HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1886-8-20, Page 66 Dlroot ry of Ohnrohos a11d Soolotlosl feeding a fow oats dally, Ewes in (11 ing' 44 11. ," 4'i,. lath .,, ,.14,1.111141 i/11.00 l i THE BRUSSELS POST AUG. 0, 18S0 u R es a salvo. Keep colts growing by 1.y,it,1 Iv()ltl';\.I+'1145\T,PI1L+'- ,1 an•a;. _i. 141 �. t4 I,:li )1 L• f, .)I1Etn tended for early breeding 81 1 011Ia he 4A+Ler,.; ! l ; .)truly t tt hal • 0 , I 1 •� t1:1010E L+:11.t11S 1+'Ult t,.l 1 Ill J 111 ,.,I�•' /MOW elite lldl,l, improved, 1 urine for dale fn , hn nlnrmntmn nbnnt wm1 •.• !n bhetownxhtp of Croy, Morris and Mol{11- Y'71• •#pply1n 1' A 0114G.11'2,1,0 dltoblunoor Ilresneli. l' 0. 11.11 t1,u, mldo.ted111101 hon,ryth, them front Pi to 925 per des 811110 1L Lv1r:E Cnunen•-Sabbabll Services at ( well fed for a week or two before tho I nn„ ,1•4•."5,1. 1 n.r,,,r .,•ullig Creek Mnwaover gf,unoder. EEDI,ureex,ymmpnrm,l, en; .. ur,,.+•, L , �' ,+,t rl t Ix 1111 al 0ptod r.lr h17u1 "eu r1 11 a.m.. and 0;80 p.m. Sundt% Sohooi st rain 18 with thatn, It 18 lmuUeululufpOrtant to in. r; ', rt t+ [+ al +etly ul.n,ru.l and n Yun oaif unug lhtlof/iu'nen'1.11Serim1,r.114F •.g„�.,'� I1[L a teal, t$, a 410.1• wa114110 2:30 p.m, Rev, Jut), Bose,13ipastor, tae the noses of the whole (look to 't" l' 1`,.A01 etillnOn.-Sabbath Servces at 11 b••n,1 w , , , ., c -un .v 114 s a Lu together 1 1 1 ,'taruer a.m. and 6:33 p.m. Sunday Barnet at 2:90 protect them against the gad-liy and t pert11:4:, p.m. Rev. S, Jones, pastor. ST, RUIN'S CnOaen,-^Sabbath Services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday School at 9:80 METnonlsT CInUnCn,-Sabbath Services at a.m Rev. W T.Cluffe, tn0umbont, 10:30&amend. 6:80 p.m. Sunday School at 2:30 p,u*. Rev, \rm. Smyth, pastor, ROMAN CATHODIC C ERHICIi, 3nbbetil son, at 11 a m. vice third Sunday In every Rev, P. J. Shea, priest, Onn FELLow's Lonaz every Thursday evening in Graham's block. Maso1I0 Lopez Tuesday at or before full moon in Vanstone's block. A. 0. U. W. Lopez moots on 1st and 3rd Monday evenings of each month. Fonnamza's LODGE 2nd and last Monday evenings of each month in Smalo's hall. L. 0. L. 1st Monday in every month in Orange Hall. Pear OFn2ErOffice Hours from 8 a.m. 7 p.m. MECHANICS' INSTITUTE Beading ROOM and Library hi Holmes' block, will bo open from G to 8 o'clock pan. Wednesdays and Saturdays, Miss Jessie Ross, Librarian. Fo r1D1 Nloiters. Potatoes, to be dry, should be rale, ed on u light sanly soil. We know of 110 variety that will cook mealy if they have been grown in wet undrain• ed s011. Every farmer should prevent the killing of birds on his place. Boys with cheap shot -guns pepper away at everything with wings ; and when the birds are dead the iueecte eat up Hie farmer's produce. Goad Value. Many sufferers buying medicine have boon lisappointod, don't give up, buy a reliable ar- ticle like Dr, C11nse'a Liver Our*. and with It you got a recipe book aloud worth the money. A first class salt should be; let, clean ; 2nd. white ; 3rd, comparative- ly dry ; 4th, uniform iu grain ; 5th, quite thoroughly soluble in water ; 0th, scale -like grain for quick, and compact for slow solution. West's World's Wonder or Family Liniment Is a remedy t11et no well regulated household should o without, au it is a positive cure for Rheumatism. It 11 invaluable for Sprains, Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Scalds and all diseases and requiring Perilal bott le. Sold byr Joha 26 Har- greaves &Co, A. New Jersey farmer writes that Le gave a dressing of salt (eight bus- hels to the acre) to land badly infetit- ed with white grubs, and for three years after raised good crops of corn, which was impossible previous to its application. Be 1111 ya111' t1u11rfl. Don't allow a cold in the bond t0 slowly and surely develop itself into Catarrh, when you eau be cured for 15a. A few opplioatlons will cure incipient Catarrh. 'One or two boxes will 0ur0 or*ivary Cntarrb, One to eve boxes will euro chronic Catarrh. Try Dr. Cuaso•s Caned. an Catarrh Cur0-it will euro yon. Do not forget to give charcoal lib• erally. When pigs aro confined to corn diet they are apt to gaffer from a disordered stomach, which is re- lieved by charcoal. An occasional handful of wood -ashes and sulphur will be found beneficial. This season of too year it is very imprt0nt to haven reliable remedy in the house for such diseases as aux, dysentery, diarrhoea, summer complaint cholera, cholera morbus and cholera fnfanlum. Such a milady is West's Pain fling. Only 25 cents, Sold by John Hargreaves & 0 o , Druggists. One of the most successful of Il• linois dairymen keeps 100 cows. He feeds his cattle on corn fodder, cut when in blossom, bound and sot up until cured, or until winter, when it ie removed to the barn. Ile gots seven tons of this dry fodder to the acre and claims it is as good at/ the best of hay. ',Cave you ever triad MoGrogor & Parka's Carbone Cerate for soros of any kind ? It 10 beyond doubt the very best preparation in tho market for healingand curing Sores, Burns, Outs, Pimples. Bloon ea, and is the only proper method of applying Carbolic &old. Sold. at Hargreaves Drug Store for 2ta. per box. All vegetables, when cut, may be kept fresh by putting the staiks into water. Servants generally insist 011 immersing them, which favors decom position. Parsley in particular can seldom be guarded from it wintery grave. Carrots, turnips and the' like, if placed fn layers in it box of sand, will keep for many weeks. IF JUGS MEblC1l E; tuNG$ .t Lives a: BLOOD.. SToATsonD, Sept, 24411,1885, It gives me pleasur0 to r00om. mond Dr. Jug's Medicine to all who may ba stifforing from Lung, Liver or lcidna com118inte, so I hove found it thoroughly °Melont iu my own case, in fact I found It the most useful medicine I over had in my houao, Wx, MowiT, MOwat's :1an1C, LITE STOOK IN MID$i1.Stin:ft.-Tho milk supply will probably show, by its falling off, how the dry weather is affecting the pastures. The water supply must be well watched, for the cows should never be fo;cod to drink from polluted stagnant pools. Slink. Ing and other maladies often come from this cause. Green fodder oorn increases the flow of milk at once, but the quality notably deteriorates. It should be fed with some grain. A good armful of fodder corn ttnd two quarts of corn and oats ground to: gather, will keep up both the quantity and duality. Horees will be grateful for a run in the pasture on hot nights. Harness galls, solos of all kinds, fly bites, ate., we find ere beet treated with carbolic soap (eheep dip) used grub in the head. The pigs should , revel in weeds and fallen or othsrwieo wasted fruit, and if possible should have the run of orchards, whore they will devour the gnarly and worm-eat- en fruit. Poultry should have the run of stubble fields, both for the scattered grain and for the tumorous insects. V'arsetrerl... The largest revolver known -the earth. We see a lengthy article going the rounds of the papere, headed "How to Manage a Wife." We didn't road it ; no use, "Do you ]snow the nature of an oath mn'uni ?,' inquired the Judge. "Well, I reckon I ortor," was the re- ply. "My husband drives a canal boat." Pat: "And who is it lives there, Mike, In the big atone hones ?" Mike : "Why, that old gentleman I was tellin' yo of that died so sudden last winter of a fever. This is to certify that I Have used Mof;reg or's Speedy Cure for Dyspepsia and Lfvor Complaint, amide honoolly say that it it cost ins ono hundred dollars (8100.001 n bottle I would not be without It, as it Imo done mo more good than ell. the medioines I over used and I fool liken new roan -Xaurs tru1v, Annx STn0L. Carleton Place, Ont. This medicine is Tor solo at50c, nu(1 $1 por bottle of l*argrenv0s Drug Store. A book on etiquette tolls "ho v to tell a man larger than yourself that he is a liar." Tho best way is to tell him through the telephone and then go out irate the country for a few days. Smith : 11I Saw you esrrying home a couple of nice -looking watermelons loot night Brown. How much did they cost you ?" Brown : "I don't know yet. The doctor is up at the house now." "I made a cool two -dollar bill yes • terday besides my wages," said a new conductor of the Third Avenue line. "Why do you call.it a cool two -dol- lar bill ?" "Because I made it frsez • ing to fares." Hero you Tootllao;lo? Use Fluid Lightning. Have you Jtbemnntism ? Use Fluid Lightning, Have you a Stiff Joint? Use F1ad ',ightning. Have you Neuralgia? Uso Fluid Lightning. Have you Lumbago? Use Fluid Lightning. Are you troubled with Headache? Uoo Plaid Legblofog• Have you any rain? Uso Fluid Lightning. Ibllll onto you the fustfult It is applied. 'try it. 02c. par bottle at Hargreaves' Drug Store. 11SVhc is that man, ma ?" • said a little Minneapolis boy. "Which magi child ?" "That on that', Join' up that sugar, and that comes to our house sometimes." "Hush 1 child, that's your pa. He's busy now." No man can realize what a low -liv- ed, miserable, disgusting game base ball is until he has been a volunteer umpire, and has lead his bead split open for deciding right, when the hoodlum side of the game happened to be wrong. The latest romody for Coughs, Colds. Group, Whooping Cough, lironeh1110, eto., Is MoGreg• or'e hang Oomponnd. Thera is no remedy 1n existence cOnleining any one al the active in- gredients composing tioGregor's Laud Com- pound. so do not say you have taken .every. Wog 11gti1 you have tried this for your cold or 00080, Cud. your o Below will be the 001)0 a0 n11 who have used it, viz : that It 1t two beat, Sold In 110o. and 81 bottles by Jno. Hargreaves & Cc„d rug slats, They were sailing in a little boat together and said : "Are we running before the wind now, George ?" "No, my darling," said 11e, "our boat is hugging the shore." "Ah 1" she ex- claimed, "what a beautiful example you have hero." Mrs. Montague -Why, Mary Ann, what is yonr reason for leaving us so suddenly ?" Don't you like the place ? Mary Ann --Yea, ma'am, the place in very well and you do your bust• but your dresses are a miserable fit for me and so I just made up my mind to leave the day. Notice is given that application will bo made to the Parliament of Canada at the nowt session by Eliza- beth Virginia Duggan neo Ll bzabeth Virginia Tuokett, of Hamilton, for a bill of divorce from her husband, Richard John Duggan, formerly of Hamilton, solicitor, present residence unknown, on the) grounds of adultery, desertion and cruelty. Mrs. Duggan is the daughter of Geo. E. Tuokett, the:tobacco manufacturer of that elty, and Las two children, which are now in her custody. Duggan was a bar- rister there, and captain of a Local volunteer company. Ho made a savage attack upon his wife ono day, when her father appeared on the scene, and Duggan, who had a revol- ver, discharged it at him. The ball luckily missed 11Ir. Tuokett and en- tered hie boot heel. Geo. Tuokett, jun., who was on hand, jumped into the fight, and Duggan was severely bandied. He then disappeared from the city, and the Duggan home was broken up, He was last heard of in Buffalo, -1A1IM 1!O1t SALE ,-TEI6 'LIN In parte tO It CLI pll','01'4 :..,..11 r 41 cWl 1121 Ir, 4 r on 1(10 dors-Wiled otTero for sale 100 noses, being unrw+"This dol is 0'111 drMnu ,. lot 0,m*n. t0,llroy,S1 a 1,•0,0J,001mm° tilllbar- 11 , I hl A ed with beech and uu*plo, A Dole re rtolde. 110000 and hero is on the plum, IA1111'TO 1..E NT. --T1:11,1 SUP i 'Tennis.-'romiltprchaser. Apply to 1 ROOT. :11oNAUtiti'l ON, sar(bar willront lo He, 000,11.firny,uon.- teln1ug100earns, about 10 alonr0d, for one or 1001010028. Hones, barn and all other 000' oanlonooso (*1*, lot, 'Chore ism quail thy of f oodthot would be loft, by the Woo agree- iinte ng to ,1101100 of ie o. similar mplements won ld n his tttlso bo allowed. Also 100 acres irlio wick, cleared. ship ,4 Milo frons Wroxator. 10 There is a house on the lot hoc no horn. ,1. tenant building a barn would bo anoowod 40 stop it out of, the rent. I?,ososoieb Dan bo Oren on April lot. For further pnr4(oalars apply Cu 'rs OS, vv111T13, HEALTH 18 ROE Da. L. 0 W1x0T'9 Norvo and Brain Treat - moot, a glurenteed anecia° for 'Hysteria, 1) s. chess, Convulsions, Vita, Nervous, 120111818 a, Hoednohe, Nervous Prontratioe oauaed by rho u1 Dof opros0iou Softaolgng' o! bho 1i ra ils'rosnit- iand death.nl'remat leading Old Ago to misery,1 are 0. Loss of Power 111 either sox, Involuntary L00000 and 13re in,osooi! ab0100 020 overindulgence. Fa0h box onotabus cue monbb's treatment. 01 a box, oraix bo esfor or 51,s0nt by mall, prepaid, ou aelp . PO' 13 G11 tIt.ISTEE six (10:25$ To cure 001 ease, With ouch order received by no for six boxes, accompanied with $5, we will mond the p tir0haeesour written guarantee to refund 1110 money if the trontm ant doesH oftoot metro, Guarantees issued only by John Hargreaves & Co., Brussels. - �^ Ca1adian Pogo Railway Time Table, 47.201 - urus0010, DECK. I \� Teeswater Branch. 021100 too tug \Test Mall. ExPro 0 Toronto.. Dep! 7.2 a.m, 0 Orangeville .. 9.60 4 Orangeville 3°1110.06 7k Amaranth's .. 10.16 i 10 Waldamar.. •. 10 24 14 12} Luther .. .... 10.31 ' ` 2871 Arthur .. . 111100...020846 1.08 11 9022 Kenilworth... ... 11.68 c.1 98 MT. Fo10EST . • 12.16 m. 44 Pages ... .. p• 1 47¢ HAnntsxo'.. . 12.28 ' 0510020iFordwioh .. • • 22 .085 '" Gorrio .. .... W 11 69 ' Wbngrox04erhalp Road 1,38 Toeswater.. Arr 1.5 .m. 5.40p m. 7.05 7.22 7.32 7.88 7.44 8.10 8.29 8.46 9.01 9.10 9.81 9.40 9.40 10.00 10.15 11 CI 11 .1I 11 1 11 41 Miles doing East Express ,Mm11 0 Teeawate Deep 6 wingham Road 1i Wroxeter •• •• 14 Gorris •. •. • • I7 Pordwioh • • • • 281 ldarrieton .. 80 Pages j.. •. • 801 Mt.Forest.. • • 43k Kenilworth 601 Arthur , . . • .. 61$ Luther .... • • 606466} AmarWaldemanar.. . th t . 176 Orangeville Jot Orangeville .. Toronto.. Arr. 5.15 a.m. 6.28 0.47 " 5.58 " 6.02 6.25 6.35 6.61 7.09 7.26 7.58 7.68 8.04 8.12 8.85 10.4 m• 2.16p m. 2.90 2.49 11 2,56 " 3.06 3.20 8.40 $.57 4.19 4.39 5.10 5.17 5.24 5.85 5.55 41 " 11 11 44 11 rl .3 .m Refreshment and Dining Rooms --AT- TORONTO r5I000TION, (0it,0PiGEVILLE AND CARLETONJVNOTION, -23.A.SZCIEVSNN OSS THROUGH TRAINS -DETWBEv- -TORONTO AND MONTREAL. - T. FLETCHER, TICKET AGIONT, ICRUBAELa WEAR SPEOTAOLEp And Eye -Glasses --That Will Preserve Your Eyesight,- LAZillBUS, Manufaoturing Optician, late of the firm of Lawrie & Morris, 28 Maryland Road, Harrow Bead, London, Br:gland, has op. Pointed an agent for the Renowned Spent. moles and Ityo-Glassos which have been bo. fore the publio for t11c past 26 years. LAoAnus' SpoltaOles never the tho eye, Last many years without ohangc, -For sale by - JAS. DR16WL, Hardware kforollanb 161.801* Brussels, Ontario, Geo. Phippen, Painter, - B/"ltssels, is prOpared to do All Kinds of PAINTING, GRAINING, GLAZING, KALSOiIINING, PAPER HANGING, tCc., &c., at Reasonable Rates. Satisfaction Gtearanteed In Every Instance. ORDERS Left at Geo. Backer's Store will be promptly attended to. AGENTS WANTED 1 Steady .employment to Good 211'elt None need be idle. Previous experience not essential. We pay either Salary or Com- mission. 100 len Wanted to Canvas for the sale of Canadian grown Nursery stock. • The Fonthill Nurseries, Largest in Canada, Over 400 Acres. Don't apply unless you can fur- nish first-class references, and want to work. No room for lazy men,but can employ any number of energetic men who want work;. Address Stone & Wellington, Nurserymen, Toronto, Ont. BABY r 11RRIAGES I have a nice lot of Baby Car- riages on hand that the Public should 800. '4 - They aro Well made, nicely finished and will bo Soli at 2I Reasonah'le. Prices, E T:Ei:E 1* Maness! Collars ►. and everything in the harness line 011 hand. Also Trunks, Valises, Satchels, &0., &C. I3. DENNIS. 1. r 15W LIL.1Cli:i31IT11. lirlug year lame horaeo to Lnutol Itwau, ho 111, Lr/A1r,D W. T. 1It*N1lnt's STAND, 111'us0els• Having practised for yours and o'IoO*I t** 1.101 (1 (ghoot position in the loading 1loroo.eh thing oafish fish mon t of 11211",10,1+,„lin• burgh, 8outluud. Also baying pawed with hmlarstllr000b1211,1tai'al Yotm'ruaryObmiug Ilohool ,of 1, 8. Smith, L0ndml,itushutd,whoro hundreds of orlppled hot'maa canned oar lianas tinily 1 on,, safely guarantee to auto °en- 1racbed fest or interfering homer, New work and ropairiruag of all khuls done on 00000115We tonna, and worknlan011lp that w111P10600. By giving use a call I fool satisfied I would Gomm your trod°. D. 11302:!12, 17-11 Hunter's Old Mann, Her we are gain, Thanking the public for their pat- ronage for the past 14 years I de- sire to state that I am prepared to (22130nd to all hinds of House, Sign and Ornamental Painting in a Workmanlike manner, • Paper Hanging; and Kals©rnining done in a manner that give, Sat- isfaction every time. GRAINING A SPECIALTY. : Now that the, house cleltni'lg season will soon be hero send your orders along early so that they can be attended to in good time. •'SVT 21st,. L" a Wocals➢t/,a' , The Old lleliabl0. IMPORTANT Jf TO DAKOTA SETTLERS. LAND COMMISSIONER SPARKS' FAM- OUS ORDER OF APRIL San RE- VOKED BY SECRETARY LAMAR. Honest settlers not be made to suffer be- cause of a tow disreputable characters. Reported Resignation or Removal of Sparks. Washington, D. C., Special Telegram, April 7. -The text of the order of revocation and a history of the order of April 3 were laid before each member of the cabinet at yesterday's meeting. The language of the order of revocation was approved ns it stands. It is said that if any ovasion of the order to attempted, Mr. Sparks will be called on to resign. TEXT 0& TUE 01050. Following is the full text of the order of revocation :-Department of the Interior, Washington, D. 0., April 0. -To the Com- missioner of the General Land (Masi -Sir, On April 3, 1886, 10(1 issued the following order :- Practioe, Suspension of Entries -Final action in this office upon all entries of the public land, except private Dash entries and such sorip locations as aro not dependent upon sots of settlement and oultivation, is suspended in the following localities, viz.: A11 west of tho fret guide meridian west in Kansas ; all west of range 17 west in Ne. braska ; the whole of Colorado, except land in the late Ute reservations ; all of Dakota, Idaho, Utah, Washington, Now Mexico, Montana, Wyoming and Nevada ; and that portion of Minnesota north of the indemnity limits of the Northern Paoido railroad and east of rho indemnity limits of the St, Paul, Minneapolis c4 Manitoba railroad. In ad- dition, final action in this office will bo sus- pended upon a 1 timber entries under the not of nine 3,1878, also upon* all oases of desert land entries. [Signed] W. A, . Sr11100, Commissioner, Whatever neoessity may have existed at the time of its promulgation has ceased to be sufficient to longer oonbinuo an order suspending all cations, and involving in a common condemnation rho innocent and the guilty, the honest and the dishonest. While I earnestly Urge the exercise of tho strictest vfgilanoo to prevent by all the agencies within our power, the consumma- tion of fraudulent or wrongful land claims, yet, when the vigilance of all these agonies shows no etlholtantinl evidence of fraud or wrong, honost claims should not he delayed or their consideration refused on general reports or rumors. The above order as is- sued by you is therefore revoked, and you will proceed in the regular orderly and law- ful ooneidoration and disposal of the claims suspended by it. Very respectfully, (-Signed) L. Q. C. LAIIAlt, Secretary.