HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1886-8-20, Page 8$ THE BRUSSELSS POST onoweiromenrwmoes1e.4.. .r..raw:.A•aMrDITTAVOI sfr..,.r,y'cw,+w.FKaRmp No PAPfir; NEXT/YE K._.. "PLATFORM Eanoas" is John 13, A. BEBOP, hits tare ttly improved the 7 A T�1 t a p g appearance of the front of his build Ail -G, 20, 1888. During the month of August we will Give Following Molar Gough our re 1 ar ceetolu we i print. In it ho h'ts Ivan will omit next woek'e issue of THE l 0 the world in permanent form his Poesi and allow our staff a holiday I best thoughts, his meet touehinx week. Job work will bo attended to titles, hie most stirring anecdotoe and as usual. incidents, his most telling aeries. As a story his he has never been equalled. But whether he narrates a story of mirth or of sorrow, it is al- ways to illuetrato groat and living trutbs. Stranger stories aro harts told than romance over dreamed of, every ono of them drawn from real life by a master band. In every °hinter ho weaves in anecdote after sneodote, incident atter incident, story after eters-, and underneath them all lie "Living Truths," that stand out as beacon lights. He plays upon the reader's feelings its with an eu- nhanter's wand, at one time filling his heart with gladness, at another blinding bis eyes with tears. At his bidding, hearts are melted, and stern, strong men, as well as sensitive wom• en, weep tears of compassion, are arnttead to indignation, or moved to uncontrollable laughter in Hplto of every effort to control their feeling. Now that the silver tongue is silent, "Platform Bohoes" is' the richest literary legacy of John B. Gough, Tho aronnt of his inimitable humor, the felinity of his descriptions, the adroitness and skill which enabled him to captivate and then capture hearts on both sides of the sea aro reproduc- ed upon these pages. Tho orator and dramatist, the philanthropist and the reformer, for ho was all these, are portrayed here in the freedom raid spontaneity of autobiography. The book is what its name indicated— real "Echoes" of the man whose death humanity mourns. Its illustrations are the best we have. ever aeon. It contains two hundred and twenty- seven wentyseven fine engravings by the best art- iste and engravers in the world. Mady of those illustrations are "too funny for anything" while others depict wretohednsss and woe. Sixteen of those engravings are full page ones, and aro magnificent epocitnens of art. Two hundred and nine are text illus- trations. One is from a life-size full length painting, showing Mr. Gough ar he appeared shortly after his rescue. The other is from a photograph taken just before his death.. All in all, it is ono of the finest ever produced by the American press. We advise our readers to buy Platform Echoes at the first opportunity. They can, in our opinion, much better afford to dispense with a dozen other books than not possess this. Once began it will not willingly be laid aside till the last page is finished. An agent is now canvassing Brussels for this excellent work. - •�+ Groceries very Cheap, Adam Good. special bargains in Ex- 11EROT hessian is on the sick list press Wagons, Croquet Sets, Hammocks, Base Balls, Fans, &c. Now is the time to buy. The Post Bookstore. ami RIBCANNONO GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. this week, ONE wools from next Wednesday is the 1st day of September. Mies WILKINSON, of Godarioli, is visiting Mise Addie Vanetone, C'Axs Saluron for 25c. Adam Good. MRd. FRANK F1enLEIota and child• ren, of Obioago, aro visiting friends in ;own. WORE commenced at the flag mill last week, Threshing is the first process. "HUNso 1 all caught" is the popu- SOUTHEFtN EXTENTION, W. G & 13 R. lar ors, with the youngsters these Trains leave Brussels Station, north cud aw011ings• south, asfollows:— 50 caiTC gets Tee Po.,T for the tieingaonth, 1oing loins, bola lice of 1880. Now is the time to Mal 7:10 a,m, Mixed liislui ruh"t. rite seeress .......11 iO a.m, 11 Mali Mixed ..8,50p rat 1 Express 011 amt. The morning train soul It and the night 1• u.•, north will only run on Tuesdays, . hurado)r. and Saturdays. Kota'. BeWst.cii� z. A chiel's amang ye fakin notes An' faith he'll prent it. FALL wheat sowing. HarvEST isaboutover. SPLENDID rain last Friday evening. CAPT. LEWIS is the now captain of Salvation Army. T'OW'N school opens ono week from next Wednesday. SEE notice of John Nott, V.S., to persons indebted to him. XSXXXX White Wine Vinegar at Good's. GEO. MILLER is away to the North- west. Mrs. Miller is at Clinton. FaREPAUGH'6 show will be in Palm• erston on Saturday of next week. S. B. SMALE has taken a position in Johnston's drug store, Amherst - burg. T. G°vENLocx shipped two car- loads of fine cattle from Brussels last Tuesday. A. DELGATTY and Jae• Laird ship- ped about 100 fine hogs last week from Brussels station. ESTILL value in Fruit Jars and pickling 'vinegars at Thomsons. Yon will have to try and get along w ithout THE POST next week for we are taking a holiday, you know. MRs. lawns, of Listowel, and Mr. and Mrs• Millburn, of Woodstock, -were visiting at Geo. Love's this o week. MRs. FLETCaxj, mother to o ur es- teemed townsman, Thos. Fletcher, and Miss Jackson, both of Paris are visiting in town. Knox church Sunday School will hold their annual pio•nio in Arm. strong's grove on Friday of this week, weather permitting. WE are greatly obliged for a nnm• her of prompt responses to our "Pay up" notice. There are a large num- ber of others who should take the hint. ,r1A11D OF THANKS.—I beg to tender ,tJ my sincere thanks to those who so kindly aided in saving my goods from the water ou Friday evening. GEORGE TnoaisoN. SOME talk of another general store opening in town. The new comer hinted at is an old hand at the bush• nese, having had some 8 or 10 years experience. WHY is not the work in progress at the bridge Unless it is' looked after soon the Co. will be in for bill of damages as the flooring is getting very thin in places. IT is said several familia who are now dependent on the township Coun• oils talk of moving into town this fall. All we can say ia'if they leave where they are they need not expect one cent of help from Brussels. We have enough to do now. To those requiring aids to vision. Bo sure in asking for Laurance's spectacles— that you get B. LAOnsden's--as there are imitations in the market, and sco that exery pair is stamped 13. L., without which none are genuine. Do not be deceived by any similiarity in the name. SEE the advt. of Messrs, Watts dl McKagno end Jas. Walker in this is. sue. The boys are quits jubilant over their euccess and the splendid bueinoss then are working tip and want everybody, old and young, bo read what they have to say. DID you read G. A. Powe11's advt. this week ? He line everything ready for a big fall's trade. G. A. Ie a firm believer in printer's ink and bis rap- idly inereasing business shows that the reading public are largely govern• ed by it. Call at the New Garfield House. A T3RUssELs youth, who had evi- dently been imbibing "spruce" at. tended the Army meeting bait Sun• day evening and after his stomach bad turned a somerset he wound up the performance ` by falling down stairs. He was tot injured. Shame on the man who supplied the liquor. Mr,,,. JAMES ARIL+SS and sons, of Hamilton, have been visiting at Adam Mulholland's. RoST, GRAHAM arrived home from his pleasure trip to Muskoka last Saturday evening. FOURTH Division Court will be hold in Brussels, on Thursday of next week, the 281h inst. SEVERAL of our townspeople wont to the Stratford celebration on Mon- day. It was a very unpropitious day. Atlas. GRILLS and Mrs. Stevenson, of Elora, are visiting at R. Leather - dale's for a few weeks. Tho former lady ie Mrs, Leatherdals's mother. Timm are 29 Conservative appeals and 89 Reform against the voters' list in Brussels this year. Both sides aro evidently keeping the election to the Local Legislature in view. It is expected to take place:next spring. JAMES KELLY gave the people a laugh Monday morning by driving up street with his watering °art in the midst of a very heavy shinier. He said "I'11 go and put my waterin' cart away as there's a better hand at it than me this mornin'." J. Y. S. Emit has just received a large Hnittet• and will now be able to knit farm- er's or heavy yarn in stookings or socks. Just received a line assortment of imported yarns, comprising Peacock, Baldwin's Beehive, Crown German, duo., elan Canad- ian yarns, all in the most popular shades. Stockings or soaks footed and knit to order. 13er)in and other fancy wools a complete Line and cheap as the cheapest. MRs. DODGE'S barn, in Hoo'ick township, was burned by lightning last Friday night. .A. wagon and reaper was saved. Insured in the Howick Mutual. Mr. Wallace's barn was also burned on,the same night, in the same township. Mr. Double - dee, of 1Turnberry, had a horde killed on the same night. A LARGE number of persone visited the green house of Thos. Kelly last Saturday evening to see his night blooming Jessamine. bIr. Kelly has a very ince assortment of flowers and keeps them in good style. He should give the public ,another opportunity of seeing his flowers but on same other evening than Saturday. THE cricket match that was to have taken place on Thursday of this week between the home teem and Soaforth was not played owing to the latter club not showing up. They forfeited the game. It is much to be regretted that Seaforth club could not come here as we are sure our boys would rather have suffered an honorable defeat than be forosd to ac- cept scept a victory so different from their usualones. GARDEN PAR(Y.—On Tburaday of next week a garden party, under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid Society, will bo held on the grounds of B. Gerry. In addition to a good program of music, readings, &o., thele will be refreshment stands and a bazaar table. The most interesting part of the ev. ening's exercises will be an election, for the honor of cutting a cake, be- tween Mrs. Thos. Watson and Miss Addie Ironstone. As both ladies are popular a lively election is expected. The proceeds of the evening will bo devoted to liquidating the debt Lunar. red in the recent repairs to the cburcla. REV. FATHER DE CANTILLON, of Col. umbos, Ohio, preached in the Catho- lic church, Brussels, last Sunday morning. His discourse was based on lsi Corinthians, loth chap., 8th to lith verses. He has a very fluent style and his auditors were greatly pleased with his sermon, Rev. Fath. er Shea was also present and assisted in the service. Mrs. T. O'Noil, sis- ter to Rev. Father De Cantillon, pre- sided at the organ and led the sing. iug. llhis part of the exercises was dono in Mrs. O'Neil's well known style, which is not to be wondered at as she was organist of the Oatholio church at Arthur for five years. She always does °relit to the position. The ohuroh was well filled. Rev. loather De Canitllon left Brussels on Monday. DISTRICT MEETING AND S. S. CON• vENTroN.—Last Tuesday the Einem- hal District meeting of the Methodist church, Wingham District, was held in town, Rev. D. 0. McDowell, Dia trict Superintendent iu the chair. The morning session opened at 9 o'clock and was devoted to the fines. oral affairs of the district, arranging for the Missionary and Educational anniversaries and considering the ap• pointment of the Central Board to each circuit in connection with the Superannuated Minister's Fund. All the circuits were represented except Salem. Revds. Messrs. Paul, Cook and Watt were not in attendance. The Sabbath School0onvention open- ed at 2 o'clock. The following was the program :—Address by . Rev. D. 0. McDowell, of Wingham; address, "The legitimate province of the Sab- bath Sohool," by Rev. N. S. Bur- wash, of Belgrave 3 address, "The re- lation and duties of the church to the Sabbath School," by Rev. W. Baugh, of Ripley; address, "How may we secure a deeper interest in our Sab• bath School,': by Rev. A. Potter, of Teeswater. Very interesting discus• sloes followed each subject and the afternoon session was a very enjoy able one. At 7:30 ' the Convention resumed, After devotional exercises the Ohairman gave an opening ad- dress. He was followed by Rev. J. McAllister, of Kincardine, who read an excellent paper (which we hope to publish) on "The past, present and future of Senility School work." "The Sabbath School in relation to the temperance reform" was taken up by Rev. F. E. Nugent, of Lucknow, in a practical spirited style. Rev. S. Sellery, B. D., of Borvla, spoke on the topic 'The Sabbath School and its relation to the missionary work of the church." This session, although a little hurried, as a number of the ministers wished to take the late train, was a good one and will do good. If these died of meetings were held of. toner. a more lively interest would be taken in Sunday School, tomper$nce, and missionary work. Before the District meeting was brought to a close a very hearty vote of thanks was passed to the friends who so kindly entertained the Visiting brethren, iug by :t,uoat Aress of paint. Corso To IIANSA0,—Ta whom it may eon- caru.--All those indebted to John Nett, V. S. aro requested to Rattle their acoouuta before Sopt. laths, 5800, After that all lel. paid accounts will be °etioated according to late, FALL RAces..-The Fall races of filo Brussels Driving Park Association will be ]geld on Lansdowne Park, on Tumidity, Sept. 7111, weather purmitt• infs. The las race will bo open to trotting auil pacing horses owned within 10 miles of Brussels, at date cf hill.. Puree .$75—let horse, $40, 2n,1 $25, 3rd $10. Second race will be it three minute trot, open to horses that have not a record totter than 8 minutes at date of bill. Purse, $75 —1st horse $40, 'Anil x;25, 8rc1 $10. The last race will bo au upon tr91. Puree, $1.50. -1st horse $90, 2nd $40 and 8rd ))20. Races to oommeuco at 1 p.m., sharp, The Brussels band will bo in attendance, 3), Strechau is Prosident and F. S. Scott Secre- tary -Treasurer. ° BORN. DoucLie.—In Morris, an the 15511 inns., the wife of Mr. Juo. Douglas. of a son. Duan.—In Brussels, on the 13113 inst., the wife of hlr. A. W. Beer, of Sandwich, I Ont., of a daughter. BANKING. 11.1'aINTO SL -I & 112oTA.GGART, i I)ANKI13IIS, ]31tAS9I3l S, !'ra(tsacl a• General Banking Iilfsmess. Natnx fo hand dleonluif od. f,ttn •eat allow. l nn tlopoilti e -i, synth u � ,la,unnd. 1'r, opt nbto,i14, t Simi t° eollautious. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. E. WADE, BARRISTER, t&a. Y.iJ • lh0oo formerly leouplo] by A, J• Iste- 1 l% 55, N,q„.un Laoklo'n Block, Alowy bra loan V 13. DIOItSON, (LATE WITH f Y t (Sorrow dProudf000,Gedolh)aollo- 5InnvoMMey ,to loaOlnoe, Grant's block, rd,EX. HUNTER, CLERK 01? the b'ourt)1 Division Court' 0°. Heron, l t ant , riw:cer, Notary Pnbilo, Land,1'.oau and Ia+:,mna tgent. Funds lin Gr Band to loan t:., +055.08 n1ad0. 01103 in Graham's 010531 nrnssnlx MEDICAL CARDS, A. IIONAUGHTON, M. D. 0. I'es V, L. 11. 0. P, Edinburgh. Physician, Surgeon and Aoeouchour, Chloe, Afro. Shiers I Meek, L`drn berry Street. MARRIED. Losas—G11iATnoAa.—In Port]•]Igin, on the 37th Mat., by Rev. John Moss, 13. A., hlr. Frederick Longo to Miss Millie Greathead, both of Southampton. COJI155 FAIIIS. Industrial, Toronto, Sept. 0th to 18th. Provincial, Guelph, Sept. 20513 to 25113. Central, Hamilton, Sept. 27511 to Oct. 1st. Northern, Walkerton, Oct. belt to 81.h. East Huron, brussels, Oat. 5113 & Oth. South Huron, Soaferth,Sept. 27th & 28113. Wallas° Union, Listowel, Sept. 80th & Oat. 1st. East Wawanosh, Belgrave, Oct. lob. West Huron, Goderiah, Sept.21st& 22nd. Brussels Markets. OoltnsoTED OAREOOLLY 100E1Y WEER. White Fall Wheat ..•.., .. 70 72 P•od Winter . . 72 73 Spring Wheat 50 73 Borley Oats . Peas Dotter, tubs and toile Eggs per dozen Flour per barrel Potatoes new Hay por ton Hideo per ib Dressed Bogs Salt per bbl., wholesale .• Sheep skins, caoh Wool 45 20 50 11 11 4 50 03 7 00 7 5 00 60 50 1 0e 17 20 50 80 51 12 00 00 00 00 7fr 5 50 80 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. 1 ARM FOR SALE BY TENDER. -Tenderefor the purchase of north halt of lot 20, con. 9,21orris, will bo received till Fru. DAY, SEPT, 10th, 1886. There are 40 sores clear- ed, an 000011005 orchard, a log house, frame stable and a plentiful supply of good water OD the place. The soil is a rich sandy loam. Thistle a rare °bunco to seta re a good form cheap and on easy terms. Intending purchas- ers state price, amount they can pay do 08, and nature or security (dared for balauoe, rhe highest or any tender not neceesarily ae- emotod. Address RICHARD LEES, Box 570 Liodeay, 0.410 Out. CANADA'S GREAT • ' INDUSTRIAL FAIR ANn 50 Agricultural Exposition, x886 TORONTO SEPTEMBER ETR TO 18TH. An immense Programme of Nsw AND 9RFAT ATTRACTIONS Is prepared for this Exhibition. Cheap wares and E00000'etaorse On al/ pies Copies of Prize List and Entry Forms sant to any ons on application, bypast card or Oilier - wise, to the Secretary at Tronto. Entries close Saturday August a885. H. J. HILL :o 5N0. J. WITFHROW, -. Manager and Secy, • President, • TORONTO. VOTERS' LIST 1886. • lSuJaicipaiity/ of the T ountehip of Morris, in the County of Huron, •Notice 10 batty given Oat I havo trans- mitted or delivoied to the portions mentioned in the Srd and 4011 sections Of the " Voters' List Ad,” }}ho copies required b maid a Dation to be trans00ittod or delivered of the List made pur- suant to this Act, of all poisons appearing by Mie last revised aes0ostn0nt rol., of the maid Mtmieippality; to bo ontltled to vote in the said M'uniolpality, at °lootlonm for the members of the Legislative. Assembly and 5.0 Municipal Meotians; and that the said List was first posted at my mice in the Township of Menlo, on the 10b1) of August, and remold there for in- apeobimi. Iiloc4oro aro milled upon to pawn - Me the said List, and if any omissfone or oth- er mere aro found, 50 take immediate pro- eoodiuge to him the said errors corrected ac- cording to law. WM. CLARK, Clerk. DatedlQbh day of August, 1880,. We tern ,♦NI) INDIJ.a'I'ibIAL IND AITL' EXILE. ISITION A'd' London, - Canada, SEPT. 27 TO OUT. 2,1886. Liberal Premiums. Competition Open to the World. mo Western Fair Is the groat avant of t1to Tho D000500re the people mined Western the forth- coming i]xbibi5i0n obeli equal, if not surpass any of its Predo0oosors. Who Committee on Attrnotions aro prepar- ing a splendid programme for Allah Clay of the Fair, full particulars of whish will be 'rWish. °elateson, Writo t) the Ooorotary for Prloo Lists, Potters, Programs or any information required. It, WHETTER 5100, 320111400110, President. Secretary. A IIUTOEINSON, M.D., 15) . L. R. C. P. hldinhurtlt, Cnr•mor for too County of Huron, ttesidmtao, 0,i .1611 Street. ()Woe at Har- greavoe' Drug Store, DENTAL tp/ L. BALL, L D. S., HONOR -t \• Geaduato and Momoer no the Roya l College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto, Tho various ustlietis for 1110 gioeums only. 1s Aa now local 11 aerations mare fully performed and guaranteed. Pri000 moderato, Full sobs of teeth from 00 to 080 0111ce over Powell's store. Hours 8 a.m. to 0 p. m, JOE N TILST. W. J. Feer, L. D, B, Grndnata of To- ronto School ol Dentistry. All opera. Doug guaranteed. OOloo—O ady's Bloat, 8oafortb. P.B.—Will be at the Quesn'e Hotel, 13rusa0103 every Monday for the prtctioe of his profession. BUSINESS CARDS. NAT H. 1IoORAOKEN, ISSUER V I . of Marriage Licenses. Office at his Grocery, Turnberry street, 2628 �t MoNAIR, TSSUER OF MAR - .CA. ricge Licensee, by appointment of 1 ioubeuaut•Goveruor, Oommlesloner, &e,, Q. 11. tleuvayacoar and Agent Fire. Iunlren°e Co. Odin at the Oranbrook Post Omoe, :,obert Cunningham, INSURANCE AGENT, Guelph, - Ontario. JM, O'CONNOR, FIRE, LIFE, n Accident and Loan Ineurane° Agent for some of the best and most reliable Compan- ies in the Dominion, Oilloe, Briok Terrace, '1'uruberry Sheet, near the station. 8m l'll'ISeS LILLA O'CONNOR l Teaohox of Mumio,VoaaladdInstrument- al on OrgCan, Piano, or Guitar. Harmony and 'thorough saes. Advanced pupils fitted for Toadies. Term 5 on application. Reference —Ladies of Loretto Aoadotuy, Guelph. Desi- denoo—No. 2, Terrane, (south noir station. � ,f W. O'BRIEN, V. S., HONOR . Cimanatee( OnbarisYu terinary College, hits resent ed the praotiee ofdolte Nott, V. S., and 10 prepared to treat all diode OH of domes- tioatod animals on eoientiao and approved Mint: Oleg, Treatment of delicate (oats a suooinity. Onioo at John Nett's, V. 8. QERYAN T WANTED.—APPLY, ). at once to MRS; E. 17, WADE, 33rttssols. VCR SALE.—PARK LOT, CON• taialug about.0 soros, with house, stable well, and a number of fruit trees (bearing) on the lot. For tome and particulars apply to A. 130021010, ;Brussels. 02.00 rt1W0 FARMS, IN GREY, FOR gem. or. to rent, 200 nares. 100 being to 22, eon, 5, the other lot 20, eon. 6. Lot 28 le situated two miles lroyn tbs whinge of Ethel, seven mild from 33rnesele,twelye miles from Listowel and I mile from a never failing °reek, 97 cores are cleared, most all clear of stumps anti under food cultivation and clean, sixty acres of Drop good outlet for draining, a corn• fortablo clwolling,bank barn, stabling under. oseth,a good bearing orchard and garden a wall oonvsnient to house anti yard, Pries, $4,000, rout, $2650 per year. Lob 20 is situated 91 miles from now, 10 from l:irotowel and 0 from Brussels. 60 moron cleared and • under good oultivatlon, the baled() well timbered with blaok ash. bemlook and hardwood. A frame house and outbuilding and a largo young orchard are on tho farm. These farms will bo sold soporats or together to suit purchaser. Posooeoion oma bo giVen.at any time, Ape fly to ti tpt. Strolton, at• to A{ATTHI] \V & 000. QUGHTGN, 48.01 Proprietors, bI. BLASHILL, Butcher, thankinghie many ouotomors for theirliberal support for the past six years wishes to inform them that be- ing burned out of the old stand has acted up a chop in Smale's Mock In liret•oloes style whore he hopes to see all the old customers and as many new ones mase° at to 815.'0 him a call, I keep nothing but liras -oleos meats -all kinds of Poultry and Sausage Moat. Deliver- ed to all parts of the town Free. Cash paid forret Stook. t - - .114 OR SALE, --TWO FARMS -- Lot 14, Mathe 05hcon.,and lot 15, on loo 7611 con., of 34orris,00nbaloing 100 mores doh, about 00 sores cleared, free from stumps on one farm,and about 80 sores cleared ou tho other. The croarod land is in a good state of oultfvation and well folioed. Good frame barn and etablas, andlog liouse on ono, and 011 the other a log house and log barn, There ie a (Good bearing orchard on lot 14. A never -fail- ing spring creak runs through bout planes. The soil 15. Aretwlass, there is pe. batter farms in the tonnehip, These places 0.re admirably adapted for grain growing 00 grazing, and witbin dye mdse of Rao llouriehing town of BrUeSels. Tho places bo sold together or eeporatoly, andean bo bought cheap and on 01ey terms. ,Apply on the promises br address the proprietor, sunshine 1", 0. GEE, S111ALB, 0-15, Proprietor,