HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1886-9-3, Page 44 The rosy Boas ogee School Books and everything wanted by Pupils found here. . 200 Page Scribblers Only 5 Cents. Wagons, Baskets, Fans, Balls, Sze. sold at a B1G D ISCOUNT For 30 Days, "POST" BOOKSTORE. Ely FRIDAY, SEPT. 3, 1886. TIIOn8R is a very unsett led state of affairs in military circles in Europe just now. The feeling at present is that Russia will be bad- ly tripped up if she attempts to appropriate any more territory as a number of the other countries are determined to s eo that the balance of power is preserved. Oi1ANGlsviaLE, Palmerston and a few other places are working up an unenviable notoriety in their violence towards officers who were discharging their duties under the Scott Act. The opponents of the Act who resort to such despicable means to thwart the law are play- ing a game that will cut their own throat, figuratively speaking. Hama Rule measures will, in all probability, be the centre -piece of legislation in the British House of Parliament. A big fight is expect- ed unless the request of the Emer- ald isle is granted. The unseem- ly riots and faction fights at Bel- fast are not calculated to foster a very friendly feeling between the Protestant and his Roman Catho- lic brother and we assume that the millenium is not at hand yet. Home Rule for Ireland is a hard nut to crack and we would not be much surprised if the present government does not resign before anything important is done. The County i1Sodcl Schools, A8 a meeting of the County Board of Ex- aminers, held Saturday, Aug. 28th, 1886, the following resolutions were passed :- That the oaudidates who failed at the professional examination in 1885 beregnir- ed to attend the whole Model Sebool term of 1886. That the percentage required to obtain a certificate be the same as in 1885, viz., 40 on each subject, and 89 of the aggregate, That the practical work of the candidates be examined by the Inspoetors, and that they devote three days to eaoh Model School. That the Secretary notify the Bonrd of Trustees of each Model School, that the subjects of music, drill and oalisthenios should be taken up in the Model schools, and that papers on these subjects will be submitted to the candidates at the final examination. That for practical drawing, books four and five be completed and certified to by the Principal of eaoh Modal School as be- ing the work of the candidate. That J. It. Miller, I. P. S., having resign. ed hie position, and removed from this county since the last meeting of the Board thus severing his membership with it, we, his late colleagues, take this opportunity of bearing testimony to the industry, intelli. gence and erlciency which always Charac- terized him during the fourteen years in which he was n member of it, and in part- ing with him we express the sincere hope that in the new profession wnich he has adopted bo will meet with that encase which his diligence and perseverance so amply merit, r+ orartix EU -vision Court. The usual sitting of the above Court was held in the Town Hall on Thursday of last wook, Judge Doyle presiding. The follow- ing cases were disposed of:- Wamsley ve. Farrow. --Adjourned from lost Court, and again adjourned. Costa of day to go to plaintiff in case it appear that case has not been settled. Massey Co. vs. Docket. -Disputed note. Judgment for plaintiff without interest. Jackson vs. McLennan. -Adjourned to next court. Williams ve. MaPbaden.-Action 011 ac- count. Judgment for plaintiff for full a- mount with coats. Smale vs. Cousins. -•Disputed note, Judgment for plaintiff for full amount with costs. Mulvey vs. Bear. -An Interpleader issue arising out of seizure of a boggy under a manufacturers leiu. Judgment reserved till 2nd Sept. Clyne vs. Bear. -Also an Interpleader s,tnflar to the other case, and had a like deliverance. Currie vs. hose: tharnisheo suit -Judg- ment for primary creditor against primary debtor and garnishee for $11.30 and costa. Ferguson vs. Balser. --Disputed tole. Judgment for plaintiff for $1.0 and emits. McKelvey vs. Boharriell: Aotien on ao- oount. Judgment for plaintiff for $0.35 and costs. Lamb vs. Whiteford.-AOtionOn account. Adjourned atplaintiff's instance to next court. The usual number of judgment summons were heard and the usual orders made. The legal fraternity was represented by Mears, Wade, Dickson, 111iot, and Ba - THE BRUSSELS POST! LO(A1 mins. Be sure and read the intimating latter, from A. McKay, on a trip to New York, Ir you or your friends are going to be married look at Grant dl Co's. Silverware. True arrest of E. B. Burt, at Coll- ingwood, by Constable Scott, at the inetanee of J. R. Grant, Postmaster, for embezzling a sura of money be- longing to the latter, while ho was at Winnipeg, caused a great deal of street talk this week. On Wednes- day Constable Scott and Mr. Bart arrived in Brussels and after a few minutes conversation with Mr. Grant it was found that the trouble had been caused by the misunderstanding of a telegraph message, The plaintiff did not appear when the case was galled and the matter was settled by Mr. Burt paying to Mr. Grant the amount of money he held belonging to him. Mr. Burt, iu his sojourn of over a year in Brussels, has borne an unblemished character, and we are pleased this matter ilea been righted. He left on Friday for Oollingwood, where he tool( a position last week as bookkeeper in the hardware store of Mr. Eynon. To those requiring aids to vision. Be sure in asking for Laurance's spectacles - that you get B. LAOoAsod's-as there are imitations in the market, and see that exery pair is stamped B. L., without which none aro genuine. Do not be deceived by any similutriby in the name. PEIt50NAI.s.-Rev. W. Smyth and wife are away on 0 holiday trip visit- ing friends in the east. -The Misses lumen returned to Norwich last Sat- urday, where they ocoupy the position of milliners. -➢lies Aggie Town is visiting her brother George at Chicago for a month or su,-Rev. Mr. Hill, of Oshawa, wee the guest of G. L. Ball, L. D. S., for a few days last week. - 'Mrs. Hargreaves, of Paisley, is in town visiting her son. -R. S. Pelton spent ills vacation in the neighbor- hood of Woodstock. -Mrs. Laidlaw and slaughter, Mrs. Hambiy and Mre. Leatherdale„all of Galt, were visiting at R. Leatherdale's and Wm. Van - stone's last week. --Miss Nessie Kay is visiting at Goderich for a few weeks. -W. B. Dickson discharged the dot. les of Registrar for several days dur- ing the illness of his uncle. --Mrs. A. Webster and daughters have returned from Millbank.- T. McGillicuddy, wife and children, of Goderieh, spent Sunday in town the guests of G. A. Deadman. -It is reported that 0. B. Cooper and family will shortly remove to Toronto. -John Stewart, of Belle- ville, was 1n town for a few days this week. Mre. Stewart did not return with him. -Mies Catherine Forsyth, of Galt, has been visiting Alex. Stew. art, Queen street, for the past few weeks, -'Phos. Mooney, of Pennsyl- vania, was visiting relatives and friends in this locality this week. He had not been In Brussels for nine years. Mr. Mooney is interested in the oil business, -Thos. Leatherdale, of Hamilton, was enjoying a vacation of two weeks in this locality. -T. 0'• Neil was called to Arthur last Satur- day to see his mother, who was very ill. Their barns ware burned by lightning a few weeks ago and the shock effected her to a way to cause alarm as to her recovery. -Miss May Cooper is away at Goderich on a visit. -Mrs. John Shaw and May returned last Saturday night from a week's visit to friends in the neighborhood of St. Marys. Tho most of the time was spent at Capt. Oampbell's.-We have great pleasure in stating that E. W. Bruce, eldest son of Alex. Bruce, of this place, has succeeded iu capturing a lst class, grade .A. certi- ficate at the recent examination. He now holds the highest certificate granted by the, Eduoittion .Depart- ment and he secured it by work- ing up the course at home, as he taught all the while in Ottawa. There is no danger of his future success. - Miss Oarscallen, of Hamilton, and Miss Snyder. of Mildmay, are visiting Miss Clara Creighton this week.- Miss Lily Veal is away visiting friends in Harrisburg. -T. J. Jones, of Mil- ton, was visiting his brother, James Jones, jeweler, last week. -Miss Lena Moxley and Miss Maud Jones, of Sea - forth, were in town last wook.-Ken- noth McKenzio, formerly Principal of the Walton Public School, has re- cently been requested by his friends of Dickey County', Dakota, to come forward as candidate for the office of Inspector of Public School. -Mies' Fannie Kerr arrived home last Tues. clay after au extended visit atToron to, Brampton and Guelph.-Mrn. F, Pelton, of Port Huron, is visiting in town. -Thos. McCullough, a former resident of Brands, intends once more making his homo again here we aro ,informed. There are worse places to live in than Brussels. -W. Hattry and wife, of Seaforth, have the sympathy of their large circle of friends here in the loss of their infant son after a brief Morose of a few days. -The funeral was on Tuesday aftor- uonu.-Rov. W. E, Kerr, of Rook - wood, was home for a few days this week, -Mies Hattie Rogers was visit- ing in Wingllam last week. -Miss Maggie Wilson, of Seaforth, was vie- iting Mfrs. J. W, Shier for a few weeks, -Mrs, Jas, Young and fam- ily are visiting old friends and so- quaintaueos at Mitchell, 3, H. is "enjoying" ell the pleasures of keep• ing bachelor's hall, -By reference to the marriage notice it will bo seen that a former Brusselite, in the per- son of Miss Minnie Knechtel, hos gond to brighten the heart and glad- den the home of 0, S. Knauss, of Ah- ilina, Knnsao. Mrs. Knauss has the best wishes of all her old friends in Brussels for a long and happy mar- ried life. --P. Prico and wife, of Tor- onto, who were visiting at A. Hunt. or's, returned home last week. Miss Rilla Hunter accompanied them and la visiting in Toronto now. -.A.. W. Beer, of Sandwich, was in Bruseols last week. His wife and children returned home with him. -John Fer- guson took in the sports at Toeswat- er on Wednesday of this week. -E. B, Burt has taken a situation as book- keeper with a hardware first in Coll• ingwood.- 112iss Gibson, of Exeter, is visiting at P. Scott's. --Rev. J. L. Kerr preaches in Palmerston next Sunday. -Gee. Martin, photographer, is developing into quite a crayon art. fist. His work ehows very well. Canadian N©ovfs. The Orangeville Post publishes the following tall yarn :-At Orange- ville, the women crusaders visited it hotel and tried by praying to induce the proprietor to close the plane. The proprietor invited the ladies to seats and asked them fo pray and ho him self offered the following prayer :- Almighty Orentor in Heaven, Thou who has made the Heaven and earth, land created man as Thine awn image es ruler of the earth. Whilst enim• ala are living on grass and water. Thou didot teach Thy servant Noah to make wine, and Thou didst pun- ish hint for making intemperate use of it. At the wedding feast of Cana, Thine own son Jesus Christ trans• formed water into wine when the juice of the grape was exhausted, that the enjoyment of the guests might not bo disturbed. The great reformer, Martin Luther, sold :- "He who does riot love wine, woman and song remains a fool all his life long." And one of the divine oom- mande of the book Thou hast given us is that men shall use a little wino for hos stomaola's sake and his often infirmities, and all great men of the earth have been drinking the wine thou,_ hast given thy children upon the earth. 0, Lord, we pray Thee have pity on the women here who are not grateful of Thy , gifts, who want to make Thy children like the beasts of the field and to compel them to drink water like an ox, while they dress extravagantly and lead their husbands by other extravagances not tending to our well-being to bankrupt- cy, depriving them of the pleasures of this world, yes, driving them to suteide. 0, Lord, have mercy upon these ladies, look upon them, they wear not even the color of the face which Thou hast given them, but they are sinning against Thee, and not content with nature, paint their faces. 0, Lord, Thou const also per- ceive that their figure is not ea Thou hest made it, but they wear lumps on their hacks like camels ; Thou seest, 0, Lord, that their toad-drees con- sists of false hair, and when they open their mouth, Thou seest their false teeth . and, 0, Lord, just make a note of their spiral spring and their cotton batting contrivances they wear In their bosoms, for no other purpose than to matte themselves voluptuous and to excite in man a mnoh worse passion than the use of wino, and fur the same reason they have a number six foot pinched in a number three shoe, and a number forty walet squeezed into a number seventeen corset. 0, Lord, these women want men who patiently accept all this without using the power Thou hast given man that all women shall bo subject to man. They will not bear the burdens of married life and obey Thy commands to multiply and re- plenish the earth, but they aro too lazy to raise their children, and. 0, Loan 1 Thou knowest the crimes they commit. 0, Lord, have mercy upon thorn, and take them back int." Thy bosom, take folly out of their Hearts, give them common sense that they may see their own foolishness, and grant that they may be good and worthy citizens of our beloved town of Orangeville. 0, Lord, we thank Thee for all the bloesinge bestowed upon us, and to deliver us from all evil, especially hypocritical, lying women, and Thine shall be the praise for over and ever, Amen. Sir John Macdonald Itis arrived in Ottawa. Next Wednesday is election day in Ifaldimand 0o. Tho crops of the Lower St, Law• ramie region are in fine condition and the fanners are happy, fur a woudor. The Maple Loaf Club, of Guelph, played at Zanesville, 0 , Monday, defeating the team of that plaoo by a sooro of 4 to 0. • Thu original Intention of the Gov erumeut to grant sorip only to those Volunteers who were in the Duck Lake encounter has been changed, au Order in Council having been passed granting scrip to all Prince .filbert Velunts0re, Tho members of the editorial, re- portorial and counting room staffs presented Win, Thomson, city editor of the Londou Advertiser, with e sil- ver tilting pitcher and goblet, as a wedding present. The following ad- ( -trees accompanied it: --Kindly ac crept the sincere sympathy of your undersigned friends in this your hour of trlbulatiou, We aro glad to be- liove, however, that you are now at the end of your troubles, but at which end limo alone will tell, Two years ago Charles, fifth son of Mr. Rutherford, now Mayor of Oiren Sound, dislocated the bones of his loft wrist. Tl,o bones were set, but it was not then known that the riga• tare which binds the bones tuns rup• tared, and the discovery was trade only triton it was tom late to restore to the boy the nee 0f his band. The thought that his hand would be use. leas all his life gave him great dis- tress, and was the cause of a nervous disease of which he died a foto days ago. mearel TiiE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. CrERVANT GIRL WANTED. - 1V Apply to MBS. A. HUNTER. @T OTIUE,-THE .L r1DIE S' AID . Hooioty of the Methodist Church will not bo responsible for any debts contracted with- out a written order from them. By Order. TAR11 FOR SALE BYT'liaNDER. -Tenders f,m the purohng° of north half of. lot 89, eon. %Morris, will be received till Fur - DAY, SRPT. 101h,1689.- There are 40 acres clear- ed, on excellent orchard, n log house, frame stable and a plentiful. supply of good water ou the place. The soil is a rich gaudy loam. This 1s it rare amine t0 secure a good farm cheap and on easy terms. intendingpureuas- ers state price, amount tuuy eau pay down, and nature of seourtty offered for balauoe. rhohighest nr any tender not necessarily -no- cepted, Address 1010fIA110 Lia ES, Box 576 Lindsay, 0-41n Out. 4j•tivl ;l dATM. BLASHILL, V Butcher, thanking his many customers for their liberal support for the past six years wishes to inform them that be- ing burned but of the old stand has tlttod up a shop in Smile's Block in aret•olase style where he hopes to see all the old customers and se many maw duos me see fit to give him a pall. I keep nothing Out Arab -doss meats, all kinds of Poultry and Sausage bleat. Deliver- ed to all parte of Oho town km. Cush paid for Fab Stook, VOR SALE. --TWO FAR1'IS-- Lot 14, on the nth ion., and lot 15, on the 7th con., of SIorris,00ntatuiug 100 sores each, about 90 acres cleared, free from stumps ou one farm, and about 60 aeras cleared an the other. The cleared laud is in a good state of aultivatien and well fended. Good frame barn and stables, and log house on one, and on the ether slog house and log barn, There is a good bearing orohard on lot It A never -fail- ing spring creek runs through both places. The soil is first -close, there is no batter farms in the township. Those planes are admirably adapted for grain growing or grazing, and within Aye mime of the flourishing town of Brussels, The places will be sold together or separately, and cru bo bought cheap and 011 easy terms. Apply on the promisee or address the propriotor,ennehine P.O.GEO, Sf0AL1;, 5-05. Proprietor. LOVELL'S GAZETTEER AND HISTORY -011 Tn&- D0MINIO\ OF CANADA IN 10 01011 VO IBIS ES, ROYAL 8vo, To be commenced whenever a sufficient number of eubsorlbere is obtained to never cost of publication. !Subscription to the Nine Vol- umes 070.00, to the Province of Ontario or to Quebec 518.60, to New llrunswfok or to Nova Bootie S11,60, to Manitoba or to Brltieb 001- umbia 59.60, to Prince ladwardleland or to the I oralvnoot Territories 50.10. Bach Province ta May. Please send for Prospectus. LOVELL. Manager and Publisher. MONTREAL, 480 August, 1086, VOTERS' LIST COURT. Notice is hereby lveu that a court will be hold pursuant to"The •Voters Liate Act;' UT His :.toner, the County Judge of the County Clout; of the County of Huro5, at the TOWN HALL, BRUSSELS, ON Thursday, September 16th, 1886, at 10 o'olook a m. to hoar and determine the several complaints of 'error and omissions on OtioVotore'Lint of the municipality of Brus- sels for 19s0. All portions having business at Oho court are required to attend at the said time and place, Dated this 8letdayler Angled, 188e. P. S. 'SCOTT, Clark. Votes -et' L .fist court. Notice is hereby.given that n Court will bo p1005110110 to "Phu Voters' Lists Am" by Its Honor, tho County Judge of the County Court of the County o1 Huron. at 001ine' HALL, O1tANgno0X, 011 FRIDAY, September 17th, 1886, At10 o'clock,a.m„ to hoar end determine the several oomlIllaiuta of errors and omieeions bn the Vntore'0iet of the Muntetee lty of Grey for 1990, All 9araone having buoluoea at the Court are required lo attend at the said time and plaoo. Dated this 1St day of September, 1890, WM, SPE1t0E. Olerk of said Municipality, Stn. 3, 1880. CEN (IN ADVANCE) -FOR THE - BALANCE .1886 This is a Special Offer to new Subscribers and will afford them an opportunity of seeing what it is as a weekly visitor. 4 MONTHS 25 e is Sgbeo ibe Now and get the Commencement of our New Story A Vagraut io. W. H. K E R R, Publisher. THE CITY Carriage and Shoeing Shop. WATTS & MIAUUE. While thanking our numerous friends for their patronage during the past three months we wish to remind the public that we aro in a better position than ever to sup- ply your wants in any line of Car- riages. We came hire to do au honest business and stand second to no other mechanic in the Do- minion of Canada. We are pre- pared to do all sorts of machine work and dress mason's hammers and tools of all sorbs. In Horse Shoeing we are so far without competition. We have travelled around the world for Our experi- ence. If you have a cripple that has ELATES' your blacksmith you have only to bring it to the Oity Shoeing Shop and we guarantee a miraculous cure the first or second visit. Please give us a call. We are here for the sole benefit of the public at large. Yours truly, WATTS & M0IS.AG1JE, Brussels. We have also the bust wood- worker in the County of Intron in connection with ole shop, we re- fer to the well known JAMIAS WALE - ER, the proprietor of the wood- work department. ITeguaroutoos perfect satisfaction in all lines .of • wood -work. Cutters made ill latest style, neat slid durable. He has just got in his winter's stock of timber for Cutters and Bob- Sleighs. All repairs done at the lowest price. Ho also does Paint- ing at his shop. Give him a call and he will give you the satisfac- tion you never got before. "A dol- lar saved is a dollar macro," 3AI1118 WALIOER.