The Brussels Post, 1886-8-20, Page 3Aura. 20, 18870, lo.etrar, EVERY DAY. Vile world le growing wiser, Every day. SBiantitio men revise her, Every day. Population growing bigger, Giving more work to Death digger, Moro respect paid to the nigger, Every day. This world is growing prouder, Every day. Female roosters Browing louder, Every day. Aristocrats are growing lazier, Politicians are growing crazier, Making things grow somewhat hazier, Every day. Tho world is growing drearier, Every day. Many oto growing wearier, Every day. Many leave this world of evil, And, I'm thinking, on the level, Many are going to the devil, Every day. TI --JE DARLING FLY. Oh, the fly's a riser early, Nowadays. And he mama the sleeper eptly, With his lays, He is very, very froth, And he has an eye for flesh, To amaze. He's a most persistent fellow__ Ts the fly ; You may kick the bedstead mallow, Or may try, But yon can't frighten hint; He'll return with greater vita. liy and by. Well ho knows a perfect slopping From proteose; And ho knows when ho is creeping, How immense Is your rage, but atilt he goes For the flesh that you expose And through rents. If ho thought that yon could strike him With your fist, Or if you were up, just like him, He'd desist : For the names of lazy men Hobos written with his pan On his Jiet. THE OTHER WORLD. It lies around us like a oloud— A world wo do not sae; Yet the sweet closing of an eye May bring no there to be. Its gentle breezes fan our cheeks : Amid our worldly cares, Its gentle voioss whisper lova, And mingle with our prayers. Sweet hearts around us throb and boat, Sweet helping hands are stirred, And palpitates the veil between, With breathiu5s Almost hoard. The silence—awful, sweet, and calm— They have no power to brook; For mortal words are not for thorn To utter or partake. So thin, so soft, so swept they glide, So near to prose they seem, So fain to lull us to our, rent, And melt into our dream. And in the hush of rest they bring, 'Tie easy now to see How lovely and how swept a pass Tho hour of death may be. To close the eye, to close the ear, Wrapped in a trance of bliss, And gently dream, in loving arms To swoon to That, from this. Scarce knowing if we wake or sleep, bonrce asking where wo are— To feel all evil sink away, All sorrow and all caro. Sweet souls around us 1 watch us still, Press nearer to our side— Into our thoughts, into our prayers With gentle keepings glide. Leb Death between us be as naught— A dried and vanished stream ; • Our joy, bo the reality; Our Suffering life, the dream. THE WEST. Olt oh 1 for the West, the boundless West. Where pastures and creeds are broad, Where the breeze is a tonin that thrills the breast, !flown etrsiglrb from abs hills of God. The East is a land of dead men's bones, Laid tier on mouldering tier, And the damp malarial wind that moans • Is the breath of those dead mon near. And its slow, pale people seem merely wraiths That have strayed away from the tomb, Clutching their cold ancestral faiths And wrapped in the garments of gloom; And the mountains rise 1145 and restrict the sight, 40 its moods t But away and overtlh©f owning height Those billowy pastures roll. And there the people aro flesh and blood, Sinew and muscle and brain, And tho strong life -tide is a crimson flood Thrilling through nerve and vein. They rido for miles o'or meadows of green, They follow the trail of the kine, And soarcoly a tomb by tho way is aeon, And tho air they drink 15 like wine. 13rown offeatures and bold of heart, They rido in the'faoe of bhp blast ; And Nature is dearer to them than Art, And the Prseont is Moro than the Past: D Whey do dol Bit down Ly the tombs of the "These dead, stroke of They live in the world of today; and "10 For the Present is hero, and the Paste has 1 do so oft fled, THE BRUSSELS POST And the Futuro is on the way, Tltou, he I for tho West land, lair and broad,--- Tna laird wboro thought is free, Whore people live close to nature's God, Oh I that is the land for me I Correia Street Philosophy. I The [noes dangerous mots never i t • twig and chirp to the ca,irtt•io4," as i f any seuntble wutuao could ba h fooling away time in that so style, and a girl )las n flus rales memory for the 50(1 things stud promisee of courtship and 000,1 ally, in after years, when she le big 111•, diuut�r dt•�tie.. or Nasalis Want 0111 of your trotle©re, she ra)pof 1tive oz.", nilly ,ri00 Peen /0011 j in y, thv I ,.a�'f �k.r• Si 1•� 1 :suuuul you of them inn cold, as drink. If no money was spent foolishly half the world would bo out of world, A man who tallfe about himself is 1 sometimes a fool but never a elaueler- er. Politioutns ought to learn to sing, and see 1f they cannot keep harmony fa in their partied. Good fellows aro not always tiro tv boat citizens, especially if they got r too nhlmoreue ill a town. People who work hard do not look re for soft places to sleep ; ft is the idle who have to coax Morpheus. Piga pay better than mince for a l steady bueineas the world over, al- though both aro "salted 'after death. Man who look for figlhte are g000r- ally accommodated where the peace- able could go through unscathed. Public opinion eau only be relied upou to change, but whet new form it will take is always u matter of doubt. Tho man who has notlhing to do generally telephones to busy people to sea if they will go on an errand for Lim. Chronic grumblers aro like flies in butter ; they do not ruin what they mix with, but they spoil the symmet- ry of the scows. People who have no children of their own seem to take delight in bor- rowing a few from their neighbors if they expect to got into it crowd. If professional musicians would play a tuna once in a while, instead of showing how many different puz- zloe they can make out of notes, the general pubiio would bo more apt to patronize concerts. When a good man dins he leaves the world the rioher for his example; when one who had nothing but money is mustered out, he leaves a legacy of heart -burning to his rela- tives, and their lawyers divide up his other easels. People are always ready to patron- ize free shows and almost everything else that they can get for nothing ; but no one ever heard of their killing themselves with drunk at a public hy- drant. In fact they will pass one by and go and purchase the same • wat- er with a little gas in it, ie. Lem, of voice, Catratedleart Nc0wr0. A turkey gobbler 10 Grout latolied out a breed of eight tttr vlliuh the leen had cleeerltd. A alt ptnont u( 8,800 ponn•li of rum ilritisb 0e/act bit to pointe r 0081 ua Cltlg'arry woe u)1,1e last eek, An experimental test of the new leftist: crematory wata made 'Luosday lIonbreal with very eatiefaotory sults. A consignment of Canadian flour, ade of Manitub,t wheat, is being will romp. THE Ctai�&.' r a C y • ..r 8 •ADIES' 11AN]) SATCHEL WAS last lust work. nn 010 u , .,,r, firtiseels. TLa ander Wilt 10 suitably r r r:ed by Jour- logitert 1,rre 1 1' fit Belts, rmv I Ail 01\1.01 1() UA: ,'1 f; PINY BNtt• it441101i r•ur. h. , •J. •, 9)• THE BEST ham I VT 11 L� MIT -31-1. keys W. ice. ..nor-rt,e, fella Exesasi0n 050)1 Woltaa, - illlronuot, OYr,. ay To a Man Who Would !%tarry. Select the girl. Agree with the girl's father in po1• itics and the mother in religion. If you have a rival keep an eye on him ; if he is a widower keep two eyes on him. Don't swear to the girl that you have no, bad habits, It will be enough for you to say that you never heard yourself snore in your sleep. Don't put much sweet sluff on pa. per. If you do you will hear it read in after years, when your wife has some especial purpose in inflicting upon you the severest 'punishment known to a married man. Go home at a reasonable hour in the evening. Don't wait until the girl has to throw her whole .soul into a yawn that she can't Dover with both hands. A little thing like Ibat might cause a coolness at the very beginning of the game. If, on the occasion of your drsi;gall tho girl upon whom who have placed your young affections lobus like an iceberg and acts like a cold wave, take your leave early and stay away. Woman in her hours of freeze is un- certain, coy and hard to please. In cold weather finish saying good. - 'night in the house. Don't stretch it all the way to the front gate and thus lay tiro foundation for future asthma, bronchitis, neuralgic and chronic ca- taerh,to help you worry the girl to death after she has married you. Don't he &bout your financial con- dition. It is very annoying to a bride who has pictured for herself a lito of luxury in her anoesial halls to learn too late that yon expect her to ask a baldheaded parent who has been 1101 - formally kind to her to take you in out of the cold. If you gib down on some meleeaoe candy that little Willie has left on the chair, while wearing your new summer trousers for the flat time, smile sweetly and remark that you don't mind • sitting on diol asses dandy at all, and that "boys will be boys," Reserve ybnr true feelings for, future ieference. t ou't bo too soft. Don't say little hands ehal1 never do a Work when they are mine,, u•shall not have nothing to r !tomo, but to sib all day ippon to I3ritieli G.)luu;bia as experiment. Workmen digging tt sower in S nig encountered au unexpected di eulty in a layer of soft spongy pe about 100 feel wide. The Ottawa Oorporatiou have p pared a memorial to the Local G ornmant asking for the auaoxatiou New Edinburgh to the city. The Hon. S, G. Wood, who 10 made a vigil to Jlauitoba and 1 apectod the orops,reporto nearly average with duality batter than ev before. The number of couviotions for vi latiou of the Seott Act in the Goan of Dufforin since the appointment an Inspector last April, was ninetee while five oases were dismiseed. In tt pocket in the elolhos of drowned man found in the canal St. John's, P.Q., was a note boo on a page cf which was written : 'Will be found drowned ; last drunk A resident of Eganeville, Renfro County, claima to have diecovere perpetual motion. A plough poin the headboard of a dog churn, and wheelbarrow are somehow involve in the invention. A woman was brought before th Recorder of Montreal the other da on a charge of playing the piano a two o'clock in the morning. Thor is some piano playing which is Crim inal tit any hour. The foundation stone of the 13rau monument was laid by the chief of the Six Nation Indians on Wed neaday, Aug. el. One of the chiefs now 95 yeare of age, who knew Bran took part in the ceremony, A Notal -keeper, charged with vio- latiug the Scott Act in Peterboro,' adopted the defence that he was sel- ling only Moxie. A flask of Meade was produced in court, bei no expert seems to have been present, for judg- ment was reserved. The murderer Mellott sentenced to bo hanged at Victoria, B.O., has been reprieved by Justice Waikem till Thursday, Aug: 26, in view of the recent difference of opinion between the Bench there and dualico Henry respecting the trial and conviction of Sproule, the two cases being in some points similar. , Winnipeg has received a note of warning from the Calgary district. L'he eatlle Alen there aro breeding morn animals `than the local demand requires, and they say .that unless Winnipeg "hustles around" and shows that she means business, some other centre foe the cattle trade will be established. an ar-I ffi- at, re- ov- of ria c. an er 0- ty of ie, at k, d 1, a d e y a s tl Morley Pnnshou, who has lain at the Toronto General Hospital for eight months suffering from a severe spinal disease, and who is daily sink- ing, summoned up th to len ave for New York on Tuesday, where he sailed. for England by the Nebraska. Ho wad a000mpauied to England by his brother-in-law, Last January a cablegram was re- ceived at Kingston by I+'olger Brea. aanounoing the death} on the Arabian Sea, of George Claiborne, Secretary'., 1 Treasurer of ono Kingston aC Pem- broke Railway, Go, No further lid - Inge were hearduntil Monday, when a gable announced his sate arrival is Ilingland. While on his way to In- dia, Mr. Osborne was taken ill, and was left a6 Colombo, Ceylon, where he lay for weeks suffering from jungle fever. Philip Iienalloy, of Admaeton, while Walking through the woods was met by a she bear and her two cubs. The old one advanced towards him, and he oljmbed a tree ; but the bear fol• lowed hint, and got so close that she could pate the soles of hie boots. Just when Konalley had about given up hopes the boar paused, apparently unable to climb any higher, iso planed his handkerchief around hie hat, sot firo to both, and dulled the blazing mass in the taco of the boar,. which retreated, followed by Lor two cubs. llannfitaturar of throe different kinds of Windmills. Thu simplest, strongest earlmostRetie:toter 1 ' +- r54 i or,k ;..i' l r tar.. who has: i s perlones in ter 50.11. Isused F,Urrl� 1l'0.,s by flee } w t,r, sats, ellectu 1 kyr t•tlrug- tlst !cr T, r .1 WAfrre and nko no s . stn, or inclose ppost• a o rnr a .al+n palrtim:lass, faohd by T'HEBTlRESSOBE0!1C1L'co.,�1 rorx.�oor IStonns, —SOLD By.," Hargreaves & (ao., - liras:ads. y windmt 1 yet made, For rum ,- I- iog orator, sawing wood, chopping r }• 6 wet •er f 2 .. ii . ,.., drly:n nu 1l ht maahinory 1 s K00, or i)yr, to , equal MyYofrr.iiis tuA'1'ftn Y 111111 Lara na !u,} IC rrl,, '1:::''' ,, .- oureda world -Wide reputation: 1 gunrnotoo '„ _ G'nrd Iti rl r them as being superior to many nos in the narara. eithat•sis market, and equal to any ever 1,rarla. They sassed by ind(ssr t � will throw water see Teat, or toren is n mild on Packages is ptlunrur t ' t • t'i .. the level. Partnere and staokmen aro eo. other madiclnes lu i. t •-� gaestod to send Sar por=cetera eafore b0 yi ug a ae $a. bymall, either a Windmill or u 1 nine, ae I claim that .Z'antpelat, $oaaa4Lut.t,.,,i •'. mloe ars the besW. 31. In tD1nliitIe, Mae:ell he market. Address SOltl Zit .Iial'frca'05 ri Co., II iv$0gj5. w '0 t a Pr m CO ro 120-o fro —h 3 RD r' n A) o " 0, 0 w N pOIP.1Ay dg V.I. mt wo g o 9 c, F2.Te P' ti °. �,j Pm rob"H0 Pa. R. of i? 0 s p0� o p F 3 `? ei• Sbg1F 2ms'09 c'r'ataggre Fe ieem mreel R-- 2 8 Mm aphaw 0 w'ro„,4 oy��= A � C am m p a g • Lee rmF '4' on �o a�d2,4a oR •oro mg ,oxo'l;0 10° "r'- pgEr m EAST HURON Carriage works, JAMS BUYERS —MANUFACTURER OF-- OABRIAGES, DEMOCRATS, EXPRESS WAGONS, BUGGIES, WAGONS, ETC., ETO., ETO. All made of the Res Material and finished in a Workman -like manner Repairik aiacZ Painting promptly attended to. Parties intending to buy should call before purchasing. ThossonENOEs.-112'arssen• Smith, B. Laing, James Gull and Wm. Mc- Kelvey, Grey Township ; W. Cameron, W. Little, G. Browar and D. Breckenridge, Morris rTolvnship ; T. Town and W. Blashill, Brussels ; Roy. E. A. Fear, Xirkton, and T. Wright, Turnberry Township. REMEMBER THE STAND—SOUTH OF BRIDGE. JAMES BUYERS. ETH E L yup `rm maiz,L'm The undersigned, having completed tho change from the stone to ' the Celebrated Hungarian system of Grinding, has now the 11E11 in First-class Running Order, And will bo giadlto see all his old customers and as many new ones possiblo. bopping done,• " Flour and Foo0, ailwai s. on Rand. —0 Highest for any quantity of .Go:ocl Gt'aifl. Nl. ' ILNE.