flax grown in this township this year is something ono/. mous. It was well saved. J. X. Baker and B. Kerr capita a 150 pound brown bear in a de • fall trap, near Heufryn, ou Aug. 28 ; Mrs. Isaac Currin arrived ho from Manitoba last weed. She w out a month or PO ago to visit h sons. Tho Voters' List Court for ti township will bo held at Cranbro on Friday, Sept. 17th, oommenci at 10 o'clock. Thos. AfeLaucblin is nob going the Old Country this fall for Clyde dale stock, as reported, as Ile sou not get away until the season w too late. Gordon & Dark are making thin hum with their steamer this yea They are oldtbreebors, Gordon bets a first class engineer. They will n doubt receive a large share of publ patronage. Harvesting is now over with tl exception of odd one's. The crop o the whole has been good and th grain au excellent quality. Fa wheat seeding 19 naw the order of th day of which a good deal has alread been sown. We have read oonsiderable Intel out tall grain, but we think Thos Mee has pease that down the . He has a Iarge field in wideh y amount, of vines San be fern t measure 12 foot, 11 inches i gth. A groat dual has been said ebou the light and heavy draft of binders a0 one day your correspondent wit. mused a test on the farm of John StemmaStemmataOth con., when the team of Geo, Love drew an Pllliott & Sons binder twine round a field of heavy onto, One hoose weighed 880 pounds' the other hot se was a mule and weighed 580 po untie, Geo. Lova, agent for the machine, and who plumps down the scales at 220 pounds, was the driver. The numbing work. ed tip-top and Mr. Slemmoh is de- lighted with tt, Alex. Brune, a sawyer, was arrest- ed last Monday morning charged with felonously stabbing, with intent to kill, Daniel Nebel, a youth of 15 years, residing with his father on con. 12. The stabbing took place on Saturday night. The prisoner was brought before A. Hunter, J. P., Brussels, Monday afternoon but the ebargs could not be austainod sn he was fined $2.00 and Oeste for com- mon assault after amending the infor- mation. It, appeared, from tho evi- dence, that the boy was stabbed in fun while Bruce was under the influ- ence of liquor. A knife is a danger•. onplaything, le t hang, however, especially, in the hands of a man who dose not what be is doing. The results is case might have been very 9* rad ad. t11. me ant or 1id ok ng 10 s- ld tis go r. 19 0 10 10 u 11 0 7 7 m d n con 8, passed over the river of death, aged 68 years. The cause of his death was Bright's disease which had laid him aside since Inst New Yates but he was about the House until the Saturday before his sheath. 'lir. ?(10- Ifay was born iu Lanark Co. and af- ter spending a couple of years sa Stanley township, Huron Go., come to Grey in 1857 and settled ou the lot where he died, He was married 1 m the year 1855 and from this union there are eight children living, 5 onus and 8 daughters. The deceased was a member of the Presbyterian church, was n Reformer in politico and a thorough going men who enjoyed the respeot.rtud esteem of the community at large. His funeral of Saturday afternoon was largely attended. I31uttvale. Alex. Keary is very low, his recov- ery is extremely doubtful. The Foresters' Hall is getting on its "coat of many colors." John Farrow is the boss artist. Airs. A. Farrow, of Godericb, with her children has been the guests of Jno. and Thos. Farrow during the past weals. Rev. Mr. Ooolt returned from Quebec last Saturday, looking ns though the bracing air of Lake Cham- plain agreed with his constitution. A delegation from the East Huron Scott Act Association waited on Thos. Farrow, M. P., last Friday, to sae if he wuuld use hie infleenoo to secure the return of Scott Act fines to the Proviuoes and to have such a change made in the Act as would provide for satisfactory guarantees for costs be- ing Rivera 1n all oases of appeal. Mr. Farrow received the delegatiou cord- ially and assured them not only of his willinguess to use his influence in the direction they required, but expressed himself as being happy in doing all in his power to secure thew) two objects, which would be but get- ting justice. After thanking Mr, Farrow for the land reception and warm assurances he had given them the delegation withdrew. ilithel . The new iron bridge will soon be completed. George Dobson purposes attending the Model school. F. Greeuside has taken the position of section hoes on the W. G. & B. here. - Dr. Gale has moved from the sta- tion to the village and will now be found more conveniently. Mrs, Thee, Maunders has beau eeriously and dangerously 111 but we hope she may continue to improve. Mrs. John Slommon left via O.P.R. for Noepewn, Manitoba, on Tuesday morning of of [this week. We wish her a ploasnnt trip and hope it may prove beneficial to MT health. Tho Wtngbam Advance is mother- ity for the statement that Messrs. Croydon & Plant ere going to Ethel to buy grain during the coming sen - son. They leave about the middle of neat month. It is our duty to report the decease of a young man well known here, viz., Jas. S, Itwg, who died of Diabotis on Tuesday of last week, aged 28 years. He lead been ailing for the past 18 months but had scouted it out and had been to Brussels the Saturday provion to his death,. He had boon in the shoemaking businose hero for about 8 yeare and was very highly respected. The funeral, on Thurs. day, was largely attended, The funeral sermon will be preaobed next Sunday ovouing by Bev. R. Pnul. Hestina '6Vatevrtrloiell. A. AI. Burcltill has been engaged le S.S. No. 10 for 1887, Afloat Mary if, Auld, of Wiugbam, is now the guest of Miss D. Boise. On Saturday last the only child of Fredrick Toll died, aged 6 months. Mrs. Shipley and sons, of Ailsa !Craig, are at present visiting friends Imre. Thos. Boss is President of the illosrie Agrionitural Society for this year. Aire, J. Fraser, of lforris, has spent 11. week visiting old friends here. Mists Mary Walsh, who has been lin Boston for the last year, returned home Met week. She int' 0(14 stay- ing for stuns time. On Friday last the remains of Alexander Heutlaroon wan borne to the grave, There was a very large funeral as he was an old settler. He was 68 years and 6 month. old. FVi u lr um. id'oL. Orr, nue of our merchants, was married lust week 1, a Miss Pal- ing of London. A Salvation Army jnbtlee was held hero last Monday. Staff -Capt. Glov- er wit+ 1n °renamed. Bev. D, C. McDowell is attending the General Conference of the ;.Vieth. odist church, at Toronto. Jennie 0nruill, 8. Blackwell and Duncan Clark secured srd class cer- tifientes at the recent examiunenen. They wrote at Uliuton. The sown cricket oath trot away with the Port Elgin willow wielders by ascore of 52 to 60. Eight was the highest indivrdnal score. Station agent Smalltime) arrived Home front Ireland ou Tunsdey after noon. Airs, Smallhorn got beck from her trip on Tuesda3. night. John Thomas Mitchell, who form- erly ran a paper at Bl_vte, Wingham and Palmerston and who has had considerable of "ups and downs" of life is sung '1'. C. Dean for libel. J. T. is now in Drtiytou. We pay taxes at the rate of 2 cents 013 the dollar this year. Itis divided as follows :—County rake, 1j male ; school rate, 6 mills ; interest on de- bentures, 4 mills ; local purposes, 8S mills, Perth Count,: Mote.:. Wm. Tier, of Avonbank, pealed the examination for a 1st 0 certificate at the meow examination at Toronto. W. J. b'ergueon, barrister, of IAA. towel, was entertained at It banquet recently, previous to leaving fur Win- nipeg, where ho will locate, Jahn O'Grady, a ditcher, who ra• calved severe injuries at the hands of two fellow -workmen in n drunken brawl in .Ellice two weeks ago, died from the injuries snatained at the county jail, Stratford, Aionday morn- ing. Coroner Hyde, being apprised of the eireumstances of the case, de - aided to hold an inquest, which was held in the Court house. From the evidence elicited at the inquest it ap• pears that O'Grady and two others belonging to the same °amp, while in Stratford two weeks ago, got into an altercation, and when nearing their shanty, in Ellice township, the two pounced upon O'Grady, kinking and bruising him in a shameful and brutal manner, leaving him for dead. The following morning he wits taken to the Damp. Shortly after medical aid was summoned, but all to no avail. He sank very rapidly (111111, as to last resort, the contractor, Alr. Nicholson, had him conveyed to Siraiftrd. He was immediately tot• Oh to Dr. Shaver's office, but, ad c:.., doctor stated in his evidence, the um fortunate man was dying when hs arrived. Re could not do anythine for him, as he was too far gone, He was shortly after 1om0v0 to the gaol where he died d son hof t t e, wards. .41 the Coroner's inquest information was elicited that will in all probabil• ity convict two that worked in the - same gang with the unfortunate man of manslaughter.